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incorrect because a prospectus is any notice, circular, adver- securities, are covered under the Act even if they are highly
tisement, letter, or communication offering the security for rated or backed by collateral.
sale. No general offering or solicitation is allowed under
Rules 505 or 506 of Regulation D whether the purchaser is 20. (b) Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933 es-
accredited or not. tablishes three important exemptions in Rules 504, 505,
and 506. Although Rules 505 and 506 have some restric-
13. (a) Even if the securities are exempt under the Secu- tions on sales to nonaccredited investors, all three rules un-
rities Act of 1933, they are still subject to the antifraud pro- der Regulation D allow sales to both nonaccredited and ac-
visions. Both the person defrauded and the SEC can credited investors with varying restrictions. Answer (a) is
challenge the fraud committed in the course of selling the incorrect because although Rules 505 and 506 allow sales to
securities. up to thirty-five nonaccredited investors, all three rules al-
low sales to an unlimited number of accredited investors.
14. Cc) The SEC adopted the Forms S-2 and S-3 to de- Answer Cc) is incorrect because Rule 506 has no dollar
crease the work that issuers have in preparing registration limitation. Rule 505 has a $5,000,000 limitation in a twelve-
statements by permitting them to give less detailed disclo- month period and Rule 504 has a $1,000,000 limitation in a
sure under certain conditions than Form S-1 which is the twelve-month period. Answer (d) is incorrect because
basic long form. Answer (a) is incorrect because these Regulation D is not restricted to only small corporations.
forms decrease, not increase, reporting required. Answer Cb)
is incorrect because when permitted, these forms are used 21. Cc) Under Rule 505 of Regulation D, the issuer must
instead of Form S-l which is the standard long-form regis- notify the SEC of the offering within fifteen days after the
tration statement. Answer (d) is incorrect because the pur- first sale of the securities. Answer (a) is incorrect because
pose of the forms was not directed at intrastate issues. under Rule 505, the issuer may sell to an unlimited number
of accredited investors and to thirty-five unaccredited in-
A.S. Exempt Transactions or Offerings vestors. Answer (b) is incorrect because no general offering
15. Cc) The issuance described in I is exempt because or solicitation is permitted. Answer (d) is incorrect because
Rule 504 exempts an issuance of securities up to $1,000,000 the accredited investors need not receive any formal infor-
sold in a twelve-month period to any number of investors. mation. The un accredited investors, however, must receive
The issuer is not required to restrict the purchasers' resale. a formal registration statement that gives a description of the
The issuance described in 11 is also exempt because offering.
Rule 505 exempts an issuance up to $5,000,000 sold in a 22. (b) The private placement exemption permits sales
twelve-month period. It permits sales to thirty-five unac- of an unlimited number of securities for any dollar amount
credited investors and to any number of accredited investors. when sold to accredited investors. This exemption also al-
Since there were only ten investors, this is met. The issuer lows sales to up to thirty-five nonaccredited investors if they
also restricted the purchasers' right to resell for two years as are also sophisticated investors under the Act. Resales of
required. these securities are restricted for two years after the date that
16. (d) Under Regulation D, Rule 504 exempts an issu- the issuer sells the last of the securities. Answer (a) is incor-
ance of securities up to $1,000,000 sold in a twelve-month rect because there is no such restriction of sale. Answer Cc)
period. Rule 505 exempts an issuance of up to $5,000,000 is incorrect because sales may be made to an unlimited
in a twelve-month period. So Rule 506 has to be resorted to number of accredited investors and up to thirty-five nonac-
for amounts over $5,000,000. Regulation A can be used credited investors. Answer (d) is incorrect because sales can
only for issuances up to ~1,500,000. be made to up to thirty-five non accredited investors.

17. (d) When more than $5,000,000 in securities are 23. (a) When the issuer is a resident of that state, doing
being offered, an exemption from the registration require- 80% of its busines in that state, and only sells or offers the
ments of the Securities Act of 1933 is available under Rule securities to residents of the same state, the offering qualifies
506 of Regulation D. Securities under the Act include de- for an exemption under the 1933 Act as an intrastate issue.
bentures and investment contracts. Answer (b) is incorrect as the offering also qualifies for an
exemption under the 1934 Act. Therefore, as the offering is
18. .Ca) Under Regulation A of the 1933 Act, the issuer exempted from both the 1933 and 1934 Acts, it would not be
must file an offering circular with the SEC. Answer (b) is regulated by the SEC. Answer (d) is incorrect because re-
incorrect because the rules involving sales to unaccredited sales can only be made to residents of that state nine months
and accredited investors are in Regulation D, not Regula- after the issuer's last sale.
tion A. Answer Cc) is incorrect because although financial
information about the corporation must be provided to offer- 24. Cb) Rule 506 permits sales to thirty-five unaccred-
ees, the financial statements in the offering circular need not ited investors and to an unlimited number of accredited
be audited .. Answer (d) is incorrect because the issuer is not investors. The unaccredited investors must also be sophisti-
required to provide investors with a proxy registration cated investors (i.e., individuals with knowledge and experi-
statement under Regulation A. ence in financial matters).

19. Cc) Sales or offers to sell by any person other than 25. (b) Under Regulation A, an offering statement is
an issuer, underwriter, or dealer are exempt under the 1933 required instead of the more costly disclosure requirements
Act. Answer (a) is incorrect because the Act covers all types of full registration under the Securities Act of 1933. An-
of securities including preferred stock. Answer (b) is incor- swer (a) is incorrect because not all intrastate offerings are
rect because closely held corporations are not automatically exempt. They must meet specified requirements to be ex-
exempt. Answer (d) is incorrect because debentures, as debt empt. Answer Cc) is iricorrect because many securities sold
under Regulation D cannot be resold for two years. An-

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