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Guayaquil: destiny for foreign students

The aim of this report is to comment the current situation of the language school “Welcome”
and to recommend some measures that could improve the situation of the school.
Landscapes and classes
Up to the present, the school has been offering students trips to the landscapes in the city as
well as tours to markets, shopping centers and galleries. Nevertheless, there has not been any
connection between this component and the rest of the school teaching program. This has
provoked in some extent students’ disorientation and lack of interest in the classes. Students
might be likely to learn without paying any fee for activities they can do by their own.
Integrating activities
To face this issue, I suggest to develop teaching methods that allow teachers to integrate their
classes with experience students gain during the tours. It has been proved, that the more you
practice any topic, the more you get good at it. In this way students could express their trip
memories in newspapers, video reports, an app or pieces of theater.
Language and gastronomy meetings
Additionally, it is distinct possible that foreigners like Ecuadorian food. It would be motivating
for students and at the same time would help them improve their language, to be part of
meetings whose main goal would be practice the language with native speakers while trying
local food and getting to know each dish.
I strongly recommend that the committee organize training for teachers. New teaching
methods would allow the integration of outdoors activities with classwork done indoor, so
that considerable numbers of students would sign up for classes in the school.

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