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Section Indian Penal Code, 1860 Criminal Law Justice Verma Committee Criminal Law (Amendment)
(Amendment) Bill, 2012 Recommendations Ordinance, 2013
(2012 Bill) (JVC)

100 Right of Private Defence of the No Change Includes right to private defence Accepted the JVC in full.
body extends to causing death, if in case of acid attack.
the assault is committed with the
intention of committing rape or
gratifying unnatural lust.
S. 166A -- New S. 166A: Public Servant Retained New S. 166A. Retained New S. 166A with
disobeying directions under New Ss. (c) - Non- recording of New Ss. (c) - Non- recording of
law which prohibits him FIR in relation to sexual FIR in relation to any cognizable
from requiring attendance of offences is made a punishable offence is made a punishable
any person or where he offence. offence. Particular mention of
knowingly disobeys the law non- recording in case of sexual
regulating the manner in offences is made.
which investigation will be
conducted. Thus, retained as in the JVC, with

-- Punishment: SI upto 1 Punishment:RI upto 5 yrs and Punishment: SI upto 1 yr or Fine

year(yr) or Fine or both. Fine. or both.

Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

326A -- New S. 326A: Hurt by Acid New S. 326A Voluntarily New S. 326A Voluntarily causing
Attack- Damage or grievous causing grievous hurt through grievous hurt through use of acid,
hurt caused by acid. use of acid, etc. etc.

Amended to expand it beyond Retained as in JVC.

acid to any other means with
similar result.

-- Punishment: Imprisonment Punishment: RI for 10 yrs to Punishment: Imprisonment of

of either description for 10 life and Compensation for either description for 10 yrs to life
years to life and Fine upto 10 medical expenses. and Fine upto 10 lakh rupees to be
lakh rupees which will be given to complainant.
given to the complainant.
Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

-- -- Explanation 1- Permanentor Female circumcision or mutilation

partial damage includes female of her genitals was not accepted.
circumcision or mutilation of
her genitals.

-- -- Explanation 2 - The damage will Explanation 3- The damage will

not be required to be not be required to be
irreversible. irreversible.The explanation was
added after S. 326B, and applies
to S. 326A and 326B.

326B -- S. 326B: Throwing or S. 326B: Voluntarily throwing S. 326B: Voluntarily throwing or

attempting to throw or or attempting to throw acid, etc. attempting to throw acid.
administer acid. (In the
previous section, injury is Retained as in the JVC.
necessary. This section does
not talk about injury)

-- Punishment: Imprisonment Punishment: RI for 5 yrs to 7 Punishment: Imprisonment of

of either description for 5 yrs yrs and compensation for either description for 5 yrs to 7
to 7 yrs and Fine. medical expenses of victim. yrs. and Fine.

Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

354 Assault or Criminal Force to Substantive offence not New S. 354: Sexual Assault and S. 354: Assault or Criminal Force
Woman with intent to outrage her changed. Punishment for Sexual Assault. to Woman with intent to outrage
modesty. her modesty.
It collapsed the distinction
between sections 354 and 509 JVC was not accepted. Retained
and brought it within one section 354 as provided in the
section. IPC.

This section includes intentional

non-consensual touching of a
sexual nature as well as words,
acts and gestures which create
an unwelcome threat of a sexual
nature or result in unwelcome
advance. It includes display and
dissemination of pornographic
Punishment: Imprisonment of Punishment: Imprisonment Punishment: Graded Punishment: Imprisonment of
either description upto 2 yrs or of either description for 1 yr punishment- tactile offences are either description for 1yr to 5 yrs
Fine or both. to 5 yrs and Fine not less punishable upto 5 yrs RI or Fine and Fine, as in the 2012 Bill.
than 1000 rupees. or both; non-tactile offences are
punishable upto 1yr
imprisonmentof either
description or Fine or both.

Sexual -- -- -- New Section 354A on Sexual

Harassment Harassment based on the
guidelines given in the Vishaka
judgment. Provides that
unwelcome physical contact,
request for sexual favors, sexually
coloured remarks, forcibly
showing pornography and any
other unwelcome physical, verbal
or non-verbal conduct of sexual
nature will be punishable.

Punishment: It grades the

punishment where offences of
unwelcome physical contact and
demand for sexual favors are
punishable with RI upto 5 yrs or
Fine or both. The other offences
such as making sexually coloured
remarks, forcibly showing
pornography and any other
unwelcome physical, verbal or
non-verbal conduct of sexual
nature are punishable with
imprisonment of either
description upto 1 yr or Fine or
Assault or use of -- -- New S. 354A: Assault or use of New S. 354B: Assault or use of
criminal force to criminal force to women with criminal force to women with
women with intent to disrobe her. intent to disrobe her.
intent to disrobe
her. Whoever assaults or uses Retained as in the JVC.
criminal force or abets such act
with the intention of disrobing a
woman or compelling her to be
naked in any public place will
be punished.

Punishment: Imprisonment of
either description for 3 yrs to 7
yrs and Fine.

Voyeurism -- -- New S. 354B: Voyeurism - New S. 354C: Voyeurism-

Watching a woman engaging in
a private act when she does not Retained as in the JVC.
expect to be observed.

On first conviction, punishable
with imprisonment of either
description for 1yr to 3 yrs and

On subsequent conviction,
punishable with imprisonment
of either description for 3yrs to
7 yrs and Fine.
Stalking -- -- S. 354C(1): Stalking- S.354D: Stalking-
Following or contacting or
attempting to contact a person or Retained as in the JVC.
monitoring the person digitally
or spying on the person in a
manner, which interferes with
the mental peace of the person.

Punishment: Imprisonment of
either description for 1yr to 3
yrs and Fine.

370 Buying or disposing of any person No change. Replaced with Trafficking – 370: Trafficking
as a slave.
Recruiting, transporting, Retained as in the JVC.
harboring,transferring or
receiving person by means of
threat, coercion, abduction,
deception, abuse of power or
inducement for the purpose of
exploitation is trafficking.
Explanation 1: Exploitation
includes prostitution, other
sexual exploitation, forced
labour, slavery, servitude,
removal of organs.
Explanation 2: Consent of the
victim is immaterial to the
Punishment: -- Punishment: Retained as in the JVC.
Imprisonment of either RI for 7 yrs to10 yrs and Fine.
description upto 7 yrs and Fine.
Where two or more persons are
trafficked: RI of 10 yrs to life,
with Fine.

Where a minor is trafficked: RI

of 10 yrs to life.

Where two or more minors are

trafficked: RI of 14 yrs to life.

Repeated trafficking of minors,

or where police officer or public
servant is involved in trafficking
of minor: Imprisonment for life,
without parole.

Employing of a -- -- S. 370A: Employing of a S. 370A: Employing of a

trafficked person trafficked person - trafficked person.

Ss.(1)Knowingly employing a Retained as in the JVC.

trafficked child.

Punishment: RI for 5 yrs to 7

yrs and Fine.

Ss.(2) Knowingly employing a

trafficked adult.

RI for 3 yrs to 5 yrs and Fine.
375 Rape Rape Sexual Assault Rape Sexual Assault
Perpetrator is male and victim is Perpetrator and victim are Perpetrator is male and victim is Perpetrator and victim are gender
female gender neutral gender neutral neutral

Limited to penile vaginal Ss. (a) Penetration for sexual Ss. (a) Penetration by penis or Ss. (a) Penetration by penis into
penetration purpose into anus, vagina, object into anus, urethra, vagina anus, mouth, vagina or urethra.
urethra, mouth by penis or only. Deleted penetration into Deleted sexual
any object. mouth. purpose introduced in the 2012

Ss. (b) Penetration by object into

anus, vagina, urethra, mouth.
-- Ss. (b) “manipulates any part Ss. (b) “manipulates any part of Ss. (c) “manipulates any part of
of the body of another person the body of a person so as to the body of another person so as
so as to cause penetration of cause penetration of the vagina to cause penetration into the
the vagina or anus or urethra or anus or urethra of another vagina, urethra, anus or any pert
or mouth of such person by person” of body of such person or makes
any part of the other person’s the person to do so with him or
body” any other person”

-- Ss.(c)Engages in cunnilingus Ss. (c) Engages in cunnilingus Deleted cunnilingus or fellatio.

or fellatio. or fellatio. New Ss (d) - applies his mouth to
the vagina, urethra, anus, penis of
another person or makes the other
person do so to him or any other
-- Ss.(e) Touching vagina, anus ,
breast, penis of the complainant or
making the complainant touch
the accused’s vagina, anus, penis,
breast or that any of any other

-- Exception for medical or Exception for medical or Exception for medical or hygienic
hygienic purpose added for hygienic purpose made only for purpose made for all the above.
penetration by any part of the penetration by object.
body as well as object.

Firstly Firstly Firstly Firstly

Against her will. Against the other person’s Against the person’s will. Against the other person’s will.
No change.

Secondly Secondly Secondly Secondly

Without her consent. Without the other person’s Without the person’s consent. Without the other person’s
consent. consent.

No change.

Thirdly Thirdly Thirdly Thirdly

With consent, where consent is With consent, where consent With consent, where consent is With consent, where consent is
obtained by putting her or any is obtained by putting the obtained by putting the person obtained by putting the person or
other person in fear of hurt or person or any other person in or any other person in fear of any other person in fear of hurt or
death. fear of hurt or death. hurt or death. death.

No change.
Fourthly - rape committed by No change Fourthly amended. Rape Fourthly– sexual assault
accused by impersonation of committed by impersonation committed by impersonation by
husband expanded to include accused of husband.
impersonation by accused of
anyone to whom the Thus, JVC rejected.
complainant would have

Fifthly Fifthly Fifthly Fifthly

Where consent is given by reason Where consent is given by Where consent is given by Where consent is given by reason
of unsoundness of mind or reason of unsoundness of reason of unsoundness of mind of unsoundness of mind or
intoxication. mind or intoxication. or intoxication. intoxication.

No change.

Sixthly - the age of consent is Sixthly amended to increase Deleted age of consent from the Sixthly amended to increase the
sixteen. the age of consent to definition of rape, and age of consent to eighteen years.
eighteen. introduced a new section on
underage rape. Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

-- -- Introduced new sixthly for cases New seventhly for cases where
where the person is unable to person is unable tocommunicate
communicate consent, expressly consent.
or impliedly.
JVC accepted, with changes.

Marital Rape Exemption retained, Marital sexual assault Marital rape exemption deleted Marital sexual assault exemption
wife not being under fifteen years exemption retained, wife not retained, as in the 2012 Bill.
of age being under sixteen years of
-- -- Positive definition for consent to Positive definition of consent.
mean unequivocal voluntary
agreement, introduced. Retained as in the JVC.

-- -- Explanation III and proviso: New Proviso: Lack of physical

Existing marital relationship or resistance will not amount to
lack of physical resistance will consent. Retained as in the JVC.
not amount to consent.
Explanation III stating existing
marital relationship will not
amount to consent, as in the JVC

376(1) Imprisonment of either Imprisonment of either RI for 7 yrs to life and Imprisonment of RI of either
Punishment for description for 7 yrs to life or upto description for 7 yrs to life compensation for medical description for 7 yrs to life and
Rape/Sexual 10 yrs and Fine. and Fine. expenses. Fine.
Assault Retained Fine as per IPC and
2012 Bill. Payment of
compensation, as in the JVC

Punishment for marital sex when Punishment for rape of wife Recognised marital rape by Punishment for marital sex when
wife is 12-15 yrs of age: who is below 16 yrs of age is deleting marital rape exemption. wife is under 16 yrs is given
Imprisonment upto 2 yrs or Fine given by s. 376(2). under S. 376(2).
or both.

Age of consent is 16, however Age of consent is 18, Age of consent is 16 and thus Age of consent is 18, however
marital sex when wife is between however marital sex when marital sex with wife of 16-18 marital sex when wife is between
15 yrs and 16 yrs of age is not wifeis between 16 yrs and18 yrs is not punishable. 16-18 yrs of age is not sexual
rape, as per the exception to s. yrs of age is not sexual assault, as per the exception to s.
375. assault, as per the exception Punishment for marital sex 375.
to s. 375. when wife is 16 yrs of age or
below has been given under
376(2) Ss. (a) Rape by police officer of a Ss. (a) Sexual Assault by Ss. (a) Rape by Police Officer - Ss. (a) Sexual Assault by police
Punishment for woman. Police Officer -Amended to Amended it to include situations officer.
aggravated sexual make perpetrator and victim when the police officer is not on
assault gender neutral. duty provided other conditions Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
are met such as rape being
committed within
the premises of the police station
or station house et al.
-- -- Ss. (b) Rape committed by Ss. (c) Sexual Assault committed
armed forces, introduced. by armed forces.

Retained as in the JVC.

Ss. (b) Rape by public servant Ss. (b) Sexual Assault by Ss. (c) Rape by public servant, Ss. (b) Sexual Assault committed
public servant is amended it retained as in the 2012 Bill, with by Public Servant
to make it gender neutral for some marginal changes.
perpetrator and victim Retained as in 2012 Bill.

Ss. (c) Management or staff of Ss. (c) Management or staff Ss. (d) Management or staff of Ss. (d) Management or staff of jail
jail, remand home or other place of jail, remand home or other jail remand home or other place remand home or other place of
of custody place of custody of custody. custody.

Retained the IPC section. Retained the IPC section. Retained the IPC section.
Ss. (d) Management or staff of Ss. (d) Management or staff Ss. (e) Management or staff of Ss. (e) Management or staff of
hospital takes advantage of his of hospital commits sexual hospital commits rape on patient hospital commits sexual assault
official position assault on person in the in the hospital. on person in the hospital.
Retained, as in the 2012 Bill Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
with minor changes.
-- New Ss. (e) Sexual Assault Ss. (g) Rape by relative, Ss. (f) Sexual assault by Relative,
by relative or person in guardian, teacher, person in guardian, teacher, person in
position of trust or authority. position of trust or authority. position of trust or authority.
Provision expanded.
Retained as in JVC.
Ss.(e) Rape of pregnant woman Ss. (f) Sexual Assault of Ss.(f) Rape of Pregnant Woman. Ss.(g) Sexual Assault of pregnant
pregnant woman. Reframed Reframed as rape. woman. Reframed as sexual
as sexual assault. assault.

Ss.(f) Rape of woman when she is Ss. (g) Sexual Assault on Introduced new section S. 376B. Ss. (h) Sexual Assault on a person
under 12 yrs of age. person who is under 18 yrs of Removed underage when the person is under eighteen
age rape from S.376(2). years of age.

Proviso : Marital sex with Proviso on marital sex with

underage person is made a underage person being a
punishable offence punishable offence, as in the JVC

Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

Ss.(g) Commits gang rape Ss.(h)Changed gang rape to New S. 376C: Gangrape. New S. 376D: Gangrape.
“having common intention in Removed gangrape from S. Removed gangrape from S.
the furtherance of the 376(2). 376(2).
intention commits sexual

-- New Ss.(h) Rape on person New Ss.(i) Sexual Assault on

incapable of consenting due to person
fear of death or hurt; incapable of giving consent.
intoxication or unsoundness of
mind; or someone who is unable Retained the JVC with changes.
to communicate.

-- Ss.(i) Sexual Assault by a Deleted in the JVC. Ss.(j) Sexual Assault by a person
person in a position of in a position of economic or
economic or social or social dominance.
political dominance
Retained as in the 2012 bill, but
deleted political dominance.
-- New Ss. (j) Sexual Assault No separate section on New Ss. (k) Sexual Assault on
on person suffering from disabilities. person suffering from mental or
mental or physical disability However, it is covered in ss.(h). physical disability.

Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

-- New Ss. (k) Sexual Assault Ss. (i) Rape which causes Ss.(l) Sexual Assault which
which causes grievous harm grievous harm or disfiguring or causes grievous harm or
or disfiguring or maiming or maiming or endangering the life disfiguring or maiming or
endangering the life of the of the person. endangering the life of the person.
Retained as in the 2012 Bill. Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
-- New Ss.(l) Persistent sexual Ss.(j) Persistent Rape. Ss.(m) Persistent Sexual Assault.

Punishment: RI for 10 yrs to life Punishment: RI for 10 yrs to Punishment: RI for 10 yrs to Punishment:
and Fine. life and Fine. life and Compensation for RI of 10 years to life and Fine.
Provided that courts may for Court’s discretion to impose medical expenses of victim. Court’s discretion to impose a
adequate reasons impose a lesser a reduced sentence deleted. Court’s discretion to impose a reduced sentence deleted.
sentence of either description for reduced sentence deleted.
a term of less than ten years. Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

Punishment for -- -- New S. 376(3) Rape resulting in Section 376A: Sexual Assault
causing death or vegetative state or causing resulting in vegetative state or
persistent death. causing death.
vegetative state
due to rape or
sexual assault. -- -- Punishment: RI for 20 yrs to Punishment: RI for 20 yrs to life,
life, without parole. without parole or death penalty.

Retained as in the JVC.

Rape/Sexual S. 376A Rape by a husband on S. 376A Sexual Assault by a Deleted S. 376B Sexual Assault by a
Assault by a wife during separation. husband upon his wife during husband upon his wife during
husband upon his separation. separation.
wife during
separation Retained substantive
provision, as in the IPC.

Punishment: Imprisonment of Punishment: Imprisonment -- Punishment: Imprisonment of

either description upto 2 yrs and of either description for 2 yrs either description for 2 yrs to 7
Fine. to 7 yrs and Fine. yrs and Fine.

Punishment increased. Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

Sexual S. 376B Intercourse by a Public S. 376B Sexual Intercourse S. 376A Intercourse by a person S.376C Sexual Intercourse by a
Intercourse by a Servant with a Woman in his by a person in authority. in authority, public servant etc. Person in Authority.
person in custody.
-- Ss.(a) Person being in a Ss.(a) Persons in position of Ss.(a) Persons in position of
position of authority. authority or in a fiduciary authority or in a fiduciary
relationship. relationship.

Retained as in the JVC.

Ss. (b) Public servant. Ss. (b) Public servant. Ss. (b) Public servant.

-- Ss. (c) Superintendent or Ss. (c) Superintendent or Ss. (c) Retained as in the 2012
manager of jail, remand manager of jail, remand home or Bill.
home or other place of other place of custody
custody established by law, established by law, or women’s
or women’s and children’s and children’s institution,
institution. observation homes, beggar
homes, or any institution for the
reception and care of women or

Ss. (d) Management or staff Ss. (d) Management or staff of a Ss. (d) Management of staff of a
of a hospital. hospital. hospital.

Situations which will be Situations which will be Situations which will considered
considered punishable-“takes considered punishable -“abuses punishable - “abuses such position
advantage of the position and such position or fiduciary or fiduciary relationship to induce
induces or seduces any relationship to induce any or seduce any person in the first
person either in the first person in their custody to have mentioned person’s custody or
mentioned person’s custody sexual intercourse with them” under the first mentioned person’s
or under the first mentioned charge or present in the premises”
person’s charge or present in
the premises” Retained all situations of abuse of
power as envisaged in the 2012
Bill and the JVC.

Punishment: Imprisonment Punishment: RI for 5 yrs to 10 Punishment: RI[mistake in the

Punishment: Imprisonment upto of either description for 5 yrs yrs and Fine. Ordinance – it says RI of either
5 yrs and Fine. to 10 yrs and Fine. description] for 5 yrs to 10 yrs
and Fine.

Rape of an S. 375 Sixthly Rape of a woman S. 375 Sixthly Sexual Assault New S. 376B (1) Rape of an S. 375 Sixthly Sexual Assault on a
underage Person with or without her consent when on a person with or without underage person- If a man has person with or without the
she is under sixteen years of age. the person’s consent when sexual intercourse with a person person’s consent when such other
such other person is under below sixteen years of age with person is under eighteen years of
eighteen years of age or without that person’s consent. age.

Punishment: RI for 10 yrs. to Did not accept the JVC.

life. Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
Punishment for -- -- New S. 376B (2) Whoever --
causing death or commits an offence under S.
persistent 376B (1) and thus inflicts such
vegetative state in injury that it leads to persistent
the course of vegetative state or death .
committing rape
of an underage Punishment: RI for 20 yrs. to
person life, without parole.
Intercourse by Section 376C Deleted Section 376C, as Deleted Section 376C, as Deleted S. 376C, as included in S.
superintendent of already included in Section included in Section 376(2)(c). 376(2)(d).
jail, remand 376(2)(c).
home etc.

Intercourse by Section 376D Deleted Section 376D, as Deleted Section 376D, asalready Deleted Section 376D, as already
member of already included in S. 376. included in S. 376. included in S. 376.
management of
staff of hospital

Gangrape S. 376(2)(g) S. 376(2)(h) New S. 376C. New S. 376D

-- -- Gang Rape Sexual Assault by Gang.

-- -- Punishment: RI for 20 yrs to Punishment: RI for 20 yrs to life
life and compensation for and compensation for medical
medical expenses. expenses and rehabilitation.

Retained as in the JVC, with

minor changes.
Gang rape -- -- New S. 376D. Gang Rape JVC not accepted.
causing death or followed by death of a persistent
persistent vegetative state.
vegetative state
Punishment: Life without

Punishment for -- -- New S. 376E. Punishment for New S. 376E. Punishment for
repeat offenders Repeat Offenders. Repeat Offenders.

-- -- Punishment: Life without Punishment: Life without parole

parole. or death penalty.

Breach of -- -- New S. 376F Public servant in Did not accept the JVC.
Command command, control or
Responsibility supervision of police or armed
forced or assuming control
lawfully or otherwise and unable
to prevent sexual offences
committed by persons who are
under his or her supervision,
command or control.

RI for 7yrs to 10 yrs.
S.509: Word S. 509 Word, Gesture or Act No change in the substantive Deleted, as offences brought Retained S. 509, as in 2012 Bill.
Gesture or Act intended to insult the modesty of a section. under new S. 354
intended to insult woman.
the modesty of a
woman Punishment: SI upto 1 yr or Fine Punishment: SI upto 3 yrs -- Punishment: SI upto 3 yrs and
or both. and Fine not less than Fine. Did not quantify the amount
Rs.1000. of fine to be imposed.


Section Code of Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law Justice Verma Committee Criminal Law (Amendment)
1973 (Amendment) Bill, 2012 Recommendations Ordinance, 2013

39(1) Public to give information of -- Expanded to include newly Did not accept the JVC.
certain offences. created offences such as acid
40A Duty of officers employed in -- Made it mandatory on officers in Did not accept the JVC.
connection with the affairs of a connection with village affairs
village to make certain report. and persons connected to village
panchayats to communicate
information to Magistrate or
police officer regarding sexual

54A Identification of Person arrested. -- Added a proviso stating that if a Retained as in the JVC.
disabled person is identifying
the accused, the identification
will take place in a manner the
person is comfortable with
under the supervision of a
Added another proviso stating
that if the person arrested is
disabled, the identification will
be videographed.
154 Information in cognizable cases. New Proviso: in case of Amended the proviso: In case of Accepted the JVC in full.
sexual offences, where the sexual offences, where
informant is the woman, the informant is given by the
information will be recorded complainant woman, the
by a female a police officer. information will be recorded by
a female police officer and the
woman will get legal assistance
and the assistance of a
healthcare worker and/or a
women’s organization.

Added another proviso stating

1) In case the complainant is
disabled the information will be
recorded at a place convenient to
the complainant, in the presence
of a special educator or
interpreter as the case maybe.
2) The recording of information
will be videographed.
3) The recording will be done by
a judicial magistrate as per new
section 164(5)(a).
160(1) Police Officer’s Power to require Police Officer’s Power to Police Officer’s Power to Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
attendance of witnesses. require attendance of require attendance of witnesses.
Proviso – “ no male person under witnesses.
the age of fifteen years or Exception expanded to Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
woman” will be required to attend include male persons below
except in his or her place of the age of eighteen yrs and
residence. above the age of sixty-five
yrs, women, and physically
and mentally disabled
161: Examination -- Proviso added after ss. 3: In Not retained in JVC. Proviso added after ss. 3: In case
of witnesses by case of sexual offences, the of sexual offences, the statement
Police statement shall be recorded shall be recorded by a woman
by a woman police officer. police officer.

Retained as in the 2012 Bill.

164: Recording -- -- Amended Section 164, where it Accepted the JVC in full and
of confessions added new sections 164(5) (a) brought both subsections under
and statements and (b) – In cases of sexual 164(5A).
offences, a Judicial Magistrate
shall record the complainant’s
statement as soon as it is
brought to the police’s notice in
the manner set out in ss. (5).
Provisos for assistance of
special educators and
interpreters in case of mentally
or physically disabled
complainant. Ss. (b) Statement
recorded of disabled person to
be used in lieu of examination –
in-chief, as specified in S. 137
of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
197(1) -- -- Amended - In case of sexual Did not accept the JVC.
Prosecution of offences, sanction of the
judges and public government will not be needed
servants for prosecuting judges,
magistrates or public servants.

Cognizance in -- -- New S. 198B : Cognizance in New S. 198B- Cognizance of

case of marital case of marital rape - offence - Complaints of marital
rape Complaints of marital rape can sexual assault under S. 376B can
only be brought by the wife only be brought by the wife
against the accused husband. against the accused husband.

Thus, retained the marital rape

exemption and the new s.198B
introduced in the JVC, for
separated couples.

273 Evidence to be taken in presence Added a proviso before Retained the proviso, and Retained the proviso, as in the
of accused. Explanation- Where the specified the sections containing 2012 Bill.
evidence of a person below the sexual offences.
18 years who has been
subjected to sexual assault or Retained as in the 2012 Bill,
sexual offence is being with changes.
recorded, the court will
ensure that the person will
not be confronted by the

327 Court to be open, except in rape Retained as in IPC. Expanded the exceptions where Restricted in camera proceedings
cases where proceedings will be Reframed as sexual assault. the trial is conducted in camera to sexual assault cases only.
conducted in camera. to include not only rape but all
sexual offences.
357 Order to pay compensation. New Ss. 4 - The court when Did not accept the JVC.
imposing sentence on rape or
acid attack will order the
convicted person to pay
compensation for medical
expenses of accused.


S. 53A Evidence -- New S. 53A: Where consent New S. 53A: Expanded the Accepted the JVC in full.
of character of is in question in the case of section to include all sexual
previous sexual sexual assault, evidence of offences. Thus, it includes rape
experience not character of victim or her/his and other sexual offences.
relevant in certain previous sexual experience
cases will not be relevant to
ascertain consent or the
quality of consent.
114A Presumption as to absence of Amended to include newly Amended to include newly Retained as in the JVC.
consent in certain cases of rape. introduced sections on sexual introduced sections on rape.
assault. Added explanation of the
meaning of “sexual intercourse”.

Thus, retained change as in the

2012 Bill.
119 Dumb Witnesses -- Substituted dumb witness for Retained, as in the JVC.
“persons who are unable to
communicate verbally.”

Added proviso that the court

shall take the assistance of a
special educator or interpreter,
and the statement shall be
146 Questions lawful in cross- Addition to the proviso -“no Amended the provision of the Retained as in the 2012 Bill.
examination. It has a proviso question will be allowed on 2012 Bill - “it shall not be
which says that no question will the general immoral permissible to adduce evidence
be allowed on the general character of the victim or as or to put questions in the cross-
immoral character of the to his or her previous sexual examination of the victim as to
prosecutrix. experience for proving such his or her general moral
consent or the quality of character, or as to his or her
consent”. previous sexual experience with
any person.”

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