Intersex Asia Statement 2018 English

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Asian Intersex Movement


Between the 8th and 11th February 2018, the First Asian Intersex
Forum, supported by the Intersex Human Rights Fund, took place in
Bangkok, Thailand. During the Forum, participants founded Intersex
Asia – the first regional network of Asian human-rights-based intersex
organisations and intersex activists working for the rights of intersex
people, communities and movements.

The Forum brought together 14 intersex people representing intersex

organisations and communities from Hong Kong (China), India,
Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand
and Vietnam.

Intersex Asia aims to work towards the promotion and protection of
human rights of intersex people in Asia, to be a representative voice for
Asian intersex people and communities, and to ensure that the rights to
life, bodily integrity, physical autonomy and self-determination of
intersex people are promoted and protected everywhere.

This moment is a linchpin for the Asia Intersex Movement as it marks a

historical moment for the visibility and recognition of intersex human
rights in Asia.

Throughout Asia, lack of awareness be the drivers of social, political and

about intersex issues from medical legislative changes that concern us.
professionals leads to unnecessary
and inhumane medical procedures, Intersex Asia is an autonomous
which include ‘normalising’ network and consists of intersex-led
surgeries and treatments on intersex organisations and intersex
infants, adolescents and adults. individuals from Asian countries that
work to educate about intersex
Because intersex people are born issues, and raise awareness about
with sex characteristics (including the human rights violations and
genitals, gonads, hormones and discrimination faced by intersex
chromosome patterns) that do not communities.
fit typical binary notions of male or
female bodies, intersex children and The Asia Intersex Forum and
adults are often stigmatised and Intersex Asia also recall and affirm
subjected to multiple human rights the principles of the Public
violations, including violations of Statement by the Third International
their rights to health and physical Intersex Forum (known as the Malta
integrity, to be free from torture and Declaration), the Intersex Statement
ill-treatment, and to equality and of the Intersex Pre-Conference at
non-discrimination. ILGA-Asia 2017, and extend the
demands aimed at ending
As intersex people in Asia, we live in discrimination against intersex
a society that perpetuates people, promoting and protecting
discrimination, violence and killings the human rights of intersex people
of intersex people by a number of in Asia, and to ensure the rights to
cultural, religious, traditional and life, bodily integrity, physical
medical beliefs and practices. autonomy and self- determination.
Therefore, we must be supported to (See Public Statement).

Bangkok,Thailand their own decisions affecting their own
11TH February 2018 bodily integrity, physical autonomy and
PREAMBLE • To put an end to preimplantation
We affirm that intersex people are real, genetic diagnosis, pre-natal screening
and we exist in all regions and all and interventions, and selective
countries around the world, including abortion of intersex foetuses.
all countries of Asia. Thus, intersex • To put an end to inappropriate
people must be supported to be the medical practices and protocols,
drivers of social, political and legislative including the administration of
changes that concern them. medication for gender selection and
medical interventions on foetuses and
We are intersex activists representing newborn babies, as a result of lack of
the diverse region of Asia, working awareness about intersex people and
together to end discrimination, and intersex variations.
promoting and protecting the human • To put an end to non-consensual
rights of intersex people. sterilization of intersex people.
• To depathologise variations in sex
characteristics in medical practices,
DEMANDS guidelines, p ro t o c o l s and
• To acknowledge the suffering and classifications, such as the World Health
injustice caused to intersex people. Organisation’s International
• To re c o g n i s e t h a t s e x i s m , Classification of Diseases.
medicalisation and stigmatisation of • To include human rights-based
intersex people result in significant intersex education in antenatal
trauma and mental health concerns. counselling and support.
• To remove the stigma from all the • To put an end to infanticide,
terms referring to intersex. abandonment and honor killings of
• To recognise that being intersex intersex people.
relates to biological sex characteristics, • To end practices that force
and is distinct from a person’s sexual normalising surgeries on intersex
orientation or gender identity. An children to be male as a requirement
intersex person may be heterosexual, for inheritance.
lesbian, bisexual or asexual; and may • To ensure that the right to inheritance
identify as female, male, both or of intersex people is not denied on the
neither. ground of infertility.
• To put an end to mutilating and • To ensure that intersex organisations
‘normalising’ practices such as genital and intersex peer support groups are
surgeries, psychological and other re c o g n i s e d , re s o u rc e d and
medical interventions through strengthened.
legislative and other means. Intersex • To protect intersex people from
people must be empowered to make discrimination by adding the ground

o f s e x cBangkok,Thailand
haracteristics to and well-being people
of intersex
must people,
be empowered to
11TH legislation
anti-discrimination February 2018 and to autonomousmake non-pathologising
their own decisions affecting
ensure protection against intersectional psycho-social andown
their peerbodily
support be
integrity, physical
discrimination.Preamble autonomy
available to intersex peopleand self-determination.
We affirm
• To protect intersex peoplethat intersex
in the laws people their are • To put anasend
life (as self-required), wellto as preimplantation
regarding sexual real, andviolence
we exist in and all regions andand/or
parents genetic
care providers. diagnosis, pre-natal
harassment. all countries around the • world, To ensure that screening
all professionals
and interventions,
and and
• To ensure the including all countries
legal protection andof Asia. Thus,
healthcare selective that
providers abortionhave a of intersex
intersex people
support of intersex peoplemust withbe supported
specific role tofoetuses.
play in intersex people’s
disabilities. to be the drivers of social, wellbeing political are• adequately
To put an trainedend to to inappropriate
• To recogniseand legislative
intersex refugees changes
need that concern
provide quality medical
services.practices and protocols,
them.discrimination and
protection against • To p ro v iincluding
d e a c c e s the
s i b l e administration
and of
the appropriate psychosocial help. appropriate healthcare
medication that
gender theselection and
• To e n sWe u r e aree q u a l intersex
and activists and mental
physical medicalhealth interventions
needs and on foetuses
non-discriminatory the diverse
legal protection for region
issues of of intersex
and people.
newborn babies, as a result of
intersex people Asia, inworking
marriagetogetherand to
• Toend registerlack of awareness
intersex children about as intersex
adoption laws.discrimination, and promoting and or males,
females people with and
awareness variations.
• To protect intersex peoplethe against
human rights of all people,
that, like 3 they may grow up
discriminationintersex people.
at the workplace. to identify with • To aput an endsex
different to non-consensual
• To create and facilitate supportive, gender. sterilization of intersex people.
safe and celebratory environments for • To ensure• that To depathologise
sex or gender variations in sex
intersex people, • To their
families the andsuffering and
classifications characteristics
are amendablein medical practices,
surroundings. injustice caused to intersex people. a simple administrative
guidelines, procedure protocols
at and
• To provide•human To rights-based
recognise that the sexism,
of the individuals such as the World
intersex education to empowerand stigmatisation of
concerned. All
adults Organisation’s
and capable International
intersex people intersex people
and their families.result in significant
minors should Classification
be able to ofchoose
• To support intersex and mental health concerns.
and their between female • To include
(F), male human(M), rights-based
• To remove
families to connect and the buildstigma
up fromnon-binary
all the orintersex
multiple options.
education In thein antenatal
terms referring to intersex. future, as withcounselling
intersex communities. race or religion, sex or
and support.
• To ensure that • To recognise
intersex people that
have being gender
intersex should • not
To be puta category
an end on to infanticide,
the right to fullrelates
informationto and accessbiological birthsex abandonment
certificates and honor killings of
or identification
to their own characteristics,
medical records andand is distinctdocuments
from a intersex
for anybody. people.
history. person’s sexual orientation or
• To ensure that
• To all key
practicesthat that force
• To protect intersex identity.rightAn intersex
to person
have a specificnormalising
role to play surgeries
in intersex on intersex
privacy while mayengaging be withheterosexual,
civil and lesbian, wellbeing
people’s childrensuch to beas,malebutas a requirement
social institutions, or as
such asexual; and may limited
hospitals, identify to, health
for inheritance.
care providers,
educational asand female, male, both or neither.
governmental parents and professionals
• To ensureworking that in the right to
institutions. • To put an end to mutilating andof education,
the area inheritanceas well
ofas intersex
society people is not
• To ensure the ‘normalising’
provision of allpractices
human such as
in general, denied
are on the
instructed onground
intersex of infertility.
rights and citizenship surgeries, psychological
to intersex issuesand from a human
• Torights ensure
perspective.that intersex
people. other medical interventions through • To end sexorganisations
verification tests andthat intersex peer
• In view of ensuring and integrity
the bodily other means. Intersex support groups
violate the fundamental privacyare and recognised,

dignity of intersex people, and ensure ensure intersex people’s right to
they are able to participate in privacy, dignity, accurate and ethical
competitive sport, at all levels, in representation.
accordance with their legal sex. • Community leaders to engage in
Intersex athletes who have been intersex education to dispel
humiliated or stripped of their titles misconceptions and stigma around
should receive reparation and intersex people.
reinstatement. • Funders to engage with intersex
• To raise awareness around intersex organisations and support them in the
issues and the human rights of intersex struggle for visibility, increase their
people in communities and society at capacity, the building of knowledge
large. and the affirmation of their human
• To provide comprehensive sexuality rights.
education that includes references to • Human rights organisations to
intersex people and experiences, as contribute to building bridges with
well as human-rights-based intersex intersex organisations and build a basis
education at all levels of education. for mutual support and meaningful
• To provide adequate engagement. This should be done in a
acknowledgement of the suffering and spirit of collaboration and no-one
injustice caused to intersex people in should instrumentalise intersex issues
the past, and provide adequate as a means for other ends.
redress, reparation, access to justice
and the right to truth.

In view of the above the Asian

Intersex Movement calls on:
For more information, please contact:
• International, regional and national Hiker Chiu – Taiwan (Chinese, English):
human rights institutions to take on
board, and provide visibility to intersex Gopi Shankar Madurai – India
issues in their work. (English,Tamil, Malayalam, Hindhi):
• National governments to address the,
concerns raised by the Asian Intersex +918610539702, +919092282369,
Movement and draw adequate @gopishankarmdu
solutions in direct collaboration with Nada Chaiyajit – Thailand (Thai, English):
intersex representatives and
organisations. Small Luk – Hong Kong, China (Chinese,
• National governments to stop Cantonese, English):,
harmful cultural practices, such as +85251996331 (whatsapp)
infanticide and honor killings of intersex Esan Regmi – Nepal (Nepali, English):
people., +977 9861336738
• Media agencies and sources to

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