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MANTRADE WORKERS UNION v. BACUNGAN  Respondents raised procedural and substantive objections.

They contend that:

G.R. No. L-48437/ SEP 30 1986 /FERIA, J./LABOR- Conditions of Work; Holidays; Coverage and o The decision of the voluntary arbitrator is final, as provided by law3
Exclusions/JMQAquino o Mantrade Development Corp. does not have any legal obligation to
grant its montly salaried employees holiday pay, unless it is argued that
NATURE Petition for Certiorari and Mandamus to review the decision of the pertinent section of the Rules and Regulations implementing Sec. 94
Arbitrator F. Bacungan of the Labor Code is not in conformity with the law, and thus, without
PETITIONERS Mantrade/FMMC Division Employees and Workers Union (represented by force and effect
Philippine Social Security Labor Union- PSSLU Fed.-TCP) o mandamus does not lie to compel the performance of an act which law
RESPONDENTS Arbitrator Froilan M. Bacungan and Mantrade Development Corporation does not clearly enjoin as a duty
*see notes for complete arguments raised
SUMMARY. The Union questions the LA decision that Mantrade Development Corporation
is not under a legal obligation to pay holiday pay (as provided for in Art. 94 of the LC) to its ISSUES & RATIO.
monthly paid employees who are uniformly paid by month, irrespective of the number of 1. WON decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator is final – NO.
working days therein. Under Art. 94 of the LC, monthly salaried employees are not among
those excluded from receiving holiday pay. But they appear to be excluded under Sec. 2, The decision of a voluntary arbitrator is reviewable by the court. Citing its decision in
Rule IV, Book III of the Rules and Regulations implementing the said provision. Oceanic Bic Division (FFW) v. Romero, the Court reasoned that a voluntary arbitrator by the
nature of her functions acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. There is no reason why her decisions
DOCTRINE. Monthly-paid employees are not excluded from payment of holiday pay. Sec. 2, involving interpretation of law should be beyond this Court’s review. Administrative officials
Rule IV, Book III of the implementing rules and policy instruction no. 9, issued by the then are presumed to act in accordance with law and yet we do not hesitate to pass upon their
Secretary of Labor are null and void since in the guise of clarifying the Labor Code’s work where a question of law is involved or where a showing of abuse of discretion in their
provisions on holiday pay, they in effect amended them by enlarging the scope of their official acts is properly raised in petitions for certiorari.
2. WON monthly salaried workers are excluded from holiday pay- NO

FACTS. Respondent corporation is under legal obligation to grant its monthly salaried
 Petitoner Mantrade Union files a petition for certiorari and mandamus against the employees holiday pay. As decided by the court in Insular Bank of Asia and American
respondent Voluntary Arbitrator Bacungan and Mantrade Development Employees’ Union v Inciong, Sec. 2, Rule IV, Book III of the Rules and Regulations
Corporation. Implementing the Labor Code is null and void for enlarging the scope of the exclusion
 Bacungan ruled that, “Mantrade Development Corporation is not under legal provided for in Art. 94. Art. 824 provides for the inclusion, and Art. 94 provides for exclusion.
obligation to pay holiday pay (as provided for in Article 941 of the Labor Code in Taken together, it is clear that monthly-paid employees are not excluded from payment of
the third official Department of Labor edition) to its monthly paid employees who holiday pay. An administrative interpretation which diminishes the benefits of labor more
are uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of the number of working days than what the statute delimits or withholds is ultra vires.
therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory or established minimum wage.”
 Mantrade Union questions the validity of the Sec. 2, Rule IV, Book III2 of the Rules 2. WON mandamus is the proper remedy – YES
and Regulations Implementing the Labor Code as amended on which Bacungan Mandamus is an appropriate equitable remedy, in view of the above-cited subsequent
based his decision. decisions of this Court clearly defining the legal duty to grant holiday pay to monthly
salaried employees
ART. 94. Right to holiday pay.—(a) Every worker shall be paid his regular daily wage during regular
holidays, except in retail These contentions have been ruled against in the decision of and service
establishments regularly employing less than ten (10) workers; 3Article 263 of the Labor Code, which provides in part that "voluntary arbitration awards or decisions
(b) The employer may require an employee to work on any holiday but such employee shall be paid
shall be final, inappealable, and executory," ; the rules implementing the Labor Code; the pertinent
compensation equivalent to twice his regular rate; and 

provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between petitioner and respondent corporation; and
(c) As used in this Article, “holiday” includes: New Year’s Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the ninth
Article 2044 of the Civil Code which provides that "any stipulation that the arbitrators‟ award or
of April, the first of May, the twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the 
 thirtieth of November, the
decision shall be final, is valid, without prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039, and 2040.
twenty-fifth and the thirtieth of December, and the day designated by law for holding a general
election. 4 Art. 82. Coverage.—The provision of this Title shall apply to employees in all establishments and
2 SEC. 2. Status of employees paid by the month.—Employees who are uniformly paid by the month, undertakings, whether for profit or not, but not to government employees, managerial employees, field
irrespective of the number of working days therein, with a salary of not less than the statutory or personnel, members of the family of the employer who are dependent on him for support, domestic
established minimum wage shall be presumed to be paid for all days in the month whether worked or helpers, persons, in the personal service of another, and workers who are paid by results as determined
not. by the Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations.’
LA Decision Set Aside. Corp ordered to grant holiday pay to its monthly salaried employees.


Mantrade Development Corporation’s Arguments

a. Petitioner is barred from pursuing the present action in view of :

 Article 263 of the Labor Code, which provides in part that "voluntary arbitration
awards or decisions shall be final, inappealable, and executory,"
 the rules implementing the Labor Code;
 the pertinent provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between
petitioner and respondent corporation; and
 Article 2044 of the Civil Code which provides that "any stipulation that the
arbitrators‟ award or decision shall be final, is valid, without prejudice to Articles
2038, 2039, and 2040.
b. the special civil action of certiorari does not lie because respondent arbitrator is not an
"officer exercising judicial functions" within the contemplation of Rule 65, Section 1, of
the Rules of Court
c. the instant petition raises an error of judgment on the part of respondent arbitrator and
not an error of jurisdiction
d. It prays for the annulment of certain rules and regulations issued by the Department of
Labor (not annulment of the voluntary arbitration proceedings)
e. appeal by certiorari under Section 29 of the Arbitration Law, Republic Act No. 876, is
not applicable to the case at bar because arbitration in labor disputes is expressly
excluded by Section 3 of said law.

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