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Q: Wall thickness is 230 mm. Can I assume that the brick length is 230 mm?

If so what is the
A: If you are not provided all the information for brick dimensions in the question, then you have to
make some choices. When you make choices, be rational and explain your choice to receive credit.
In this case, it would be a good idea to assume that 230 mm is the brick length, as a fired brick is
typically 220 to 250 mm long. The next thing to consider is if the wall thickness and the brick length
are the same, then what wall bonding type is being used in the wall? The question may or may not
provide the clue. In this case, it has to be either Flemish or English bonding, since the brick length is
stacked perpendicular to the wall in every other course (English) or each course (Flemish). The next
thing to consider is that the brick width needs to be at most ½ the brick length in order to keep the
subsequent courses correctly positioned in relation to the courses below them.

Q: What thickness of mortar should be chosen if this is not given in the exam question?
A: Typical mortar thicknesses are 10 or 12 mm. Choose either one, but explain which one you choose
and then use it throughout the calculation.

Q: How is the mortar width, tm, determined?

A: Mortar width is always determined along the thickness of the wall, even in Flemish or English
bond type courses. If raking is present, then subtract the appropriate value off of this total distance.

Q: Should we assume that pressed, fired, non-cored clay bricks have a density > 2.2 kg/m3?
A: This is probably a safe assumption for pressed fired and non-cored clay bricks. However, always
indicate that you have made the assumption and if you have reason to doubt it, calculate both ways.

Q: If given no information on eccentricities, what values should I assume?

A: If no information is given on eccentricity assume there is no eccentricity. If that is the case, then in
order to use the tables for the simple method, or the equations for the refined method, the
eccentricities will be: e2/e1=0/0 = 0 and e1/tw = (1/2tw)/tw = 0.5. These values will truncate the
equations of the refined method and allow you to choose the correct k from the tables for the
simple method.

Q: The standards and notes refer to 0.5 kPa for horizontal bending. What is this referring to?
A: The 0.5 kPa is the minimum lateral load of any wall made according to AS3700 (Claus 4.6.2 for
robustness) when made in proportion of height (H) to width (t) less than either 30 or 13.5,
respectively, depending on whether the wall is laterally supported vertically or not.

Q: When determining Srs, when do we know to use clause or

A: The choice of using clause (a) or clause(c) depends in part on prior knowledge of Fd. If both
vertical edges of the wall are laterally supported then you then you must check both expressions in
clause, and then take the smaller value from the calculations if k< 0.2. The second
expression takes into account both ah and av, as well as L, the clear length between vertical lateral
supports. If the walls are not supported along both vertical edges, then clause governs the
calculation (which is the same expression as the first equation in

Q: The value of Srs is outside the range of values listed in Table 7.1. What do I do?
A: First double check your calculations. If still out of range, then proceed using the closest value,
stating why you have chosen to do this.

Q: Do engaged piers contribute to the lateral strength of a wall when determining horizontal or
vertical bending capacity?
A: Engaged piers only impact on the simplified slenderness coefficient through influence on kt.
Basically the engaged piers must be very thick (large width) compared to the wall thickness (twp/t ≥
2), and also be close together along the span of wall under question (pier spacing/pier width) to
impact significantly on Srs. Note that since kt is in the denominator, it will bring the calculated Fd to a
lower value.

Q: Is it possible to calculate the compressive capacity of a wall without knowing the bedding joint
thickness? Do we assume kh is one in this case?
A: You need to know the bedding joint thickness to determine the compressive capacity of a
masonry wall because the mortar is generally the weakest component in the wall. Do not
automatically assume a kh value of 1 because it might not be conservative. Also, remember that a
typical mortar bedding joint thickness is 10 mm (see above), so you would have been able to
determine kh.

Q: How do I choose which av value to use when determining Sr?

A: In clauses, the various values are listed and diagrams also help to show common examples
in which the various av values would apply (table 7.1 drawings). To get av correct, you need to
differentiate between the types of floors or roofs that the wall in question is supporting, and the
types of materials supporting the wall as well. Concrete slabs inhibit (restrain) rotation as well as
provide lateral support. Wooden floors only provide partial lateral support unless fully anchored.

Q: In determining kt what is twp ?

A: twp is specifically the thickness of the engaged piers (tp) plus the wall thickness (t).

Q: When determining Srs, do we take a value of kt to be 1 if we are not given values for pier spacing
or for twp/t?
A: kt for engaged piers can be found in Table 7.2 and related text in the standard. It is a safe
assumption to use kt = 1.0 when insufficient information is provided for you to make other choices.
Why? One way to look at it is that the values in Table 7.2, these are all ≥ 1.0, and since kt is a
multiplier you want the most conservative value. In this case 1.0 is the most conservative value.

Q: Do we have to calculate eccentricity e1 and 22, or are they usually given?

A: You need to know how to determine eccentricity. When eccentricity is called for, there will be
sufficient information for you to calculate it, or otherwise make defensible choices. For example the
question might say that e1 is 20% of the wall thickness and that e2 is 0. From that you can determine
values to use for extrapolating tables 7.3 and 7.4.

Q: For the eccentricity ex = t/2 – x/2, what is t and x?

A: This equation is specifically for determining the eccentricity at the upper edge of a wall that is
supporting a floor, that itself is attached to the side of the wall, e.g. via a wall supported joist. Here t
(tw) is the wall thickness and x is the depth of the rectangular cross section of load in the direction
parallel to the wall height.

Q: When determining the bedded area of the masonry cross section, if it is stated that there is 5
mm raking, how do we know which sides are raked if not stated, orf the raking is on both edges as
well as both sides?
A: Generally the question will give clues as to whether the raking is on both sides (inside & outside or
front & back). Because most walls are greater than one meter in length and we calculate on a per
meter length, raking is typically discounted on the vertical edges unless specifically stated. Where
you have to make choices, make rational choices that you can defend - using AS3700.
Q: Can the simple method be used for determining concentrated loads?
A: The standards have a separate section on concentrated loads (7.3.5) and must be designed to
comply with clause

Q: How is robustness for a wall determined?

A:Robustness is defined in the course notes as "that characteristic of a building that ensures that an
accidental disturbance does not cause damage to the structure disproportionate to the magnitude
of the disturbance." (Source Australian Masonry Manual) Kind of equivocal, I'd say. AS 3700 deals
with robustness by specifying a minimum thickness of isolated piers and walls, determined according
to Clause 4.6.2.
The robustness Cv is then defined as Cv= H/tr;
- Cv must be </= 13.5 for isolated piers
- Cv must be </= 13.5 for walls that are not reinforced vertically
- Cv must be </= 30 for walls that have been reinforced vertically
- Cv must be </= 30 for prestressed masonry
The minimum thickness (tr) depends on the type of member:
- solid walls - tr is the overall wall thickness, tr = t
- cavity walls, tr is the either 2/3s the sum of thicknesses of two leaves, or the thickness of
the thicker leaf, whichever is larger.
- diaphram walls - tr = overall wall thickness
The height (H) is determined as
-for supported walls - H is the clear height between horizontal supports
-for free standing walls - H is the full height from the bottom lateral support

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