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Name: Kyle Ashley B.

Fernandez GR/Sec: ICT - IIIam

ARTICLE: More Filipinos aware of fake news on social media – Pulse Asia
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated
to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
Websites and applications dedicated to forums, Microblogging, Social
networking, Social bookmarking, News , Social curation, and Wikis are
among the different types of social media. Here are some prominent
examples of social media. Facebook is a popular free social networking
website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and
video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and
colleagues. Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered
members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Fake news is in the News
these days, so what is it? The term is most often used to describe
completely fabricated stories, but can also be applied to a broader
continuum of news. Many news outlets will exhibit some form of explicit or
implicit bias while not falling into the fake news category. Assessing the
quality of the content is crucial to understanding whether what you are
viewing is true or not. It is up to you to do the legwork to make sure your
information is good. Fake News: Sources that intentionally fabricate
information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news

MANILA, Philippines – More Filipinos are aware of the presence of fake news
on social media, according to Pulse Asia Research, Incorporated's
September 2018 Nationwide Survey on Social Media Use, released on
Wednesday, October 10,The nationwide survey was conducted from
September 1 to 7 through face-to-face interviews with 1,800
adults,According to the survey, 47% of Filipinos use the internet, majority
of whom access it through their mobile phones, and majority of whom use
it to check their social media accounts,Of the 47% that use the internet,
98% do so to check their social media accounts. Eighty-eight percent of
them are aware of fake news on social media, with 79% saying they think
it's widespread on those platforms,By contrast, in June 2017, out of the
37% of total respondents who use the internet for social media, 74% said
they read, heard, or watched at least one piece of fake news on the
platforms they used. Fifty-nine percent thought fake news was widespread
on these platforms. The level of awareness in 2018 increased not only on
the national level, but also across geographic areas and socio-economic
groupings,Aside from awareness of fake news, more Filipinos also said that
their political views have been swayed because of something they saw,
read, and/or listened to on the internet in 2018.

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