Inccctro HopitalMiS

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Results and Discussions

A. Historical climate trends

Table 1

B. Previous disasters and hazards

Table 2


The table shows that previous typhoons specifically during the

60’s and 70’s have great impacts on the houses. According to

those who attended the FGD, many houses were made of light

materials during that period. However, in the latter years the

percentage of totally damaged has lessen by building a home made

of concrete materials. Still, building a concrete is not enough

because super typhoon has been common. Super typhoon Nona has

been the most destructive typhoon to date.

Casualties cannot be avoided as what the table shows the

number of people injured is high but still good to know that

there are not much people died in disaster related incidents in

the area.

Table 3

The data shown on the table is from the hazard map of the

municipality. It identifies only four natural occurring hazards.

The barangay that composed the municipality has the same hazard

and almost the same geographical features to one another.

Table 4

C. Potential hazards affecting the locality and associated

impacts of climate change

Table 5

5 climate impacts

5.1 geologic hazards

D. exposure database

Table 6


Table shows that brgy. Kauswagan is the densest barangay

compared to its neighboring barangay because the barangay has

large number of population regardless of small residential land

area. It also shows that barangay McArthur’s population is

mostly composed of young and adults dependents and it has the

most number of malnourished individual. Barangay Poblacion is

the capital barangay of the municipality; it is where the main

commercial takes place. It has the most populous barangay it is

also has one of the least percentage of the malnourished


6.2 existing natural resources

6.3 critical facilities database

There are plenty of facilities in each of the barangay of

the municipality of Biri. Though they are in good conditions and

made of concrete materials, they are within the extent of the

various hazards identified in the multi-hazard exposure map.

Some of these facilities are being built alongside the coastline

before the No Build Zone.


Biri is mainly composed of small islands and there are not

much of lifeline facilities available in the area like the road

and mostly of them is exposed to hazards as what can be seen in

the multi-hazard exposure map. Roads are in poor conditions and

any major disaster would be damaging and disrupt services. Roads

lie only a few meters away from the sea.


Residential is the only land use in existence in the barangays

and its allocated area differs to one another with Brgy

Poblacion having the larger area and Brgy kauswagan with least.
Mostly of the houses in Biri are made of light materials and not

employing hazard resistant design. Base on the Multi Hazard Map

the residential area is one of the identified exposed to hazards

like the storm surge and sea level rise.

D. Vulnerability of the locality to various climate stimuli

Table 7 – climate area and climate stimuli

Table 8


The table shows that Brgy McArthur is the most vulnerable

barangay which also means they are highly exposed to damaging

hazards. It has the highest percentage of population living in

dwelling units with light materials used and percentage of

malnourished individuals. Mostly of the population are living

below poverty threshold and almost half of the people are young

and adults dependents.



The table shows the different kinds of exposure indicators

and they are in good condition. Since they are in the extent of

multi-hazard map any damage would be disastrous and the LGU

doesn’t have enough capacity to repair or renovate the



Vulnerabilities on lifeline facilities in every barangay

are with the same high score. Even though they are in good

condition, any damaging disaster that will occur can be

catastrophic and it will affect the barangays rehabilitation

especially the help that will come from outside the vicinity.


The table shows that all the barangays have they

vulnerability score on their only one existing land use, the

residential. Any disaster would be damaging because mostly of

the houses are not employing hazard resistant materials and it

will take time before any rehabilitation.

Table 9

E. Disaster risk

Table 10

The table tells that the population of each barangay are

exposed to different kinds of hazards with a 100% exposure

percentage. More than 20% of the population are in need of

immediate assistance and most of them are living in dwelling

units made of light materials. Flood and typhoon are the most

frequent occurring hazard followed by landslide and storm surge

which likely to happen every 31-100 years.



Many critical facilities are exposed to various hazards

which includes landslide, flood, typhoon, and storm surge. All

facilities are in good health and made of concrete but will be

likely to be affected by the hazards that are already mentioned.

Since all the facilities are within the extent of multi-hazard

map, especially storm surge, it is already expected to have a

high score in severity of consequences.


Mostly of the lifeline facilities are exposed to hazards.

Frequently affected by flood and typhoon. Any damage to any

lifeline facilities would cause disruption of service lasting

one week or more, even months.


Each barangay has one land use in existence which is the

residential. The residential is within the extent of Multi-

Hazard Map of flood, typhoon, storm surge, and landslide. Most

of the houses within the residential land use are made of light

materials and frequently affected by flood and typhoon. The data

shown makes them vulnerable to various hazards.

G. major decisions areas and menu of disaster risk reduction and

climate change adaptation options.

Table 11

Table 12

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