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Effects of Castration on BPH

FOR the current generation of urologists, the use of observations have suggested the existence of pros-
surgical castration for the treatment of benign tatic epithelial stem cells, which may be the cell of
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as described in this origin of some prostate cancers.4
article by Huggins and Stevens in 19401 must seem The recognition of androgen control of prostate
strange, given the well established role of alpha epithelial growth and to avoid undesirable side
blockers, 5a-reductase inhibitors, transurethral effects of castration (chiefly loss of libido, the main
resection of the prostate or laser ablation, as well as reason early attempts at medical castration using
a spate of new outpatient procedures such as luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogues
RezumÒ and UroLiftÒ, which have the potential to was abandoned) in otherwise healthy men led
eliminate the need to ever take a patient with lower naturally to the search for alternative drugs.
urinary tract symptoms to the operating room. Seminal to this quest was the discovery of a group
However, the oldest among us will recall that of pseudohermaphrodites in the Dominican Re-
modern resectoscopes were not developed until the public reported in 1974 known as “guevedoces”
1950s and that prior to the development of open and (meaning “penis at 12”) or “machihembras”
endoscopic prostatectomy, BPH was not only morbid (meaning “first a woman, then a man”). These
but occasionally lethal, owing to renal failure, males are born with female external genitalia that
infection, strangulated hernias from straining to become masculinized at puberty owing to congen-
void or intraperitoneal bladder rupture. ital deficiency of 5a-reductase (5AR) leading to
Prior to this report, there had been several inability to synthesize dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
studies totaling more than 100 patients whose uri- the latter now proven beyond doubt to be the hor-
nary retention and other symptoms were cured by monal agent suspected by Huggins and Stevens to
castration, and the study seems motivated more to control prostatic epithelium.5
understand the effect of castration on prostate Soon after the guevedoces became known to the
biology than on promulgating castration as therapy. world, big pharma began an intense quest to syn-
At the time there was no direct evidence that an- thesize a drug that mimicked the effects of 5AR and
drogens affected benign or malignant prostatic DHT deficiency to be used in postpubertal men with
growth, although it would only be a year later when symptomatic BPH to shrink the prostate. Ulti-
Huggins and Hodges published their Nobel prize mately, Merck developed a 4-aza steroid molecule
winning work on the palliative effect of castration that would inhibit 5AR called MK-906 (subse-
on men with metastatic disease.2 The main finding quently known as finasteride), and after successful
of this study was that castration induced atrophy of experiments in animals began human safety and
the glandular epithelium over time without any ef- efficacy trials in 1986, ultimately leading to
fect on the stroma, clearly supporting the authors’ approval by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Admin-
conclusion that the prostatic epithelium “was under istration) in 1992.6 In order to prove that use of fi-
control of the testes.”1 nasteride objectively reduced bother and was better
Observations that men made hypogonadal before than placebo, Merck also developed and validated a
puberty (by dint of testicular trauma, genetics, pi- self-reported symptom checklist,7 serving as a pre-
tuitary abnormalities or emperors intent on keeping cursor to the widely used AUA Symptom Score and
their harems safe) had rudimentary prostates in the basis for all subsequent BPH related drug and
adulthood added to this theory, with ultimate device trials. Also incidental to the development of
confirmation of this hypothesis in the 1980s and finasteride was a standardized way to measure
1990s through the work of Coffey, Isaacs and others, prostate volume using transrectal ultrasound,
demonstrating the ability of prostate epithelium to leading in part to the concept of prostate specific
regress and regenerate with repeated cycles of antigen density (PSAD)8 and the definition of
castration and androgen replacement.3 The latter patients with NCCNÒ (National Comprehensive

THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY® Vol. 197, S76-S77, February 2017

S76 j

Cancer NetworkÒ) very low risk prostate cancer dutasteride have also been tried as agents for
who are candidates for active surveillance. treating and preventing cancer, although neither
GlaxoSmithKlein subsequently developed dutas- has gained widespread use for either of these
teride, a similar compound that inhibits both iso- indications.
forms (types I and II) of 5AR and which was It is remarkable that histological observations on
approved by the FDA for treating symptomatic 3 patients had such a far reaching effect on men’s
lower urinary tract symptoms in 2001 based on 3 lives.
large phase III trials.9 Although dutasteride results
in greater reduction of serum DHT than finasteride,
Eric A. Klein
the drugs have similar efficacy and toxicity. Given Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute
the observations of Huggins and Stevens on the ef- Cleveland Clinic
fect of castration on prostate cancer, finasteride and Cleveland, Ohio

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the sensitivity of the canine prostate to effect of finasteride in men with benign prostatic and safety of dual inhibitor of 5-alphareductase
develop benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urol hyperplasia. The Finasteride Study Group. N Engl types 1 and 2 (dutasteride) in men with benign
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