March 2019 Volunteer Flyer

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Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research

A Volunteer Newsletter

March 2019

Celebrating 43 years of excellence in

wildlife rehabilitation and research

Photo: Hank Davis Compiled by Tri-State staff and volunteers


We depend on our 150 highly

trained and incredibly dedicated
volunteers to help us achieve
every aspect of our mission—
including recruiting more

On February 17th, we were

invited to join the inaugural
Newark Community Volunteer
Fair, hosted by the Newark Free
Library. We were 1 of 13 local
organizations there that rely on
volunteers to help achieve our
mission. During this three-hour
event, our amazing volunteer
representatives spoke with nearly
190 individuals about the many exciting volunteer
Gail speaks to members of the community about volunteer
opportunities with Tri-State. opportunities at Tri-State. Photo: Christina Holubinka

It was quite successful for this first-time community event, and

our volunteers were able to connect with new recruits!

A special thank you to Joan, Marie, and Gail, who represented our
organization and engaged attendees about our available

You can read more about the fair in this Newark Post article.

Volunteers Marie (L) and Joan (R), along with Melody,

Tri-State’s Volunteer Services Manager, prepare for the
Volunteer Fair to begin. Photo: Staff
Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research 2


Several administrative staff members recently had the opportunity to shadow bird-care volunteers for an entire
shift. Bex, Chris, Hal, and Anita each accompanied a volunteer on different days and shifts. All staff members
reported that it was an extremely beneficial experience. Being able to understand the ins and outs of the
complexities of patient care made us all appreciate the value of our volunteers even more! Chris shadowed
Sharyn, and he had this to say about his experience: “For as much as we ‘upstairs people’ talk about Tri-State
to the outside world, it seems strange that many of us doesn’t fully know what goes into a day of bird care.
Sure, we see the releases and some intakes, and we take photos for Facebook posts, but so many other things
go on that no one sees. That’s why I was so excited to shadow a volunteer shift last month. I think the best
part of being involved with Tri-State is that everyone is so eager to help out however they can. Nothing
exemplifies that more than our volunteers and their can-do attitudes. I feel so lucky to be a part of something
like that, and I am pumped to keep learning and pitching in however I can!” Thank you volunteers Sharyn,
Dennis, Lyndsay, Gail, and Jim for showing staff the ropes.

Donor Engagement Coordinator, Chris, shadows long-term volunteer Sharyn

during a bird-care shift. Photo: Staff


“Transporters,” or volunteers who help to
retrieve and transport injured birds to our clinic,
play a vital role in helping us to achieve our
mission. This past month, the weather was
finally in our favor and we were able to hold our
Transporter Training Workshop. This 3½ hour
training was geared to be a comprehensive
overview of our transporter volunteer program
for transporters of all levels. We had 34
volunteers join us, some brand new to Tri-State
and some veteran volunteers. Despite the
varying experience levels, it was amazing to see
everyone come together as a team for our
Volunteer Marian speaks to potential volunteers at our Transporter
Workshop held in our Wildlife Response Annex. Photo: Staff
Monthly Flyer, March, 2019 3

The training was led by our Clinic Director, Andrea; our

Volunteer Services Manager, Melody; and two of our most
experienced and dedicated volunteer transporters, Marian and
Rand. The training covered an overview of our program, the
levels of transporting, human safety, bird safety, handbook and
policies, field capture, equipment, assessing situations, and
much more! The highlight of the afternoon was that everyone
was able to practice safe capture techniques with a group of
program pigeons on loan for the training. We also offered a
bird carcass handling lab that allowed participants to practice
safe and species-appropriate handling. And lastly, we were able
to offer a “transporter starter kit” make-and-take table, where
volunteers could create a take-home package of supplies
needed, including safety glasses, safety vests, nitrile gloves,
cardboard carriers, patient admit forms, and literature on Tri-

We have received great feedback so far and

hope to host another Transporter Training
soon, so stay tuned for more workshop

And a special thank you to all the volunteers

who attended, participated, and assisted in
the training, especially Marian and Rand for
leading, teaching, and sharing your
experience and knowledge with the group!
Left: Rand talks about patient transport containers. Right: Marian discusses patient handling techniques. Photos: Staff


Fortunately, a Good Samaritan found this injured
Red-shouldered Hawk and called her local
rehabilitation center for help. The patient was taken to
the center where it was stabililzed and treated for
wing fractures. After a couple of weeks, the immature
raptor was transferred to Tri-State to continue its
recovery. Our flight cages are well designed for raptor
rehabilitation and provide large birds the room they
need to exercise and regain their flight skills prior to
release. Exercise, along with physical therapy under
anesthesia, combined with fantastic care from
volunteers, led to this hawk’s release back to the wild
where it belongs.
Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research 4

Click on the video to watch volunteer Erica release the Red-shouldered Hawk.


Cooperation between
rehabilitation centers led to this
diving duck’s being transferred to
our clinic for continued care.
Found on the ground and unable
to fly, the drake had multiple
puncture wounds, which we
suspected to be related to a bird
attack. Also, his waterproofing
was compromised. At Tri-State,
we have several deep pools
designed specifically for diving
ducks that accommodate their
preferred feeding and preening
techniques. With expert care—
thanks to many volunteers—this
dazzling drake’s wounds healed
and he regained his stellar
waterproofing. The day came
when he was cleared for release
and was transported to another
volunteer who released him in an
appropriate habitat.
Monthly Flyer, March, 2019 5


A presenter brought in a Tufted Titmouse that was struck by a vehicle and sustained a coracoid fracture (the
coracoid is a bone in the shoulder girdle) that led to subcutaneous emphysema, a condition that occurs when
air gets into tissues under the skin. The patient was in great, caring hands and was expertly nursed back to
health. His condition quickly improved and, when ready, the male was released on site as it was very close to
its territory.

Volunteer Lyndsay administers medication to a Tufted Titmouse patient. Staff photo


Save the Date for our annual Volunteer


When: Sunday, April 7th from 1-4pm.

Where: Wildlife Response Annex

What: A celebration of appreciation for all of

our wonderful volunteers!

Why: Because we could not achieve our

mission without you, so please join us!
Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research 6

Remember when you started as a volunteer at

Tri-State? We bet many volunteers would like to
read about your memories and experiences when
you began volunteering here (we know we
Volunteer Services February 2019 would!). If you’d like to share a story with other
volunteers who receive the monthly flyer, please
Number of Hours 966 contact Anita, Marketing Associate, at
Served, or call her at
302-737-9543 extension 117. You can also see
Number of Volunteers 100
Melody, Volunteer Services Manager, in her
office or at
Highest Number of 59.75 We’d love to hear from you!
Hours Served



27 years: Diane Korolog 24 years: Dan Cotterman and Shirl Rucker 23 years: Marian Quinn and Karen
Wenner-Pedersen 19 years: Marion Stelzer 15 years: Donald Bauman 14 years: Joan Beatty and Susan
Rivenbark 13 years: Rosann Ferraro, James McVoy, and Patti Root 12 years: Linda Amundsen
11 years: Gina Loughery 9 years: Kim Frey and Lisa Tice 8 years: Corky Connor, Kathy and Emilio Oliva,
Debra Palermo, and Kathy Wiwel 7 years: Lyndsay Ayers 3 years: Lisa Murphy

*Please Note: if your anniversary date is wrong or missing, please help us correct it by emailing corrections to, thank you!

…to those of you who have been

braving the cold, the snow, the
deluge of rain, and the windy
conditions AGAIN in February to
come in and lend your very capable

Footprints of Bald Eagle patient 19-146 Staff photo

Monthly Flyer, March, 2019 7

Working in the clinic is not always glamorous; tasks can range

from cutting up rats to cleaning up after the birds. Here is our
volunteer Warren cleaning and organizing the kitchen.

It is important that all of our supplies are kept clean and

organized. This essential during baby bird season when there
are more diets being made to feed more patients. Thank you
for keeping things running smoothly!



Take tours of our wild bird clinic and state-of-the-art Wildlife

Response Annex.

Meet former patient Conrad the Blue Jay and learn about his

Attend exciting presentations given by special guests:

Banding Birds by Dr. Erica Miller.

An introduction to the Wilmington, DE Peregrine Falcon

nestcam by Mary Behal.

(and more presentations to come!)

Get to know our community partners and local wildlife


Visit with New Castle County's mounted patrol featuring

Clydesdale horses.

Learn about the magic of owl pellets.

Enjoy tasty cuisine from a local food truck.

Guaranteed to be a fun-filled day, full of exciting activities!

Stay connected and up-to-date with further additions to our

Open House event here.

If you are interested in volunteering at Open House please contact Chris at or call 302-737-9543 x109
Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research 8

It might be cold outside, but we are already preparing for spring! And baby birds of course! Erica (left) is
straining FNS (Formula for Nesting Songbirds) and Jan (right) is helping to organize the kitchen. Both are very
important tasks in prepping for the coming season and the arrival of baby birds. FNS is a specially formulated
diet that may be used for not only songbirds but also for any bird that might not be self-feeding. While FNS
doesn’t need to be strained for baby birds, it is still a staple in their diet and is syringe fed to almost all baby
birds in the clinic.


Tri-State aims to foster healthy baby birds that we receive into wild families whenever possible. It’s better for
babies to be raised by parents of their own species than by humans! Please let us know if you spot any wild
baby birds, whether that be a nest of songbirds, a fledgling songbird, baby raptors, or baby waterfowl.

For baby raptors, contact Aimee Federer at

For baby songbirds and waterfowl, contact Jessica Hicken at


Although Tri-State treats only wild birds, many of our volunteers open their
homes and hearts to companion birds. If you are interested in adopting an
exotic bird, contact longtime Tri-State volunteers Vera Lee Rao
( or Diane Korolog ( for
more information. Photo courtesy of Kim Steininger.

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