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Survey of Parent Opinions on Technical Vocational Education and

February 2018


1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................................................3
2. Educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina ..............................................................................4
2.1. Primary and secondary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina .........................................................4
2.2. Secondary vocational education in Bosnia and Herzegovina .......................................................8
3. Interpretation of survey findings .............................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Herzegovina-Neretva Canton ................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1. General data analysis findings ............................................................................................................. 11
3.1.2. Specific data analysis findings ...................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Bosnia-Podrinje Canton ........................................................................................................................ 25
3.2.1. General data analysis findings ...................................................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Specific data analysis findings ...................................................................................................... 26
3.3. Republika Srpska ...................................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.1. General data analysis results ................................................................................................................ 36
3.3.2. Specific data analysis findings ...................................................................................................... 37
4. Analysis of aggregate data ............................................................................................................................. 47
5. Conclusion and key recommendations .................................................................................................. 49

1. Introduction

Dear Reader of the Study,

The secondary schools in BiH providing vocational competences – be it the three years
vocational schools or the four years technical schools – do carry a big responsibility in
providing qualified man power for the labour market for all kind of sectors and services
and therefore play an important role in the economic growth of the country, which heavily
depends on a competent workforce in a sufficient quantity.

In the recent years a lot of efforts have been put into the TVET system as it became obvious
that the TVET system is not in the position to provide what is expected of it due to
different reasons. The number of young people deciding for a vocational qualification has
decreased disproportionately in favour of such schools which lead to qualifications
allowing the access to the Higher Education system.

Parents in Bosnia-Hercegovina play a big role in the decisions concerning the career paths
of their kids. Therefore, the GIZ implemented project ‘TVET in Bosnia-Hercegovina’ is
interested in how parents think about the TVET system, what kind of information they
have themselves as a basis for their advice to their kids and what other factors do have an

The conclusions from this study gives a better understanding about what to do in order
to improve the services around career orientation for young people in BiH as part of the
general improvement of the educational services and specifically in the context of the
TVET system.

We encourage everyone who is active in the TVET sector to use this data for decision
making processes or as a basis for further elaboration of the topic.

Enjoy reading!

Isabel Rapp

Project Manager


2. Educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The structure of the educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the
Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Constitution defines Bosnia and Herzegovina
as a state consisting of two entities, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and
Republika Srpska (RS), as well as a separate administrative unit, Brčko District (BD BiH).

The educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is complex, fragmented and non-
complementary. As a result, there are 14 educational institutions. The state-level
authority competent for education in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Ministry of Civil
Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although the above-mentioned ministry coordinates
this field at the state level, education is a competence of cantons in the Federation of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, an entity-level competence in Republika Srpska and a
competence of Brčko District.

In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, every of the 10 cantons has its own law on
pre-school, primary and secondary education, and cantons in which there are universities
have their own higher-education laws.

In Republika Srpska, all educational levels are also regulated by the entity legislation.

Brčko District, as a separate organisational unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has its own
laws regulating every of the four educational levels.

2.1. Primary and secondary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Framework Law on Primary and Secondary Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina is
a state-level law regulating the educational system of these two education levels.
Government authorities competent for the regulation and organisation of the educational
system in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Brčko District
of Bosnia and Herzegovina are obliged to apply and comply with the principles and norms


defined by the present law. According to Article 2 of the law, the purpose of education is
to contribute to the creation of a society based on rule of law and respect for human rights
as well as to contribute to its economic development, which will ensure the best possible
standard of living for all citizens. This is to be achieved through the best possible
intellectual, physical, moral and social development of individuals, in compliance with
their possibilities and abilities.

Article 16 states that primary education is compulsory and free of charge for all children.
It lasts 9 years. The next article relates to secondary education, in relation to which it is
important to stress that secondary-school education is available to everyone, in
compliance with the success they achieved in primary school, their personal interests and

Secondary school education for relevant occupations lasts three or four years. If a student
completes a four-year education programme, he or she is eligible to continue the
education at a higher education institution.

If a student completed a three-year education programme and wishes to continue his or

her education at a higher education institution, he or she has to attend additional
education about general and technical subjects at a secondary technical school based on
a special curriculum to be defined by the Ministry based on a proposal by the Pedagogical
Institute.3 Secondary education is characterised by various types of secondary schools:
vocational schools, technical schools, general grammar schools, art schools, religious
schools and special schools.


Vocational schools

Technical schools

General grammar schools

Art schools

Religious schools

Special schools

Figure 1: Types of secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina





2 years of compulsory
education in 3 cantons
3 years / 4 years


Vocational Technical Religious Special
grammar Art schools
schools schools schools schools


Figure 2: Educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2.2. Secondary vocational education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education and Training in Bosnia and
Herzegovina4 defines the principles of organisation of secondary vocational education
and training, institutions, key issues related to school curricula, grading standards and
exams, autonomy of schools, basic administrative and financing issues and other issues of
importance for the work of schools and development of secondary vocational education
and training in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Article 2 of the Law defines secondary vocational
education as integral part of the educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which
makes it possible to acquire skills and knowledge needed for certain occupations through
continuous training for the purpose of active inclusion in the work process or continuation
of further education. It includes various types and forms of education, training and
professional training through initial, continuous, full-time or part-time education and
training and includes vocational training of both children and adults.

When it comes to the length of secondary vocational education, Article 6 of the Framework
Law provides the following:

(1) Technical, art and special-purpose secondary schools and other schools that meet
the requirements defined in the classification of occupations generally implement
a four-year curriculum for the acquisition of the relevant qualification that enables
students to continue their education at higher-education institutions.

(2) Vocational crafts schools in general have a three-year curriculum for learning a

Article 7 of the Framework Law states that a parent and a child have the right to choose a
school and occupation under the condition that the child meets the criteria prescribed by
the competent educational authorities. As a result, views of parents regarding secondary
vocational education of their children are important. Their opinions were surveyed in the

Framework Law on Secondary Vocational Education and Training, downloaded from:

framework of a research project in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde, Herzegovina-
Neretva Canton and Republika Srpska. The findings are given below.


3. Interpretation of survey findings

Information on secondary vocational education was gathered in Herzegovina-Neretva

Canton, Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde and two cities in Republika Srpska (Prijedor and
Gradiška) in the framework of the project “TVET in BiH” which is supported by Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ. Respondents were parents of
children who are about to complete their primary education. They were given a survey
questionnaire containing general and specific questions. The general part of the
questionnaire included questions about sex, age, educational level and current
employment, whereas the specific part of the questionnaire contained questions about
the image of secondary vocational education and questions about advice regarding the
selection of secondary school. Also, parents were evaluating statements that assessed
their view of secondary vocational education in the labour market and the prospects it
offers for employment and career. The purpose was to examine views and opinions of
parents about secondary vocational education in the mentioned areas. A total of 2111
filled questionnaires were received. The process of distribution and collection of filled
questionnaires was supported by schools, ministries and other educational authorities.
Both individual findings for every area and aggregate data for these three target research
areas are given below.

3.1. Herzegovina-Neretva Canton

The survey was conducted in 15 locations in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, including also

the City of Mostar. The respondents were parents of children attending 31 schools in this
area. The number of processed questionnaires amounted to 1235, which makes 58.5% of
the total number of respondents.

3.1.1. General data analysis findings

The data from this part of survey were gathered based on the general part of the
questionnaire, which included questions about sex, age, place of residence and
professional qualifications of parents. Based on the sex and age of respondents, it was
established, that in this canton, 59% mothers and 41% fathers of children that are about
to complete primary school participated in the survey. Their level of education is
presented in the figure below, based on which it may be observed that most parents, i.e.
63% of them, have secondary education qualifications.

Level of education

2% 1% 1% Uneducated

16% 7% Incomplete primary

9% Primary education

Secondary education

63% Bachelor




Since the general part of the questionnaire included the question about the profession and
current type of employment of parents that participated in the survey, the findings have
shown that in most cases (63%) the parents are employed, mostly in the public sector
(42%). However, there is also a considerable percentage of parents that are unemployed.
They constitute 19% of the total number of parents that participated in the survey in
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

Profession of parents that participated in the
survey in HNC
8% 5%

19% Employed person

Doing casual work
Unemployed person
Retired person

Current employment status of parents that

participated in the survey in HNC

13% 7%
Employer (employing other
31% Employee in the public sector
Employee in the private

It should be stressed that 31% of parents that participated in the survey work in the
private sector, whereas there is an equal percentage of employers and self-employed
persons (7%).

3.1.2. Specific data analysis findings

In the specific part of the questionnaire, the respondents were supposed to state whether
any of the listed persons (parent or family member, friend, teacher, career advisor,
headmaster, businessman or someone else) gave them advice to select a certain
educational path (selection of secondary vocational education or general secondary
education or higher education). Most parents from Herzegovina-Neretva Canton stated
that they had not been given advice on the selection of the educational path by a
parent, teacher or career advisor. Only 27% of parents stated that they were given advice
on the selection of vocational education, mostly from parents or family members. Those
parents that were given the advice to choose general secondary education or higher
education, namely 46% of them, got the advice from their parents or family members in
25% of cases. Based on these results, we may conclude that the generation of parents
whose children are now about to complete primary education have not been given
advice on professional development and selection of secondary school by career
advisors or experts at school. In those cases when they were given advice, it was
mostly coming from their parents. The analysis findings regarding this part of the
questionnaire indicate that the impact of parents is crucial for the selection of the future
secondary school education and that generations of parents whose children are currently
deciding about the continuation of their education have to be informed about the career
opportunities provided by schools an other existing career counceling structures in
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

30% Your parents or a family member
20% Friends
10% Teacher
0% Career advisor
No, without Yes, advice Yes, advice I don't know Your headmaster
advice for the for the
A businessman
selection of selection of
vocational general Someone else
education secondary
or higher

Findings regarding the answer to the question Have you been given advice by one
of these persons to select a certain educational path?

An analysis of parent opinions as to whether young people in Herzegovina-Neretva
Canton obtain sufficient information about their education and career prospects from
schools and employment services is given below. More than half of the respondents
(57% of them) believe that young people do not receive sufficient information about
the possibilities for continuing their education and career development, whereas 35% of
them agree that the quantity of information provided is sufficient for the selection of their
further education.

In HNC, young persons receive sufficient information regarding

their education and career prospects from schools and
employment services
8% 6%

24% 29% UIpotpunosti

fully agreese slažem
I mostly se
Uglavnom agree
I mostly se
Uglavnom disagree
ne slažem
UIpotpunosti se ne slažem
fully disagree
Ne znam know
I don't


Survey findings show that parents believe that young people mostly do not receive
sufficient information about their education and career prospects from schools and
employment services. There was an extremely small percentage of respondents that were
of a different opinion, i.e. those that fully agree with the statement that young people are
offered sufficient information about the continuation of their education (6%).

Having in mind the above stated, it may be concluded that young people need to receive
more career-related information. Schools and other institutions in the area of career
councelling services can play an important role in the selection of young people's future
secondary school. A relevant career orientation plan and information regarding various
forms of secondary education are an important step towards the selection of the

secondary school that matches best the affinities of a student. The survey of views and
opinions of parents of students that are about to complete primary schools in
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton also included an analysis of information sources used by the
respondents to select an educational path. Value 1 is the most frequently used source.
Based on the findings, it may immediately be observed that the most pronounced source
of information is the family (28%), followed by friends, and only then by the school and
its employees. It should also be stressed that various media (TV, social networks,
newspapers and radio) constitute a source of information for the respondents when
selecting the relevant secondary education.

Sources of information used for the selection of the

education path
Value 1
0% Value 2
Value 3

Since the transition from the primary to the secondary school is an important life event,
both for children and their parents, parents of students that are about to complete
primary school in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton were asked which secondary schools they
would recommend today to a young person after having completed primary school. Most
parents (40%) stated that it depended on the person and their affinities. 18% of parents
would recommend their children to choose a general grammar school, whereas 15% of
parents would recommend them to choose a technical or similar secondary school. An
equal percentage of parents in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, 15% of them, would
recommend young persons that are about to complete primary school to enrol in a
secondary vocational school.

Type of secondary school that a parent would recommend
to a young person after having completed primary school

4% 4% 15%
Srednja vocational
stručna školaschool
Technicali and
Tehnička related
srodne schools
15% General grammar school
Art school škola
40% Vjerska škola
Religious school

Zavisi od osobe
Depends on the person
Ne znam
I don't know
3% 1%

Having in mind the high percentage of parents who believe that it is crucial for a young
person to be aware of his or her affinities in order to be able to select a secondary school,
it is also necessary to raise the awareness of young persons in order to enable them to
realise their own wishes and possibilities. This should enable them to select the relevant
educational path together with their parents and based on market indicators. However,
the percentage of parents that would recommend a secondary technical or vocational
school (30% of them in total) indicates that parents, as the group that has the greatest
impact on young persons' choice regarding secondary education, are not sufficiently
aware of opportunities that these schools offer.

In order to have an even clearer picture of parents' opinions about secondary vocational
schools, respondents were asked to assess the image of secondary vocational education
in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Likert scale was used for this question in order to
determine the level of agreement or disagreement of respondents with a certain
statement. Our scale included 6 degrees.

Image of secondary vocational education in HNC
12% 4%
Vrlo good


The largest percentage of respondents assessed the image of secondary vocational

education in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton as good (37%), whereas the percentage of
those that consider the level of secondary vocational education satisfactory is 25%. If we
take into account that 15% of respondents consider it unsatisfactory and that 12% of
respondents believe that the image of secondary vocational education is poor, we may
conclude that changes are needed in this area. Only 11% of parents believe that the image
of secondary school education is positive (excellent and very good), which indicates the
need to stress more the advantages of secondary vocational education as the continuation
of the educational path for students of primary schools. Particular attention should be
focused on 40% of parents that believe that the image of secondary vocational
education is unsatisfactory or poor.

After the survey part focused on the general opinions about secondary vocational
education, parents were asked to assess the prospects offered by the following three
professions in relation to employment, salary, safe and stable workplace and image:

1. Machine technician for CNC machines

2. CNC operator and
3. Locksmith

These three occupations were included in the survey of views and opinions of parents,
because these are professions that are in great demand in the labour market at the
moment. The findings may be seen based on the following charts:

Machine technician for CNC machines

CNC operator







Evaluation of prospects for professions in HNC

The findings of the survey are quite different, especially having in mind the fact that 15%
of parents have not answered this question. It is assumed that these are parents that lack
information about these professions, and they therefore did not assess them. In 29.5% of
cases, parents believe that the prospects regarding the profession of the machine
technician for CNC machines are good, and 13.6% of them believe that this profession has
poor future prospects. When it comes to the profession of locksmith, 35.2% of parents
believe that the prospects of this profession are poor. Based on answers given to this
question, it is obvious that the prospects offered by mechanical engineering-related
professions such as CNC operator are satisfactory, good or very good on the average,
whereas parents have quite a negative perception of the profession of locksmith, which
leaves room for action and improving the information provided to parents in relation to
these professions that are lacking and very much sought after in the labour market.

In the survey on views and opinion of parents about secondary vocational education, the
respondents were offered certain statements based on which their knowledge of the role
and opportunities offered by secondary vocational education would be assessed. The
statements were as follows:

1. Vocational education provides high-quality knowledge.

2. Vocational education gives access to state-of-art equipment.
3. Teachers and master craftsmen at vocational schools are competent.
4. Vocational education ensures good career prospects.
5. Through vocational education, persons acquire skills and knowledge needed by
6. Vocational education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour
7. Vocational education ensures well-paid jobs.
8. Vocational education does not lead to professions that are sought after in the
labour market.
9. Vocational education contributes to the economic development.
10. Vocational education plays a role in decreasing unemployment.

The level of agreement or disagreement of parents of children that are about to complete
primary school in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton with the given statements is presented in
the chart below. It may be observed that the respondents mostly agree with all
statements, which raises the question as to why parents, in spite of all affirmative
statements that they agree with when it comes to secondary vocational education,
nevertheless decide to advise their children to choose a different type of school for their
further education. The reason for this may lie in the fact that they are not sufficiently
informed about the opportunities offered by the secondary vocational education or the
poor image it has in public.

59.8% of parents that participated in the survey believe that vocational education offers
high-quality knowledge, whereas 48.1% of them believe that this form of education
ensures access to state-of-art equipment. 43% of parents agree with the statement that
teachers and master craftsmen at secondary vocational schools are competent. Although
51% of respondents believe that secondary vocational education offers good career
prospects, 33.2% of respondents believe that this is not the case. This indicates that it is
necessary to improve information campaigns about career development
opportunities that are initiated in relation to the selection of secondary vocational
education and target both children and parents. Similar findings were obtained in relation
to the statement regarding the relationship between education and labour market needs.
Parents believe that vocational schools provide students with the qualifications needed
in the labour market, and 54% of them believe that students acquire the knowledge and
skills needed by employers. Having in mind the opinions of employers, who claim the
exact opposite, it may be concluded that parents are not informed about qualifications
needed by employers in today's business world. It is interesting that the opinions of an
almost equal number of parents are diametrically opposed as to whether vocational
education ensures well-paid jobs or not. There is an equal percentage of those that agree
and those that disagree with this statement, namely 44.5% of them. In case of the question
whether vocational education contributes to the economic development of
Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, as many as 60.7% of parents answered in the affirmative,
which indicates that parents are indeed informed about the importance of vocational
education for the overall economic progress of the country. Parents have a similar opinion
when it comes to the role of secondary vocational education in reducing unemployment –

62.3% of respondents agree with the statement that secondary vocational education
plays a role in reducing unemployment.

Particular focus was on the opinion of respondents regarding potential employment after
the completion of vocational education as compared to persons that attended general
secondary education or higher education. Findings indicate that 56% of respondents
agree with the statement that persons with a secondary vocational degree will
probably find employment faster, whereas 21% of them believe that it is no guarantee
for employment.

Persons that completed secondary vocational education will probably

find employment faster than persons that completed general or higher

14% 15%

9% UI potpunosti
fully agree se slažem

Uglavnom se slažem
I mostly agree
Uglavnom se ne slažem
I mostly disagree
UI potpunosti
fully disagreese ne slažem
41% Ne znam
I don't know

Although vocational education has been praised as offering more prospects in comparison
to general education over the past years, we may conclude that part of the public is
nevertheless biased when it comes to this topic, that is that they are not well-informed.

The survey included questions regarding parents' views as to whether vocational

education prepares persons to start their own business, whether this type of education
enables students to acquire communication and teamwork skills, whether it leads to
professions that are sought after in the market and whether secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are not respected in the society, that is to social
stigmatisation of certain professions. The chart below presents aggregate findings, and it
is striking that most respondents agree with the statement that secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour market, that is
40.3% of them. More than 70% of respondents believe that students should learn

communication and teamwork skills during their vocational education, as well as how to
start their own business. 80% of respondents believe that it is important to prepare
students for the labour market by also making them acquainted with the process of
starting their own businesses.

Agreement with statements

20% UI potpunosti
fully agree se slažem
15% I mostly agree
Uglavnom se slažem
5% I mostly disagree
Uglavnom se ne slažem
Stručno Osobe
Persons u Stručno Stručno UI potpunosti
fully disagreese ne slažem
Vocational Vocational Vocational
education doesne stručnom
attending obrazovanje
education leads obrazovanje
education leads Ne znamknow
I don't
not prepare vocationalne vodi
osobe obrazovanju to do
that are tovodi do
za osnivanje education
to start uče vještine dokao
not koji
u društvuin sought after in
vlastitog biznisa learnšto
their own skills
su such nethe society
poštuju the labour
traženih na
business as market
komunikacija i tržištu rada
and rad

Based on the above, it is evident that opinions on certain topics differ and that it is
necessary to provide parents with more information about the skills and opportunities
that secondary vocational education in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton provides.

3.2. Bosnia-Podrinje Canton

The survey in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde was conducted on the territory of the City
of Goražde. The number of processed questionnaires amounted to 277, which constitutes
13.1% of the total number of respondents. Two primary schools provided support for the
survey that focused on the opinions of parents of students attending the final grade of
primary school.

3.2.1. General data analysis findings

Data contained in this part of survey were collected based on the general part of the
questionnaire, which included questions about sex, age, place of residence and
professional qualifications of parents. It was thus established based on the sex and age of
respondents that 54% of mothers and 46% of fathers of children that are about to
complete primary school participated in the survey in this canton. The following chart
presents the level of education, based on which it may be observed that most parents,
namely 76% of them possess a secondary vocational degree.

Education level of parents that participated in the survey in

2% 1% 0% Uneducated

5% 11% 5% Incomplete primary education

Primary education
Secondary education

Since the general part of the survey includes the question about the profession and
current employment of parents that participated in the survey, findings have shown that
in most cases (72%), the parents are employed, and most of them in the private sector
(41%). There is also a significant percentage of 39% of parents employed in the public
sector. 13% of parents in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde are unemployed.

Profession of parents that participated in the survey in
0% Employed person
2% 8%
Unemployed person
Doing casual work
Retired person

Current employment status of parents that

participated in the survey in BPC

3% Self-employed (does not

11% 6% employ other persons)
Employer (employs other

39% Employee in the private

Employee in the public sector


3.2.2. Specific data analysis findings

In the specific part of the survey, respondents were asked to state whether one of the
listed persons (parent or family member, friend, teacher, career advisor, headmaster,
businessman or someone else) gave them advice to select a certain educational path
(selection of secondary vocational education or general secondary education or higher
education). Most parents from Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde that participated in the
survey, i.e. 39% of them, stated that they had not been given advice regarding the

selection of the educational path from their parents, teachers or career advisors. Those
parents that received advice regarding the selection of general secondary education or
higher education were given such advice by their own parents or family members in 31%
of cases. Based on these findings we may conclude that the generation of parents, whose
children are about to complete primary education, have not been given advice regarding
professional development and selection of secondary school by career advisors or experts
from schools. In those cases when they were given advice, it was mostly from their
parents. The analysis findings of this part of the questionnaire indicate that parents have
a crucial impact on the selection of the future secondary school education and that
generations of parents, whose children are now making the decision about their further
education, have to be informed about career opportunities provided by schools an other
existing career counceling structures in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde.

Have you been given advice by someone to select a certain

educational path?
Your parents or a family member
20% Friends
15% Teacher
Career advisor
0% Your headmaster
No, without Yes, advice Yes, advice I don't know
A businessman
advice for the for the
selection of selection of Someone else
vocational general
education secondary

An analysis of parents' opinions as to whether young persons in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton

Goražde receive sufficient information about their education and career prospects from
school and employment services is given below. More than half of the respondents (54%)
believe that young people receive sufficient information regarding possibilities for further
education and career development, whereas 37% believe that the quantity of information
provided is not sufficient for the selection of further education.

In BPC Goražde, young persons receive sufficient information regarding
their education and career prospects from schools and employment

9% 13%


UI potpunosti
fully agree
se slažem
I mostly agree
Uglavnom se slažem
Uglavnom se ne slažem
I mostly disagree
UI potpunosti
fully disagreese ne slažem
24% 41% Ne znam
I don't know

Survey findings show that parents believe that young people in BPC Goražde mostly
receive sufficient information about their education and career prospects from schools
and employment services. There is a certain percentage of those that are of a contrary
opinion, i.e. those that fully disagree with the statement that young people are given
sufficient information regarding their further education (13%).

Having in mind the above stated, it may be concluded that most parents in BPC Goražde
believe that young people receive sufficient information about career opportunities, but
that there is a certain percentage of those that are of a contrary opinion.

The survey of views and opinions of parents of students of final grades of primary schools
in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde also included an analysis of information sources of
respondents regarding the selection of the educational path. Value 1 corresponds to the
most frequently used source. According to obtained findings, it may immediately be
observed that the most pronounced source of information is the family (23%), followed
by the school and its employees, and then friends. It should also be stressed that various
media (TV, social networks, newspapers and radio) constitute important sources of
information for the respondents when selecting the appropriate form of secondary

Sources of information used for the selection of the
education path
Value 1
0% Value 2
Value 3

Since the transition from the primary to the secondary school is an important life event,
both for children and their parents, parents of students of final grades of secondary
schools in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde were asked which secondary schools they
would recommend to a young person after having completed primary school. Most parents
(48%) stated that they would recommend them to select a secondary technical school.
21% of parents that participated in the survey would recommend a general grammar
school, whereas 16% would recommend a secondary vocational school. The lowest share
relates to art schools, only 1% would recommend them.

Type of secondary school that a parent would

recommend to a young person after having
completed primary school
9% 0% Secondary
Srednja vocational
stručna škola school
1%2% Tehnička
Technicali srodne
and related

General grammar school
Art school škola
Vjerska škola
Religious school
Zavisi od osobe
Depends on the person
Nešto drugo:else
NeI don't

Since our focus and subject of research was vocational education, parents were asked how
they would evaluate the image of vocational education. The largest percentage of
respondents assessed the image of secondary vocational education in Bosnia-Podrinje
Canton as satisfactory (36%), whereas the percentage of those that consider secondary
vocational education good amounted to 31%. In general, the image of secondary
vocational education in this canton is positive, and the fact that 18% of parents considers
this form of education excellent or very good is particularly interesting. However, it is
desirable to focus the attention to the improvement of the image of secondary vocational
education, given the fact that most persons consider it satisfactory and that improvements
are needed and possible in this field.

Image of secondary vocational education in BPC

6% 10%
8% Excellent
Vrlo good

36% Nezadovoljavajući

After the survey part about general opinions on secondary vocational education, the
parents were asked to assess the prospects of the following three professions regarding
employment, salaries, safe and stable workplace and image:

1. Machine technician for CNC machines

2. CNC operator and
3. Locksmith

These three professions were included in the survey of views and opinions of parents,
because these professions are currently very sought after in the labour market. Findings
are given in charts below.

Machine technician for CNC machines






CNC operator







Evaluation of prospects for professions in BPC Goražde

Survey findings differ, especially having in mind the fact that 15% of parents has not
answered this question. It is assumed that these are parents that are not informed about
these professions, so that they did not assess them. 38.3% of parents believe that the
perspective of a machine technician for CNC machines is good, whereas 3.6% of them
believe that this profession offers poor prospects. When it comes to the profession of
locksmith, 41.5% of parents believe that the prospects offered by this profession are poor.

Based on answers given to this question, it is obvious that the prospects offered by
mechanical engineering-related professions such as CNC operator are satisfactory, good
or very good on the average, whereas parents have quite a negative perception of the
profession of locksmith, which leaves room for action and improving the information
provided to parents in relation to these professions that are lacking and very much sought
after in the labour market.

In the survey on views and opinion of parents about secondary vocational education, the
respondents were offered certain statements based on which their knowledge of the role
and opportunities offered by secondary vocational education would be assessed. The
statements were as follows:

1. Vocational education provides high-quality knowledge.

2. Vocational education gives access to state-of-art equipment.
3. Teachers and master craftsmen at vocational schools are competent.
4. Vocational education ensures good career prospects.
5. Through vocational education, persons acquire skills and knowledge needed by
6. Vocational education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour
7. Vocational education ensures well-paid jobs.
8. Vocational education does not lead to professions that are sought after in the
labour market.
9. Vocational education contributes to the economic development.
10. Vocational education plays a role in decreasing unemployment.

The level of agreement or disagreement of parents of children that are about to complete
primary school in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton with the given statements is presented in the
chart below. It may be observed that the respondents mostly agree with all statements,
which raises the question why parents, in spite of all affirmative statements that they
agree with when it comes to secondary vocational education, nevertheless decide to
advise their children to choose a different type of school for their further education. The
reason for this may lie in the fact that they are not sufficiently informed about the
opportunities offered by the secondary vocational education or the poor image it has in

59.8% of parents that participated in the survey believe that vocational education offers
high-quality knowledge, whereas 48.1% of them believe that this form of education
ensures access to state-of-art equipment. 43% of parents agree with the statement that
teachers and master craftsmen at secondary vocational schools are competent. Although
51% of respondents believe that secondary vocational education offers good career
prospects, 33.2% of respondents believe that this is not the case. This indicates that it is
necessary to improve information campaigns about career development opportunities
that are initiated in relation to the selection of secondary vocational education and target
both children and parents. Similar findings were obtained in relation to the statement
regarding the relationship between education and labour market needs. Parents believe
that vocational schools provide students with the qualifications needed in the labour
market, and 54% of them believe that students acquire the knowledge and skills needed
by employers. As many as 78.7% of parents believe that vocational education contributes
to the economic development of Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde, which indicates that
parents are informed about the importance of vocational education for the overall
economic progress. Parents have similar views when it comes to the role of secondary
vocational education in reducing unemployment – 62.3% of respondents agree with the
statement that secondary vocational education plays a role in reducing unemployment.

Particular attention was devoted to the opinion of respondents regarding potential

employment after the completion of vocational education as compared to persons that
attended general secondary education or higher education. Findings indicate that 47% of
respondents mostly agree with the statement that persons with a secondary vocational

degree will probably find employment faster. If we add to this 18% of respondents that
fully agree with the above statement, we may conclude that more than half of all parents
in BPC Goražde believe that there is a higher probability to find employment with a
secondary vocational school degree. Only 21% of parents believe that it is no guarantee
for employment.

Persons that completed secondary vocational education will

probably find employment faster than persons that completed
general or higher education

14% 18%
6% UI potpunosti
fully agree se slažem

I mostly agree
Uglavnom se slažem
Uglavnom se ne slažem
I mostly disagree
UI potpunosti
fully disagreese ne slažem
Ne znamknow
I don't

The survey included questions regarding parents' views as to whether vocational

education prepares persons to start their own business, whether this type of education
enables students to acquire communication and teamwork skills, whether it leads to
professions that are sought after in the market and whether secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are not respected in the society, that is to social
stigmatisation of certain professions. The chart below presents aggregate findings, and it
is striking that most respondents agree with the statement that secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour market, that is 45%
of them. An equal percentage of respondents believe that students acquire and do not
acquire communication and teamwork skills and skills needed for starting their own
business during vocational education, so that almost 70% of respondents believe that it
is important to prepare students for the labour market by also making them acquainted
with the process of starting their own businesses.

Level of agreement of respondents with offered statements

fully agree se slažem
I mostly agree
Uglavnom se slažem
I mostly disagree
Uglavnom se ne slažem
fully disagreese ne slažem
Ne znamknow
I don't
Vocational Osobe
Personsu Stručno
Vocational Stručno
education doesne
obrazovanje attending
stručnom education leads
obrazovanje obrazovanje
education leads
not prepare
priprema obrazovanju to jobs
vocational ne vodi that are
do poslova to occupations
vodi do
osobeto start
za education do not notkoji
uče vještine respected
se u in sought after in
their own learn skills such the society the labour
osnivanje kao što su društvu ne traženih na
business as market
vlastitog komunikacija i poštuju tržištu rada
biznisa timski rad
and teamwork

Based on the above, it is visible that the opinions on certain topics differ, that in some
cases they are even diametrically opposed, and that it is necessary to provide parents with
more information about the skills and opportunities that secondary vocational education
in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton provides.

3.3. Republika Srpska

The survey in Republika Srpska was conducted on the territory of the City of Gradiška and
Prijedor. The number of processed questionnaires amounted to 599, which constitutes
28.4% of the total number of respondents. With the support provided by two primary
schools, the survey included the parents of students of final grades.

3.3.1. General data analysis results

The data from this part of survey were gathered based on the general part of the
questionnaire, which included questions about sex, age, place of residence and
professional qualifications of parents. Based on the sex and age of respondents, it was
established, that in this entity, 62% mothers and 38% fathers of children that are about
to complete primary school participated in the survey. Their level of education is
presented in the chart below, based on which it may be observed that most parents, i.e.
72% of them have secondary education qualifications. 14% of parents have a university

Level of education of parents in RS

1% 2% 1% 5% Bez ikakvog
5% 14% Incomplete osnovno
Nepotpuno primary
Osnovna škola
Primary education
Srednja škola
Secondary education

72% Viša škola / Bachelor


Master škola / Master

MSc nauka

Since the general part of the questionnaire included the question about the profession and
current type of employment of parents that participated in the survey, the findings have
shown that in most cases (66%) the parents are employed, mostly in the private sector
(47%). However, there is also a considerable percentage of parents that are unemployed,
namely 24% of the total number of respondents in Republika Srpska.

Profession of parents in RS
0% 2% 1% 0%
7% Employed person
Unemployed persons
Casual workposlovi

Retired person

Current employment status of parents that participated

in the survey

6% 8% Samozaposlen/a (ne zapošljava

Self-employed (does not
10% druge)
employ other persons)
29% Poslodavac/ka (zapošljava
Employer (employs other
Zaposlenik/ca (rad kod
in the private sector
Zaposlenik/ca u
Employee in the public sector
javnom/državnom sektoru
47% Otherdrugo

3.3.2. Specific data analysis findings

In the specific part of the questionnaire, the respondents were supposed to state whether
any of the listed persons (parent or family member, friend, teacher, career advisor,
headmaster, businessman or someone else) gave them advice to select a certain
educational path (selection of secondary vocational education or general secondary
education or higher education). Most parents from Republika Srpska that participated
in the survey, 39% of the total number of respondents, stated that they had not been
given advice on the selection of the educational path by a parent, teacher or career
advisor. Those parents that were given the advice to choose general secondary education
or higher education, got the advice from their parents or family members in 31% of cases.
Based on these results we may conclude that the generation of parents whose children
are now about to complete primary education have not been given advice on professional
development and selection of secondary school by career advisors or experts at school. In
those cases when they were given advice, it was mostly coming from their parents. The
analysis findings regarding this part of the questionnaire indicate that the impact of
parents is crucial for the selection of the future secondary school education and that
generations of parents whose children are currently deciding about the continuation of
their education have to be informed about career opportunities provided by schools an
other existing career counceling structures in Republika Srpska.

Has someone given you advice to select a certain educational
25% Your parents or a family member
20% Friends
10% Teacher
0% Career advisor
No, without Yes, advice Yes, advice I don't know Your headmaster
adivce for the for the
selection of selection of A businessman
vocational general Someone else
education secondary or

The respondents were asked to state the level of agreement with the statement that young
persons in Republika Srpska obtain sufficient information related to their education and
career prospects from school and employment services.

In RS, young persons receive sufficient information regarding

their education and career prospects from schools and
employment services
4% 6%
I fully agree
U potpunosti se slažem
I mostly se
Uglavnom agree
39% I mostly se
Uglavnom disagree
ne slažem
U Ipotpunosti
fully disagree
se ne slažem
NeI don't
znam know

Findings of the analysis of gathered data indicate that 39% of respondents mostly agree
with the offered statement. At the same time, the same number of respondents, 39% of
them, mostly disagree with this statement. Based on this we may conclude that the
opinions of parents in Republika Srpska regarding information provided to young people
in relation to their further education are divided and that more should be done to promote
the opportunities offered by secondary vocational education.

In the next question, the respondents were asked to rank three priority information
sources that they used to select their educational path. The offered answers were: TV,
internet and social networks, newspaper, radio, events, exhibitions or fairs, schools,
family, friends, experience regarding casual work or something else. Value 1 corresponds
to the source they mostly used. The chart presents clearly that the family is the key source
of information when selecting an educational path, which is consistent with the analysis
of previous locations. Parents are thus the key group that promotion messages should
focus on when it comes to opportunities offered by secondary vocational education in
Republika Srpska. Friends, school and TV are also important sources of information, and
having in mind that the respondents are parents that were mostly born between 1970s
and 1980s, the share of online media as a source of information constitutes only 3%.

Sources of information used to select the educational path

5% Value 1
Value 2
Value 3

Similarly, to the results obtained in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and Bosnia-Podrinje

Canton Goražde, parents that participated in the survey selected their family (31%), the
school (14%) and TV (8%) as their source of information. However, as compared to the

previous two cantons, in this case it should be stressed that more parents chose TV as a
priority source of information.

Since the transition from the primary to the secondary school is an important life event,
both for children and their parents, parents of students that are about to complete
primary school in Republika Srpska were asked which secondary schools they would
recommend today to a young person after having completed primary school. Most parents
(37%) stated that it depends on the person. 24% of parents would recommend their
children to choose a technical or similar secondary school, whereas 18% of parents would
recommend a secondary vocational school.
The lowest percentage of parents would recommend their children to choose a religious
and art school, only 2% of them, and 11% of parents in Republika Srpska would
recommend a general grammar school.

Type of secondary school that a parent would recommend to a young

person after having completed primary school

3% 5%
18% Secondary
Srednja vocational
stručna škola school
Technicali srodne
Tehnička and related schools
General grammar school
Art school škola
Vjerska škola
Religious school
Zavisi od osobe
Depends on the person
Nešto drugo:else
NeI don't
2% 11%

Since the focus and subject of our research was vocational education, the parents were
asked to assess the image of vocational education. The largest percentage of respondents
assessed the image of secondary vocational education in Republika Srpska as satisfactory
(34%), whereas the percentage of those that consider the image of secondary vocational
education to be good amounts to 30%. 24% of parents believe that the image of vocational
education is unsatisfactory or poor, whereas 12% of parents believe that the image of
secondary vocational education is very good or excellent. However, attention should be

devoted to improving the image of secondary vocational education, given the fact that
most persons consider it only satisfactory, and that improvements in this field are needed
and possible.

Image of secondary focational education in RS

10% 5%
Vrlo good
30% Satisfactory

The respondents from Republika Srpska were then also given three professions: machine
technician for CNC machines, CNC operator and locksmith, and they were asked to assess the
prospects offered by the above professions in terms of employment, salary, safe and stable
workplace and image. Based on this we can see once again, to what extent parents are actually
informed about the above professions.

Machine technician for CNC machines

CNC operator


Figure 39: Evaluation of prospects for professions

Based on the three charts it is evident that the parents very frequently gave the answer I
don't know when answering the question about the prospects offered by all three
professions. 16.4% of them are not informed about the prospects offered by the
profession of machine technican for CNC machines, whereas 23.9% of parents believe that
the prospects offered by this profession are very good. Similar findings were obtained
from the analysis of assessments of prospects offered by the profession of CNC operator,
in case of which 24.2% of parents believe that it offers very good prospects, whereas
22.7% of them believe that the prospects offered by this profession are good. In this case,
there is also a percentage of 15.2% of parents that did not know what future prospects
this profession offered. The share of parents that do not know the prospects offered by
the profession of locksmith amounts to 20%, whereas 27.5% believe that the profession
of locksmith offers good future prospects. The analysis shows that parents are not
sufficiently informed about prospects offered by these three professions and that the
promotion can focus on informing students about these professions in order for them to
be able to see them in a positive way, given the fact that these are among professions that
are mostly sought after and lacking in the market of Republika Srpska.

The respondents were then offered 10 statements related to the level of knowledge of
parents regarding secondary vocational education.

1. Vocational education provides high-quality knowledge.

2. Vocational education gives access to state-of-art equipment.
3. Teachers and master craftsmen at vocational schools are competent.
4. Vocational education ensures good career prospects.
5. Through vocational education, persons acquire skills and knowledge needed by
6. Vocational education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour
7. Vocational education ensures well-paid jobs.
8. Vocational education does not lead to professions that are sought after in the
labour market.
9. Vocational education contributes to the economic development.
10. Vocational education plays a role in decreasing unemployment.

The level of agreement or disagreement of parents of children that are about to complete
primary school in Republika Srpska with the given statements is presented in the chart
below. It may be observed that the respondents mostly agree with all statements, which
raises the question why parents, in spite of all affirmative statements that they agree with
when it comes to secondary vocational education, nevertheless decide to advise their
children to choose a different type of school for their further education. The reason for
this may lie in the fact that they are not sufficiently informed about the opportunities
offered by the secondary vocational education or the poor image it has in public.

Level of agreement with statements

35% UI potpunosti
fully agree se slažem

30% Uglavnom se slažem

I mostly agree
25% Uglavnom se ne slažem
I mostly disagree
UI potpunosti
fully disagreese slažem2
10% Ne znamknow
I don't
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Parents mostly recognise the importance and advantages of vocational education in

Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to them, there were 20% on the average, who mostly
disagreed with the given statements.

Particular focus was on the opinion of respondents regarding potential employment after
the completion of vocational education as compared to persons that attended general
secondary education or higher education. Findings indicate that 41% of respondents in
Republika Srpska mostly agree with the statement that persons with a secondary
vocational degree will probably find employment faster. If we add to this 13% of
respondents that absolutely agree with the above statement, we may conclude that more
than half of the parents in RS that participated in the survey believe that there is a higher
chance of finding employment with a secondary vocational education degree. 23% of

parents believe that it is no guarantee for employment, and there was also a considerable
percentage of parents that did not know how to answer this question, namely 14%.

Persons that completed secondary vocational education will probably

find employment faster than persons that completed general or
higher education

14% 13%

9% UI potpunosti
Ifully agree se slažem

I Imostly se slažem
I Imostly se ne slažem
UI potpunosti
Ifully se ne slažem
23% 41%
Ne znam
I Idon't

The survey included questions regarding parents' views as to whether vocational

education prepares persons to start their own business, whether this type of education
enables students to acquire communication and teamwork skills, whether it leads to
professions that are sought after in the market and whether secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are not respected in the society, that is to social
stigmatisation of certain professions. The chart below presents cumulative findings, and
it is striking that most respondents agree with the statement that secondary vocational
education leads to professions that are sought after in the labour market, that is 36%
of them. 30% of respondents believe that students do not learn communication and
teamwork skills and how to start their own business during their vocational education,
whereas 28% of them believe that students to not learn communication and teamwork
skills during their vocational education. It is interesting that 29% of parents in Republika
Srpska disagree with the statement that vocational education leads to professions that are
not respected in the public, which indicates that, although social stigma of certain
professions is present, it has to be overcome.

Agreement of respondents with offered statements

15% U Ipotpunosti
fully agree se slažem
10% Uglavnom se slažem
I mostly agree
0% Uglavnom se ne slažem
I mostly disagree
Vocational Osobe
Personsu Stručno
Vocational Stručno
Vocational U Ipotpunosti se ne slažem
education leads fully disagree
education does stručnom
attending obrazovanje
education obrazovanje
not priprema obrazovanju
vocational leads to jobs
vodi do to
do NeI don't
persons za
to start ne uče
education do not that arekoji
poslova sought after in
not zanimanja
their own
osnivanje vještine
learn skills kao
such serespected the labour
u društvuin traženih na
business as the society market
vlastitog što su ne poštuju tržištu rada
biznisa communication
and teamwork
i timski rad

Based on the above, it is evident that opinions on certain topics differ, that sometimes they
are even diametrically opposed, and that it is necessary to better inform parents about
the skills and opportunities offered by secondary vocational education in Republika

4. Analysis of aggregate data

After the analysis of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Bosnia-Podrinje Canton Goražde and

Republika Srpska, we will briefly present the key findings of the overall analysis of
gathered data on the opinion of parents about secondary vocational education, based on
the questions asked in the questionnaire that was distributed.

The analysis of aggregate general data indicates that the survey included 59% of mothers
and 41% of fathers of children that are about to complete primary school. As regards the
level of education, 67% of parents has a secondary vocational education degree, 15% of
them have a university degree, and 8% of parents had a university degree or BA. Most
parents are employed, 65% of them, whereas 20% of parents are unemployed. 6% of
parents are housewives, and 4% of parents are retired persons.

Most parents that participated in the survey, namely 41%, are employed in the private
sector, whereas 39% of them are employed in the public sector. Self-employed parents
constitute 8% of the total number of respondents, whereas 7% of them are employers.
When it comes to the analysis of aggregate data for the specific part of the survey, the
most interesting findings are given below:

➢ 43.4% of parents has not received advice for the selection of their own educational
➢ If they did receive advice, in 28.3% of cases it was from a family member
➢ 32.9% of parents believe that young persons receive sufficient information for
their education from schools and other educational insitutions
➢ 33% of them believe that young persons do not receive sufficient information for
their education from schools and other educational insitutions
➢ 39% of parents mentioned family members as information sources, 15.7% of them
mentioned friends and 9.4% of them TV
➢ Less than 13% of parents believe that it is possible to obtain information about
possibilities for further education at school and fairs
➢ 34% of parents believe that the recommendation for the selection of secondary
school depends on the affinities of a person, however, 22% of them would
recommend a secondary technical or related school for further education. An equal
percentage, 16% of them, would recommend secondary vocational school and
general grammar school as an option for further education
➢ 35% of parents believe that the image of secondary vocational education is good.
If we add to this 28% of parents that believe that the image of secondary vocational
education is satisfactory, we may conclude that the image of this form of education
is insufficiently promoted. However, 25% of parents believe that the image of
secondary vocational education is satisfactory or poor. Only 5% of parents have an
excellent opinion about the image of secondary vocational education.
➢ 34% of parents believe that career prospects offered by the profession of machine
CNC technician, CNC operator and locksmith are good. More than 15% of parents
could not assess the prospects offered by these professions and it is clear that more
has to be done in order to raise awareness of these professions in the public.
➢ Although 41% of parents on the average agreed with statements related to
secondary vocational education, there were more than 25% of those that could not

say whether they agreed or disagreed. This indicates that parents' perceptions
about secondary vocational education are quite different and that it is necessary
to clarify the prospect and opportunities offered by this type of education.
➢ It is positive that 57% of parents believe that persons with a secondary vocational
education degree will find employment faster than persons that have a general
secondary school degree or university degree. However, 29% of parents believe
that this is not the case and that a secondary vocational education degree is no
guarantee for employment.

5. Conclusion and key recommendations

Secondary vocational schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in other parts of Europe
have a double goal – on the one hand, they meet labour market needs and thus impact
economic growth, and on the other hand they meet wider social challenges. They thus
make it possible to acquire a wide array of competences for the professional and personal
success of an individual, but they also improve their employability. However, an opinion
poll regarding vocational education and its components, which included 2111
respondents from Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (58.5%), Bosnia-Podrinje Canton
(13.1%) and Republika Srpska (28.4%), indicates that parents of students of final grades
of primary school have different opinions about this type of education. In all three areas,
parents, or 57% of them, agree that young people do not receive sufficient information
when it comes to the continuation of their education. It is thus necessary to provide
information to primary school students regarding possibilities for further education
and make them acquainted with various majors offered by secondary vocational
schools, possibilities for progress and finding employment with such qualifications.

The survey has shown that parents play an important role in the selection of the future
educational path, so that in case of around 28% of those that were given advice regarding
further education, such advice came from family members. However, 35% of parents
believe that the selection of the future profession depends on the affinities of students
themselves. This indicates that it is important to work on identifying the affinities of

students as early as at primary school, and that both school and family play a crucial
role in the selection of secondary education of children.

When it comes to the image of secondary vocational education, it has to be improved,

given the fact that survey findings indicate that 35% of parents believe that it is good, and
only 4% believe that the image of secondary vocational education is excellent. It is
necessary to change the perception that parents have of secondary vocational
education and offer visible solutions of successful young persons that have built a career
for themselves by choosing secondary vocational education. A greater inclusion of
various media, especially those that are used by young people and their parents, will
play an important role in the improvement of the way in which secondary vocational
education is perceived.

Survey on opinions of parents about vocational education


1. Year of birth:

2. Sex (please circle one of the offered answers):

a. M
b. F

3. Place of living: ______________________________

4. Please indicate the highest education level achieved:

a. Without any education
b. Incomplete primary education
c. Primary school
d. SSS – secondary school:
i. Secondary vocational school
ii. Technical and related schools
iii. General grammar school
iv. Art school
v. Religious school
e. VŠS – higher education degree (Bachelor – first cycle of higher education)
f. VSS – higher education degree (faculty, first cycle of studies and master –
second cycle of higher education)
g. MSc
h. DSc

5. Your current employment status (please circle one of the offered answers):

a. Employed
b. Unemployed
c. Casual work
d. Student
e. Housewife
f. Retired
g. Other

6. If you are currently employed, please indicate your current employment status
(please circle one of the offered answers):

a. Self-employed (does not employ other persons)

b. Employer (employs other persons)

c. Employee in the private sector
d. Employee in the public sector
e. Other: ___________________________


7. Have you been given advice by one of the persons stated below to select a certain
educational path (only one answer per offered line is possible, please indicate your
answer by putting an X)?

No, Yes, advice for Yes, advice for I don't

without the selection the selection of know
advice of vocational general
education secondary
education or
Your parents or someone
from your family



Career advisor

Your headmaster

A businessman

Other (please indicate who

and add a relevant

8. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement:
''In __________________(the administrator should fill in the relevant area) young
persons receive sufficient information related to their education and career
prospects from schools and employment services'' (please circle only one of the
offered answers):

a. I fully agree
b. I mostly agree
c. I mostly disagree

d. I fully disagree
e. I don't know

9. Which of the mentioned information sources, if any, have you used to select your
educational path? Please indicate the 3 most frequently used information sources
by using scale values from 1 to 3. Please list them based on their priority. No. 1
corresponds to the source you mostly used (3 answers at most):

Information source Value from 1 to 3

Internet and social networks
Events (competitions), open days at schools and companies
Exhibitions or fairs
Schools (teachers, school advisors)
Experience regarding casual work and/or seasonal work
I don't know

10. What type of secondary school would you recommend today to a young person
after having completed primary school (please circle only one of the offered
a. Secondary vocational school
b. Technical and related schools
c. General grammar school
d. Art school
e. Religious school
f. It depends on the person
g. Other: ___________________
h. I don't know

11. Please assess the image of vocational education in ______________( the administrator
should fill in the relevant area) on a scale from 1 to 6, with 1 being the best value,
and 6 the worst value (only one answer is possible; please circle one of the values
on the offered scale):
Excellent Satisfactory Poor

1 2 3 4 5 6

12. How would you assess the prospects (employment, salary, safe and stable
workplace, image) offered by the professions stated below (only one answer per
line is possible, please indicate your answer by writing an X):

Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Poor I

good don't

Machine technician
for CNC machines
CNC operator

13. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements
(only one answer per offered line is possible, please indicate your answer by
putting an X):
I fully I mostly I mostly I fully I don't
agree agree disagree disagree know
1 Vocational
education provides
2 Vocational
education provides
access to state-of-art
machines, etc.).
3 Teachers and
master craftsmen at
vocational schools
are competent.
education offers
4 good career
5 Persons acquire
skills and
knowledge needed
by employers
through vocational
6 Vocational
education leads to
professions that are

sought after in the
labour market.

7 Vocational
education ensures
well-paid jobs.

8 Vocational
education does not
lead to professions
that are sought after
in the labour

9 Vocational
education has a
positive impact on
the economic
development of
Bosnia and

10 Vocational
education plays a
role in reducing
unemployment in
Bosnia and

14. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statement:
''Persons with a secondary vocational education degree will probably find
employment faster than persons with a general education or higher education
degree'' (please circle only one of the offered answers):

a. I fully agree
b. I mostly agree
c. I mostly disagree
d. I fully disagree
e. I don't know

15. Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements
(only one answer per offered line is possible; please indicate your answers by
putting an X):

I fully I mostly I mostly I fully I
agree agree disagree disagree don't

1 Vocational education
does not prepare
persons for starting
their own business.

2 Persons do not learn

communication and
teamwork skills in
vocational education.

3 Vocational education
leads to jobs that are
not respected in the

4 Vocational education
leads to professions
that are sought after
in the labour market.

We kindly thank you for taking the time and filling out the questionnaire.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Business location
Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

Project „TVET in BiH“

Splitska 7
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
T + 387 33 223 785
F + 387 33 200 494
On behalf of the
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


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