Professional English 1 Project (70%) (1) Description of Task

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Universiti Kuala Lumpur

Malaysian Institute of Chemical and BioEngineering Technology

Professional English 1
WEB 20202



In this project, you are required to carry out various tasks which would amount to 70% of the mark
for this subject. You would have to compete with your own class to get your proposal selected.
Explanation of the project is stated in ‘Project A’ or ‘Project B’ handout. Below are the list of tasks
that you need to complete throughout this semester:

1- Write a proposal in a group of 4 or 5 (Submission: Week 4).

2- Competition:
a- Only one proposal shall be chosen for implementation for each class; that means,
only one group shall be given the budget for their project. The group shall be the
main committee of the project. The rest of the class would be in the working
committee for the project. The main committee members are in position to obtain
higher marks if they are committed.

3- The main committee will put up an advertisement for positions to be held for the
implementation of the project. The rest of the class will submit application letter and resume
to the working committee to apply for the positions advertised (Submission: Week 5).
4- The main committee will be conducting an interview to choose the right persons for the
positions advertised (Implementation: Week 6).
5- Each working committee will be conducting a meeting to discuss the progress for the project
implementation (Implementation: Week 7).
6- Each class will organize their event in Week 10 @ 11.
7- Each working committee will be holding another meeting as a post mortem for the event
(Implementation: Week 12).

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