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Last Saturday, SK Taman Jaya had its annual sports day.

Some pupils helped their teachers

to hang the flags and colourful balloons. The teachers also arranged the seats for the guests
and the prizes on the special table under the big tent.
On the big day, the event started with a march past. The teams held the flags and marched
proudly in front of the big tent. The mascot was attractive. Ali took part in the 100 metres race
and high jumps. He finally won the race. The supporters cheered and clapped loudly.
In the prize giving ceremony, the headmaster gave away the medals to the winners. The
winning teams were happy and proud of their victory. It was a tired but enjoyable day.

Puan Nora is a teacher in SK Taman Jaya. She is fifty years old. She is a kind and
responsible lady. End of last month, she was transferred to a new school.
Last Friday, there was a farewell party. The teachers and pupils were busy decorating the
hall with colourful ribbons and balloons a day before. They also swept the floor and cleaned the
window panes. The preparation work was completed late in the evening.
On Friday morning, the pupils assembled in the school hall. Puan Nora gave her farewell
speech. She advised the pupils to study hard. She said she was sad to leave the school and the
pupils of the school. The pupils performed singing and dancing on the stage. At noon, the
teachers were invited to have lunch with Puan Nora. They prepared ‘nasi beriyani’ at the school
canteen. Everyone enjoyed the food.


Every year, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 16 of May. The whole school is busy working
hard to prepare for the important day.
Last 16th of May, it was a Monday, the pupils of SK Taman Jaya celebrated Teachers’ Day in
their school. At 7.30 in the morning, all the pupils assembled in the school hall. The event
started with singing the national anthem ‘Negaru Ku’. Pupils from each class participated in the
concert. They sang and danced on the stage. It was very entertaining. All the teachers and the
headmistress of the school enjoyed the concert. The concert ended at twelve noon. Finally,
there was a party for all the teachers at the school canteen. A lot of delicious food was served.
Everyone enjoyed the special day.

Aini and her close friend, Jenny, like to sing. They join their school choir club. Last month, they
participated in the Inter-school Singing Competition organized by the State Education
Department. The competition was held at a nearby school. They practiced everyday evening
from three to five o’clock. They trained hard because they wanted to win in the competition.
Finally the day came. Aini and her team members came early to the school. There were
twelve schools that took part. When their team was called, Aini and her friends walked up to the
stage confidently. They sang very well and therefore the audience clapped and cheered for
them. When the result was announced, everyone was so nervous. Finally, Aini’s team won the
first prize and received RM1000 and a trophy. The teacher-in-charge, Mr Ng was very happy
with his choir members.
Her headmaster, Mr Muttu took them to hi-tea at a hotel as a reward for their hard
work. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Amin is a twelve years old boy. He studies in SK Seri Cempaka in Year 6 gemilang. He is the
head prefect in his school. He is also a brilliant student in the school. He goes to school in his
beloved bicycle given by his parents on his birthday.
Last weekend, Amin’s school had a cleanliness campaign. All the pupils from Year 4 to
Year 6 assembled in the school hall. Mr. Ariffin, the headmaster of SK Seri Cempaka gave a
short briefing about the cleanliness campaign. The headmaster grouped the teachers and the
pupils to different areas in the school.
Amin’s group was cleaning the school compound. They were busy collecting rubbish and
put them into a big plastic bag. Some of them cleaned the clogged drain using brooms. They
were as busy a bee. The other groups were busy collecting old books and newspapers. They
gathered all the books, magazines and newspapers in one place while waiting for the lorry from
the recycling centre to collect them to be recycled. The money from those recycled materials
can be used for school.
They finished their work at 12 noon and had some refreshment in the canteen. The
headmaster of SK Seri Cempaka thanked the teachers and pupils for their hard works. All of
them were tired but happy.
After 3 hours, all the teachers and pupils went to the canteen to have some
refreshment. All of them were tired but happy.

Mr. Muthu is a forty years old man. He lives in Kampung Mados. He works as a rubber tapper in
Mados Estate. He lives alone because his wife and two children died in an accident two years
ago. He is a kind humble man. All people like him very much. Mr. Muthu has a best friend name
Ahmad. Ahmad always help him if Mr. Muthu is in trouble.
Last Saturday night, there was a storm in Kampung Mados. The rain was heavy and the
winds were strong. Ahmad did not sleep well that night. In the morning, Ahmad found out that
a coconut tree had fallen across Mr. Muthu’s house. Mr. Muthu was sad and he was crying.

Ahmad went over to console Mr. Muthu and promised to help him. He called some
villagers and asked them to help Mr. Muthu. Soon, Ahmad and two other villagers came to help
removed the tree trunk. One of them sawed up the tree trunk into smaller parts
After two weeks, they managed to build a new beautiful house for Mr. Muthu. Mr.
Muthu was glad and thanked all the villagers for helping him built a new house. Ahmad said that
a friend in need is a friend in deed.


Last Saturday, Mr Kuhan took his family to the Wet World. The company
he works for was holding an annual Family Day there. There were mini pools so
his children had fun playing in the water.
At 12.30 p.m., it was time for lunch. Mrs Kuhan asked her children to
change their clothes before they had lunch. When they got down, there were
many kinds of delicious food served at the buffet table. They found a table and
sat down to have their lunch.
After lunch, they helped to clear the table and put rubbish in the bins.
Then they said goodbye to their friends and went home.


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