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Submitted By:

Mujahid Maqsood
MBA (1.5) 1st Semester
Morning (Section-B)
Submitted To:
Sir Mukhtar

Institute Of Management Sciences

Hayatabad, Peshawar
This documentary discusses the Federal Reserve’s system in the United States and explains the
detailed mechanism of monetary system and its fractional reserve system. This explains that life
blood of all established institution and society itself is money. This documentary explains that
how money is created out of debt and example is given that if U.S. government needs money,
then they decided to request to Federal Reserve’s. The Federal Reserve agree to take government
bonds and government send them these bonds and the Federal Reserve equal to that bonds issue
the money and deposit in the bank account and hence this money is added to U.S. money supply.
Actually these transactions occur electronically, with no paper used at all. Now how money is
created out of debt, as the money is deposited in the commercial banks so commercial banks
keep a certain percentage of deposit with them as required reserves and while the remaining
money will be used to create new loans. This remaining money will not be given to borrower in
the form of cash; however will be deposit in the borrower’s account. If another person wants to
take loan then money which is given as loan to the borrower; banks keep a certain reserve of that
deposit and remaining money will be lended to another person. This money deposit loan cycle go
to infinity and hence create 9 times of the amount, what initially had deposited. The new money
takes value from existing money supply and due to increase in money supply, prices increase and
hence results in inflation which is hidden tax on the public. The above discussion concludes that
money is debt and debt is money, the more there is debt, the more money there is. If there is no
debt in our money system, then there is no money. When the government takes loan from
Federal Reserve or when person takes loan from bank, then along with principle amount they
have to pay interest, basically interest doesn’t exist; the amount which is returned to the banks is
always greater than money in circulation and due to constant inflation more money is needed to
pay the interest payment and which results in the declaration of bankruptcy by many individuals.

The 2nd part explains that country can be conquering either through sword or through debt. U.S.
as economic hit men identify the country that has resources which there corporations needed, so
what they do is to make a huge loan to that country through IMF or world bank, but these loan
not go to the country, but actually goes to the U.S. big corporations. As the loan is big and the
whole country is in debt, which can’t be repay, so U.S. government intervene and says to
borrower country that as you can’t repay the loan so you should give cheap oil to our companies,
or allow to build military base in that country. What U.S. mainly does in Iraq, Iran, Venezuela is
to send corrupt politicians which can accept huge loans, if this idea doesn’t work then they send
agent or jackal which can overthrown the government which they didn’t like and finally if the
previous two ideas doesn’t work then they send the military troops which can overthrow the
country’s military and take control of the whole country and use the resources of that country
according to their wish. They include a term corporateocracy, which is the group of individuals,
running big corporations which can control the U.S. media, most of the politicians, finance their
campaigns. These groups of individuals work under an assumption, i.e. to maximize their profits
regardless of social and environmental cost. When the country is put in debt through corrupt
leaders, it would result in increase in interest and hence inflation and impose condionalities on
that country and get the following advantages.

The currency of that country will devaluate, due to which the resources available to the predator
countries will be cheap, also privatized the state owned enterprises, i.e. important enterprises will
be purchased and regulated by foreign corporations for profit and there is trade liberalization,
which allow the foreign corporations to bring their own mass produced products and hence
ruined the local companies. Today the world is control by powerful businesses, which dominate
the natural resources and control the money to obtain those resources, which result in the
monopoly of the corporations and because of this inequality people become more desperate,
challenge the system which gave birth to terrorist. Basically there are no such Islamic terrorist
groups, but there is a propaganda campaign by U.S. to make public believe in the presence of
identified entities.

The corruption is because of monetary invention and the money will provide the basis for power
and survivals. This part also explains that mechanism of scarcity would create profits, because
when production process will slow down, the demand of that product increase, which in turn
increase the price of that product and hence increase the profits margins. This shows that
sustainability and abundance will not play role in profit system. This part also discuss about the
Venus project, in which it is stated that in resource based economy humanitarian’s problem can
be solved through technology. We see that money exists as a barrier to the resources, because
these resources has a financial cost and these resources are in scarce, but we don’t pay for air and
tap water, because they are in such high abundance that there selling is pointless. So we can say
that if everything in our societies will be in abundance such as houses, transportation then there
is no need to sell these resources. This documentary also explains the difference between
resource based economy and monetary system, the resource based economy has a concerned
with the people and their well-beings, while the monetary system has the only concerned that
how you can get money. This also tells that instead of using fossils fuel which is non-renewable
source of energy, we should switch to alternative sources of energy such as solar energy, wind
energy, tidal energy which are in abundance and moreover these alternative sources of energy
would not create pollution. The education today is producing person for a specialized job, but
these person do not know much about the other subjects. This education would not enable a
person to solve a problem, so the major concern is the mental development of people in order to
make people smarter and make the world richer, because everybody would be contributor.

The social value of our society which is visible is continuous warfare, corruption; environmental
destruction and profit oriented and is result of ignorance of two basic insights, human can have
about the reality, the EMERGENT and the SYBIOTIC aspect of natural law. Today the
transportation, communication and other technology, which we see are unimaginable in ancient
time. It is a time for a new social system, which reflects the understandings we have today. The
monetary system is the product of a period of time where scarcity was a reality.
It is an understanding that all the natural systems are emergent, in which all ideas of reality will
be constantly developed, changed or even eradicated. Today we have to see the community as
whole not seeing only our benefits, but the benefit of the whole community, so we claim unity
and develop a sustainable global society where everyone is taken care of and everyone would be
free. There should be intelligent management of resources which can’t be accomplished in the
current monetary system, in which the primary motive is to maximize profits.

In last documentary provide some suggestions for social transformation


Citi bank, bank of America is the most powerful and corrupt Federal Reserve’s, so if anyone
have account in these banks, they must transferred their money in other banks.


Boycott the news network on television and use the internet for the information. CNN, Fox
show pre-filtered news and not shows actual news.


Never ever join or allow your family to join military, because the U.S. soldiers work for U.S.
Corporation not for the people, these military organization create a propaganda that war is
natural and military is honorable, which is no longer true.


Do not take energy from private companies, but should use alternatives and clean sources of
energy such as solar energy, wind energy and also use hybrid cars instead of using cars,
which runs by fuel.


The current political system is no longer accepted, because it is based on monetary system, in
such monetary system there is no more true democracy, so reject that political system.

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