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Article #3


Article #5 Database

Cain, Lakota, et al. “Cause and Effects of Ocean Dumping.” Marine Insight, Marine Insight, 4

Sept. 2017,

In this article, Shamseer Mambra explains and evaluates the different way the ocean is

being polluted due to human activities. After reading this article I have found that she has picked

information from many credible sources such as U.S Department of State and National

Geographic using some of their viewpoints on the current problem. Mambra writes how the

ocean is polluted in many ways such as Ocean Dumping, Land Runoff, Oil Spills, Littering,

Ocean Mining, and Noise Pollution. These are the common scenarios for ocean pollution and

pollution around us as well. These have effects on the marine life and will soon have an affect on

the human race as well. The article provides a plethora of reasons why the beach has a great

amount of trash in the water and on the beach as well. This will help my research on a way to put

clean up spots around the campus and the beach to help draw people’s attention to start a wave of

“The Impact of Ocean Trash.” Ocean Conservancy, 18 Sept. 2018,

In this article Tori Glascock talk about the impact trash has on the marine life of the

ocean and why it is so important to participate in these cleanups. The excessive amounts of trash

the colonize the beaches of our planet and even southern california cause many issues that keep

piling up and getting worse for the public making the beaches an unappealing scene. This helps

us with our capstone because it gives us ways to safely recycle and clean up the beach. Were

creating pieces of art from the rubbish that is left on the beach.

"The Best Way to Deal With Ocean Trash." National Geographic. 02 Oct. 2017. National

Geographic Society. 23 Feb. 2019 <


This Article explains how the amounts of trash are so vast that you can never clean all of

it but you can slow it down. This article comes from a very credible source full on information

on how to stop this from building up. If we can bring groups to the beach and other areas in our

community to help collect recyclables it will make our quantity that much more giving us more

materials to work with and create these pieces or art with for our capstone such as cans, bottles,

and even things that have fallen of ships or cars that wash up on sea or fall onto the side of the


Greenstein, June. "Smithsonian Ocean." Ocean Portal | Smithsonian. 09 May 2018.

Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. 23 Feb. 2019


This article is still on the same boat as the others talking about the excessive amounts of

trash and how to recycle them, but this article goes more into depth on the plastics and how
plastics should be recycled. One example is that they upcycled graduation uniforms that over 2.2

million students have worn. No we’re not going that large, but we do want to take the same path

and use a passion of ours which is surfing and created upcycled parts for surfboards and even

whole surfboards to encourage others to go out and recycle ands create pieces of art that appeal

to their hobbies such as music, academics, art, etc.

"Most Americans Plan to 'Go Green' this Holiday Season." U.S.Newswire, Dec 14, 2010.


The Article I pulled from proquest is an article about how people were given tips on ways

to recycle and making sure they were doing it as safe as possible. For example keeping the caps

on bottles to make sure there aren’t loose pieces of plastic hanging around and trying to keep

your recyclables as small as possible. I think this is very smart because I would want to put signs

around poly giving fun facts and tips on how to encraft recycling into one’s everyday life making

the economy and out community a much cleaner place.

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