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Student Teacher: Mia Angelis Date: 01/30/19

Subject: Math
Lesson Topic: Reason to identify and make a group that has 1 less

Grade: Kindergarten Length of class: 30-45 minutes

Learning Objective (performance, conditions, criterion): Students will demonstrate how to

count and draw/model groups showing “one less” to demonstrate their understanding between
numbers and quantities.

Student Friendly Objective:

“I can count the numbers in a group and draw/model another group with 1 less!”
“I can make a group with 1 less than another group!”

State Core Standard Alignment:

Standard K.CC.4.
Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.

*Lesson NOTE* If students are struggling to understand grouping/ creating another group
with “1 less” teach them using only ONE group and show subtraction from that group.
I.E. “I have 3 bears in my group, if I take one away—subtract— how many bears will I
have in my group? 2!”

Core and Supplemental Materials:

Teacher Materials: Student Materials:
Beans Worksheet
Cubes Cubes
Crayons Crayons
Bears (optional) Beans (optional)
White board Pencils

Context for Learning:

Organization of the
students (e.g., small Small group (Aana and Kallen – Kindergarteners)
groups, whole group,
Pre-Lesson Assessment N/A stop and checks (informal) throughout the lesson

IEP Goal Links Academic—

(Also describe individual Aana will count objects (1-10) when given the cue “how many?”
student modifications & will state the number with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive data

Kallen & Aana will demonstrate appropriate behavior during both
structured and unstructured times.
Pre-Instructional Group: (Approximately 3 minutes)
Gain students’ “Friends, today we are going to be making groups that #/minutes
attention (Activity and have one less. I am going to need your help to make sure
Script) each of our groups has one less than the other.” (30 seconds
to 1 minute)

Inform students of “Today, Ms. Mia is going to create groups with you. #/minutes
learning objective(s) This is a group (show a group of cubes/bears/etc.) Can
we say group? (30 seconds
to 1 minute)

Now can we say “less than” with me? Nice work!”

Now can we say “one less” with me? Great!

Can we say, “I can make a group with 1 less than

another group.”

Check for understanding:

“Kallen what are we doing today?! Aana what are we
doing today?!”

“This is important to “This is important to know because we need to be able #/minutes

know because…” to understand when a group has more than, less than, or
(Informed instruction) if it is equal to another group. What if I gave Aana three (1-2
apple sauces and Kallen only got two? Is that fair? No!
Because Kallen got one less applesauce than Aana.”

(Note: Use actual Applesauce’s if applicable.)

Preparing students for instructional content: (Approximately 6 - 15 minutes)

Pre-requisite skills to Review Behavior #/minutes
review, if applicable
Go over horseshoe table expectations & manipulative (2 to 5
 “Do you stand or sit at the horseshoe table?”
 “If Ms. Mia is talking should Kallen and Aana
be talking?”
 “Kallen if Aana is talking should you be
talking?” (Repeat for Aana)
 “If I give you a math tool (manipulative) to use,
they need to stay on the table. Where do they
Review of prior #/minutes
knowledge, if  Warm up— “show me one less game.” Using
applicable fingers, ask the students to put up 3 fingers the (5-7minutes)
“math way.” Then ask the students “she me one
less than 3 on your fingers.” Students will then
show 2 fingers the math way. Try various
versions of the show me one less game using

Vocabulary to pre- N/A #/minutes

teach, if applicable
(2 to 5

Instruction: (Approximately 20 to 60 minutes – depending on length of class)

Explicit Modeling of Model “show me one less” with manipulatives. #/minutes
Skill (what cognitive
steps should the students Model using cubes, crayons, erasers, pencils, etc.
be using to successfully
perform the skill?)
(I DO IT) Create a group of 3 cubes.
Ask Kallen and Aana to help count the group. (10 minutes)

Once the students come to the answer of 3 show them what a

group with one less would look like.
Put another group of cubes with one less than 3—(2 cubes).
Ask the students to count with me.
“How many cubes do we have in our second group?”
“Great!” Write 2 is one less than 3 on the template on the
white board.
Ask the students to recite the answer chorally.

Complete another example or two explicitly teaching the

“show me one less” method.
Guided Practice Continuation of the “I Do It” phase but releasing more of the #/minutes
(WE DO IT) control to the students.
(10 minutes)
Model again using cubes, crayons, erasers, pencils, beans,

1st time: Teacher creates a group and asks the students to

create another group showing one less.
Have students count and justify their answers.

“What is one more than _____?”

One less than ______ is ______
____ is one less than ____
(After 1/29/18 lesson on “Show me 1 more” Student’s
respond best to “What is one more than _____?”
Start to promote the idea of subtraction. “What if I took 1
away from _____?”

Formatively assess students throughout the first exploration

before moving onto the second problem. If students are
having trouble understanding, be sure to scaffold them for
(Only provide students with the materials to create groups of
~6 or less)

2nd time: Ask Kallen to create a group. Count the group

Ask Aana to create a group that shows one less than Kalen’s
group. Count together.
Students justify their groups.
“What is one more than _____?”
One less than ______ is ______
____ is one less than ____

3rd time: Ask Aana to create a group. Count the group

together. Ask Kallen to create a group that shows one less #/minutes
than Aana’s group. (10
Count together. minutes)
Students justify their groups. . One less than ______ is
______ OR ____ is one less than ____

Strategies to check for Quick check for understanding:

understanding Oral quick check.
“Is 5 less than 3?” No
“Is 3 one less than 4?” Yes
If students are having a hard time with oral responses write
on the white board.
Independent Practice Students will complete their problem groups independently.
The problem groups ask the student to draw pictures to
model one less than the other group.
Have students say
“What is one more than____?”
“One less than ____ is ____” Or “_____ is less than ____”
During this time, make note of what students are not
understanding. Scaffold/re-teach as needed.

Concrete and tangible During math:
assessment to know Have students complete the “Chick” problem on their problem group
whether students have worksheet completely independent. Observe students as they solve
met learning objective their problems and make note about what should be re-taught
tomorrow during the build-on lesson.

Exit task at the end of the day. Have students draw groups showing
one less.

*Since this is a new concept, students may not be ready to complete

a true summative assessment. Make adjustments to this plan as

Closure: (1 – 5 minutes)
Organization/transition Great work today, Aana and Kallen! We earned ABC #/minutes
routines (e.g., put Mouse/Starfall on the computer! Thank you for work so
assignments in folders, hard. Please clean up your spots and head to computers
prepare for bell, 2 (Kallen) and 3 (Aana).
transition to next (1 minute)

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