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A Project of BeaconHouse system
Max Marks: Total: 70 Date:

Obtained Marks: Roll No:

Student Name: Section:

Campus: Rafah-e-Aam Advance (Primary) Campus Signature

Q.No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
 Attempt all questions.
 Overwritten/ rewritten answers will be considered incorrect.
 Use of extra sheets is not allowed.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct options. ( /15)

1. Objects that do not give light are called _____________ objects. (Luminous/Non - Luminous)

2. _____________ are fast to and fro movement. (Vibration / Force)

3. _____________ is the main source of light. (Sun / Light)

4. Water animals get killed because of _____________ spills. (Oil / Gas)

5. Whenever we burn something, ______________ is given out. (Smoke / oil)

6. Very loud sound causes _______________ (Deafness / Illness)

7. Waste materials released from factories contain ___________chemicals. (Harmless / Poisonous)

8. ______________ pollution is caused by smoke. (Water / Air)

9. Time taken by the Earth for one rotation is _______________. (12hours / 24hours)

10.Time taken by the Earth for one revolution is ________________ (One year / 12 years)

11. The moon is a natural _______________ of the Earth. (Sun / Satellite)

12. Stars and planets can be seen through an instrument called _______________.
(Thermometer / Telescope)

13. Planet is nearest to the Sun is _________________ (Mercury / Neptune)

14. There are _______________ people staying in villages than in cities. (Fewer / More)

15.Light travels in a ______________ line. (Curved / Straight)

Q.2 True and False: ( /05)

1.Water animals get killed due to soil spills from oil tanker. ______

2. Farmers spray perfumes on the crop. ______

3. There is more pollution in villages than in cities. ______

4. A book is a luminous object. _______

5. Loud sound is called noise._______

Q.3 Arrange the planets according to their distances to the sun. ( /07)

(Saturn , Jupiter , Venus , Neptune , Mercury , Earth , Mars , Uranus)

1. _____________

2. _____________

3. _____________

4. _____________

5. _____________

6. _____________

7. _____________

Q.4 Tick the luminous objects. ( /03)








Q.5 Write whether the forces shown in the pictures below are ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’. ( /05)

________________ ________________

_________________ ________________


Q.6 Tick the things you would like to have in your surroundings and cross the ones you would
not like to have. ( /05)
Q.7 Name them. ( /06)

1. Type of pollution caused by garbage and harmful chemicals in the soil


2. A dark area formed when an object blocks the path of light.


3. What is produced by sound?


4. Waste material that we throw away.


5. The path the planets take around the sun.


6. Pattern formed by a group of stars.


Q.8 Match the following: ( /04)

Column A Column B
1. Moon not visible a. Full moon

2. Quarter moon visible b. Gibbous moon

3. Half moon visible c. Crescent moon

4. Whole moon visible d. New moon

Q.1 Answer the following questions. (Any 5) ( /10)

Q.1 Who became the first man on the moon?

Q.2 What is the shape of the Earth?

Q.3 Who was Pythagoras?

Q.4 Name any three types of pollution?

Q.5 What causes noise pollution?

Q.6 Who made the first telescope?

Q.7 What causes day and night?

Q.8 Which planet is farthest from the sun?

Q.9 What is released when we burn something?

Q.10 Name any two types of sound?

Q.2 Define the following terms: (Any two) ( /05)

1. Force:

2. Constellation:

3: Space:

4: Noise:

5. Luminous objects:

Q.3 Answer any two of the following questions: ( /05)

Q.1 Name sources of smoke.

Q.2 What is force of gravity?

Q.3 What are the effects of harmful chemicals in water?

Q.4 How do we hear sound?

Q.5 How can we see things?

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