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Minesight Guide




MSc. Solomon Ortiz Quintanilla


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Minesight Guide

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Minesight Guide

Quick Steps up to the block model

Create new project, given the limits PCF s new is created

here is created the file 10
In the compass link to the project

one) In Obsolete load Initialize Assay File p10211.dat file 11 and 12 for both
the same data.
two) The Initialize Composite File p10209.dat, set the limits of the coordinates, sale
the archive 8 and 9. These first two are the formats

3) In Assay load Load ASCII Data p20101 DH

4) All load in 2Composite Bench Compositing p50101.dat With these two last
formats created before fills.

If there are errors re-run both we can create the folder Assay and New DH View Tests, color is configured to
create the folder laws composites

Create a new folder Grids and new grid called Cad tiered planes 15 m
Geostatistics can use the Data Analyst
Creating polygons, creating solid. The geological model, encode solid

5) Make a sort, at 2-Composite (All) load file Sort Composite Data

6) In all load Obsolete Initialize File Model p.60101.dat, this file is to start
the block model, it appears file 15, raising items.

Add topography to the model. file 13

7) 5a 3Dmodeling in the file Calc User Model p61201.dat It used to enter

different values, for example values ​of specific weight per type of rock or ore.

8) In 52-3D Modeling (All) load IDW Interpolation p62001.dat It is recording with the
IDW extension (check at the end if there is 610, but create it, when the full model used to run
programs recalculation has already in operation)
9) In the 5th-3D Modeling, Calculation load Ordinary Kriging p62401.dat

Calculate User EQCU with Calc (step 7) Statistical model block (Data
Analyst). Deposit reserves ( Statistic (model) p60801.dat)

Calculation of partial

If something goes wrong is again running can be from step 1 or any other, keep in mind that you have to re-run
all forward.

To get the file 610 runs the Load ASCII Block p61001.dat but as asking the name of a file before you run the Dump
Model to ASCII

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Minesight Guide

Minesight Guide

Section 1
Drillhole data operations one

Operations digitized data (VBM = Variable Block Model) one

Modeling operations one

Ways of running the MineSight Programs two

The basic flow of MineSight two

MS Compass 4
Database 7
Header (Collar): 8
Assays 9
MineSight 4.0 interface 12
Viewer: Viewer fifteen

Menu selection (menu Selection) ..

The MineSight Viewer Status Bar (The status bar MineSight viewer) 26
Object Browser Contents (search object content) 26
The Menu Bar 27
MineSight Messages Window 29
Viewer Properties Dialog (Viewer Properties dialog box) 30
Data Object Types (Object Data Types) 36
Drillhole View Properties 37
selection 38
display 39
Survey 40
Intervals. 41
piercement 42
Strips 43
Geotech 46
Spear 47
Code DH 48
Points 54
info 55

section 2
Project Initialization
Creating a PCF (File = Project Control Project control file) 56
Working with the program Minesight 62
Files created when a project starts MineSight 3-D 65

section 3
Barreno data entry or drillhole data flow income

section 4
Loading drillhole data files on the Minesight Items data file MineSight®
Initialise Files 11 and 12 77
Loading data barreno the files 11 and 12 (this time if the file is saved 11 and 12 83

section 5
Data Barreno - Reports and statistics listing the file 11 and file
12 85
classical statistics Statistics within Minesight available operations are: 89
Statistics for assay values 90

section 6
VIEWING Drills Ms 3d
3-D display data in MineSight®94 barreno Import data from barreno in
MineSight® 94

Minesight Guide

section 7
3D 3D topography MS Points
(ASCII) file 101
Triangulation of Surfaces Topographic (creating a DTM of the surface topography)
DTM = Digital Terrain Model / Model of ground digital

To generate the contour lines Gemcom Data
Import 108
Display the properties of the imported data 111
Extending the topographic surface to cover the GSF 113
Grid Sets ( Sets grid) 117
new planes 117
renaming flat 117
multiple displays 126

section 8
Plotting CAD Minesight Building plots
Plotting 129
Plotting scale 131
Creating a title block 132
Adding a headline block the path trackpoint 134
Adding a scale bar to Path Plotting 137
Displaying / plotting drill holes with MineSight® 139
Create a plot 139
cross sections of barreno 140
Preparing a cross sectional view of the borehole for plotting 142
Displaying / plotting drill holes with Minesight 145
cross-section map of barreno _M216V1 148

Types of composites 154
How they are calculated composites 154
Initializing Files 8 and 9 156
Calculation of composite materials 158
OPTIONAL: geological Adding code to the file of composite materials 161
Listing the file 09 and the file 12 163
Display data barreno 167
Rehearse statistics for values ​of composites with p40201 program. 170
Map banks composites (Bench Map of Composite Data) 175
And assaying composites displaying side by side sections 177

Section 10 Variograms
the variogram 180
Variogram models 181
Variogram calculation and modeling 182
Variogram model 186
Variogram results and graph 187
Exercise 1 188
Exercise 2 189
Contours of data variogram 191
Geostatistical analysis with Minesight Data Analyst 194

section 11
barreno 212
Cursor scaling 222
Creating the North South polygons. 223

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Geological interpretation flat 228

Check polyline endpoints 232

editing polylines 233
Creating a solid 235
Enlazando poligonos 235
Verification of the solid surface (surface and solid verification) 244
Duplicate Faces (duplicate Faces): 244
Openings (openings) 245
Self-Intersecting Faces (Faces self-intersecting) 245
KZ geological model of the area 251
geological model of the area of ​primary sulfides PZ 252
geological model of the area of ​secondary sulfides SF 252
Pottering solid 253
Intersect Solids (solid Intersect) 254
Explode (Explode) 257
Solid fusion Primary Zone 261
Get accurate solid 263
Swap Faces (Change faces) 266
Encode each solid: 271

section 12
Initializing the model (block model file 15) Mining Models
Model items 275
Initialize File 15 model mine 276
Random verification model editing program 280
Creating a new model view 282
Associating the Geometry Object (Object geometry) with the type of material or rather
codifying the model.

Material Setting Priorities 294
Display of the rock in the composites in MS3D


section 13
Gradeshells deployment geological model
(folds of law) 301
Other styles deployment model 304
Displaying the mineralized zone in sections NS 308
section 14
Adding to the model topography topography
Loading 311
Initializing the topographic file 312
Creating a model view 13 314
Loading topographic data to model mine 318
Create a new view called TOPOMODEL model based on the item TOPO ADDITIONAL TOPIC: CREATING ANY
FILE (11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ..) 327

section 15
Mine interpolation model interpolation controls
IDW interpolation 329
Additional calculation when there are more minerals. 333
the Kriging 334
Another way to calculate the Kriging easier and recommended, 338
Debugged runs Interpolation 340
Kriging purification procedure 340
Search ellipsoidal (Ellipsoidal Search) 346
Despliege model laws 348

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Minesight Guide

Calculation of equivalent copper EQCU 350

Additional note: adding items 357
STATISTICAL our block model 360
Reservations reservoir 365
Now if I calculate the partial

section 16
Preparation of economic parameters. 395
Number of blocks: 396
As the MSEP works in six quick steps 396
Creating a model view 13 400
Creating a new model view model metr15.ept 405
Associating the Geometry Object (Object geometry) with the type of material or rather
codifying the model.

Moving topography model Metr13ept the model Metr15.ept 414
Loading topographic data to model mine 414
The next step: mine interpolation model 419
Calculation EQCU (copper equivalent) 429
Encode sterile (Waste), which is outside the mineral 431

section 17
MSOPIT design and Pushbacks Pit Limits (convolutions) Sets Surface Topography and
Geometric Constraint 436
Define Parameters for Economic Destinations 438
Costs and Discounting 444
Variable Mining Costs by Bench (optional) 445
Pit Slope Angle Scenarios 445
When specified Complex Slope 446
Design Strategy 447
BASE Pits 449
Audit Options 449
Output Instructions 450

section 17
Grosmann, price to $ 0.25 / lb Cu: 458
Let's analyze the pit with CUKRG, Lersh Grosmann, price to $ 0.40 / lb Cu: 461
Let's analyze the pit with CUKRG, Lerchs Grossmann, price to $ 0.80 / lb Cu: Let's analyze the pit with the price to
$ 1.20 / lb Cu: 466
Working with the price to $ 1.60 / lb Cu:
Let's analyze the pit with CUKRG, Lerchs Grossmann, price $ 2.0 / lb Cu: 472
Working with the price to $ 2.37 / lb Cu (same Pit 1, but now with the CUKRG) 476
Output window Instructions 482
BOTTOMS option 487

section 18
Preliminary planning law pushback and optimization cutoff Utilitarian MSPSUF
We applied a GRADESHELL (folds of law) each pushback in order to obtain sóidos Other display styles model Unfolding the area to
explode in sections NS
Analysis of the results with MSVALP through tables 531

section 19
Pitres use to calculate reserves

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Minesight Guide

Let's extend the topography of the pit 545

Another way to calculate the partial he says is better 552
Calculating stocks with pitres (first method) 558
Another way to use Pitres 563
Another way to calculate reserves 571


Pit design
Overview of the Pit Expansion tool (expansion pit) of MS3D 575
Criteria slope between ramps and pit width bank uptake 575
Exercise - Using the Pit Expansion Tool 576
Restarting in Pit Expansion tool 582
Merging the pit with topography 586
surfaces contouring 588
Deployment planes 588
midlines flat 589
Deployment section 590
Deployment of mineral exposed 591
Exercise 2 - Using Pit Expansion Tool with variable slopes 592
Create a solid material below TOPO and within the final pit design. 593
Calculating stocks with pitres (first method) 595
Use of slots (slots) in the tool for expansion of the pit: Pit Expansion 598
Merge the pit with topography 606
MS3D: Transition access channel truck Pit Expansion Tool 607

MINESIGHT Strategic Planner 616

Running the MSSP 617
Creating a new Interactive Session Planner 633
Dedicated buttons design cutting (Cut Design): 635
FURTHER READING: Routines reserve report 646
plotting 650


Displacement vectors 656
With Offset Polyline dialog Vectors 657
vector List 657
Current Survey 658
Digitalization and network design Haulage 663
Digitizing polylines following haul routes 665
When using the Surface Area Configuration tools 666
Start configuration tools Surface 666
Use the Surface Area Configuration tools 667
Mine data center planning 668
What is MSPD? 668
MSPD Basics 669
How to start 669
Create a new MSPD 670
Set the ODBC connection 671
Connect your MSPD to MineSight 3D 671
Manage your MSPD 672
Reports of plans 673
Nodes window Location 677
Route Segments tab 679
Eyelash Equip (Load / Haul) 681
Equip tab tab Sets Equip
sPEEDS 683

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Minesight Guide

Creating a new Session planner based Interactive SQL 685

Create an object Interactive Planner 685
Eyelash Material Destinations 693
Destination buttons Types 695
Eyelash Material Overrides 696
Eyelash Network Editor 697
Location options 699
Route options 700
Report Editor tab 701
MS Haulage reports 704

section 22
Editing and plotting CAD MineSight
Functions point / polyline (point / polyline) in CAD 708

Point Editor (Editor Points) 709

The Polyline menu 712
Rectangle, Square, Rectangle Centered, Centered Square 716
Circle, Ellipse, Circle Centered, Centered Ellipse 717
Append (add) 718
Assemble 719
Using function Close (close) polyline 722
Using the function Join (join) polyline 723
Other menu options Polyline 725
Densify 729
fillet 731
Offset (Offset) 732
redefine 734
Smooth 737
Splice / Splice at Node - 740
Thin (lighten or thin) 743
Co-linear points (collinear points) 744
Duplicate Points (duplicate points) 745
size Parameters 746
Create Segment polyline 747
at Active Angle ...

Create at Minimum Distance 748
Preserving Delete Nodes (Delete preserving nodes) 748
Extend (extend) 749
Extend to Intersection (extended to intersection) ... 750
Segments Extend to Intersection. (Segments extending to the intersection) 751
Intersect. (Intersection) 752
Substring polyline 754
Adjust Elevations (Elevation adjustment) 755
Copy 755
Preserving Delete Connection (clear preserving the connexion) 757
Densify ... 758
Dynamic Erase 759
Move 760
Smooth 761
Thin (lighten or thin) 762
Duplicate Points (duplicate points) 762
Offset ... 763

Project conditions


• Opencast mine potential, with metals of Cu with S content

• square area 800 x 1 100m side.
• Coordinates of the lower left corner of the north = 2400 = 1360
• Elevation range 5 m to 575 m
• Number of drillings 131
• Bench height 15 m.
• Batter pit wall 40 degrees
• Density = 2.56 ore and waste TM / m3
• Plant capacity 20,000 000TM / year
• Pit slope of 40 degrees
• 30m road width.
• mining ore and waste cost to $ 1us / TM.
• operating costs (cost of mining, administrative and floor) 9 US $ 7TM. Ground mineral.
• Embarcamiento cost, smelting, refining 0.3 US $ / lb.

The range of the dimension is given by the maximum height of the collar and the lowest level. It is found by subtracting the
minimum height of the hole minus the length of the maximum drill.

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Minesight Guide


Tables must be formatted ASCII comma delimited bone that the program only thus can read these tables.

a program text editor to read the data in this regard will csv extension tables (excel) or dat can be used.

For this case we have all files in Excel on a single sheet, which contains the following information:

• We proceed to save each of these data files on a different sheet mode CSV (comma delimited) (*. Csv), Similarly other files :: •

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Minesight Guide

At the end it is:

For rock types used the following code:




KZ 40 ROCK (may be dyke, sill or other)

PZ 10 HG Sulphide zone PRIMARY


Our first table is header (necklace) which will be made up of fields and records fields or items are the columns and rows records are worth mentioning
that each record will contain identification in this case is composed of alphanumeric data.

Always review the data, the data are not in the program header table (necklace) is not going to read it is if I have holes in collar and are not in the
other tables the program will not read it.

In other bases and other zone will

Máxim low

Easting 3191.3 2417.7

northing 5422.1 4655.7
Cota 2100 3000
Length 530.4 137.2

Minesight Guide


Like the previous one must check this table the most important items are as follows.

Holeid: each record identifier

Desde: Home of the sample.
to: End of the sample.
Interv .: Sample length. (In the present case does not exist, the program adds)
CuTOT: l ey total copper
Mo: Molybdenum grade (it can also be sulfur). And there may be more minerals, RMR, SG

The above tables are most important, should not miss when a project, in addition to these tables can be Survey, Geo begins (in this case is instead
litholog, OJO the name must not exceed 8 characters), survey appreciate the dip are negative that means is below the level would be positive if we
create holes above the topography.

Minesight Guide


The project limits

Which we find from the HEADER or COLLAR

Minesight Guide

What we have to do is the following:

• We have to find yourself the maximum and minimum column "B, C, D" which represents us our
coordinates in X, Y, Z

(The new)

• We find the difencia between the maximum and minimum.

• And we find our area of ​influence, but how?

• For the X, Y, Z maximum we must add the (max + difference)
• For the X, Y, Z minimum we have to subtract the (min -Difference)
• Round them to add an integer and 1000 in order that our bounding box or (cage) we need for the
block model has sufficient space to work

• Finally we have to find the size (cell size) which is the result of the difference between the maximum
and minimum divided among any number we have to give an integer result

Minesight Guide

Now we can start our project

COORDINATES AND ENTERING set up the project.

We will use the data in the right window, we will be giving 300 m margin on each side, the cota
It remains the same but it could be - 55-665

Minesight Guide



Learning objective

Having completed this section, you can:

A. Define the meaning of Project Control File ( Project control file)

B. Define what the History File ( History file)
C. Determine the project boundary
D. Initialize the PCF
E. Import PCF MineSight®
F. Surf the interface MineSight®
• When for the first time will use the Minesight, create a working directory in the desired partition you are, in our case we will call Entrenamiento13 and
C is in the partition, and this is where the files should be copied, header, assays, and lithology survey, CSV, dt or tab separated txt •

Then we will Home / Minesight / MS Compass: •


started MSCompass, click Browse, the folder is searched Entrenamiento13 that will contain the project files and click OKAY:

• This window shows because you have not

found initialised project, click OK.

Minesight Guide

• Creation of the PCF. •

It is the ruling within the Mscompas file. Defines the characteristics and
limits of the project. It is required for most programs. It is initialized only
once. You can upgrade.

• units in which will work in this case is defined metric,

choosing 3, as for plotting.

• Project Type: 3D metallic deposits.

• Initials of the project is these that will identify him

throughout the course of creating other files run (eg

metr, It could also be cursotacna bone CTAC).

• The description will appear on every page of output.

• In the next panel project coordinates indicated, and the block size (in the figure •
right side shows the coordinates that cover the entire topography that is available):

Minesight Guide

measures as block 20 long by 20 wide by 15 high are considered.

In the report output will appreciate the number of banks created a total of 60 and would have a total block 145 * 145 * 60. files are generated,
GEO10.dat and geohs.dat

Appears for several seconds the screen shown below, wait:

It appears automatically after a few seconds a window TWO and another window, this is indicative that the project is starting well.

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• We are going to File / Exit this last window and automatically also closes the DOS window:

• We started the project.

• Choose the file 10

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The setup tab will contain all the files initialised.

First file 10 is started, then 11 (assay) and 12 (Survery) before 8 and 9. can then work on the file 13 (Surface 2D). All block models are stored in the file
15. The file 25 is no longer working.

When creating the file 11 automatically file 12 is created

The eyelash Menu It is containing groups, operations and procedures of the programs that we use to locate MSCompass programs.

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The eyelash Option multicorridas helps us to do that is run several times a program of MSCompass.

The eyelash Project It allows us to initialize the files 11, 12, 9, etc.

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Tab extent the entered and calculated parameters shown:

• We click on File / Save ( data is automatically saved in the file geo.prj).

• Exit the Compass, go to File / Exit:

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Minesight Guide

Working with the program Minesight

• entered the MS 3D ( Minesight program) In the window that appears, select the folder

• We create a new folder of the project in MS3D

• This panel is selected on PCF initialised with MSCompass

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Minesight Guide

Two objects, called Project Settings ( Project fixations) Y

Viewer 1 ( Display 1), They are created in the < msresources>.
Project Settings It contains the limits of project units and similar information.
Double-click Project Settings Minesight and access the Project Settings window.

In the Data Manager window:

The Viewer 1 ( Display 1) is the Viewer window ( Display).

This is listed as an object because you can have multiple viewers at once and have
different properties in each display. The two folders that are created from the folder

<Unnamed> Items ( items) Y Materials. Folder items item contains cuts. Folder Materials
It contains all types of material for the project. No other object should be in these
two folders at this stage of the project.

• Let the menubar File and select Project Settings, eyelash Properties / Properties
(You can also right clicking on Project Settings of the Data Manager and go to You properties, or double-click the object named Project Settings):

• you click on the tab Properties and is marked boxes Show Bounding Box ( Show limiting box) box displays a perimeter fence around a project
area, where the drawing will. The option, Show Axes ( Show axes) displays the x, y, z with labels coordinate.

• To display the current coordinates make sure it is ON ( ACTIVATED) the option show Axes
( Show axes). Then click on the tab You properties.

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Minesight Guide

A window Object Properties ( Object Properties) appears.

• From the tab General, active when dialing ON the option Show point data ( Show data point) Y Data is selectable in viewers. So that the
dimensions are seen in the Viewer must be enabled icon L enclosed shown in the figure below:

• You should go to the tab Labels ( tags) and resize the labels 25 ( to display coordinates in the bucket). Other properties such as color, line type, line
width, etc., can also be changed in this window from the tab. and click Okay

• Returning to the window Setting Space Project click okay to exit setup:

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Minesight Guide

You can move the cube simultaneously pressing the shift key and the middle mouse wheel, moving the mouse, as desired to move the cube, or also by
pressing the center wheel and right button.

In Of the , double-click Project Settings and you can access

and make changes at any time to the configuration just

Files created when a project starts MineSight 3-D

MineSight ® 3-D uses a small number of files needed, but during the course of a project, a large number of support dartos and files are created. All
these files are in a folder called _ msresources, which it is found as a subfolder in the folder MineSight ® project.

Folder _ msresources It is created when the MineSight 3-D project is initialized, and the default folders and contains the following files:

• three subfolders are created, \ materials \ objects and \ settings (materials, items, setting);

or Items folder (Items) is initially empty.

or The toolkit (Materials), it contains 20 default materials. These materials

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default, the file name extension *. MSR, it should not be deleted, even if you do not exist in MineSight 3-D home that will be created.

or Settings folder (Setting) contains. XML files used by ms3d Tools. At

start of the project, this folder contains cursor.xml and texture.xml. Using the Pit Expansion Tool , The state is stored in boxes,

or Project settings.msr - Containing the information entered into the dialog box initialization
of the project. If the file is deleted settings.msr project, You will be asked the limits of the new project at the start of MineSight ® 3-D. This can
be useful if you need to reset the origin of the project (for internal normalization of the project) to a more reasonable value.

or dialogs.ptf - This file contains records of user parameters MineSight several dialogues
® 3-D, and specific entries tools, editor, model code fixed geometry, etc. Warning: the file dialogs.ptf never It should be deleted.

or Viewer1.msr, Y Viewer1.msr% - The Viewer1.msr file is the default value Object Viewer,
and Viewer1.msr% is a backup of this object. If Viewer1 files, which will be recreated the next time MineSight ® 3-D is released erased.

or msAudit.txt - The MineSight audit file is created in the local project directory (not the
directory \ _msresources). This file records all entries message in the message window MineSight and each execution of a procedure ms
Compass tools or operations such as coding model and the actual thickness of the instrument will enter information such as statistics for
archiving process msaudit.txt.

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Barreno data entry or DRILLING
Learning objective

Prior to this section must be initialized the project. (Jump to the end of this chapter when yase have the data file). When
you have completed this section, you can:

TO. Barreno data format to an ASCII file hole.

B. Review the data to see if there are errors and limits and then load them to Minesight ®.

Income data stream

As shown in the diagram below, must carry data from drill logs to Minesight. To do this, create an ASCII file of your data in
the format required for the program M201V1 recognize it. There are several ways to create this file and you can use the one
you prefer. If you have ASCII files separate information coordinate necklace, topographical information along the borehole
and information sampling interval, you can use the procedure CONCSA to merge these three files in an ASCII file in the
format required for M201V1 program. Other ways include using the text editor such as kedit, or program electronic
spreadsheet such as EXCEL. As the ASCII file barreno is created, it will use the M201V1 to load a Minesight ®.

program used CONCSA: A conversion program data barreno CONCSA is included with MineSight. This program will take a
data file necklace, file topographic along the drill data, a data file interval assaying and up to four optional data files
geological interval and merge all information in a file format required by Minesight ®.

In your project directory you will find the following four files:
COLLAR.DAT - Hole collar coordinates (in the current bag is called Header.csv) SURVEY.DAT - (Now the
same name extension csv) topographic data along the hole
ASSAY.DAT - Rehearse interval data for Copper and Molybdenum (same name extension csv).
GEO.DAT - Geological data interval zones oxide / sulfide (in this case litholog.csv).

Let's use the program CONCSA to merge the information from these four files in a file ASCII format called DAT201.IA from
the collar, Asays, Survey tables,

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lithology. Which can be read with a text editor. Then in the next section of this manual, the file DAT201.IA It will be used to
load data from barreno in Minesight ®.

• In the menu we will MineSight / Compass / Menu and selected as indicated in Figure ellipses:

Group (Group) = Assays ( ASSAYS)

Operation (Operation) = Data Convert ( Convert data)
Procedure (Procedure) = Convert Collar, Survey, Assay Files ( Convert necklace, topographic data, files Rehearse)

Panel 1 File Information entered necklace

• Once you run CONCSA In the window that appears will be Edit / File Chooser and is chosen
header.csv ( necklace) (we can also have files with extension dat), and you click on Open:

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• You must take into account the table header but contains header is placed ( 0) in
number of first (header) to skip lines if you have placed header one means that the program will not read the first row but
will skip to the next, then the number of fields of the table, and then fills the field number where each item is located. In

Output file name can be given a name such soundings, otherwise assumes default dat201.ia

Remember the order of header.csv:

Panel 2 file information entered survey data

• The next panel is optional and is filled in the same way (go to Edit / File Chooser) and is chosen

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Panel 3 Rehearse file information entered

• The next panel is similar to ASSAY


Panel 4 File Information entered Rehearse

It has an additional panel for Assays to place the metals have in the table.

• We must take into account in this panel for numbers is filled with a value two and letters
one it is important to review the data and we could have laws that are empty or being filled with letters in this way we are considering that this
figure is a number and no character will cause us problems. It is also important to note the order shown in the table excel the previous figure, at
position 4 the CU% abbreviated by CUTOT (total copper) in the figure below:

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Of other

Panel 5 Information entered geology files

• Similarly to Table litholog ( go to Edit / File Chooser and choose litholog).

Panel 6 Information entered geology File 1

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CONCSA execution program produces a report file named RPTCSA.LA, that is displayed on the screen for you.

Check it to see if there are any error messages.

The merged data file barreno, DAT201.IA, It is also created.

It can also be displayed by selecting Utilities _FILE Viewer the window Minesight
Procedure Manager. Do this, and compare the file format with the format shown earlier in this section.

Displayed few moments

• Then the DOS window appears, asking you press a key to continue, this is done and another window appears:

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• To leave is to be File / Exit:

• Exit compass.

• the file is displayed dat201.ia Training in the folder, when loaded with the browser, which shows the items with which
we will work if we found values ​of -1 means that you have not found values ​in the tables

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In particular they represent:

This order must be taken into account later:

Mines already have the data in the latter form and thereafter it is working (eg instead of dat201.ia already has a
data.txt file)

The structure of the entry hole ( dat201.ia file or another name that has been given)

The order of the data file barreno for barreno ASCII should be as follows:

one. Line Necklace

two. Optional topographic lines
3. Final line survey data (DH-IDENT followed by blanks)
Four. Assay intervals (one per line)
5. Final assaying line (blank). An example:

SM-017 10990.6 10838.2 4113.2 . 000 90 000 48.8

SM-017 . 000 6,100 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-017 6,100 12,200 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-017 12,200 18,300 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-017 18,300 24,400 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-017 24,400 30,500 6,100 . 370 . 019 1000

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Minesight Guide

SM-017 30,500 36,600 6,100 . 370 . 019 1000

SM-017 36,600 42,700 6,100 . 350 . 017 1000
SM-017 42,700 48,800 6,100 . 380 . 020 1000

SM-020 10533.4 10685.8 4078.4 92,000 74,000 506.00

SM-020 152.4 304.8 152.4 90,000 -75,000
SM-020 304.8 506.0 201.2 89,000 77,000
SM-020. 000 6,100 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-020 6,100 12,200 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-020 12200 18,300 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-020 18300 24,400 6,100 . 000 . 000 1000
SM-020 24400 30,500 6,100 . 400 . 020 1000
SM-020 30500 36,600 6,100 . 410 . 022 1000
SM-36 600 020 42,700 6,100 . 380 . 018 1000
SM-42 700 020 48,800 6,100 . 400 . 020 1000

This is an example of the format of the data to ASCII file barreno. This shows the data for the hole SM-020

1. Line necklace

This is the standard line information collar. If your data is in another format, please contact Mintec.

DH-IDENT Identification hole (max. Of 10 columns)

XC Easting necklace
YC North coordinate necklace
ZC Elevation necklace
AZIM Azimut pit (North)
DIP Dip ( Inclination) pit
TLEN Total length of barreno

2. topographical lines (Optional)

No need to specify the topographic lines for holes that have no topography along the hole. If a hole has no topography
along the hole, you can specify the topographic lines with the same format as for the line collar.

DH-IDENT Identification hole (max. Of 10 columns)

DESDE Depth at the beginning of the topography
TO Depth at the end of the topography
LENGTH Topographic length interval
AZIM Azimuth survey data (North)
DIP Dip topographic data

The only difference between a topographic line and collar is that FROM ( OF), TO ( FOR) and LENGTH ( LENGTH) They are
entered instead are XC, YC and ZC. Exactly the same columns should be used for the data lines collar and topographic data.

The succesivos topographic intervals should be continuous along the distance of the hole. The full length of the hole must be
covered by topographic intervals, even if no data given assay for topographic interval.

3. Final line survey data

Enter the DH-IDENT in this line. The rest of the line is blank.

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Minesight Guide

4. Lines interval assay

The data lines may be interval assay in any order and any format while the first is DH-IDENT.

DH-IDENT Identification hole (max. Of 10 columns)

DESDE Depth at the beginning of interval
- TO- Depth at the end of interval
-AI- Interval length (for verification)
label As the first item Grit
label As the second item Grit
label last item

The -ai- item is optional. If it is not present in the ASCII file it will be calculated as the difference between
-TO- and FROM and will be stored in the file 11. Items DH-IDENT, FROM and -to- must be entered. Other items can be
Rehearse values, relationships, physical parameters or engineering, geological codes, rent, etc. Extras items can be
specified although not part of the data to be stored in the file 11. These extra items are ignored when data for each assay
interval are stored in the file Minesight.

Missing values ​are specified when entering data that is less than the minimum value for the item, ie, if the minimum
value for Cu is 0.0, use -1.0 to specify a missing value.

Items that are specified in the data file Minesight, but are not admitted to the M201V1 will be treated as undefined
values ​(-2).

Geology codes can be entered with M201V1, or can be added later with M205V1.

5. Blank line

Enter a blank line to complete the entry, followed by a line of new collar for the next hole.

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Minesight Guide


Loading drillhole data files on file creation Minesight 11 and 12 ( start here when you already have a base
with extension txt or dat)

Learning objective

When you have completed this section, you can:

TO. Understand the meaning of item descriptors data file Minesight ®

B. Assign values ​to file descriptors data item Minesight ®
C. Initialise Files 11 and 12
D. Barreno verify income limits and errors ASCII
AND. Load the input files hole 11 and 12

In the menu go to Minesight / Compass, if that is not activated the project, we note that the box is empty go File / Open and
choose the file 10 as seen in the figure, but this only if necessary, but not ( EYE Being in Compass IT IS NOT NECESSARY open
the project geo.prj, because the project when the program starts automatically open, but if the project and its path was not
shown, is applied as shown in the figure below)

Item data file Minesight ®

A item It is the smallest amount of information that is considered by Minesight. Assaying, geological codes and total barreno feet are examples of items.
Each item is either a numeric value or an alphanumeric value of four characters. Each item has a set number of descriptors. You must assign values ​to
these descriptors item for each item. The descriptors are:

one. Label Item ( Label item) -One five alphanumeric characters used to describe the item. The first character must be alphabetic. Do not use the
characters "/, *, _, -." Or spaces between characters.

2. Min. Value (Min value) -The minimum numerical value item can have. The items will usually have a minimum value of 0. coordinate items can be a
positive or negative minimum value. Values ​less than the minimum value are treated as missing values ​for most programs.

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Minesight Guide

3. Max. Value (maximum value) -The maximum numerical value that the item may have. If an input value (or calculated value) exceeds this maximum, it
is automatically reduced to a minimum. If the maximum value is entered as zero (0.0), reserves a word of entire computer for the item.

4. Precision-A numeric value whose magnitude specifies the least significant digit To be
maintained for the item. If a law is significant to 1/1000 of a percent, then the accuracy = 0.001. If accuracy is not explicitly specified, the default is
set to 1.0.

An accuracy of 1.0 is indicative of the precision integer.

5. roundoff ( Rounding) -The rounding is automatically calculated as rounding = Accuracy / 2.0 -


alphanumeric characters are used for items such as labels and borehole geological codes. These items should be assigned:

tag 5 or less characters a Min value. 0 a Max. 0 and

-1 accuracy.

The "value" or the length of an alphanumeric item can not exceed four characters. If you need more than four characters for a name, you need to define
two or more items. Alphanumeric items are restricted in use for plotting and listing certain programs.

Initialise Files 11 and 12

The first two files usually used in MineSight® are the File 11 containing data of drill hole assay, and File 12, which contains topographic data necklace
and depth and deviation of the holes. Before these files are used, they must be initialized, or configured with the items they contain.

• being in Minesight / Compass / go to menu tab, Select:

Group Name (Group Name) = All It can also be 16.- Obsolete

Operations Type (operations) = Initialize ( Initialize)
Procedure Desc. ( Description of procedure) = Initialize Assay File- p10211.dat

The program is to initialize p10211

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Minesight Guide

. or can be:

Panel 1 Create / Update files Rehearse and necklace

Enter the file name extension for your files 11 and 12.

Items required for Rehearse file (File 11) MINESIGHT ®

• Enter the information items to be kept for each interval tested. Topographic items are automatically entered. For this project, allow up 160 holes
in this project we have 131). The deeper than expected is 600 m, and the interval is longer assay 30.

Store values ​accurately 0.01. If we want to accurately 3 decimal place 0.001

(AI length is calculated automatically, note that is standing in the order they appear in the file dat201.ia).

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we can give DAT extension to present them as they

are run program files:

Panel 2 optional data items tested in Minesight for Files 9 and 11

Continue to put the data in the database (CU, CUS, MO, ROCK TYPE, ROCK CODE), and can continue adding
other optional data items. XTRA1 Y XTRA2 They are leftover items. To put the accuracy consult the database, Cu
and Mo that we require 3 decimals.

• Enter Label ( Label), Min, Max and Accuracy for all the items you want to store in File 11.


• You do not have to enter any item to the File 12; These are all standard and are automatically entered when creating
the file 11. After you are done with these panels Records 11 and 12 are initialized.

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a DOS window, which asks you press any key and displays the following window appears

• To leave is to be File / Exit in the notebook, and leaves the Compass. Files appear as 11 and 12

( Note.- course where you already have files prepared, at this point you must copy the file or data
SONDAJES is plain, unformatted dat201.ia)


Barreno reviewing ASCII file before carguío

It is always good idea to check your data for errors before loading the files 11 and 12 Minesight. We have
provided an option in our program carguío blasthole data (M201V1) that allows the user to first review the
data for errors before loading. Execute this program twice:

• First to check for errors.

• Second to load the data if errors are found.
• In the Menu tab MineSight Compass, select:

Group name (group name) = Assays ( ASSAYS)

Operations type (type of operation) = Data Convert ( Convert data)
Procedure Desc. (Description of procedure) = Load Data ASCII DH - p20101.dat ( Load data from ASCII barreno)

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Minesight Guide

Panel 1 Panel information ASCII data file income

• Placed as the file name to dat201.ia We created the CONCSA (let's Edit / File Chooser
and select dat201.ia). Or choose datos.txt if it was the name that was given (if the file already has data all integrated data, and the step is not
running concsa). Eye default format is free, it is not necessary to two because it is by default.

S i was the case of file data, It would have to choose the way as explained in the following figure:

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Panel 2 barreno Load ASCII data files to Minesight

In this panel indicate that we only want to verify the data by clicking the appropriate box. As part of the verification we will report intervals spaces hole.

• Then in the window that appears mark:

/ = Check data only (only revise data) 3 = id to place a new

duplicate / = id append data to archivo11

/ = Find empty values ​that could be seen in the assays. / = To report missing data in
drillhole intervals.

Panel 3 Labels blasthole data items to be used in this Run

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• We enter the items in the order they appear in the file dat201.ia ( or may be data.txt) that by default is offered to us in this way.


Panel 4 Check data against Min-Max values ​specified by the user

• The next panel we left blank, we click on the arrow to the right, to continue:

(It may also be placed at a minimum value of -1 in assaying metals and rock because it consider this we reported
values ​outside the range, it would be placed according to the above order, (however or we will leave all white). .

could be:


DOS type window that shows if there are errors (should be zero errors) and asks us to press appears

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any key

This information appears on the screen during the run 201. The MAX and MIN show any value outside the PCF limits. Any values ​(-1) would be
included in missing the MIN column. M11 and N11 are the cumulative number of intervals assay (-ai-)

Loading data barreno the files 11 and 12 (this time if the file is saved 11 and 12

After correcting any errors reported by the data verification run, you can run the same program again (M201V1) to load data from ASCII Files barreno
to 11 and 12.

• Back in the Minesight Compass, Menu tab, select:

Group Name ( Group name) = Assays ( ASSAYS)

Operations type ( Type of operation) = Data Convert ( Convert data)
Procedure Desc. ( Description of procedure) = DH Load ASCII Data - p20101.dat ( Load data
from ASCII barreno)

This time, the option of checking and verification option blasthole duplicate in the Panel off
2. The other panels may remain the same as in the previous run.

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We run the program again p20101 and this time deactivate verification option ( check data only) and the duplicate check option holes ( DH duplicate

• The next we like:

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If there are any errors for example in the figure below we see that an error occurs in a range of drill B225 having a value of copper grade higher than the
minimum, we can correct it and re-run the compass. So far we have 11 and 12 files loaded. In the section after two back to continue filling the other files

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Prior to this section because we create in the MSCompass

1. The PCF (project control file)

2. Run the conversion program CONCSA (dat201.ia creates the file)

3. Initialize file 11 and file 12.

4. Load the holes with p20101.dat program

When you have completed this section, you'll know:

A. Unfolding / plot holes (necklaces and cross sections) in MineSight®.

B. Unfolding / plot holes (necklaces and cross sections) in Minesight.

3-D display data borehole MineSight® ®

In addition to deployments plan map and cross section data barreno, MineSight also lets you view,
interrogate and edit the data in a 3-D environment using the MineSight program

Import data in MineSight barreno ®

To import data barreno in MineSight®, do the following:

• Highlight the window MineSight® Data Manager ( Data Manager) click on

<_Msresources> Right-click and select New / Folder ( New folder).
• Name the folder 1.Assays ( assaying) or it deems appropriate name and click OKAY.

• Highlight the folder created 1.Assays ( Assaying) right click and select New / DH View ( NuevaVista borehole) / Minesight.

• a data type is created View drillhole. Which it is given the name TOTCU or the that it deems appropriate, click on OKAY.

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Minesight Guide

• Click on Select PCF ( Select PCF) and select geo10.dat.

• Select the file 11 and 12 which are activated by default, for this click
in metr11.dat Y metr12.dat. Click on OKAY.

• Click on Do not To the question, Do you want to limit the items available in esta DH / BH view? ( Do you want to limit the
items available in this view of borehole / blasting hole?)

If we have not made any mistakes drills list loaded in the display properties window is displayed drill.

If the list of drills is not displayed, it is likely when loading the holes in the
Mscompas not deactivate only check data.

In later times it will enter this window click on the item giving otherwise created right click properties.

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Display data barreno

• The window Drillhole View Properties (View Properties barreno) appears. select
CU at cuttoff Item clicking on the icon on the side, then click on the button all to select all drills and load selection ( load selection) to display
them. The holes appear but are gray

• (REVIEWING A little later BEFORE SOMETHING). OK cutoffs ( Cuts) we click it we followed the panel show cut off line colors ( Note: If this
window appears no longer necessary to make the click Cutoffs) in the interval to define the colors of each interval copper grade button is selected. Another
way seen in the right lower figure is directly write the range of laws and then as shown below colors is selected, the two step that follow omitted:


• It selects all the intervals Edit / Select all. And given a listenable you properties. ( Note: This

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Minesight Guide

step is not necessary if the colors are selected manually)

• SET COLOR by range is selected to give a color to each range for display. ( note: This step is not necessary if the colors are selected

• EYE: then this step is executed only if be selected manually intervals: mark the first interval, then click Properties, then SET COLOR Range, quickly
choose the color for that interval, yellow inthis case, click OK, and then click OK. Continue selecting colors.

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• all windows are closed and we are left with the property window display drill the Survey tab is selected to display the id Bores mark 3D show id We
can also change the color and size of the label.

• The next tab is to modify intervals where we add laws for each sample drill we could also add another item as the
type of rock etc. select 3D label items modify the color we have 2 categories, Color relevant to the range or have a
single color.

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Minesight Guide

Additionally if desired can be seen in each bore shaped bar graph laws for example the total copper, by clicking
on the tab Strips:

• We can also see the identification of each drill and / or displayed by right-clicking on the display and select Hole Edit.

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We click on the drill that we desire in the viewer and show us your information.

The window Browse (Analyze) It can be used to list information for any hole, simply by selecting identifying barreno from the dropdown list. Try to
display information for barreno B230.

You can also click on any range in the Viewer window MineSight® ( Visualizer) and information for this interval will be highlighted in the Browse
window. Try.

The Browse window also provides the ability to edit barreno from the button Edit_Edit Drillhole ( Edit-edit hole). You'll get to keep any changes you make
when you select File_Close ( File-Close) in the window Browse. If you decide to keep the changes are written directly to the File 11. It is good idea to
have backup before making any edits. The backup can be done by selecting File_Backup File ( File-file backup) in the window Browse.


Now it will show how to import and view test data in Minesight. it will be importing data file 11

• In the Folder 1.ASSAYS 1.ensayos select, right click, then click Copy
• select 1.ASSAYS and right click and choose Paste. Appears Copy (1) of 1.Ensayos

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Minesight Guide

• Select Copy (1) of TOTCU and double click to open it then right click and select Properties
change the name in the View Name in Item select ROCK then the side select the color by typing the symbol of rock and giving the color modifying
Properties, on the Intervals tab to change the item to Rock and decimal zero, finally OK and exit , close 1.Ensayos. Colors: PZ = blue, SZ = Green,
LZ = Yellow, Red KZ =

• In the property window holes Viewer tab is selected Survey to display the id Bores mark 3D show text We can also change the label color and
size. EYE: TRACE lockers off (this serves to display lines of holes where no laws, better turn it off because in certain positions shown and
confused with the color of the drill and its law)

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• Select the tab

selection and verify that they are
marked Show drillholes in 3D and
also in 2D Click OK to exit the
properties window Drill:

• Remains:

If we have not made any mistakes drills list loaded in the display properties window is displayed drill, showing the Rockt.

Acontinuación we see the deployment of rock drills by type

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Abbreviation Code Rock Type

PZ 10 HG Sulphide zone PRIMARY
KZ 40 Another type of rock

Now a display of our drills by rock type but coded

- fifty -

Grid Sets ( Sets grid)

Grid Sets ( Sets grid) They are one of the four main types of data in the Data Manager ( Data Manager). Grid Sets are used to:

• pass data to limit visibility using Volume Clipping ( Cutting volume),

• "Slice" (slash) to provide data strings or markers in a new orientation for the interpretation, and

• Edit Grids define ( Grids edition) with many additional functions.

Grid Sets are created:

• Automatically, when imported a VBM, and

• When creating a Grid Set ( Set Grid) New from Data Manager.

Learning Objectives

When you have finished this exercise, you will know how to:

• Create sets of grid MineSight ® with different orientations

• Incorporate a set of grid Viewer for Cropping volume 3-D and 2-D display
• Edit a set of grid
• Create and edit a grid editing
• Force edit grid to stick to the planes of the sets of grid
• Use the edit grid to restrict the data entered
• Use the edit grid to position a set of non-orthogonal grid
• Use multiple viewports to display data in various orientations

Data and parameters required

• Suitable data objects geometry MineSight® ® 3-D. (Points, polylines or a combination of both)

• And you must have initialized one MineSight project ® 3-D.

The grid assembly MineSight® ®

The whole grid is one of the four basic types in any project MineSight ®. The most important function is set grid defining a number of planes, which can
then be used to control the amount of data to be displayed in the display MineSight® ®. There are two types of sets grid. Orthogonal (consisting plan,
section and section NS EO); and nonorthogonal, comprising vertical and non-vertical planes that do not align with any of the three directions. No limit to
the number of planes that can be created in a single set of grid. Grid assemblies

new planes

New planes can be added to set the copy plane at the corresponding grid set compensamiento. This will be added at the end of the list, and then be
numbered properly. Added planes need not have the same orientation as the other planes.

Consequently, imported from the VBM data with different orientations have different planes oriented in the Grid Set.

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Minesight Guide

renaming flat

MineSight® assigns a default name to plans, depending on the orientation of the grid set and location in space. However, there is no restriction to keep
the default names. MineSight® allows you to rename flat according to your specifications.

The data displayed in MineSight® can be viewed from any angle, a section (plane) at once, or multiple sections (planes) at a time.

In this next exercise, we will use the Grid Sets oriented in different directions: Horizontal, East-West ( East West), North-South ( North South) and N45E.
This will help us visualize our data from several different angles.

• a new folder named is created Grid, where the views are stored in section plant etc. right click on unnamed / New /
Folder It is given the name
Grid and pressed OKAY:

• Now he is in the folder Grid You just created, right click and the blind that appears is clicked new / grid Set ( set of
squares), then the name is written Horizontal planes and you click on OKAY:

• Start at the beginning of the project with a number of planes 60 (we adding further 1 is 61), since we have 60 possible
banks (from the level from 2100 to 3000) and a range of up to 15m, which is the height of our banks.

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• From the Data Manager, highlight <_ msresources> ( new map resource). Click on Viewer 1,
right click and go to properties of the latter.

• To view the data currently deployed to walk around each plane, install the Grid Set ( Set Grid) ( horizontal planes) newly
created on this display. Click on the icon grid set

(Icon showing the green grid, to the right of the option Installed Grid Set / Grid assembly installed). Highlight the
file Horizontal Planes from the browser, and click okay to complete the installation. With this step just icons are

• Highlight Volume Clipping ( Cutting volume) ( to see for sections), and change the current plane Plan 2790.

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O pass through the planes using left and right arrow (shown on the right of the line specification plane) shown

• At these levels, we are still viewing the data in 3-D. The option Volume Clipping It allows us to see the current plane
(section), plus / minus half the distance between the planes default. You can change the volume clipped clicking on the
tab clipping ( Cutout), and select either option Equal ( Same) or Unequal ( Not the same), depending on how you want to
limit the amount of data displayed.

East-West sections ( East West)

Now we create a Grid Set again oriented East-West ( East West), and we will display the data in 2-D and 3-D clipping

• Highlight the folder 2.Cuadricula ( GRIDS). Right-click and select New_Grid in September

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Minesight Guide

(New-set grid). Name this Grid Set, EW Sections ( Sections East-West).

• B. Select EW as Plane Orientation (Orientation plane), and between 117 to the number / amount of flat and plane
interval of 40 m (dimensions would 6500-3600 = 3500/40 = 72.5 = 73 levels). In the grid size must consider the
longitude west (4300 - 1400 = 2900) and height is 3000-2100 = 900 m, cell sizes of 100 m.

OPTIONAL: Creating a new display, for greater display capability

• C. Highlight <_ msresources> ( new map resource unnamed) in the Data Manager. Right-click and select New /
Viewer ( New- display). Name this display EW-Viewer.


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Minesight Guide

• D. Click on the grid East West then right-click to activate properties. We have to go to Installed Grid Set ( Set of
installed grid) and click on the icon Grid Set ( Set grid). Select East West and click okay

• E. Being open topography, click the option Plane Filter ( Flat filter) (the volume clipping means Cutting volume) and
click OKAY. Filter The Plane limited to only see the plane and no further as when the clipping is alone.

• Giving Ok window Viewer1 shown in the following figure appears, we look for the icon indicated in the toolbar, and appreciate the east-west plane
vertical, if we put it in the position shown in the original cube we must change the Azm 45 and Dip -45, it at the top in the toolbars, and alongside
this Plane, where we can select the plane you want to see:

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Minesight Guide

G. Click the File East West in the Data Manager ( Data Manager) right click go to
Properties and uncheck the option Show Surfaces ( Show surfaces), do the same in the file Horizontal planes. This will
make green lines Grid Set ( Set Grid) invisible.

So that the cutting surface display was clicked TOPO and then double-click to activate Surface topography

• we create another grid set with flat north-south orientation.

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B. Select NS as Plane Orientation (Orientation plane), and between 167 to the number / amount of flat and plane interval of 30
m (dimensions would 5000-0 = 5000/30 = 166.66 = 167 levels). In the grid size must consider the north-south (7000 - 3500 =
3500, with interval) length and height is 900 m for everyone.

Optional: If desired, you can create a display more, as follows:

• Highlight < unnamed> ( new map resource unnamed) in the Data Manager. Right-click and select New / Viewer ( New-
display). Name this display NS-Viewer.

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• Click the file named NS-Viewer then right-click to activate properties. We have to go to
Installed Grid Set ( Set of installed grid) and click on the icon Grid Set ( Set grid).

Select North South and click okay

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Minesight Guide

• Click the option Volume Clipping ( Cutting volume) and click OKAY. Filter The Plane limited to only see the plane
and no further as when the clipping is only

• Giving Ok window Viewer appears - 3D shown in the figure below, we look for the icon indicated in the toolbar, and appreciate the North-South
vertical plane, if we put it in the position shown in the original cube have to vary the Azm 45 and Dip -45, it at the top in the toolbars, and alongside
this Plane, where we can select the plane you want to view. If it were activated profile topography would be cut:

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Minesight Guide

multiple displays

Now we have two independent displays MineSight ®, We can visualize data in plain view and East-West (east-west) by doing
the following:

A. You should go to the main menu window MineSight ® and select Tile Windows ( Drop down window cascade).

noortogonales sections (N45E)

In this exercise, we will create a Grid Set ( Set Grid) allowing us to view data in 45-degree direction NE ( Northeast). To do
this you need:

TO. Create a Grid Set again called N45E.

B. Specify the orientation: Non-orthogonal.

C. Azm specify the strike and dip ( arrumbamiento / e): Four. Five Y -90, respectively (DIP him
90 to put positive source planes going upwards.

D. Specify the number / amount of flat and plane interval: 2. 3 Y fifty.

AND. Use a range of non-orthogonal plane.

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Minesight Guide

has defined as non-orthogonal planes, you can install this Grid Set ( N45E) again in the Viewer 1 ( Display 1), and wander
through the different sections. Do this as an exercise.

Although the definition of each plane of a grid set in space does not end with the size of each grid, MineSight ® It allows you
to increase the size of existing grids in any direction. To do this, highlight the file N45E in the Data Manager ( Data
Manager). Right-click and select Edit ( Edit). Change the Dip ( Inclination) Display a - Four. Five so you can get a better view
of the two axes. I dialed Show Base and Axes ( Show base and axes) in the Edit window GRID N45E. You may need to
rotate the view to determine how much you need to increase the size of the grids.

Also you need to move the Base Point ( base point) ( the starting point from which are drawn Grids / grids) 100%
of the major and minor axes.

Click on Apply ( Apply). Enter the following information for length and grid cell size for both axes, and click Apply.

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If for some reason my stitches were small, it is going to Properties and can be modified entering the edit mode, also if you want to add more

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Minesight Guide

Prior to this section must be loaded blasthole data to Minesight. In this section, calculate composites from drill hole.

After this, you can list, edit or display data. You can also develop variograms or order composites and move to mine modeling.

Learning objective

When you have completed this section, you will know about the following:

A. The definition of composites.

B. Types of composites within Minesight.
C. How to compute composites.
D. Unfold / plotting data in MineSight composite.

composites Composites:

_ They provide a basis for modeling mining _ reduce the amount of data
used for _ They provide uniform support geostatistics

Types of composites

There are three types of composites within Minesight:

_ Bank (with the 3-D model) _ Mantle

(with GSM)
_ fixed length (for geostatistics)

How they are calculated composites

Minesight calculates either a vertical or horizontal composite. Vertical composites are formed by calculating the average value of all assaying between
the foot and each bank crest. Only the portion of each assay is within the bank will be used. You can weight values ​to allow assaying different lengths or

Horizontal composites are formed by breaking the borehole and uniform lengths averaging assaying within each length.

We need a way to determine whether the inclined holes should be treated as horizontal or vertical composites. You can specify the angle where the
change from vertical to horizontal occurs
PAR4 in M501V1. If you do not enter a value, by default, the program will calculate a value based on the size of your blocks. His blocks are DX by DY
DZ. As default just use the face / face Front ( DX by DZ). Any shallower hole than the diagonal in the face is treated as a hole and any steeper / inclined
hole is treated as a vertical hole.

The angle limiting decides compositing method used, where the angle limiting is defined as the angle a



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DZ = PCF Bench Height (bench height)

DX = PCF Horizontal Block Size (horizontal block size)

The vertical composite is formed by the average of the tests between the toe (foot) and the crest (crest) of each bore. In the example below, it has
been made Rehearse each 2m of length. Vertical composites are calculated per bank. The bank 10 m averages. 6.

You can have short composites at the top and bottom of the holes, and which have lost data as shown in the diagram below. The item LNGTH Idice
as the bank has data. Notice how the lost data (-1.) Will not dilute the law.

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Initializing Files 8 and 9

The file 9 is the composite unsorted file, created from a file assay. The File 8 is the composite sorted file.

Select Group Name = All or may also be obsolete

Operations Type = Initialize the second option would be: All
Procedure Desc. = Initialize Composite File - p10209.dat

Panel 1 Create / Update Composite File Descriptors

• The file extension is DAT. Enter the minimum, maximum (as he coordinates the project) and precision required for items in the composite file. (You
can skip to place the DAT and leave blank)

The data are completed according to the PCF created at the beginning of the project.


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Panel 2 Composite Data File Optional Items

• the label, min, max, precision, items File 9 composites to note that we initialize our project with the item of Rehearse copper (CU), as shown in Figure
(default is completed we get the same that the bores above). Add some more:


Used Files RUN102.C RPT102.LC

Used Program M102V1

• Go to Archive and click Go out, at compass we see that it has generated metr08 files and metr09:

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Minesight Guide

was initiated

Calculation of composite materials

Select Group Name = COMPOSITES

Operations Type = Calculation .. it can also be the option All.
Procedure Desc. = Bench Compositing - p50101.dat

Panel 1 Calculate from Bench Composites Drillholes

• Once you initialize the file 9 and 8 the latter created by default composites calculated with the program p50101. default values ​are taken pcf, place
the value of the height of bank

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Items to Control Panel 2 Compositing

• Composites laws CU and S ( molbideno if it will also MOLY). The report can be LA or DAT extension


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• In the next panel you can be left blank or set the range to be displayed or omitted. We prefer to leave blank:


Panel 3 Compositing Options

• The following figure shows the boxes in the file 11 and file claim 9 can be put rockc having numbers (if you have bad
passes letters), to appear on the list of composite materials, (the problem is that apparently also Composita, giving
codes not appropriate for the rock preferable to pass codes later):


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Minesight Guide

Panel 4 Optional Weighting Item Definition

• Leave this blank panel.

Used Files RUN501.A

Used Program M501V1
For brief moments appears the


In the output file will see composites each bank can be seen different to the bank at the beginning and end of a drill lengths. This list composite data
is in the report file.

LNGTH e s length DH used to calculate the composite.

- TO- is the distance down the drillhole to the floor of the composite.

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Minesight Guide

In total 124 holes 2054 is processed composites


Generate a listing for composites same way as was done for drills with the program p20341

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Listing the file 09 and the file 12 ( Optional)

• We list to verify what we already have, we use the program p50301. Select: Group Name ( Group name) = composites ( composites)

Type Operations ( Type of operation) = Report ( Report)

Desc procedure. ( Description of procedure) = Composite Data List - p50301.dat ( List of composite data)

• I want the items displayed in the report is chosen.

• The two panels then not fill data:

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• Exit: go to File / Exit and luegoSalir the compass.



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Now it will show how to import and display data in Minesight composites. Basically the process of importing data composite is the same as for importing
data from the holes (drillholes). The main difference is that now will be importing the file 9 instead of the file 11

• We create the folder Composites

• Composites select and right click and choose New / DH view / Minesight. Give name Comp CUTOT ( by
total copper composites) and click OKAY.

• Select the file to display 9 and 12 composites unlike the holes where the file 11 is selected.

• As the coordinates of the composite have been stored in a topographic file (file survey), we are confident that this is specified in the
following window. click on OKAY.

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• NO answer the question: Do you want to limit the items available in esta DH / BH view ?.

Display data barreno

• The window Drillhole View Properties (View Properties barreno) appears. select
CUTOT at Cuttoff Item ( If this is no longer necessary) by clicking on the icon on the side, then click on the button all to select all drills and load
selection ( load selection) to display them.

• OK cutoffs ( Cuts) we click it we followed the panel show cut off line colors
(Note: If this window appears no longer necessary to make the click Cutoffs) which directly enter the interval laws and then and as shown below
colors are chosen, in this case example, the program is taking default colors of the intervals of the tests:

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Minesight Guide

lead yellow
green blue red
orange green
lilac purple
olive coffee

In this case the colors are already defined according to the law, but if color appears only lead
proceeds to the next step to give color to each range, but appears colored jump with figure below the following:

• the first interval is checked, then click properties, Then in SET COLOR Range, quickly choose the color for that interval, yellow inthis case, click
OK, and then click OK. Continue by selecting the colors, if desired can be varied ranges and colors.

• window closes Cutoff line colors,

• and we are left with the property window display tab is selected holes
Survey to display the id Bores mark 3D show id We can also change the color and size of the label (it will show the number of the hole in the
bottom of it and red in size write 3 so that you can visualize better, we can also put the location name of the drill is to start (start of hole).

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• The next tab is to modify intervals where we add laws for each sample drill we could also add another item as the type of rock etc. select 3D label
modify the color we have 2 categories, Color relevant to the range or have a single color.

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OPTIONAL: geological Adding code to the file of composite materials ( is applied in this case, in the above table if we go
to see that no Edit values ​Rockt)

You can load the file codes geological 9 composito Minesight through an ASCII file ( for which not mark Existing Access codes in file 11) or directly
from the file 11 Minesight assay using the procedure of Minesight p50501.dat Compass.

• Geology codes are transferred in whole without interpolation.

• geological on a majority basis codes are added
• Procedure p50501.dat of Minesight

This means that if the bank compositado height is 15 m, the geological code of each bank should correspond with the
geological code in the archi-11 (geologic code in file 11) is dominant in that particular bank (moved the rocktype which is

Select Group name => composites

Operations => Convert Data
Procedure Descriptions => Add Codes to Composites (p50501.dat)

Panel 1 - Drillhole Geologic Add Code to Composites File ( Add Codes to drillhole geology
Composite file

or Specify ASCII data entry (the default) or directly from the Archive
Rehearse 11. In this case check the box labeled Existing Access codes in File 11.
or Fields to specify file extensions

Check the box labeled Existing Access codes in File 11.

Panel 2 - Add Drillhole Geologic Code to Composites

Select items in the geologic Files 9 and 11 that apply to this run

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If we now list (load the file we see that has passed the geological code, the data items that do not have the
happening as -2:

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Panel 2 - Add Drillhole Geologic Code to Composites ( Add codes to drillhole geology
Composite file if you chose the ASCII option the cone window appears shown in figure below where it should specify:

• Fields to specify the input file of ASCII data and format

• Field to specify the item geology File 9 update.
• Fields to specify names coordinates optional item, if applicable.
• Fields to specify definitions optional horizontal composito


above was passing but it gives different numbers in areas where there are two codes, so it was dismissed at the time, will be
made later when the body is taken). Exit the Compass.

Now if we do a Refresh and we can see the rock with Edit, We follow the below process:

• Assays in Folder, closed (Close) TOTCU (if it was open) to only be visible composites.
We can also see the identification of each drill and / or displayed by clicking
right in the display and select drills Edit.

We click on the drill that we desire in the viewer and show us your information.

We can also click on the drill we want in the viewer and we

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shows your information: Compared with the previous view bores trials
we will see no difference.

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Learning objective

Prior to this section must be initialized the project. In this section you will learn about:

A. Creating a DTM (Digital Terrain Model / Digital terrain model) topographic contours.

• the TOPO folder is created in the data manager to store data types to import.

TOPOGRAPHIC SURFACES triangulating (creating a DTM of surface topography) DTM = Digital Terrain Model / Digital terrain model

In the C: \ Entrenamiento13 \ _msresources TOPO create a folder and then save the file topography, which in this case is called: topo.msr, it ie a file
MineSight. For the program to recognize these latest additions, go to the MineSight Data Manager, click _msresources then right click and clikc in refresh.

To create a solid representation of the topography of the surface, you need to create a file (Geometry Object / Geometry object) to store the resulting
triangulated surface. Do the following:

• Create a Geometry Object again called surface ( where triangulation and the corresponding surface topography is stored) within the folder TOPO ( TOPOGRAPHY
in which we already have the contour data.

• B. Highlight Surface , right click and select the option Edit ( Edit).

• C. Highlight Geometry Object mole. Right-click and select Select / All elements ( SeleccionarTodos elements). You will note that the data are being
selected change to a red color, to indicate that you have selected are all data to be used for the process of triangulation. (Being also selected
object mole you can click on the icon

then clicking the mouse drag the rectangle extending

is formed covering all points, is released and right-clicking to finish). It notes that the items are selected by taking the color red.

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• D. Select Surface / Triangulate Surface / With Selection ( Triangular superficieCon surface-selection). Select
the option to Send Results to Open Edit Object ( Send the results to an object open edition) and click OKAY.

Then click on Yes, and you will soon see a representation of clear blue colored perimeter fence.

• You should go to menu selection ( Selection) in the main window MineSight ® and select Save Selection ( Keep).
You can also click on the icon 12 left in the first row of icons ( Save Selection Edits / Retain selection editions) to
make use of the same function.

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topo closes

• Now change the properties of the triangulated surface topography of a solid surface dark orange. To accomplish this, do the following:

A. Double-right-click Geometry Object Surface To activate the window Object

You properties.

B. Select the tab general and check the option Show Faces ( Show faces

C. Click the icon Global Color ( Paint palette). Select the dark orange.

D. In the Surfaces tab and remove the check mark option Smooth Shading ( Shading
polished) to see the difference. We leave it as smooth shading.

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To place the dimensions of the levels go to properties of strings of topography

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