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ELA Reading/Language/Spelling
Date: ____________________________
Title: The Outsiders Research and Essay Project/SLE 6

☐ Your group will be assigned chapters from The Outsiders. Before you begin, you will
need to choose people to fulfill specific jobs:

Leader: The leader’s job is to make sure that everyone is on task and helping
out. He or she is also in charge of making sure everyone treats each
other respectfully. I will be asking for periodic updates from the leader as
to the group’s progress.

Scribe #s 1 and 2: Two students will serve as scribes. You will be typing
your group’s research onto two separate GoogleDocs.

Fact Checker: Your job is to make sure that the information the scribes have on
their documents is correct. This might include page numbers,
story events, etc. If your group only has three, one of your scribes
will double as the fact checker.

☐ Fill out the information sheet for your assigned chapters.

☐ Scribes will open two Google Docs. For each of the Docs you will be creating a
DDAT chart based on the model I show you in class.

☐ The Leader will assign each of the scribes the important characters in the chapter.
The leader will assign half of the characters to one scribe and half to the other. Each
scribe will work with one other person in the group to gather information about their
assigned characters. If your group has only three people, one of the scribes will
work alone.



☐ For each character, I will need the following:

D = Description - Any details that tell me about their physical appearance and
D = Dialogue - Statements the characters make that are IMPORTANT to the plot of
the novel.
A = Actions - Anything they do that is IMPORTANT to the plot of the novel
T = Thoughts - Anything the character thinks or feels. (This will only apply to JIM
since he is narrating the story.)

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☐ After gathering your DDAT, you will need to give me Inferences (things you can figure
out) based on your information. Do not just repeat information. Tell me something you
can figure out. You will record these on the chart.

Example: Ponyboy says “Like he's never hollering at me all the time the way Darry is, or
treating me as if I was six instead of fourteen.

Possible inferences:

1. Darry has a bad temper.

2. Ponyboy feels angry at Darry.
3. Ponyboy feels disrespected by Darry.

☐ When the DDAT charts are finished, the fact checker will review both charts to
make sure everything is correct. Points will be deducted for incorrect or inaccurate
information. DDATs will be shared over email by 3/13/19 at 5:00pm. If the DDATS
are late, points will be deducted.

☐ The scribes will create a second graphic organizer. On this organizer, you will need
to give me information related to the plot of the story. The information you give me will
depend on the chapters you have been assigned. Questions you will have to answer
are the following:

1. DECISIONS WITH PURPOSE: What major decisions do the characters make,

and why? Would you consider their choices responsible? Why or why not?

2. CONFLICTS/OBSTACLES/CHALLENGES: What conflicts, obstacles, or

challenges do the characters face, and how do they deal with them?

3. LESSONS/INSIGHTS/MESSAGES: What lessons do any of the characters

learn? What do WE learn?

4. CAUSES AND EFFECTS: What events/actions have major effects on

characters? How do the characters react?

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☐ When the graphic organizers for the plot are finished, the fact checker will review the
organizer to make sure the information is accurate. Points will be deducted for
incorrect or inaccurate information. The graphic organizers for the plot will be due by
3/20/19 at 5:00pm over the GoogleDocs. If the graphic organizers are late, points will
be deducted.

☐ When all organizers are complete, I will be reorganizing the groups. Each person in
the group will have worked on a different set of chapters. You will share your
information. For example, one person might have information for Chapters 1-3,
another person might have 4-6, etc. You will have to record the information your group
mates provide to you on an evidence gathering sheet.

☐I will reorganize the groups a second time. You will again share your information, only
this time you will get information for different chapters. You will have to record the
information your group mates provide to you on another evidence gathering sheet.

☐At this point you will be given the five paragraph essay questions. I will give you a few
to choose from. You will select one to work on.

☐ You will examine your evidence to create a thesis statement for your essay. I will give
you a handout to record your thesis statement.

☐You will then organize your evidence from your group work, selecting the evidence
you will need to write your body paragraphs. You will need to complete three
paragraphs with evidence using the MEAL paragraph format. (More about this in a
future class.)

☐You will then prepare an introduction for your essay based on guidelines I give in
class. Your introduction must give the reader an idea of what your essay will be about,

☐ Finally, you will prepare a conclusion for your essay based on guidelines I give in

☐ You will share your essay with two of your classmates, who will give you positive
feedback as well as ways you can improve your draft. They will do this on a sheet
provided by me.

☐ You will proofread your essay for the following:

1. Correct spelling.
2. Proper capitalization.
3. Proper punctuation.

If I determine that you have not proofread your essay, your file will be sent back to
you to proofread and points will be deducted from the rough draft grade.

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☐I will give you my feedback and you will revise and edit your essay. Failure to follow
my suggestions will lead to a loss of points. Do NOT resolve the comments when you
prepare your final draft. Due Date for final essay will be on 4/15/19 by 5:00pm.

☐ Using your Venn Diagram, the sample essays, and your keywords as a guide, type
a first draft.

1. Type your draft under draft #1.

2. Proofread. Look for the following:

• You have three similarities and three differences.

• You have used at least four keywords for similarities and differences.
• You have used complete sentences that are properly capitalized and
• Check spelling. (
• Make sure you have at least three closer sentences to add details(all
grades), or FANBOYS sentences to connect two sentences (7th and 8th
only), or a combination of the two. Examples of closer and FANBOYS
sentences are on my website under the sentence types tab.

3. When you have finished, type and answer this question in a complete sentence
or two:

How is this assignment related to SLE #4?

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☐ You will let two classmates in your group read your essay. They will be required to
tell you two good things they noticed and two things that could be improved. You will
do the same for them. When you are commenting on what could be improved, give
them ideas to help them, do NOT be negative or overly critical.

☐Revise the draft.

☐ Complete the Editing/Revising Checklist and turn in so that I know you have finished

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