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Consumer Behavior Project:

Consumer Behavior While

Purchasing a black refrigerator
from .

Group: IM20
December 2018
Consumer Behavior
Dr Reham Farouk
Prepared and submitted by:

1. Amin Elkadim
2. Alaa Elbaz
3. Tabarak Abd Elkareem
4. Ahmed Mady
5. Esraa Mohamed

1 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing


We would like to thank Dr Reham Farouk for her effort during our class and her effort to
help us with knowledge and directions through the semester and helping us in choosing
our individual presentation and also in this project.

Alaa, Tabarak, Amin, Ahmed, Esraa

2 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 4
Sharp in Egypt .................................................................................................................. 6
Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 7
Product.............................................................................................................................. 8
Costumer .......................................................................................................................... 9
Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior ..................................................................... 13
Personal Factors ................................................................................................................................... 13
Occupation........................................................................................................................... 13
Self-concept ......................................................................................................................... 13
Cultural Factors ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Culture ................................................................................................................................. 14
Social Class ......................................................................................................................... 14
Social Factors ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Social group: ........................................................................................................................ 15
Opinion leaders: ................................................................................................................... 15
Role and status: ................................................................................................................... 15
Psychological Factors ......................................................................................................................... 15
Motivation: ........................................................................................................................... 15
Involvement: ........................................................................................................................ 16
Motivational Conflicts ........................................................................................................... 16
Perception Product .............................................................................................................. 17
Learning Theory ................................................................................................................... 17
Personality ........................................................................................................................... 18
Brand Archetype .................................................................................................................. 18
Competition .................................................................................................................... 19
References ...................................................................................................................... 21

3 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Sharp was founded in September 1912 in Tokyo and takes its name from one of its
founder’s first inventions, the Ever-Sharp mechanical pencil.

Sharp is dedicated to improving people's lives through the use of advanced technology
and a commitment to innovation, quality, value, design, and the value we place upon
Corporate Social Responsibility, our on-going commitment to strong business ethics, and
the numerous awards won by our innovative products.

In 1998 Sharp established "The Sharp Business Standards and Action Guidelines" as the
standard of conduct to realize our Business Philosophy and Business Creed of "Sincerity
and Creativity". Since then, Sharp has made revisions several times, taking into
consideration changes in the business environment, such as the viewpoint of CSR.
Sharp has instituted "the Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behavior" as principles of
corporate action applied uniformly across the entire Group

Sharp does not seek merely to expand our business volume. Rather, they are dedicated
to the use of our unique, innovative technology to contribute to the culture, benefits, and
welfare of people throughout the world.

4 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Sharp future prosperity is directly linked to the prosperity of our customers, dealers and
share-holders&&indeed, the entire Sharp Family.
These factors can be grouped as:
 Social
 Cultural
 Psychological
 Personal factors etc.
Collectively, brands have realized that innovation alone is not enough.

Innovation with style:

Its strategy may be brave, but the question remains as to whether technology brands that
have fallen out of fashion like this can ever really regain lost ground, particularly in a
category that is all about 'the next big thing'.

'For companies that have fallen out of favor, it is important to build a distinct image,
because consumer technology markets are now, more than ever, linked to the fashion
and stylistic preferences of individuals,' he adds.

According to Euromonitor, TVs still offer brands a gateway into the home. With this comes
the coveted opportunity to forge an emotional connection. From there, brands hope to
lure consumers to their broader ranges - which, for Sharp, includes fridges, microwaves
and solar panels

5 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Sharp in Egypt

Demographic Factors Grow Refrigeration Appliances In Egypt:
The vast increase in the population and large, new families in Egypt support the growth in
demand for refrigeration appliances. Family and friends gather at least once a week all-
year-round as well as on special occasions like Ramadan and feasts, where food plays
an important role.

 Decline In Built-in Volumes Sales Limits Overall Growth

Currency devaluation in November 2016 led to high inflation and price hikes, especially
for built-in appliances. Built-in refrigeration appliances are mainly purchased by high-
income consumers.

 Competitive Landscape
El Araby Group is expected to remain the leading company in refrigeration appliances in
the forecast period. The player benefits by offering locally-produced products in a market
not particularly rich in international brands.

 Hypermarket_ Retail Volumes Share Continues To Grow

Although electronics and appliance specialist retailers dominated the distribution of
refrigeration appliances in 2017, large hypermarkets like Carrefour offered a large variety
of models and strong discounts during the year. In addition to a wide choice of
refrigeration appliances.

 Economic Condition Limit Company Activity

Tough economic conditions, including high inflation, hampered many firms_ attempts to
import vital products, spare parts and raw materials, while forcing others to shut down
their production units due to rising foreign currency exchange losses. Other companies
had to close some of their non-working branches and showrooms because of the limited
availability of products.

6 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

The purpose of this study is to understand key variables influencing,
the buying behavior of a particular segment of customers towards the product category of

Consumers get influenced by several major factors while they make their decisions.
These factors can be grouped as demographic, social, cultural factors etc. Consumers try
to purchase and maintain a variety of products that satisfy their current and future needs.

Today with technological advancement human race has achieved what few years back
were impossible. Refrigerator is the source of refreshment to human life.

 This papers first goal is to cover the appropriate topics in a manner relevant to the
study of consumer behavior of purchasing a refrigerator.

 Its second goal is to always do so with sufficient depth so that the introductory
person gains a solid foundation about the perception of a consumer toward sharp
Refrigerator in view of Egyptian market.

 The third goal is to do all of this in an interesting, engaging, and applied way one
that holds persons attention and stimulates them to relate actively to the material at
hand that abound in their experiences. In this report we have tried to find out and
analysis the factors that customers considers in purchasing refrigerator.

For this purpose, we have done a survey based on some questionnaire, and also did the
frequency analysis. From the analysis I found that most of the respondents prefer
Refrigerator Colors. Express your design personality

Our refrigerators are specifically designed with an understanding that with open plan
living, the kitchen has truly become the heart of the home. It is no longer a purely
functional space, but an expression of design and personality. This is why we are proud
to introduce a range with unique colors, finishes, and designs to match any kitchen.

7 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing


No frost refrigerator with Capacity of 600 Liters and has 5 Glass doors
with the glorious black color with digital touch control panel.

This product is a high technology product with J-Tech Inverter

Technology and Plasma cluster Ion Technology

HYGIENIC COOLING: Plasma cluster Ions produce an optimal

storage environment by releasing positive and negative ions to quickly
surround and deactivate impurities and eliminate odors.

Hybrid Cooling System controls and radiates cool humid air

throughout the compartment to optimize moisture and reduce
temperature fluctuations, keeping food crisp and fresh.

ENERGY SAVING: Temperature control with J-Tech Inverter using

36 gradual cooling steps. It cools faster, minimize noise and reduce
energy consumption.

Water dispenser: is fitted with an intelligent swirling mechanism

which remains concealed when not in use, keeping it free from dusts and insects. Touch
the sensor lightly and the dispenser door will swirl open.

MULTI-TEMPERATURE: Switch between refrigerator and freezer with Multi Temperature

Settings or select between four Pre-set Assisting Modes for greater flexibility in food
storage. Multi-Temperature setting allows the compartment to become a fridge or freezer
with the touch of a button.


 Cools down mode: warm items without affecting overall fridge temperature.
 Defrost Mode: Safely defrosts meat without losing its flavor and moisture.
 Extra Cool Mode: Enjoy cold beverages in an instant.
 Express Cool Mode: Rapidly lowers down the temperature to ensure food is
stored safely for a longer period of time.

Refrigerator Dimensions (mm):

Width x Depth x Height: 892 x 766 x 1830

Refrigerator price: 49.999 EGP

8 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing


The consumer segment chosen for this study is Females in the age group of 35 to 45
years, working professional and married or newly married, and the social class is
value for money & many even consider it as style as it fit to home décor, they live in
Cairo (Fifth Statement, Rehab, Maadi), Alex, Giza (October).

So, the Primary target group is a family with 4 to 7 members, and the secondary
target group is a newly married.

According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS)
The rich class, which starts its income from 300k pounds a year at an average of 25000
pounds per month and ends at 500K pounds a year at an average of 41666 pounds per
month, and these are in the community by 35%, 8.5% in cities and 1.5% in the

The family life cycle stages :

 The newly married couples, young, no children.
 Full nest 1, young, married, with child.
 Full nest 2, older, married, with children.
 Full nest 3, older, married, with dependent children.
 Empty nest, older, married, with no children living with them.
 Solitary survivor,older, single, retired people

Number of Family Members

 50.7% of the Egyptian families escalated from
 3 to 4 individuals.
 19% of the households
 (5 persons).
 17.1% of the households (6-8 persons)

The primary influencers in the decision making are housewife, neighbor, Friends,
husband, and in the purchase decision will be involved by husband and salesman.
Otherwise, we have other factors that influence the decision to buy the product, so is what
the product features, where the customer can to buy it, how much the price, and finally
how to communicate with the customer before purchase, during and after purchased the

The External factors that influence the purchase decision of consumer in the age group
of 30 to40 for a Refrigerator.

 Demographic Details
 Prefer Style as it fit to home décor.
 Maximum budget allocated for a refrigerator purchase is 50k.
 Media Habits
 Use media to gather information (i.e. thru advertisements)
 Prefer internet to compare features so more & more information should be
available on internet.

9 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

 Egypt culture
 Black Color has positive and negative impact such as:
 Positive impact: Power, Strength, Elegance, Mystery.
 Negative impact: Sadness.
 Occupational Subculture
 Working Professional: Needs big capacity range refrigerator.
 Yearly income minimum 500K.
 Family
 House wife is the major influencer (Advice of other family members like mother,
family friends also plays an important role, and Neighbors can be one of the
important influencers especially if they’re in the same social class).
 Social Class
 value for money & many even consider it as style as it fit to home décor.
 Celebrity and Opinion leader
 Purchase is influenced by Salesmen in showrooms.
 Celebrities was an important opinion leader and play role as influencers.

Aesthetics (looks, color) are major considerations while purchasing Refrigerators so wide
range of color should be available to fulfill the demand of maximum customers.
After Sales Service is the main attributes being looked while purchasing the product.
More feature and maximum shelf space inside also looked while purchasing the products
more shelves to be provided in door side of the refrigerator so that more bottles can be
kept inside it.

Low price also acts as a social barrier as people consider low price refrigerator as a low-
quality product, so we have to set the price by value based price method.
Price is not the major constraint because we are providing additional feature needed by
the customer.

House of brand is not the most sought-after criteria in the purchase decision because
refrigerator is a high-involvement product and customers are ready to travel for
purchasing refrigerators.
Brand house is a place where other competitors are also available because people
always want to make comparison.

Focusing on the promotion element of the four Ps, good communication is the key to
effective marketing. Potential customers go through a purchase cycle:
 pre-transactional (before a purchase),
 transactional (at the time of purchase)
 post-transactional (after the purchase has been made)

10 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

The AIDA model encapsulates this sequence and can assist in the planning of any
communications campaign:
 awareness/attention: making the consumer aware of the product and getting their
 interest: generating interest in the product/service on offer
 (D) desire: creating a desire for your product /service _ on two levels: first, related
to the target’s needs/wants; and, second, relative to your competitors
 action: stimulating the target to purchase the product/service

After we describe the factor that influences on the purchase decision, now we are ready
for explain how the decision making and what is the process

Potential customers go through a purchase cycle:

 Pre-Purchase
Need Recognition:
 Respondent found that she is going to face problems after marriage with her
refrigerator, and she desired for a refrigerator which could do away this problem
and also provide here with a sense of owning a high quality product.
 Respondent desired for a new refrigerator for a new second home.
 She wanted a refrigerator which have enough storing capacity so that she can
use it for storing of home use consumables.
Information search:
The consumer may make use of information stored in his memory or of his experiences
which take the form of ideas and attitudes which influence his preferences. The consumer
may also make use of stimuli, that is, market dominated sources of information. The
external information search can be done in the following ways.
 Internal such as aware of major brand.
 External such as Personal Sources and Market sources
 Personal Source such as friends and family when One of his friends owned
a Sharp refrigerator. He had a talk with him regarding his experience with
the brand.
 Market Source such as Respondent took a tour of the market and
evaluated all the options in his evoked and inert set such as Sharp, LG
and Samsung brand.
 Media Source: Went through the advertisement in both print and electronic
media to be aware of the deals being offered by the two brands.

Alternative evaluation:
 Respondent considered the following attributes before finalizing his choice
for SHARP Refrigerator, Compare based on:
 Brand name
 Price of the product
 Size of the refrigerator
 Color of the refrigerator
 Power saving
 After sale service
 Quality of the product

11 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

 Purchase
 Respondent preferred a particular shop because has wide range
 Purchase in cash, installment system, redeem Points
 Free delivery

 Post-Purchase
 The respondent is a fully satisfied customer of SHARP Due to his good
experience with the products of SHARP she is brand-loyal to the company and is
emotionally attached to the firm.
 She is satisfied with the after sales service of SHARP and she can to give advice
to any person for buying the refrigerator.


We can communicate with by:

 Advertisements should be focused on homemakers because they are the primary

influencers, mostly joint decision is taken whereas the financers husbands, and
should also highlight the style and aesthetic appearance of the product to position it
as home décor, and the kind of reinforcement is Positive.

 Extended after Sales Service can be used as pull strategy of promotion to attract the
customers as all customers consider it as main attribute while purchasing the

 Should keep an eye on the feedback been provided by masses in E-commerce sites
and Social media platform.

 Internet is other sources of gathering information about refrigerators and hence the
product should be heavily promoted there

 Salesmen should be properly trained to educate the customers as they are the major
opinion leaders in this segment of the market, also care with appearance and sales

12 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior


Segmentation Variables
Geographic Cairo, Alex
Age: 35 - 45
Demographic Gender: both
Income: high
Psychographic Social class: Middle to Upper-class
People who are willing to pay more to gain more quality
Fashionable and professional people

 Active life style oriented that is the people who want to do or want a high end life style
in their life and want relax and high quality and premium quality products in their
homes and kitchens

 The personality of the company product is premium and high class also so it targets
people ranging so as to look into the all kind of markets and cover the overall market
of the country or the refrigerator market.
 Self-image:
People might have an inflated self-image and believe that they are better at
things than they really are. Conversely, people are also prone to having
negative self-images and perceive or exaggerate flaws or weaknesses.
Our customer “Primary user” she sees herself as an excellent spouse and
 Self-esteem
When she compare herself to her friends or one of them and find herself
lacking, it can have a negative impact on her self-esteem, also if they
response negatively to her, by default that will be as a trigger for buying a
luxury refrigerator because she value herself as the best and she wants to feel

13 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing


This product is targeted to those consumers who can use this refrigerator to express their
identity to others i.e. they want others to notice of their self-esteem through this

Attributes of the Culture: Cairo & Alex:

 High priced goods have better quality
 A buyer with lavish lifestyle will prefer expensive refrigerators with new feature
sand will be ready as an innovator to try new models with latest trends and
 Committed to friendship and relations
 High involvement with family
 Preference to purchase on Sharp

Attributes of the Sub-Culture:

 A large number of working professional and up to middle class businessman will
be attracted towards this model due to the as it is fulfilling all utilitarian need and
external look, having glossy finish and wide range of colors, handles etc. It will also
attract individuals through word of mouth publicity & peer pressure to own
something special
 Looks for Quality &Value for money
 Style plays an important role as it fits in décor of the house
 User of fresh food with lots of green vegetables
 Food-lover
 The purchase of the Refrigerator must depict the social status of the family
 Wants the best product available in the market
 Interestingly, in upper and middle-class respondents major Influencers to purchase
refrigerators, both in Cairo & Alex _wife_
 The similarity in upper class and middle class of both the city could be due to the
fact that ladies in the home are users of the refrigerators and exposed to
advertisements, TV, newspapers, and magazines. So, they play an dominant role
in purchase of refrigerators.
Social Class
The need for refrigerator is mostly just a physiological need and a refrigerator is a
utilitarian product for all the consumers

In cases where a high end refrigerator is bought it is also to satisfy the esteem need of
the consumer. By buying a high end product at a premium price the consumer would like
to impress his friends or relatives after being seen using a stylish and high technology

This refrigerator will satisfy the aspirational need of the middle class people along with
their core need i.e. for his daily household purpose

Upper middle class will purchase this refrigerator as the refrigerator will depict their social

14 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

All social class value for money & many even consider it as style as it fit to home décor
He /she would like to be seen in the society as a successful who has achieved his
success due to his own hard work. Wants to go for stylish products. Respondent would
like to be seen as someone who is aware of latest high technology available product

Social group:
 Reference group
Reference groups are groups that consumers will look to for help in making
purchasing decisions
Friends are one of the most powerful reference group, Also family, Neighbors.
 Aspiration reference groups: Such as celebrities
Opinion leaders:
Opinion leaders are usually people who are more knowledgeable about a certain product
or service than the average consumer. As such, opinion leaders can shape how a product
is viewed. Purchase is influenced by Salesmen in showrooms and ccelebrities were an
important opinion leader
Role and status:
There are different roles according to the product, in the refrigerator purchase decision
the husband will be the payer, and the wife is the primary user while the child may exert
strong influence on the color decision.
The wife is the primary user but a daughter will defiantly has a huge influence on the
decision of the black refrigerator

At this level of products that are high end product and cost a lot, the consumer’s need is a
utilitarian need as the costumer seeks a device to control temperature to preserve food
and other dietary products for long time and this requires a large storage capacity
specially with larger family and for a more temperature control features that make the
usage of the device more useful to the consumer.

At this level also the purchasing of such refrigerator is considered as self Esteem needs
or Ego needs that motivated by prestige or appearance in elegant life style even in home

Another motivation force for the consumer is the need of uniqueness as this refrigerator is
not like the classic usual shape or function so to satisfy such a need is a great motivation
for the consumer.

Purchasing stylish and elegant color for a big refrigerator is to satisfy the need of being
impressive in front of family and friends especially with high price.

15 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

As there are high perceived risk from buying such device with high price, technology and
capacity this make the product is a high involvement product as the perceived risks may
 Monetary: as the price is too high and need planning for saving such amount of
money for one device.
 Functional: the fear that the device fail to accomplish the mission required or being
hard to use or hard to maintain.
 Psychological: the high price of the product may make the costumer feel guilty that
he put such amount of money in a refrigerator.

So to choose and purchase the refrigerator consumer tries to search and ask about the
differences of the various products and make visits to retailers and stores for counseling.

This search and high involvement has many factors:

 Person Factors such as needs of customer and importance of this need in this
period of time, this factors make costumer involve with the the product and
advertisement to evaluate if this product suitable for him or not and the
communication message induce purchasing or not.
 Stimulus Factors such as the differentiation of alternatives and communication
content that make the costumer involve in searching for preferences for particular
 Situational Factors such as the purchasing process that involve with purchasing

The High involvement of purchasing such a refrigerator may be for the product it self
and comparing the value for the features and may be for variety seeking for new
design and technology and may be involvement for the communication message as
the communication through different types of media make different types of
involvement or may be engagement with the store or company website for purchasing.

Motivational Conflicts that might face consumer:

Purchasing high price, new technology, unusual design of refrigerator may produce many
 This brand is expensive but has great after sale service and may be other brands
are cheaper but after sale service not meet the expectations ( Approach –
Approach )
 Purchasing this new style of refrigerators of buying another home appliances with
the same amount of money ( approach – approach)
 Purchasing sharp big size refrigerator against no availability of a place in the
kitchen for it (Approach – Avoidance)
 Purchasing this high technology product against lack of the new feature usage (
approach – avoidance)

16 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

Perception Product
 Exposure: Exposure of the consumer towards this model can be through pamphlet
distribution through newspaper, television advertisement
 SHARP need to do more of exhibitions as trade fair etc. in order to expose the
consumers towards the new launches, further the billboards might have the most
entertaining copy ever written in highways.
 Attention: Medium to High
 Personal Selection Factors:
SHARP can use Perceptual vigilance to be aware of stimuli that relate to our
current needs such as how is it Elegant refrigerator, Power saving, large capacity.
 Stimulus Selection Factors:
SHARP can do that by Colors, sharp has a color is a distinct black color that can
will be a powerful way to draw attention to a refrigerator.

Learning Theory
SHARP select cognitive learning theory approaches to views people as Problem-solvers
who actively Use Information from the world around them to Master their environments.
that will be by:

 Message Appeal
 We will use the message appeal “enjoy the natural freshness” "Extra Saving
Power" "Elegant Refrigerator" while promoting this model and repeated the
 Respondent is a pleasure-seeking who believes that usage of high price goods is
good because she perceives high priced goods as a mark of high quality.

 Positioning of Sharp in the mind of the respondent

 Its products are reliable and require less maintenance
 SHARP has a very wide network of service center all over the country so can
provide better after sales service then others.
 High quality products being offered
 Market leader in refrigerators

 Rewarding selling product that provide superior benefits

 SHARP have provided superior benefits such as Plasma Cluster Ionizer to be
more effective than any types or filters, Hybrid Cooling System for flow the air
inside the fridge.

17 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

 Brand personality
Personality of the buyer influences his purchase behavior. An extrovert person will buy a
stylish product and a person who is not afraid of taking risks is more likely to buy an
innovative product, it will be portrayed as a stylish brand, and it will be positioned as a
brand with innovative technology.

SHARP seeking into development the product and focus on innovation with style.

So the Brand Personality is Sincerity and Creativity

 Customer personality
 Extrovert
 Friendly in nature
 Spendthrift
 Innovative and open to experiment

Brand Archetype
Innovation > the Creator
The Creator has a desire to create something new and exceptional, that wasn’t previously
there, and has enduring value.
SHARP are providing every time a new color to keep up with social changes, and to
exceed the customer expectation and always to be the market leader on refrigerator with
stylish design.

18 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

In Egypt especially in the same target market
 Who are your major competitors?
Samsung and LG
 What share of the market do they have?
 Samsung have 12%
 LG have 16%
 Sharp have 25%
 Toshiba have 35%
 What are their strengths and weaknesses?
 Samsung
 Strength
1. Have a good brand image
2. Have a good quality
3. Have a good distribution
 Weakness
1. Have a bad after sale service
2. Shortage in the stock
3. Don’t have a domestic refrigerator product
 LG
 Strength
1. Have a good brand image
2. Have a good quality
3. Have a good after sale service
4. Have a wide range in refrigerators
5. Believed to be low energy consuming refrigerators
 Weakness
1. Have a bad distribution
2. Shortage in the stock
3. Payment terms
4. Don’t have a domestic refrigerator product
 How do you compare to your competitors and how will they react to your entry into the
 SHARP has a distinctive features such as Plasma Cluster for effective filtration for
microbes and keep the food fresh, Hybrid Cooling system for maintain the cooling
system, and also have a attractive design, have a good solution for ice maker
without external source and design doors for built in.
 They will react by creating an attractive design to inter the market or maybe make a
19 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing
 What factors are there those could increase or reduce your competition?
 The factor could increase is:
 If the competitor made the refrigerator in Egypt
 If they get a new exclusive innovation.
 The factor could reduce is:
 If the competitor fail in after sale service
 If they still provide a poor design
 If they have a lack of distribute the product

20 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

1. Rosemary Sadez Friedman, an interior designer in Naples, Fla., is author of "Mystery
of Color."

21 Consumer Behavior – Sharp Black Refrigerator Purchasing

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