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According to Iyer, (2018), sex education is the provision of information about

bodily development; sex, sexuality and relationship, along with skills-building to help

communicate about and make informed decisions regarding sex and their sexual health.

We can't all deny that sex education is something we must learn for and not avoid or

something we must put aside because it is a knowledge that’s part of being a normal

human. Honestly, people nowadays make themselves uneducated, their refusal to learn

about knowledge concerning the way our bodies will react or how our body would react

to such sensual actions is just saddening.

However, this state of sex education to the curriculum or system of education has

not went easy. It’s gone through many debates, experts, argumentative judgements and

many more ideal decision making, to put it simply, it’s so hard to decide if it should be

added to the education system because it will lead many factors. Since the early 1980s,

schools have been identified as a key setting for health promotion. This comprehensive

approach encourage schools to be health enhancing across the taught and 'hidden'

curricula and provides an ideal context for sex education. Health Education Research ,

Volume 15,Issue 4,1 August 2000,pp. 506 - 508. On the other hand, sex education might

transform children into responsible adults, it is a known fact that teenagers today turn

sexually active, therefore, sex education can help them understand the abstinence in the

early years or it can atleast teach them to be responsible.

To be added, it is much better if the children learn from schools rather than letting

them with their own self because the information they might browse can mislead them.

According to Melgar, (2018) "We observe that our education on sex is more focused on

contraceptives and not as a life perspective. We believed that such education had to

combat the taboo on sexuality discussions, and rather than bringing about information but

also a change in attitudes". Based on what she've said on forum during Likhaan Center

for Women's Health, the battle about lack of knowledge and being hypocrite about this

sensitive issue is a factor that as people that all lived in this world has many improvements

need to develop because we are the one who makes ourselves stupid and make irrelevant

with this issue.

Now, there are many effects of lack of Sex Education, and one of the major

ones are Teenage or Adolescent Pregnancies. According to WHO(2018) there are

approximately 16 million girls aged 15 to 19 years old and 2.5 million girls under 16 years

old that give birth each year in developing regions. Furthermore, in a related study,

WHO(2018) also stated that every year, some 3.9 million girls aged 15 to 19 years

undergo unsafe abortions, which means that about 24% of these young women are facing

higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis, systemic infections, and death. Such

tragic and heavy baggage has fallen on these young women's shoulders. If only they

received the help and education they need.

Teenage Pregnancies aren't the only result of lack of Sex Education. There is the

case about STDs too. According to UNAIDS(2017) there are 36.9 million people

GLOBALLY are living with HIV, these much people, affected by a depressing and deadly

virus, is horrifying. Furthermore, UNAIDS (2017) stated that 940,000 have already
perished from HIV. There wouldn't be half a million people dead. There wouldn't be 36.9

million people living with HIV. If only these people have been given the proper education

and help that they need.

We live in a world where people are literally close minded, “Children should know

sex is something natural that their parents do. That it's something adults do, adults who

can manage the consequence of sexual behavior. They should also have values of self-

respect, respect for others, regardless of who they are. Regardless of their bodies and

sexual behavior, non-judgementalism and a positive attitude towards sexuality", Melgar,

(2018). We are sadly in the present generation where the people have lost their common

sense. By contrast, modern classroom sex education programs deliberately aim to let it

all hang out, leaving nothing to the imagination, in contrast to the hypocrisy with which

matters pertaining to sex were formerly thought to have been dealt with. As stated by

Whitehead, (1995) "Not infrequently they are K-through 12 programs, keeping the

growing child's mind constantly focused on his developing sexuality throughout his or her

school career”. Based on what he've said it is quiet difficult to a child focused his mind on

learning sex education but it will a big help if a young child in his early age he learned the

right and the wrong.

Furthermore, the sexually transmitted diseases were spread throughout the world,

knowledge about sex education might a big factor to avoid sexually transmitted diseases

that has no cure. “There’s nothing simple about teaching kids about sex. In these times

of precocious pre-teens, pregnancy among teenagers and sexually transmitted disease

and infections(STD's),children and adolescents need much more than a one time chat
about the bird and the bees. Pregnancy prevention and safe sex really should be an

ongoing, age appropriate topics.

Somehow we'll never know what the present holds and what the future will bring

so that we can live in peace. According to Bridger, (2014) "Young people have the right

to lead healthy lives, and society has the responsibility to prepare youth by providing them

with comprehensive sexual health education that gives them the tools they need to make

healthy decisions.”

In conclusion, the goal for this study, is to educate, to give insight, to enlighten people

about the benefits for them and for the future generation, the positive effects Sex

Education brings and the drastic decrease in numbers of people living with HIV and young

women going through teenage pregnancy.

Significance of the Study

Education is not just only giving information and facts, but also teaching different

skills that allow young people to use those information effectively and make safe life

choices. The grade 10 students or the students will benefit from this firstly, by having

more knowledge about things that they'll be experiencing in the future, they will be able

to avoid certain discrepancies which may result to a total upside down turn in their life.

The students are not the only ones that're going to be benefitting from this, but also the

parents. By knowing that their children are ready to face issues that even adults have a

difficulty facing, they'll be living a comfortable life without the worry of their children
suffering from the consequences of unsafe and uneducated sex. Not only that, but also

the fact that this builds a strong bond of trust between the parents and their children.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study of the study is to educate teenager to this kind of

relevant issue because they are who badly affected.

1. What might be the church response if Sex Education teach to the Grade 10 students?

2. What will be the reaction of the parents if the government add Sex Education to the

Grade 10 Curriculum?

3. Is Sex Education is effective to build a great Empowerment to the Youth?

Scope and Limitations

The scope will only be covering the 10th grade students as its research

participants. The location will also only cover Malanday National High School. Lastly, this

research has only been done within two weeks Also, take note that this research has only

been done by five, grade ten students and not professionals. Furthermore, this research

has been done by students who, personally, have not experienced sex education in the


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