I Keep Six Honest Serving Men They Taught Me All I Knew Their Names Are WHAT and WHY and WHEN and How and Where and Who - Rudyard Kipling

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What’s News in the 

I keep six honest serving men 
They taught me all I knew 
Their names are WHAT and WHY and WHEN 
And HOW and WHERE and WHO 
-Rudyard Kipling 

Objective: Write a brief summary of a recently published article of your choice

that addresses an aspect of environmental systems, from a newspaper,
magazine or the Internet. Useful websites can be found at​ ​www.sciencenews.org​,
www.earthweek.com​,​ ​www.enn.com​,​ ​http://news.nationalgeographic.com​,
www.sciencedaily.com​, etc. The subject of the article could be a major event,
discovery, invention, development or confirmation of a theory, etc. Explicitly state
how the topic of the article impacts the environment, and how it could affect life in
general, locally or globally. Support your viewpoint with textual evidence
(including quotes) from the article. Focus on writing structure, with introductory
and supporting paragraphs, and clear, complete sentences.

Include the following key elements:

● What happened?
● Who was involved?
● Where and when did it happen?
● Why is this event important from an environmental perspective?
● Why were you interested in this topic?
● A link to the original article.
What’s News in the 
In my article, scientists have created a new gadget called the “Poke
Ball” and it simply catches creatures in the deep sea and it safely studies them
and then returns them. Researchers and scientists have been waiting for an
opportunity to be able to safely research and study deep sea animals without
harming them. This new find is an important event for the environment because,
the gadget allows for the safe handling and care for deep sea creatures and the
device allows for scientists to get close and really research the animal from a
distance. With this notion, scientists are able to globally impact how we study the
ocean and how we can learn about the animals on our planet. “The contraption,
is designed to be mounted on a remotely operated underwater vehicle, folds into
a 12-sided box about 21 centimeters across. Using a joystick, an operator on
board a nearby ship can carefully close this box around soft-bodied creatures,
like jellies and cephalopods, that might be hurt or killed by other
specimen-collection tools. Temporarily detaining creatures inside the enclosure.”
This description of the gadget is provided by ​Science Robotics. ​As you can see,
the gadget uses new technology and it’s a very safe way to study the sea
creatures and see how they react with their environment. Ultimately, I was
interested in this topic because, I am very interested in the ocean and I’ve always
been fascinated by what the deep sea consists of. When I saw this article, I was
immediately intrigued by the amount of detail the article goes into and the
amount of critical thinking that goes into deep sea research.


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