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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH – March 10, 2019

March 11-17
Monday, March 11 – Lenten Weekday
12:05 Sylvia Funk
6:00 Confessions

Tuesday, March 12 – Lenten Weekday

8:30 School Mass – Judy Mally
5:15 Camilla Pieffer
Wednesday, March 13 – Len
ten Weekday
12:05 Richard Somerick

Thursday, March 14 - Lenten Weekday

12:05 Carol Soberano

Friday, March 15 – Lenten Weekday

12:05 Margaret McArdle
2:00 Stations of the Cross
7:00 Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 16 – Lenten Weekday

8:30 Camilla Pieffer
3:00 Confessions
4:00 Constantine Nonno (Fr. Browne)

Sunday, March 17 – Second Sunday of Lent

8:00 Larry Smart (Fr. Majikas)
10:30 Robert J. Luxeder (Fr. Browne)
5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church (Fr. Majikas)

Readings for the Week of March 11

Monday Lv 19:1-2,11-18, Ps 19:8,9,10,15, Mt 25:31-46
Tuesday Is 55:10-11, Ps 34:4-5,6-7,16-17,18-19, Mt 6:7-15
Wednesday Jon 3:1-10, Ps 51:3-4,12-13,18-19, Lk 11:29-32
Thursday Est C:12,14-16,23-25, Ps 138:1-2,2-3,7-8, Mt 7:7-12
Friday Ez 18:21-28, Ps 130:1-2,3-4,5-7,7-8, Mt 5:20-26
Saturday Dt 26:16-19, Ps 119:1-2,4-5,7-8, Mt 5:43-48
Sunday Gn 15:5-12,17-18, Ps 27:1,7-8-8-9,13-14, Phil 3:17-4:1, Lk 9:28b-36

349 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week.
“Eucharistic Adoration provides us with a chance to be with our Savior one on
one. Alone with God in His real, physical form, we bring to Jesus all our
cares, concerns, prayers, hopes and thoughts. By doing so, we grow more in tune
with God. We put ourselves in a position to talk to Him, also to listen. (Kathleen M.
Carroll, Catholic Update) Call today for your Eucharistic hour, 330-753-9979, Mary
Jane or 330-745-6852, Joie. We have two vacancies: Thursday 11-12 (midnight) and
Saturday 12 (midnight) – 1:00am Sunday.

First Sunday of Lent

Notice that Jesus “was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” What is a wilderness in
your life to which the Holy Spirit is leading you this Lent? Perhaps there are
uncharted areas in your marriage or family relationships which you have avoided? In
the forty days of Lent, it is not a matter of us working on things but God working in
us. Open your heart, trust the Spirit and spend this Lent in “your wilderness”.)

Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson,Joanne Ramsay, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad
Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed,
Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb
Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver,
Dick Buehrle, Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie
Marino, Cheryl Jackson, Roy Smith, Tara Ferguson, C.J., Bob Eckert, Paul Moon,
James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan, Carole Ezell-Bell, Lisa Von Gunten, Julian
Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Nick
Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch, Ed Brogan, Angela Rollins, John Anzaldi, Gary
Morgan,Margaret McConnall, Darci, Darlene Stefansky, Pam Schlernitzauer, Frank
Wrobel, Tom Rasicci, Sarah Brown, Laurie Shantz, Susan Cutshall, Margaret Genet &
Ray Correll

Barberton Area Community Ministry item for the Month of March is canned fruit. All
donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the
church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you again for all your
support in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.

Time, Talent & Treasure

February 24 March 3

Sunday Offering $ 10,794 $ 8,161

Faith Direct Offering $ 1,850 $ 1,850
Total Offering $ 12,644 $ 10,011
Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $ 11,800 $ 11,800
(Shortfall) Overage $ $ 844 $ (1,789)

School Support $ 45 $ 790

Capital Support $ 35 $ 117
Endowment Fund $ 70 $ 11
St. Vincent de Paul $ 7 $ 461
Organ Campaign $ 20 $ 326
Churches in Eastern Europe $ --- $ 93

Organ Campaign – Goal $660,000 Total to date $ 624,574

Our observance of Lent began on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days
of universal fast and abstinence. Fasting is obligatory for all who have completed their 18th year and
have not yet reached their 60th year. Fasting allows a person to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals
may be taken, not to equal one full meal. Abstinence (from meat) is obligatory for all who have reached
their 14th year. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday
night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves
to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection. Fridays in Lent are obligatory days of
complete abstinence (from meat) for all who have completed their 14th year.

Pastor’s Formed Recommendation of the Week: “A Lent to Remember”

Using the highly acclaimed Augustine Institute Programs; Symbolon and
Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession, A Lent to Remember explores the
ways God reaches out to each of us with his mercy. Through Christ’s suffering on the
cross in the Paschal Mystery and his perpetual reception of his people in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation, God makes his love, his very self, present to us in the
world. By reflecting on the Paschal Mystery and making a step-by-step examination of
the Rite of Confession, A Lent, to Remember Communicates God’s invitation to each
one of us to come experience his indescribable love this Lent. Lent is the perfect time
to renew one’s faith, seek reconciliation through repentance of sins, spend time in
prayer and learning to pray, study scripture and learn more about our faith and
Formed is a great instrument to help us reach these goals this Lenten Season.

Please note the following dates for Stations of the Cross held in St. Augustine Church;
consider making this a part of your Lenten journey
Friday, March 15 – 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Friday, March 22 – 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Friday, March 29 – no school – 7:00pm
Friday, April 5 – 2:00pm & 7:00pm
Friday, April 12 – 1:30pm & 7:00pm Live Stations
Friday, April 19 – no school - Mary’s Way of the Cross 7:00pm
Today, our parish will take up the 134th Annual National Black and Indian Mission
Collection. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American,
Native American and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools, parish
religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to
help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You can help meet unmet needs with a
generous contribution today. Thank you for your support.

Bishop Robert Barron’s “The Mass” hosted by Deacon Robin Adair will begin on Wednesday,
March 13 in the rectory meeting room from 7-8:30pm. This will be a seven week study with
each weekly session standing alone, dealing with a separate aspect of the Mass. Walk through
the Liturgy and be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter
with our Lord. “The Mass” will help you understand how to fully, consciously, and actively
participate in the source and summit of Christian Life. Consider making this part of your Lenten
journey. For questions, contact Deacon Adair at 330-283-4983.

Interested in what it takes to become an Olympic athlete – not just in

skill-building but in character-building as well? Join the Book Club to
discuss the award – winning story of the 1936 USA Olympic rowing team
Boys in the Boat. Our meeting will be held in the rectory at 1:00pm on
Thursday, March 14. All adults are welcome. The April selection is the
Acts of the Apostles.

Catholic Cemeteries -Sunday Support – Grief Support Meeting… You are graciously
invited to join us for an hour of sharing, listening, learning and healing along your
grief journey. No registration is needed, just come and join in. The next session at
Holy Cross Cemetery, Akron is March 17 beginning at 3:00pm. For more information,

St. Augustine Soup Crew…Our next dinner is Tuesday, March 19 beginning at 2:00pm, and
oh are you in for a treat! We will be serving fresh salad, roasted turkeys, mashed potatoes
and gravy, homemade stuffing, green beans with ham and home baked cookies. Lots of
hands needed beginning at 2:00pm at the First Presbyterian Church, across from the library
in beautiful downtown Barberton. Help is needed from brewing the coffee and setting
tables to baking the cookies on-site. Come and break bread with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Prayers begin our dinner at 4:30pm. For questions call Carolyn King @ 330-234-7302.

WELCOME ALL – An Evening of Confession at all Catholic Churches

“How good it feels to come back to Him whenever we are lost.” Pope
Francis tells us. Please join us for An Evening of Confession, March 20
from 5-8pm. Individual confessions will be heard throughout the
evening. If you have family members or friends who are away from the
Catholic Church, please invite them to come home this Lent, and to
experience God’s gift of healing through the sacrament of reconciliation.
For more information, visit

Please join us on Saturday, March 23, 2019, for the annual St. Augustine Athletic
Board Reverse Raffle. Grand prize is $1,000. Only 150 tickets sold. Dinner, beer,
and soft drinks provided. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased in the rectory during
business hours. All money raised will benefit the student-athletes of St. Augustine
Parish. Please contact Brian Motil or Cara Ramsey at (330) 753-6435 for more

Men! Plan to attend the 19th annual Catholic Men’s Fellowship Conference “Answer the Call”
on Saturday, March 23. Speakers to include Bishop Nelson Perez, Jon Leonetti, and Pete Burak.
Remember to bring a friend, son or grandson (high school or college age) and be among the
hundreds of Catholic men that will experience a dynamic day. Special prices are available for
students and parish groups. All priests, deacons and seminarians are admitted free. The
conference begins with a light breakfast at 8:00am and concludes with 4:00pm Mass.
Registration includes breakfast, lunch and all conference programs. Log onto for registration, and more information.

Culture of Life…..Sadly, our country has plunged head first down the slippery slope to condoning the
barbaric practice of infanticide. There is no more pretense of compassion or tolerance. Silence is
compliance! Remember, is not just comprised of the evil we commit, but the good we have failed to
do! The battle is for the heart and soul of our country, stand up and be counted in God's militia. Join St.
Augustine Culture of Life and learn the many ways you can participate. The next meeting will be held in
the rectory on April 2, following the 5:15 Mass and Benediction. For more information contact Lynn
Willig @330-472-9452.

Life in the Spirit Seminar – Immaculate Conception Parish invites you to join us in
Waldeisen Hall, 2124 16th Street SW Akron, on Saturday, April 6 & Sunday April. 7
for inspiring talks (speakers include Fr. Pete Colletti, Fr. Jacob Bearer, Fr. Mike, &
Melissa Keegan), praise & worship, dinner, Mass, Healing Service & more. Cost is
$10/person or $15/2 people. Call Ray at the IC rectory (330-753-8429) for more information or
to register.

St. Augustine will once again have a Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service on Monday,
April 8 beginning at 7:00pm in the church. Numerous priests will be available and you may
receive the sacrament either face-to-face or with a screen in a confessional. All are
encouraged to take part in this special sacrament, please plan accordingly.

Join fellow parishioners for a few friendly hands of Euchre, Friday, April 12,
beginning at 6:30 in the cafeteria. Bring a snack to share. Drinks are

Due to vacation and Easter we are asking you to send your bulletin information in early. For the
March 31 bulletin, information must be received by Thursday, March 21, for the Palm Sunday
bulletin (April 14) information must be received by April 4 and for the Easter bulletin (April 21)
information must be received by April 11. Please plan ahead.

St. Augustine Preschool is selling Malley’s Chocolates to raise funds for

the preschool. Please help them meet their goal of $3,000. Order forms
are available on the table in the back of the church. Orders must be
turned in by March 25 and chocolates will be delivered by April 10. For additional
information contact Kathy Bogdan at 330-745-5735. You may place your order on-line
SAVE THE DATE ~ Joyful Hearts Ministry has confirmed our next in-house prayer
service and almsgiving opportunity: MENDING A MOTHER’S HEART BY
CLOTHING HER CHILDREN will be on Friday, April 5 beginning with Mary’s
Way of the Cross at 7:00pm facilitated by our very own Deacon Adair at St.
Augustine Church. Stations of the Cross will be followed by a recitation of the blessed Rosary,
and a candlelight Prayer Petition Procession followed by a fellowship reception in the school.
The benefactors of the event will be the Mission Dress Ministry of St. Augustine. This is going to
be an event to remember. More details will follow. Invite your friends and mark your calendars.
You won’t want to miss this!

Have you made your Confirmation yet? It is feasible that some adults have not
received the Sacrament of Confirmation for one reason or the other. St. Augustine would
like to invite adults who have not been confirmed to consider doing so this year. Fr. Bill
Browne is inviting all Catholic men and women who have already been baptized, made your
First Confession and have received your First Holy Communion to work with him to get
ready to be confirmed here at St. Augustine Church on Sunday, June 2 at the 10:30 Mass.
Preparation will be held in the Rectory, Thursday, May 2 and 16 beginning at 7:00pm.
Please contact the rectory (330-745-0011) if you wish to be included in the Confirmation


Join the South Akron Knights of Columbus 3410 for their Lenten
Fish Fry, 2055 Glenmount Avenue, Akron. Every Friday during Lent
from 4:30pm – 7:00pm. March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12 & 19. For
more information, call 330-773-3410.

All are invited to the famous Lenten fish fries at Annunciation Church/Visitation of
Mary Parish, corner of Broad and Kent Streets. Beginning Friday, March 8 thru
Friday, April 12. $9.00 Adults, $8.50 Seniors and $4.00 Children 12 years and under.
For more info, call 330-535-4141.

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