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Charisma in AD&D

(or, preferably, the lack thereof)

Jim Vassilakos

Player 1: “Wha’d’ya mean she says no? I have an As many of you know, charisma has long been a
eighteen charisma.” dump stat throughout the various editions of D&D.
GM: “That doesn’t give you carte blanche to walk up Lenard Lakofka wrote in the early 80s, “…charisma
to first princess you meet and ask her to hop in the (is) the one basic ability in the AD&D™ system that
the sack.” is difficult to incorporate into a game situation. It is
Player 1: “Heh-heh… you said meat.” very common for a player, as he or she ‘molds’ a new
Player 2: “Actually, not that I disagree, but he asked if character, to put the character’s lowest score into
she wanted to have intercourse, which leaves some charisma unless he or she wants to play a paladin,
room for interpretation.” ranger, or druid, for which a respectable charisma
GM: “Okay, fine. She looks at you, startled. To what score is required.”2 A decade and a half later David
sort of intercourse are you referring, good sir?” Brumbaugh asked, “…why is it that so many players
Player 1: “That depends. What’s your favorite assign their lowest rolls to a character’s Charisma?”3
position?” And almost another decade later, Jason Nelson-Brown
GM: “She slaps you.” wrote, “Poor Charisma. It has always been the weak
Player 1: “In a playful way?” sister, the proverbial red-headed stepchild, the—well,
GM: “In a forceful, angry, cheek-stinging way. In the dump stat of stats; even when 3rd Edition tied in
fact, take a point of damage.” many more skills and game effects, we still end up
Player 2: “Ouch.” trying to stick it to the lowly Charisma-based skills.”4
Player 1: “Whoa! But I have an eighteen charisma.” I started gaming around 1980 or thereabouts 5, and
GM: “Don’t care.” back then charisma was more-or-less considered a
Player 1: “But don’t I at least get to roll a charisma substitute for physical appearance. Granted, Gary
check or something? I’m like Casanova, Don Juan, Gygax said otherwise: “Charisma is the measure of
and Brad Pitt all rolled into one. At least let me the character’s combined physical attractiveness,
roll.” persuasiveness, and personal magnetism. A generally
GM: “Fine. Roll.” non-beautiful character can have a very high
Player 1: Rolls. “Whoa! Critical Success! I want this charisma due to strong measures of the other two
witnessed! Woo-hoo! Yeah, baby! Is she DTF yet? aspects of charisma. It is important to all characters,
She damn well better be!” as it has an effect on dealings with others, principally
non-player characters, mercenary hirelings,
The GM has two obvious choices. The first would be prospective retainers, and monsters. It absolutely
to grant the player his wish. “Yeah, dude. She thinks dictates the total number of henchmen a character is
you’re hot.” Sure, it seems insane, but if we able to retain. It affects loyalty of all hirelings and
mechanize social interaction, allowing roll-playing to retainers. It is the key to leadership.”6
substitute for roleplaying, then the GM will find his But all the players and gamemasters I knew were
back against the wall. After all, the player has the disregarding these rules. Lenard Lakofka wrote, “In
highest human charisma and got the best roll he could my years of playing, I have never used reaction
have hoped for. From the player’s perspective, it can’t adjustment or number of henchmen based on
get any better than this, so anything the GM does to charisma.”2 In the early years of the game, players
try to invoke reality will be viewed as unfair. and GMs considered the rules to be mere guidelines.
The second choice, which was always my own style
once I began GMing, was to say you’ve got to 2
Make Charisma Count for More by Lenard Lakofka in
roleplay your charisma. “But then what’s the point of Dragon #63 (July 1982), page 19.
having a high charisma?” players would ask. This was 3
He's Got Personality by David Brumbaugh in Dragon #243
a question I was never able to answer adequately, and (January 1998), Page 40.
so in my game, as with so many others, charisma 4
Save My Game: Diplomacy (03/17/2006)
became a dump stat.1 http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?
“A Dump Stat is a gaming concept: a quality in the game 5All I can remember is that it was sometime between the
that you choose not to allocate any character-building publication of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (1979) and the
resources to (and thus your character does not possess).” Fiend Folio (1981).
https://geekfeminism.org/2012/04/14/open-thread-whats- Player’s Handbook (1978), page 13.
Perhaps, in part, because charisma was so them. Naturally, they tied them to the primary stats, so
disrespected, Gygax introduced comeliness, the they needed a certain number of charisma-related
seventh and final primary statistic, in 1985. skills. The ones they designated as being charisma-
“Comeliness reflects physical attractiveness, social related were etiquette, singing, disguise, gaming, and
grace, and personal beauty of the character. It is used local history. 11
to determine initial reactions to the character, and But there were immediate problems. First of all,
characters with a high comeliness may affect the wills some of these ended up ghosting12 big-time. Singing,
and actions of others. While charisma deals for example. Did anybody ever put points in singing?
specifically with leadership and interactions between Secondly, why did they designate “local history” as
characters, comeliness deals with attractiveness and being charisma-related? You’ve got to be charismatic
first impressions.”7 to know your local history? I can see how it’s related
The practical upshot was AD&D now had two dump in some way. You need to talk to people to learn local
stats. It really made no sense to me. The game had a history. But you need to talk to people to learn a lot of
stat that was generally regarded as being useless, so stuff. It doesn’t make everything charisma-related.
instead of getting rid of it, or replacing it with Finally, there’s etiquette. Surely etiquette is charisma-
something better, or devising some game mechanics related, right? Well, hold on. To quote some rules,
that would assist rather than hinder roleplaying… “having the character know what is correct and
instead of doing any of these things, Gygax decided to actually do what is correct are two different matters.
divide it into two different stats. The encounters must still be role-played by the
Of course, I couldn’t accept this. Not only did it character. Knowledge of etiquette does not give the
make charisma, already a dump stat, that much less character protection from a gaffe or faux pas; many
valuable, but it entrenched it as being purely non- people who know the correct thing still manage to do
physical. Comeliness was now the proxy for physical the exact opposite.”13
appearance, while charisma had to do with the Aha! So charisma is really about knowledge, not
character’s personality, the very thing I was insisting about personality. Right? But from earlier in the same
that my players actually roleplay. So, somewhere book, “The Charisma (Cha) score measures a
along the line, I simply dumped charisma, but I character's persuasiveness, personal magnetism, and
accepted comeliness and added perception. 8 ability to lead.”14
However, most GMs played according to the Wait, I’m confused. It’s persuasiveness, personal
standard rules, so there was a period of time from magnetism… but I’ve still got to roleplay? I can’t just
1985 to the publication of AD&D 2 nd edition in 1989 roll dice? Of course, it was up to the individual GM,
when charisma and comeliness co-existed, and this but many times a player would say, “Hey, I’ve got a
arrangement, in my opinion, began to nudge GMs to such-and-such charisma and a high skill level, so let
allow roll-playing in place of roleplaying. Needless to me just roll these dice,” and the GM would say,
say, I thought it a mistake when 2nd edition dumped “Okay.” And that was it. Dice were rolled. The
comeliness9 but retained charisma. Of course, encounter was resolved. The conversation happened
charisma had a longer lineage. Dumping it instead of without a conversation actually happening.
comeliness would have been tantamount to an Roleplaying was dumped in favor of roll-playing. At
admission of error, but I think such a move would least that’s what I saw happening in a lot of the games
have, by and large, been welcomed. 10 I attended, and it was a terrible thing to witness, as
Whatever the reason, this choice had important human interaction was the true beauty of the original
consequences, as 2nd edition was also the edition that game, and now it was being mechanized.
introduced non-weapon proficiencies (skills). The Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition (2000) added bluff,
designers were rolling them out on an optional basis, diplomacy, gather information, intimidate, and more,
perhaps to test the waters and see if gamers would use and other game designers, of course, picked up on this
trend. Rolling dice in place of roleplaying was swiftly
Unearthed Arcana (1985), page 6. becoming the new norm, and this state of affairs has
I was part of a small group of four gamemasters who set up continued right up to the present day. Dungeons &
a shared-world campaign for AD&D in 1991, and this rule Dragons 5th edition (2014), supposedly a throwback to
appears in our manifesto. See Guildsman #4, page 118. the good old days of 1st edition, features several skills
There was a lot of give-and-take in that discussion, and I
associated with charisma, including one called
decided to yield on a lot of stuff, but getting rid of
charisma, I believe, was one of the things I was passionate
about, and apparently I got them to agree with me.
9 11
With the exception of some rules at the end of an See the 2nd edition Player’s Handbook, pages 54 & 55.
adventure in Polyhedron #89, page 15. Being ignored.
10 13 nd
If somebody happens to know David “Zeb” Cook, perhaps 2 edition Player’s Handbook, page 58.
14 nd
the rationale behind this decision can be clarified. 2 edition Player’s Handbook, page 17.
persuasion. “The DM might ask you to make a and dry, so it just seems less arbitrary to let the dice
Charisma (Persuasion) check,” the rules state.15 decide. Hence, in order to appear impartial, I think,
I can’t help but be reminded of Lenard Lakofka’s many if not most GMs would allow roll-playing to
statement back in the days of 1st edition that, push roleplaying increasingly to the periphery of how
“Negotiation with a ‘monster’ should take whatever plot points are determined during play.
natural course the events dictate, and should not be Another problem I have with this compromise is that
subject to various die rolls to see how the NPC reacts it focuses the conversation on a specific goal, and the
to the player character. That’s what the DM is there question becomes whether or not one side can
for….”16 overpower the other with their charisma. In real life
Now, some would say, “The DM/GM still has this conversations may start with a specific goal, and
prerogative. The rules said ‘might ask,’ not ‘must personal charisma may play a factor, but
ask.’” But the practical consequence of these rules in conversations by their very nature can result in almost
the groups I visited was that roleplaying took a back anything. You could begin the conversation haggling
seat any time the player had some skill or ability over the price of a piece of fruit, and from that learn
which he could use to roll-play toward some desired about the oppressive fees the King is charging small-
outcome. I think it was just considered more of a sure time merchants, and next thing you know, you’re
thing, and it was easier, and it was certainly faster to taking part in a rebellion. Conversations can lead
roll dice than to actually roleplay. anywhere. Hence, engaging in one with the sole
One could argue there’s a place for these sorts of expectation that it’ll serve merely to modify a dice roll
rules in terms of speeding up play. After all, if you seems unduly self-constraining.
have to roleplay every single scene (such as haggling
for goods at the local market), the game is going to get
a bit tedious. But the problem is once these rules are
introduced and used for scenes and situations that
aren’t critical to the plot of an adventure, they then
become accessible for all scenes and situations. It
might be hard for the GM to argue that a player can
use bluff or persuasion for haggling down the price of
some horseshoes but not be able to use it in an
encounter with the boss monster or one of its
lieutenants. The player would naturally ask, and quite And there’s a third reason I don’t like this
rightly, I think, “What’s the point of even having this compromise. Even in cases where the player roleplays
skill if I can’t use it when I need it the most?” well and where he or she rolls well, ultimately the
Of course, there’s a third obvious option, which is to final roll of the dice is what determines the outcome,
effectively split the baby. Make the player roleplay the and while some people prefer it that way, I personally
encounter, but let the skill have some effect, or to put don’t. I think it makes the victory less sweet.
it the other way around, let the player roll dice to I’m once again reminded of the roguish PC talking
determine what happens, but stick in a heavy the princess out of her crown and scepter. 17 The player
roleplaying modifier. However, I don’t especially like was laughing about it for months. And why not? He
this compromise. earned it… not by rolling some dice but through old-
Part of my reasoning is I think roll-playing would fashioned roleplaying. He acted the scene beautifully,
end up dominating the game. It’s not hard to envision so beautifully that I was taken in, and I knew who I
situations where the player plays out the scene was dealing with. That poor princess, she got taken to
wonderfully but then rolls a critical fumble (the worst the cleaners, and he savored it like you wouldn’t
possible roll) or where the player rolls a critical believe. In short, it made a memory, and while great
success (the best possible roll) but plays out the scene memories can certainly be made through great dice
poorly. In each instance, how well the player roleplays rolls (I’ve seen this happen several times), I still don’t
is apparent to the entire group as well as to the GM, think its quite the same as memories made through
but it can be difficult to quantify in terms of exacting a great roleplaying. But like I said before, that’s just my
modifier, and people are bound to disagree with the personal preference, and I’m fully aware that I’m in
GM’s ruling, particularly when the stakes are high in the minority.
terms of plot. In contrast to this is the fact that the roll Rather than thinking of the roll-playing vs.
of the dice and skill/attribute modifiers are pretty cut roleplaying divide as a binary choice, as my previous
graphic indicates, it might be better to think of it as a
15 th
5 edition Player’s Handbook, page 179. continuum, and although I initially imagined the
Make Charisma Count for More by Lenard Lakofka in
Dragon #63 (July 1982), page 19. See my comment to Patrick Riley in A&E #506.
distribution as being essentially Gaussian, it might be But in pretty much all of the roleplaying groups I
better, instead of thinking of our own preferences as visited over the years, the GMs (and, I presume, the
points on the continuum, to alternatively think of them players as well) were more like Player 1. 20 It was all
as being a set of ranges. For example: about the dice and combat, and the verbal interaction
was almost entirely out-of-character. These groups
were never quite as hardcore as the Cal-Tech gamers,
but they were definitely on that end of the spectrum,
and this only confirmed for me that while I’m not
entirely alone, I’m clearly in a minority.
Roleplaying is fun, of course, partly because you can
be whoever you want to be. More to the point, you can
be the antithesis of
whoever you are in real
life. So just as a pencil-
neck, office slave gets to
play a brawny barbarian,
I make this point because I think some players are so too does the awkward,
compatible with both sides of the divide, but others boring, shy guy get to
aren’t. I came face-to-face with this incompatibility on play the most interesting
my visit to the Cal-Tech gaming guild. 18 Myself and a man in the world. If we
soon-to-be-friend were pretty much horrified by what all dispose of charisma,
we witnessed. Later, however, I had second thoughts. how can the
To quote myself from A&E #363, “The truth is, there uncharismatic play out
are different styles to this thing that we do, and while their fantasy persona?21
all of us probably think that our style is best, none of Some years ago, I had the bizarre idea of bringing
us have a monopoly on the concept of how a charisma back, but instead of tying it to any particular
roleplaying game ought to be run.” skills, I thought I’d let it serve as a “take-back”
This roleplaying/roll-playing divide also came up in method as well as an instigator of social gaffes.
my discussion of Dave’s Traveller Campaign in A&E
#500, which Lisa Padol and I continued to discuss in Charisma Gaffes / Gaffes are where the GM or
issues #501 through #505, and it came up much earlier Score Take-backs
another player want to force an
in a Warcraft campaign that I talked about in A&E 3 60% uncharismatic character to
#355, #359 & #361, and I’m sure there have been 4 50% commit some faux pas. Most of
numerous other instances. And I also mentioned how I 5 40% these will probably be
used to visit local gaming groups mainly for the 6 30%
perpetrated by the GM, since
purpose of seeing how different GMs were running it’s not in the group’s interest
7 20%
their games19, and so I got a pretty broad sampling of for one of their own to
different styles, and what I figured out from all this is 8 10%
constantly be offending the
that I’m the weird one. I’m the outlier. I’m “Player 2” 9-12 NPCs. Take-backs are where a
in the graphic above. 13 10% charismatic character can take
There are a few I’ve met who are like Player 3. I’m 14 20% back words or actions that were
thinking of one guy who was extremely personable, 15 30%
poorly received and try again.
and he could do all sorts of voices and accents. He One additional player may
16 40%
was so good at it, we’d throw him challenges. I kibitz for every charisma point
remember how he once imitated Elvis imitating 17 50%
above 15, offering the player
Arnold Schwarzenegger imitating Bill Clinton or 18 60% ideas on what to say or do.
somebody… and he blended all three of them so
beautifully that we were practically on the floor dying. Being far to the right on this spectrum, my perception is
And he loved to roleplay, but at the same time he no doubt skewed, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s partly
loved dice-rolling and combats and strategy, and he because I removed charisma from my game in the early
90s. In doing so, I effectively removed myself from the
could sit in front of a computer and play Wolfenstein
hobby’s evolution as pertains to charisma. In short, I got off
for hours upon hours, cackling “mein leben” in the train once I noticed it was starting to go in the wrong
imitation of all the Nazis he was mowing down. direction (IMHO), but nearly everyone else stayed onboard,
and so that’s how I think I ended up with this perspective
and why my style of play seems like such a throwback to
See page 10 of my zine in A&E #363. the days when charisma was more or less ignored.
19 21
See footnote #26 of my zine in A&E #363. See Spike’s comment to me in A&E #512.
Player 1: “Wha’d’ya mean she says no? I have an Comments:
eighteen charisma.”
GM: “That doesn’t give you carte blanche to walk up Homebrew Magic System (from A&E #508):
to the first princess you meet and ask her to hop in Spike Jones (A&E 512/p3): “Mana-Sorting In Your
the sack.” Homebrew Magic System: Is there a point at which
Player 1: “Heh-heh… you said meat.” the system would break down under its
Player 2: “Actually, not that I disagree, but he asked if complexities?”
she wanted to have intercourse, which leaves some
room for interpretation.” Each spellcaster tended to stick with just one type of
GM: “Okay, fine. She looks at you, startled. To what mana at any given time, so mana-sorting rarely came
sort of intercourse are you referring, good sir?” up, but the system had other problems worth
Player 1: “That depends. What’s your favorite mentioning.
position?” I’m vaguely reminded of one time the party was in
GM: “She slaps you.” Xkutyr, a metropolis in Deepearth, and the roguish
Player 1: “In a playful way?” character I described earlier 17, was sneaking into the
GM: “In a forceful, angry, cheek-stinging way. In palace of Lord Thrash, who happened to be a pretty
fact, take a point of damage.” badass demon. I think the whole party or at least some
Player 1: “I’m doin’ a take-back. Gotta get sixty or part of it was present, and this PC was either using
below.” (Rolls percentile dice.) “Forty-four.” some magic item or potion of disguise, or maybe
GM: “Okay. To what sort of intercourse are you disguise was being cast on him so that he would look
referring, good sir?” like this demon so as to fool the guards.22
Player 1: “Anybody want to kibitz?” Whichever the case, we ended up with spell failure,
Player 2: “I dunno. Tell her you love her.” and so I consulted the spell failure table. 23 I’m not
Player 1: “No way, dude. Bangrod ain’t no liar. 100% sure about the roll, but it might have been roll
Anyway, girls like it when guys are straight up, twice followed by backlash and something unusual,
right? And she’s a princess. She doesn’t have time and I vaguely remember thinking that a straight-
for bullshit.” forward interpretation of backlash seemed like a dud.
Player 3: “Tell her she’s beautiful.” You’re already using the magic on yourself, so how
Player 1: “Is she?” can it backlash? My interpretation of this was that it
GM (consulting his notes): “No, but her handmaiden had so be something bad, but it also had to be
is.” ridiculous, especially if something unusual was the
Player 1: “Then screw that stuck-up princess. other result. So I came up with something unusual.
‘Actually, m’lady,’ I’ll say, ‘I was hoping you’d The way the spell works, I believe, is that it doesn’t
permit me to have a word of intercourse with your actually change the physical features of your face. It
handmaiden. The need is most urgent.’ In my changes the way that people perceive them. It’s
pants, I mean, but I don’t say that. I’m not crass.”
GM: “What is this need concerning?” Technically, disguise isn’t supposed to be transferable, but
Player 1 (looking at players 2 & 3): “C’mon, guys. either I overlooked this or the illusionist’s player talked me
Help me out here.” into letting it be transferable (perhaps in return for a higher
chance of suffering spell failure). It may also be the case the
illusionist dumped his or her cookies, effectively creating a
I never tried this idea in an actual game, but it horrendously overpowered mistake.
occurred to me it might have the advantage of But it’s also possible that it was a magic item. I
encouraging roleplaying rather than discouraging it, envisioned a lot of magic items as being sort of like an ice
which is how the charisma stat has always seemed to box that you take with you on a camping trip, but for magic
function. Also, one would assume, uncharismatic instead of food. Rings, wands, potions, and scrolls all
players might learn through constructive criticism to involved some mage, presumably a high level one,
be a little less uncharismatic, not that this would effectively casting spells into the item so that it would hold
necessarily cure any of their other deficiencies. And, the magic for safekeeping, and sometimes he or she (or
certainly, the potential cost of making charisma a they) would make a mistake, so you’d essentially have a
dump stat would be high indeed. Unfortunately, like I miscast spell sitting there, and you’d only find out when the
magic was released (when the item was used).
said, I never got around to play-testing this, so I have
This was a long time ago, and my memory is poor to
no idea how it would actually work out. If any of you begin with, so you’ll have to bear with me on the fuzziness
decide to play-test it, please let me know how it goes. of the details (although it’s funny that I can remember the
name of the city and its ruler). Suffice it to say that
somehow this roguish character was getting magically
See page 4 of my zine in A&E #508.
primarily mind-effecting. And backlash, to me, meant Note that these tables don’t take into account
that instead of getting the demon’s face, whoever he situational modifiers or the use of metal or leather.
met during the magic’s duration (which wasn’t short) But they take into account the non-situational
would get his face. modifiers, so all you have to do is modify the
But then, to make it unusual, I threw in a big twist. I percentage that applies for a given spell as per the
decided that spell’s effects would cascade, so that situation, and that speeds up play enough that the
whoever came across these people (now with his face) math no longer gets in the way of the game.
would also get his face, so, basically, his face would Since all these percentages are a bit tedious to
spread from person to person, throughout the palace calculate by hand, I wrote a program to do it.25 Also, if
and even throughout the city, or at least a good section you’d like to see the 1992 edition of this system, I
thereof, until the magic would expire. The duration of finally got around to scanning it to pdf.26
Disguise is ten minutes per caster’s level, so from a 6 th
level caster, the duration would be an hour, and I seem Roleplaying vs. Rollplaying:
to remember that the caster was well over 6 th level, so, Lisa Padol (A&E 512/p1): “I have never seen anyone
basically, his face traveled quite a distance. disagree and say, ‘Well, no, actually, I want
The good part was that since everyone looked like rollplaying.’ Everyone nods, and we move on.”
him, the guards couldn’t distinguish what person was
really him. Indeed, they couldn’t distinguish anyone I think most groups are doing more rollplaying than
from anyone else, except for those whose magic roleplaying, but that isn’t to say that they’re doing it
resistance had kicked in, so there was complete wrong or that there’s no roleplaying going on. RPGs
mayhem, and I forget how the party took advantage of grew out of wargames, so there’s a strong wargaming
the situation, but I can tell you that they made sure to element. Hence, it shouldn’t be surprising that combat
get the hell out and then go into hiding, and, of course, figures heavily in most RPGs.
that character had to then hide his face until they were But my feeling was always that combats should be
well out of the city. like the commercial breaks in a TV show (as
So that’s an example of how to deal with a situation measured by the standards of the 1960s, not today’s). 27
where the system gives you results that might not That means I’d allow about 15% of game time to be
immediately make sense. Whenever this happens, you sucked up by combat, but most gamemasters go way
as GM will have to “interpret creatively.” 24 over this. In many groups that I visited, this ratio was
However, the system is complex in other ways, such reversed: 15% roleplaying, 85% combat.
as all the calculations that are necessary just to To me, that’s a pretty clear sign one isn’t
determine a spell failure percentage. One thing I found roleplaying, but these groups, I am sure, would have
that helps a lot is to do some of the calculations ahead balked at any suggestion that they might be
of time. I would have the player of each spellcaster rollplaying. For whatever reason, most gamers seem
create a number of tables on their character sheet (one to prefer rollplaying even through they also seem
for each college of magic in which their character ashamed to admit it. Maybe it’s because I’m at one
practices magic). Here’s an example (this one is for a extreme on the spectrum, but that’s the way I tend to
priest of 15 intelligence and 17 wisdom who is 3 rd see things.
level in divine magic and 2nd level in common magic):
Download the Campaign Archive at
Divine Magic http://mypbem.com/Vassilakos/index.html
Spell Lvl Ice Hail Tempest Maelstrom Unzip it, run camp.exe and select magic → arcanum
minoris → spell failure calculator.
1 8% 5% 10% 15% 26
https://www.sendspace.com/file/01q0u5 (This version is
simpler in certain respects than the version I presented in
2 15% 10% 20% 30%
A&E #508. It yields lower spell failure percentages, allows
3 23% 15% 30% 45% multi-classing, and doesn’t penalize studying in multiple
colleges, which consequentially makes the spell failure
Common Magic calculations less onerous. Also, this one has rules for
Spell Lvl Ice Hail Tempest Maelstrom overcasting/mana-pumping, which increase spell versatility.
In short, most players would probably prefer this version,
1 12% 8% 15% 23% but note that it makes spellcasters even more powerful than
2 23% 15% 30% 45% the later version of the rules that I presented in A&E #508.)
“Commercial breaks have become longer. In the 1960s a
typical hour-long American show would run for 51 minutes
excluding advertisements. Today, a similar program would
Or, to put it another way, you’ll have to pull some shit out only be 42 minutes long.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
of your ass. Television_advertisement#United_States_of_America
The Shadowlands: Game Tables:
Patrick Riley (A&E 512/p1): “As far as I can tell, if Patrick Zoch (A&E 512/p1): “I began researching
you enter the Shadowlands, walk a mile, and go game tables and found many of them.”
back to Earth, you’ll find yourself a mile away
from where you started and in roughly the same Nice list, but also see these videos on the Playsurface
direction. But there are no geographic similarities as applied to RPGs:
or analogues between Earth and the Shadowlands.
Where on Earth, there might be a park or a • https://youtu.be/cSfxZTMwTJA
skyscraper but in the Shadowlands, there could be • https://youtu.be/VSNy1_KF-cI
a cave or a dismal swamp. Fortunately, the Bleed
never leads you into solid rock or in the middle of And then imagine the Playsurface enlarged to about
the ocean, as far as I know.” this size: https://youtu.be/sGTsnooyhZM

I liked this, and I really liked your writing style, but I There was a time when I was coveting something like
can’t help but think that if there were some similarities this, but now I’m worried that this move toward
between the gross morphology of Earth and the interactive media may reduce the engagement of one’s
Shadowlands (mountains, hills, canyons, oceans, imagination, hence making the experience of
lakes, major rivers, and islands), then you’d have an immersion that much more elusive. Also, it sort of
explanation for why people wouldn’t end up in solid necessitates that all the maps be prepared ahead of
rock or in the middle of the ocean, and so it wouldn’t time, reducing the GM’s ability to deviate from the
have to be explained as merely the universe being script.
kind, which undermines to the setting’s mood. Also, it
would explain the use of the word “shadow” in Published vs. Homemade Adventures:
Shadowlands, since there would be, for example, a Patrick Zoch (A&E 512/p2): “I custom my entire
shadow version of the San Francisco Bay, but it might campaign to suit the characters of my playing
be filled with blood or bile or dead babies put though group and I custom design all the adventures to tie
a blender. I mean, you’d still have a lot of freedom in the characters and the campaign together.”
terms of designing the specifics of each area, but by
positing a similar gross morphology, you’d be giving Yeah, I’ve come to the same conclusion. Published
yourself a jumping-off point for your creativity, and I adventures may contain usable nuggets, and as a way
also think it could make the setting more engaging. to start a campaign, a short published adventure may
But that’s just my opinion, and you can take it or occasionally prove useful, particularly for a first
leave it. Overall, I enjoyed it, and I’d like to see more. session where you as GM don’t know what the party’s
make-up is going to be, but for the most part, they
Multiple Parties in the Same Dungeon: suck, and it’s not just due to TPKs.
Gabriel Roark (A&E 512/p2): “Keeping east & I think a big part of the problem is that it’s hard for a
south, the explorers encountered Snorri GM to fully absorb some off-the-shelf adventure
Broadshoulders’ expedition. The dwarves were all compared to one that’s homemade. For example, with
too happy to point the dubious duo in the direction most published adventures, you have to sit there and
of the larger adventuring group.” read through room descriptions, and so there are all
these breaks in the flow of the game. I think this is
I like the idea of two adventuring parties meeting deep really detrimental, because every time the GM has to
in a dungeon. It makes one wonder if they might break eye-contact to read some text, it interrupts the
attack each other for the XP & loot. Or is there a code conversation between the GM and the players.
of ethics among the “good races” that prohibits such Furthermore, the textual description in modules often
flagrant opportunism? And if so, why not minimize feels overly-polished and unnatural. It’s just a
the risk by working together? reminder that this is all make-believe.
Supposing a departing party to be loaded with By contrast, if you’re running an adventure you
treasure but dangerously low on HP, one can’t help created yourself, not only do you know it like the back
but think dungeon exits would make inviting spots for of your hand but you feel a greater liberty to embellish
an ambush. This reminds me of René Belloq in or change things on the fly depending on what you
Raiders of the Lost Ark. think best serves the story. And all your descriptions
are probably going to be extemporaneous, based on
some brief notes, so your eyes are focused on the
players rather than being buried in some book.

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