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CEWARN seeks to partner with competent National Research Institutions (NRIs)

and/or civil society organisations in IGAD Member States to support its conflict early
warning data collection and analysis work across the region.
I. Background and Brief Description of the Project

IGAD Member States established CEWARN in a 2002 on a basis of a Protocol that

allows Member States to undertake collaborative action to prevent violent conflicts. At
the heart of the CEWARN conflict prevention model is the use of evidence-based and
timely conflict early warning data and analysis.

CEWARN’s mandate is to receive and share information concerning potentially

violent conflicts as well as their outbreak and escalation in the IGAD region;
undertake and share analyses of that information; develop case scenarios and
formulate options for response; share and communicate information analyses
and response options; carry out studies on specific types and areas of conflict
in the IGAD region.

CEWARN began its operations with the establishment of region-wide networks for
real-time early warning data collection, analysis and the sharing of early warning
information to sub-national, national and region decision-making structures. National
Conflict Early Warning and Response Units (CEWERUs) represent a key decision-
making structure in Member States as they oversee all early warning and response
operations at national-level.

Between 2002 and 2012, CEWARN had a limited focus on cross-border pastoral and
related conflicts. In 2012, CEWARN launched the CEWARN Strategy Framework
(2012-2019), which articulates an implementation road map for an expanded
mandate beyond cross-border pastoral conflicts and limited cross-border areas.

Subsequently, CEWARN further developed its Conflict Early Warning and Response
system to cover five sectors, namely: economy, social, governance, security and
environment. Within the five sectors there are about sixteen conflict themes that
CEWARN’s work focuses on.

Partnership with NRIs will enable CEWARN to effectively undertake nation-wide

conflict early warning data collection as well as undertake regular in-country research
and analysis.

II. Objective

To partner with competent National Research Institutions (NRIs) and/or civil society
organisations (CSOs) that have demonstrable expertise in CEWARN’s five sectors
that represent CEWARN’s scope of conflict early warning and response operations.
The institutions also need to have national coverage.

III. Key requirements

Qualified NRIs are required to have strong track-record in conducting research and
analysis in a minimum of two out of the five CEWARN thematic sectors of focus
namely: economy, environment, governance, social, security. In addition, they
will be expected to monitor response operations.

IV. Specific Requirements

§ Proof of registration of the organisation in the host country;
§ Minimum length of consistent operations 5-7 years;
§ Demonstrable competence in undertaking research and analysis in at least two of
CEWARNs sectors of focus;
§ Demonstrable competence in undertaking complex quantitative and qualitative
data driven analysis and risk assessments;
§ Having a well-established database in at least two of CEWARNs sectors of focus
will be an added advantage;
§ Having a strong nation-wide network to ensure national coverage in data
collection and analysis work;
§ Demonstrate competence in the area of policy formulation and policy advocacy;
§ Have a critical pool of dedicated staff ready and capable of undertaking the
assignment as part and parcel of their day-to-day obligations. There needs to
gender balance of staff;
§ Proven experience of having provided similar research services to governmental
or inter-governmental organisations;
§ A sound financial base, systems and competencies demonstrable by past internal
and external audits as well as having competent financial administration staff. The
organisation should not be involved in any proceedings of insolvency at the time
of application; and
§ Should not have been involved in any criminal activity that contravenes
international law.

V. Location and Duration of the assignment:

NRIs should be operating from the respective Member State that their data
collection, research and analysis will cover.

VI. Application

Application: To be sent to copied to Dr Sunday Angoma

OKELLO at by 25 March 2019, with subject line NRI
Partnership with IGAD-CEWARN.

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