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Commercial Cake Ingredients.

bakery products with their manufacturing process and also

provides contact details of raw material, plant and machinery suppliers with equipment
photographs ... Most standard commercial cakes use a batter made a batter made from wheat
flour, fat, eggs, sugar, milk powder, water, flavorings, preservatives such as sulphur dioxide and
raising agents such as sodium carbonate. Mixing the Batter. Filling the Mold. Baking. Cooling
Down. ... from wheat flour, fat, eggs, sugar, milk powder, water, flavorings, preservatives such
as sulphur dioxide and raising agents such as sodium carbonate. ... he Sponge Cake
Manufacturing Process. Julia Rodríguez-García,1 Sarabjit S. Sahi,2 and Isabel Hernando1,3.
ABSTRACT. Sponge cakes have traditionally...
Mixing the Batter. ...
Filling the Mold. ...
Baking. ...
Cooling Down. ...

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