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College of Engineering, Pune - 05

Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: 100 marks:
Branch: Computer Engineering Continuous evaluation-
Semester: VII Assignment/Quizzes – 40 marks
End Sem Exam - 60 marks

Teaching plan

No. Unit Topic Count Total

Introduction: translator issues, Translator Issues, why to write a Compiler, 1
what is a Compiler, what is the Challenge ,Compiler Architecture, 1
1 I 4
front end and Back end model of compiler, 1
Incremental compiler, Boot strapping. 1
Lexical Analysis: Concept of Lexical Analysis, Regular Expressions, Deterministic finite 1
automata (DFA),
Non- Deterministic finite automata (NFA), Converting regular expressions to DFA, 1
2 II Converting NFA to DFA 4
Hand coding of Lexical analyzer, Introduction to LEX Tool 1
and LEX file specification, Error detection and recovery in LEX. 1
Syntax Analysis: Context Free Grammars(CFG),Concept of parsing, Parsing Techniques 1
Top-Down Parsers : Introduction, Predictive Parsing - Removal of left recursion, 1
Removal of left factoring,
Recursive Descent Parsing, Predictive LL( k ) Parsing Using Tables, Bottom Up parsing 1

3 III Introduction, Shift-Reduce Parsing Using the ACTION/GOTO Tables, Table 1 8

Construction, SLR(1),
LR(1), and LALR(1) Grammars, 2
Practical Considerations for LALR(1) Grammars, Introduction to YACC Tool 1
YACC file specification, Error detection and recovery in YACC. 1
Semantic Analysis & Intermediate Representation :Need of semantic analysis, 1
Abstract Parse trees for Expressions, variables, statements, functions and class
Syntax directed definitions, Syntax directed translation schemes for declaration 1
processing, type analysis, scope analysis ,
Symbol Tables (ST),Organization of ST for block structure and non block structured 1
languages, Symbol Table management,

4 IV Type Checkers : type checking for expressions, declarations ( variable, type, function, 1 8
recursive), statements,
Intermediate code generation: Intermediate languages, Design issues, Intermediate 2
representations: three address, postfix
& abstract syntax trees, Intermediate code generation for declaration, assignment, 1
iterative statements, case statements, arrays
Structures, conditional statements, Boolean expressions, procedure/function 1
definition and call.
Run-Time Memory Management & Code generation: Model of a program in 1
5 V execution, Stack and static allocation, 7
Activation records , Issues in the design of code generation, 2
Target machine description, Basic blocks & flow graphs, Expression Trees, 1
Unified algorithms for instruction selection and code generation. 1
Sethi Ullman algorithm for expression trees , Aho Johnson algorithm, Different 1
models of machines
order of evaluation, register allocation , Code generator-generator concept. 1
Code Optimization Introduction, Principal sources of optimization, 1
Machine Independent Optimization, Machine dependent Optimization 1
Various Optimizations: Function preserving transformation, Common Sub- 2
6 VI 7
Copy propagation, Dead-code elimination, Loop Optimizations, 1
reduction in strength, Peephole Optimization, 1
Code Motion, Induction variables & Redundant –instruction elimination 1
total 38

Text Books :

• Alfred V. Aho, Monica S.Lam, R. Sethi and J.D. Ullman “Compilers: principles, techniques and tools” Pearson

References :

1. Andrew W Appel, Modern Compiler Implementation in C, Cambridge University Press; 1997

2. Kenneth C Louden, “Compiler Construction Principle and Practice”, PWS publishing Company, 1997
3. Dhamdhere D.M., “Compiler Construction Principle and Practice”, Mac. Millan India, New Delhi, 1983
4. Holub, A.J., “Compiler design in C” –Prentice Hall,1982
5. John Levine, Tony Mason & Doug Brown, “Lex and Yacc”, O’Reilly.1995

Useful URLs:
1. The lex and Yacc page :

Course Outcomes:

1. CO-1: Introduce the major concepts in areas of language translation and compiler design.
2. CO-2: Develop an awareness of the function and complexity of modern compilers.
3. CO-3: Give students the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a language translator or compiler covering a broad
range of engineering and scientific applications.
4. CO-4: Learn context free grammars, compiler parsing techniques, construction of abstract syntax trees, symbol tables,
and actual code generation.
5. CO-5: Provide a thorough coverage of the basic issues in code optimization techniques.

Test 1
Q1 – Basics of compilers.
Q2 - lexical analysis and its tools.
Q3 –regular expressions and DFA and NFA
Test 2
Q4 – different types of parsers.
Q5 – Design of LL and LR parsers.
Q6 – SDT and intermediate code generation.

End Semester Exam

Q7 – On different types of compilers and its phases
Q8 – On different parsing techniques and its design
Q9 – run time memory management and code generation
Q10 - code optimization techniques.
Q11 – short notes in different types of compilers, parsers, intermediate representations.

Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

1. PO-1: Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and programming
technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. PO-4: Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems faced by the
3. PO-7: Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including Free and
Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
4. PO-9: Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, CAT for higher
5. PO-10: Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest technology
6. PO-11: Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

Mapping of Questions to CO’s:

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 3,4
6 3,4
7 1,2
8 2,3
9 4
10 4,5
11 1,2

Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,3
3 4,7
4 9,10
5 11

Evaluation Procedure

Examination Marks Dates (As per Academic Calendar)

Quiz I 20 August 25-28, 2014
Quiz II 20 September 22-25, 2014
End Sem Exam 60 November 19 – December 02, 2014

(S.N. Ghosh) Head

Subject In charge Dept. of Computer Engg. and IT

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Practical : 3 hrs/week Practical –50 marks
Term Work – 50 marks

List of Assignments:

1 Calculator (text or graphics) using LEX and YACC or Document Editor (find, replace, macro) using LEX and YACC, or
Similar kind of assignment using LEX and YACC.
2 Lexical Analyzer for extracting noun and verb phrases from the input English text document.
3 Syntax Analyzer along with Intermediate code generation (Triple, Quad) for a subset of English language.
4 Any two optimization techniques on Intermediate Code Generation

Constant expression evaluation.

Local copy propagation.

Common sub expression elimination.

Loop invariant code movement.

After completing this course the students should be able to

a) Implement a lexical analyzer.

b) Implement a parser for different context free grammars.
c) Implement intermediate code generation.
d) Implement code optimization techniques
e) Students will be technically more familiar with Computer Systems.

( S.N. Ghosh) Head

Subject In charge Dept. of Computer Engg. and IT
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Cryptography and Network Security

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

 Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Need of security, security services 1
Active vs. Passive attacks, OSI Security Architecture, one time
01 I A Model for Network security, Classical Encryption Techniques 1 05
Substitution ciphers, Transposition ciphers, 1
Cryptanalysis of Classical Encryption Techniques 1
Introduction to Number Theory 1
Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem 1
The Chinese Remainder Theorem 1
02 06
II Euclidean Algorithm 1
Extended Euclidean Algorithm 1
Modular Arithmetic 1
Block Ciphers, Stream Ciphers, RC4 Stream cipher, RC5 1
Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple DES 2
03 III Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 2 07
Linear and Differential Cryptanalysis 1
Key Distribution and Management, RSA, Diffie-Hellman Key
Elliptic Curve Cryptography 1
04 IV 07
Message Authentication Code 1
Hash functions, message digest algorithms: MD4, MD5 1
Secure Hash algorithm, RIPEMD-160, HMAC 1
Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standards 1
Authentication Protocols, Kerberos, X.509 Digital Certificate 2
05 V Authentication service, Internetworking and Internet protocols: IPv4, 1 06
Key Management, Web Security Considerations, Secure Socket 2
Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction
Intruders, Intrusion Detection 2
06 VI Password Management, Worms, viruses, Trojans, Virus, 2 06
Firewalls, Firewall Design Principles, Trusted Systems 2
Total 37

Page 1 of 4
2. Text Book:

 William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices”,

Pearson Education, Third Edition
 Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and Mike speciner, “Network security, Private
communication in a Public World”
 V. K. Pachghare “Cryptography and Information Security”, PHI

3. Reference Books:

 Christopher M. King, “Security architecture, design deployment and operations”,

Curtis patton and RSA Press
 Stephen Northcatt, Leny Zeltser, “INSIDE NETWORK Perimeter Security”,
Pearson Education Asia
 Robert Bragge, Mark Rhodes, Heith straggberg, “Network Security the Complete
Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication

4. On-line Course Resources:

1. MIT Course


5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. Design and Implement your own encryption/ decryption algorithm.

2. Install any Proxy Server and configure an application gateway

Page 2 of 4
6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

This course aims at

1) Comprehend the history of computer security and how it evolved into information
2) Understand the threats posed to information security and the more common attacks
associated with those threats.
3) Understand the concept of developing encryption and decryption algorithms.
4) Understand the various techniques of encryption, key management in security and its
5) Understand the threats present in computer networks and counter measures for the
6) Understand the Need of Web security and Intrusion Detection Systems.

7. Questions :

Test- 1 examination:

 Question 1: Understanding, describe and interpret concepts of cryptography and security

 Question 2: Understanding, problem solving
 …

Test- 2 examination:

 Question 3: Evaluate, plan, organization, preparing data for the model

 Question 4: Compare different encryption techniques, and their Cryptanalysis

End Semester examination:

 Question 5: Understanding, application of cryptography

 Question 6: Understanding number theory and network security
 Question 7: Performance evaluation and analysis of various encryption algorithms
 Question 8: Compare different key management issues
 Question 9: Protective measures for web security
 Question 10:
 Question 11:
 ...

Page 3 of 4
8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:
Full listing on URL

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,

algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.

(3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development
in industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.

(7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering and IT industry.

(10) Graduates will demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1,3
2 3,10
3 4
4 3, 6
5 7

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,7
3 4
4 7
5 4,5
6 6, 10
7 3

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Dr V. K. Pachghare)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 4 of 4
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Cryptography and Network Security Lab

Teaching Scheme: Practicals- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: T1: 25, T2:25

ESE-50 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

 Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

Week Topic Total

No. Hrs.
1. Design and Implement your own cipher using any programming 6
2. Implement following classical encryption techniques: 6
Hill Cipher, Transposition Cipher, Playfair Cipher.
Also develop a code to break the Hill Cipher
3. Implementation of Data Encryption Standard 6
4. Implementation of Advanced Encryption Algorithm (Rijndael’s 6
5. Design an experiment to estimate the amount of time to 3
i) Generate key pair (RSA)
ii) Encrypt n bit message (RSA)
iii) Decrypt n bit message (RSA)
As function of key size, experiment with different n-bit messages.
Summarize your conclusion.
6. Implementation of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm 3
7. Implementation of Digital Signature Algorithm 3
8. Implementation of MD5 hashing technique 3
9. Implementation of email security using PGP (create yourself a 3
1024-bit PGP key. Use your name and email address for your key
label. Use PGP to verify the signature on this assignment.
10. Install any Proxy Server and configure an application gateway. 3
11. Install, Configure and study of SNORT the Intrusion Detection 3
System (IDS)

Page 1 of 2
2. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

After completing the laboratory students will be capable of:

1) Implementing the cryptographic algorithms using the language they have studied
2) Demonstrate the practical importance of Information Security
3) Analyze the implementations for time required to generate keys and encryption/decryption
process also various possible attacks
4) Installing and configuring the proxy server and IDS

3. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms

and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.

(3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.

(7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering and IT industry.

4. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,7
3 4, 6
4 7, 3

5. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

T1 25 As per academic schedule
T2 25 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam (Oral) 50 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Dr V. K. Pachghare)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 2 of 2
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Third Year B Tech Semester: V

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Architecture of Unix OS, overview of file system 1
Internal representation of files, Inodes 1
Structure of Regular Files, Directories, data structures used for file handling 1
01 I System Calls for File Handling: File Descriptors, open, creat, close, lseek 1 6
read, write, dup, fcntl, ioctl, stat, File Types, set-user-id, set-group-id 1
access permissions, access, umask, chmod, Sticky bit, chown, File Size, File
File Systems, link, Symbolic Links, symlink 1
readlink, File Times, utime, 1
02 mkdir, rmdir, Special Device Files. 1 6
Password File, Shadow Passwords, Group Files, Supplementary Group IDs 1
Login Accounting, System Identification, Time and Date Routines. 1
Context of a process, process states and Transitions 1
Environment of a UNIX Process main Function, Process Termination 1
Command-Line Arguments, Environment List, Memory Layout of a C Program,
03 III setjmp, longjmp 6
Processes Identifiers, fork, vfork, exit, wait, waitpid 1
Identifiers, fork, vfork, exit, wait, waitpid 1
Interpreter Files, system, Processes Accounting. 1
Process Relationships: Introduction, Terminal Logins, Network Logins 1
Process Groups, Sessions, Controlling Terminal 1
tcgetpgrp, tcsetpgrp, tcgetsid, Job Control, Shell Execution of Programs 1
04 IV Orphaned Process Groups 1 8
Daemon Processes: Introduction, Daemon Characteristics, Coding Rules 1
Threads: Concepts 1
Creation, Termination, Synchronization, Limits, Attributes 1
Signals: Introduction, Signal Concepts 1
Signal Function, SIGCLD Semantics 1
kill, raise, alarm and pause Functions 1
Signal Set, sigprocmask 1
05 V 8
sigpending, sigaction 1
sigsetjmp, siglongjmp 1
sigsuspend, abort 1
system, sleep Functions 1
Interprocess Communication Pipe 1
popen, pclose 1
Coprocesses, FIFOs, 1
06 VI 6
System V IPC, Message Queues 1
Semaphores, Shared Memory 1
Sockets. 1
Total 40 40

Page 1 of 3
2. Text Book:

• W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-
Wesley / PHI, 2nd Edition, 2011.
• Maurice J. Bach, The Design of Unix Operating System, PHI. 2009

3. Reference Books:

• Terrence Chan: UNIX System Programming Using C++, Prentice Hall India, 1999.
• Kay A Robbins and Steve Robbins, Unix Systems Programming, Pearson Education, 2004.
• Marc J. Rochkind: Advanced UNIX Programming, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.

4. On-line Course Resources:

1. Berkeley Socket Programming, University of Chicago,
2. UNIX Systems Programming, Huddersfield University,
3. CS360 -- Systems Programming, University of Tennessee,
4. CSc 352 Systems Programming and UNIX, The University of Arizona ,
5. Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Stevens Institute of Technology,
6. EPL371: Systems Programming, University of Cyprus,
5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. Writing programs using system calls

2. Design of small system utilities
3. Wring applications with IPC techniques

6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

• CO 1: To understand the role of Unix system calls as in files and internal data structures used by
• CO 2 : Able to identify the central role of concurrency in systems programming and produce
programs which generate and control a process, establish relationship and communication between
multiple processes
• CO 3: Learn the fundamentals of reliable signal handling and the related system calls.
• CO 4: Develop short system utilities and applications using system calls

7. Questions (Not full question – just type/ theme/topic / abstract):

Submission of question-wise marks obtained in excel sheet to the Department. Note: Same sequence of
questions is to be maintained in excel sheet and also mapping in item (9) below.

Test- 1 examination:

 Question 1: understanding file system calls

 Question 2: programming file utilities
 …

Test- 2 examination:

 Question 3: understanding process system calls

Page 2 of 3
 Question 4: creating and executing processes
 …

End Semester examination:

 Question 5: directory related functions usage

 Question 6: generating and deliver of signals
 Question 7: coding rules of daemon process
 Question 8: threads creation and termination
 Question 9: IPC techniques usage and creating applications
 Question 10:
 Question 11:
 ...

8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

• PO-A: Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and
programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
• PO-D: Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems
faced by the industry.
• PO-E. Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work environments
• PO-F: Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
• PO-H: Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
• PO-I: Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE,
CAT for higher education and / or seek employment.

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1,4
3 2
4 2, 4
5 1
6 3

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 A, I
2 A, I
3 A, I
4 A, D, E, F, H, I

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Dr Jibi Abraham)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 3 of 3
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Storage & Virtualisation

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class:- B.Tech Semester:VII

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Storage Challenges and Issues- Data sources, challenges of data growth,
availability, performance and managability requirements, data virtualization 2

OS and Device Driver Concepts- Kernel, device drivers, firmware, RDMA,

01 I boot sector, device partitioning, UNIX flavors 2 6

File System Concepts- File system, virtual memory, namespace,

metadata, buffer cache, defragmentation 2

Storage Hardware Building Blocks - Device Types (Magnetic Disks, JBOD,

SSD, Optical, WORM), HBA, switches, hubs, routers, GBIC 2

Introduction to various Storage Protocols- Serial, Parallel protocols.

02 7
II Overview of IDE, SAS, SATA, SCSI, FC, FCoE, iSCSI, Infiniband, FCP,
Various standards SCSI Protocol- SCSI-2, SCSI-3, SAM, SPC, SBC,
Common commands, PGR 2

Fibre Channel Protocol Stack & Concepts- FC (Protocol stack, Exchange,

Sequence, Frames, Port types, Topologies, Login, FC-ID) Mapping
Protocols - iSCSI, FCoE, FCP- SCSI mapping to underlying tr 2

Connection Management, PDU, TOE SAN Concepts and Advanced

Topics- DAS, SAN architecture, Concepts (zoning, name server, SCN,
03 III 2 6
WWN, routing),

FC-SAN, IP-SAN and Applications NAS Concepts and Appliances- NAS

architecture, Protocols (CIFS, NFS), Performance, Scalability and
Usability, Appliances

Page 1 of 7
Data Center End to End View- Overview of complete stack including
Storage, Network, Host, Clustering, High Availability, Applications, 2

Virtual Machines, Cloud Storage Storage Virtualization Basics- RAID

levels, I/O stack, OS abstraction, Storage Pooling, Storage Provisioning, 2 6
Online Grow/Shrink Storage Virtualization Advanced topics- Metadata
management, Transaction consistency, I/O maps, I/O path considerations,
Data consistency, Crash recovery, Application interfaces

Data Replication- Off-host processing, RPO/RTO, Replication (sync,

async, periodic, continuous), Snapshots Data Protection- 2

Backup (full, incremental, differential, continuous), Restore, Archival,

05 Compliance considerations Capacity Management- Storage provisioning, 2 6
De-duplication, Thin provisioning, Storage Tiering, ILM, Data
classification, Storage grid 2

Device Multipathing and Path Virtualization- Device discovery, Device

types (A/A, A/P), Device abstraction, Path failover, 2

Load balancing High Availability- Server/data/application availability,

Replication, Data consistency Clustering- Cluster types, Failover models,
06 VII Distributed systems. 6

Locking and data consistency, High speed interconnects, Application

integration Performance- Concepts (IOPS, Latency, Throughput,
Throttling, Writeback), Bottlenecks, Tools, Techniques and Considerations

Total 37

2. Text Books:

• Storage Networks: The complete Reference. Robert Spalding TMH.

• Designing Storage Area Networks: A Practical Reference for Implementing Fibre Channel and
IP SANs, Second Edition Publisher: Addison-Wesley Author: Tom Clark.

3. Reference Books:

• Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture (The Prentice Hall Service

Technology Series from Thomas Erl) by Thomas Erl, Prentice Hall, 2013.

• Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed

Computing) by RajkumarBuyya,James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinski, John Wiley and


• Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice, Dan C Marinescu, Elsevier, 2013.

Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley Publishing, 2011.

• Virtualization Essentials by Matthew Portnoy, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.

Page 2 of 7
• Computer Systems – A Programmer‟s Perspective, Randall Bryant and David
O‟Hallaron,Pearson Education. 2003.

• The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System, McKusick, Bostic, Karels,and
Quaterman, 1996.

4. On-line Course Resources:


5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1.Remote Copy: Take two hosts. Create synchronous remote replication functionality from host1 to host2.
Remote copy for a data is used for disaster recovery. A copy of data is kept on a remote m/c which can be
used for recovery in case of disaster of local site.
Following are key properties of remote copy:
1. Data written on local disk should be synchronously copied to remote disk.

2. A write from an application should be completed only when data has been written to both source
and replicated node.

2.Writing a simple File System which provide functionality of "ls, mkdir, pwd" posix commands. Apart from
that it should support print operation . Please also write a application program to test these functionality.

6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

This course is designed to

◦ CO 1:Introduce Introduction To Storage System, the fundamentals of Network Storage
technologies, focusing on Storage Area Networks (SAN) and Network Attached Storage
(NAS),Storage Related Services And Storage Grid.

◦ CO 2 :Understand the common terms and definitions of virtualization and cloud

computing and be able to give examples.

◦ CO 3:Understand the technical capabilities and business benefits of virtualization and

cloud computing and how to measure these benefits.

◦ CO 4 :Describe the landscape of different types of virtualization and understand the

different types of clouds.

◦ CO 5: Understand the similarities and difference between cloud computing and


7. Questions (Not full question – just type/ theme/topic / abstract):

Submission of question-wise marks obtained in excel sheet to the Department. Note: Same
sequence of questions is to be maintained in excel sheet and also mapping in item (9) below.

Page 3 of 7
Test- 1 examination:

 Question 1: Basic data storage concepts

 Question 2: Storage Building Blocks.

Test- 2 examination:

 Question 3: Storage Protocols.

 Question 4: Fiber Channel stack.

End Semester examination:

 Question 5:OS concepts

 Question 6: Virtulization.
 Question 7: Device Driver.
 Question 8: File System.
 Question 9: FC-SAN , IP-SAN
 Question 10: NAS,Cloud storage and Storage virtualization,Clustering and High availability.
 Question 11:Data Replication,Data Protection.Thin Provisioning & Data

8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,

algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.

(2) Graduate will demonstrate knowledge of fundamentals of hardware technology relevant

to understanding Computer Science basics.

(3) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(9) Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like
GATE, GRE, CAT for higher education.

(10) Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating
latest technology

(11) Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1,2
2 3,5
3 4,5
4 3,4
5 2,3
6 1,2
7 2,3
Page 4 of 7
8 2,3
9 3,4
10 3,4
11 2,5

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1,2,3
2 11
3 4,9
4 10,4
5 10,11

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) Tanuja Pattanshetti

Head, Comp IT Dept Course Co-ordinator

Page 5 of 7
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Storage & Virtualization laboratory
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Practical- 3 hours/week Practical/Oral Exam: 50 marks
Term work: 50 marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: S. Y.- B.Tech Semester: III

Suggested List of Assignments -

Backup and Recovery:

Use the hard disk on one host. Create a snapshot for the same and store in a flat file on other
m/c. Provide a mechanism to restore the data from flat file.

A snapshot is a point in time image of any device. Once a snapshot is taken, the content of the
snapshot should be what existed before snapshot was taken. No new I/O should go to snapshot.

To support snapshot while I/Os are still running on original disk, a mapping has to be preserved
which identifies which blocks are copied into snapshot device. Any new I/O on original device
should check for the map and if data has not been copied to snapshot, it should be first read
from original disk, written to snapshot disk and then new I/O should be allowed on source disk.
The snapshot should be preserved in a flat file on local disk.

A recovery involves restoring data from a previously taken backup. In our example, an interface
should be provided to read data from backup (flat file) and put into hard disk.

Write a "Examination data server" which is using MySQL open source database for storing
students examination report, which is a snapshot of all present students's report of college.
The report consist of six field :
Name Id Branch Grade{ in each semester} Final Grade Papers Uncleared

A client program{ please also write client program to support it } can query on various parameter
and this server should generate a report for same {e.g. The no of students having CGPA(final
grade) 7.0 and above in all branches/particular branches., The No. of students not cleared in
Mathematics yet , Name of topper in every branch etc..}. Please user pthreads to support
multiuple client queries. Please also implement write functionality {update in case of old students
/ addition (new students) / delition (final semester students who has passed out } and use
reader/writer lock.

Lab Outcomes:
Introduces the fundamental storage & virtualisationl concepts to the students
Introduces the concept of solving problems using fundamental concepts
Introduces the importance of efficient designing & analysis of storage,duplication,
recovery scenarios.
Make the students technically more familiar towards Computer hardware & peripheral

Page 6 of 7
(Dr J V Aghav) Tanuja Pattanshetti
Head, Comp IT Dept Course Co-ordinator

Page 7 of 7
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course: Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Scheme: Lect- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks
ESE-60 Marks

Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

1. Teaching Learning Interaction:

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

What is AI, History, AI problems, Production Systems
Problem characteristics, Intelligent Agents, Agent Architecture 2
01 I AI Application (E-Commerce, & Medicine), 1 6
AI Representation, Properties of internal representation 1
Future scope of AI , Issues in design of search algorithms 1

Heuristic search techniques:

Heuristic search, Hill Climbing, Best first search
mean and end analysis, Constraint Satisfaction,A* and AO*
Knowledge Representation: Basic concepts, Knowledge
02 II 1 6
representation Paradigms
Propositional Logic, Inference Rules in Propositional Logic,
Knowledge representation using Predicate logic
Predicate Calculus, Predicate and arguments 1
ISA hierarchy, Frame notation, Resolution, Natural Deduction 1

Logic Programming:
Introduction, Logic, Logic Programming, Forward and Backward 2
forward and Backward chaining rules Knowledge representation
03 III 2 6
using non monotonic logic: TMS (Truth maintenance system)
statistical and probabilistic reasoning, fuzzy logic, structure
knowledge representation, semantic net, Frames, Script, Conceptual 2

04 IV What is Learning, Types of Learning (Rote, Direct instruction 2
Analogy, Induction, Deduction)
Planning: Block world, strips, Implementation using goal stack, Non
linear planning with goal stacks
Hierarchical planning, Least commitment strategy 1
SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Advance AI Topics:
Game playing: Min-max search procedure
Alpha beta cutoffs, waiting for Quiescence 1
Secondary search, Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Steps
05 V 1 6
in NLP, Syntactic Processing
ATN, RTN, Semantic analysis 1
Discourse & Pragmatic Processing 1
Perception and Action: Perception, Action, Robot Architecture 1

Neural Networks and Expert system:

VI 1
Introduction to neural networks and perception-qualitative Analysis
Neural net architecture and applications 1
06 6
Neural net Utilization and functionality 1
architecture of expert system, knowledge representation 1
two case studies on expert systems 2

Total 36

2. Text Book:

1. Elaine Rich and Kerin Knight: “Artificial Intelligence.”

2. Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott: “Introduction to artificial intelligence.”
3. Kishen Mehrotra, Sanjay Rawika, K Mohan; “Artificial Neural Network.”
3. Reference Books:

1. Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig : “Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach”, Prentice
Hall, 2nd Edition.
2. Ivan Bratko : “Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence” , 2 nd Edition Addison
Wesley, 1990.
3. Herbert A. Simon, “The Sciences of the Artificial “, MIT Press, 3rd Edition (2nd Printing),
4. Tim Jones “Artificial Intelligence Application Programming” M. Dreamtech Publication.
5. George F Luger : “Artificial Intelligence : Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving”, Pearson Edu., 4th Edition.
6. Rajendra Akerkar : ”Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ”,PHI Publication.
4. On-line Course Resources:





5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. List down various applications of Artificial Intelligence and give a case study from any
domain in a group of two students.

2. Find out a problem definition and give a solution using any of the AI technique which is
relevant to that problem.

3. Prepare and give a presentation on the above assignments.

6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

CO-1: Introduction to problems which are hard to solve using conventional programming.
CO-2: Learn the Concept of machine (Artificial) intelligence.
CO-3: AI techniques to search a solution in a huge solution space efficiently.
CO-4: Logic programming using some high level language such as Prolog with emphasis on how
it is different from procedural programming.
CO-5: Explain the difference between plan space and state space. Describe and implement several
of the major approaches to classical Learning and planning.
CO-6: For constraint satisfaction problems, implement backtracking search with conflict directed
back jumping, arc consistency, and the Minimum Remaining Values and Least
Constraining Value heuristics. Implement local search with the min- conflicts heuristic.

7. Questions :

Test 1
Q1 - Basics of Heuristic Algorithms
Q2 - Different Algorithms for Searching
Q3 - Types of logic representation

Test 2
Q4 – Truth Maintenance System
Q5 – Logic Programming
Q6 – Learning and Planning

End Semester Exam

Q7 – On Unit one and two
Q8 – On Unit three and four
Q9 – Game Playing Algorithms
Q10 – Natural Language Processing
Q11 – Neural Networks
8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

1. Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and

programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of fundamentals of hardware technology relevant to
understanding Computer Science basics.
3. Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.
4. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems
faced by the industry.
5. Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work environments
6. Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
7. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
8. Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
9. Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE
and CAT for higher education.
10. Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest technology
11. Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 1, 2, 3
8 1, 2, 3
9 5, 6
10 5, 6 & 11
11 5, 6, 8,9 & 10

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1, 2
2 2, 6
3 3
4 2, 3
5 2, 3, 4, 6
6 2, 3, 4, 7
11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Suraj Sawant)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course: Artificial Intelligence Lab
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Practical: 2 hrs/week Oral: 50 Marks
Term work: 50 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

To understand, learn and implement Intelligent algorithms
To understand, learn and implement A* Algorithm
To understand concept of Neural Networks
To understand concepts of Natural Language Processing

Course Plan for Labs

The following assignments will be carried out in synchronization with the theory classes.
List Of Assignments:
1. Case Study on Production Systems.
a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Definitions
d. Example
e. Literature Survey
f. System Structure
g. Conclusion
2. Case Study on Intelligent Agents
a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Definitions
d. Example
e. Literature Survey
f. System Structure
g. Conclusion
3. Program to implement Hill Climbing Algorithm. (Any Programming Language)
4. Program to implement A* Algorithm.
5. Case Study on Truth Maintenance System
a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Definitions
d. Example
e. Literature Survey
f. System Structure
g. Conclusion
6. Simple program on Neural Network
7. Design a mini project for any live problem as per SE constraints and implement it using the techniques
studied for above assignments and as per the syllabus.
Text books
1. Ivan Bratko : “Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence” , 2 nd Edition Addison

Wesley, 1990.
2. Tim Jones “Artificial Intelligence Application Programming” M. Dreamtech Publication
Course Outcomes
CO-1: Introduction to problems which are hard to solve using conventional programming.

CO-2: Learn the Concept of machine (Artificial) intelligence.

CO-3: AI techniques to search a solution in a huge solution space efficiently.
CO-4: Logic programming using some high level language such as Prolog with emphasis on how it is different
from procedural programming.
CO-5: Explain the difference between plan space and state space. Describe and implement several of the major
approaches to classical Learning and planning.
CO-6: For constraint satisfaction problems, implement backtracking search with conflict directed back jumping,
arc consistency, and the Minimum Remaining Values and Least Constraining Value heuristics.
Implement local search with the min- conflicts heuristic.

Program Outcomes Relevant to the Course:

1. Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and
programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of fundamentals of hardware technology relevant to
understanding Computer Science basics.
3. Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.
4. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems faced
by the industry.
5. Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work environments
6. Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
7. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
8. Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including Free
and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
9. Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE and
CAT for higher education.
10. Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest technology
11. Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.
Mapping of CO's to PO's

CO’s PO’s

1 1, 2

2 2, 6

3 3

4 2, 3

5 2, 3, 4, 6

6 2, 3, 4, 7,8,9,11 and 12

Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Dates

Term Work 50 Continuous Evaluation

Internal Practical & Oral 50 As per Academic Calendar


Sawant Suraj Tanaji Dr. J.V. Aghav,

Subject In charge Head,
Dept. of Computer Engg. and IT
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Advanced Database Management Systems

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech IT Semester: VI

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Introduction to basic concepts of database 1
I/O Parallelism 1
Inter-query Parallelism 1
01 I Intra-query Parallelism 1 8
Inter-operational 1
Intra-operational Parallelism 1
Design of Parallel systems 2
Homogeneous 1
Heterogeneous databases 1
02 6
II Storing data in distributed DBMS 2
Distributed catalog management. 2
Distributed Transactions 1
Query processing 2
03 III Concurrency Control in Distributed databases(Protocols) 1 6
Deadlock handling in Distributed databases 1
Recovery in Distributed databases 1
Introduction to Decision Support 1
Data Warehousing ,Creating and maintaining a warehouse 1
OLAP: Multidimensional data Model 1
04 IV 6
OLAP Queries, Database design for OLAP 1
Implementation Techniques for OLAP Bitmap Indexes,join indexes 1
Views and decision support, Top N Queries, Online Aggregation. 1
Introduction to XML 1
Structure of XML Data 1
XML Document Schema 1
05 V 6
Querying and Transformation 1
API to XML 1
Storage of XML Data, XML Applications 1
Hadoop 2
Mapreduce 2 5
06 VI
NO SQL databases 1
Total 37

Page 1 of 3
2. Text Book:

• Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, “Database system concepts”, 5th Edition ,
McGraw Hill International Edition.

• Raghu Ramkrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, Second Edition,

McGraw Hill International Editions.

3. Reference Books:

• Rob Coronel, Database systems: “Design implementation and management”, 4th Edition,
Thomson Learning Press.
• J. D. Ullman, Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia Publication, 2nd Edition, 1999.
• R. Elmasri, and S. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Benjamin Cummings,Pearson, 6th
Edition, 2010.

4. On-line Course Resources:

• fall-

5. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

(1) Understand concept and working of parallel database system.

(2) Study different types of distributed databases.
(3) Analyze Distributed Transactions and Query processing.
(4) List and describe the key characteristics of a data warehouse.
(5) Identify other data models such as object-oriented model and XML model.
(6) Exploit Big Data platforms such as Hadoop and NoSQL databases.

6. Questions :

Test- 1 examination:
1. Fundamental concepts of parallel databases.
2. Analyse and understand differnt types of parallelism for different types of database tasks.

Test- 2 examination:
3 Di scribing and analyzing different distributed systems.
4 Design highly available distributed database for different types of network.
5 Identify and discuss types of failures in distributed database in types of network.

End Semester examination:

6 Differentiate and Analyse arhitectures for gathering data at datawarehouses.
7 Analyze XML data formats and Compare relational database-systems
8 Basics of hadoop and mapreduce.

Page 2 of 3
7. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and
programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science and IT.

(2) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.

(3) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems
faced by the industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.

(5) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to computer

(6) Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.puter Engineering and IT

8. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 5
8 6

9. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,5
3 1,3,6
4 1,2,5
5 1,3,5
6 6

10. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

Course in charge
Head, Comp IT Dept

Page 3 of 3
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Introduction to Business Analytics

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VI

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Fundamental of Business Analytics: Learning Objectives; What Is
Business Analytics?
Business Analytics Applications 1
01 I Evolution of Business Analytics, Scope of Business Analytics 1 8
Data for Business Analytics, Decision Model 1
Problem Solving and Decision Making 1
Descriptive Analytics Introduction 1
Visualizing and Exploring Data: Data Visualization 1
Data Queries Using Sorting and Filtering, Statistical Methods for
Summarizing Data
02 8
II Descriptive Statistical Measures: Populations and Samples 1
Measures of Location, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of
Shape, Measures of Association
Statistical Thinking in Business Decisions, Details of Data Modeling 2
Predictive Analytics Introduction 1
Predictive Modeling and Analysis: Logic-Driven Modeling, Data-
Driven Modeling
Analyzing Uncertainty and Model Assumptions, Model Analysis
03 III Using Risk Solver Platform 8
Introduction to Data Mining: The Scope of Data Mining 1
Data Exploration and Reduction, Classification, Classification
Association Rule Mining, Cause-and-Effect Modeling 1
Prescriptive Analytics Introduction 1
Linear Optimization: Building Linear Optimization Models 1
Implementing Linear Optimization Models 1
Solving Linear Optimization Models 1
04 IV 7
Graphical Interpretation of Linear Optimization, Using Optimization
Models for Prediction and Insight
Applications of Linear Optimization: Types of Constraints in
Optimization Models
Making Decisions with Uncertain Information 1
Decision Trees 1
05 V 7
The Value of Information, Utility and Decision Making 1
Case Study 2
Total 38

Page 1 of 5
2. Text Book:

• James R. Evans, “Business Analytics: Methods, Models, and Decisions”, Pearson 2012

3. Reference Books:

1. R. N. Prasad, Seema Acharya, “Fundamentals of Business Analytics” , Wiley 2011

2. Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris and Robert Morison, “Analytics at Work:

Smarter Decisions, Better Results”, Harvard Business Press, 2010

3. Evan Stubbs, “Delivering Business Analytics: Practical Guidelines for Best Practice”,
Wiley 2013

4. On-line Course Resources:

1. MIT Course ware

2. BA Courses:




5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. List down various applications of Analytics and give a case study from any domain in a
group of two students.

2. Find out a problem definition and give a solution using any of the analytics technique
which is relevant to that problem.

3. Prepare and give a presentation on the above assignments.

Page 2 of 5
Page 3 of 5
6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

 CO 1: Describe and interpret the basic concepts of Business Analytics (BA).

 CO 2 : Describe basic principles of data mining as a basic tool of Business Analytics
 CO 3: Evaluate business problems and determine suitable analytical methods
 CO 4: Evaluate the difficulties presented by massive, opportunistic data
 CO 5: Plan, organize and evaluate methods to prepare raw data for business analytics
 CO 6: Compare and contrast different BA techniques
 CO 7: Interpret, analyse and validate the results
 CO 8:
 CO 9:
 ...

7. Questions (Not full question – just type/ theme/topic / abstract):

Submission of question-wise marks obtained in excel sheet to the Department. Note: Same
sequence of questions is to be maintained in excel sheet and also mapping in item (9) below.

Test- 1 examination:

 Question 1: Understanding, describe and interpret, concepts of analytics

 Question 2: Visualizing, understanding, problem solving, decision making
 …

Test- 2 examination:

 Question 3: Evaluate, plan, organization, preparing data for the model

 Question 4: Compare different BA techniques, different techniques in different application
 …

End Semester examination:

 Question 5: Understanding, application, analysis, components of analytics

 Question 6: Understanding, visualizing, solve the given case study
 Question 7: Evaluate, plan, organization, preparing data for the model
 Question 8: Compare different BA techniques, differentiate techniques in with different
types of applications
 Question 9: Model verification, result analysis and validation
 Question 10:
 Question 11:
 ...

Page 4 of 5
8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:
Full listing on URL

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,

algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.

(3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development
in industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.

(7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering and IT industry.

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1,3
2 3
3 4
4 3, 6
5 7

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,7
3 4
4 7
5 4,5
6 6
7 3

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Dr J V Aghav)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 5 of 5
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: CT-DE4-14006 Course: High Performance Computing
Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: Quizzes- 40 Marks
ESE-60 Marks
Class: B Tech (Computer & IT) Semester: VII Academic Year: 2014-15

Teaching Learning Interaction

SN Unit Topic Lectures Total

Necessity of high performance, Constraints of conventional architecture, Parallelism in uni-

processor system
Evolution of parallel processors, Architectural Classification: Flynn’s Taxonomy, Different models of
parallel computers, Applications of parallel processing,
Instruction Level Parallelism and Thread Level Parallelism and differences, Types of parallelism 01 06
01 I
Case studies: Intel Itanium Processor, Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) Architecture 01
Principles of scalable performance: Moore’s Law, Performance Metrics and Measures, Speedup
Performance Laws
Problems 01
Principles of implementation of pipelining, pipeline processors, General pipleine reservation table 01
Design aspects of arithmetic and instruction pipeline, Pipeline hazards and removing techniques 01
Data buffering techniques, Job Sequencing and Collision, Advanced Pipeline techniques 01
02 II 06
Loop unrolling, out of order execution, software scheduling, trace scheduling, predicted execution 01
Speculative loading, register stack, software pipeline, VLIW processor 01
Case Study: Superscalar Pentium and Ultraspark 01
Basic vector architecture, Issues in Vector Processing, Vector performance modeling, vectorizers
and optimizers
Case study: Cray Arch. SIMD Computer Organization Masking and Data network mechanism, Inter
PE Communication
03 III Interconnection networks of SIMD, Static Vs Dynamic network, cube hyper cube and Mesh 06
Interconnection networks
Case Study: Heterogeneous computing, CPU/GPU architecture comparison 01
GPU architecture details, Data parallelism and SPMD programming model 01
High level overview of CUDA basics, Strength and limitation of GPU 01
Loosely and Tightly coupled multiprocessors, Processor characteristics of multiprocessors 01
Inter Processor communication network, Time shared bus, Crossbar switch, Multiport Memory 01
04 IV Memory contention and arbitration techniques 01 06
Cache coherency and bus snooping 02
Massively Parallel Processors (MPP), Case Study of IBM Power4 Processor, Inter Processor 01
Communication and Synchronization
Multithreaded processors, Latency hiding techniques 01
Principles of multithreading, Issues and solutions 01
Parallel Programming Techniques: Shared Memory Programming 01
05 V PThreads in shared memory systems, Data Parallel Programming 01
Message passing program development, Synchronous and asynchronous message passing 01
Message passing parallel programming
Classification of parallel algorithms, Parallel algorithms for multiprocessors, Performance of 01

parallel algorithms
Message passing libraries for parallel programming interface, Parallel 01

Virtual Machine (in distributed memory system)

Message Passing Interfaces (MPI), OpenMp 01

06 VI , shared Memory programming 06
Parallel Algorithm examples: Matrix Multiplication, Sorting 01
Parallel Programming Languages; Occam, C-Linda 01

Cluster: COW’s and NOW’s (Cluster and Network of Workstations), Different ways of

building a cluster

Total 36
Text Book:

1. John L Hennessy, David A Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, Fifth Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011
2. Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, “Advanced Computer Architecture”, Second Edition, Tata McGrawhill Edition,

Reference Books:

1. Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing” McGrawhill International
Edition, 1985
2. V. Rajaraman, L Sivaram Murthy, “Parallel Computers”, PHI, 2004
3. Michael J Quinn, “Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2011
4. Dezaso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kascuk, “Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space
Approach”, Pearson Education, 2009
5. Peter S Pacheco, “An Introduction to Parallel Programming”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011

Online Course Resources:



List of Assignments:

1. Problems from Unit 1

2. Case Studies on different architectures

3. Comparative study of programming using different concepts

Course Outcomes:

1. Understanding the fundamentals of high performance computing and their need.

2. Design issues in advanced computer architectures

3. Differentiate between different paradigms: Shared memory, message passing

4. Use of the programming environment like pthreads, openMp and MPI, CUDA

5. Parallel programming benchmarks and performance measurements analysis

6. Understanding the basics of Cluster and cluster building steps


Test 1
Q1 – Basics, Performance Laws, Types of Parallelism, Flynn's Classification
Q2 - Pipeline Techniques
Q3 – Problems on Pipeline Techniques

Test 2
Q4 – SIMD, Vector Operations
Q5 – Interconnection Networks, GPU Case Study
Q6 – Multiprocessors and their study

End Semester Exam

Q7 – On Unit one and two
Q8 – On Unit three and four
Q9 – Latency hiding techniques, Multi threading, SMT
Q10 – Parallel Programming Techniques
Q11 – Parallel programming examples and environments, Cluster building

Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

1. PO1-Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and

programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. PO2-Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of fundamentals of hardware technology relevant to
understanding Computer Science basics.
3. PO5-Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work environments
4. PO7-Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
5. PO8-Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including Free
and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
6. PO9-Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, CAT for
higher education.
7. PO10-Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest technology
8. PO11-Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

Mapping of Questions to CO’s:

Questions CO’s
1 1, 5
2 2
3 2
4 2
5 2, 4
6 2, 4
7 1, 2, 5
8 1, 2, 5
9 3, 5, 6
10 3, 5, 6
11 3, 5, 6

Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1, 2
2 2, 6
3 3, 6
4 2, 3
5 4, 5, 7
6 3, 5, 8

Evaluation Procedure

Examination Marks Dates (As per Academic Calender)

Quiz I 20 August 25-28, 2014
Quiz II 20 September 22-25, 2014
End Sem Exam 60 November 19 – December 02, 2014

(Dr. J. V. Aghav) (A. D. Joshi)

Head, Subject In charge
Dept. of Computer & IT
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: CT-DE4 14016 Course: High Performance Computing Laboratory
Teaching Scheme: Lab - 3 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: Term Work – 50 marks
Oral – 50 Marks

Class: B Tech (Computer & IT) Semester: VII Academic Year: 2014-15

Teaching Learning Interaction:

The list of following assignments shall be executed as per the discussions in theory classes.

Sr. No. Assignments

1 Study of different benchmarks in High Performance Computing

2 Study of Cluster building steps - MPI Cluster setup

3 Program to execute gather and scatter operation using MPI routines
4 Program to execute Sorting algorithm using MPI routines
5 Program to execute Matrix Operations using MPI routines
6 Case Study of GPU Architecture with CUDA
7 Program to execute matrix multiplication using CUDA on GPU
8 Program to understand shared memory paradigm using pthreads
9 Program to execute matrix vector multiplication using pthreads
10 Study of parallel programming languages Occam, C-Linda

Text Books:
1. John L Hennessy, David A Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, Fifth Edition, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2011
2. Kai Hwang, Naresh Jotwani, “Advanced Computer Architecture”, Second Edition, Tata McGrawhill Edition,

Reference Books:
1. Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs, “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing” McGrawhill International Edition,
2. V. Rajaraman, L Sivaram Murthy, “Parallel Computers”, PHI, 2004
3. Michael J Quinn, “Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP”, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2011
4. Dezaso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kascuk, “Advanced Computer Architectures: A Design Space
Approach”, Pearson Education, 2009
5. Peter S Pacheco, “An Introduction to Parallel Programming”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011

Online Course Resources:



List of Assignments:

As per stated in section Teaching Learning Interaction

Course Outcomes:

The practical implementation will fulfill the following aims.

1. Understanding the different benchmarks used in HPC
2. Implementation of Shared Memory and Message Passing programming examples
3. Use of data parallel architecture and programming using GPU
4. Learning and executing the building blocks of cluster setup

As per stated in section Teaching Learning Interaction continuous evaluation will be performed and external
examiner will ask questions in Oral exam.

Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

1. PO1-Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and

programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. PO2-Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of fundamentals of hardware technology relevant to
understanding Computer Science basics.
3. PO5-Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work environments
4. PO7-Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
5. PO8-Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including Free
and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.
6. PO9-Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like GATE, GRE, CAT for
higher education.
7. PO10-Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and demonstrating latest technology
8. PO11-Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

Mapping of Questions to CO’s:

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1, 2, 4
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 3
7 3
8 2
9 2
10 2

Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1, 2
2 1, 4, 5, 6
3 3, 7
4 3, 5, 7, 8

Evaluation Procedure

Examination Marks Date

First Practical Assessment 25 Immediately After Quiz I
Second Practical Assessment 25 Immediately After Quiz II
Final OralExam 50 Before End Sem Exam (In last lab session)

(Dr. J. V. Aghav) (A. D. Joshi)

Head, Subject In charge
Dept. of Computer & IT
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks Lab

Teaching Scheme: Practicals- 2 hours/week Examination Scheme: T1: 25, T2:25

ESE-50 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

1. Teaching Learning Interaction:

The list of following assignments shall be executed as per the discussion in theory

Sr. No. Practicals

1. Set up an infrastructure wireless network consisting of multiple
nodes and an access point observing IEEE 802.11 traffic
2. Configure an ad hoc network, measure the throughput
3. Measuring delay, throughput, connectivity, and overhead in MANET
routing protocols using a network simulator
4. Configure Bluetooth piconets and analyse the interference with
5. Configure the Mobile IP

Text Books :

• C.Siva Ram Murthy and B.S.Manoj, Ad hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and
protocols, 2nd edition, Pearson Education. 2007.

Reference Books :

• F.Zhao, L. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach.

Morgan Kaufmann, 2004
• Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano and Ivan sSojmenovic, Mobile Ad-hoc
Networking, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004.
• Mohammad Ilyas, The Handbook of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, CRC press, 2002.

Useful URLs:

Page 1 of 2
2. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

After completing the laboratory students will be capable of:

1) Have an understanding of the principles of mobile ad hoc networks and what

distinguishes them from infrastructure-based networks.
2) Have an understanding of the principles and characteristics of wireless sensor
3) Be able to understand how routing protocols function and their implications on data
transmission delay and bandwidth consumption.
4) Be familiar with the mechanisms for implementing security, transport layer and
energy efficiency in MANETs.

3. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,

algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in
4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real
life problems faced by the industry.
6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering and IT industry.

4. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 3,4
3 6
4 6,7

5. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

First Practical Assessment 25 As per academic schedule
Second Practical Assessment 25 As per academic schedule
Final Practical Assessment 50 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (Rahul B Adhao)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 2 of 2
College of Engineering, Pune - 05
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: 100 marks:
Continuous evaluation-
Assignment/Quizzes – 40 marks
End Sem Exam - 60 marks

Teaching plan

No. Unit Topic Count Total

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology 1
Characteristics of the Wireless Channel, Multiple Access Techniques 1
IEEE 802 Networking Standard 1
1 I 6
Wireless LANs and PANs 1
IEEE 802.11 Standard, IEEE 802.16 Standard 1
Bluetooth, HomeRF 1
Cellular Wireless Networks and Wireless Internet:- The Cellular 1
Cellular Architecture, First-Generation Cellular Systems 1
Second-Generation Cellular Systems, Third-Generation Cellular 1
2 II 6
Wireless in Local Loop, Wireless ATM,Wireless Internet 1
What is Wireless Internet, Mobile IP 1
TCP in Wireless Domain, WAP, Optimizing Web Over Wireless 1
Introduction to Ad-Hoc Networks:- characteristics, applications 1
Medium Access Protocols: design issues, goals and classification 1
Contention based protocols- with reservation 1
3 III 6
Scheduling algorithms, protocols using directional antennas 1
Standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g 1
Standards: 802.15. HIPERLAN 1
Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Networks: Design issues 1
Goals and classification, Proactive Vs reactive routing 1
Unicast routing algorithms 1
4 IV 6
Multicast routing algorithms 1
Hybrid routing algorithm, Energy aware routing algorithm 1
Hierarchical Routing, QoS aware routing 1
Issues in designing Transport layer Ad-Hoc Networks, TCP over 2
Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Security issues in Ad-hoc networks, secure routing protocols, Energy 2
5 V 6
Management in Ad-Hoc Networks
Battery Management, Transmission Power Management, System Power 2
Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor Network Architecture 1
Data Dissemination, Data Gathering 1
6 VI MAC Protocols for Sensor Networks 1 6
Location Discovery 1
Quality of a Sensor Network 2
Text Books

• C.Siva Ram Murthy and B.S.Manoj, Ad hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and
protocols, 2nd edition, Pearson Education. 2007

Reference Books

• F.Zhao, L. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach.

Morgan Kaufmann, 2004
• Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano and Ivan sSojmenovic, Mobile Ad-hoc
Networking, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004.
• Mohammad Ilyas, The Handbook of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks, CRC press, 2002.

Useful URLs:

Course outcomes

1. Have an understanding of the principles of mobile ad hoc networks and what distinguishes
them from infrastructure-based networks.
2. Have an understanding of the principles and characteristics of wireless sensor networks
3. Be able to understand how routing protocols function and their implications on data
transmission delay and bandwidth consumption
4. Be familiar with the mechanisms for implementing security, transport layer and energy
efficiency in MANETs

List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. Set up an infrastructure wireless network consisting of multiple nodes and an access point.
observing IEEE 802.11 traffic
2. Configure an ad hoc network, measure the throughput
3. Measuring delay, throughput, connectivity, and overhead in MANET routing protocols using a
network simulator
4. Configure Bluetooth piconets and analyse the interference with 802.11
5. Configure the Mobile IP

Test 1
Q1 – Basics of Wireless Communication, Multiple Access Techniques.
Q2 - Wireless LANs and PANs, Bluetooth
Q3 – The Cellular Concept and Cellular Architecture
Test 2
Q4 – Cellular System Generations, Wireless Internet
Q5 – WAP, Optimizing Web Over Wireless
Q6 – Introduction to Ad-Hoc Networks and Medium Access Protocols

End Semester Exam

Q7 – On Unit one and two
Q8 – On Unit two and three
Q9 – Scheduling algorithms and Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Networks
Q10 - Routing algorithms and Security issues in Ad-hoc networks
Q11 - Energy Management in Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks

Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and
programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
(3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.
(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems
faced by the industry.
(6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
(7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
Engineering and IT industry.

Mapping of Questions to CO’s:

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1
3 1,2
4 2
5 2
6 2,3
7 1,2,3
8 1,2,3
9 3
10 3,4
11 3,4

Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 3,4
3 6
4 6,7

Evaluation Procedure

Examination Marks Dates (As per Academic Calendar)

Quiz I 20 August 25-28, 2014
Quiz II 20 September 22-25, 2014
End Sem Exam 60 November 19 – December 02, 2014

( S.K. Gaikwad) Head

Subject In charge Dept. of Computer Engg. and IT
College of Engineering Pune URL:
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: INFORMATION RETRIEVAL(Elective –I)

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year:2014-15 Class: B Tech Semester:VII

Sr. Topic No. of Total

N Lect
o ures
Data Retrieval Vs Information Retrieval,
Goals and history of IR
The impact of the web on IR, The role of AI
in IR
I Applications of IR 01
01 06
Introduction Basic Models of IR: Boolean and vector-
space retrieval models
ranked retrieval, text-similarity metrics 01
TF-IDF (term frequency/inverse document
frequency) weighting, cosine similarity
II How the text of a document is represented
Automatic inside a computer
Text Analysis Automatic classification methods in general 02
02 06
and Usage of these state-of-art classification
Classification methods in IR 02

III File Structures from the point of view

File Structures information retrieval
03 and Search Search strategies when applied to document 06
Strategies collections structured in different ways
Use of feedback 01
Formal model for enhancing retrieval
effectiveness by using sample information
about the frequency of occurrence and co- 02
occurrence of index terms in the relevant
04 Retrieval and 06
For non relevant documents 01
Traditional view of measurement of
Theory of evaluation 01
Models and languages, Including MULTOS
V and SQL3
Multimedia Libraries and Bibliographical Systems 01
05 IR and Digital digital libraries 01 06
Libraries online systems and public access catalogs 01
Challenges for effective deployment of
digital libraries
Algorithms and architectures 01
User Interfaces and visualization: The main
interface paradigms for query formation and 02
06 Parallel and 06
visualization results
distributed IR
Future of IR 01
Areas of Research 02
Total 36

Text Books:
1. Richardo Baeza –Yates, Berthier Ribiero-Neto “Modern Information Retrieval “
Addison – Wesley. 2nd Edition, 2011
2. C J Van Rijsbergen “Information Retrieval”, An online book by C J Van
Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow, 2004

Reference Books:
1. Gerard Salton – Michael J. McGill “ Introduction To Modern Information
Retrieval” McGraw Hill. 3rd edition
2. Christopher D. Manning – “Introduction to Information Retrieval” Cambridge Univ Press
On-line Course Resources:

Outcomes of the course:

• Co-1: Understand and discuss current issues and research in searching and
information retrieval
• CO-2: Appreciate the capabilities and limitations of information retrieval systems
• CO-3: Identify search concepts in an information request
• CO-4:Identify and exploit characteristics of reference and source databases and
search systems for effective searching
• CO-5:Identify and discuss problems, issues, and future developments in
information retrieval

Test 1
Q1 – Understanding Basic Models of IR, ranked retrieval, text-similarity metrics.
Q2 - Describe Document is represented inside a computer, Automatic classification
methods in general
Test 2
Q4 – classification methods in IR, File Structures in IR
Q5 – Analysis of Search strategies in IR, Use of feedback
Q6 – Understanding collections structured in different ways

End Semester Exam

Q7 – Evaluate Different retrieval models
Q8 – Usage of these state-of-art classification methods in IR
Q9 – Problem Solving in Formal model for enhancing retrieval
Q10 – Analysis of Multimedia IR and Digital Libraries
Q11 – Model verification and analysis of Parallel and distributed IR

Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

1. PO-1: Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of

programming, algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of
Computer Science.
2. PO-3: Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software
development in industry.
3. PO-4: Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative
solutions to real life problems faced by the industry.
4. PO-7: Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art
technologies and tools including Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in
developing software.
5. PO-9: Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive
examinations like GATE, GRE, CAT for higher education.
6. PO-10: Graduates will be able to demonstrate their qualities of learning and
demonstrating latest technology
7. PO-11: Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

Mapping of Questions to CO’s:

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 3,4
6 4,5
7 1,2
8 2,3
9 4
10 4,5
11 5

Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,3
3 4,7
4 9,10
5 11

Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date(As per

Academic Calendar)
Quiz I 20 August 25-28, 2014
Quiz II 20 September 22-25, 2014
End Sem Exam 60 November 19 – December 02, 2014

(Prof J V Aghav) Ghotkar Santosh .N.

Head Comp IT Dept Subject in Charge
Mobile: 99224060095
College of Engineering Pune URL:
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: INFORMATION RETRIEVAL LAB (Elective –I)

Teaching Scheme: Lab- 2 Hrs/Week Examination Scheme: Term Work: 50 Marks

Oral: 50 Marks

Academic Year:2014-15 Class: B Tech Semester:VII

List of Assignments:
1. To implement Conflation Algorithm.
2. Assignments based on classification
3. To implement a program for graphic theoretic method for Clustering.
4. To implement a program Retrieval of documents using Cluster based search strategies.
5. Assignments based on Multimedia IR.
6. Assignments based on Digital Libraries.

Outcomes of the Lab:

a) understand and apply the basic concepts of information retrieval;

b) appreciate the limitations of different information retrieval techniques;
c) write programs to implement search engines;
d) evaluate search engines; Attributes for all-roundedness
e) develop skills in problem solving using systematic approaches;
f) solve complex problems in groups and develop group work

(Prof J V Aghav) Ghotkar Santosh N.

Head Comp IT Dept Subject in Charge
Mobile: 99224 60095
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: Course: Foundations of Finance Practical

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 2 hours/week Examination Scheme: Term work 50marks

Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VI

Teaching Learning Interaction

The list of following assignments shall be executed as per the discussions in theory classes.

Sr. No. Assignments

1 Write a program for return calculations in R.

2 Write a program to compute optimized portfolios using R functions

3 Analyze Time Series using R

2. Text Book:

• Eugene F. Brigham, Fundamentals of Financial Management 12th Edition, South

Western, ISBN-13 9788131518571
• Ruey S. Tsay, Analysis of Financial Time Series, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-13
• Steven E. Shreve, Stochastic Calculus for Finance l, New Age International, ISBN-
13 9788184892727

3. Reference Books:

• Sheldon M. Ross, Stochastic Processes, Wiley India, ISBN 13 9788126517572

• Richard Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill Education India Pvt
Ltd, ISBN-13 9781259004650

4. On-line Course Resources:




Page 1 of 2
5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

As per given in the above section Teaching Learning Interaction

6. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

(1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,

algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.

(3) Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.

(4) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life
problems faced by the industry.

(6) Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.

(7) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering and IT industry.

7. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1,3
2 3
3 4
4 3, 6
5 7

8. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 1,7
3 4
4 7
5 4,5
6 6
7 3

9. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Term work +oral 50 As per academic calendar

(Dr J V Aghav) (Preeti K)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge
Page 2 of 2
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: DE Course: Graph Theory and Applications

Teaching Scheme: Lectures- 3 hours/week Examination Scheme: Tests/ Quizzes- 40 Marks

ESE-60 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

SN Unit Topic Lecture(s) Total

Definitions of terms such as graph, vertex set, edge set,
01 I connected graphs, bipartite graphs, trees, path, cycle, graphic 2 2
sequences etc.
Fundamental theorems related to the basic concepts studied in
02 II 6 6
unit - I
Matchings, Perfect Matching 1
Berge’s theorem 2
03 III Hall’s theorem, 2 8
Konig-Egervary theorem 1
Applications of Matchings 2
Cuts and Connectivity 1
Flows in Directed Graphs, Max-flow min-cut theorem 3
04 IV 8
Menger‟s Theorem 2
Applications of Menger‟s Theorem 2
Independence and coloring: Brooks' theorem 2
Coloring maps, Greedy coloring algorithm 2
05 V 6
Coloring edges - Vizing's Theorem 1
Applications of graph coloring 1
Data structures for graph representation 1
Algorithms related to matchings 1
06 VI 6
Algorithms related to network flows and connectivity 2
Algorithms related to graph coloring 2
Total 36

Page 1 of 4
2. Text Book:

• Douglas B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, Prentice-Hall, ISBN-13 9788120321427

• Reinhard Diestel, Graph Theory, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-13 9788184890853

3. Reference Books:

1. Bela Bollobas, Modern Graph Theory, Springer, ISBN 139788181283092

4. On-line Course Resources:

1. NPTEL course on graph theory (available on COEP site)

5. List of Assignments/ home works /problems:

1. Implementation of various graph algorithms related to matchigs, connectivity and


Page 2 of 4
6. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

 CO 1: Students will be introduced to the terminology of graph theory

 CO 2: Students will learn fundamentals theorems in graph theory related to matching,
coloring, connectivity etc
 CO 3: Students will be exposed to issues related to design and implementation of graph
 CO 4: This course will expose students to different aspects of graph theory which would be
useful in higher studies, research and working in different domains

7. Questions (Not full question – just type/ theme/topic / abstract):

Submission of question-wise marks obtained in excel sheet to the Department. Note: Same
sequence of questions is to be maintained in excel sheet and also mapping in item (9) below.

Test- 1 examination:

 Question 1: Understanding basic terminology and concepts in graph theory

 Question 2: Fundamental theorems related to concepts such as relationship between
vertices and degrees, degree sequences and drawability etc

Test- 2 examination:

 Question 1: Definition of matching, Matching in bipartite graphs

 Question 2 : Hall’s theorem, Berge’s theorem, Applications of matchings

End Semester examination:

 Question 1: Basic concepts and terminology

 Question 2: Fundamental theorems of graph theory
 Question 3: Matchings, theorems related to matchings and applications of matchings
 Question 4: Connectivity, network flows, max-flow min-cut theorem
 Question 5: Theorems related to graph coloring
 Question 6: Design and implementation of graph algorithms

Page 3 of 4
8. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:
Full listing on URL
1) Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming,
algorithms and programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2) Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real
life problems faced by the industry.
3) Graduates will demonstrate capability to work in teams and in professional work
4) Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time
to Computer Engineering.
5) Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and
tools including Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing
6) Graduates will demonstrate good performance at the competitive examinations like
GATE, GRE, CAT for higher education.
7) Graduates will be able to develop the capability for self-learning.

9. Mapping of Questions to CO’s: (Sequence of Questions as per item 7)

Questions CO’s
1 1
2 2
3 2, 3
4 2, 3
5 2, 3
6 2, 3, 4

10. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1
2 4
3 1, 2, 3, 5
4 6, 7

11. Evaluation Scheme:

Examination Marks Date

Quiz I 20 As per academic schedule
Quiz II 20 As per academic schedule
End Sem Exam 60 As per academic schedule

(Dr J V Aghav) (S P Gosavi)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 4 of 4
College of Engineering, Pune
Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology
Course Plan
Course Code: PCC Course: Graph Theory and Applications Lab

Teaching Scheme: Lab session - 2 hours/week Examination Scheme: Term work - 50 marks
Practical - 50 Marks
Academic Year: 2014-15 Class: Final Year B Tech Semester: VII

1. Teaching Learning Interaction: (Class, Tutorials, Assignments, presentations, home works)

Sr Assignment
1 Decide whether a given degree sequence is graphical (that is, it corresponds to a simple graph)
2 Find out if the given graph is connected and also decide the number of connected components in
the graph.
3 Find all directed circuits in a digraph.
4 Given a connected even graph G and a specified vertex u of G, find an Euler tour of G starting
(and ending) at u using BFS (Breadth First Search) method
5 Find either a bipartition or an odd cycle in a given graph.
6 Find a maximal matching in a bipartite graph.
7 Color a graph using greedy method so that at most (Δ+1) colors are used (Δ represents maximum
degree of the graph).
8 Implement Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to compute maximum flow in a flow network

2. Learning Outcomes of the Course:

CO 1: Describe Understand the nitty-gritty of some basic algorithms in Graph Theory

CO 2: Understand the implementation issues (such as choosing appropriate data structures, writing
modular code etc) related to implementation of complex algorithms
CO 3: Get more proficiency in the language used for implementation

3. Program Outcomes relevant to the Outcomes:

Full listing on URL

1. Graduates will demonstrate basic knowledge in fundamentals of programming, algorithms and

programming technologies and fundamentals of Computer Science.
2. Graduates will have knowledge of the best practices in software development in industry.
3. Graduates will be able to demonstrate the ability to design creative solutions to real life problems
faced by the industry.
4. Graduates will be able to communicate technical topics in written and verbal forms.
5. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of the problems most relevant in time to Computer
6. Graduates will demonstrate their ability to use the state of the art technologies and tools including
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools in developing software.

Page 1 of 2
4. Mapping of CO’s to PO’s:

CO’s PO’s
1 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6
2 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6
3 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6

5. Evaluation Scheme:
Continuous Evaluation and Practical Examination at the end of term

(Dr J V Aghav) (S P Gosavi)

Head, Comp IT Dept Course in charge

Page 2 of 2

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