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Name: ________________________________________________________________ Schedule: ____:____ Bim: ____ Module : ENGB- 2

Time, Days, and Months Unit 6

Writing Assignment
A. Look at the clocks and write the correct time in two different ways.

Two forty five

_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
A quarter to three
_____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

B. When do we celebrate ____________

1 . Christmas? _December twenty-fifth____ 6. Mother's day? ______________________
2. Alasitas? ______________________ 7. Father's day? ______________________
3. San Juan? ______________________ 8. Spring day? ______________________
4. All Saints? ______________________ 9. New Year? ______________________
5. Independence Day?______________________ 1 0. Thanksgiving? ______________________

C. Write five conversations about the following topics in a separte piece of paper and give it to
your teacher along with this worksheet.

1 . Rock concert. Example:

2. Classical music concert Ricky Hey! Rita's concert is at 7:00pm

Jake Really?What dayis that?
3. Romeo and Juliet play Ricky I think it's on Sunday.
Jake Cool! Let's meet at six o'clock to get the tickets.
Centro Boliviano Americano © 201 2

4. The Avengers movie Ricky O.K. Sara andJoanna want to go to the concert, too!
Jake No, theydon't. Theyhave class tomorrowat six in the
5. Barcelona vs. Real Madrid match. morning.
Ricky : Sorryforthem. Well, see you at the theaterat 6 o'clock.
Jake : Ok, bye.

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