Cape Coral Land Use Rewrite Changes

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Site #1

Proposed Change:
Multi-Family (MF) Future Land Use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RMM) zoning

Acreage: 23.13 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: Yes

Vacant or developed: Mostly vacant. Two lots in southern portion have single-family homes.

Current Uses: N/A


Existing Development Potential:

1) Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 185 to 318 units

2) Maximum Non-Residential – 2,015,085 sq. ft. 1

Proposed Development Potential:

Achievable through Development Incentive Program (DIP)
1) Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 578 units
2) Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

The owner of the large 19.98 parcel has filed a Planned Development Project (PDP) application to
construct a several hundred-unit multi-family development. The PDP has vested the property owner for
the current entitlements and is currently on-hold pending the outcome of the LDC adoption and
associated actions, like this proposed land use amendment and rezone to Multi-family residential.

A change to multi-family future land use and zoning would allow the owner to develop more units allowing
for a development that fulfills a need for multi-family housing.

The five smaller parcels have a unique shape that may not be suitable for commercial development. One
of the parcels has frontage on Chiquita Boulevard, however, the remaining parcels have frontage on a
collector or local road. The parcels wrap around a canal and unless a portion of the canal is vacated filled
in, the parcels would lack any substantial depth for commercial development.

Other Options

1) The site could remain Commercial Activity Center and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial
(NC). The applicant would still be vested for the previously applied PDP.
2) Create new future land use classification and zoning district that allows more even mix of
residential and commercial.
3) Suggest the applicant apply for a Planned Unit Development that would identify the scale of
Site #2
Proposed Change:
Single-Family (SF) Future Land Use and Single-Family Residential (R1) zoning district

Acreage: 14.76 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: Yes

Vacant or developed: Mostly Developed. Site is a total of 54 parcels and 27 are developed with single-
family homes.

Current Uses: Single-Family Homes / 3 Model Homes


Existing Development Potential:

3) Maximum Single-Family Residential – 54 single-family homes

4) Maximum Non-Residential – 321,472 sq. ft. up to 1,285,891 sq. ft. 2

Utilizing DIP
Proposed Development Potential:

3) Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 54 single-family homes

4) Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

The site is not at any major node or major intersection – there are only intersections of Chiquita
Boulevard and local streets. The three blocks are divided into primarily 10,000 sq. ft. lots and are either
undeveloped or developed with a single-family home. All three blocks are 50% developed with homes.
The blocks lacks notable property assemblage and there is little undeveloped full block depth.

The three blocks have no signs of assemblage even after having commercial entitlements for nearly 10
years. The site is also primarily developed with single-family homes. Historically in Cape Coral, blocks that
are developed with single-family homes for more than 10-15% of the block have not assembled nor have
they been attractive to builders and developers. While the site is along an arterial roadway, the site is not
along a major intersection decreasing visibility and traffic counts.

Other Options

4) The site could remain Commercial Activity Center and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial
(NC). This option would be status quo for the three blocks.
5) Create new future land use classification and zoning district that allows more even mix of
residential and commercial.
Site #3
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family (MF) Future Land Use and Multi-Family Residential (RMM) zoning district

Acreage: 19.98 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: Yes

Vacant or developed: Vacant.

Current Uses: N/A


Existing Development Potential:

5) Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 319 units

6) Maximum Non-Residential – 435,164 sq. ft. up to 1,740,657 sq. ft. 3

Proposed Development Potential:

Achievable through Development Incentive Program (DIP)
5) Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 499 units
6) Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

The owner of the large 19.88 parcel has filed a Site Plan application to construct a several hundred-unit
multi-family development.

Additionally, while the site has visibility and frontage along Veterans Parkway, this road is maintained by
Lee County and is under an Access Management Plan. The site is not likely to acquire access from Veterans
Parkway due to the Access Management Plan and there is a sidewalk and a berm along the site’s Veterans
Parkway frontage. The site does not have direct access from Surfside Boulevard.

Very few commercial developments rely on access from local streets, which is likely why the site has not
been developed in the past. Additionally, a change to multi-family future land use and zoning would allow
the owner to develop more units allowing for a development that is beneficial to the City.

Other Options

The site could remain Commercial Activity Center and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The
applicant would still be vested for the previously applied Site Plan.

Create new future land use classification and zoning district that allows more even mix of residential and

Suggest the applicant apply for a Planned Unit Development that would identify the scale of development.
Site #4
Proposed Change:
Single-Family (SF) Future Land Use and Single-Family Residential (R1) zoning district

Acreage: 12.61 acres

Current Future Land Use: Pine Island Road District (PIRD)

Current Zoning: Residential Development (RD)

Utilities Available: Yes

Vacant or developed: partially developed

Current Uses: single-family homes


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Single-Family Residential – 52 homes

Maximum Non-Residential – 549,291 sq. ft. 4

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 52 homes

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #5 consists of two blocks in northwest cape coral. The blocks total 12.61 acres and have frontage on
four local streets. The southernmost block is approximately 300 feet away from Southwest Pine Island
Road. The blocks are approximately 30% developed with single-family homes and the remainder of the
blocks are undeveloped. The parcels have a Pine Island Road District (PIRD) future land use designation
and Corridor (CORR) zoning designation. The surrounding area consists of single-family homes and
undeveloped parcels in all directions, however, there are several large parcels in the nearby proximity
that are undeveloped with commercial entitlements.

The main barrier to commercial development for the site is the lack of frontage and access from collector
or arterial streets. The only major street near is Southwest Pine Island Road which is 300 feet away. The
site also lacks assemblage and is moderately developed with single-family homes. The site is within an
area with commercial entitlements, however, the configuration of the blocks and the presence of single-
family homes makes future commercial development unlikely.

Other Options

The site could remain PIRD and be rezoned to Commercial Corridor (CC)
Site #5
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and Residential Multi-Family Low (RML)

Acreage: 35.43 acres

Current Future Land Use: Mixed Use (MX)

Current Zoning: Multi-Family Residential (R-3)

Utilities Available: Yes

Vacant or developed:

Current Uses: 50% developed with single-family homes, duplexes or small multi-family buildings.


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 566 units

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 885 units

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #6 consists of five blocks in southeastern Cape Coral. The site totals 35.43 acres and is near the Cape
Coral Cultural Park Theater and Art Studio. The site has minimal frontage along Cultural Park Boulevard.
All five blocks are at least 50% developed with residences, most of which are duplexes. The parcels have
a Mixed Use (MX) future land use and Multi-Family Residential (R-3) zoning. Other than the minimal
frontage along Cultural Park Boulevard, the blocks have frontage on several local streets. Duplexes are a
permitted use on parcels with an MX future land use and R-3 zoning and consequently the block has slowly
built up with duplexes or single-family homes.

The large number of existing duplexes will make any future redevelopment very challenging if not
impossible. Historically, commercial redevelopment has not occurred when an area is over 30% developed
with existing residential uses. The site is also not at an ideal location for commercial development. The
site lacks frontage along an arterial or collector street and the site is not at a major intersection. The
location and high level of existing development makes the site ideal for a change to a residential future
land use designation.

Other Options

The sites could remain MX and be rezoned to Commercial (C).

Site #6
Proposed Change:
Single-Family Residential (SF) Future Land Use and Single-Family Residential (R1)

Acreage: 45.21 acres

Current Future Land Use: Pine Island Road District (PIRD)

Current Zoning: Single-Family Residential (R-1B)

Utilities Available: Yes as part of current Utility Expansion Program (UEP)

Vacant or developed: Partially developed.

Current Uses: Some blocks are over 50% developed with single-family homes while some blocks are
under 25% developed.


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Single-Family Residential – 0 homes (not including what is already built)

Maximum Non-Residential – 1,969,347 sq. ft.

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 198 single-family homes

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #6 consists of 7 blocks in northeastern Cape Coral. The blocks range in size from 2.09 acres to 9.64
acres. Collectively, the blocks total 45.21 acres. The blocks consist of undeveloped parcels and single-
family homes. A couple of the blocks are lightly developed with single-family homes while other blocks
are over 50% developed. One of the blocks has linear frontage along Tropicana Parkway, while the rest of
the blocks do not have frontage along any collector or arterial streets. The parcels have a Pine Island Road
District (PIRD) future land use designation and Single-Family Residential (R-1B) zoning designation. The
site is surrounded by undeveloped parcels and single-family homes to the north, south, and west while to
the east is undeveloped parcels and a small commercial building.

The site has very little frontage along non-local roads, except for the block that has frontage along
Tropicana Parkway. Additionally, many of the blocks are moderately developed with single-family homes.
Many of the blocks also have an unusual shape and are not the standard rectangular or square block that
is attractive to developers. There has not been any sign of assemblage nor has there been any commercial
development in the site since the adoption of the PIRD future land use and CORR zoning designations
nearly 15 years ago. For large-scale commercial development to occur, vacations of local roads would be
required to make the site a viable commercial location.

Other Options

The sites could retain PIRD future land use designation and be rezoned to Commercial Corridor (CC).

The block along Tropicana Parkway could be rezoned to Commercial Corridor (CC).
Site #7
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and Multi-Family Residential Medium
(RMM) Zoning

Acreage: 29.78 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: No, although some utilities might be obtained from nearby high school.

Vacant or developed: Vacant

Current Uses: N/A


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Single-Family Residential – 0 homes

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 238 units up to 316 units 5

Maximum Non-Residential – 648,608 sq. ft. up to 2,594,433 sq. ft. 6

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 744 units

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #7 consists of four blocks in northeastern Cape Coral. The blocks range in size from 0.94 acres to 20.03
acres. Collectively the site consists of 29.78 acres. The site is undeveloped, and the surrounding area
consists of undeveloped properties and single-family homes to the north, south, and west. To the east of
the site is Island Coast High School along with some scattered undeveloped parcels. Three of the blocks
have linear frontage along East Gator Circle, which is a collector road. The site does not have access to
utilities, however, utilities could be available from the high school across East Gator Circle. The parcels
have a Commercial Activity Center (CAC) future land use designation and a Marketplace Residential (MR)
zoning designation.

The owners of the site have expressed interest in developing the site as multi-family residential. Currently,
only 19.99 acres of the site can be developed with multi-family units at a density of 16 units per acre. If
the entire site was developed, only 50% of the site could be used for multi-family units and the remainder
would be used for commercial development. The site does have water, sewer, or irrigation available from
the City, however, water and sewer could be acquired from the lines that service Island Coast High School.
East Gator Circle is currently a collector road and may not experience traffic counts high to support large
commercial developments. The addition of several hundred multi-family units would help to address the
need for multi-family housing and could provide other opportunities for commercial development by
increasing the population in this portion of the City.

Other Options

The sites could the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).

The site could retain the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to NC, the applicant could then
proceed with a Planned Unit Development.

Urban Service would need to be changed to Transition.
Only achievable through Development Incentive Process (DIP).
Site #8
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and Multi-Family Residential Medium
(RML) Zoning

Acreage: 19.8 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: Yes.

Vacant or developed: 80% developed.

Current Uses: Single-family homes, duplexes and small multi-family buildings


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Single-Family Residential – 0 homes

Maximum Multi-Family Residential –

a. 0 units with no assemblage (other than what is already built).

b. If site was wholly assembled, 316 units.

Maximum Non-Residential – 345,254 sq. ft. up to 2,594,433 sq. ft. 7

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 319 units up to 499 units 8

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #8 consists of two blocks in southwest Cape Coral. The blocks are both 9.9 acres and total just under
20 acres in size. The blocks are on the east and west sides of Santa Barbara Boulevard. The site has a
Commercial Activity Center (CAC) future land use designation and Marketplace Residential (MR) zoning
designation. The site is heavily developed with duplex or small-scale multi-family uses. Both blocks are
over 80% developed with residences. Other than the frontage along Santa Barbara Boulevard, the site has
frontage on local streets.

The site is heavily developed with residential uses and is unlikely to redevelop in the future. In fact, the
site was the impetus for changes made to the CAC land use in 2017 that permitted residential
development for isolated CAC properties, further indicating it’s lack of suitability for non-residential and
mixed-use development. The change to multi-family future land use and zoning will allow for some
additional multi-family units that will help in reducing the multi-family development shortfall.

Other Options

The sites could the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).

The site could retain the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to NC, the applicant could then
proceed with a Planned Unit Development.

Only achievable through Development Incentive Process (DIP).
Based on maximum density in either RML or RMM
Site #9
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) Zoning

Acreage: 3.1 acres

Current Future Land Use: Multi-Family Residential (MF)

Current Zoning: Residential Development (RD)

Utilities Available: Yes.

Vacant or developed: vacant.

Current Uses: N/A.

Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential –

a. 24 units with RD zoning

b. 49 units based on MF future land use 9

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 49 units

Reason for Change

Site #9 consists of one site in southwest Cape Coral. The site comprises approximately 80% of the block.
The site is north of Mohawk Parkway and west of Skyline Boulevard. The site is also nearby the Southwest
Cape Coral Public Library. The site has a Multi-Family (MF) future land use designation and Residential
Development (RD) zoning designation. The site is vacant and surrounding development is single-family
homes and a few scattered duplexes. The site has frontage on four local streets.

The site is entitled for multi-family development via the MF future land use designation. The RD zoning
district is not a district within the new implementation of the LDC. The RML zoning district allows for a
lower density than the Residential Multi-Family Medium (RMM) district. The RML zoning keeps the density
of the site to a max of 16 units per acre and keeps the maximum building height at 38 feet.

Other Options

The sites could be rezoned to RMM (not recommended).

Based on 16 du per acre
Site #10
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RMM) Zoning

Acreage: 19.95 acres

Current Future Land Use: Multi-Family Residential (MF)

Current Zoning: Multi-Family Residential (R-3)

Utilities Available: Yes.

Vacant or developed: vacant.

Current Uses: N/A.


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 319 units

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 498 units

Reason for Change

Site #10 consists of two parcels in southwest Cape Coral. The site is all of Block 4775. The site is south of
Savona Parkway and west of Chiquita Boulevard. The site is at the intersection of Savona Parkway and
two local streets. The site has a Multi-Family (MF) future land use designation and Multi-Family
Residential zoning designation. The site is vacant and surrounding development is single-family homes.
The site has frontage on Savona Parkway (a collector road) and three local streets.

The site is entitled for multi-family development at 16 du/acre via the MF future land use designation and
the R-3 zoning. The site is large enough to support a higher density multi-family and has adequate road
access through Savona Parkway and nearby Chiquita Boulevard. Utilities are available and Savona Parkway
should have capacity available for the additional trips.

Other Options

The site could be rezoned to RML (not recommended).

Site #11
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential Low (RML) Zoning

Acreage: 20.04 acres

Current Future Land Use: Multi-Family Residential (MF)

Current Zoning: Residential Development (RD)

Utilities Available: Yes.

Vacant or developed: vacant.

Current Uses: N/A.


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential –

a. 160 units based on RD zoning
b. 320 units based on MF future land use

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 320 units

Reason for Change

Site #11 consists of one parcel in southwest Cape Coral. The site is all of Block 3194A. The site is south of
West of Chiquita Boulevard and north of Gleason Parkway. The site has frontage on four local streets. The
site has a Multi-Family (MF) future land use designation and a Residential Development (RD) zoning
designation. The site is vacant and surrounding development is single-family homes.

The site is entitled for multi-family development at 16 du/acre via the MF future land use designation.
The site is large enough to support a 16 dwelling units per acre and is near Chiquita Boulevard. Utilities
are available to the site. The surrounding road network should have adequate capacity to accommodate
the additional trips.

Other Options

The site could be rezoned to RMM (not recommended).

Site #12
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Low (RML)
zoning designation

Acreage: 9.89 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: Yes.

Vacant or developed: partially developed.

Current Uses: Single-family homes


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – N/A

Maximum Non-Residential – 215,404 sq. ft.

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 158 units

Site Summary

Site #12 consists of 31 parcels in southwest Cape Coral. The site is a portion of two blocks on the western
side of Skyline Boulevard and is just south of the Pine Island Road and Skyline Boulevard intersection. The
site has a Commercial Activity Center (CAC) future land use designation and a Marketplace Residential
(MR) zoning designation. The site is 30% developed with single-family homes and the remainder of the
site is undeveloped.

Reasons for Change

1) The site has experienced some moderate development of residential uses.

2) The site has very little assemblage. Only 1 owner has more than 3 parcels under common
ownership. L & W Homes, Inc. owns 6 parcels.
3) Not near existing commercial intersection – site may not be desirable for commercial
development. Site has not experienced assemblage in over 10 years of having CAC/MR

Other Options

The site could retain CAC future land use.

The site could be amended to Commercial/Professional (CP) future land use.

Site #13
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RMM)
zoning designation

Acreage: 33.65 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: No.

Vacant or developed: No.

Current Uses: N/A

Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Single-Family Residential – 0 homes

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 269 units up to 539 units 10
Maximum Non-Residential – 732,897 sq. ft. up to 2,931588 sq. ft. 11

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 841 units

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Reason for Change

Site #13 consists of five blocks in northeastern Cape Coral. The blocks range in size from 4 acres to 5 acres.
Collectively the site consists of 33.65 acres. The site is undeveloped, and the surrounding area consists of
undeveloped properties and single-family homes to the north, south, and west. One of the blocks have
linear frontage along North Gator Circle, which is a collector road. The site does not have access to utilities.
The parcels have a Commercial Activity Center (CAC) future land use designation and a Marketplace
Residential (MR) zoning designation.

Currently, only 19.99 acres of the site can be developed with multi-family units at a density of 16 units per
acre. If the entire site was developed, only 50% of the site could be used for multi-family units and the
remainder would be used for commercial development. The site does not have water, sewer, or irrigation
available from the City. North Gator Circle is currently a collector road and may not experience traffic
counts high to support large commercial developments. The addition of several hundred multi-family
units would help to address the need for multi-family housing and could provide other opportunities for
commercial development by increasing the population in this portion of the City.

Other Options

The sites could the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).

The site could retain the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to NC, the applicant could then
proceed with a Planned Unit Development.

Urban Service would need to be changed to Transition.
Only achievable through Development Incentive Process (DIP).
Site #14
Proposed Change:
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RMM)
zoning designation

Acreage: 16.39 acres

Current Future Land Use: Commercial Activity Center (CAC)

Current Zoning: Marketplace Residential (MR)

Utilities Available: No.

Vacant or developed: No.

Current Uses: N/A


Existing Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 262 units 12

Urban Service would need to be changed to Transition.
Maximum Non-Residential – 356,974 sq. ft. up to 1,427,896 sq. ft. 13

Proposed Development Potential:

Maximum Multi-Family Residential – 409 units

Maximum Non-Residential – N/A

Site Summary

Site #14 consists of six blocks in northwestern Cape Coral. Collectively the site consists of 16.69 acres. The
site is undeveloped, and the surrounding area consists of undeveloped properties and single-family homes
to the north, south, east, and west. Two of the blocks have frontage along Burnt Store Road, while the
remainder of the site has frontage along local streets. The site does not have access to utilities. The parcels
have a Commercial Activity Center (CAC) future land use designation and a Marketplace Residential (MR)
zoning designation.

Reasons for Change

1) The site’s frontage along Burnt Store Road is limited – only one access point.
2) Higher quality commercial opportunities are available on the opposite side of Burnt Store Road.
3) Some of the parcels are adjacent to single-family homes or properties that will be developed with
homes in the future.
4) Adds area for multi-family development which will be a need in the northwest portion of Cape

Other Options

5) The sites could the CAC future land use designation and be rezoned to Neighborhood Commercial

Only achievable through Development Incentive Process (DIP).
Site #15
Cape Coral Parkway Between Chiquita Boulevard and Skyline Boulevard
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML)
zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) High concentration of existing residential structures i.e. single-family homes, duplexes or multi-
2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) 1 large parcel has full block depth but is surrounded by multi-family development / non-
residential may be intrusive.
Site #16
Cape Coral Parkway East of Skyline Boulevard and West of Santa Barbara Boulevard
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML)
zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) High concentration of existing residential structures i.e. single-family homes, duplexes or multi-
2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Some commercial has been developed at major intersections.
Site #17
Skyline Boulevard – North of Cape Coral Parkway and South of Mohawk Parkway
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML)
zoning designation
Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) High concentration of existing residential structures i.e. single-family homes, duplexes or multi-
2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Some commercial has been developed at major intersections / along City parking lot.
Site #18
Skyline Boulevard – North of Gleason Parkway and South of Veterans Parkway
Multi-Family Residential (MF) future land use and Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML)
zoning designation
Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) High concentration of existing residential structures i.e. single-family homes, duplexes or multi-
2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Some commercial has been developed at major intersections.
Site #19
Tropicana Parkway – East of Chiquita Boulevard
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Existing commercial at intersection of Chiquita Boulevard and Tropicana Parkway.
Site #20
Chiquita Boulevard– South of Diplomat Parkway
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Commercial zoning would likely result in strip center style development.
5) Commercial entitlements retained at major intersection.
Site #21
Chiquita Boulevard– North of Kismet Parkway
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Commercial zoning would likely result in strip center style development.
5) Commercial entitlements at southeast corner of intersection.
Site #23
Andalusia Boulevard– North of Diplomat Parkway and South of Kismet Parkway
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation
Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Commercial zoning would likely result in strip center style development.
5) Commercial entitlements at intersection of Andalusia Boulevard and Diplomat Parkway
Site #24
Diplomat Parkway – West of Chiquita Boulevard
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Commercial zoning would likely result in strip center style development.
5) Commercial entitlements at intersection of Chiquita Boulevard and Diplomat Parkway
Site #25
Diplomat Parkway – East of Chiquita Boulevard
Multi-Family Residential (MF) Future Land Use and
Multi-Family Residential Medium (RML) zoning designation

Reasons for Multi-Family Changes

1) Moderate development of existing single-family homes or duplexes.

2) Limited full block depth
3) Fragmented ownership pattern
4) Commercial zoning would likely result in strip center style development.
5) Commercial entitlements at intersection of Chiquita Boulevard and Diplomat Parkway

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