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Radio and radar devices are operated by high voltages of anywhere from a few hundred volts up to many
hundreds of thousands of volts. Although there is no danger with normal use, it is very dangerous if contact
is made with the internal parts of these devices. (Only specialists should attempt any maintenance, checking
or adjusting.)
There is a very high risk of death by even a few thousand volts, in some cases you can be fatally electrocuted
by just a few hundred volts. To circumvent accidents, you should avoid contact with the internal parts of
these devices at all costs. If contact is inevitable as in the case of emergency, you must switch off the devices
and ground a terminal in order to discharge the capacitors. After making certain that all the electricity is
discharged, only then can you insert your hand into the device. Wearing cotton gloves and putting your free
hand in your pocket, in order not to use both hands simultaneously, are also very good methods of shock
prevention. Quite often, an injury occurs by secondary factors, therefore it is necessary to choose a sturdy
and level working surface. If someone is electrocuted it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the affected area
and seek medical attention as soon as possible.


When you find an electrocution victim, you must first switch off the machinery and ground all circuits. If
you are unable to cut off the machinery, move the victim away from it using a non-conductive material such as
dry boards or clothing.
When someone is electrocuted, and the electrical current reaches the breathing synapses of the central nervous
system inside the brain, breathing stops. If the victim’s condition is stable, he or she can be administered
artificial respiration. An electrocution victim becomes very pale, and their pulse can be very weak or even
stop, consequently losing consciousness and becoming stiff. Administration of first aid is critical in this

☆Note points for first aid

Unless there is impending danger leave the victim where he or she is, then begin artificial respiration. Once
you begin artificial respiration, you must continue without losing rhythm.

(1) Make contacts with the victim cautiously, there is a risk that you may get electrocuted.

(2) Switch off the machinery and then move the victim away slowly if you must.

(3) Inform someone immediately (a hospital or doctor, dial emergency numbers, etc.).

(4) Lay the victim on his or her back and loosen any constructive clothing (a tie, or belt).

(5) (a) Check the victim’s pulse.

(b) Check for a heartbeat by pressing your ear against the victim’s chest.
(c) Check if the victim is breathing by putting the back of your hand or face near the victim’s face.
(d) Check the pupils of the eyes.

(6) Open the victim’s mouse and remove any artificial dentifrice, food, or chewing gum. Leave the mouth
opened and flatten the tongue with a towel or by putting something into the mouth to prevent the victim’s
tongue from obstructing the throat (If he or she is clenching their teeth and it is difficult to open the mouth,
use a spoon or the like to pry open the mouth).

(7) Continually wipe the mouth to prevent the accumulation of saliva.

☆If the victim has a pulse but is not breathing
(“Mouth to mouth” resuscitation)
Figure 1

(1) Place the victim’s head facing backward (place something under the neck like a pillow).
(2) Point the chin upward to widen the trachea.
(3) Pinch the victim’s nose, take a deep breath, then put your mouth over the victim’s mouth and exhale
completely, making sure that your mouth completely covers the victim’s mouth. Then remove your mouth.
Repeat this routine 10 to 15 times per minute (holding the nostrils).
(4) Pinch the victim’s nose, take a deep breath, then put your mouth over the victim’s mouth and exhale
completely, making sure that your mouth completely covers the victim’s mouth. Then remove your mouth.
Repeat this routine 10 to 15 times per minute (holding the nostrils).
(5) Pay attention to the victim to notice if he or she starts to breath. If breathing returns, stop resuscitation.
(6) If it is impossible to open the victim’s mouth, put something like a plastic straw or vinyl tube into one of
the nostrils then blow air in while covering the mouth and the other nostril.
(7) Occasionally, when the victim comes back to consciousness, they immediately try to stand up. Prevent
this and keep them in a laying position. Give them something warm to drink and be sure that they rest (do
not give them any alcohol).

Administering artificial respiration by raising the head.

① (1) Raise the back of head, then place one hand on

the forehead and place the other hand under the
neck. →①
Most victims open their mouth when doing this,
making “mouth to mouth” resuscitation easier.

② (2) Cover the victim’s mouth by opening your

mouth widely, then push your cheek against
the victim’s nose, →②
or pinch the victim’s nose to prevent air from
leaking out of it. →③

③ (3) Completely exhale into the lungs.

Exhale into the lungs until the chest is
You have to blow as rapidly as possible for the
first 10 times.

“Mouse to mouse” artificial respiration

Figure 1
☆If the victim has no pulse and is not breathing
(Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.)
Figure 2

If the victim has no pulse, his or her pupils are dilated, and if you cannot detect a heartbeat, the heart may have
stopped, beginning artificial respiration is critical.

(1) Put both hands on the diaphragm, with hands on top of each other keeping both arms straight (If your
elbows are bent, you cannot push with as much power). Press the diaphragm with your body weight until
the chest sinks about 2 cm (about 50 times per minute).
(2) If administering first aid when alone:
Perform the heart massage about 15 times then blow in twice. Repeat this routine.
If administering first aid with two people:
One person performs the heart massage 15 times, and the other person blows air in twice. Repeat this
routine (Heart massage and “mouth to mouth” resuscitation used together).
(3) Constantly check the pupils and the pulse, if the pupils become normal and the pulse steadies, keep them in
a laying position and give them something warm to drink, be sure that they rest (do not give them any
alcohol). In any case you have to entrust major decision making to a doctor. Having understanding
people around is essential to the victim’s recovery from the mental shock of electrocution.

① ②

③ ④

Heart massage in combination with artificial respiration.

Figure 2

Thank you for purchase of the JRC Inmarsat -C, Mobile Earth Station, JUE-85.

• Please read this manual carefully and carry out proper operation.

• Please keep the manual importantly to refer when it is necessary.

• Please use it when questions and troubles are caused in operation, by any chance.


• JRC cannot accept responsibility for any loss due to incorrect operation, malfunction, and other causes
except product guarantee condition and liability by law.

• There is possibility that some functions of the terminal may not operate correctly depend on the hardware
and software version of equipment connected to the terminal. Please confirm your equipment version
before contact with the dealer or agent you purchased, or JRC branches.

• Your communication data are transmitted via Inmarsat system and other global communications system,
so unusually some errors may occur in communication theory same as the landlines.
You are recommended to backup for your important data.

• Usually, digital scrambling of Inmarsat system protects your communication data privacy. However you
are recommended to understand that your communication data might be intercepted by special technology
and unauthorized access in the communication theory.

• Specifications of JUE-85 and its accessories may change without notice for improvement.


About safety symbols

This manual and the terminal are indicated the following safety symbols for your correct operation to
prevent your and somebody’s injury or damage to the product and assets.
The symbols and descriptions are as follows.
You should understand well them before reading this manual and operating the terminal.

DANGER This symbol denotes high risk of causing death or

serious injury.

WARNING This symbol denotes that improper handling poses a

risk of causing death or serious injury.

CAUTION This symbol denotes that improper handling poses

a risk of causing injury or damage to the product
and/or assets.

Examples of symbols
The △ symbol indicates denotes DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION.
The inside illustration of the △symbol denotes meaning of the DANGER,
WARNING or CAUTION more concretely. (This example warns of possible
electrical shock.)

The symbol denotes prohibited action.

The inside illustration of the symbol denotes the specific prohibited action more
concretely. (this example indicated disassembly is prohibited.)

The ● symbol obligatory operation or instruction.

The inside illustration of the ● symbol denotes obligatory operation or instruction
more concretely. (this example indicates unplugging is the obligatory instruction.)

Below mentioned warning labels are put on JUE-85. Do not take off, destroy, or modify these labels.

<Labels put on EME Type1>


Compass safe distance MODEL NAF-741GM
Standard compass: 0.1m SERIAL NO.
Steering compass : 0.1m


WARNING Distances V.S Radiation Levels

Distance Radiation
DO NOT APPROACH 0.5m 10W / m2
0.2m 100W / m2

<Label put on IME>

MODEL JUE-85 このカバーをはずすな
SERIAL NO. 感電の恐れあり
Compass safe distance
MADE IN JAPAN Standard compass: 0.2m
R 001VZAA1011
Steering compass : 0.1m
Attestation number which means safe, high-quality product and suits EU
instruction (Free circulation was permitted in the EU signatory).

Technological, standard agreement proof and attestation number issued by Telecom

R 001VZAA1011
Engineering Center Foundation in Japan.


Do not touch any internal parts with your hands or tools to avoid danger of electronic shock.

The lithium battery is built into JUE-85 (EME). Do not short-circuited of the terminal, do
not give the high impact, and wet it to water. Those actions are dangerous against

Immediately after printing, the printing head is still very hot, don’t touch it until it is cool

Do not bring JUE-85 (EME) close to the fire, or put it in the fire. It causes the explosion,
generation of heat, and the ignition of a built-in lithium battery.

Do not approach the JUE-85 (EME) while transmitting, It transmits microwave and strong
microwave might be cause injury.

If a foreign substances, such as metal fragment, water, liquid and etc., are get into your
JUE-85, turn off the power and contact with the agent you purchased or JRC branches.
Continuous operation may cause fire, electrical shock or malfunction.
Ask maintenance and the adjustment of JUE-85 internal equipment to our sales department
or nearest branch office.
Do not turn on the terminal under the primary power except the specific voltage (mentioned
below).The primary power except the specific voltage may cause fire, electrical shock or
DC+24V(+19.2 V to +31.2 V) (When standard PSU, NBD-843A is used)

Do not adjust the internal circuit or exchange the parts because the internal circuit is adjusted
strictly. When an abnormal operation is found, please contact with our sales department or
nearest branch office.

Do not check or repair the internal equipment of JUE-85 by yourself.

Any electrical work by any person other than our specialized maintenance persons may cause
fire or abnormal operation of this equipment or electrical shock. This equipment meets the
technical standard of the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications (MIC).

Do not take apart, and do not remodel the equipment. It may cause a fire, the electric
shock, and the breakdown.

Ask our agency or office to dispose JUE-85 (EME). Illegal disposal may heat-up, firing, or
explosion by shorted circuit of lithium battery, which is affected by the impact or submerged of


Before operating JUE-85, read the operation manual carefully.
Inappropriate procedure may cause incorrect operation or malfunction.


Do not give mechanical shock and force, because all units of EME are precision
instrument. Unwanted shock and force may cause malfunction.

Do not paint radome. Painting of radome may cause decrease of the communication quality.

Do not use the DTE to other purpose.

It may cause a problem that unable to be transmitted in the emergency.



• The distress alert is routed to RCC(Rescue Coordination Center).
• If the false distress request is transmitted, take the following instructions immediately.
(1) Stop the transmission power immediately.
(2) Report the following information to the Nearest Maritime Safety Office or Station or the
Operations Center, Administration Division, Guard & Rescue Department, Maritime Safety
Agency (TLX: +72-222-5193 JMSAHQ J, TEL: +81-3-3591-9000).
(a) Ship’s Name, Type and Flag
(b) Main ID Number
(c) Position and Time at the false transmission
(d) Cause of the false transmission
(e) MES type, Serial Number and Delivery Date
Register the distress message in advance before transmitting the distress alert at the distress window in
Main menu.
• Distress alert is retransmitted after the device is restarted, when momentary disconnection is occurred
in the device during the distress alert transmitting. However, please note that distress alert is not
retransmitted in the following cases.
(1) When power switch of device is turned OFF/ON
(2) When power switch of External power supply unit is turned OFF/ON
(3) When the reset button of IME is turned ON
(4) When the ship is recovered from blackout
(5) When a random failure is occurred on device.

Step DB* Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Open hinged cover and • DTE displays “SOS”. • If you do not want to
press DISTRESS button till • The buzzer starts sounding initiate a distress alert,
the buzzer sounds. 0.5 sec ON immediately release the
0.5 sec OFF. button within 3 sec.

2 • Distress alert is transmitted • The buzzer sounds • When the JUE-85 is tuning
after continuously pressing continuously. to LES channel, the SYNC
DISTRESS button for 3 sec • DTE displays “Distress LED blinks.
or more. Alert Transmission”. • The registered distress
message is transmitted.

*DB:Distress button
Note: When the red distress button initiates the distress alert, the nature in the distress message is set to
“Undesignated” automatically regardless of the setting of the distress alert screen.


AC............................................................................................................Alternating Current
AFC ........................................................................................Automatic Frequency Control
AGC..................................................................................................Automatic Gain Control
ALM ............................................................................................................................... Alarm
AMVER (Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue system):
A vessel position-reporting system operated by the United States Coast Guard for any merchant
vessel of 1000grt or more on a voyage lasting longer than 24 hours, to and from anywhere on
the world.
ANSI ......................................................................... American National Standard Institute
An identifier given to an Inmarsat MES and used in message transmissions. The format must be
four letters (A-Z; no numbers) finishing with an x.
ANT .............................................................................................................................Antenna
AOR.....................................................................................................Atlantic Ocean Region
AOR-E .......................................................................................... Atlantic Ocean Region (East).
AOR-W ....................................................................................... Atlantic Ocean Region (West).
ARQ..............................................................................................Automatic Request Repeat
The error correction process used in store-and-forward messaging by which a receiver
checks for errors in received data packets and requests the sending end to re-transmit
any packets which were received containing an error.
ASCII ........................................... American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange):
A standard alphanumeric character set based on 7-bit codes.
A vessel position-reporting system similar to AMVER, but operated by the Australian
BB ..................................................................................................................... Bulletin Board
Operational information of LES, which send from satellite to each ship.
A copy of a program or document that you can use if the original is destroyed. To back
up is to make a copy.
BBER............................................................................................ Bulletin Board Error Rate
Used as a measure of the quality of reception by the MES of the Bulletin Board of a TDM
BCD .................................................................................................... Binary Coded Decimal
BER .................................................................................................................. Bit Error Rate
Bit: The basic unit of digital communications; may be either 1 or 0.
BPS ................................................................................................................... bit per second
A unit of measurement for speed of data transfer or throughput.

BPSK ............................................................................................Binary Phase Shift Keying
BS............................................................................................................................. Backspace
Bulletin Board (in a TDM channel):
A data packet transmitted in each frame of a TDM channel, which contains
information about the status of the Inmarsat B/M, mini-M and C network
configurations, and the current frame number, used by the MES as a timing reference.
BUZ................................................................................................................................ Buzzer
One byte comprises eight bits and may represent either one alphanumeric character or
numeric information.

CCC ................................................................................................. Channel Control Circuit
CCU ....................................................................................................... Central Control Unit
CES .......................................................................................................... Coast Earth Station
Channel number:
The number representing the frequency of an Inmarsat communications channel.
One element of an alphanumeric character set. One character is equivalent to one
byte or eight bits.
Class 1 Inmarsat C MES:
A Class 1 MES is capable of ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship message transfer and
distress alerting, but is not capable of receiving EGC messages.
Class 2 Inmarsat C MES:
A Class 2 MES is capable of two modes of operation (selected by the operator):
• As Class 1, and also capable of receiving EGC messages when not engaged in
Inmarsat C traffic.
• Ready for EGC message reception exclusively (and not available in that mode
for Inmarsat C message transfer).
Class 3 Inmarsat C MES:
A Class 3 MES has two independent receivers, one for receiving two-way Inmarsat C
messages, the other for receiving EGC messages.
Closed network:
A private network, with access limited to registered users. The Inmarsat C system
allows two types of closed networks: data reporting networks, identified by a Data
Reporting Network Identification (DNID) code, and EGC Fleet NET networks,
identified by an EGC Network Identification (ENID) code.
Closed user Group:
A private network available only to a group of registered users. Access from the
public network being barred to non-registered users.
CNID...................................................................................... Closed Network Identification
COMM .......................................................................................................... Communication
The generic name for anything you tell a computer program to do.

The process by which an MES is registered for use via the Inmarsat network.
CPU .................................................................................................. Central Processing Unit
CR..................................................................................................................Carriage Return
One of a code for line feeding.
CSDN....................................................................................Circuit Switched Data Network
CUG...........................................................................................................Closed User Group
Private network used by the registered user only. Unregistered user cannot be
accessed from public network.

Data reporting:
A short data packet transmitted in burst mode on the MES signaling channel as a
result of a polling telecommand or at the initiative of the MES (operator).
Data services:
This is how a terminal may send and receive electronic messages such as e-mail.
dB................................................................................................................................. Decibels
DB .................................................................................................................... Distress Button
DC.....................................................................................................................Direct Current
DCE ............................................................................Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
A component part of an Inmarsat C MES. An MES contains a DCE receiver and a
DCE transmitter, which are used for communication between the MES and an
Inmarsat C LES.
DEC ................................................................................................................ Decoder Circuit
DEL .................................................................................................................................Delete
DEM .......................................................................................................Demodulator Circuit
Distress alerting:
A facility available on all maritime MESs, enabling the MES to send distress priority
messages through the Inmarsat system to a rescue co-ordination centre (RCC). This
is not available on the Inmarsat-mini-M network.
Distress priority message:
This is a message prepared and sent with distress priority using the Inmarsat system to
a rescue co-ordination centre (RCC).
DMG...........................................................................................Distress Message Generator
DNID ............................................................... Data reporting Network Identification code
See data report (unreserved), data report (reserved) and data report (pre-assigned).
DOS ....................................................................................................Disk Operating System
The process by which an Inmarsat C MES receives information from a service
provider. For data reporting purposes, an operational center downloads a DNID code
and Member Number to the MES. In the EGC Fleet NETTM service, an information
provider downloads an EGC Network Identification (ENID) code to an MES.
DS ......................................................................................................................... Data Source
DTE .............................................................................................. Data Terminal Equipment

A component part of an Inmarsat C MES, used primarily for storage and interfacing
external devices (such as a keyboard or monitor). For other Inmarsat systems, this
can be a computer connected to the MES for use for data communications.

ECS ..................................................................................Electronic Commissioning System
EDP........................................................................................................... External Data Port
EEPROM ................................................. Electrically Erasable and Programmable ROM
Read only Memory that is able to delete and rewrite electrically.
EGC ......................................................................................................Enhanced Group Call
Services provided in the Inmarsat C system are EGC Safety NET, EGC Fleet NET,
and Inmarsat system messages.
EIA.....................................................................................Electronic Industries Association
EIRP .................................................................... Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
Effective Isotropically Radiated Power, a measure of transmitted power.
E-mail ................................................................................................................. Electronic mail
A global message-handling system whereby subscribers to commercial e-mail services
can exchange electronic messages and data files between computers. E-mail services
are provided by some service providers and private organizations. Access to e-mail
services may be via PSTN, PSDN networks or the Internet.
EME.................................................................................... Externally Mounted Equipment
EOF........................................................................................................................ End Of File
EXT............................................................................................................................. External
E/W ........................................................................................................................... East/West
ENID .......................................................................... EGC network identification (ENID) code.
FD ......................................................................................................................... Floppy Disk
FEC...............................................................................................Forward Error Correction
Fleet NET:
A service provided by Fleet NET information providers to distribute commercial
information to MESs belonging to a Fleet NET group, identified by an unique ENID
Footprint (of a satellite):
The area on the Earth’s surface (sea or land) covered by the satellite and where an
antenna can obtain line-of-sight communications. In the Inmarsat systems, this area
is also known as the ocean region or coverage area.
FRLP ................................................................................ Forward ID Return ID Link Pair
FTU.............................................................................................Frequency Translation Unit
GMDSS.......................................................... Global Maritime Distress and Safety Service
The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System: the Inmarsat-A/B and C systems are
the only Inmarsat networks included in the GMDSS by the IMO International
Maritime Organization.
GPS ............................................................................................... Global Positioning System

System that provides the geographic location of a vessel. This service uses American
military satellites, which have been made available for civilian use.
Ground segment:
The network of LESs which provide a link between the space segment and the
terrestrial telecommunication networks.

HPA ......................................................................................................High Power Amplifier
IA5 .....................................................................................International Alphabet number 5
A standard alpha- numeric character set, also known as ASCII, based on 7-bit codes.
Supports both upper and lower case characters.
ID ..................................................................................................................................Identity
IF....................................................................................................... Intermediate Frequency
IFRB ...............................................................International Frequency Registration Board
IFU........................................................................................... Intermediate Frequency Unit
IHO................................................................................. International Hydrographic Office
IME.......................................................................................Internally Mounted Equipment
IMN ..........................................................................................INMARSAT Mobile Number
The number assigned by the national routing organization to an Inmarsat MES as its
identity number. An Inmarsat C maritime IMN has the format 4xxxxxxxxx.
IMO ............................................................................International Maritime Organization
INFO..................................................................................................................... Information
INMARSAT ................................................International Maritime Satellite Organization
The operator of global mobile satellite communications, part of the Inmarsat Ventures
Ltd group of companies.
Inmarsat C:
A digital system based on a low-cost MES with low power consumption. This
system provides global two-way store-and-forward messaging, distress alerting, EGC
Safety NETTM and Fleet NETTM, data reporting and polling.
I/O....................................................................................................................... Input/Output
IOR ........................................................................................................ Indian Ocean Region
ISDN .............................................................................Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO.............................................................International Organization for Standardization
ITA.................................................................................... International Telegraph Alphabet
ITA2 (International Telegraph Alphabet 2):
A standard alphanumeric character set, generally used for sending messages on the
international telex networks. The character set is based on 5-bit codes, also known as
telex format, or 5-bit packed.
ITU............................................................................... International Telecommunication Union

A vessel position-reporting system similar to AMVER, but operated by the Japanese

1024 bits or 128 characters.

Land earth station (LES):
The name used in the Inmarsat network for a shore-based receiving and transmitting
station which acts as an interface between MESs and the terrestrial communications
networks. LESs are owned and operated by service providers.
LCD .................................................................................................... Liquid Crystal Display
LED........................................................................................................Light Emitting Diode
LES ........................................................................................................... Land Earth Station
LES TDM channel:
A TDM channel used by an LES to transmit system information and data addressed to
an MES.
LMSS.......................................................................................Land Mobile Satellite Service
Log in:
The action performed on an Inmarsat C MES to inform the NCS in an ocean region
that the MES is available for communications.
Log out:
The action performed on an Inmarsat C MES to inform the NCS in an ocean region
that the MES is not available for communication.
LNA ........................................................................................................Low Noise Amplifier
LSB ......................................................................................................... Least Significant Bit
LT............................................................................................................................Local Time
MES ....................................................................................................... Mobile Earth Station
The generic name used to describe an Inmarsat-approved terminal which is allowed to
access the network, and applicable to both maritime and land mobile communications.
MEM................................................................................................ Macro-encoded message
Member number:
The number downloaded with a DNID to an MES, when the MES is registered to a
data-reporting network.
Message channel:
A channel assigned by the NCS for an MES to send a message through an LES to its
required destination.
MFTRS............................................................................................................ Manufacturers
MHS.............................................................................................. Message Handling System
MID.........................................................................................Maritime Identification Digits
MMSI (Maritime Mobile System Identity):

A nine-digit format assigned by the maritime authority to identify a vessel. The first
three digits are the code of the country where the vessel is registered as defined by the
MMSS...............................................................................Maritime Mobile Satellite Service
Modem MODulator/DEModulator
A device used to transmit digital data, by converting (modulating) a digital signal into
an analogue form and re-converting (demodulating) the analogue signal into digital
form at the receiving end.
MSB......................................................................................................... Most Significant Bit
MSI .............................................................................................. Marine Safety Information
NAVAREA.................................................................................................. Navigational Area
One of 16 areas of sea as defined by the IMO, into which the world's oceans are
divided for the dissemination of navigational and meteorological warnings. See also
NAVTEX .......................................................................MF Navigational Broadcast Service
The low-frequency system developed by the IMO for the broadcast and automatic
reception of coastal MSI by means of direct-printing telegraphy.
An Inmarsat network co-ordination station; a specially equipped LES appointed as the
NCS for each Inmarsat system and ocean region, which monitors and co-ordinates the
operation of all of the MESs and SPs within that ocean region.
NCS.........................................................................................Network Coordination Station
NCS Common Signaling Channel:
Also known as the NCS Common Channel. A TDM channel used by the NCS to
transmit system information and message announcements to MESs.
NMEA ...................................................................National Marine Electronics Association
N/S ........................................................................................................................ North/South
A group of communication channels which enable the sharing of information and
resources between several users.

OCC.......................................................................INMARSAT Operations Control Centre
Ocean region: The coverage area of an Inmarsat satellite within which an MES may
send and receive messages.
OSB......................................................................................................... Optional Switch Box
OSC .......................................................................................................................... Oscillator
An envelope or block of data sent over a network; each packet contains addressing
information as well as the data being sent.
PC .............................................................................................................Personal Computer
PEP ..................................................................................................Packet Error Probability

PER.............................................................................................................Packet Error Rate
PIN.......................................................................................Personal Identification Number
The facility whereby an operational center sends an instruction (a polling command)
to selected MESs to perform a defined task, such as returning a pre-assigned data
report or performing a SCADA operation.
POR .......................................................................................................Pacific Ocean Region
Presentation code:
A code included in a transmission (ship-to-shore or shore-to-ship), indicating to the
recipient the presentation or formatting of the data contained in the message.
A defined set of communications standards, which lay down the parameters to which
all users must abide. Protocols in general use are X.25 and X.400.
PER PSA ........................................................................................Point of service activation
PROM........................................................................... Programmable Read Only Memory
PSDN ....................................................................................Packet Switched Data Network
PSPDN ...................................................................... Packet Switched Public Data Network
PSTN............................................................................ Public Switched Telephone Network
PSU ............................................................................................................Power Supply Unit
PVT.........................................................................................Performance Verification Test
RAM ................................................................................................Random Access Memory
RCC .......................................................................................... Rescue Coordination Centre
RDB ...................................................................................................Remote Distress Button
REC ..................................................................................................................Receiving level
ROM ........................................................................................................ Read Only Memory
RX ................................................................................................................. Receive/Receiver
SAR............................................................................................................ Search and Rescue
SDM .............................................................................................. System Definition Manual
SFU ................................................................................................... Store and Forward Unit
Signaling channel (MES - LES):
A random access TDMA channel, used by an MES to transmit signaling information
and data to an LES.
Signaling channels (MES - NCS):
A random access TDMA channel, used by an MES to transmit signaling information
and data to an NCS.
SOLAS.....................................................................................................Safety of Life at Sea
Space segment:
Consists of the communications satellites operated by Inmarsat.
Special access code:
A destination address code used in a ship-to-shore or shore-to-ship message to access
a special service provided by a service provider. The two-digit codes are examples
of special access codes.

SYNC............................................................................................................. Synchronization
TDM .................................................................................................Time Division Multiplex
TDMA ....................................................................................Time Division Multiple Access
TX .........................................................................................................Transmit/Transmitter
TDM (Time division multiplex):
The process by which multiple signals can share the same communication channel,
each using a different time slot.
TDM channel:
The Inmarsat system uses different TDM channels, each transmitted on an unique
frequency. The TDM channels are used for system control and message transfer to
MESs. See LES TDM Channel and NCS Common Channel.
TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access):
The process by which MESs communicate with an LES or NCS.
Time slot:
Basic unit into which one time frame of a TDM channel is divided.

UTC ..........................................................................................Coordinated Universal Time
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time): A term that, for practical purposes, has the same
meaning as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

VCXO……………………………………………………..……Voltage Control Crystal Oscillator

WMO……………………………………………………..……World Meteorological Organization

2-digit codes:
Special examples of Special Access Codes. See Tables D-1 and D-4, Appendix D.
5-bit packed (also known as telex format or ITA2):
A format based on 5-bit codes used for sending alphanumeric characters to and from
telex terminals.
7-bit ASCII:
A format based on 7-bit codes used for sending the alphanumeric characters of the
ASCII character set.
8-bit data:
A format based on 8-bit codes used for encoding information such as text, national
character sets and numerical information.

PREFACE.................................................................................................................................................. i
ATTENTIONS BEFORE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................ ii
BEFORE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................... iii
ABOUT WARNING LABELES ............................................................................................................. iv
CAUTION DURING INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................v
DISTRESS ALERT TRANSMISSION PROCEDURES....................................................................... vii
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. viii

CHAPTER 1. GENERAL ....................................................................................................................... 1-1

CHAPTER 2. COMPOSITION.............................................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 JUE-85 Installation Wiring Diagram, Components and Supplied Parts List ............................. 2-1
2.1.1 Installation Wiring Diagram ...................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Components list......................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.3 Supplied Parts List..................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2 JUE-85 (Standard components) ................................................................................................. 2-5
2.2.1 EME (Externally Mounted Equipment: NAF-741GM) .......................................................... 2-5
2.2.2 IME (Internally Mounted Equipment: NTF-781GM) ............................................................. 2-6
2.2.3 DTE (Data Terminal Equipment: Display NDZ-127C1 Keyboard NDF-268)........................ 2-8
2.2.4 Printer(NKG-800) .............................................................................................................. 2-9
2.2.5 EXT PSU (External Power supply Unit: NBD-843A) .......................................................... 2-10
2.2.6 JB1(Junction Box1: NQA-2085)...................................................................................... 2-10
2.2.7 Coaxial Cable (CFQ-5922A)................................................................................................. 2-11
2.3 Appearance(Optional components).......................................................................................... 2-12
2.3.1 RDB(Remote Distress Button: NQE-887C) .................................................................... 2-12
2.3.2 JB2 (Junction Box 2: NQA-4281)......................................................................................... 2-13
2.3.3 DTE(Option) .................................................................................................................... 2-13
2.3.4 EXT BUZ (External Buzzer: NCE-6255A)........................................................................... 2-14
2.3.5 RS-232D/422A Interface (NQA-1689A) .............................................................................. 2-15
2.3.6 FDD unit (Floppy Disk Drive unit : NDH-265).................................................................... 2-15
2.4 Dimensional drawing (JUE-85 Standard components)...................................................... 2-16
2.4.1 EME(NAF-741GM)......................................................................................................... 2-16
2.4.2 IME(NTF-781GM) .......................................................................................................... 2-17
2.4.3 DTE-Display (NDZ-127C1).................................................................................................. 2-18
2.4.4 DTE keyboard (NDF-268) .................................................................................................... 2-19
2.4.5 Printer (NKG-800) ................................................................................................................ 2-20
2.4.6 EXT PSU(NBD-843A) .................................................................................................... 2-21
2.4.7 JB1(NQA-2085)............................................................................................................... 2-22
2.4.8 Coaxial Cable (CFQ-5922A)................................................................................................. 2-23
2.5 Dimensional drawing (Optional components) ......................................................................... 2-24
2.5.1 RDB(NQE-887C)............................................................................................................. 2-24
2.5.2 JB 2(NQA-4281).............................................................................................................. 2-25
2.5.3 DTE (Display NDZ-127C1 Keyboard NDF-268)................................................................. 2-26
2.5.4 EXT BUZ(NCE-6255A) .................................................................................................. 2-26
2.5.5 RS-232D/422A Interface(NQA-1689A) .......................................................................... 2-27
2.5.6 FDD unit(NDH-265)........................................................................................................ 2-28

CHAPTER 3. OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Starting Up ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Power ON .................................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.2 Power OFF .............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Log In......................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Log Out ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Main Menu Screen ..................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.4.1 Command ................................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.4.2 MES Status Area...................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.3 Menu Structure Chart .............................................................................................................. 3-9
3.4.4 Additional Menu Structure Chart .......................................................................................... 3-10
3.5 Initial Setting............................................................................................................................ 3-11
3.5.1 Selecting Preferred Ocean Region (Ncs/Les info)................................................................. 3-11
3.5.2 Setting Date & Time.............................................................................................................. 3-12
3.5.3 Setting Peripheral Function ................................................................................................... 3-13
3.6 Editing a Message .................................................................................................................... 3-15
3.6.1 Procedure of Editing a Message ............................................................................................ 3-15
3.6.2 Editing Command.................................................................................................................. 3-17
Group A ................................................................................................................................... 3-17
Group B ................................................................................................................................... 3-19
3.6.3 Block Function ...................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.6.4 File Management ................................................................................................................... 3-24 File Management command................................................................................................ 3-24 Floppy Disk Management Command ................................................................................. 3-26
3.7 Transmitting Message (Transmit) ............................................................................................ 3-30
3.7.1 Select Telex Window ............................................................................................................. 3-31
3.7.2 Transmitting Facsimile Message ........................................................................................... 3-36
3.7.3 Transmitting Data (PSDN) Message ..................................................................................... 3-40
3.7.4 Transmitting Data (PSTN) Message........................................................................................ 3-43
3.7.5 Transmitting Closed Network Message ................................................................................ 3-48
3.7.6 Transmitting Special Access Network message .................................................................... 3-52
3.7.7 Transmitting Message with Prefix Code ............................................................................... 3-55
3.7.8 Abbreviated number .............................................................................................................. 3-59
3.7.9 Scheduled Transmission ........................................................................................................ 3-61
3.8 Handling received messages (Read-out, Printing, Saving, and Deleting)................................ 3-63
3.9 Call Logging (Call-Log) .......................................................................................................... 3-67
3.9.1 Delivery Confirmation........................................................................................................... 3-69
3.9.2 Print Out ................................................................................................................................ 3-71
3.9.3 Clear History ......................................................................................................................... 3-71
3.9.4 Ending ................................................................................................................................... 3-71
3.9.5 Buzzer ( Alarm ) Processing.................................................................................................... 3-72
3.10 Distress Alert (Distress)............................................................................................................ 3-73
3.11 Polling ...................................................................................................................................... 3-76
3.11.1 Land ID Registration for Polling ........................................................................................... 3-76
3.11.2 Position Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer ................................................................ 3-78
3.11.3 File Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer ....................................................................... 3-79
3.11.4 Data Source Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer.......................................................... 3-81
3.11.5 Parameter Setting Polling for Scheduled Transmission......................................................... 3-82
3.11.6 Call Log by Using S&F Message Transfer............................................................................ 3-84
3.12 EGC Message Reception.......................................................................................................... 3-85
3.12.1 EGC Messages....................................................................................................................... 3-85
3.12.2 Receive Mode for EGC Reception (Receive-Mode) ............................................................. 3-86
3.12.3 EGC Message Restriction (Egc)............................................................................................ 3-86 Navarea ............................................................................................................................... 3-87 Fixed area............................................................................................................................ 3-89 Setting of Reception type.................................................................................................... 3-89 Setting of Navtex Coverage Area ....................................................................................... 3-91 Navtex message .................................................................................................................. 3-92 Position Updated................................................................................................................. 3-93 Message Print Out Function ............................................................................................... 3-94
3.13 PV Test..................................................................................................................................... 3-95
3.14 Distress Button Test ................................................................................................................. 3-96

CHAPTER 4. MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Maintenance............................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Daily Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 4-1 Mechanical Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 4-1 Electrical Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.1 Troubleshooting Flowchart........................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Alarm Check ........................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.3 Alarm History.......................................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.4 Countermeasure....................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.5 After service ............................................................................................................................ 4-7 Longevity/ exchange time of the consumption (lithium battery) ........................................... 4-7 When ordering repair.............................................................................................................. 4-7
4.3 Information Window.................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.3.1 WARNING Window................................................................................................................ 4-9
4.3.2 CAUTION Window .............................................................................................................. 4-10
4.3.3 ERROR Window ................................................................................................................... 4-11
4.3.4 INFORMATION Window..................................................................................................... 4-13
4.4 Help Function........................................................................................................................... 4-15

CHAPTER 5. SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 JUE-85 ....................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 EME and IME ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 DTE ......................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Read-Out Printer (NKG-800).................................................................................................. 5-3
5.1.4 EXT PSU (NBD-577A)........................................................................................................... 5-3
5.2 Option ........................................................................................................................................ 5-4
5.2.1 Remote Distress Button............................................................................................................. 5-4
5.2.2 External Buzzer (NCE-4772A) ................................................................................................. 5-5
5.23 RS232D/RS422A Interface (NQA-1689A) ............................................................................... 5-6



This manual covers the installation, operation, and maintenance of the MES (Mobile Earth Station)
JUE-85 for Inmarsat-C satellite communications.
The Inmarsat-C satellite communications provides text and data transmission to and from Inmarsat-C
MES and terrestrial subscribers via a variety of public networks. It also carries the EGC (Enhanced
Group Call) message.

• Function of JUE-85
JUE-85 provides the following functions;
(a) Store and Forward message transfer
(b) Distress Alert
(c) EGC message reception when not engaged in Inmarsat-C traffic (Inmarsat-C Class 2)
(d) Position and/or file transfer by a polling command from shore using store and forward message
(e) Scheduled position and/or file transfer using store and forward message transfer
(f) Position and/or data reporting using data reporting protocol specified by Inmarsat (depends on
LES facility)

Externally Mounted Equipment
Internally Mounted Equipment (IME)
NAF-741GM with Distress Button

NTF-781GM JB2 (2/2)

Fig. 2.1.1a
W1 CFQ-5922A Antenna Cable 7ZCSC0207
EME JB Cable 0.5m
Coaxial Cable (Attachment) JB1 JB1
0.5m (Attachment) Remote
Distress Button
2 RED2 250V TTYCS-4 RED1
Data Terminal ALM 3
Equipment (DTE) SYNC Security 4
NDZ-127C1 7ZCSC0203 5 BLK3 BLK3
5V Button (SB) 5
DTE Signal Cable 6 RED3 RED3
(Attachment) 1.5m 7 WHT SB Cable 5m Shield
SWA NQE-3154
DC24V DTE Power Cable 7ZCSC0204 8 GRN (Attached to SB) (Option)
Installation Wiring Diagram

IN SB1 9
BOARD (Attachment) 2m RED Button (SB)
5V (Option)
10 BLK
11 BLK1 RED2 1 BLK SB Cable 5m
SWA NQE-3154
12 RED1 250V TTYCS-1Q BLK2 2 RED (Attached to SB)
Keyboard SB2 13 BLK2 RED1 3 GRN
5V (Option)
14 RED2 BLK1 4 WHT
15 Shield 5 Shield

(Attached to SB)

(Attachment) 2m
PSU Power Cable
RO Printer (ROP)

NKG-800 7ZCSC0205 TB1
ROP Signal Cable 1
Printer GND
(Attachment) 1.5m 2
ROP Power Cable SD2
(Attachment) 2m RD1
7ZCSC0206 RD2
6 Shield DGPS Buzzer Box
7 2 1
SW 5
8 1 2
1BZ 6


9 4 3
BUZ1 12V 7 NCE-6255A
+ - + - + - 10 3 250V MPYC-7 4
5V 8
ROP DTE IME 11 5 Buzzer Box 5
External Power DC24V OUT 12 2 1
SW 5
Supply Unit 13 1 2 (Option)

NBD-843A 2BZ 6
(EXT PSU) 14 4 3
BUZ2 12V 7 NCE-6255A
REMOTE DC IN 15 3 250V MPYC-7 4
16 5 5
+ - + - L N GND 9

MF/HF Ship's power
0.6/1kV DPYC-6 0.6/1kV DPYC-2.5
Radio AC100/220V

Installation Wiring Diagram Inmarsat-C JUE-85 Mobile Earth Station

Equipment 60Hz, 1φ, 200VA
2.1 JUE-85 Installation Wiring Diagram, Components and Supplied Parts List

Cable Connection System Diagram
JB2 (NQA-4281) Remote
Distress Button
2 RED1

Fig. 2.1.1b
7ZSC0208 5 BLK3 BLK3
5V 5
JB Cable 2m 6 RED3 RED3
(1/2) J1 GND 6
(Attachment) 7 BLK2 Shield Remote
DB4SWA Distress Button
(Option) 8 RED2 (Option)
9 RED1 1
RDB4 10 BLK1 250V TTYCS-4
Security BLK2
BLK3 Button (SB) 3
5V RED2 NQE-887C
12 RED3 4
13 BLK1 RED2 1 BLK SB Cable 5m BLK3
NQE-3154 RED3
14 RED1 250V TTYCS-1Q BLK2 2 RED (Attached to SB) 6
SB3SWB Shield
SB3 15 BLK2 RED1 3 GRN
5V (Option) (Option)
16 RED2 BLK1 4 WHT
17 BLK1 Shield 5 Shield Security
18 RED1 Button (SB)
SB4SWB (Attached to SB)
SB4 19 BLK2 TB
5V RED2 1 BLK SB Cable 5m
20 RED2 NQE-3154
GND BLK2 2 RED (Attached to SB)

1 Shield 5 Shield
3 (Attached to SB)
6 Buzzer Box
7 2 1
8 1 2
9 4 3
BUZ3 12V 7 NCE-6255A
10 3 250V MPYC-7 4
5V 8
11 5 Buzzer Box 5
12 2 1
13 1 2 (Option)
14 4 3
BUZ4 12V 7 NCE-6255A
15 3 250V MPYC-7 4
5V 8
16 5 5
18 (Option)

Installation Wiring Diagram Inmarsat-C JUE-85 Mobile Earth Station

GND 20


Cable Connection System Diagram
2.1.2 Components list

Table 2.1.2 Components list

Name of component Type Q’ty
JUE-85 (1) EME (Externally Mounted NAF-741GM 1
(Standard) Equipment)

(2) IME (Internally Mounted NTF-781GM 1
(3) DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) Display NDZ-127C1・ 1
Keyboard NDF-268
(4) Printer NKG-800 1
(5) EXT PSU NBD-843A 1
(Externally Power Supply Unit)
(6) Coaxial cable CFQ-5922A 1
(Between IME coaxial cable and EME)
(7) Supplied parts for EME installation MPXP33400 1
(8)Supplied parts for IME installation MPXP33398 1
(Including JB1)
(9) JUE-85 Operation manual 7ZPSC0189 1
(10) JUE-85 Operation Guide 7ZPSC0213 1
(1) Remote Distress Button NQE-887C 1 to 3

(2) DTE Display NDZ-127C1・ 1 to 2

Keyboard NDF-268
(3) Security Button NQE-3154 1 to 4
(4) EXT BUZ (Externally Buzzer) NCE-6255A 1to 4

(5) RS-232D/RS-422AInterface NQA-1689A 1

(6) Junction box 2 NQA-4281 1
(7) Floppy Disk Drive unit NDH-265 1

*”Standard components” means the needful units for Inmarsat-C Mobile Earth Station.
*Use the cable [250V TTYCS-4] to connect IME and remote Distress button.
*Use the cable [250V MPYC-7] to connect IME and EXT BUZ.

2.1.3 Supplied Parts List

Table 2.1.3a Supplied parts list for EME/IME installation

No. Name Type Q’ty Remarks Application

1 EME Mounting Adapter GM MTC301535 1
2 Absorption Sheet MTT311262 1
3 Hex. Bolt BRTG05007 4
4 Seal with Washer BRTG01826 4
Fixing Band MPBP31310 Single unit
5 1
by two
6 Painting Protection Material MPXP33556 1
“SUMI” Tape (Self Bandaging 5ZZX00005
7 1
8 Packing List MPXP33497 1

Table 2.1.3b Supplied parts by JRC for Installation (for IME) CODE: MPXP33398

No. Name Type Q’ty Remarks Application

Including IME Coaxial Cable
1 JB 1 NQA-2085 1
and JB Cable (0.5m)
2 Tapping Screw BRTGO5285 6
3 Packing List MPXP33495 1
4 NC4X10Bs BSCN04010B 4

Table 2.1.3c Supplied parts by JRC for Installation (for IME) (Cables)

No. Name Type Q’ty Remarks Application

1 EXT PSU Cable (IME to EXT PSU) 7ZCSC0202 1
2 DTE Signal Cable (DTE to IME) 7ZCSC0203 1
3 DTE Power Cable (DTE to EXT PSU) 7ZCSC0204 1
4 Printer Signal Cable (Printer to DTE) 7ZCSC0205 1
5 Printer Power Cable (Printer to DTE) 7ZCSC0206 1
6 JB Cable (JB2 to IME) 7ZCSC0208 1 (2m)

2.2 JUE-85 (Standard components)
2.2.1 EME (Externally Mounted Equipment: NAF-741GM)
EME is connected to IME with a coaxial cable. The cable can be extending to maximum 100 m.

Fig.2.2.1 EME

2.2.2 IME (Internally Mounted Equipment: NTF-781GM)
IME is consists of FTU (Frequency Translation Unit), IFU(Internal Frequency Unit),
CCU(Central Control Unit), EME PSU(Power Supply Unit), IME PSU, PANEL(Front Panel), and IME

(9)DISTRESS button

(8)RESET button

(7)DISTRESS lamp

(6)RECEIVE lamp

(5)TRANSMIT lamp

(4)LOG IN lamp
(3)SYNC lamp
(2)POWER lamp

(1)POWER switch

Fig. 2.2.2a IME

(13) Optional DTE connector (14) Optional device connector (11) Power supply Cable connector

(12) DTE connector

(10) EME connector

Fig. 2.2.2b Back View of IME

Table 2.2.2a The LAMP Indicates the MES Status (Refer Fig. 2.2.2a)

(2) POWER Lamp MES power on MES power off
(3) SYNC Lamp Bulletin Board OK Bulletin Board NG
When the MES is returned the NCS

channel to the TDM channel or the
TDM channel to the NCS channel,
this LED is blinking.
(4) LOG-IN Lamp Logged In Logged Out
(5) TRANSMIT Lamp MES carrier on MES carrier off
(6) RECEIVE Lamp Message receiving No message or Message received
and Message output to DTE and/or
(7) DISTRESS Lamp High-priority Message receiving or Idle State

Table 2.2.2b The Switch Function (Refer Fig. 2.2.2a)

Name Function Remarks

(1) POWER Switch Power ON/OFF the MES.
(8) RESET Button Reset the CPU and clear the Press the Button by a narrow
memory in the IME. object such as the extend gem clip.
(Refer 5.2.3.)
(9) Distress Button Transmit Distress alert

Table 2.2.2c Connectors and the Cable (Refer Fig. 2.2.2b)

Name Connected from/to

(10) EME Connector EME
(11) Power Supply Cable Power Supply Unit (or PSU filter)
(12) DTE Connector DTE
(13) Optional DTE connecter Optional DTE
(14) Optional device connecter Optional peripheral device

2.2.3 DTE (Data Terminal Equipment: Display NDZ-127C1 Keyboard NDF-268)
DTE is composed of display and keyboard, and is connected to IME. DTE can be connected to
Floppy Disk Drive unit.

Do not use the DTE to other purpose.
It may cause a problem that unable to be transmitted in the emergency.

• Do not use except the NDZ-127C DTE: otherwise DTE is not operated normally.
• Do not use except specified DTE-IME cable: otherwise the IME is damaged.
• In case of no key-instruction for 3 minutes under DTE operating mode except any communication,
any display is disappeared automatically.

Fig. 2.2.3 DTE (NDZ-127C1)

(1) Screen Angle Adjust Knob
Used to adjust the screen angle to clearly.
Illuminates when power has been supplied.
Illuminates when communication is possible
Illuminates in communication.
Used to reset the VDU.

2.2.4 Printer(NKG-800)
The printer (NKG-800) is connected Internally Mounted Equipment (IME) or Data Terminal
Equipment (DTE) to take a hard copy of transmitted: received and edited messages.

• Keep [ON LINE] status at all time. Received message is not printed out in [OFF Line] status.
• When ROP status is off line: received message is not printed.
• Use a roll-paper (JRC code :5ZPAL00002 for one-sheet copy and 5ZPCK00001for two-sheet
copy) and ink ribbon (5ZZCM00003)
Do not use except above mentioned products, for keep normal operation.

These switches are

effective only on
off-line status.

Fig. 2.2.4 Pinter

(1) POWER switch

Used to turn on/off line voltage to ROP.
(2) ON LINE switch
Used to alternate ROP status on line and off line.
(3) NLQ switch
Used to alternate the character mode normal quality and high quality.
(4) LF switch (Line feeder)
Used to do a linefeed. If a button is pushed once, width of linefeed is 1/6 inches. When keep
pressing, linefeed is repeated continuously.
(5) FF switch
Used to do a page feed.
(6) P.PARK switch
Used to eject roll paper or cut sheet.

2.2.5 EXT PSU (External Power supply Unit: NBD-843A)

The EXT PSU (NBD-843A) supplies DC+24V for IME-EME, DTE and Printer from Ship’s power
source (100/220V AC) and/or +24V DC.
When both AC and DC power source are connected to the EXT PSU and the power interruption of AC
power source is occurred: EXT PSU switches over from AC power source to the DC power source
(Power failure detecting function)
The input of the AC power supply of EXT PSU is AC100/200V automatic change.

Fig. 2.2.5 EXT PSU

2.2.6 JB1(Junction Box1: NQA-2085)

Fig. 2.2.6 JB 1

2.2.7 Coaxial Cable (CFQ-5922A)
Connecting EME and Antenna Cable.

Fig.2.2.7 Coaxial Cable

2.3 Appearance(Optional components)

2.3.1 RDB(Remote Distress Button: NQE-887C)

The DB (Distress Button ) is used to transmitting distress.

(1)Distress Button and lamp

(With cover)

(2) Ready lamp


Fig. 2.3.1 Remote Distress Button

(1) Distress Button and Lamp
Used for Distress transmission.
In case of transmitting distress, open hinged cover and press the button.
The Lamp is blinking in transmitting distress.

(2) Ready Lamp

Illuminates RED : Not synchronizing
Illuminates GREEN: Synchronizing, able to transmitting distress.

(3) Dimmer
Used to adjust lamp brightness. When it is turn to the right completely, brightness becomes the
maximum. When turning to the left completely, brightness becomes minimum (shines slightly).

2.3.2 JB2 (Junction Box 2: NQA-4281)
It is used when more RDB or EXT BUZ is installed.

2.3.3 DTE(Option)

It is same as the DTE of standard component.

2.3.4 EXT BUZ (External Buzzer: NCE-6255A)
The buzzer in EXT BUZ sounds, and LED on the EXT BUZ illuminates when message is received.

(3)BUZ OFF switch

(4)BUZ TIME switch

(5)POWER lamp



Fig. 2.3.4 EXT BUZ

Sounds when receives messages (INM-C etc)
(2) Lamp
Illuminates when it receives messages.
(3) BUZ OFF Switch
Used to stop the buzzer sounding by press the switch.
(4) BUZ TIME Switch
Used to selecting the BUZ sound in receiving INM-A/B TELEX message.
BUZ sounds only 2 sec.*
(5) Power Lamp
Illuminates when power is supplied.
(6) Dimmer
Used to adjust lamp’s brightness.
(7) Volume
Used to adjust buzzer’s loudness.
When you want to extend the buzzer sound longer, change the parameter of “Buzzer sound
duration” DTE screen.
In JUE-85, function of (4)BUZ TIME Switch is not effective.

2.3.5 RS-232D/422A Interface (NQA-1689A)

The RS-232D/422A (NQA-1689A) is used to extend the length between IME and DTE.
The maximum length is 50 meters. (standard length is 2 meters)

Fig. 2.3.5 RS-232D/422A Interface

2.3.6 FDD unit (Floppy Disk Drive unit : NDH-265)

The Floppy Disk Drive unit (NDH-265) is used to save the editing files.
Two kinds of the 3.5 inches floppy disk, 2DD (720K) and 2HD (1.44M) are available.

Fig.2.3.6 FDD unit

2.4 Dimensional drawing (JUE-85 Standard components)
2.4.1 EME(NAF-741GM)

Unit: mm
Mass. 1.5kg


Fig.2.4.1 EME

2.4.2 IME(NTF-781GM)

Opposite side is
also same

Distress button

Unit: mm

Fig.2.4.2 IME

2.4.3 DTE-Display (NDZ-127C1)

4--Ø4.8.0 round-hole
4--Ø4.5 round-hole


Fig. 2.4.3 DTE-Display(NDZ-127C1)

2.4.4 DTE keyboard (NDF-268)

Unit: mm
Mass. 0.6kg

Fig.2.4.4 DTE keyboard

2.4.5 Printer (NKG-800)

Attach the Fix tape on the
Mass: Approx. 3.7kg
bottom of printer and top of the
desk, then fix them together.
Fig.2.4.5 Printer

2.4.6 EXT PSU(NBD-843A)

Fig.2.4.6 EXT PSU

2.4.7 JB1(NQA-2085)


Fig.2.4.7 JB1

2.4.8 Coaxial Cable (CFQ-5922A)
Connecting EME and Antenna Cable.




Minimum bending radius:46mm

Type Length
Standard:CFQ5922A3 30m(±10cm)
Option:CFQ5922A4 40m(±10cm)
Option:CFQ5922A5 50m(±10cm)

Fig.2.4.8 Coaxial Cable

2.5 Dimensional drawing (Optional components)

2.5.1 RDB(NQE-887C)


Mounting holes for flush mounting type

In case of wall mounting type, remove this plate.

Mounting holes for wall mounting type

Fig.2.5.1 Remote Distress Button

2.5.2 JB 2(NQA-4281)

4-φ4.6 Mounting holes for flush mounting type

In case of wall mounting type, remove this plate

2-24.5x105 cable hole

4-φ4.6 Mounting holes for flush mounting type

Unit: mm
Mass: 0.6 kg


Fig.2.5.2 JB 2 Bulkhead

2.5.3 DTE (Display NDZ-127C1 Keyboard NDF-268)
Same as the DTE of standard component.

2.5.4 EXT BUZ(NCE-6255A)

4-φ6 4-φ6
Mounting holes (Wall mounting type)
In case of wall mounting type,
200 remove this plate.







146 Wall
20×50 Cabling hole (Back side)

Unit: mm
Mass:0.8 kg

3-φ18.5 Cabling holes

Mounting hole

(Flush mounting type)

Note) In case of flush mounting type, the distance between the wall

and the bulkhead is 42mm or more.
When the cable is inserted from the back side, the distance
between the back side and the bulkhead is 50mm or more.

Buzzer Box EXT

Fig.2.5.4 (NCE-6255A)

2.5.5 RS-232D/422A Interface(NQA-1689A)

Fig.2.5.5 RS-232D/422A Interface(NQA-1689A)


Fig.2.5.5 RS-232D/422A Interface

2.5.6 FDD unit(NDH-265)


115 40


Fix the floppy disk unit on the desk with the Velcro
attached to the unit base by the video display unit.

Floppy Disk Unit(FDU)

Fig.2.5.6 FDD unit

3.1 Starting Up

When you turn on the power switch, your JUE-85 tries Log-in to the NCS automatically after
synchronized with NCS TDM carrier.

When you turn off the power switch, your JUE-85 still powered on and tries to Log-out
automatically, and regardless of Log-out sequence results, it is disconnected.
This Log-out function does not operate when you turn off the power switch of external power
supply or switchboard. In this case, log out on the DTE is required before you turn off the power


* Log-in:It is to notice initiating operation of JUE-85 to NCS (Network Coordination Station),

which operated automatically when power switch is turned on or sea area is changed.

* Log-out:It is to notice ending operation of JUE-85 to NCS, which operated automatically when
power switch is turned off.

* NCS TDM Carrier :The signal outputted from NCS as COMMON channel.

3.1.1 Power ON
Before turning on all power switches of JUE-85, confirm all the signal cables and power cables are
connected correctly.

Step Operation/Response (Example) Screen (Example)

1 • Turn on the EXT PSU. E>opedte.exe/D=F/L=CD /AVI _NO CHECK
• The DTE is turned on automatically. Inmarsat-C MES JUE-75 system software
Version 4.0 Copy right © 1990-1996 Japan
Radio Co., Ltd.
2 • The DTE system software starts running after Loading… This may take moment.
approx. 10 seconds, Please wait.
then Main menu screen is displayed.
3 • Turn on the IME and the POWER , LED of See “figure 3.4”
the IME is illuminated.
• Turn on the RO printer.
• The status is changed “Log-out” or
“Egc-only” to “Tune” in the first line on the
main menu, then JUE-85 is started selecting
NCS common channel.
4 • After few minutes, SYNC LED on the IME is Log in succeeded (96-04-06-11:06)
• The status is changed Tune to “Comm (TX)”
or “Egc-only” in the first line on the main
• After few minutes, LOG-IN LED on the IME
is lit.
• The status is changed “Comm (TX)” to
“READY” in the first line on the main menu.
5 • Set up each parameter following “3.5 Initial

3.1.2 Power OFF

Turn OFF the power switch of JUE-85 with below outlined procedure.

Step Operation/Response (Example) Remarks

1 • Turn off the IME
2 • The status is changed “READY” to “Comm • When you turned off the external
(TX)” in the first line on the main menu to initiate power switch, IME is turned off
the Log-out. without Log-out. Switch off after
• After few minutes POWER LED on the IME is check whether it has Log-out.
OFF. (Note)
• When “Log-out”, “Egc-only” or “Tune” is
displayed in the first line on the main menu,
power supply of IME is turned off automatically.
3 • Turn off the DTE and RO printer. • Switch off the external power source
• Turn off the DC switch and AC switch on the from DC switch to AC switch.
EXT PSU. If you made reverse this turn, the
power failure detection circuit works
after turn off the AC switch, and the
battery is drained until turn off the
DC switch.

3.2 Log In

When the status in the first line on the main menu is “Log-out” or “Egc only”, initiate the “Log-in”
according to the following procedures;
When the “Receive mode” is changed “Egc receive only” to “Inmarsat-C”. The “Log-In” is
initiated automatically.

Step Operation/Response (Example) Screen (Example)

1 • Hold down Alt key and press U key on Main • “Set up” screen is displayed.

2 • Hold down Alt key and press I key. Log-in
Do you initiate log-in? Yes No

3 • Move the cursor to “Yes” and press Enter key.

• The status is changed “Comm (TX)” in the first
line on the main menu.
4 • After few minutes, LOG-IN LED on the IME is •
lit. Log in succeeded (93-04-06-11:06)
• The status is changed “Comm (TX)” to”
• Press ESC key to clear the message window.

3.3 Log Out

When the status in the first line on the main menu is “READY”, initiate the “Log-out” according to
the following procedures;
When the received-mode is changed “Inmarsat-C” to “Egc receive only”, the “Log-out” is initiated

Step Operation/Response (Example) Screen (Example)

1 • Hold down Alt key and press U key on Main • “Set up” screen is displayed.
2 • Hold down Alt key and press O key. Log-in
Do you initiate log-out? Yes No

3 • Move the cursor to “Yes” and press Enter key.

• The status is changed from “READY” to
“Comm (TX)” in the first line on the main menu.
4 • After one minute, LOG-OUT LED on the IME
becomes unlit. Log out succeeded (93-04-06-11:08)
• The status is changed from “Comm (TX)” to
“Log-out” on “Egc only”.

3.4 Main Menu Screen

The JUE-85 operation adopts a multi-level menu structure with window-menus and
hierarchical-submenus. All the time, screen displays the newest information by pop-up window.
The menu can be chosen by moving the cursor with the right-, left-, up-, down- arrow keys and the
item targeted is chosen by pressing Enter key.
On the pop-up window, a new window opens whenever information occurs, and the windows are
displayed with overlapped when two or more information occurs. Maximum of 10 sheets can be
displayed in piles. Buzzer sounds when pop-up window displays maximum of sheets, so press F10 key
to close the window.
Refer to clause 3.4.3. and 3.4.4 for confirming the composition of each menu.

Ready Rec (POR): Good-15 94-05-08-19:01 (UTC)

N50.00 E009.00 Course: 123 deg Speed: 10.0 kt Update: 05-31 11:30 Esc: Main menu

Transmit read-Out Edit call-Log Distress Ncs/les-info receive-Mode egC

Transmit : To transmit message.

read-Out : To read out received message.
Edit : To edit a message or to manipulate files.
call-Log : To display the call-history.
Distress : To initiate a distress alert.
Ncs/les-info : To display or register NCS/LES information.
receive-Mode : To select receive mode, INMARSAT-C or EGC receive only.
egC : To select EGC service type.

Move the cursor to the item you want with ← and → keys and press ENTER key or hold down the Alt
key and press any capital character.

Fig. 3.4 Main Manu Screen

The Main menu screen is the starting screen to select the main function and is divided into the
following areas:
(1) MES status area (Upper two lines) : Gives the MES status, current date, time, and MES position.
(as set under DOS or Setup command)
(2) Main menu area : Gives a list of function you use routinely.
(3) Window area : Gives further instruction and/or submenu.
(4) Instruction area (Lower two lines) : Gives instruction at the state where you were.

Automatic backlight turn-off function is build into DTE.
When you use this function, backlight of DTE is automatically turned off if no key is pressed on keyboard
over 3 minutes. Press any key to turn on backlight of DTE.

3.4.1 Command

JUE-85 has two kinds of way to operate the DTE, one is selecting command by cursor, and the other one
is pressing the buttons directory. Direct commands make quicker and easy operation when you get used to
the operation of DTE.

Selecting command by cursor, commands using Alt .key, Ctrl+A and Ctrl+ Home are not

available when another window is displayed on main menu screen. Use then after closed window
with F10("Previous")key.

(1) Commands selecting by cursor

You can select the function below in the Main menu by moving the cursor to the item you want
and pressing Enter key.
Transmit .................... To transmit messages.
read-Out .................... To read out received messages.
Edit............................ To edit a message or to manipulate files.
call-Log..................... To display the history of both incoming and outgoing calls
Distress...................... To initiate a distress alert.
Ncs/les-info ............... To display the lists of LES or NCS, or register newly operating LES or
NCS in the list.
receive-Mode ............ To select receive mode, i.e. Inmarsat-C mode or EGC reception mode.
egC ............................ To select EGC service type.

(2) Direct commands

You can select each function in the Main menu screen directly by pressing one of the following
keys while holding down Alt key:
Alt + T ..............Transmit
Alt + O
Alt + E ..............Edit
Alt + L
Alt + D ..............Distress (Note)
Alt + N ..............Ncs/les-info
Alt + M .............receive-Mode
Alt + C ..............egC
Alt + G ..............To go to “Status”, “set Up” and “diAgnostics”.
Alt + S ..............Status
To display MES status or test results
• MES status (line status, bulletin board error rate, ID, MES serial number
and delivery date)

• Test result (ROM/RAM test, performance test)
Alt + U ............. set Up
• To set the current date & time;
• To initiate a Log-out, Log-in or performance test;
• To register each parameter for scheduled transmission;
• To register land ID for polling;
• To select the closed network ID; or
• To select the function of peripheral equipment connected with IME or
Alt + A ............. diAgnostics
To display contents of data source, alarm history or software version.

Further instruction and/or selection items are displayed in the pop-up window every time you
select a function.
In each window, by pressing a capital character while holding down Alt key you can select
function instead of moving the cursor.

• The following commands are available by pressing a key with holding down Ctrl key:
Ctrl + A ........... Alarm off
To stop sounding the alarm buzzer of the IME.
Ctrl + D ........... Dimmer
To adjust the LED brightness in four stages of the IME.
Ctrl + L ............ MES position display ON/OFF
To alternate MES position display ON and OFF
Ctrl + O ........... log-Out
To initiate a log-out request.
Ctrl + F ............ MES communication status display ON/OFF
To alternate MES communication status display ON and OFF.
Ctrl + Z ............ Printer status display ON/OFF
To alternate MES printer status display ON and OFF.
Msg print on..................... Automatic printout function ON
Msg print off .................... Automatic printout function OFF.
DTE.................................. Printer is routed to DTE.
IME .................................. Printer is routed to IME.
All Messages .................... All messages are printed out.
Distress & EGC................ Distress and EGC message are printed out.
EGC Only......................... EGC message only is printed-out.

(3) Screen control commands
• You can control screen on the DTE by pressing one of the following keys while holding
down Ctrl key:
Ctrl + B ............To adjust the display backlight
Ctrl + T ............To adjust the display contrast
Ctrl + R ............To reserve the display
Ctrl + I .......To adjust the LED (POWER, READY, COMM) Brightness
Brightness can be adjusted by pressing TAB key.

3.4.2 MES Status Area
MES status : Displays MES status.

Log-out...................MES is not logged into the network

Tune .......................MES is tuning to NCS or LES.
Ready.....................MES is logged into the network and is synchronized with the
particular TDM.
Comm (Tx).............MES is engaged in a ship-to-shore call, Log-in or Log-out sequence.
Comm (Rx) ............MES is engaged in a shore-to-ship call.
Queue .....................Call request is in Queue.
PV test....................MES is engaged in PV test.
EGC only ...............MES is dedicated to EGC reception mode.
Scan........................MES is engaged in NCS common channel scanning
EGC (Rx) ...............MES is engaged in EGC reception.
Receiving Type : Displays the ocean region or the LES number.

When the NCS common channel is received, the ocean region is displayed.
AORW ................... Atlantic Ocean Region West
AORE..................... Atlantic Ocean Region East
POR........................ Pacific Ocean Region
IOR......................... Indian Ocean Region
When the TDM channel is received, the LES number is displayed. (See APPENDIX 2.)
Receiving level : Displays the signal state and strength from the satellite.

Poor ....................... 0≤signal strength<8 Difficult or impossible to communicate

Fair ........................ 8≤signal strength<10 Sometimes impossible to communicate
Good ...................... 10≤signal strength≤15 Possible to communicate
Transmission status : Displays the transmission level to the satellite.

[space]................... no transmission
Tx (Low) ............... low level transmission
Tx (Norm) ............. nominal level transmission
Tx (High) .............. high level transmission
Tx alarm when illegal transmission is detected, MES displays “Tx alarm” and
ceases any transmission except distress alert until MES is reset.
Printer status : Displays the status of the printer connected.

[space]................... Automatic printout function for received messages is not effective.

Msg print .............. Automatic print-out function for received messages is effective.
Print err................. Paper end or printer alarm is detected.
Priority : Displays the priority selected.

[space] .................. during routine priority state

SOS ...................... during distress priority state

3.4.3 Menu Structure Chart

Press ALT+G key to display Additional Menu.


Fig.3.4.3 Menu Structure Chart

3.4.4 Additional Menu Structure Chart

To display additional menu, hold down the Alt key and press G key on main menu.

Fig.3.4.4 Additional Menu Structure Chart

3.5 Initial Setting
After turn on the JUE-85 MES, set the following parameters;
(1) Selecting Preferred Ocean Region
(2) Setting Date & Time
(3) Setting Peripheral Function

3.5.1 Selecting Preferred Ocean Region (Ncs/Les info)

When your ship navigates in more than one ocean region, confirm “All ocean region” is selected in
“Preferred Ocean Region” window. (factory default is “All ocean region”)
When your ship navigates from one ocean region to another and your MES loses the synchronization
to the NCS common channel for more than 30 minutes, the MES starts scanning NCS common channels
in the other ocean regions. (Marine use only)
Then the MES initiates a Log-in request to the new NCS automatically.
When a particular ocean region is selected, the MES will scan the NCS common channel only in the
ocean region selected.


The Selecting Preferred Ocean Region command is available, when the first line of the screen is
displayed “Ready”, “Log-out” or “EGC only”.

Step Operation/Response (Example) Screen (Example) Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Ncs/les
“Ncs/les-info” with information”
using the arrow keys and window is
press Enter key. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to • The “Preferred
“Preferred ocean ocean region”
region” and press Enter window is
key. displayed.
3 • Confirm the cursor is at • Status display is • When you want to change a
“All ocean region” and changed from parameter, move the cursor to the
press Enter key. “Ready” to item you want and press Enter
“Scan”. key.
• You cannot set up when the status
in the first line on the main menu
is “Tune”.
• In this case, change the parameter
during “Log-out” or “EGC only”
displayed in the first line (about 3
seconds), by switching the IME
power source OFF and ON.
4 • To return to Main menu • Windows are
screen, press Esc key. disappeared.

3.5.2 Setting Date & Time

When the Date & time (displayed in the bottom line on the right side of the first screen) is wrong,
correct the Date & time as follows:

Step Operation/Response (Example) Screen (Example) Remarks

1 • Hold down Alt key and press • The “Set up” window
U key. is displayed.
2 • Confirm that Data & Time • The “Date & time”
window has been selected, window is displayed.
then press Enter key
3 • Move the cursor to the item • You can select the
you want to correct and press display mode,
Enter key. Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC), or local
time (LT) with
“display timE”.
4 • To return to Main menu and • The correct Date &
correct Date & time in IME, time is displayed at the
press F10 (“Previous”) key first line.
twice or Esc key.

When the JUE-85 is synchronized the NCS common channel, the time is reset at 00:00 (UTC) everyday
by Inmarsat frame channel.

3.5.3 Setting Peripheral Function

Set the peripheral device (printer, data port, navigation equipment, buzzer) function.
Setting procedure is as follows;

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Hold down Alt key and press • The “Set up” window
U key on Main menu. is displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to the item • The “Peripheral

“Peripheral function” and function” window is
press Enter key. displayed.
3 • Set the each parameter. • Note
4 • After confirming each • The Main menu is
parameter, to return to Main displayed
menu, press F10 key twice or
ESC key.

Peripheral function
Message print out : oN oFf
Printer which received message is routed to : None Dte
Nav. equipment connected with mes : None External Internal
Buzzer sound duration for message received (0-10) : 2sec
Data port main : None Dte ds
dAta port #1 : None Dte ds
daTa port #2 : None Dte ds

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.5.3 “Peripheral function” Window

Setting parameter is as follows;

• Automatic Message print out : Set received message, transmitted message and
call logging information automatic print out
function ON or OFF.
• Printer which received message is routed to : Set a port of printer connected.
Choose the message type to print out:
i)All message
ii)Inm-c Distress and egc message only
iii)Egc message only

• Nav. equipment connected with MES : *Choose the port connected with MES and
interface condition, i.e. Nmea0183, nMea0182 or
JRC original, when you choose “Internal”.
*Choose interface from “Nmea0183” or
“nMea0182” when you choose “External”.
(as usual, select “Nmea0183”)

• Buzzer sound duration for message received : Set the buzzer sound duration for receiving
routine or safety message .No sound occurs when
you set it as “0 sec”. However, when distress or
urgent message is received, buzzer sounds
continuously until alarm off command (Ctrl +
A ) is executed, or BUZ OFF Switch of EXT.
BUZ is pressed.

• Data port main (#1, #2) : Set the data port which is connected. When you
choose “DTE”, you can set printer parameter.
When you choose “DS”, you can select the
following interface condition;
Baud rate : 4800, 2400 or 1200 bps
Data length : 8 or 7 bits
Parity : None, odd or even
Stop bit : 1 or 2 bits
#1, #2 : EDP data port (option)


3.6 Editing a Message
Before a calling, edit a message file by the editing command. The editing command can be edited a
message file and managed a message file.

edit Telex file
File editing command
edit Ascii file

Delete file
reName file File management command
Copy file

cOpy to another disk

Initialize Diskette Floppy disk management command

F10: Previous
Fig.3.6 Example of “Edit” menu
3.6.1 Procedure of Editing a Message
(1) Edit a message file by the editing command.
(2) The editing command is composed of “Edit Telex File” command and “Edit Ascii File”
• Edit Telex File
This command is used for the transmitting file by telex.
In this command, the characters which can use on the land telex line can be input.
• Edit Ascii File
This command is used for the transmitting file by data line.
In this command, the characters which can use on the land data line can be input.
(3) The edited message file is saved in the DTE memory.
The capacity of the DTE memory is approx. 1M byte or 100 files maximum.
(4) When the Floppy Disk Drive Unit is connected to the DTE, the edited message file is saved in the
floppy diskette.


When there are more than 100 files, the following window is displayed. In this case, delete the
unnecessary file until the file number is less than 100 files by “delete file” command.


There are more than 100 files.

Please delete unnecessary files.

Fig. 3.6.1 “WARNING” Window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Edit” • The “Edit” window is
and press Enter key. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to “edit • List of files stored in the
Telex file ”key and press DTE memory is
Enter key. The cursor displayed.
blinks at “File”.
3 • Enter the file name to be • The message in the file • When you want to make a
edited and press Enter key, is displayed. new file, enter a file name
or move the cursor to the and press Enter key.
file to be edited and press • When you want to edit a
Enter key. file stored in floppy disk,
input A : into the
column of “File:”
4 • Edit the message using Edit • See “4.6.2 Editing
function keys (F1-F10). Procedure” below.
5 • After confirmation of • Edited message is saved • When F7 (“Quit”) key is
editing, press F9 (“Save & in the DTE memory and pressed, the message is
Quit”) key. the list of file is abandoned without saving
displayed again. in the floppy disk.
6 • To return to Main menu • Main menu screen is
screen, press Esc key. displayed.

In “edit telex file” mode;

Note 1 The characters which can use on the land telex line can be input. So, the following characters and
the small letters are rejected in the file:
!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, _, {, [, ], }, :, ¥, ;, ”, ~, and ’

Note 2 Edit telex file uses the extension “.TLX” as file name.
Note 3 Max column is set to 69 automatically.

Note 4 Blank space can not be used for file name.

Note 5 To erase file name, use Delete key, or Backspace key.

Note 6 After editing floppy disk file, saving and read-out place of file is changed to floppy disk.

When you want to save and read-out files in the memory of the DTE, enter F : into the
column of “File:”

Note 7 Pull out Floppy disk after return the read-out place to inner DTE memory ( F : ), when you
completed editing of Floppy disk.

Error is occurred when you log-in to the editing mode gain, if you pull out the disk without
change the read-out place to F : from A :.

3.6.2 Editing Command
“Edit” has two sets of the function-key commands, group A and group B. Each command set can be
selected alternately by pressing F10 (“-Others-“) key.

Group A

Function Step Operation Example

F1 (“Ins-Mode”) 1 • Move the cursor to the character to THE QUECK BROWN
Character Change be changed by pressing ← , → , ↑ ↑ cursor
(Note) and ↓ .

F1 (“Ins-Mode”)

Type desired character(s).
Move the cursor to the character to
Character Insertion be inserted by pressing ← , → , ↑
(Note) and ↓ .
2 • Press F1 (“Ins-Mode”). THE QUCK BROWN
3 • Type character(s) to be inserted. THE QUICK BROWN
F2 (“Ins-Line”) 1 • Move the cursor to a character in the THE QUICK BROWN
Line Insertion next line to be inserted by pressing THE LAZY DOG
← , → , ↑ and ↓ .
2 • Press F2 (“Ins-Line”). THE QUICK BROWN_
3 • Type character(s) to be inserted. THE QUICK BROWN
F3 (“Block”) 1 • See paragraph 4.6.3
Block Function
F4 (“Del-Word”) 1 • Move the cursor to any character of THE QUICK_BROWN
Word Deletion the word to be deleted by pressing
← , → , ↑ and ↓ . THE QUICK QUICK
2 • Press F4 (“Del-Word”). THE QUICK BROWN
F5 (“Del-Line”) 1 • Move the cursor to any character of THE QUICK BROWN
Line Deletion the next line to be deleted by ABC 123
pressing ← , → , ↑ and ↓ . FOX JUMPS
2 • Press F5 (“Del-Line”). THE QUICK BROWN
F6 (“Transmit”) 1 • Edited message can be transmitted
Call initiation directly from editing screen.

Function Step Operation Example
F7 (“Quit”) 1 • Press F7 (“Quit”).
Exit Edit without Saving 2 • When “Really quit without
File saving? Yes No” is displayed,
select “Yes” for finishing the editing
without saving or “No” for
returning the editing to save the file.
F8 (“Save As”) 1 • Press F8 to save the edited file as Input save file name
Saving edited file as another file. Name:
another file
2 • Enter a new file name
• *1)
F9 (“Save & Quit”) 1 • Press F9 (“Save & Quit”)
Storage of Editing File on
the Floppy & Exit Edit
F10 (“-Others-”) 1 • Press F10 (“-Others-”) to switch
Switch of Command Sets the command sets to the group B.

* 1)New file is created in File list, when F8 key is pressed.

“Edit” has two modes for character editing, ‘overwrite’ mode and ‘insertion’ mode.
These two modes can be alternately selected by pressing F1 (“Insert Off” / “Insert On”).
When ‘Edit’ is started, ‘overwrite’ mode is selected automatically. Once F1 is pressed, ‘Edit’ enters
‘overwrite’ mode then “overwrite” appears at the right end of the third line.
In ‘overwrite’ mode, a character on the cursor is overwritten with the character typed-in from the keyboard.
In ‘insertion’ mode, a character typed-in is inserted before the cursor and “Insert On” appears at the right
end of the third line.

Group B

Function Step Operation Example

F1 (“Max Column”) 1 • Press F1 (“Max Column”). Input Max Column
Number of characters per Numbers:_
Line 2 • Type the number of characters per
(Note) line and
F2 (“Set Tab”) 1 • Press F2 (“Set Tab”). Input Column Numbers:_
Tab setting 2 • Type the number of columns with 20/30/40/
delimiting by / key and press (The column number tub
Enter key. position is being set)
F3 (“Undo-Char”)
Restoration of Deleted
1 • Move the cursor to the character
after the one to be restored (Only
one character is restored)
2 • Press F3 (“Undo-Char”). THE QUICK
F4 (“Undo-word”) 1 • Move the cursor to the word after THE BROWN FOX
Restoration of Deleted the one to be restored.
Word 2 • Press F4 (“Undo-Word”). THE QUICK BROWN
F5 (“Undo-Line”) 1 • Move the cursor to the next line THE QUICK OVER
Restoration of Deleted after the one to be restored. THE LAZY
Line 2 • Press F5 (“Undo-Line”). THE QUICK BROWN
F6 (“Merge File”) 1 • Move the cursor to the character THE QUICK_FOR
Mergence of Files where another file is to be inserted.
2 • Press F6 (“Merge-File”). Input Merge File Name:_
3 • Type the file name to be merged. THE QUICK BROWN
F7 (“Find”) 1 • Move the cursor to the beginning of THE QUICK BROWN
Word Search the line.
2 • Press F7 (“Find”). Input Search Strings:
3 • Type the word to be searched. THE QUICK BROWN
(Example: THE) The number of
characters can be searched is 20
characters or less.
• Command set is returned to Group
B, when searching is completed.
F8 (“Print Out”) 1 • Press F8 (“Print Out”). “Now printing. Please
Print-out of File wait” is displayed.

Function Step Operation Example
F9 (“Find/Replace”) 1 • Move the cursor to the 1. THE QUICK
Word Search and Replace beginning of the line. 2. THE BLOCK
2 • Press F9 (“Find/Replace”). Input Search String:
3 • Input the search string and Input Replace String:
press Enter .
4 • Input the replace string and 2. THE BLOCK
press 3. THE QUICK
Enter EX. “QUICK”
Replace the string?
5 • Select YES and press Enter to 2. THE QUICK
replace the search string. 3. THE QUICK
• Select NO and press Enter to
stop. the search. EX. Continue Search?
6 • Select YES and press Enter to String xxxxx not found!
continue the search string.
• Select NO and press Enter to
stop the search string.
7 • Press any Key to return the edit
F10 (“-Others-”) 1 • Press F10 (“-Others-”) to
Switch of Command sets switch the command sets to the
group A.

• When the edit mode is “edit Telex file”, set the max column to “69”.
• Characters, words, and lines can copying easily with using “Undo” command. After once
deleting, press “Undo” command the number of times you want to copy.
• Input a word with capital letter when searching and replacing the word in Telex file. To make
capital letter, input character string with pressing CAPS key or SIFT key.

3.6.3 Block Function
When the block is selected in Edit mode previously, the block can be copied, moved, deleted and etc.
The block function menu is provided on Edit mode. Item of the menu is as follows;

Top-marker of block
Bottom-marker of block
rEmove markers
Copy block
Move block
Delete block
Save block as
Go to the block
F10: Previous Fig. 3.6.3a “Block function menu” window 3
• Top-marker of block To select a top-marker of block.
• Bottom-marker of block To select a bottom-marker of block.
• Remove marker To remove the block markers.
• Copy block To duplicate a block on the edit mode.
• Move block To move a block on the edit mode.
• Delete block To delete a block on the edit mode.
• Save block as To save a block to the floppy diskette.
• Go to the block To go the cursor to a top of the selected

(1) Select block

Before the block function is used, select the block according to the following procedures.

Step Operation Example

1 • Move the cursor to the top of the block. 1. THE QUICK
2 • Press F3 (“Block”).
• Move the cursor to “Top-marker of block” and press Top-marker of block
Enter key.
3 • Move the cursor to the bottom of the block. 1. THE QUICK
4 • Press F3 (“Block”).
• Move the cursor to “Bottom- marker of block” and Bottom- marker of block
press Enter key.
5 • When the block is selected, the block is highlighted. 1. THE QUICK
6 • To remove the highlighted, press F3 (“Block”). 1. THE QUICK
• Move the cursor to “rEmove markers” and press Enter 2. THE QUICK
key. 3. THE QUICK

(2) Copy Block

Step Operation Example

1 • Select the Block according to 1. THE QUICK
the item (1) “Select Block”. 2. THE QUICK
2 • Move the cursor to the character 1. THE QUICK
where the block is to be inserted. 2. THE QUICK
3 • Press F3 (“Block”). 1. THE QUICK
• Select “Copy block” and press 2. THE QUICK The copied
3. THE QUICK block
Enter key.

*)Warning message window (Fig. 3.7b) is displayed when the data capacity exceeds 8kbyte.

(3) Delete Block

Step Operation Example

1 • Select the Block according to 1. THE QUICK
the item (1) “Select Block”. 2. THE QUICK
2 • Press F3 (“Block”). 3. THE QUICK
• Select “Delete block” and press
Enter key.

(4) Move Block

Step Operation Example

1 • Select the Block according to 1. THE QUICK
the item (1) “Select Block”. 2. THE QUICK
2 • Move the cursor to the character 1. THE QUICK
where the block is to be 2. THE QUICK
removed. 3. THE QUICK
3 • Press F3 (“Block”). 3. THE QUICK The moved block
• Select “Move block” and press 1. THE QUICK
Enter key. 2. THE QUICK
• The highlight is removed 4. THE QUICK

(5) Save Block

Step Operation Example

1 • Select the Block according to 1. THE QUICK
the item (1) “Select Block”. 2. THE QUICK
2 • Press F3 (“Block”). File name:_
• Select “Save block as” and
press Enter key.
3 • Enter the file name to be saved File name: ABC. TLX

and press Enter Ex. ABC. TLX
The block is saved to the floppy
(6) Go to the Block

Step Operation Example

1 • Select the Block according to 1. THE QUICK
the item (1) “Select Block”. 2. THE QUICK
2 • Press F3 (“Block”). 3. THE QUICK
• Select “Go to the block” and 4. THE QUICK
Enter key.
• The cursor is jumped to a top of
the block. (Note)

When the block has not selected, the following messages are displayed.
Press any key to erase this message.

Block has not marked.

This function is impossible now.

Press any key

Fig. 3.6.3b The message window says “Block has not marked”

3.6.4 File Management

The file management command can be managed the edited file.

When the floppy disk drive unit is connected to the DTE optionally, the floppy disk management
command can be managed the file in the floppy disk. File Management command

The edited message file in the DTE memory can be deleted, renamed, or copied by the file
management command.
When the floppy disk drive unit is connected to the DTE optionally, the edited message file in the
floppy disk can be deleted, renamed, or copied by the file management command.

• Delete file : To delete a file

• Rename file : To rename a file
• Copy file : To copy a file

Press F2 (“Sort by Name/Time”) to sort the file by Name or Time, when file list is displayed.

(1) Delete File

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • “EdIt” window is displayed.
“EdIt” and press Enter
2 • Select “Delete file” and • Delete file list menu is displayed.
press Enter key. “Delete file:_”
3 • Select the file name to When delete the
delete and press Enter CAUTION file of floppy
key. EX. “TEST.BAK” disk, input
Are you sure you want
to delete the file A : into the
"QBF.TLX"? column of “File:”

is displayed.
4 • When the selected file is • The selected file is deleted.
deleted, select Yes and
press Enter key.
5 • Press ESC key to return • The main menu is displayed.
the main menu.

(2) Rename File
Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Edit” • “Edit” window is displayed.
and press Enter key.
2 • Select “Rename file” and • The file list memorized in IME and
press Enter key. “Current file name: ” is displayed.
3 • Select or input the file • “Current file name: TEST. TLX”
name you want to rename, “New file name: ” is displayed.
and press Enter key.
Example: “TEST. TLX”
4 • Input the new file name • “New file name: ABC. TLX Blank space

and press Enter key. CAUTION. cannot be used
Are you sure you want to rename the for file name.
Example: “ABC. TLX” file “TEST. TLX” To “ABC. TLX”?
Yes No
5 • When the file name is • The selected file is renamed.
renamed, select Yes and
press Enter key.
6 • Press ESC key to return • Main menu is displayed.
the main menu.

(3) Copy File

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Edit” • “Edit” window is displayed.
and press Enter key.
2 • Select “Copy file” and press • The file list memorized in IME and
Enter key. “Current file name: ” is displayed.
3 • Enter the file name you want • “Current file name: XXX. TLX”
to copy, or move the cursor • “New file name: ” is displayed.
to the file name you want to
copy, then press Enter key.
• When you save the file to
DTE from floppy disk, Enter
as [A: (the file name you
want to copy)] to the column
of copy origin, then press
Enter key.
4 When you save the file to Floppy • “New file name: ABC. TLX” Input file name
disk from DTE, Enter as [A: (new within 8
file name)] to the column of copy characters and
origin, then press Enter key. input the
extension within
3 characters.
5 • The new file is duplicated.
6 • Press ESC key to return the • Main menu is displayed.
main menu.

3-25 Floppy Disk Management Command

The floppy disk can be used to connect the floppy disk drive unit (NDH-265) optionally.

• Copy to another disk : To duplicate a file to another disk.

• Initial diskette : To format a floppy disk to use for message storage.
*Initializing is required when a floppy disk is used for the first time.
• Disk copy : To duplicate the floppy disk.
*It is used when backing up the floppy disk.

(1) Copy to another disk

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “Edit” • “Edit” window is displayed.
and press Enter key.
2 • Select “cOpy to another • The “File list” window is displayed
disk” and press Enter key.
3 • Select the file name to • “Insert TARGET diskette in drive
copy to another disk and and press any key” is displayed.
press Enter key.
4 • Insert the target diskette • The “Edit” window is displayed. Note
into the DTE and press
Enter key or any key.
• Press Esc key to return to • Main menu is displayed.
main menu.


When the source file name is presented to the target diskette, “WARNING, File XXXX, XXX(file
name) already present on the diskette, Do you want to overwrite it? Yes No” is displayed.
When the file name is overwritten, select Yes and press Enter key.

When the file name is not overwritten, select No and press Enter key.

(2) Initialize Diskette


• Initializing destroys all data on the disk. Be very careful when using the command.

• When floppy disk is being read or written in , the lamp of a disk drive lights up. Do not take out a
disk by any means during lamp lighting, there is a risk of the data currently recorded being

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks



Move the cursor to “Edit”
and press Enter key.
Select “Initialize Diskette”

“Edit” window is displayed.

and press Enter key. Initializing destroys all data on the
Do you initialize the diskette?
Yes No” is displayed.
3 • Select Yes to initialize the • “Insert new diskette in floppy drive.
diskette and press Enter Select density: High(2HD)
key, and then insert the new Double (2DD) ” is displayed.
floppy diskette to disk drive.
4 • Select the density and press • “INITIALIZING,
Enter key. Do not remove diskette from floppy
EX. Double (2DD) drive Initializing with Double density
(720 KB)” and “Format cylinder
number XX from 80” are displayed.
5 • Press ESC key to return the • Main menu is displayed.
main menu.

(3) Disk copy

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “Edit” • “Edit” window is displayed.
and press Enter key.
2 • Select “disKcopy” and • “Insert SOURCE diskette in drive and
press Enter key. press any key” is displayed.
3 • Insert the source diskette to • “Copy 720 KB diskette Reading…” is
the DTE and press Enter displayed.
key or any key. • “Insert TARGET diskette in drive and
press any key” is displayed.
4 • Replace the source diskette • “Copy 720 KB diskette Writing…” is
and insert the target diskette displayed.
to the DTE and press Enter • “Insert SOURCE diskette in drive and
key or any key. press any key” is displayed.

5 • Replace the target diskette • “Copy 720 KB diskette Reading…” is
and insert the source displayed.
diskette to the DTE and
press Enter key or any key.
• Repeat the step 3 to the step
4 until the diskette is
6 • Press ESC key to return the • Main menu is displayed.
main menu.

(4) Floppy Disk Handling
When the Floppy Disk Drive unit (NDH-265) option is added, take care the floppy disk as follows:
(1) Caring for disks
• Do not slide back the disk’s protective metal cover nor touch the disk’s magnetic surface.
Fingerprints may prevent the disk drive from reading data from the disk.
• Data may be lost if the disk is twisted, bent, or dropped sharply, or if it is exposed to direct
sunlight, or extreme heat or cold.
• Do not place heavy objects on your disks.
• Magnetic energy can destroy the data on your disks.
So keep your disks away from loud-speakers, printers, and television sets.
(2) Write-protecting disks
Any disk that contains data you cannot afford to lose should be protected from accidental erasure.
Sliding the disk’s write-protect tab to its outermost position, write protects the disk.
Data on a write-protected disk cannot be erased or altered by a disk drive.
To write-protect a disk, slide the write-protect tab to the outermost position.
You should be able to see through the write-protect opening.
To write-enable a disk, slide the write-protect tab to the innermost position.
The write-protect opening should be covered.

Fig. Write-protecting Disk

• When the green LED of the FDD unit is lit, do not remove the floppy disk nor turn off your
INMARSAT; otherwise you may lose software and/or data in your floppy disk and also damage
your floppy disk and disk drive.
• Pull out Floppy disk after return the read-out place to inner DTE memory ( F : ), when you
completed editing of Floppy disk. Error is occurred when you log-in to the editing mode gain,
if you pull out the disk without change the read-out place to F : from A : .

3.7 Transmitting Message (Transmit)

The edited message is sent to the subscriber with some communication network. When the message
is sent, the communication network is selected in the “Transmit” window.
The telex communication network is the mandatory facility for all LESs. Other facility depends on
each LES.

Telex Telex Communication Network.
Facsimile Facsimile (T30) Communication Network.
data (psDn) PSDN (X25, etc) Communication Network.
data (psTn) PSTN (V22, V32, etc) Communication Network.
closed network DNID Communication Network.
Special access network Special Access Communication Network.
others With Prefix Code Communication Network.

cancel calL Cancel Call.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7 “Transmit” Window


The size of the transmission message in JUE-85 is 8K bytes maximum. If the size of the message is
exceeded 8K bytes, the following windows is displayed. In this case, reduce the size to 8K bytes or
less divide the message to a few file.


Size of the file exceeds 8000.

The MES can’t transfer such file completely.
Press F10 to continue.
Fig. 3.7b “WARNING !!!” Window

3.7.1 Select Telex Window


Accident alarm message is transmitted to Rescue Coordination Center regardless of destination code,
subscriber’s number, and answerback.

• Distress telex message is retransmitted after the device is restarted, when momentary disconnection is
occurred in the device during the distress telex message transmitting. However, please note that
distress telex message is not retransmitted in the following cases.
(1) When power switch of the device is turned OFF/ON
(2) When power switch of External power supply unit is turned OFF/ON
(3) When the ship is recovered from blackout
(4) When a random failure is occurred on the device
Destination code-subscriber’s number and
answerback : 072-12345678 (1)
File name : TEST MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
delivery Confirmation : oN Off
characTer code : Ia5 iTa2
Priority : routine Distress

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.1a Example of “Telex” window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Transmit” and • The “Transmit”
press Enter key. window is displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to “Telex” and • The “Telex” window • “Telex” is the
press Enter key. is displayed. mandatory facility
for all LESs.
Other facility
depends on each
3 • Move the cursor to “Destination • The “Destination”
code-subscriber’s number and window is displayed.
answerback” and press Enter key.
4 • Move the cursor to the “1:” and • The cursor is moved • When the
press Enter key. to “subscriber’s no”. abbreviated number
is used, press F2
(“Address book
code”) key.
5 • Type telex country code, subscriber’s • The cursor is moved
number and press → . to “answerback”.
Ex. Country code: 72
Subscriber’s number:
0 7 2, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 →
6 • Type answerback code and press • The cursor is moved • When the
Enter . to “2”. answerback code is
Ex. 12345678 ABCD J not provided, press
12345678ABCD Enter key only.
J Enter • Note 1
7 • After confirmation of each • The “Telex” window
parameter, press F10 (“Previous”) is displayed, and the
key. cursor is moved to
“File name”.
8 • When the file is selected, press • The cursor is moved
Enter key. to right side.
9 • Press F2 (“File selection”) key. • The “File list”
window is displayed.
10 • Select the file by ↑ , ↓ key and press • The contents of the • When the file name
Enter key. file are displayed. is knowledge, type
the file name
• Note 2
11 • After confirmation of the contents • The “File list”
and press F10 (“Previous”) key. window is displayed.
12 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key to • The “Telex” window
return the “Telex” window. is displayed and the
cursor is moved to

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
“land Earth station
13 • When the LES is selected, press • The cursor is moved • When the LES ID is
Enter key. to right side. knowledge, type the
LES ID directly.
14 • After confirmation of the contents • The “Les list” • When the JUE-85 is
and press F10 (“Previous”) key. window is displayed. not synchronized to
satellite, the blank
list is displayed.
15 • Select the Les ID by ↑ , ↓ key, and • The cursor is moved • Note 3
press Enter key. to “posItion”.


When the setting of the “posItion”
is changed, press Enter key.
When the ship’s position is included

The cursor is moved
to right side.
The cursor is moved
the transmitting message, select to “delivery
“oN” and press Enter key. When Confirmation”.
the ship’s position is not included,
select “Off” and press Enter key.
18 • When the setting of the “delivery • The cursor is moved
Confirmation” is changed, press to right side.
Enter key.
19 • When the delivery confirmation is • The cursor is moved
requested to LES, select “oN” and to “characTer code”.
press Enter key.
• When the delivery confirmation is
not requested to LES, select “Off”
and press Enter key.
20 • When the setting of the “characTer • The cursor is moved
code” is changed, press Enter key. to right side.
21 • Select the “characTer code” and • The cursor is moved
Enter key. “Priority”.
• Select the “Ia5” normally.
22 • When the “Priority” is changed, • The cursor is moved
press Enter key. to right side.
23 • When the priority is set to the • The cursor is returned
normal, select “Routine” and press to ”Destination
Enter key. code-subscriber’s
• When the priority is set to the number and
distress, select “Distress” and press answerback”.
Enter key.
24 • After confirmation of each • The contents of the • Normally, it takes
parameter, press F1 (“Send Call”) selected file are about 3-5 minutes
key. displayed, and then to complete the
Main menu is communication.
displayed again.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
25 • “S&F message • Press F10
(96-01-15 11:00) sent (“Previous”) key to
to LES (203)” is delete the message.
• Example: Call date
and time:
LES ID: 203
• When the “Message
print on function” is
turned on, the call
time, date destination
number, LES ID, and
the message are
26 • After the message is transmitted to • “S&F message
subscribers, “S&F message (96-01-15 11:00)
delivered to subscribers” is delivered to
displayed. Press F10 subscribers
(“Previous”) key to return to main (07202822351)” is
menu. displayed.
• Example: Delivery
date and time:
Destination number:

Note 1: Message can be sent to up to 5 subscriber’s which destination code is same by moving the
cursor to “Destination code-subscriber’s number, and answerback code” with pressing
Enter key (Multi address function).
When the subscriber’s number set to two number’s or more, “*” is displayed at right side of the

Note 2: When the entered file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, the following window is
displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.1b Example of “ERROR” window

Note 3: When the selected LED ID is closed, or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.1c Example of “ERROR” window


3.7.2 Transmitting Facsimile Message

country coDe-
subscriber’s number : 081-1234567
Modem of subscriber : T30
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
characTer code : Ia5 Data
delivery Confirmation : oN Off

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.2a Example of “Facsimile” window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit” window is
“Transmit” and press Enter displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “Facsimile” window • “Facsimile” is optional
“Facsimile” and press Enter is displayed. facility for each LES.
3 • Move the cursor to the • The “Destination” window
“Country code-subscriber’s is displayed.
number” and press Enter .
4 • Move the cursor to the “1:” • The cursor is moved to • When the abbreviated
and press Enter key. “subscriber’s no”. number is used, press F2
(“Address book code”)
5 • Type telephone country code, • The cursor is moved to • Note 1
subscriber’s number and “2:”.
press Enter .
Ex. Country code: 081
Subscriber’s number:
0 8 1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 • After confirmation of each • The cursor is moved to
parameter, press F10 “File name”.
(“Previous”) key.
7 • When the file is selected, • The cursor is moved to
press Enter key. right side.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
8 • Press F2 (“File selection”) • The “File list” window is
key. displayed.
9 • Select the file by ↑ , ↓ .key • The contents of the file are • When the file name is
and press Enter key. displayed. knowledge, type the file
name directly.
• Note 2
10 • After confirmation of the • The “File list” window is
contents and press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key.

11 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key • The cursor is moved to
to return the “Facsimile” “land Earth station (les)”.
12 • When the LES is selected, • The cursor is moved to • When the LES ID is
press Enter key. right side. knowledge, type the LES
ID directly.
13 • Press F2 (“LES list”) • The “LES list” window is • When the JUE-85 is not
contents and press displayed. synchronized to satellite,
(“Previous”) key. the blank list is displayed.
14 • Select the LES ID by ↑ , ↓ • The “Facsimile” window is • Note 3
key, and press Enter key. displayed and the cursor is
moved to “posItion”.
15 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“posItion” is changed, press right side.
Enter key.
16 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to
included the transmitting “characTer code”.
message, select “oN” and
press Enter key.
When the ship’s position is
not included, select “Off”
and press Enter key.
17 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“characTer code” is changed, right side.
press Enter key.
18 • Select the “characTer code” • The cursor is moved to
and Enter key. “delivery Confirmation”.
• Select the “Ia5” normally.
19 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“delivery Confirmation” is right side.
changed, press Enter key.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
20 • When the delivery • The cursor is return
confirmation is requested to to ”country
LES, select “oN” and press coDe-subscriber’s
Enter key. number”.
• When the delivery
confirmation is not requested
to LES, select “Off” and
press Enter key.
21 • After confirmation of each • The contents of the selected • If normally takes about
parameter, press F1 (“Send file are displayed, then Main 3-5 minutes to complete
Call”) key. menu is displayed again. the communication.
22 • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10 (“Previous”)
11:00) sent to LES (203)” is key to clear the message.
Example: Call date and
LES ID: 203
• When the message print on
function is turned on, the call
time, date destination
number, LED ID, and the
message are displayed.
23 • After the message is • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10 (“Previous”)
transmitted to subscriber’s 11:00) delivered to key to clear the message.
“S&F message delivered to subscribers (0811234567)”
subscribers” is displayed is displayed.
and press F10 (“previous”) Example: Delivery date and
key. time:
• When the message print on
function is turned on, the call
time destination number and
LES ID are displayed.

Note 1: Message can be sent to up to 5 subscriber’s which destination code is same by moving the
cursor to “Destination code-subscriber’s number and answerback code” then pressing Enter
key (Multi address function).
When the subscriber’s number set to two number’s or more, “*” is displayed at right side of the
Note 2: When the file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, the following window is
displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous
Fig. 3.7.2b Example of “ERROR” window

Note 3: When the selected LED ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.2c Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.3 Transmitting Data (PSDN) Message

Data (PSDN)
Data network id
subscriber’s number : 1112-12345678
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
delivery Confirmation : oN Off

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.3a Example of “Data (PSDN)” Window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit” window
“Transmit” and press is displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “Data (PSDN)” • “Data (PSDN)” is
“data (psDn)” and press window is displayed. optional facility for each
Enter key. LES.
3 • Move the cursor to the • The “Destination”
“Data network id, window is displayed.
subscriber’s number and
answerback” and press
Enter .
4 • Move the cursor to the • The cursor is moved to • When the abbreviated
“1:” and press Enter key. “subscriber’s no”. number is used, Press F2
(“Address book code”)
5 • Type data network id, • The cursor is moved to • The data network id is
subscriber’s number and “2:”. provided by each LES.
press Enter . • Note 1
Ex. Data Network ID:
Subscriber’s number:
6 • After confirmation of each • Data (PSDN) window is
parameter, press F10 displayed and the cursor
(“Previous”) key. is moved to “File name”.
7 • When the file is selected, • The cursor is moved to
press Enter key. right side.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
8 • Press F2 (“File selection”) • The “File list” window is
key. displayed.
9 • Selected the file by ↑ , ↓ • The contents of the file • When the file name is
key and press Enter key. are displayed. knowledge, type the file
• Note 2 name directly.
• Note 3
10 • After confirmation of the • The “File list” window is
contents and press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key.
11 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • Data (PSDN) window is

12 •
key to return the “Data
(PSDN)” window.

When the LES is selected, •

displayed and the cursor
is moved to “land Earth
station (les)”.
The cursor is moved to • When the LES ID is
press Enter key. right side. knowledge, type the LES
ID directly.
13 • Press F2 (“LES list”) key. • The “Les list” window is • When the JUE-85 is not
displayed. synchronized to satellite,
• Note 4 the blank list is displayed.

14 • Select the LES ID by ↑ , ↓ • Data (PSDN) window is

key, and press Enter key. displayed and the cursor
is moved to “posItion”.
15 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“posItion” is changed, right side.
press Enter key.
16 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to
included the transmitting “delivery
message, select “oN” and Confirmation”.
press Enter key.
• When the ship’s position is
not included, select “oFf”
and press Enter key.
17 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“delivery Confirmation” right side.
is changed, press Enter
18 • When the delivery • The cursor is returned to
confirmation is requested " Data network id
to LES, select “oN” and subscriber’s number".
press Enter key.
• When the delivery
confirmation is not requested
to LES, select “Off” and
press Enter key.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
19 • After confirmation of each • The Main menu is • If normally takes about
parameter, press F1 (“Send displayed. 3-5 minutes to complete
Call”) key. the communication.
20 • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10 (“previous”)
11:00) sent to LES key to clear the
(203)” is displayed. message.
Example: Call date
and time:
LES ID: 203
• When the message print
on function is turned on,
the call time, date
destination number, LED
ID is displayed.
21 • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10 (“previous”)
11:00) delivered to key to clear the
subscribers message.
(11121234567)” is
Example: Delivery
date and time:
Destination number:
• When the message print
on function is turned on,
the call time destination
number and LES ID are
Note 1: Message can be sent to up to five subscribers which destination code is same by moving the
cursor to “Destination code-subscriber’s number and answerback code” then pressing
Enter key. When the subscriber’s number set to 2 numbers or more, “*” is displayed at
right side of the number.
Note 2: When the file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, the following window is
displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.3b Example of “ERROR” window

Note 3: Following window is displayed when you carry out the procedure of Step9, if "characTer code" is
set as "Data". Press F10 (“Previous”) key when you carry out data transmission.

Can not display binary text.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.3c "WARNING" Window

Note 4: When the selected LED ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.3d Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.4 Transmitting Data (PSTN) Message

Data (PSTN)
country coDe-
subscriber’s number : 081-123456789
Modem of subscriber : V22 V22Bis V32Bis Others (T30)
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
characTer code : Ia5 Data
delivery Confirmation : oN Off

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.4a Example of “Data (PSTN)” Window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Transmit” • The “Transmit” window
and press Enter key. is displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to the “data • The “Data (PSTN)” • “Data (PSTN)” is
(psTn)” and press Enter key. window is displayed. optional facility for
each LES.
3 • Move the cursor to the “Country • The “Destination”
code-subscriber’s number” and window is displayed.
press Enter .
4 • Move the cursor to the “1:” and • The cursor is moved to • When the
press Enter key. “Subscriber’s no”. abbreviated number
is used, press F2
(“Address book
code”) key.
5 • Type telephone country code, • The cursor is moved to • Note 1
subscriber’s number and press “2:”.
Enter .
• Ex. Country code: 081
Subscriber’s number:
• 08112345678
6 • After confirmation of each • The “Data (PSTN)”
parameter, press F10 (“Previous”) window is displayed.
key. • The cursor is moved to
“Modem of
7 • When the setting of the Modem of • The cursor is moved to
subscriber’s is changed, press right side.
Enter key.
8 • Select the setting of the Modem of • The “Data (PSTN)”
subscriber’s and press Enter key. window is displayed.
V22 : 1200bps • The cursor is moved to
V22bis : 2400bps “File name”.
V32bis : 9600bps
Others : 3 digits protocol
number described the CCITT
9 • When the file is selected, press • The cursor is moved to
Enter key. right side.
10 • Press F2 (“File selection”) key. • The “File list” window
is displayed.
11 • Select the file by ↑ , ↓ .key and • The contents of the file • When the file name
press Enter key. are displayed. is knowledge, type
the file name
• Note 2

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
12 • After confirmation of the contents • The “File list” window
and press F10 (“Previous”) key. is displayed.
13 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key to • The “Data (PSTN)”
return the “Data (PSTN)” window is displayed.
window. • The cursor is moved to
“land Earth station
14 • When the LES is selected, press • The cursor is moved to • When the LES ID
Enter key. right side. is knowledge, type
the LES ID directly.

15 • Press F10 (“LES list”) key. • The “LES list” window • When the JUE-85 is
is displayed. not synchronized to
satellite, the blank
list is displayed.
16 • Select the LES ID by ↑ , ↓ key, • The “Data (PSTN)” • Note 3
and press Enter key. window is displayed.
• The cursor is moved to
17 • When the setting of the “posItion” • The cursor is moved to
is changed, press Enter key. right side.
18 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to
included the transmitting message, “characTer code”.
select “oN” and press Enter key.
When the ship’s position is not
included, select “Off” and press
Enter key.
19 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“characTer code” is changed, right side.
press Enter key.
20 • Select the “characTer code” and • The cursor is moved to
Enter key. “delivery
• Select the “Ia5” normally. Confirmation”.
21 • When the setting of the “delivery • The cursor is moved to
Confirmation” is changed, press right side.
Enter key.
22 • When the delivery confirmation is • The cursor is returned to
requested to LES, select “oN” and “country
press Enter key. coDe-subscriber’s
• When the delivery confirmation is number”.
not requested to LES, select “Off”
and press Enter key.
23 • After confirmation of each • The contents of the • If normally takes
parameter, press F1 (“Send Call”) selected file are about 3-5 minutes
key. displayed, and then Main to complete the
menu is displayed again. communication.
• Note 4

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
24 • “S&F message • Press F10
(96-01-15 11:00) sent to (“Previous”) key to
LES (203)” is displayed. clear the message.
Example: Call date
and time:
LES ID: 203
• When the message print
on function is turned on,
the call time, date
destination number, LES
IDs are displayed.
25 • “S&F message • Press F10
(96-01-15 11:00) (“Previous”) key to
delivered to subscribers clear the message.
(0811234567)” is
• Example: Delivery
date and time:
Destination number:
• When the message print
on function is turned on,
the call time destination
number and LES IDs are

Note 1: Message can be sent to up to five subscribers which destination code is same by moving the
cursor to “Destination code-subscriber’s number and answerback code” then pressing
Enter key. When the subscriber’s number set to 2 numbers or more, “*” is displayed at
right side of the number.
Note 2: When the file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, the following window is
displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.4b Example of “ERROR” window

Note 3: Following window is displayed when you carry out the procedure of Step9, if "characTer code" is
set as "Data". Press F10 (“Previous”) key when you carry out data transmission.

Can not display binary text.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.4c "WARNING" Window

Note 4: When the selected LED ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.4d Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.5 Transmitting Closed Network Message


It is necessary to download the closed network ID (DNID) from LES before the closed network
message is transmitted.

Closed network
cloSed network id : 12345
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
traNsfer : Data report S&f

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.5a Example of “Closed network” window

Closed network
cloSed network id : 12345
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
traNsfer : Dsta report S&f
characTer code : Ia5 iTa2 Data
delivery Confirmation : oN Off

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.5b "Closed network (S&F)" window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit” window
“Transmit” and press is displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “Closed network” • “Closed network” is
“closed network” and window is displayed. the optional facility for
press Enter key. each LES.
3 • Move the cursor to the • The cursor is moved to
“closed network id” and right entry field from
press Enter key. “Closed network id”.

4 • When the closed network • The “Closed network list When the closed
ID is selected, press F2 window” is displayed. network ID is not
(“closed network ID list”) • When the closed network downloaded, the blank
key. ID is not downloaded, the list is displayed.
blank list is displayed.
5 • Select the closed network • The cursor is moved to
ID by ↑ and ↓ key and “File name”.
press Enter key.
6 • When the file is selected, • The cursor is moved to
press Enter key. right column from “File
7 • Press F2 (“File selection”) • The “File list” window is
key. displayed.
8 • Selected the file by ↑, • The contents of the file are • When the file name is
↓ key and press Enter key. displayed. knowledge, type the file
name directly.
• Note 1
9 • After confirmation of the • The “File list” window is
contents and press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key.
10 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • The cursor is moved to
key to return the “Closed “land Earth station
network” window. (les)”.
11 • When the LES is selected, • The cursor is moved to • When the LES ID is
press Enter key. right column from “land knowledge, type the
Earth station (les)”. LES ID directly.
12 • Press F2 (“LES list”) key. • The “LES list” window is • When the JUE-85 is not
displayed. synchronized to
satellite, the blank list is
13 • Select the LES ID by ↑ , ↓ • The cursor is moved to • Note 2
key, and press Enter key. “posItion”.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
14 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“posItion” is changed, right column from
press Enter key. “posItion”.

15 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to

included the transmitting “traNsfer”.
message, select “oN” and
press Enter key.
• When the ship’s position is
not included, select “Off”
and press Enter key.
16 • When the setting of • The cursor is moved to
“traNsfer” is changed, right column from
press Enter key. “traNsfer”.
17 • When the data reporting • When the “S&F” is • When the “Data report”
service is used, select the selected, the “closed is selected, skip to step
“Data report” and press network” window is 23.
Enter key. displayed.
• When the store and
forward service is used,
select the “S&F” and press
Enter key.
18 • Select the “characTer • The cursor is moved to
code” and Enter key. right column from
“characTer code”.
19 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“characTer code” is “delivery
changed, press Enter key. Confirmation”.
20 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“delivery Confirmation” is right column from
changed, press Enter key. “delivery
21 • When the delivery • The cursor is returned to
Confirmation is requested “closed network id”.
to LES, select “oN” and
press Enter key.
• When the delivery
confirmation is not
requested to LES, select
“Off” and press Enter key.
22 • After confirmation of each • The contents of the • If normally takes about
parameter, press F1 (“Send selected file are 3-5 minutes to complete
Call”) key. displayed, and then Main the communication.
menu is displayed again.

Note1) When the entered file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, “ERROR, The file is
missing. Confirm the file name.” is displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new
file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.5c Example of “ERROR” window

Note2) When the selected LES ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.3d Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.6 Transmitting Special Access Network message

Special access network

Special access code : abcdefg
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
characTer code : Ia5 Data
delivery Confirmation : oN Off

F1: Send call F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.6a Example of “Special access network” window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit”
“Transmit” and press window is displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “Special access • “Special access network”
“Special access network” network” window is is optional facility for each
and press Enter key. displayed. LES.
3 • Move the cursor to the • The cursor is moved to
“Special access code” and right column from
press Enter key. “Special access code”.
4 • Type the Special access • The cursor is moved to • Ask LES a special access
code (Numbers or “File name”. code.
Alphabets, 6 digits
maximum) and press Enter
Ex. clink
c l i n k Enter
5 • When the file is selected, • The cursor is moved to
press Enter key. right column from “File
6 • Press F2 (“File selection”) • The “File list” window
key. is displayed.
7 • Select the file by ↑ , ↓ .key • The contents of the file • When the file name is
and press Enter key. are displayed. knowledge, type the file
name directly.
• Note 1
8 • After confirmation of the • The “File list” window
contents and press F10 is displayed.
(“Previous”) key.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
9 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key to • The cursor is moved to
return the “Special access “land Earth station
network” window. (les)”.
10 • When the LES is selected, • The cursor is moved to • When the LES ID is
press Enter key. right column from knowledge, type the
“land Earth station LES ID directly.
(les)”. .
11 • Press F2 (“Les list”) key. • The “Les list” window • When the JUE-85 is
is displayed. not synchronized to
satellite, the blank list

12 • Select the LES ID by ↑ , ↓

key, and press Enter key.
• The cursor is moved to

is displayed.
Note 2 3
13 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“posItion” is changed, press right column from
Enter key. “posItion”.
14 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to
included the transmitting “characTer code”.
message, select “oN” and
press Enter key.
• When the ship’s position is not
included, select “Off” and
press Enter key.
15 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“characTer code” is changed, right column from
press Enter key. “characTer code”.
16 • Select the “characTer code” • The cursor is moved to
and Enter key. “delivery
17 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to
“delivery Confirmation” is right column from
changed, press Enter key. “delivery
18 • When the delivery • The cursor is moved to
confirmation is requested to “characTer code”.
LES, select “oN” and press • The “special access
Enter key. code” window is
• When the delivery displayed.
confirmation is not requested
to LES, select “Off” and press
Enter key.
19 • After confirmation of each • If normally takes about
parameter, press F1 (“Send 3-5 minutes to
Call”) key. complete the

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
20 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key • Main menu is displayed.
to return to main menu..

Note 1: When the entered file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, “ERROR, The file is
missing. Confirm the file name.” is displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new
file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.6b Example of “ERROR” window

Note 2: When the selected LES ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.6c Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.7 Transmitting Message with Prefix Code

Prefix code-subscriber’s number and
answerback : 072-1234567
File name : TEST.MSG
land Earth station(les) : 203 (Yamaguchi)
posItion : oN Off
delivery Confirmation : oN Off
characTer code

F1: Send call

: Ia5 iTa2

F10: Previous
Fig. 3.7.7a Example of “Telex(with prefix)” window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit” window is
“Transmit” and press displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “others” window is
“Others” and press Enter displayed.
Telex with prefix code
Facsimile with prefix code
data (psDn) with prefix code
data (psTn) with prefix code

F10: Previous

3 • Move the cursor to the • The “Telex” window is

“Telex with prefix code”. displayed.
For example, this manual
describes the procedure of
the telex with prefix code.
4 • Move the cursor to the • The “Destination” window
“Prefix code-subscriber’s is displayed.
number , destination
code, and answerback”
and press Enter key.
5 • Move the cursor to the “1:” • The cursor is moved to • Note1
and press Enter key. “subscriber’s no”.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
6 • Type Prefix code, telex • The cursor is moved to • The prefix code is
country code, subscriber’s “answerback”. provided from each
number, and press → . LES.
Ex. Prefix code: 11 • When the
Country code: 072 abbreviated number
Subscriber’s number: is used, press F2
12345678 (“Address book
1 1 0 7 2, 1 2 3 4 5 6 code”) key.
7 • Type answerback code and • The cursor is moved to “2:”. • When the
press Enter . answerback code is
Ex. 12345678 ABCD J not provided, press
12345678A Enter key only.
B C D J Enter
8 • After confirmation of each • The “Telex” window is
parameter, press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key. • The cursor is moved to “File
9 • When the file is selected, • The cursor is moved to right
press Enter key. column from “File name”.
10 • Press F2 (“File selection”) • The “File list” window is
key. displayed.
11 • Select the file by ↑ , ↓ .key • The contents of the file are • When the file name
and press Enter key. displayed. is knowledge, type
the file name
• Note 2
12 • After confirmation of the • The “File list” window is
contents and press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key.
13 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key • The “Telex” window is
to return the “Telex” displayed.
window. • The cursor is moved to “land
Earth station (les)”.
14 • When the LES is selected, • The cursor is moved to right
press Enter key. column from “land Earth
station (les)”.
15 • Press F2 (“Les list”) key. • The “Les list” window is • When the LES ID is
displayed. knowledge, type the
LES ID directly.
• When the JUE-85 is
not synchronized to
satellite, the blank
list is displayed.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
16 • Select the Les ID by ↑ , ↓ • The cursor is moved to • Note 3
key, and press Enter key. “position”.

17 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to right

“posItion” is changed, column from “position”.
press Enter key.
18 • When the ship’s position is • The cursor is moved to
included the transmitting “delivery Confirmation”.
message, select “oN” and
press Enter key.
When the ship’s position is

19 •
not included, select “Off”
and press Enter key.
When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to right
“delivery Confirmation” column from “delivery
is changed, press Enter Confirmation”.
20 • When the delivery • The cursor is moved to
confirmation is requested to “characTer code”.
LES, select “oN” and press
Enter key.
• When the delivery
confirmation is not
requested to LES, select
“Off” and press Enter key.
21 • When the setting of the • The cursor is moved to right
“characTer code” is column from “characTer
changed, press Enter key. code”.
22 • Select the “characTer • The cursor is moved to right
code” and Enter key. column from “characTer
23 • Select the “Ia5” normally. • The contents of the selected • If normally takes
• After confirmation of each file are displayed, and then about 3-5 minutes to
parameter, press F1 (“Send Main menu is displayed complete the
Call”) key. again. communication.
24 • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10
11:00) sent to LES (203)” is (“Previous”) key to
displayed. clear the message.
Example: Call date and
LES ID: 203
• When the message print on
function is turned on, the call
time, date, destination
number, LES ID and the

message are displayed.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

25 • After the message is • “S&F message (96-01-15 • Press F10 (“Previous”)
transmitted to subscribers, 11:00) delivered to key to clear the
“S&F message delivered subscribers message.
to subscribers” is (1107202822351)” is
displayed and press F10 displayed.
(“Previous”) key. Example: Delivery
date and time:
Destination number:
• When the message print
on function is turned on,
the call time destination
number and LES ID are

Note1) Message can be sent to up to five subscribers which destination code is same by moving the
cursor to “Destination code-subscriber’s number and answerback code” then pressing
Enter key.
When the subscriber’s number set to two number’s or more, “*” is displayed at right side of
the number.
Note2) When the file is not in the DTE memory or the floppy diskette, the following window is
displayed, press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the new file name.

The file is missing.
Confirm the file name.

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.7b Example of “ERROR” window

Note3 )When the selected LES ID is closed or the selected LES ID is the other ocean region, the
following window is displayed.
Press F10 (“Previous”) key and type the correct LES ID.

Selected LES does not operate in this ocean.
Confirm the LES ID.

F10: Previous
Fig. 3.7.7c Example of “ERROR” window

3.7.8 Abbreviated number
(1) Abbreviated number registration

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit”
“Transmit” and press window is displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the • The “Transmit” • The abbreviated number can
service type to register the window is displayed. used in “Telex”, “FAX”,
abbreviated number. “Data (PSTN)”and “Data
3 • Move the cursor to the • The “Destination”

4 •
“Destination code” and
press Enter key.
Press F2 (“Address book •
window is displayed.

The “Address book

code”) key. code” window is
5 • Move the cursor to register • The cursor is moved to • The abbreviated number is
the abbreviated number and “Name”. registered 40 numbers
press F6 (“New code”) key. maximum.
6 • Type the country code, • The typed numbers are • When the cursor is moved,
subscriber’s number and displayed. press ← or → key.
press Enter key. • When the number is deleted,
• When the service type is press Del key.
“Telex”, type the
answerback code.
• Move the cursor to next
number after press Enter
7 • After confirmation of each • The “Address book • Registration completed.
parameter, press F1 code” window is
(“Complete”) key. displayed.
8 • Press Esc Key. • The “Main Menu”
screen is displayed.

(2) Abbreviated number selection

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • The “Transmit” window
“Transmit” and press is displayed.
Enter key, on main menu.
2 • Move the cursor to the • Selected service window is
service type to register the displayed.
abbreviated number, and
press Enter key.
3 • Move the cursor to • The “Destination”
“Destination code” and window is displayed.
press Enter key.
4 • Press F2 (“Address book • The “Address book code”
code”) key. window is displayed.
5 • Select the abbreviated • The line of selected
number by cursor key and number is displayed in
press Enter key. reverse.
6 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • The specified destination • When the multi address
key. number etc. is displayed on function is used, press
the “Destination” menu. Enter key instead of
F10 key, and select the
After confirmation,
press F10 (“Previous”)
• Note1
7 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • “Telex” window is
key. displayed.
8 • Set the other request • The “Main Menu” screen • Communication can be
parameter and press F1 is displayed. start.
(“Send Call”) key when
you want to send a call.

Note1). Using Multi address function, message can be sent up to five subscribers, when their destination
codes are same.

Multi address function is optional facility of each LES. Depends on LES, this function is not

3.7.9 Scheduled Transmission

JUE-85 can send position information, file, and/or data from data source to a designated party in
regular interval.
Up to five schedules can be registered.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 Hold down Alt key and press The “Set up” window is
U key on Main menu. displayed.

2 Move the cursor to the item The “Scheduled transmission”
“Scheduled transmission” window is displayed.
then press Enter key.
3 Move the cursor to the item The “Scheduled transmission See the example below.
you want to register then press parameter” window is
Enter key. displayed.
4 Move the cursor to each item
to set and press Enter key then
set each parameter.
5 After confirming each
parameter, to return to Main
menu, press F10 (“Previous”)
key twice or ESC key.

Scheduled Transmission # 1
Starting date and Time
(yy-mm-dd hh: mm UTC) : 96-04-20 17:00
requesting Interval : 00:10
lEs : 002-111-210-302
Network Type : Telex
Destination code &
Subscriber’s number : 072-0223344
Character code : Ia5 iTa2
data type qtH : oN oFf
dS : 1 2 Both None
File name : 0: TEST, TLX
transMission : oN oFf

F9: Next F10: Previous

Fig. 3.7.9 Example of “Scheduled transmission” Window

• Starting date and time Set the date and time you want to start for a scheduled

• Requesting interval Set the interval time of schedule. (Minimum 10 minutes)

• LES Set the CES IDs you want to use. Set the LES IDs in all
ocean regions. The first field is West AOR (000-063), the
second field is East AOR (100-163), the third field is POR
(200-263) and the fourth field is IOR (300-363).

• Network type Set the network type you want to use. You can choose
one of the following networks;
• Telex
• PSTN (Data transmission)
• PSDN (Data transmission)
• Closed network.

• Destination code & subscriber’s number Set the destination code and subscriber’s number.

• Character code Set the character code you want to use over the satellite

• Data type Set the data type you want to send a message.
You can choose the following messages:
• Position data (QTH):
Choose the on or off of the position data transmission,
Position data is automatically updated when navigation
equipment (GPS, etc.) is connected. Use the
information that is you inputted at the section of
“Distress,” when no navigation equipment is connected.
• Data source(dS)
Choose the on or off of the data transmission from data
source connected to EDP (option).
* “1” and “2” means data source number.
• File (File name)
Set the file name you want to send. Confirmation of file
name is required at “Edit”. Message with no file name
is sent when unrecorded file name is inputted.

• Transmission Choose the schedule on or off.

3.8 Handling received messages (Read-out, Printing, Saving, and Deleting)
The received messages of Inmarsat-C and EGC, are printed out immediately when the MES receives
them, in the case of the automatic message print out function (see 3.5.3.) is turned on. They are erased
from older ones when stored calls exceeded more than its maximum capacity,100 calls, or 40K bytes.
When your JUE-85 stored over 90 calls, warning window is displayed (fig.3.8.g). When you need to
read out or print out, or saving, or deleting the messages, follow the below procedures .

• To Read out, Print out , and to Save the message

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to • “Read-out” window is Read-out
“read Out” and press displayed. It shows three
Enter key. types of message list.

F10: Previous

2 • Select the type of • The message list you have • “Inm-C”:

message list you want to chosen is displayed. “Inm-C message list”
see. Each message list displays “Egc” :
received messages in “Egc message list”
chronological order. “All” :
(The newest message is “reception message list”
displayed at the top of list.) (Received all messages )
See Fig. 3.8a to 3.8c.
3 • Move the cursor to the • The message you want to see • Lower two lines shows
message you want to is displayed. the description of the
read and press Enter (See Fig. 3.8e) received message.
key. • Under line shows the
• Press F10 (“Previous”) key to characters received in
return main menu when you error.
do not need to print out. (See Fig. 3.8e)
4 • To print out the • The message is printed out. • Press F10 (“Previous”)
message, press F5 key to return main menu
(“Print out”). when you do not need to
save it.
5 • To save the message, • The “File name “ is • Blank space cannot be
press F6 (“save as”) key. displayed. used for file name.
6 • Enter the file name and • “Now saving data. Please • Using received day for
press Enter key. wait” is displayed file name, is convenient
for you.
• Press F10 (“Previous”)
key to return main menu

Inm-C message list
No. Date Time Priority Size
1. 05-01-01 01:12 Routine 1000
2. 04-12-02 01:10 Safety 1001
3. 04-11-30 01:33 Routine 1002
4. 04-10-22 01:41 Routine 1003
5. 04-09-20 01:55 Routine 1004
6. 04-05-30 01:22 Safety 1005
7. 03-12-24 01:08 Routine 1006
8. 03-05-03 01:07 Routine 1007
9. 03-01-06 01:09 Routine 1000
10. 02-10-30 01:24 Routine 1000

F1: Delete F10:Previous

Fig. 3.8a Example of ”Inm-C Message list Window”

Press F1 to go to Delete mode

EGC message list

No. Date Time Priority Size Service
1. 05-01-01 01:12 Routine 1000 *Group call
2. 04-12-02 01:10 Safety 1001 *Urgency message, NAV warning
3. 04-11-30 01:33 Urgent 1002 *INMARSAT system message
4. 04-10-22 01:41 Routine 1003 *Coastal warning
5. 04-09-20 01:55 Routine 1004 *Shore-ship distress alert
6. 04-05-30 01:22 Routine 1005 *
7. 03-12-24 01:08 Routine 1006 *Urgency message, MET/NAV warning
8. 03-05-03 01:07 Routine 1007 *Group call
9. 03-01-06 01:09 Routine 1000 *Download group identity
10. 02-10-30 01:24 Routine 1000 *Coastal warning

F1: Delete F10:Previous

Fig. 3.8b Example of ”EGC Message list Window”

reception message list

No. Date Time Priority Size Service
1. 05-01-01 01:12 Routine 1000 *Group call
2. 04-12-02 01:10 Routine 1001 *
3. 04-11-30 01:33 Routine 1002
4. 04-10-22 01:41 Routine 1003 *
5. 04-09-20 01:55 Routine 1004
6. 04-05-30 01:22 Routine 1005
7. 03-12-24 01:08 Routine 1006 *Urgency message, MET/NAV warning
8. 03-05-03 01:07 Routine 1007 *Group call
9. 03-01-06 01:09 Routine 1000 *Download group identity
10. 02-10-30 01:24 Routine 1000 *Coastal warning

F1: Delete F10:Previous

Fig. 3.8c Example of ”reception Message list Window”

To Delete the message
Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to • “Read-out” window is Read-out
“read Out” and press displayed. It shows three
Enter key. types of message list.

F10: Previous

2 • Select the type of • The message list you have • “Inm-C”:

message list you want to chosen is displayed. “Inm-C message list”

see. Each message list displays “Egc” :
received messages in “Egc message list”
chronological order. “All” :
(The newest message is “reception message list”
displayed at the top of list.) (Received all messages )
See Fig. 3.8a to 3.8c.
3 • Press F1 key to go to • “Delete mode” screen is
Delete mode. displayed.
4 • Move the cursor to the • Asterisk marks (*) are • If you want to cancel the
message you want to displayed on the head of the deleting, press Space bar
delete, and press Space lines you want to delete. once more to cancel it.
bar (You can select a • To delete the all message, Then, Asterisk marks
number of messages in press F2 (select all) key. (*) are cleared and
same time). deletion is cancelled.
5 • To delete the selected Messages displayed on
messages, press F7 Warning warning dialog boxes are:
(“Delete”) key. Do you really want to delete Do you really want to delete
All messages?
selected messages?
OK Cancel

6 • Select OK . • The messages are deleted.

• “Message list “ in read-out
mode is re-displayed when
deletion is completed.

EGC message list (Delete)
No. Date Time Priority Size Service
1. 05-01-01 01:12 Routine 1000 Group call
2. 04-12-02 01:10 Safety 1001 Urgency message, NAV warning
3. 04-11-30 01:33 Urgent 1002 INMARSAT system message
4. 04-10-22 01:41 Distress 1003 Coastal warning

5. 04-09-20
6. 04-05-30
01:55 Routine
01:22 Safety
Shore-ship distress alert

7. 03-12-24 01:08 Distress 1006 Urgency message, MET/NAV warning

8. 03-05-03
9. 03-01-06
01:07 Routine
01:09 Distress
Group call
Download group identity
10. 02-10-30 01:24 Distress
Space :Select 1000 Coastal
F2:Select all warning F7: Delete

Space: Select F2:Select all F7:Delete F10:Previous

Asterisk marks (*) are
displayed when you select the
messages by pressing “Space”. Fig. 3.8d Example of “EGC Message list (Delete)” Window

Log-out Rec : Poor-00 05-10-27 18:03(UTC)

N00.00 W000.00 Course:000deg Speed:00.0kt Update:01-01 12:00 Esc : Main menu
Transmit read-Out Edit call-Log Distress Ncs/les-info receive-Move egC
Message 4.8.5.
Ia5 Reception message 05-01-20 09:26
8123456789 ↓contd.
F5:Print out F6:Save as F10:Previous

Hold down the Shift key and press F1 to display HELP-information

Date Time Priority Size Msg. no. LES
Description : 04-12-25 09:26 Routine 240 85 225
Fig. 3.8e Example of “Message ” Window

*When the received message in the data communication is read out, the following window is displayed.
In this case, press F10 (“Previous”) key, and press F6 (“save as”) key to save the message in the DTE
memory. When the message is read out, use the “edit Ascii file” command in the “Edit” window.

Can not display binary text.
F10: Previous

Fig. 3.8f “Warning Window” is displayed when a message is received in data communication

Print out call log.
F10: Previous
Fig. 3.8g “ Warning Window” is displayed when calls are stored over 90.

3.9 Call Logging (Call-Log)
Call history of the latest calls (up to 100) is stored in the IME memory, and is displayed by moving the
cursor to “call-Log” then pressing Enter key, in the main menu.
If the number of calls exceeds 100, the call log is deleted from older ones and waning window
(fig.4.8.7.) is displayed.
If you need to print out the call logs, press F5 (“Print out”) key , and delete the call logs by press F7
(“clear history”) key.

Call logging history



Type of call Destination
S&F T 07202822351
. . . Delivered to LES

Msg no


. . . Reception success
05-04-11 10:13-10:16 S&F Poll T 051885629 210 8415 42
. . . Delivered to subscriber
05-04-11 10:09-10:12 S&F T 210 8413 26
. . . Delivered to LES Multi
05-04-09 18:21-18:24 S&F T 023961114 203 78
. . . Call failure
↓ contd. (Total 25)

F1: Delivery confirmation F5: Print out F7: Clear history F10: Previous

Press F1, then Press F5, then Press F7, then all information of
“Delivery confirmation “ Call logging history” is “ Call logging history”
request” window is printed out. are cleared away.
displayed. See next page

Fig. 3.9 Example of “Call logging history” Window

F7 “clear history” command clears all information of your call-log.

(1) “Time” area (example: 14:20-14:25) shows the starting time and stopping time of the call.
(2) “Type of call” shows the communication type and the direction as follows:

• Type of call
S&F: Store & Forward communication (Telex communication)
S&F Poll: Automatic response communication with S&F to the polling command
S&F sched: Scheduled communication with S&F
S&F Dist: Distress priority communication with S&F
Data RPT: Data reporting
Distress: Distress alerting
Log-in: Log-in request
Log-out: Log-out request
PV test: Performance verification test
• Direction of call
R: Reception (Land subscriber to MES)
T: Transmission (MES to land subscriber)
(3) “Msg no” shows the serial number of the calls via each LES.
(4) “Size” shows number of characters in the message.

(5) 2nd line shows the result of the call.

Delivered to LES : Message is transmitted to LES.
Delivered to subscriber : Message is transmitted to (land) subscriber.
Reception success : Message from LES is received.
Call failure : Message transmission to LES or subscriber is failed.


*”Delivered to LES” means the message you sent to land subscriber is transmitted to LES as a relay
point. When you want to confirm whether the message is transmitted to land subscriber or not,
execution of “Delivery confirmation request” is recommended.
When you turn ‘ON’ “delivery confirmation” function (see fig. 3.7.1.) at the Telex window,
you can be gotten delivery confirmation automatically.

When you use “Multi-address function”(sending a message to up to 5 subscribers whom destination

code is same, via Telex), result of transmission is displayed individually. (It is no use to check
“Delivery confirmation request” window).

3.9.1 Delivery Confirmation

When you want to confirm the delivery result of the transmitted message, press F1 (“Delivery
confirmation”) key of the “Call logging History” window (see previous page), then select the message
to be confirmed on “Delivery confirmation request window” , then press Enter key.

Then, the delivery information is shown in the window as “Delivery confirmation request”.

This window shows information of all messages you sent, and received message from only LES as
same as “ Call logging history”. But point of difference is, you can check the result of transmission to a
number of subscribers via E-mail, an individual transmission succeeded or not, in this screen.

You send a message from your ship to a

land subscriber, the message is received by
LES at the first.
LES delivers the message
to land subscriber’s
terminal equipment.

You can check the transmission result You can make sure whether the message
whether the message is successfully is send to the land subscriber or not, you
received by LES or not, it only have to have to check it on “Delivery
check “call-logging history”. confirmation request” window .

Fig. 3.9.1a Confirmation of the result of Telex transmission

LES delivers the messages to

You send a message from your ship to a land subscriber’s terminal
number of land subscribers, the messages equipments.
are received by LES at the first.

You can make sure whether the message

You can check the transmission result is send or not, to the all land subscribers
whether the messages are successfully you selected, you have to check it with
received by LES or not, it only have to “Delivery confirmation request”
check “call-logging history”. window .

Fig. 3.9.1b Confirmation of the result of E-mail transmission

Delivery confirmation can be done on the result of all transmissions. Cursor will skip the received
calls from LES. On the example window below, cursor stops first item, but does not stop on second one
(because the message is received from LES, no use to confirm the detail). And, it stops again on third call.
Select the received message, and pressing ENTER or F3 key, then “Delivery confirmation” window
is displayed , and you can check that your messages are send to the land subscribers you selected.

Delivery confirmation request

Date Time Type of call Destination LES Msg no Size

05-03-13 14:20-14:25 S&F T 07202822351 222 12345 85
. . .Delivered to LES Multi
05-03-12 13:50-13:55 S&F R 210 8421 125
. . . Reception success
05-03-10 10:13-10:16 S&F Poll T 051885629 210 8415 42
. . . Delivered to subscriber
05-03-08 10:09-10:12 S&F R 210 8413 26
. . . Reception success
05-03-06 18:21-18:24 S&F T 023961114 203 78
. . . Call failure
↑↓ cont d.

ENTER :Request F3: Display F10: Previous

Press ENTER key, when you execute

Delivery confirmation request to Press F3 key, in the case of that the selected call
selected call for the first time. has a experience of executing Delivery
confirmation request in the past.

JUE-85 asks about the JUE-85 only displays Information of

information of delivery delivery confirmation stored in its
confirmation to LES.
The delivery confirmations which send
to multiple destination can be gotten
continuing only once you executing
“Delivery confirmation request” (up to
10 destination).

LES returns the confirmation result after couple of minutes.

You can return to another window and do another job while
waiting the reply from LES. “Delivery confirmation”
window is displayed at the time, when the reply from LES
is reached.

Fig. 3.9.1c Example of “Delivery confirmation request” window and about key operation

S&F message (96-04-14-08: 10) delivered

to subscribers
(072123456, 0729876543).
F10: Previous

Fig. 3.9.1d Example of “Delivery confirmation “ window for a message sent to a subscriber.

Delivery confirmation

Date Time Type of call Destination LES Msg no Size

05-04-8 14:20 S&F 00123123456789012 222 12345678 12345

1@34567891234567890 : Call failure – Terrestrial congestion

12@4567891234567890 : Not Delivered to subscriber (EEE)
123@567891234567890 : Delivered to subscriber
1234@67891234567890 : Delivered to subscriber
12345@7891234567890 : Delivered to subscriber
123456@891234567890 : Delivered to subscriber
↑↓ cont d.

ENTER :Request F3: Display F10: Previous

Fig. 3.9.1e Example of “Delivery confirmation” window for a message sent to a number of subscribers.

Above figure shows that first and second destination did not receive the mail by any reasons.
Transmissions to the rest of 5 persons are succeeded.
* Character line, 1234567@91234567890 , means E-mail address.

3.9.2 Print Out

When you want to print out the history, press F5 (“Print out”) key.

3.9.3 Clear History

Press F7("Clear history")key to clear away all the communication histories.

All histories are cleared away when F7 “Clear history” key is pressed.

3.9.4 Ending

To end this function, press F10 (“Previous”) key or Esc Key.

3.9.5 Buzzer ( Alarm ) Processing

To stop the buzzer sound of EXT BUZ , press BUZ OFF switch. (See clause 2.3.1.)
To stop the buzzer sound of IME, press Ctrl + A .

There are two types of buzzer sound :

1 Continuation sound When JUE-85 received messages.*

as receiving buzzer

2 Intermittence sound When the position information from external GPS is lost 4 hours or more.**
as alarm
Some sort of trouble occurs on JUE-85. Check the alarm window displayed on
the screen, and follow the direction.

JUE-85 received an abnormal message. All LED lamps are blinked with
buzzer sound, you can no operation from the keyboard.

* Changing the parameter on “Peripheral function window” in “Set up menu” can extend the “Buzzer
sound duration”. See 3.5.3.

** When the ship’s position has not been updated more than 4 hours, the alarm is sounded with the
message, “Enter new ship’s position”. See table 4.3.1.

Reset the IME by following procedure when you cannot stop the sound by pressing Ctrl + A .

1. Turn off the IME and the DTE.

2. Press the RESET button on the IME panel by the tip of a narrow object. (Φ1.5mm or below)
See figure 4.2.3.

Contact the JRC service agent and let them know about Alarm history of your JUE-85, when
some sort of failure is occurred. (See 4.2. “Troubleshooting”.)


When the RESET button is pressed, the memories (Receive Message, Call Logging Memory and
Alarm History) in the IME are all cleared. Reset date and time after this operation.

3.10 Distress Alert (Distress)



• Create a Distress Alert message before its transmission.
• Distress Alert can be transmitted from distress button only.

Distress alert
Nature : Undesignated
Data Source
Gps Manual
N35 36.11 deg min
E139 55.01 deg min
upDate : 12:34 hh:mm
Course : 120 deg
Speed : 12.0 knots
lEs : 144 (NCS)

F10: Previous

Fig.3.10 “Distress Alert” Window

Nature : Nature of distress (Default value: Unspecified)

Data Source : Input-method of position information
Position : Ship’s position
upDate : Last updated time
Course : Ship’s heading
Speed : Navigation speed
lEs : LES ID/name where a distress alert is sent


• When a satellite navigator is connected with the IME, or the JRC GPS is integrated into the IME, ship’s
position, height, speed is updated automatically.
However, some satellite navigators do not output height, course, and/or speed.
In this case, update course and/or speed manually.
• Position information from GPS is ignored during 60 minutes, after you input a information by “Manual”,
regardless setting of “Data source” to “GPS”.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Move the cursor to “Distress” and press • “Distress Alert”
Enter key. window is displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to “Nature of distress” • “Nature of distress” window is displayed.
and press Enter key.
Nature of distress

Disabled and adrift
Abandoning ship
Further assistance required
Piracy/armed attack

F10: Previous

3 • Move the cursor to the type of “Nature • “Nature of distress”

of distress”, press Enter key. window is closed and
the cursor moved to
“Data source.”
4 • Press Enter key, to change the setting of • The cursor is moved
“Data source” (Input method of position on right side.
5 • Select “Data source” and then press • The cursor is moved
Enter key. to “lEs” when you
• “GPS”: Automatically inserted with GPS select “GPS”.
data (Position /Update/Course/Speed). • The cursor is moved
• “Manual”: Input data (Position to “Position”, when
Update/Course/Speed).Update/Course/Sp you select “Manual”.
6 • Enter the latitude of your ship and press • The cursor is moved
Enter key. to “Course:”
• Enter longitude of your ship and Enter key.
North latitude 35 50 20
East longitude 139 30 35

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
7 • Press Enter key to change the course. • The cursor moved on
right side.
8 • Enter the course of your ship and press • The cursor moved to
Enter key. “Speed"
9 • Press Enter key to change the speed. • The cursor moved to
right side.
10 • Enter the speed, and then press Enter • The cursor is moved
key. to “lEs”
• Ex): 12.0 knot

1 2 0 Enter

11 • Press Enter key to change the LES you • The cursor moved to
want to send. right side.
12 • Press F2 ( “Les list” ) key. • “LEs list” window • When the
screen is displayed. JUE-85 is not
to satellite, the
blank list is
13 • Choose Les ID using ↑ , ↓ Key and press • “Distress alert”
Enter key. screen is displayed.
14 • Send Distress Alert using Distress
• Refer the article of the beginning of
this manual, “Sending procedure of
Distrees alert.”
15 • To return to Main menu, press F10
(“Previous”) key .

3.11 Polling
Polling is the function, which is automatically sending position of JUE-85, file, or data, demanded
from land Telex users. JUE-85 provides the following polling function from land telex user;
• Position polling by using S&F message transfer
• File polling by using S&F message transfer
• Data source polling by using S&F message transfer
When you use the data port No. 1 and/or No. 2, External Data Port (EDP: optional unit) is required.


Polling command is effective only by registered TELEX user in section 3.11.1 Land ID registration
for polling.

3.11.1 Land ID Registration for Polling

Register the subscriber’s number of land user to use the polling function.
Up to 10 land users can be registered. Registration procedure is as follows;

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Hold down ALT key and • “Set up” window is
press U key on Main menu. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to the item • “Land ID registration for • See the example next
“Land ID registration for polling” window is page.
polling” then press Enter displayed.
3 • Move the cursor to the item
you want to register ,then
press Enter key.
4 • Type Telex destination code • 1st field: 3-digit
and subscriber’s number of destination code
polling user then press (country code)
Enter key. • 2nd field: Up to
11-digit subscriber’s
5 • Type LES IDs of each • The cursor is moved to next • 1st field:
ocean region then press column, when data is West AOR (000-063)
Enter key. registered . • 2nd field:
• LES ID of all ocean region • LES ID is not registered East AOR (100-163)
is required for the when incorrect data was • 3rd field:
registration. inputted. Input correct POR (200-263)
data again.
• 4th field:
IOR (300-363)

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
6 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is
press F10 (“Previous”) key displayed.
twice of ESC key.

Land ID registration for polling

#1 Destination code & subscriber’s no : 072 02822351 LES: 002-111-210-312
#2 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -
#3 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -
#4 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -
#5 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -
Destination code & subscriber’s no
Destination code & subscriber’s no
Destination code & subscriber’s no

LES: -
LES: -
LES: -

#9 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -
#10 Destination code & subscriber’s no : - LES: - - -

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.11.1 Example of “Land ID registration for polling” Window

3.11.2 Position Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer
Land user can poll the MES’s position information by S&F message transfer. When the following
text is included in the received message, JUE-85 checks the land ID then transmit the MES’s position
information to the land user in the text if the number is registered.

• Command for position polling:


Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)

• Example of position polling:

MES receives the following message:

Then, MES transmits the following message to the land user, destination code: 072, subscriber’s
number: 02822351 via Telex:

MES NUMBER: 487654321

LAT N 12 34.56
LONG E 123 45.67
TIME (UTC) 12:34

3.11.3 File Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer

Land user can access to the MES’s file on DTE’s floppy disk by S&F message transfer.
When the following text is included in the received message, JUE-85 checks the land ID then transmit
the contents of file or list of file to the land user in the text if the number is registered.

• Command for position polling


Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)
File name (8-digit, and extension 3-digit)
Port number of DTE connected (1-digit)
0: Main
1: No. 1 Data port (EDP port: Option)
2: No. 2 Data port (EDP port: Option)

• Example of position polling

MES receives the following message:

Then, MES transmits the following message to the land user, destination code: 072,
subscriber’s number: 2822351 via Telex:


• Command for file list polling

Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)
Port number of DTE connected (1-digit)
0: Main
1: No. 1 Data port
2: No. 2 Data port

• Example of file list polling

MES receives the following message:

Then, MES transmits following message to the land user, destination code: 072, subscriber’s
number: 02822351:
OPEDTE.EXE 280337 96-08-08 19:53
QBF.TLX 58 96-07-14 02:47

3.11.4 Data Source Polling by Using S&F Message Transfer

Land user can access to the data from data source connected with MES by S&F message transfer.
When the following text is included in the received message, JUE-85 checks the land ID then transmit the
data from data source to the land user in the text if the number is registered. The maximum data size is
up to 2K bytes per each port.

• Command for file polling


Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)
Port number of data source connected (1-digit)
0: Main (IME port)
1: No. 1 Data port (EDP port: Option)
2: No. 2 Data port (EDP port: Option)

• Example of data source polling

MES receives the following message:

Then, MES transmits the following message to the land user, destination code: 072,
subscriber’s number: 02822351, and line: PSDN (packet network)
DS 0:

3.11.5 Parameter Setting Polling for Scheduled Transmission

Parameters of scheduled transmission are changeable from DTE or the polling from land based user.
Firstly, land based user should read out the parameters with parameter read out command. Land user
will acquire the access code and parameters. The access code is changed by each command of reading
out and is required to change the parameters. Secondly, land user should change the parameters. When
the correct command is included in the receive message, the MES checks the access code then change the

• Command for parameters read out polling:


Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)

• Example of parameter read out polling:

• MES receives the following message:

• MES transmits the following message to the land based user, destination code: 123,
subscriber’s number: 01234567890 via TELEX:
MET NUMBER: 499999999
SCHEDULE 499999999
1 START 96-10-10 19:00
LES 202
DESTINATION 123-123456789

• Command for parameter setting


LES ID Transmission
[ON or OFF]
Interval [HHMM] Data type [DS0, DS1,
DS2, P or combination]
Start time [HHMM] Presentation [IA5, ITA2 or DATA]

Start date [YYMMDD]

Subscriber’s number
Schedule number
Destination code [4-digit for PSDN
Access code

3-digit for TELEX and PSTN]

Destination code (3-digit)

Network type [TELEX, PSDN, Vxx (for PSTN)]

• Example of parameter setting:

• MES receives the following message:


• MES changes the parameters as follows:

1 START 96-05-15 12:00
LES 101
DESTINATION 001-1234567890

3.11.6 Call Log by Using S&F Message Transfer

Land user will read out the latest up 10 call log from MES by S&F message transfer. When the
following command is included in the polled message, the MES checks the land ID then transmit MES’s
call log to the land based user in the number is registered in the land ID registration for polling.

• Command for call log polling


Network type [TELEX, PSDN or Vxx (for PSTN)]

Subscriber’s number (up to 11-digit)
Destination code (3-digit)

• Example of call log polling:

• MES receives the following message:

• MES transmits the following message to the land based user, country code: 001, subscriber’s
number: 23456789 via PSTN with V22bis modem:

MES 4912345678
96-10-10 14:10 S&F T 07201822351 202 12345 10
96-10-10 13:20 LOGIN T 244
96-10-09 07:10 LOGOUT T 244
96-10-09 06:55 S&F T 07201822351 202 345 10
96-10-08 14:34 S&F T 07201822351 202 21345 10
96-10-08 14:10 S&F T 07201822351 202 20845 10
96-10-08 06:10 LOGIN T 244
96-10-08 02:10 S&F T 07201822351 202 12345 10

3.12 EGC Message Reception

3.12.1 EGC Messages

EGC are a message broadcast service within the Inmarsat-C communication system. It allows
terrestrial information providers to pass messages or data to JUE-85 Inmarsat-C MES.
EGC messages are sent to Land Earth Station by shore based Information Providers using
terrestrial facilities such as Telex, and are processed at the LES, and forwarded to an NCS then are
broadcasted to the INMARSA-C MES via NCS common channel transmitted by NCS.

There are three basic services offered by EGC; the Safety NETTM service, the Fleet NETTM service and
System service. Safety NETTM is a service provided primarily for the dissemination of maritime safety
information, such as shore to ship distress alerts, weather forecasts and coastal warning. Fleet NETTM is
a commercial communication service allowing terrestrial information providers to send messages to
pre-defined groups of subscribers. System service is a service provided for operational information.
Both the Safety NETTM and Fleet NETTM services make use of flexible addressing techniques to allow
the reception of messages from a variety of service providers depending on the particular requirements of
the user. The Safety NETTM service utilizes a geographic area addressing technique to direct messages
to ships within defined boundary. The Fleet NETTM service employs closed user group and unique
receiver addressing to provide secure transmission of messages from the terrestrial information provider
to the desired service recipients(s).

Following message services are available;

(a) General Call
(b) Group Call
(c) Urgency message, NAV warning to rectangular area
(d) Inmarsat system message
(e) Coastal warning
(f) Shore-ship distress alert to circular area
(g) EGC system message
(h) Urgency message, MET/NAV warning to circular area
(i) MET NAVAREA warning or MET Forecast
(j) Download group identity
(k) SAR coordination to rectangular area
(l) SAR coordination to circular area
(m) Chart correction services
(n) Chart correction services for fixed area

3.12.2 Receive Mode for EGC Reception (Receive-Mode)

The JUE-85 has following two kinds of receive mode;

• “Inmarsat-C” mode :EGC message can be received when Inmarsat-C mode is not communicated.
• “EGC receive only” mode: EGC message can be received continuously and Inmarsat-C mode
may be ignored.

However, the distress alert can be transmitted in EGC receive only mode.
This command is effective only while the MES status displayed at the first line of the DTE is
“Log-out”, “Ready” or “EGC only”.
When you choose “EGC receive only” from “Inmarsat-C”, the JUE-85 initiates log-out
automatically when logged in status. The other way, when you choose “Inmarsat-C” from “EGC
receive only”, the JUE-85 initiates Log-in automatically.


• When an Inmarsat-C mode is communicated, EGC message cannot be received. To receive

EGC message only, select the “EGC receive only” mode in “receive-Mode” window.
• When the high priority message is received, the buzzer in DTE and IME sounding continuously.
In this case, hold down Ctrl key and press A key on Main menu.
• When the ship’s position has not been updated more than 4 hours, “Enter new ship’s position”
message is displayed. When the ship’s position has not been updated more than 8 hours from
the displayed above warning message, all geographical addresses and Safety NET message with
priorities higher than routine are received.
When any navigation equipment is connected with the JUE-85 ship’s position data is updated

3.12.3 EGC Message Restriction (Egc)

The JUE-85 can restrict to EGC message reception with Navarea, Fixed area, reception type,
NAVTEX coverage area, and NAVTEX message type. Choose “egC” on main menu to setup this
function. Also JUE-85 has the function that printing EGC message automatically when received it. See
“”, when you want to stop it.

Fixed area : 0000000-0000000
reception Type
navtex Coverage area
navtex Message

F10: Previous

Fig. 3.12.3 “EGC” Window

3-86 Navarea
Only receives the messages to Navarea, which have been set up.


Basically, information of Navarea in the ocean region being logged in now is sent.

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks



Move the cursor to “egC”
and press Enter key.
When you want to change

The “EGC” window is
The “Navarea” window is
the “Navarea”, press displayed.
Enter key.
3 • When you want to restrict • The cursor is moved
the “Navarea”, move the To “Enable” or
cursor to the restrict “Disable”.
“Navarea” number and
Enter key.
4 • Move the cursor to • The cursor is moved to
“Enable” or “Disable” next item.
and press Enter key.
5 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • The “EGC” window is
key. displayed.
6 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is • When you want to
press F10 (“Previous”) displayed. change the another item,
key twice. move the cursor and
press Enter key.

Navarea 0 : Enable Disable Navarea 9 : Enable Disable
Navarea 1 : Enable Disable Navarea 10 : Enable Disable
Navarea 2 : Enable Disable Navarea 11 : Enable Disable
Navarea 3 : Enable Disable Navarea 12 : Enable Disable
Navarea 4 : Enable Disable Navarea 13 : Enable Disable
Navarea 5 : Enable Disable Navarea 14 : Enable Disable
Navarea 6 : Enable Disable Navarea 15 : Enable Disable
Navarea 7 : Enable Disable Navarea 16 : Enable Disable
Navarea 8 : Enable Disable

F10: Previous

Fig. “Navarea” Window

Fig. Navarea

3-88 Fixed area

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “egC” • The “EGC” window is
and press Enter key. displayed.
2 • When you want to change • The cursor is moved to
the Fixed area, move the the Find area.
cursor to the “Fixed area”
and press Enter key.
3 • Press the new Fixed area • The new Fixed area is

and Enter key. displayed and the cursor
is moved next to Fixed
4 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is • When you want to change
press F10 (“Previous”) displayed. the other item, move the
key twice. cursor and press Enter

Fixed area : 0000000-0000000

reception Type
navtex Coverage area
navtex Message

F10: Previous

Fig. “EGC” Window Setting of Reception type

You can restrict below mentioned services at this menu.
・ Chart correction service("charT correction service").
・ Chart correction service for fixed area("CharT correction service for fixed area")
・ Download group ID("Download group identity")
・ EGC system message("Egc system message")
・ General call("General call")
・ Group call("group call)Note*
・ Inmarsat system message("Inmarsat system message")

EGC reception type
charT correction service : Enable Disable
CharT correction service for fixed areas : Enable Disable
Download group identity : Enable Disable
General call : Enable Disable
group calL : Enable Disable

F10: Previous

Fig. “EGC Reception Type “Window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “egC” • The “EGC” window is
and press Enter key. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to • The “EGC reception
“reception type” and type” window is
press Enter key. displayed.
3 • When you want to restrict • The cursor is moved to
the service message, move “Enable” or “Disable”.
the cursor to restrict item
and press Enter key.
4 • Move the cursor to • The cursor is moved to
“Enable” or “Disable” next item.
and press Enter r key.
5 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • The “EGC” window is • When you want to restrict
key. displayed. the other service
message, return to step 3.
6 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is • When you want to change
press F10 (“Previous”) or displayed. the other item, move the
press Esc key. cursor and press Enter

Note*: Group call

When the “Group call” is selected and the “Enable” is also selected, the Group ID list is

3-90 Setting of Navtex Coverage Area

The JUE-85 can restrict the Navtex coverage area message of the A through Z areas. Choose the area
you want to receive or restrict from these areas.

NAVTEX coverage area

A: Enable Disable N: Enable Disable
B: Enable Disable O: Enable Disable
C: Enable Disable P: Enable Disable
D: Enable Disable Q: Enable Disable

E: Enable Disable R: Enable Disable
F: Enable Disable S: Enable Disable
G: Enable Disable T: Enable Disable
H: Enable Disable U: Enable Disable
I: Enable Disable V: Enable Disable
J: Enable Disable W: Enable Disable
K: Enable Disable X: Enable Disable
L: Enable Disable Y: Enable Disable
M: Enable Disable Z: Enable Disable

F10: Previous

Fig. “NAVTEX Coverage Area” Window

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “egC” • The “EGC” window is •
and press Enter key. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to “navtex • The “NAVTEX • The JUE-75A can select
Coverage area” and press coverage area” the “A” through “Z”
Enter key. window is displayed. areas to the “Enable” or
the “Disable”.
3 • When you want to change • The cursor is moved to •
the setting, move the cursor. “Enable” or
4 • Select the “Enable” or • The cursor is moved to •
“Disable” and press Enter next area.
5 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key. • The “EGC” window is • When you want to change
displayed. the other area setting,
return to step 3.
6 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is • When you want to change
press F10 (“Previous”) or displayed. the other item, move the
press Esc key. cursor and press Enter

3-91 Navtex message
The JUE-85 can restrict the Navtex messages mentioned below.
・ Decca message ・ Omega message
・ Electronic navaid message ・ Pilot service message
・ Ice report ・ Satnav message
・ Loran message ・ QRU (no message on land)
・ Meteorological forecasts

NAVTEX reception type

Decca message : Enable Disable
Electronic navaid message : Enable Disable
Ice report : Enable Disable
Liran message : Enable Disable
Meteorological forecasts : Enable Disable
Omega message : Enable Disable
Pilot service message : Enable Disable
Satnav message : Enable Disable
qrU (no message on hand) : Enable Disable
Fig. NAVTEX Reception Type Window
F10: Previous

Step Operation DTE Response Remarks

1 • Move the cursor to “egC” • The “EGC” window is
and press Enter key. displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to • The “NAVTEX
“Navtex message” and reception type” window
press Enter key. is displayed.
3 • When you want to restrict • The cursor is moved to
the Navtex message, move “Enable” or “Disable”.
the cursor to restrict item
and press Enter key.
4 • Move the cursor to • The cursor is moved to
“Enable” or “Disable” next item.
and press Enter key.
5 • Press F10 (“Previous”) • The “EGC” window is • When you want to restrict
key. displayed. the other Navtex message,
return to step 3.
6 • To return to Main menu, • Main menu screen is • When you want to change
press F10 (“Previous”) or displayed. the other item, move the
press Esc key. cursor and press Enter

3-92 Position Updated

JUE-85 ignores position information from GPS during 60 minutes after “Data source” is set to

Step Operation DTE Response

1 • Move the cursor to the “Distress” and press “Distress” window is displayed.
Enter key.
2 • Move the cursor to the “Data source” and The cursor is moved to right side.

3 •
press Enter key.
Select the “Data source” and press Enter key.
GPS: Ship’s position is set from GPS data
When the “Gps” is selected, the cursor is
moved to “lEs”.
Manual: Ship’s position is set to manual. When the “Manual” is selected, the cursor is
moved to “Position”.
4 • Type the ship’s latitude and press Enter key. The cursor is moved to “Course”.
• Type the ship’s Longitude and press Enter
Ex. North: 35 50 20
East: 139 30 30
N 3 5 5 0 2 0 Enter
E 1 3 9 3 0 3 5 Enter

5 • When the ship’s course is changed, press The cursor is moved to right side.
Enter key.
6 • When the ship’s course is changed, press The cursor is moved to “Speed”.
Enter key.
7 • When the ship’s Speed is changed, press The cursor is moved to right side.
Enter key.
8 • Type the ship’s Speed and press Enter key. The cursor is moved to “lEs”.
9 • To return to Main menu, press F10 Main menu is displayed right side.
(“Previous”) or press Esc key.

Note 1. When the ship’s position has not been updated more than 4 hours, the “Enter new ship’s
position” message is displayed. When the ship’s position has not been updated more than 8
hours from the displayed above warning message, all geographical addresses and Safety NET
message with priorities higher than routine are received.

Note 2. When any GPS equipment is connected with the JUE-85, ship’s position data is updated
automatically. If GPS equipment is disconnected more than 3 minutes, it sounds and displays

Note 3. Valid time of Position information and Update information is for 24 hours, and of direction
information and velocity information is for a hour.
When it passes over the valid time, DTE displays as follows
Position information Latitude 999.99 deg Longitude 999.99 deg
Direction information 999 deg
Velocity information 999 knot
Update information 88:88

And DTE displays warning message and sounds. Message Print Out Function

When the JUE-85 is received the EGC or Inmarsat-C message, the received message is printed out
automatically that is the message print out function.
When this function is turned off or on according to the following procedure.

Step Operation DTE Response

1 • Hold down Alt key and press “Set up” window is displayed.
u key..
2 • Move the cursor to “Peripheral function” window is displayed.
“Peripheral Function” and
press Enter key.
3 • Move the cursor to “Message The cursor is moved to “oN”, “oFf”.
print out” and press Enter
4 • Select “oN” or “oFf” and The cursor is moved to next step.
press Enter key.
oN: The function is
turned on.
oFf: The function is
turned off.
5 • Press F10 (“Previous”) key. “Setup” window is displayed.
6 • To return to Main menu, press Main menu is displayed.
Enter key.

• High priority message of EGC is printed out even if the print function is set off. Please acknowledge it
to be no defective operation of the printer.

3.13 PV Test
The Performance Verification test (PV test) is a fully automatic test to check individual MESs with
respect to signal level and some access and control responses. In the PV test, the following tests are
performed sequentially:

• Shore-ship message transfer test; Ship-shore message transfer test; and Distress alert test
Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Hold down Alt key and • The “Set up” window is
press U key on Main displayed.

2 • Move the cursor to the • Initiation confirming window
item “Performance is displayed.
test” and press Enter • “Performance test” window
key. is displayed.

Set up
Date & time
Log-out initiation
Performance Test

Do you initiate performance test?

Yes NO

F10: Previous

3 • Move the cursor to • The “Set up” window is displayed.

“Yes” and press Enter MES status changes to “PV test” from “Ready”.
key. • The following window is displayed within PV testing.

Automatic test mode:

Normal communication disable
Do not press any distress button unless
You are in distress

4 • When PV test is completed, test • See the following

results are displayed example of test
automatically. results.

Performance test result 93-06-27-17:20
Overall result : Applicable tests pass
Request attempts : First attempt
RX attempts : First attempt
TX attempts : First attempt
Distress alert : Test OK
Signal strength : Greater than X + 3 dB
Bulletin Board Error Rate : Pass
Transmit power : OK
Frequency : OK

F5: Print out F10: Previous

Fig. 3.13.1 Example of Performance Test Results

3.14 Distress Button Test

The Distress button test can be demonstrated the procedure of a distress alert transmission even if the
JUE-85 is not synchronized to satellite.

Disconnect the coaxial cable from IME and test the distress button to protect the false distress

Step Operation DTE Response
1 • Hold down Alt key and press A • “Diagnostics” window is displayed.
Data source contents
Alarm history
software Versions
Distress Button Test

F10: Previous

2 • Move the cursor to “Distress Button

Test” and press Enter key.
• “Distress Button test mode” window is
displayed. 3
Distress Button test mode
Distress buttons are under test
Alarm history
software Versions
Distress Button Test

F10: Previous

3 • When the distress button is tested, • The buzzer in DTE and IME is sounding 0.5
press the distress button till the buzzer sec on, 1.0 sec off. Then, “SOS” is displayed
sounds for about 5 seconds or more. at the first line of DTE
• When the distress button test is • The buzzer sounding for about 30 seconds.
terminated, press F7 (“Cancel”) key.
4 • (It passes 5 sec after pressing the • The buzzer in DTE and IME is sounding 0.5
distress button.) sec ON, 0.5 sec OFF.
• The “Distress” lamp on IME is blinking 0.5
sec ON, 0.5 sec OFF.
• “Distress Button Test” window is displayed.

--- Distress Button Test ---

Now Distress Button testing ---

F10: Previous

5 • To start the distress test, press the • The buzzers in DTE and IME are sounding 5
distress button again. sec continuously.
• The “DISTRESS” lamp on IME is
illuminating 5 sec.

--- Distress Button Test ---

Distress button test succeeded.

F10: Previous

• When the distress button is tested completely,

the following window is displayed.
Distress Button test mode
Distress buttons are under test
Alarm history
software Versions
Distress Button Test

F10: Previous

6 • To return to Main menu, press F10 • Main menu is displayed.

(“Previous”) key and press F7
(“Cancel”) key.


4.1 Maintenance

Keep the equipment in a good state according to the following maintenance.

4.1.1 Daily Maintenance Mechanical Maintenance

1) Cleaning
Keep the equipment as clean as possible. In particular, wipe the ventilation opening with a dry

2) Tightening of screws
Check screws in all parts of the equipment and tighten any loosen one. Electrical Maintenance

Daily maintenance of electrical may be unnecessary.

Refer Next chapter, [Troubleshooting Flowchart ],Fig.4.2.1.

4.2 Troubleshooting
4.2.1 Troubleshooting Flowchart
Check all items in the following section to secure normal communication at all times. If any unusual phenomenon occurs in the equipment, send
appropriate information to JRC service network to get advice or to request for repair with the results of these items.


Is Power lamp blinks after NO exchange
Power switch of IME turned Is PSU normal?
Is it turned to lighting after 20 NO NO
Is SYNC lamp blinking Are all lamps lit exchange
and other lamps are lit? after 5 minutes?

YES Is EME-IME cable
EME exchange cable normal? NO exchange
Is SYNC lamp lit after 2 to
10minutes? Blocking? Is wrong sea area
YES exchange
Re-confirm with changing the Re- confirm with correct Ocean
Continued to next page ships direction. Region setting.

Fig4. 2.1a Troubleshooting Flowchart (1/2)

From previous page

Is LOG-IN lamp light after 2 Is ID registered?

minutes ? application


Does Buzzer sounds during exchange
(EME internal GPS error)


Confirm the alarm history with

referring chapter 4.2.2 and 4.2.3.


Fig4.2.1b Troubleshooting Flowchart (2/2)

4.2.2 Alarm Check

The JUE-85 provides the following function, which is useful for maintenance and for prompt detection
of faults on the equipment.
Various operation states and alarm states are displayed on the first line of the screen of DTE and alarm
history is displayed as the following procedure.
4.2.3 Alarm History
The JUE-85 has a self-monitoring function named alarm history, which is displayed as the following
Step Operation DTE Response Remarks
1 • Hold down Alt key and • “Diagnostics” window is
press A key on Main displayed.
2 • Move the cursor to the
item “Alarm history” then
press Enter key.
3 • To return to Main menu, • “Alarm history” • the first three lines are the
press F10 key twice or newest alarm information.
window is displayed.
ESC key. • After the fourth line, alarm
Main menu is displayed history is displayed from
new ones to turn.
Example of Alarm History

Alarm history Basic

JUE-85 IMN:987654321 SER:123456 HW:F/F/F ACSE:99.99/9.9 MDM:99.99
IME:99.99/9.9 DTE:99.99 information

12/31 23:59:59 S89 59 W179 59 READY /1 Current status

CH:144/36B0/36B0 TX:99 MDM: FF/FFFF/FFFF/FFFF/FFFF information
Past status
1.12/31 23:59:59 S89 59 W179 59 MES:FF/1
(10 cases
2.12/31 23:59:59 S99 59 W179 59 MES:FF/1

F5:Print out F6:Save as F7:Clear
Fig. 4.2.3Example of “Alarm history” window

Table 4.2.3 Contents of Alarm history
Displayed Number
Items Contents
contents of lines
JUE-85 Model name
1 SER Serial No.
Basic HW Hardware version No.
information ACSE ACSE maintenance version No.
MDM Modem software version No.
IME IME software version No.
DTE DTE maintenance version No.
Date Month/Day Hour/Minute/Second
3 Position Latitude/Longitude
READY MES status/TDM channel types

ACS TDM channel ID/Reception channel/Transmission channel
TX EIRP value
MDM AGC setting value/ [C/N] value /IQ balance
(Refer Installation manual for detail)
STS Alarm information/Status information
(Refer Installation manual for details)
ACS Channel step No.
(Refer Installation manual for details)
EIC Success rate of EME-IME communication/Error counter
5 /Error cause
(Refer Installation manual for details)
SET LES setting/GPS setting/Data port
(Refer Installation manual for details)
Past status
6th line Displayed format and contents are same as “Current status information”
10 cases

4.2.4 Countermeasure
If the equipment does not operate in normal even after the following procedure is performed, consult
JRC service agent. Take care not to touch any parts PC board.
Abnormal operation of IME
(1) In case of the heavy fluctuation of the voltage or frequency of the power source, or thunderbolt
and etc., IME may not operate normally. In this case, please try following procedure (a). And
try procedure (b) when procedure (a) did not work.
(a) Set POWER switch to OFF, and confirm all of the LED lamps are lights out (it takes
approximately 3 minutes) and set to ON again.

(b) Press RESET button in the IME panel by the tip of narrow object (like extended clip,φ0.5mm).
Push until you feel the object clicks. (refer fig. 4.6)
Five lamps (POWER lamp to RECEIVE lamp) lights in order, and starts blinking (it will takes
approximately 10 seconds). Turn on POWER switch with confirming these lamps are blinking.


When the RESET button is pressed, the memories (Receive Message, Call Logging Memory and
Alarm History ) in the IME are cleared. Reset date and time after this operation.

Set POWER switch to OFF and

set to ON again. Push the RESET button with a
Fig. 4.2.4 IME Reset stick of wire like extended clip.

(2) Abnormal operation of DTE

In case of the heavy fluctuation of the voltage or frequency of the power source, or thunderbolt and
etc., DTE may not operate normally. In this case, press Del key under holding Ctrl and Alt keys.
If above method does not work or if the keyboard is ineffective, turn off the DTE with pressing
POWER switch for about 1 second or press the RESET switch at the left side with a narrow
object such as the tip of a covered ball-point pen.
(3)If TX ALARM is displayed on the DTE screen, reset TX ALARM to set POWER switch to OFF
and set to ON again. If TX ALARM is displayed again in spite of the resetting TX ALARM,
turn off the POWER switch of IME and contact JRC service network.

4.2.5 After service Longevity/ exchange time of the consumption (lithium battery)

The longevity of Lithium battery of inner EME is approximately 10years.

However, longevity might be shorten depend on customer’s usage environment.
Contact the dealer or agent from which you purchased the device or one of our branches, marketing
offices, and representative offices when the battery exchange is needed.
There is no influence in other telecommunication functions though the reception message and the call
log, etc. cannot be preserved in the power discontinuity, when the capacity of the lithium battery is lost.

The lithium battery is built into this device (EME). This battery has danger of exploding by the
short, the impact, and the water leak, etc. When ordering repair

When a failure has been detected, check it according to the Trouble shooting described in this book.
When abnormalities are still accepted, stop operation and contact the dealer or agent from which you
purchased the device or one of our branches, marketing offices, and representative offices.
In the case of during the term of a guarantee
When it breaks down in the state of the normal operation according to explanation and a handling
description in the operation manual, the dealer or our company will perform repair without any charge
according to the previsions in the specific action.
However, in the following case, gratis service cannot be received even if it is during the term of a
- When the construction report is not sent to JRC after apparatus attachment.
- Failure produced by inevitability, such as misuse, negligence, or a natural disaster, a fire, etc.

In the case of passed over the term of a guarantee

When a function can be recovered by repair, any repair is performed with charge by demand of a
Please inform us of the following items when ordering the repair:
- Product name , model name, date of manufacture, manufacture number
- State of the abnormality (as in detail as possible)
- Office name or organization name, address, telephone number
Recommendation of overhaul
The performances of the set may deteriorate due to the aging of parts, and so on through the rate
varies depending on the conditions of use. So, it is recommendable to contact the dealer from which you
purchased the device or one of our marketing offices for overhaul apart from daily services.
Disposal of JUE-85
When disposing JUE-85 process it in accordance with the rules of the pertinent local government.

Ask our agency or office to dispose JUE-85 (EME). Illegal disposal may cause heat-up,
firing, or explosion by shorted circuit of lithium battery, which is affected by the impact
or submerged of water.
For details, contact to the dealer from which you purchased, our service office or a pertinent local
Please contact the dealer from which you purchased the device or our marketing offices that is
nearest to you for any question as to the after-sales service.
For any question: Refer to the list of office at the end of the volume.

4.3 Information Window

JUE-85 has the following information windows.
The information window is displayed when the JUE-85 have some trouble or some warning.

(1) WARNING Window

(2) CAUTION Window
(3) ERROR Window
(4) Information Window

When the window is displayed, follow the instruction in the window.

When the information window is closed, press F10 (“Previous”) key.
The information window shows in Item 4.3.1 to 4.3.4 for example.

4.3.1 WARNING Window

The examples of the messages of WARNING window are listed in Table 5.3.1.

Enter new ship's position.
F10: Previous

Fig. 4.3.1 WARNING Window

Table 4.3.1 Message list of WARNING window

Cause Countermeasure
Enter new
The ship’s position is no updated for 4 hours or
UP-date the ship’s position in the
“Distress” window and press
F10 (“Previous”) key.
Now EGC When the alarm buzzer is
high priority stopped, hold down the ctrl key
message is and press A key.
receiving. When the window is closed,
press F10 (“Previous”) key.
Print out The Call logging data of 90 or more calls are Print out the call logging
Call log stored then the oldest call logging data is cleared. according to item 4.10.3 “Print
Therefore, print out the call logging data. Out”.
Window The window is opened maximum. Press F10 (“Previous”) key to
overflow close the window one by one, or
press Esc key. .

4.3.2 CAUTION Window
The examples of the message of CAUTION window are listed in Table 5.3.2.

Distress priority message is routed to RCC.
Do you initiate a request? Yes No

Fig.4.3.2 CAUTION window

Table 4.3.2 Message list of CAUTION window

Caution Message Cause Countermeasure

By current high priority request, The previous request is cancelled Request again, if necessary.
previous request (144, by the high priority request.
92-04-19-12: 30) is cancelled (LES ID, requested date and time)
Distress priority message is route Press Enter key to transmitting
to RCC. the distress message.
Do you initiate a to request? YES Move the cursor and press Enter
no not to transmitting the distress
EGC message storage in DCE is Delete unnecessary messages.
Oldest message is overwritten by
the latest incoming message.
No Position Data. Press F10 and input position
Inmarsat-C message storage in Delete unnecessary data.
DCE is full.
Oldest message is overwritten by
the latest incoming message.

4.3.3 ERROR Window

The examples of message of ERROR window are listed in Table 4.3.3.

Table 4.3.3 ERROR Message

ERROR Message Cause Countermeasure
• Cannot create new file. • The capacity of the • Delete unnecessary file or use
floppy diskette is not the other floppy diskette.
• Confirm the file name. • The specified file name • Enter correct file name.
is wrong or it doesn't
• Delete some files or get • The capacity of the • Delete unnecessary file or use
another diskette. floppy diskette is not the other floppy diskette.
• Diskette drive is not ready
insert diskette and press
Enter key.
• The floppy disk is not
inserted in the floppy
disk drive.
• Insert the floppy disk and press
Enter key. 4
• Diskette may be • The floppy disk is • Slide the write-protect tab on
write-protected. write-protected. backside of the diskette.
Cancel write-protect and (See Fig. 4.1.3) to release
press Enter key. write-protect and insert again,
then press ENTER key.
• Error on System Information • It seems that the restoration of
Writing the file is difficult.
• File ERROR! Process Taking backup of important
document is highly
• File can’t be open
• Insert diskette and press
Enter key.
• It may be too many files on • Delete unnecessary file or use
the disk. the other floppy diskette.
• Physical Defect on diskette. • Use the other diskette.
• Press ENTER key to retry.
• Printer is not ready confirm • The Printer is not printed • Confirm the loading of roll
the paper and on-line. out. paper
• Confirm the setting of the
printer by “Set up” command.
• Same name already exists. • The file name is same at • Use the other file name.
Confirm the file name. the other file.
• SB Controller is
disconnected. Check the

ERROR Message Cause Countermeasure
• The diskette is unreadable. • The floppy diskette is • Press Enter key to re-read the
Press Enter key to retry. unread the contents. floppy disk.
If the same window is
displayed, the floppy diskette is
un-formatted or troubled.
• The file is missing. • The file name is missing • Confirm the file name.
Confirm the file name.
• There is not enough room on • The capacity of the • Use the other floppy diskette.
the diskette. floppy diskette is not
• Replace the diskette. enough.
• Unsuitable Density of
Physical Error.

Diskette drive is not ready.
Insert diskette and press ENTER key.
F10: Previous

Fig. 4.3.3 ERROR Window

To write-protect a disk, slide the write-protect tab to the outermost position.

You should be able to see through the write-protect opening.
To write-enable a disk, slide the write-protect tab to the innermost position.
The write-protect opening should be covered.

4.3.4 INFORMATION Window

The examples of the messages of Information window are listed in Table 5.3.4.

Now reading data.

Please wait.

Fig. 4.3.4 Information Window

Table 4.3.4 INFORMATION Message

Information Message (Example) Countermeasure (If it is necessary)

NCS operates restoration mode.
Select preferred CES.
Type the 3 digits CES number.
NCS was not found with NCS scan. Confirm the ocean region by “Preferred ocean
Confirm the preferred ocean region. region” (See item
Now initializing a diskette. Do not remove the diskette within the initializing a
Please wait. diskette.
Now printing. If the window is not closed, the printer may be
Please wait. troubled.
Turn off the Main Power.
Now reading data. Do not remove the floppy diskette within the
Please wait. reading data.
Now saving data. Do not remove the floppy diskette within the
Please wait. saving data.
Request (144, 96-04-14-08: 10) failed. Retry the request.
Request (96-04-14-08: 10) failed.
Now retrying to request.
Request (144, 96-04-14-08: 10) queued. Wait the announcement from the LES.
Now waiting for announcement. When the request is stopped, request the “cancel
call” in the “Transmit” window.
S&F message (96-04-14-08: 10) delivered to
subscribers (072123456, 07202822351).
S&F message (96-04-14-08: 10) sent to LES (144). Select “ON” at “deleting confirmation” of
“Transmit item”. (See “4-4”.)
Tune to NCS (144) failed. Confirm the objection between the antenna and the
Retry the NCS scanning. (See item

Message Countermeasure (If it is necessary)
2nd LES ID Invalid.
Because of Demand Assigned LES.
Are you sure you want to rename the file?
--Automatic test mode--
Normal communication disabled
Do not press any distress button unless you are in
Cannot create new file.
Cancelled Security Alert by No( ). SA Button.
Confirm the file name.
Current file name:
Delete file:
Distress Button is disconnected. Check the connection.
Distress ( ) failed. Now retrying to request.
Distress ( ) succeeded.
Distress acknowledgement received.
Distress Alert failed. Send it again.
Distress Button is disconnected.
Check the connection.
------Distress Button Test----- Release the test mode when you send true
Distress button test succeeded. distress alert.
If real distress alert to be sent, cancel the test mode.
Distress Buttons are under test now.
Distress priority selected.
EGC distress message received.
EGC urgency message received.
EGC urgency message received.
Emergency ( ) failed. Now retrying to
Emergency ( ) succeeded.
Initiate a manual scan of NCS common channel due to
BBER increasing.
Input column numbers:
Input Max Column numbers:
Input Merge File Name:
Input Replace String:

Message Countermeasure (If it is necessary)
Input Save File Name
Input Search String:
It may be too many files on desk.
Log-in ( ) failed.
Log-in ( ) succeeded.
Merge file:
MES is not commissioned yet. The commissioning
test will start automatically after the first log-in.
Modification of this field is not possible.
New file name:
Performance test failed.

Please turn off Security Button for real Security Alert.
Really quit without saving? [Yes] [No] Select [Yes] if you need to save it.
Request (144,92-04-14-08:10) queued. Wait the announcement from LES.
Now waiting for announcement. Carry out "cancel call" of "Transmit" when
you close down the call request.
Sending Distress Alert
Sending Distress Message
S&F message (92-04-14-08:10) sent to LES (144). To receive the notification of delivery to other
party, make "Delivery confirmation" to "ON"
at "Transmit" window. (Refer to clause 4.4.)
This function is only to copy file from one floppy to Use “Copy file” function when you save the
another floppy. Please use ¥”Copy file”¥function to data that memorized in JUE-85, to floppy disk.
copy file from internal storage to floppy. (Refer to clause 3.6.4)
Tune to NCS (144) failed. Confirm whether there is a shield between the
antenna and the satellite.
Carry out NCS scanning again.

4.4 Help Function

• Hold down the Shift key and press F1 key to display HELP-information.
• Press F10 key or Esc key to return the previous mode.

5.1 JUE-85
5.1.1 EME and IME
Table 5.1. Principal Specification of JUE-85
Class of Inmarsat -C MES Class 2
Transmission: 1626.5 to 1646.5MHz
Frequency range
Reception :1530.0 to 1545.0MHz

Channel spacing: 5KHz

G/T -23 dB/K minimum

EIRP Within 14 ±2 dBW (at 5 degrees elevation angle)
Modulation TX: 1200 symbols/sec. BPSK* (2nd generation satellite)
RX: 1200 symbols/sec. BPSK*
(BPSK: Binary Phase Shift keying)
Antenna Type: Helical antenna
Pattern: Hemisphere (non directional)
Polarization: Right hand circular
Power supply

Voltage DC +24V(PSU, NBD-843A is used)+19.2V to +31.2V

Transmission:100 W
Power consumption Standby time:15W (EME and IME)
300W Max. (EME,IME,DTE and Printer)
Environmental Operative temperature -35°C to +55°C (EME operational) -15°C to +55°C (IME)
Storage temperature -40°C- to +80 °C
Relative humidity 95% (+40°C)
Ice 25 mm (EME)
Precipitation 100 mm/hour (EME)
Wind 100 knots
Vibration Compatible with IEC60945
Coding Interleaved, convolution code (R = 1/2, K = 7)
Data rate Transmission 600 bps
Reception 600 bps
Max transmission message 8K bytes
Reception message storage 80K bytes (INMARSAT-C: 40K bytes, EGC: 40K bytes)
Interface Internal GPS JRC original
DTE CCITTV 24/28, 9600 bps, 9 PIN D-sub connector
Centronics compatible parallel interface,
Connector:25PIND-sub connector
Dimensions EME: 114 mm(φ) × 460 mm(H)
IME: 210 mm(W) × 150 mm(D) × 50 mm(H)
Mass EME: 1.5 kg IME: 1.3 kg

5.1.2 DTE

Table 5.1.2 Principal Specification of DTE

Item NDZ-127C1
CPU X86 compatible
Text Memory 1 MB RAM Disk
Memory Backup Capacitor backup for 24 hours or more
Display Backlit super twist LCD with adjustable brightness and contrast,
80 characters × 25 lines, 640 × 480 dot-mapped graphics (IBM Video
Graphic Array (VGA) compatible)
Back Light Cold fluorescent lamp (CFL)
Keyboard IBM compatible
Operating System MS-DOS Version 3.3 in ROM
Radio Modem Interface RS-232C
9600 bauds
Printer Interface Centronics compatible parallel interface
Floppy Disk Drive unit External 3 1/2” floppy disk drive (FDD), 1.44 MB (2HD) / 720 KB (2DD)
(Option) disks
Automatic Power Off Automatic power off for the backlit LCD display, turned-on by pressing any
Primary Power DC +24V (+19.2 to +31.2V)
Consumption 0.9A
Dimensions 398 mm(W) × 180 mm(D) × 280 mm(H)
Weight 4.5 kg (Main Unit)
0.6 kg (Keyboard)
0.9 kg (Floppy Disk Unit)

5.1.3 Read-Out Printer (NKG-800)

Table 5.3 Principal Specification of Printer

Item NKG-800-3
Character coding ASCII code
Line interface Parallel interface
Printer system Impact dot
Maximum printing speed 200 characters/sec
Character format 9 × 7 dot
Maximum number of 80 characters/line
character per line
Roll paper size Recording paper (1PLY) 214mmW 98mmφ 5ZPAL00002(Standard)
Recording paper (2PLY) 214mmW 124mmφ 5ZPCK00001(Option)
Print head unit #SP-24090AI 5ZYWZ00001(Option)
Ink ribbon Type: #SP-16051
JRC Code: 5ZZCM00003
Color: Black
Power supply DC +24V ( +19.2 to +31.2V)
Power consumption
Approx. 35W (max)
399 mm(W) × 376 mm(D) × 193 mm(H)
5.1.4 EXT PSU (NBD-577A)

Table 5.1.4 Principal Specification of EXT PSU

Item Specification
Line voltage AC+100V/+200V
Line voltage selection AC+90V to +126.5V/AC+180V to +253V
DC+19.2 to +31.2V
Line frequency selection 47 Hz to 64Hz
Line voltage switching Automatic switching by line voltage (AC+100V/+200V)
Output DC+24V, 6.9A Max.
Function DC power automatic backup at AC power failure
Protection Protection by the No-Fuse breaker
• Over voltage (Output) +27 to +30V DC
• Over current (Output) 9.5 to 10.0A
Dimensions 425 mm(W) × 400 mm(D) × 79 mm(H)
Weight 8 kg

5.2 Option

5.2.1 Remote Distress Button

Table 5.2.1 Principal Specification of Remote Distress Button

Specification Contents
Signal level RS-422
(1) Distress Button and Lamp Used for Distress transmission.
In case of transmitting distress, open hinged cover and press
the button.
The Lamp is blinking in transmitting distress.
(2) Ready Lamp Illuminates RED : Not synchronizing
Illuminates GREEN: Synchronizing, able to transmitting
(3) DIMMER Used to adjust lamp brightness. When it is turn to the right
completely, brightness becomes the maximum. When turning
to the left completely, brightness becomes minimum (shines

5.2.2 External Buzzer (NCE-4772A)

Table 5.2.2 Principal Specification of EXT BUZ

Illumination Sound
Mode or Priority
Inmarsat-C MESs High Priority

Low Priority

EGC Receivers High Priority

Low Priority 5

NOTE: *1: Illumination and sound cease when the ‘RESET’ button on the panel of EXT BUZ is
*2: 2.2 kHz and 1.3 kHz tones sounds alternately.
*3: Sounding time can be selected by the DTE command.
*4: Illumination and sound cease when the handset is hooked off or the facsimile responds.

5.23 RS232D/RS422A Interface (NQA-1689A)

Table 5.2.3 Principal Specification of RS232D/RS422A Converter

Power supply voltage DC+10V to +28V

Function Converter between RS-232D (C) and RS-422A

Connecter RS-232D (C) : 9 pin D-sub

RS-422A : Junction board

Maximum cable length RS-422A : 50 m Max.


Over lapped areas

Pacific Pacific
Atlantic Atlantic Indian
Ocean Ocean
Ocean Ocean Ocean
Region Region
Region Region Region
West East

Fig.A1.1 All Ocean Region

Fig. A1.2 Atlantic Ocean Region West Fig. A1.2 Atlantic Ocean Region East

Fig. A1.3 Pacific Ocean Region Fig. A1.4 Indian Ocean Region


Area Destination Area Destination Area Destination

Code Code Code
Afghanistan 79 Cayman Is. 293 Greece (Hellenic Rep.) 601
Albania 604 Central African Rep. 971 Greenland 503
Algeria 408 Chad 976 Grenada 395
American Samoa 770 Chile 34 Guadeloupe 299
American Virgin Is. 208 China 85 Guam 700
Andorra 590 Christmas Island 71 Guatemala 372
Angola 991 Cocos-Keeling Is. 71 Guinea 995
Anguilla 391 Colombia 35 Guinea Bissau 969
Antigua&Barbuda 393 Comoros 994 Guyana 295
Argentina 33 Congo 981 Haiti 203
Aruba 303 Cook Is. 772 Hawaii 704
Ascension 939 Costa Rica 376 705
Australia 71 Cote d’Ivoire 983 708
Austria 47 Cuba 28 709
Azerbaidjan 784 Cyprus 605 773
Azores Is. 404 Czech 663 Honduras 374
Bahamas 297 Denmark 55 Hong Kong 802
Bahrain 490 Diego Garcia 938 Hungary 61
Bangladesh 780 Djibouti 979 Iceland 501
Barbados 392 Dominica 394 India 81
Belarus 681 Dominican Rep. 201 Indonesia 73
Belgium 46 202 Iran 88
Belize 371 Ecuador 308 Iraq 491
Benin 972 Eqypt 91 Ireland 500
Bermuda 290 El Salvador 373 Israel 606
Bhutan 890 Estonia 537 Italy 43
Bolivia 309 Ethiopia 980 Jamaica 291
Botswana 962 Falkland Is. 306 Japan 72
Brazil 38 Faroe Is. 502 Jordan 493
British Virgin Is. 292 Fiji 701 Kazakhstan 785
Bulgaria 67 Finland 57 Kenya 987
Burkina Faso 978 France 42 Kiribati 761
Burundi 903 French Guiana 300 Korea 899
Cambodia 807 French Polynesia 702 Korea(Rep.of) 801
Cameroon 970 Gabon 973 Kuwait 496
Canada 21 Gambia 996 Kyrgyzstan 788
26 Germany(Fed.Rep.of) 41 Laos 804
Canary Is. 52 Ghana 94 Latvia 538
Cape Verde 993 Gibraltar 405 Lebanon 494

Lesotho 963 Pakistan 82 Switzerland 45
Liberia 997 Palau 763 Syria 492
Libya 901 Panama 379 Tadzhikistan 787
Liechtenstein 45 Papua New Guinea 703 Taiwan 769
Lithuania 539 Paraguay 305 Tanzania 989
Luxembourg 402 Peru 36 Thailand 86
Macao 808 Philippines 75 Togo 977
Madagascar 986 758 Tonga 777
Madeira 404 Poland 63 Trinidad & Tobago 294
Malawi 904 Portugal 404 Tunisia 409
Malaysia 84 Puerto Rico 205 Turkey 607
Maldives 896 206 Turkmenistan 789
Mali 985 209 Turks & Caicos Is. 296
Malta 406 Qatar 497 Tuvalu 774
Marshall Is. 765 Reunion 961 Uganda 988
Martinique 298 Romania 65 Ukraine 680
Mauritania 974 Rwanda 909 Abu Dhabi 893
Mauritius 966 Saipan 760 Ajman
Mexico 22 San Marino 505 Dubai
Micronesia 764 Sao Tome & Principe 967 Fujairah
Moldova 682 Saudi Arabia 495 Ras Al Khaimah
Monaco 42 Senegal 906 Sharjjah
Mongolia 800 Seychelles 965 Umm Al Qaiwain
Montserrat 396 Sierra Leone 998 United Kingdom 51
Morocco 407 Singapore 87 Uruguay 32
Mozambique 992 Slovak 666 U.S.A. 23
Myanmar 83 Solomon Is. 778 25
Namibia 908 Somalia 900 C.I.S.(Former U.S.S.R.) 640
Nauru 775 South Africa 95 Vanuatu 771
Negara Brunei Darussalam 809 Spain 52 Vatican 504
Nepal 891 Sri Lanka 803 Venezuela 31
Netherlands 44 St.Helena 960 Viet Nam 805
Netherlands Antilles 390 St.Christopher & Nevis 397 Western Samoa 779
New Caledonia 706 St.Lucia 398 Yemen(Rep.Of) 895
New Zealand 74 St.Pierre & Miquelon 204 Area of Former 597
Nicaragua 375 St.Vincent & the Grenaines 399 Yugoslavia 598
Niger 975 Sudan 984 599
Nigeria 905 Suriname 304 600
Niue 776 Swaziland 964 62
Nofolk Island 766 Sweden 54 Zaire 982
Norway 56 Zambia 902
Oman 498 Zimbabwe 907


Concerning details, please refer the installation manual for each equipment.


3.1. Cautions for use .......................................................................................................................... A3-2

3.2. Outline and name of component ............................................................................................... A3-3

3.2.1 Supplied accessories .............................................................................................................. A3-3
3.2.2 Components names................................................................................................................ A3-3

3.3. Installation ..................................................................................................................................... A3-4

3.3.1 Fix tape attachment............................................................................................................. A3-4
3.3.2 Change of ribbon cassette-cartridge.................................................................................... A3-6
3.3.3 Printing pressure adjustment (Print paper thickness adjustment)................................... A3-7
3.3.4 Roll paper loading ................................................................................................................. A3-8
3.3.5 Connection with terminal ....................................................................................................A3-11

4. Self-printing function ............................................................................................................A3-11

A3.1. Cautions for use
• Don’t touch immediately after printing as the printing head is still very hot.

• To set the ribbon, pay attention not to twist the ribbon.

• To turn on the power again after once turned OFF, wait at least 2 seconds. If this is not
respected, initialization may become wrong.

• Do not install in humid or dusty place or place exposed to direct sunshine.

• Don’t print without ribbon cassette and paper.

• Set the printer on desk or table installed evenly and stably.

• When the printer is working, its mechanism is working with rather strong force, pay attention not
to approach your accessories, necktie, etc. worn on you. Those may be caught.

• Don’t put anything on the printer. If any thing is dropped in the machine, at first turn OFF the
power, then remove dropped thing carefully.

• Don’t wet the printer. If water etc. is fallen, turn OFF immediately the power, and wipe off
liquid. And wait until the printer becomes completely dry to turn ON again.

A3.2.1 Supplied accessories

The following items are included as part your purchase

1) Printer 6) Fix tape 2 pairs
2) Ribbon Cartridge (Black) 7) Cap 2 pcs.
3) Printer Cover 8) Stand holding screw 2 pcs.
4) Roll Paper Stand Unit
5) Fuse

A3.2.2 Components names

A3.3.1 Fix tape attachment

A3.3.2 Change of ribbon cassette-cartridge
Mounting method
1) Verify that the power switch remains turned OFF.
2) Turn the cassette knob in arrow mark direction to give tension to the ribbon.
3) In case of paper stand has been mounted, loosen stand-holding screw, and slide the paper stand
4) Remove the printer cover.

5) Move by hand the printing head to its home

position (left end).

6) Put the ribbon cassette so as the ribbon is

placed between the ribbon mask and printing
head. At that time, arrange so as the
ribbon-feeding shaft enters in a hole located
under the ribbon cassette knob.

7) Push lightly from top both ends of the

ribbon cassette.

8) Turn again the cassette knob to give tension

to the ribbon.

9) Verify that the ribbon is correctly placed in

front of the printing head.

Immediately after printing, the printing head is still very hot, don’t touch it until it is cool down.

Dismounting method

1) To change the ribbon, at first verify that the

power to printer is turned OFF.

2) In case of paper stand has been mounted,

loosen stand-holding screws, and slide the
paper stand backward.

3) Remove the printer cover.

4) Seize the ribbon cassette knob, rise up

vertically to remove.

A3.3.3 Printing pressure adjustment (Print paper thickness adjustment)

The printing pressure can be adjusted with the head adjustment lever located on right side in the
For one ply plain paper the position is most suited. When shipped, this lever is set to this position.
In case of 3 ply duplicating paper, either or becomes suitable position.

A3.3.4 Roll paper loading

Paper holder mounting

Paper holder mounting

1) Insert the roll paper stand into guides on right
and left

Loading of roll paper

1) Cut off broken or folded end of roll paper.
2) Inset roll core to roll.
3) Pull toward you the sensor guide lever.
4) Mount the roll with roll core to roller holder.
At that time, pay attention to direction of paper.
5) Mount caps above the roll bar.

Roll paper setting
1) In case of paper stand has been
mounted, loosen stand holding screws
and slide the paper stand backward.

2) Remove the printer cover.

3) Push back the friction lever.

4) Pass the roll paper on paper guide bar,

insert it in paper chute, pull it out
from front of the platen.

5) Pull out the paper, adjust paper

position for feeding and discharge
side, so as paper enters straight.

6) When the position is fixed, pull the

friction lever toward you.

Adjustment of guide ring

Move the right and left guide rings
to adjust for paper width. Fix them
so as they retain lightly the paper.

Mount of roll paper cover
1) Mount the roll paper cover as shown in Fig.

2) Push up the paper support lever.

Connection of paper end near sensor

Connect the sensor cable on the back as
shown in Fig.

Upon accomplishment of the above, the state becomes as shown in Fig. below. Then mount the
printer cover. Slide finally the paper stand forward and fix it by stand holding screws.

A3.3.5 Connection with terminal

Prior to connect, verify that for both the terminal and printer their power switch is turned OFF.

1) Connect the printer cable to the parallel interface connector located on back of the printer, then, fix
with locking lever.
2) Connect the other end of cable to the terminal.


This printer is provided with self-printing function in order to check printing quality or printer’s
condition prior to use. However, with this self-printing function, the printer port is not checked. Prior
to perform self-printing, verify at first the paper is set.

If printing is made directly on the platen without ribbon and paper, the platen or printing head may be

Test printing

Turn ON the power while pushing [LF] switch and continue to push [LF] switch until self-printing
starts. After the initialization, 5 lines each of DRAFT and NLQ are printed alternatively. By turning
OFF the power, self-printing stops.


APPENDIX 4. JRC Service Network

Please contact the dealer from which you purchased the device or our marketing offices that is nearest to
you for any question as to the after-sales service.

JRC web site

JRC Tokyo Japan

JRC Amsterdam

JRC Seattle


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