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Errisa Devi Fauzi

Diggs, Sturm, Bell

The Morphology of
Human Blood Cells

Sabah Sallah, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine

Ann Bell, MS, SH (ASCP)

Emeritus Professor of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Emeritus Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Department of Medicine
Division of Hematology
Memphis, Tennessee

Photomicrographs digitized and paintings edited by

John Silver, DVM, MCS, Multimedia Laboratory Coordinator
Health Sciences Library and Biocommunications Center
University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Sixth Edition


Copyright © 2003, 1985, 1984, 1978, 1975, 1970 by Abbott Laboratories. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

Errisa Devi Fauzi


This atlas, which portrays the morphologic characteristics of The reader is referred to textbooks of hematology (a few
normal and pathologic cells in blood and bone marrow, is listed in references) for a discussion of etiologic factors, the
published for the use of medical students, student medical clinical and anatomical manifestations, and the treatment of
technologists, veterinary students, and other health science various diseases of blood and blood-forming organs.
students who are learning to identify the various types of Appreciation is expressed to individuals who assisted in
blood cells. This monograph also is an aid for teachers of various ways in the preparation of this atlas. From the
University of Tennessee Department of Medicine, Division
morphological hematology and for technologists who are
of Hematology: Dr. Alvin Mauer, Emeritus Professor of
responsible for the examination of smears by manual or
Medicine and Pediatrics; Dr. Harvey Niell, Professor of
automated methods. A knowledge of morphology is also
Medicine; Dr. Marion Dugdale, Professor of Medicine; Dr.
useful for residents in clinical and anatomic pathology, pedi-
Carolyn Chesney, Professor of Medicine; Dr. Patricia
atrics, and medicine.
Adams-Graves, Associate Professor of Medicine; Mrs. Janie
Major emphasis is placed on the anatomical characteris- F. Gardner, MS, H(ASCP), Instructor and Education
tics of individual cells in the various stages of their matura- Coordinator; Mrs. Loretta Pitts, administrative secretary
tion as revealed by light microscopy, employing an and Mrs. Deanye Rowe, secretary.
oil-immersion objective. Unless otherwise stated, the cells Dr. Charles Handorf, Associate Professor of Pathology,
that are described and visually pictured by the artist, Dorothy UTHSC, gave editorial advise to the authors. Dr. David
Sturm, are those present in thin, air-exposed, dried smears or Armbruster, Associate Professor in the UTHSC Library,
marrow imprints that have been stained by Wright stain. guided the authors in the format of this work.
The procedure was to select an ideally prepared stained Mrs. Alice Diggs Sullivan created seven figures for this
smear of fresh blood or aspirate of bone marrow without atlas. This edition of the atlas would not have been possible
admixture with an anticoagulant and without fixation except without the photographic skill of Mr. Thurman Hobson,
Mrs. Sandy Peters, and Mr. Jim Wallace of the Photographic
by air drying and by methyl alcohol in the stain and then to
Section of UTHSC.
locate a typical cell in the thin portion of a smear. Dorothy, a
Dr. Frank White, hematopathologist at Methodist
skilled artist, as well as a biologically trained scientist, painted
Health Care System in Memphis, gave editorial advice and
the various colors and structures of the cells as she viewed
smears for photomicrography.
them. Watercolors were employed for the color plates.
The authors wish to thank Mr. Eugene Nichols, head of
It is impossible to portray by means of a relatively few Professional Relations, and Mr. Donald Wright, BS, MT
cells all the infinite variations of nuclear and cytoplasmic (ASCP)SH, U.S. Scientific Affairs Manager for Abbott
structures of normal and pathologic cells. Once selected, the Laboratories, for their great interest, splendid cooperation,
cell was painted as that individual cell appeared. and desire to produce an atlas of blood cells for anyone
The original paintings by Dorothy Sturm are stored in interested in studying, teaching, or responsible for morpho-
the archival room of the National Museum of Science and logic hematology. Ms. Maret Thorpe, graphic designer for
Medicine in Washington, D.C. and were digitized by Dr. Abbott, deserves much credit for her design of the atlas in
Michael Rhode, curator at the Museum. The digitized pic- the most current manner. Ms. Cathy Mongeau of Abbott
tures were sent to the UTHSC Library, Multimedia created the special cover for this work.
Laboratory, in Memphis. Sabah Sallah, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine
In this edition photomicrographs of similar cells as por-
trayed by the artist's drawings are added. The microscopic
Professor Emeritus of Clinical Laboratory Sciences,
identification and enumeration of cells in stained smears is
Assistant Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine
of value as a screening procedure to detect normality as well
as an aid in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of vari- University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC)
ous diseases, the establishment of prognosis, the indications Department of Medicine,
for treatment, the response to therapy, and as a safeguard Division of Hematology,
against drug toxicity. Memphis, Tennessee
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Preface ii
Tables and Figures iii-v
1. Hematopoiesis '.' 1
Myelopoiesis 1
Erythropoiesis 6
Megakaryopoiesis 7
Lymphopoiesis 9
2. Other Bone Marrow Cells 12
Macrophage 12
Mast Cell 12
Fat Cell 13
Osteoblast and Osteoclast 13
Endothelial Cell 14
Fibroblast 15
3. Erythrocyte Morphological Abnormalities : 15
Anisocytosis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Poikilocytosis 15
Hemoglobin Concentration 16
Inclusions 16
4. Disorders of Iron Metabolism , 18
Iron Deficiency Anemia 18
Sideroblastic Anemia 19
5. Megaloblastic Anemia 19
Physical Examination 20
Laboratory Findings 20
6. Aplastic Anemia 20
7. Hemoglobinopathies 21
The Thalassemias 21
Sickle Cell Disorders 22
Hemoglobin C Diseases 23
Hemoglobin E 23
8. Hereditary Erythrocyte Membrane Abnormalities 24
Hereditary Elliptocytosis 24
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis 24
Hereditary Spherocytosis 24
Hereditary Stomatocytosis 24
9. Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias 25
Thrombotic Thrombocytopehic Purpura and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 25
Hemolytic Anemia due to Thermal Injury and Venoms : .. 25 .

Errisa Devi Fauzi

10. leukocyte Morphological Abnormalities 25
Acquired Leukocyte Abnormalities 25
Hereditary Leukocyte Anomalies 26

11. Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders 27

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 27
Polycythemia Vera 28
Essential Thrombocythemia 29
Idiopathic Myelofibrosis 29

12. Acute Myelogenous leukemia 30

The Morphologic (FAB) Classification of AML 30
Presentation of AML 30
Laboratory Findings 30
Therapy 31

13. Myelodysplastic Syndromes 31

Presentation of MDS 31
Laboratory Findings-Morphologic (FAB) Classification ofMDS 31
Treatment : 31

14. lymphoproliferative Disorders 32

Hodgkin's Disesase 32
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 32
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia 33
Hairy-Cell Leukemia 33
Multiple Myeloma 34
Sezary Syndrome 34

15. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia ; 35

Presentation of ALL-Immunologic and Morphologic (FAB) Classifications 35
Laboratory Studies 35
Treatment. 35

16. Infectious Disease In Hematology 36

Infectious Mononucleosis 36
Malaria 36
Babesiosis 36
Ehrlichiosis 36
Histoplasmosis 37
Leishmaniasis 37
Parvovirus B 19 37
References 37
Plates and Photomicrographs 38-115
Origin and Development of Blood CelIS 116-117
Index 118-121

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Tables and Figures

1. Peripheral Blood Cells: Normal Adult Values 1
2. Bone Marrow Cells: Normal Adult Values 1
3. Normal Mean Corpuscular Values and RDW 19
4. Phenotypes and Genotypes of (X- Thalassemia 21
5. Morphologic (FAB) Classification of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia 30
6. Morphologic (FAB) Classification of Myelodysplastic Syndromes 31
7. Immunologic Classification of Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 35
8. Morphologic (FAB) Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 35

1. Proliferation and Differentiation of Hematopoietic Cells 2
2. Terminology Based on Indentation of Nuclei 3
3. Neutrophilic Band and Segmented Cells 4
4. Differentiation and Cell Markers of Lymphocytes 10
5. Osteoblast vs. Plasmacyte 14
6. Osteoclast vs. Megakaryocyte 14
7. Red Blood Cell Inclusions 17
8. Cabot Rings 17
9. Hereditary Stomatocytosis, Blood Smear 24
10. Plasma Cell Myeloma, Bone Marrow 34
11. Histoplasma capsulatum in Peripheral Blood Cells 37

Errisa Devi Fauzi

1 Hematopoiesis
Hematopoiesis or formation of blood elements is a complex eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes. The earliest cell in
process that includes proliferation, differentiation and mat- the myelocytic series is the myeloblast. Maturation of the
uration. Transition from the early cell in the bone marrow to myelocytic series of cells stained with Wright stain is char-
the more mature cell in the peripheral blood is best charac- acterized by the development of azurophilic or primary
terized as a sequence of interaction between three function- granules (in the promyelocyte) and later the formation of
al compartments (FIG. 1). The stem cell compartment is secondary granules (in the myelocyte) that differ in their
made of pluripotential or multipotential cells that are mitot- affinity for various dyes. The cells which have granules with
ically quiescent but highly self-renewing cells. Because of the an affinity for blue or basic dye in Wright stain are called
low frequency in the bone marrow nucleated cell popula- basophils. Cells with granules that stain reddish-orange with
tion, it has been difficult to fully characterize the stem cell the acid dye eosin are called eosinophils. Cells that do not
on morphological and biological levels. Multipotential stem stain intensely with either dye are called neutrophils. As the
cells can be recognized by the expression of the CD34 anti- cells begin to mature, the nuclei of these three cell lines
gen but lack of other antigen expressions. The stem cell has undergo progressive changes from round to indented to
the very important capacity of giving rise to all blood cells. band and to segmented forms (FIG. 2). These three cell lines
Cells in the progenitor compartment are derived from have similar patterns of proliferation, differentiation, matu-
the stem cell but demonstrate very little self-renewing ration, storage in the marrow, and then appearance in
capacity. However, progenitor cells have the ability to differ- peripheral blood. Normal values for blood and marrow cells
entiate along one lineage and are mitotically more active are given in Tables 1 and 2.
than the stem cell. Committed progenitor cells are best
defined functionally based on the capacity to form colonies Myeloblast
in in vitro assays. A myeloblast is an immature cell (10-18 urn) which may
Transition to the precursor cell compartment is charac- occasionally be found in normal bone marrow (0-1 %) but
terized by the acquisition of certain nuclear and cytoplasmic is not observed in normal peripheral blood. It has a large
morphologic features that distinguish each lineage of round or slightly oval nucleus that stains predominantly
hematopoietic cells. These cells make up most cells in the purplish red in Wright stain. The interlaced chromatin
bone marrow but lack any self-renewal capacity. This is strands are fine, delicate, and evenly stained. One or two
compensated by the large number of precursor cells which nucleoli are usually demonstrable. There is a small to mod-
provide an amplifier of all hematopoietic cells. The steps of erate amount of bluish nongranular cytoplasm which stains
loss of self-renewal, differentiation, commitment, and pro- unevenly and may rarely appear lighter near the nucleus
liferation are very tightly regulated by several cytokines, than at the periphery. A myeloblast does not have granules
growth factors, complex of receptor systems, and by the
Table 2. Bone Marrow Cells: Normal Adult Values
microenvironment in which the hematopoietic elements

Myeloblast o - 1 %
Myelopoiesis Promyelocyte 1 - 5
N. myelocyte 2 - 10
In the bone marrow a hematopoietic stem cell becomes
N. metamyelocyte 5 - 15
committed to form progenitor myeloid and monocytic cells
N. band 10 - 40
which eventually lead to the formation of neutrophils,
N. segmented 10 - 30
Eosinophil o - 3
Table 1. Peripheral Blood Cells: Normal Adult Values Basophil o - 1
N. band 5 50 50 Monocyte o - 2
N. segmented 50 - 70 2,500 7,000 Proerythroblast o -
Eosinophil 1 3 50 300 Basophilicerythroblast 1 - 4
Basophil 0 0 100 Polychromatophilicerythroblast 10 - 20
Lymphocyte 20 - 40 1,000 - 4,000 Orthochromatic erythroblast 5 - 10
Monocyte 6 50 600 Myeloid:Erythroid(M:E)ratio 4:1

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The M~rphology of Human Blood Cells

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Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

(PLATES 1-3,74). The myeloblast divides and gives rise to As the azurophilic granules become less prominent, the
the promyelocyte which then gives rise to the myelocyte and neutrophilic granules predominate. Neutrophilic (N.) rnye-
eventually to a mature neutrophil. locytes are usually smaller (12-18 umj'than progranulocytes
and have relatively more cytoplasm (PLATES 1-3,74).
Promyelocyte The nuclei are round, oval, or flattened on one side. The
A cell ceases to be a myeloblast when it develops primary chromatin strands are coarse or thickened and unevenly
granules and it is then called a promyelocyte (progranulo- stained. The myelocyte is the last cell of the neutrophilic
cyte). The primary granules are azurophilic or dark blue and sequence which is capable of mitotic division. The later
most are round. They increase in numbers during this stage. stages differentiate but do not divide. There are approxi-
Granules may be visible above the nucleus and in the deep mately 2% to 10% N. myelocytes in normal.bone marrow.
blue cytoplasm. A few of these granules may persist Myelocytes are not present in normal blood. When the
throughout the maturation sequence (PLATES 1-3,74). nucleus of a myelocyte begins to have an indentation, the
The nucleus is round and large in relation to the cyto- cell is called a metamyelocyte.
plasm. The chromatin is slightly coarser than in the
myeloblast. Nucleoli may be visible but are often indistinct Metamyelocyte
and less prominent as the promyelocyte develops. There are A N. metamyelocyte has a slightly indented or bean-shaped
no secondary granules in the promyelocyte. The cytoplasm nucleus and small pinkish secondary granules (PLATES 1-3,
is dark blue with a relatively light area adjacent to the nucle- 9, 74). The indentation of the nucleus is less than half the
us. The cell margins are smooth. The size of the cell may be width of the hypothetical round nucleus. The nuclear chro-
variable (12-20 urn) but the promyelocyte is often slightly matin is moderately dense with some clumping at the periph-
larger than the myeloblast. Promyelocytes are not seen in ery of the nucleus. These cells are slightly smaller (10-18 urn)
normal peripheral blood. In normal adult bone marrow than myelocytes and have relatively smaller nuclei and less
there are about 1% to 5% promyelocytes. well-defined chromatin structure. The cytoplasm contains
A promyelocyte becomes a myelocyte with the forma- mostly secondary granules but there remain a few primary
tion of the secondary or specific granules. These granules granules. There are approximately 5% to 15% N. metamyelo-
differentiate so that the cells can be identified as neutrophil, cytes in normal bone marrrow but N. metamyelocytes are
eosinophil, or basophil myelocytes. extremely rare in normal peripheral blood.
As the metamyelocyte matures, the nuclear indentation
Myelocyte becomes more marked until a stage is reached in which
An early neutrophil that has developed specific granules is the indentation is greater than half the width of the hypo-
now called a myelocyte. The specific granules present iden- thetical round nucleus. The cell is now identified as a neu-
tify the myelocyte as a neutrophilic, eosinophilic, or baso- trophil band.
philic myelocyte.
The first sign of neutrophil differentiation is the devel- Band
opment in the cytoplasm of a small, relatively light island of A N. band (or nonsegmented cell) is slightly smaller or the
ill-defined specific pinkish neutrophilic granules adjacent to same size as a metamyelocyte. The nucleus is indented to
the nucleus. This light area of secondary granules has been more than half the distance from the farthest nuclear margin.
called "the dawn of neutrophilia." The cell is now identified The nucleus is coarse and clumpy and may be in the shape of a
as a neutrophilic myelocyte. Some of the prominent horseshoe, sausage, or the letters C or U. If the nucleus
azurophilic primary granules of the promyelocyte are also appears lobulated, the filament between the lobes must be
still present (PLATE 9). wide enough to have two distinct parallel dark margins with

Myelocyte Metamyelocyte Band Segmented

Figure 2. Terminology Based on Indentation of Nuclei

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

nuclear chromatin material in between; then the cell is classi- The transition between band and segmented neu-
fied as a band. Small extensions or appendages of the nucleus trophil is gradual. Some cells are borderline and difficult to
may be seen but the cell is still classified as a band if a thin seg- distinguish from each other. In differentiating between seg-
ment or filament is not present (PLATES 1-4,74, FIGS. 2,3). mented and nonsegmented (band) nuclei, do not restrict
(In case of doubt the cell should be identified as a segmented evaluation to any single morphological characteristic but
cell.) The arms of the band may show concentrated areas of combine the features including parallel sides, width of the
chromatin at each pole. Cytoplasm is abundant with pale connecting link, visibility of chromatin between the mar-
shades of pink and blue and contains a large number of fine gins, and superimposed lobes. In case of doubt, place the cell
lilac (specific) granules. in the mature segmented category which is the most likely to
In normal bone marrow of adults there are 10% to 40% be correct.
N. bands. Band forms constitute 1% to 5% of the white cells Segmented cells are increased in acute infections,
in the peripheral blood of healthy adult individuals. An inflammatory processes, intoxication, acute hemorrhage,
increase in non segmented forms along with other immature acute hemolysis, vigorous exercise, malignant neoplasms,
neutrophils is known as a "shift to the left" or a shift to and myeloproliferative diseases. Leukopenia with neutrope-
immaturity and is an indicator of an abnormal response. nia may be observed in infections; certain hematologic
conditions such as pernicious anemia and aplastic anemia;
Segmented anaphylactoid shock; following hemodialysis, drugs, chemi-
The nucleus' of an N. segmented cell in a smear stained with calor physical agents; and after excessive intake of alcohol.
Wright stain has a dark purplish color and is separated into
definite lobes with a thin segment or filament connecting Eosinophil
the lobes. The segment may not be visible if the lobes are Eosinophils are derived from progenitor myeloid cells. The
superimposed on each other. If the margin of a superim- earliest recognizable cell-eosinophilic myelocyte-has a
posed lobe can be traced as a continuing line from one side few dark bluish primary granules characteristic of the pro-
of the lobe to the other side, it is assumed that a filament granulocyte intermingled with the secondary specific red-
is present even though it is not visible. The light pink dish granules of the eosinophil. As the eosinophils pass
cytoplasm has numerous small pink or specific neutrophilic through their various developmental stages (metamyelo-
granules and also a few primary azurophilic granules cyte, band, segmented), the bluish granules disappear as the
(PLATES 174,74). The mature neutrophilic segmented cell relatively large spherical granules with affinity for the acid
(l0-15 urn) is about twice the size of an erythrocyte. dye eosin in Wright stain fill the cytoplasm. Mature
There are 10% to 30% N. segmented cells in normal eosinophils are 10-15 urn in size.
adult bone marrow. The N. segmented cell is the most fre- Eosinophils are recognized easily by the large, spherical
quently occurring cell in normal blood of adults. N. seg- granules which have a bright reddish-orange color in an
mented cells of healthy older children and adults are from excellent stain (PLATES 1-4, 18,74). The granules are uni-
50% to 70% (average 60%) in the blood. Approximately 5% form in size and usually they are evenly distributed in the
of the segmented cells have one lobe, 35% two lobes, 41% cell and fill the cytoplasm. Rarely do they overlie the nucle-
three lobes, 17% four lobes, and 2% with 5 lobes, and an us. On focusing up and down, highlights on individual
extremely rare sixth lobe. granules can be brought out and may reveal the granules as

Neutrophilic Band Cells

Neutrophilic Segmented Cells

Figure 3. Neutrophilic Band and Segmented Cells

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

little circles. Often this spherical shape permits identifica- or segmented shape and is inconspicuous because of the
tion of the cell when the stain is unsatisfactory. large dark staining granules. The number of basophils is 0-
Eosinophils can be identified in moist preparations 1 per 100 white blood cells in peripheral blood of healthy
without stain because the granules are distinct, round, and individuals. In normal bone marrow of adults the number
relatively large. In an electron photomicrograph each of basophils is less than 1 per 100 nucleated cells. There are
granule contains a rectangular or crystalline-like core sur- so few in peripheral blood and bone marrow that there .is no
rounded by a matrix that is less electron dense. The core clinical advantage in placing the cells in separate stages.
contains mostly major basic protein with the matrix con- Basophils in blood or tissue range in size from 10 to 15 urn,
taining other proteins. They are about the size of neutrophils in the same or close-
In a normal peripheral blood smear, eosinophils are ly adjacent microscopic fields. Basophils differ from neu-
about the size of neutrophils (10-15 urn) and have a band or trophils in that they are not phagocytic.
two-lobed nucleus. They usually make up 1% to 3% of the The relative and absolute number of basophils in
leukocytes in peripheral blood and bone marrow of normal peripheral blood of chronic myelocytic leukemia and in the
individuals. Since the percentage of these cells is usually low terminal blast transformation of chronic myelocytic
in bone marrow, no useful clinical purpose is served by rou- leukemia are increased. Blood basophilia and basophilic
tinely separating the eosinophils into their various myelo- progenitors are poor prognostic indicators in chronic mye-
cyte, metamyelocyte, band, and segmented categories. On locytic leukemia. The most striking increase in basophils in
the other hand, in situations in which the eosinophils are peripheral blood and bone marrow occurs as a manifesta-
greatly increased, an analysis of the incidence of the various tion of basophilic leukemia. Basophilia may be observed in
stages is indicated. myxedema, ulcerative colitis, chronic sinusitis, smallpox,
There is a relative and absolute eosinophilia in associa- chickenpox, and after the injection of foreign protein.
tion with the invasion, migration, and encystment of animal
(metazoal) parasites. Other diseases and conditions charac- Monoblast
terized by an increase in eosinophils include allergy, Monoblasts are derived from myelocytic-monocytic pro-
bronchial asthma, pulmonary infiltrates, hay fever, extensive genitor cells in the bone marrow. Differentiation of a
skin diseases, recovery from bacterial and other infections, monoblast from a myeloblast on morphology alone is diffi-
idiopathic eosinophilic syndrome, chronic myelocytic cult and almost impossible unless there are mature mono-
leukemia, myelomonocytic leukemia with eosinophils, neo- cytic cells nearby on the smear. A monoblast is able to form
plastic malignancy, following radiation, and miscellaneous mature colonies of mononuclear phagocytes in in vitro agar
disorders. Eosinophilia may be observed in patients with culture. A monoblast has a large early nucleus with one or
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). two nucleoli, fine linear chromatin, small indentations (or
Eosinophils have a diurnal variation with lowest level in nuclear creases), basophilic cytoplasm with no granules, and
the morning and highest at night. Mild eosinophilia is con- measures about 16 urn in diameter (PLATES 10,49,50,74).
sidered to be 5% to 15% and is often associated with aller- Monoblasts and promonocytes are identifiable in condi-
gy; marked eosinophilia greater than 50% may be associat- tions in which there is marked proliferation of cells of the
ed with parasitic infestation. monocytic type such as monoblastic leukemia or in
myelomonocytic leukemia.
Basophils are derived from myeloid progenitor cells in the Promonocyte
bone marrow. These cells are distinguished by the numer- A promonocyte may be slightly larger in diameter than a
ous, unevenly distributed deep purplish-blue to black dis- monoblast. The nucleus is indented, has fine chromatin, and
tinct granules that fill the cytoplasm and which overlie the often a nucleolus. The cytoplasm is basophilic, has a few fine
nucleus (PLATES 1-4, 46, 74). The granules stand out in granules varying in size, and may have cytoplasmic projec-
sharp contrast to the light pinkish color of the cytoplasm. tions which relate to its property of motility (PLATES 10,
The granules vary in size from 0.2 to 1.0 !lm and have an 49, 50, 74). Peroxidase stain, monocytic esterase stain, and
affinity for the basic dye in Wright stain. The basophilic lysozyme are usually positive. The identification of early
granules yield negative or very weak peroxidase, Sudan mononuclear cells is based on the indented and folded
black, and alkaline phosphatase reactions. Some basophils nuclei and the association with more mature monocytes
react positively when periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stain is having blunt pseudopods, fine granules, or vacuoles.
used. The granules in basophils are membrane-bound sacks
containing secretory products including heparin, histamine, Monocyte
major basic protein (as eosinophils do), and other cherni- The mature monocyte in blood and bone marrow varies in
cals. They are not lysosomes (as are neutrophilic granules) size (12-20 urn) and shape. The cell has a large nucleus
that contain digestive enzymes. When properly stimulated, which is often convoluted or indented. The nuclear chro-
the granules eject the chemicals contained in their storage matin is delicate and somewhat linear. The abundant cyto-
areas (exocytosis). The nucleus has a round, indented, band, plasm contains numerous fine, bluish granules which give a
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

ground-glass appearance to the cytoplasm (PLATES 4, 7-10, mass in the .body, The late phase of erythropoiesis is con-
74). Vacuoles may also be present in the cytoplasm. There trolled by the hormone erythropoietin which is the regula-
are 1% to 6% monocytes in normal peripheral blood. tor of red cell production. Erythroblasts in the marrow are
Monocytes in peripheral blood are slightly larger than produced by immature erythroid cells called erythroid pro-
neutrophils and their diameter is three to four times that of genitor cells which cannot be identified by morphology.
erythrocytes in the same microscopic field. The shape of a However, progenitor cells are able to form in vitro colonies
monocyte is variable. These cells may be round or oval and of erythroblasts.
may have blunt pseudopods which indicate their slow motili- Involved in erythropoiesis are the precursor red cells at
ty. Monocytes generally have a large amount of dull gray· the earliest maturation stage (proerythroblast) and at the
blue cytoplasm contrasted with the pinkish color of the cyto- end is the mature circulating erythrocyte (Fl). This mass of
plasm of neutrophils in adjacent fields. The nucleus of a erythroid cells has been termed the erythron to emphasize
monocyte may be round, kidney-shaped, oval or deeply the unity of erythrocytic cells as a tissue beginning with the
indented, and usually centrally located. One of the most dis- committed progenitor cells and their precursors.
tinctive and diagnostic features of the nucleus is the presence Erythropoiesis occurs in the marrow over a period of
of convolutions. Another feature of the nucleus of a mono- about 5 days through successive morphologic alterations
cyte is the tendency to be loose with light spaces in between from the proerythroblast (the earliest erythroid precursor)
chromatin strands, thus giving a delicate, linear pattern in to the orthochromatic erythroblast followed by a nonnucle-
contrast to the lymphocyte with its clumped chromatin. ated polychromatophilic erythrocyte and then by a mature
The lilac or light purple granules in the gray-blue cyto- erythrocyte (PLATE 11). The maturation of the various
plasm are usually fine,' small, numerous, lightly stained, and stages is noted by increasing condensation of the nuclear
evenly distributed giving a ground-glass appearance. In chromatin, disappearance of nucleoli, and changing of the
addition to the small granules there may be varying num- deep blue color of the immature cytoplasm with its high
bers of prominent granules. Vacuoles are often present. ribonucleic acid (RNA) content to the reddish color indicat-
Monocytes often have pseudopods which extend slowly ing hemoglobin. During the early maturation period, mito-
from the cytoplasm as cells move in random fashion. As chondria, Golgi apparatus, and polyribosomes are devel-
these cells grow, they are transformed into macrophages oped. Genes related to hemoglobin synthesis are activated,
which are too large to pass readily through capillaries. and in the cytoplasm of the later developmental stages, there
Extremely large mononuclear phagocytes are not seen in is increasing hemoglobin synthesis. Three or four mitotic
blood smears of normal individuals but they are demonstra- divisions occur in the early phases, but in the late phase, the
ble in bone marrow and in body fluids other than blood. cells are unable to divide.
Monocytes are phagocytic leukocytes of the blood The main functions of erythrocytes are to transport
which, together with macrophages and neutrophilic leuko- oxygen to the tissues and to return carbon dioxide to the
cytes, playa major role as a first line of defense against path- lungs from the tissues. This gaseous exchange within the
ogenic organisms and foreign cells. Mononuclear erythrocyte is accomplished by the oxygen-carrying protein,
phagocytes ,in the lung ingest and degrade pathogenic hemoglobin. The presence of hemoglobin usually is not vis-
organisms. Phagocytic cells of varying size and mobility ible as a reddish color in normal nucleated red cells until the
remove from the circulating blood injured and dead cells, polychromatophilic erythroblast stage. In addition to hemo-
microorganisms, cell fragments, insoluble particles, and globin, mature nucleated erythrocytes are differentiated
ingest and degrade noxious external agents. from the proerythroblast by the coarsening of the chromatin
Monocytes may be increased in certain chronic bacterial pattern and absent nucleoli. The cytoplasm color changes as
infections (such as tuberculosis, subacute bacterial endo- the cell matures and there is increasing concentration of
carditis, syphilis, brucellosis), during recovery from acute hemoglobin and decreasing RNA. The predominant color of
infections, agranulocytosis, protozoal infections (malaria, the. cytoplasm is blue but there is a reddish tinge due to the
babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, trypanosomiasis, histoplasmosis), presence of hemoglobin. Normal bone marrow contains
lymphoma, monocytic leukemia, myelomonocytic leukemia, enzymes for the production of energy and for maintenance
chronic myelocytic leukemia, lipid storage diseases, malig- of hemoglobin in the reduced state.
nancy, multiple myeloma, collagen vascular disease (lupus
erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis), granulomatous Proerythroblast .
disease, and chronic steroid therapy. The earliest cell of the erythrocytic sequence, the proery-
throblast, is similar to "blasts" in the other series. The
proerythroblast is the largest cell (14-19 urn) in the erythro-
Erythropoiesis cytic series. Nucleoli are usually prominent. The nuclear
Erythropoiesis is the term used to describe the process in chromatin strands are linear and distinct. The cytoplasm
which red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. stains a deep blue (PLATES 11,36,74)' In normal bone mar-
This process of erythropoiesis results in a constant red cell row of adults there are 0% to 1% proerythroblasts.

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Basophilic Erythroblast stippling or nucleated red cells. The diameter of a red cell
The basophilic erythroblast is smaller (12-17 urn) than the may be measured by comparing the red cell with the nucle-
proerythroblast. This cell is differentiated from the proery- us of a small lymphocyte in the same or adjacent field.
throblast by the coarsening of the chromatin pattern and ill- Every blood smear examination should include an eval-
defined or absent nucleoli. The cytoplasm color changes as uation of the erythrocytes according to size, shape, color con-
the cell matures and .there is increasing concentration of tent, and inclusions. The morphology of the red blood cells
hemoglobin and decreasing RNA. The predominant color of should be evaluated in the area of the smear where the ery-
the cytoplasm is deep blue but there is a reddish tinge due to throcytes are close together but not overlapping and not at
the presence of hemoglobin (PLATES 11,36,74). In normal the "feather end" of the smear. At the end of the smear the red
bone marrow there are 1-4% basophilic erythroblasts. cells are flattened out and do not reveal normal central pallor.

Polychromatophilic Erythroblast Nucleated Red Cells Clustered

Polychromatophilic erythroblasts are smaller (12-16 urn) Around Macrophage
than basophilic erythroblasts, have relatively more cyto- Macrophages that have acquired iron from ingested red
plasm, and contain varying mixtures of red and blue stains blood cells and erythrocyte fragments serve as feeder or
in the cytoplasm. There is an increasing amount of hemo- nursing cells to nucleated red cells that cluster around their
globin giving a more reddish color to the cytoplasm. The margins (PLATE 17). There is intimate intercellular contact
nuclear chromatin is thickened and irregularly condensed between the satellite nucleated erythrocytes and the
and nucleoli are no longer visible (PLATES 11, 36, 74). macrophage; the macrophage supplies the nutrients, such as
There are 10% to 20% polychromatophilic erythroblasts in ferritin, to the surrounding nucleated cells, a process similar
normal bone marrow. to nursing.

Orthochromatic Erythroblast Comparison of Basophilic Erythroblasts,

The orthochromatic erythroblast has a predominantly red- Lymphocytes, and Plasmacytes
dish cytoplasm due to increasing hemoglobin concentration. Basophilic erythroblasts, lymphocytes, and plasmacytes
This cell is smaller than the polychromatophilic erythroblast have in common a round nucleus without lobulations and a
and has a nonlinear clumped chromatin structure or a solid blue, nongranular cytoplasm (PLATE 12). Immature eryth-
blue-black degenerated nucleus. (PLATES 11,36, 74.) Nude- rocytes and plasma cells may have mixtures of red and blue
ated red cells with fragmented or partially extruded nuclei are in their cytoplasm, which gives them an intense royal-blue
classified as orthochromatic erythroblasts. In normal bone color. Lymphocytes, as well as plasmacytes, may have bubbly
marrow there are 5% to 10% orthochromatic erythroblasts. or foamy cytoplasm.
The nucleus is extruded from the orthochromatic erythro- Basophilic erythroblasts do not have' a bubbly cyto-
blast in the marrow, leaving a polychromatophilic erythro- plasm, seldom contain vacuoles, and usually have smooth
cyte. The nucleus is phagocytized by a macrophage. margins. They have less cytoplasm than plasma cells, the
perinuclear clear zone is less striking, and the nuclei are not
Polychromatophilic Erythrocyte eccentric as are the nuclei of plasmacytes.
Polychromatophilic erythrocytes usually have lost their Lymphocytes have a narrow rim of blue cytoplasm, a
nuclei but still maintain some of their bluish color due to small perinuclear clear zone is present, and the nucleus is not
the presence of ribosomes. They are larger than mature red as eccentric as the plasma cell. Reddish color of the cyto-
cells. Polychromatophilic erythrocytes, when stained with a plasm occasionally seen in plasma cells and in immature
supravital stain such as new methylene blue, reveal a gran- nucleated red cells is not present.
ulofilamentous network that has been called reticulum and Features which favor the diagnosis of the cellas a plas-
thus the name reticulocyte (PLATES 11,32,36,74). This cell ma cell are the relatively large amount of cytoplasm, eccen-
is released in 1 to 2 days from the marrow and circulates in tric nucleus, relatively large light area next to the nucleus,
the peripheral blood and spleen for 1 to 2 days before vacuoles, fibrillar structure, and frayed edges.
maturing into an erythrocyte. In many individual cells, the similarity between these
cells is so close that differentiation cannot be made on mor-
Erythrocyte phologic grounds alone. Often it is necessary to classify the.
Normal erythrocytes are biconcave discs 7.2 to 7.9 urn in atypical cell by association with the predominant cell or by
diameter and 1.5 to 2.5 urn thick, which appear in stained arbitrarily placing it in the column that it most closely
smears as circular objects with distinct and smooth margins resembles.
(PLATE 4). In the central portion of the erythrocyte where
the cellis thinnest the intensity of the stain is less than at the
thicker marginal area. This is the normal area of central pal- Megakaryopoiesis
lor. Erythrocytes in normal blood should be uniform in size, The hematopoietic stem cell forms progenitor cells commit-
shape, and color content and have no inclusions such as ted to produce the megakaryocytic series in which the
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

cytoplasm later fragments to form circulating blood From these cytoplasmic protrusions, the differentiated and
platelets (PLATES 14, 15,74). Megakaryopoiesis takes place membrane-bound platelets separate and are swept into the
primarily in the bone marrow. Megakaryocytic cells do not flowing blood stream. Other megakaryocytes escape into the
have the capacity for self-renewal. They are maintained by a vascular channels of the marrow and are transported to the
continuing flow of progenitor cells from the stem cell com- lungs where they lodge in the terminal pulmonary arterioles
partment, which become committed to form megakary- and alveolar capillaries. They may also be found in other
ocytes. Progenitors for the megakaryocytic lineage are major organs, such as the spleen.
indistinguishable from other undifferentiated cells in the From these sites, they continue to differentiate and to
marrow but in semisolid media they are able to grow into liberate portions of their cytoplasm in the form of platelets.
mature megakaryocytes with the appropriate growth factors The mechanism of liberation of platelets is somewhat con-
(such as interleukins 3 and 6, and granulocyte-macrophage troversial. The naked nuclei disintegrate or are phagocytized
colony stimulating factor-Glvl-Cxf'). by macrophages. Estimates of the number of platelets pro-
Cells of the megakaryocytic system are unique in that duced by one megakaryocyte vary from several hundred to
the nucleus undergoes multiple mitotic divisions but there is thousands. In bone marrow smears and in sections of mar-
no cytoplasmic separation. Thus a giant polyploid nucleus is row tissue from normal individuals, the megakaryocyte con-
produced. All of the nuclei in a given cell replicate at the stitutes 1 to 4 per 1,000 nucleated cells and most are in the
Same time producing 2, 4, 8,16, or rarely 32 nuclei. The mul- later stage of maturation.
tiple nuclei remain attached to each other and are often When platelet production is accelerated, megakary-
superimposed, giving a lobular appearance to a single poly- ocytes increase in both volume and number. When there is
ploid nucleus. accelerated platelet destruction causing various forms of
The cytoplasm matures by progressively increasing in thrombocytopenia, the morphology of megakaryocytes is
size and granularity but there is no division of the cyto- abnormal with degenerating megakaryocytes and cells that
plasm. The maturation of the megakaryocyte culminates in do not appear to produce platelets. Occasionally a marrow
platelet differentiation and liberation. Platelet.masses usual- cell(s) may be seen within a megakaryocyte in normal mar-
ly appear at the margins of the megakaryocyte in the fourto row, in association with blood loss, and with a variety-of
eight nucleated stages of development. In some cells platelets neoplastic disorders.
may form in cells with single or double nuclei. In myelofibrosis, megakaryocytes may have a role in
this abnormality by stimulating fibroblast proliferation and
Megakaryoblast collagen secretion. Intact small megakaryoblasts (or micro-
The megakaryoblast is a moderately large cell with one or megakaryoblasts), fragments of megakaryocytes, and naked
two nuclei in a round nucleus and with blue nongranular nuclei are occasionally demonstrable in smears of peripheral
cytoplasm (PLATES 14, 15,74). Nucleoli are often demon- blood from patients with myeloproliferative diseases such as
strable. The cytoplasm may have blunt pseudopods or blebs myelofibrosis, megakaryocytic leukemia, polycythemia vera,
(suggesting early platelet formation) which stain bluish. The chronic myelogenous leukemia, and myelodysplasia.
nucleus begins to indent with lobes starting to form and the Micromegakaryoblasts are small cells, have a blast
nucleus increases in size. A megakaryoblast has a high nucleus and blunt cytoplasmic blebs (which represent early
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and may be greater than 15 Jlm platelet formation), and are found in small numbers in
in diameter. peripheral blood of megakaryocytic (or megakaryoblastic)
leukemia (PLATES 54,55). Small and large megakaryoblasts
Promegakaryocyte and Megakaryocyte are observed in the bone marrow which is difficult or almost
Promegakaryocytes and megakaryocytes are larger than impossible to obtain because of increase in reticulin fibrosis.
megakaryoblasts (25 to 60 urn in diameter). When the The diagnosis depends on the immunologic demonstration
basophilic cytoplasm becomes filled with azurophilic gran- of platelet glycoprotein Ib or IIb/IIIa within the blast cells.
ules, the cell is called a promegakaryocyte (or granulated Megakaryoblasts stain positively with a-naphthyl-acetate
megakaryocyte). The number oflobes also increases in mul- esterase.
tiples of two (PLATE 14; 15, 74). The lobulated nucleus
helps to distinguish the megakaryocyte from the osteoclast Platelet
which has many separated nuclei. The numerous Platelets (thrombocytes) are fragments of cytoplasm from
azurophilic granules begin to aggregate into platelets and the megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. In films of blood from
cell is then identified as a megakaryocyte (with platelets). normal individuals the diameters of single platelets vary from
The time of differentiation of the stem cell to production of 1 to 4 urn (PLATE 4). However, in various diseases the size
the megakaryocyte with platelets averages about 10 days. may range from barely visible structures to masses larger
Megakaryocytes in the more advanced stages of matu- than red cells or leukocytes (PLATE73). There also may be a
ration are slowly ameboid. They extend portions of their slight to marked decrease in platelets in other disease states.
cytoplasm through the basement membranes and between The platelet is made up of a variable number of small
the 'endothelial cells of the sinusoids of the bone marrow. reddish-blue granules which tend to aggregate in the center

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The Morphology of Human Blood .Cells

of a minimal amount of blue cytoplasm. The number of expression in the cytoplasm or surface depends on a com-
platelets per oil immersion field varies from 7 to 15 in the plex but orderly series of gene arrangements at the heavy
thin portions of the blood smear where erythrocytes and and light chain loci.
leukocytes are evaluated. The number of platelets in the Surface expression of a complete IgM molecule and loss
average oil immersion field multiplied by 20 gives the of CD 10 defines the first stage of transition from pre- B to B
approximate number of platelets per 109/L (or by 20,000 = cell. In addition to surface IgM, the mature B cell acquires
number of platelets per cu mm). At least 10 oil immersion CD21 and CD22 antigens. It is important to remember that
fields should be counted and the average number per field the microenvironment of the bone marrow is crucial for B
calculated. If platelets are decreased, then 50 to 100 oil lymphopoiesis. Stromal cells are a primary source of
immersion fields should be counted and averaged. No report cytokines that influence the process of B-cell development.
of a blood smear examination is complete unless the num- Normal T lymphopoiesis involves a series of steps that
ber of platelets per oil field is stated and any abnormalities parallel that of the B cell. However, the process of differenti-
described. Platelets may appear as satellites (PLATE 73) ation and maturation of T cells takes place in the thymus,
around the cytoplasmic margins of neutrophils when the not in the bone marrow as for B cells. The earliest identifi-
blood film is made from anticoagulated blood, particularly able immature precursor of T cells in the thymus expresses
ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). the CD7 marker along with the CD34 on the cell mem-
brane. These immature precursors then generate a progeny
characterized by expresssion of CD2+/CD5+ and cytoplas-
Lymphopoiesis mic CD3. Subsequently, CD4 and CD8 antigens are
Lymphocytes are the cornerstones of the immune system. expressed on the surface of thymocytes.
They are divided into B cells responsible for humoral immu- A more unique marker of the T-cell lineage is called T-
nity (production of antibodies or immunoglobulins) and T cell receptor (TCR). Analogous to the immunoglobulin
lymphocytes which mediate cellular immunity. The use of heavy and light molecules, the genes that encode TCR pro-
monoclonal antibodies in the laboratory investigation of tein undergo a process of rearrangement. Cells that are dou-
blood cell components has changed our understanding of ble positive for CD4/CD8 and expressing TCR soon pass
lymphocytes and their benign and malignant disorders. The from the thymic cortex to the medulla and become com-
reagents used in these studies can identify the expression of mitted either to positive CD4 helper or cytotoxic CD8 T
certain antigens on leukocytes at different stages of matura- cells. Single positive T cells expressing an intact TCR on the
tion and differentiation. Using a combination of molecular, cell surface accompanied by the CD3 complex leave the thy-
biochemical, and flow cytometric techniques, the molecules mus and populate lymphoid tissues such as the spleen and
recognized by these antibodies have been grouped in clusters, lymph nodes. The development of T cells is regulated by
thereby enabling the recognition of certain antigens by clus- stromal and other supporting cells in the thymus and is
ter designation (CD) (FIG. 4). Several of these CDs playa mediated through secretion of different cytokines.
crucial role in the recognition and interaction with antigens, Interaction between T and B cells is critical for the reg-
proliferation, cell signaling, adhesion, and activation. B- and ulation of a normal immune response. Such interaction
T-lineage-associated cell-surface molecules are now the basis takes place through cell-surface receptors and is initiated by
for classification of most, if not all, lymphoid diseases. certain signals. Signaling triggers a cascade of events includ-
The bone marrow is the primary site of myeloid and ing cellular and molecular changes which eventually gener-
B lymphocyte development. The earlier Band T cells (lym- ate an effective immune response. Examples of this type of
phoid stem cells) are characterized by the intranuclear collaboration between the Band T cells are the interaction
expression of the enzyme terminal deoxynucleotidyl trans- between the major histocompatibility antigen (MHC) class
ferase (TdT) and surface expression of the stem cell antigen II molecules and CD4 on T cells which is essential for T-cell
CD34. Models of human B-cell maturation and differentia- activation. Of similar importance is the interaction between
tion are based on flow cytometric analysis and studies of the surface immunoglobulin molecule and CD28 on T cells
leukemic B-cell precursors. The most immature B-cell which generates signals that up-regulate T-cell surface
precursor is called pro-B and expresses the CD19 antigen on expression of other cytokine receptors and ligands.
its surface.
The first identifiable stage of B-cell maturation occurs Lymphoblast
as the cell begins the process of producing immunoglobulin. Lymphoblasts are 8-12 Ilm in diameter, are round or slight-
Cells that express cytoplasmic !l heavy chain protein and ly oval in shape, and have a large round nucleus with one
surface antigen CD20 are called pre-B cells. These cells also distinct nucleolus or two nucleoli (PLATES 10, 58-60, 74).
express the CD10 antigen, otherwise called common acute The nuclear chromatin strands are thin, delicate, evenly
lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA). This is an impor- stained, and deep purplish-blue. The nongranular cyto-
tant but nonlineage specific marker that is useful in the plasm is blue, may be moderate or scanty in amount, and has
classification of acute lymphoblastic leukemias. Immuno- a paranuclear clear zone. Lymphoblasts are not seen in
globulin is the unique marker of B-lineage cells, and its smears of normal adults. The nuclei become progressively
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology-of Human Blood Cells

Pluripotent Hematopoietic Stem Cell

Pluripotent Stem Cell

Myeloid Restricted

Lymphoid Restricted

CD 34



CD 34
CD 7


CD 20
CD 22
CD 7
CD 2
CD 5
CD 4
CD 8
Pre-B Cell

+---- Antigen

CD 7
CD 2. CD8
CD 20
CD 5
CD 22

Mature T Cell Mature T Cell Mature B Cell

Figure 4. Differentiation and Cell Markers of lymphocytes

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

smaller as the cells mature. Differentiation of cells in the report the number of so-called "large"lymphocytes separate-
lymphocytic maturation sequence is based principally on ly from the "small" lymphocytes unless there is a striking
differences in nuclear structure. increase in large lymphocytes. Large reactive lymphocytes are
characteristic of infectious mononucleosis (PLATES 65-66).
Prolymphocyte Lymphocytosis occurs in acute viral illnesses such as
Prolymphocytes are somewhat smaller and have less distinct infectious mononucleosis and pertussis; certain chronic
nucleoli than lymphoblasts (PLATES 10,58,74). The chro- infections, e.g., tuberculosis; mumps and German measles;
matin structure is intermediate between lymphoblasts and neutropenic states; and hairy cell leukemia. Lymphoblasts
mature lymphocytes. Pro lymphocytes are not seen in normal are observed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia and in the
adults but occasionally are observed in children. There is a lymphoblastic crisis of chronic myelocytic leukemia.
rare acute leukemia in which prolymphocytes are increased Mature small lymphocytes are increased in peripheral
and this is called prolymphocyticleukemia (PLATE 60). blood of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in adults
(PLATE 60). Smudges or disintegrated lymphocytes are also
Lymphocyte features of CLL.
Mature lymphocytes are usually small, have a round nucle-
us with dense chromatin and a rim of blue nongranular Plasma Cell
cytoplasm (PLATES 4-6, 9,10,74). The nucleus in relation to Plasma cells were first thought to constitute a separate cell
the cytoplasm is large and occupies about 90% of the cell line but now they are considered to be the progeny of B
area. The diameter of small lymphocytes ranges from 7 to 10 lymphocytes. Plasma cells constitute about 1% of nucleated
flm. The size of the nucleus of small lymphocytes is compa- cells of normal bone marrow but are not seen in the periph-
rable to the diameter of normal red cells in the same or eral blood smears of healthy adults.
nearby microscopic fields. Plasmacytes are usually round or oval and have slightly
Small lymphocytes usually have a round shape and irregular margins, particularly in the marrow where they are
smooth cytoplasmic margins. A lymphocyte may occasion- torn in the process of aspiration. The cytoplasm is nongran-
ally have a spindle shape with oval and eccentrically located ular and always stains a dark blue (described as cornflower
nuclei. Nucleoli that may be present are not visible by light blue or larkspur blue) at the periphery of the cell (PLATES
microscopy because they are obscured by dense chromatin 10, 12, 74). The cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus is rela-
but are visible by electron microscopy. The fact that nucleoli tively pale with a paranuclear clear zone containing the
are present in some small lymphocytes is proof of metabol- Golgi apparatus. In many plasma cells there are one or more
ic activity and the capacity for these cells for growth and vacuoles in the cytoplasm.
replication. The color of the cytoplasm of lymphocytes is The nuclei of mature plasma cells are relatively small,
blue but the intensity of the blue varies from light blue to oval, or round and eccentrically placed. The nucleus is small
darker blue in different cells. The color is evenly distributed in relation to cell size and is made up of dense masses of
in some cells and uneven in other cells. There may be a small chromatin. In marrow tissue fixed in formaldehyde, there
paranuclear clear zone. may be nuclear artifacts in plasma cells characterized by the
Lymphocytes are the second most frequently occurring tendency of the chromatin to clump and to adhere to the
leukocytes in the peripheral blood. In older children and nuclear membrane, giving the visual impression of a "clock
adults lymphocytes constitute from 20% to 40% of the face" nuclei or the "spokes of a wheel:' This nuclear artifact
leukocytes in peripheral blood smears. The total number of is not observed in bone marrow smears made directly from
lymphocytes in the blood of individuals in good health the marrow puncture and without a fixative.
varies from 1.5 to 4.0 x 109L. During the first few years oflife Lymphocytes may have deep blue cytoplasm and some-
while children are developing immunity to infectious agents what resemble plasma cells. Such cells are called plasma-
and other foreign environmental factors, lymphocytes make cytoid lymphocytes and they are observed in viral infection
up from 30% to 70% of the white cells in peripheral blood. (e.g., infectious mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, AIDS) and in
A few larger lymphocytes (9-15 flm in diameter) may immunologic diseases with hypergammaglobulinemia and
be observed in normal individuals. The nucleus of a large in plasma cell dyscrasias. Plasma cells are observed in aller-
lymphocyte in contrast to the nucleus of a small lymphocyte gic states, serum sickness, chronic bacterial and fungal infec-
may be increased in size and slightly indented. The tion, toxoplasmosis, and multiple myeloma.
basophilic chromatin is condensed. Plasma cells manufacture immunoglobulins. These
The margins oflarge lymphocytes are often indented by cells may be seen in the marrow clustered around
erythrocytes producing serrated, scalloped, or holly leaf macrophages (PLATE 17). Antigenic material processed by
shapes. The abundant cytoplasm stains varying shades of macrophages is transferred to the plasma cells which in turn
light blue and may contain a few unevenly distributed gran- manufacture immune globulins. This proteinaceous materi-
ules which are reddish-violet (or azurophilic) and are easily al is usually in the form of round red globules called Russell
countable. These granules are peroxidase and Sudan Black bodies but may be colorless or reveal other pastel colors
negative and acid phosphatase positive. It is not necessary to (PLATE 63). The globules may fill the cytoplasm, giving the

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

appearance of a bunch of grapes (called grape, berry or abundance of basophilic cytoplasm with a paranuclear clear
morula cells). Rarely "flame" plasma cells may be found in zone present. Rarely there may be cytoplasmic inclusions
which the red color is diffusely distributed throughout the such as reddish round bodies (PLATE 63), crystalline rod-
cytoplasm (PLATE 13). The proteinaceous material may like structures, and round globules.
crystallize and produce elongated or needle-like structures Rouleaux of red cells (PLATE 63) is a common finding
which may be colorless or stain various shades of red. in marrow and blood smears in myeloma and is due to the
Plasmablast increase in globulins which coat the red cells in myeloma. A
In multiple myeloma plasmablasts are increased in the bone bluish background to the smear may be observed due to
marrow with some large cells having two, three, or more increase in proteinaceous material which stains bluish.
nuclei which may vary in size (PLATE 63). Nucleoli are Rarely a plasma cell may be found in the blood smear of
prominent in the blasts and visible in proplasmacytes. The myeloma. An increase in plasma cells in blood is called plas-
nucleus of these early cells is eccentrically placed. There is an ma cell leukemia.

2 Other Bone Marrow Cells

Macrophage and synovial fluids. Macrophages are in various tissues:

lung, spleen, lymph nodes, bowel, liver, brain, peritoneal
Macrophages, as the name implies, are large cells which
cavity, and kidney. Hepatic macrophages (Kupffer cells) are
phagocytize actively. Macrophages (phagocytic histiocytes)
interspersed with endothelial-lining cells in the sinusoids
serve as the tissue phase of the mononuclear phagocytic sys-
of the liver and are responsible for clearing activated coagu-
tem. These cells are a heterogeneous group of cells and orig-
1ation factors. If this filtering function fails during DIC or
inate in the bone marrow from progenitor cells that eventu-
fibrinolysis, it would be harmful to the patient. The sputum
ally form blood monocytes which function as phagocytic
of patients with congestive heart failure and stasis of blood
cells in the blood. Some of these motile macrophages
in pulmonary vessels contains macrophages laden with
squirm between endothelial lining cells of blood vessels and
hemosiderin. There is a constant influx of monocytes into
through basement membranes of vascular channels into
tissue in order to maintain a stable number of macrophages.
connective tissue spaces where their growth continues; they
differentiate into macrophages in response to local condi- Macrophages do not re-enter the blood again but leave the
tions in many organs in the body. tissue and probably have a steady death rate.
The diameters of macrophages are two to five times
those of neutrophils in the same microscopic fields. The Mast Cell
cytoplasm is abundant, may have blunt pseudopods, stains
Mast cells are thought to be derived from a hematopoietic
light blue, and has a fine reticular structure and numerous
precursor cell in the bone marrow and do not differentiate
granules of varying sizes (PLATE 16, 17). Vacuoles are some-
times demonstrable in the cytoplasm. The nuclei are rela- into mature granulocytes. Mast cells normally mature in con-
tively small in relation to the cytoplasm and are round, oval, nective tissue and are found in the supporting connective tis-
or slightly indented. The chromatin pattern is linear. sue underlying epithelium. A small number of mast cells are
Nucleoli may be demonstrable. Phagocytized objects that noted in particles of marrow stroma.
may be revealed in digestive vacuoles include intact red cells, Mast cells appear to be round, oval, or elongated in
leukocytes, cell fragments, platelets, hemosiderin, bacteria, bone marrow or spindle-shaped in tissue. The nucleus can
fungi, protozoa, and crystals. be small, round or oval. Nucleoli apparently are absent from
Cells of the monocytic phagocytic system are distrib- normal mast cells. The cytoplasm is filled with intensely
uted widely throughout the body. Monocytes and stained violet-blue to blue-black granules, which are rela-
macrophages are demonstrable in all types of body fluids tively. round and approximately the same size. They fre-
including blood, urine, sputum, saliva, tears, cerebrospinal quently overlie the margins of the pale nucleus or may
fluid, mucous secretions from the nose and facial sinuses, partially or completely obscure the nucleus (PLATE 18).

Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Mast cells are widely scattered in various organs includ- Osteoblast and Osteoclast
ing bone marrow. They are not usually encountered while
performing a differential count of several hundred cells in Bone cells identified as osteoblasts and osteoclasts do not
the bone marrow. Mast cells may be relatively increased and take part in hematopoiesis. Osteoblasts are responsible for
conspicuous in conditions associated with aplastic anemia formation and maintenance of bone. The function of osteo-
and myelosclerosis. Mast cells may proliferate in urticaria clasts is the destruction and resorption of bone. The coop-
pigmentosa and mastocytosis. Mast cells rarely appear in erative roles of these two cells is essential to remodeling of
peripheral blood except in mast cell leukemia. bone in growth and repair. These cells are not common in
Mast cells and blood basophils are closely related in normal adult bone marrow but osteoblasts are seen more
their chemical characteristics and in their functions. The frequently in early childhood.
granules of mast cells and basophils contain histamine and
heparin. Blood basophils as well as mast cells participate in Osteoblast
a similar manner in acute and delayed allergic reactions An osteoblast is a moderately large cell with ample cyto-
since they have high affinity receptors for IgE. Basophils are plasm and relatively small, round, and eccentrically placed
smaller than mast cells and contain fewer granules than nucleus (PLATES 20,21). An osteoblast is descended from a
mast cells. Basophils differentiate and mature in the bone fibroblast. An osteoblast may be traumatized in the process
marrow like neutrophils do and they circulate in the blood. of aspiration and smearing and often has irregular shapes
Mast cells do not circulate in the blood but are found in and cytoplasmic streamers. The cells may have comet or tad-
'connective tissue. The exact nature of the relationship of pole shapes. The nucleus may be partially extruded or may
basophils and mast cells is still not completely understood. rest outside the cell, like a small round head on a round
According to ultrastructural studies blood basophils are body. The nuclear chromatin strands and the nuclear mar-
round but may have various shapes in tissue. Mast cells gins are well defmed. Usually there is a distinct nucleolus
may appear round, oval, or spindle-shaped in tissue. The which takes a predominantly blue color in contrast to pur-
nucleus of a basophil is usually multilobed whereas mast ple-red stain of the chromatin. The basic color of the abun-
cells can be round or lobed. Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, dant cytoplasm is blue. Wavy fibrils are often visible at the
and rough endoplasmic reticulum are scarce in basophils periphery. Throughout the cytoplasm, there are small spher-
and mast cells. Both cells have membrane-bound electron- ical bodies which are colorless and give to the cytoplasm a
dense granules. bubbly appearance. Within the cytoplasm, there is a promi-
nent round or oval zone which takes a lighter stain than the
rest of the cytoplasm. This area is usually away from the
Fat Cell nucleus but may be adjacent to the nucleus.
Fat cells are seldom seen in thin smears of bone marrow, for Osteoblasts morphologically resemble plasma cells, for
they are ruptured in the process of aspiration. When spread both have eccentric nuclei and irregular shapes, pointed
on a slide, the contained globules of fat tend to escape and cytoplasmic protrusions, blue cytoplasm, chromophobic
leave the stroma and cell membranes as unidentifiable areas within the cytoplasm, cytoplasmic fibrils and vacuoles.
debris. In thicker portions of the marrow smears, individual Osteoblasts as a class are larger than normal plasma cells.
fat cells or groups of fat cells (lipocytes) can be seen, The relatively unstained cytoplasmic zone of the plasma cell
surrounded by other marrow cells. is adjacent to the nucleus and partially surrounds the nucle-
Mature fat cells are large round cells (50 to 80 Jlm in us as a collar, whereas the clear zone of the osteoblast is often
diameter), comparable in size to megakaryocytes and osteo- distinctly separate from the nuclear margin and when adja-
clasts in diameter (PLATE 19). The small round or oval cent to the nucleus does not surround or enclose the nucle-
nuclei are located eccentrically, presumably pushed to one us (FIG. 5) The protein secretions of plasma cells sometimes
side by the pressure of globules of fat in the cytoplasm. The impart a reddish background color which is not demonstra-
chromatin structure in many of the nuclei is linear. Often ble in osteoblasts.
there is a globular body in the nucleus thought to be fatty Osteoblasts in marrow smears often appear in groups
material in the process of manufacture. The globules of fat or aggregates in specimens from young children. A clump of
in the cytoplasm are of varying size and are chromophobic osteoblasts may simulate a clump of tumor cells; however,
or stain a light blue or pink. The fat globules have smooth the margins of cells in a malignant cluster are indistinct and
margins. The globules compress each other, producing one cannot tell where one cell begins and the other ends.
irregular shapes. The lipid masses are separated in compart- Malignant cells are crowded and distorted. The size of
ments by cytoplasmic material which appears as delicate tumor cells and the color and structure of the nuclei tend to
blue lines. The fixed character of the cells is revealed by mul- be quite variable, whereas in osteoblasts the cells are more
tiple fibrils which extend outward from the cell margins and orderly and uniform in size and chromatin structure. Light-
interface with the fibers of fibrocytes and endothelial cells. staining areas in the cytoplasm away from the nucleus are
The lipid material in fat cells has an affinity for various characteristic of osteoblasts and are seldom demonstrable in
Sudan dyes. malignant cells.
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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Chromophobic Area

Away from Nucleus Near Nucleus

Osteoblast Plasmacyte

Figure 5. Osteoblast vs. Plasmacyte

Osteoclast broom-like fringe aids in resorption of bone. Os teo clasts

Osteo clasts are professional phagocytes which resorb bone. are usually demonstrable in areas where bone is in
An osteoclast is a giant multinucleated cell which is formed the process of demineralization and resorption such as in
by fusion of precursor cells descended from marrow multiple myeloma.
macrophage progenitor cells. The osteoclast is a very large
(30-100 urn), irregularly shaped, and elongated cell with
multiple round nuclei which are approximately the same
Endothelial Cell
size and appear benign in morphology (PLATES 20, 21). The Endothelial cells form a monolayer lining the inner surface
number of nuclei is quite variable (from 2 to 50 nuclei). The of all blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and maintain vas-
nuclei are separate and are distributed somewhat evenly cular integrity by providing collagen, elastin, basement
within the cytoplasm. In contrast to the separate nuclei of membrane, and fibronectin to the subendothelial connec-
the osteoclast the megakaryocyte has a lobulated nucleus tive tissue. If the lining of the endothelium is damaged the
(FIG. 6). The nuclear chromatin of the osteoclast stains dark result is hemorrhage or an alteration in hemostasis.
purple and is usually condensed; a single blue nucleolus is Endothelial cells synthesize collagen, von Willebrand factor,
usually visible in each nucleus. antithrombin III, tissue factor, and other proteins necessary
The abundant grayish-blue cytoplasm on Wright stain for blood coagulation. These cells remove platelet aggrega-
contains numerous azurophilic granules containing acid tion agents and vasoactive material from the blood.
phosphatase. In thin marrow smears it is possible to demon- In a marrow smear a fragment of a small intact vascu-
strate a ruffled cytoplasmic border or fringe consisting of lar channel, the lumen of which is bounded by elongated
diaphanous veils or fingerlike cytoplasmic protrusions. This nongranular endothelial cells, can be observed rarely. These

Separated Attached
Osteoclast Megakaryocyte

Figure 6. Osteoclast vs. Megakaryocyte

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

cells may be mistaken for malignant cells. In the process of by fibroblasts and types I and III collagen are the main ele-
performing a venipuncture the point of the needle may ments of the fibrosis in myelofibrosis and increase as the
scrape the vessel wall and collect single or several endothe- disease continues. There is an infiltration of fibroblasts
lial cells (PLATE 22) which are deposited on the smear. If the along with lymphocytes, plasmacytes, and monocytes in
first drop of blood from a small puncture wound of the fin- chronic inflammation. Clinical investigations indicate that
ger is used to make a blood smear, an endothelial cell may fibroblasts do not have their origin with hematopoietic tis-
also be found on the smear. sue and do not have the chromosome abnormalities that are
in hematopoietic cells. In the hematopoietic microenviron-
ment of the marrow fibroblasts, endothelial cells, fat cells,
Fibroblast and macrophages are grouped together to form a stromal
Fibroblasts are elongated cells with cytoplasmic processes cell network and create a surface for hematopoietic stem
and are found in connective tissue. Collagen is synthesized cells to proliferate and mature.

3 Erythrocyte Morphological Abnormalities

A normal human erythrocyte is normal in size (7.2-7.9 urn), Acanthocyte
shape, and hemoglobin concentration; has no inclusions; Acanthocyte (spur, thorn, or spiculated cells) has about 5 to
and is without a nucleus. (See earlier discussion of normal 10 spicules of varying length and diameter and is irregular
erythrocytes under Erythropoiesis.) in spacing and thickness (Gr. akantha-a thorn, prickle;
kytos-cell). Spur cells are seen in patients with alcoholic
liver disease, postsplenectomy, and abetalipoproteinemia
Anisocytosis (PLATES 23, 26).
Anisocytosis (Gr. anisos-unequal, uneven) is the term used
to describe variation in size of erythrocytes. Bite Cell
A bite cell has approximately a half circle taken from the
edge of the red cell probably due to pitting of a Heinz body
by the spleen. Bite cells are found in patients with G-6-PD
Macrocyte is a red cell with a diameter larger (>8.0 urn)
deficiency (PLATE 26) and after dapsone.
than a normal erythrocyte (PLATES 24,36,37,39) and also
larger than the nucleus of a small lymphocyte; a macrocyte
is well hemoglobinized and usually lacks central pallor. Oval
Echinocyte (burr cell) has about 10-30 short spicules or pro-
macrocytes are observed in megaloblastic anemia and
jections which are evenly spaced over the surface of the cell
round macrocytes are usually found in liver disease.
and mostly uniform in size (PLATES 23, 26). Echinocytes
(Gr. echinos-spiny, prickly) are seen in uremia, pyruvate
kinase deficiency, bleeding ulcer, and carcinoma of stomach.
A microcyte is a red cell smaller (<6 urn) than a normal red
cell (7.2-7.9 urn) and also smaller than the nucleus of a small
Helmet Cell
lymphocyte (PLATES 24,36,37). A microcyte has increased
A helmet cell resembles a football helmet, loses part of its
central pallor because of decreased hemoglobin concentra-
membrane as it squeezes through fibrin strands in arteri-
tion. Microcytes are characteristic of iron deficiency anemia
oles, and has two or three pointed ends (PLATES 23, 25).
and thalassemia.
Helmet cells are classic findings in microangiopathic
hemolytic anemia (MAHA).

Poikilocytosis Keratocyte
Poikilocytosis (Gr. poikilo-varied) is the name given to any Keratocyte (Gr. keras-horn) is a horn-like cell with a rup-
variation in shape of the red cell (PLATE 23). Common tured membrane and blunt extensions and is found in dis-
shape variations in erythrocytes are given below together seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and vascular
with associated disease states. prosthesis.
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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Leptocyte Hemoglobin Concentration

Leptocyte (Gr.leptos-slender, thin), a thin cell with a small
In the normal human erythrocyte, hemoglobin should be
rim of hemoglobin at cell periphery and a large area of cen-
evenly distributed except in the small central area which
tral pallor, is observed in microcytic anemia (PLATE 24),
stains relatively pale compared with the periphery (indicat-
thalassemia, and obstructive liver disease.
ing its biconcave shape).
Anisochromia (Gr. aniso-uneven, unequal + Gr.
chroma-color) represents variation in the color of erythro-
The word rouleaux (Fr. roll) identifies aggregates of eryth-
cytes due to unequal hemoglobin content. An increased pale
rocytes resembling a stack of coins (PLATE 63). Rouleaux
central area with only a small thin peripheral rim of hemo-
formation is usually seen in patients with myeloma, para-
globin reflects poor hemoglobinization and is designated as
proteinemia, and macroglobulinemia.
hypochromia (PLATE24). Macrocytes may lack normal cen-
tral pallor and are well filled with hemoglobin (PLATE24).
Small, dense cells or spherocytes (PLATES23, 26, 29) lack
Schistocyte (Gr. schistos-split) is an injured red cell such as
central pallor because of the thickness of the cell.
a helmet, fragment, or triangular cell with two or three
pointed ends (PLATES 23,25). Schistocytes are characteris-
tic of MAHA (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia) which
includes DIC (disseminated intrasvascular coagulation), Inclusions
TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura), malignant
hypertension and heart valve prosthesis (PLATE 25, Parts I, Basophilic Stippling
2), burn patients, and pyropoikilocytosis (PLATE 31). Basophilic stippling in an erythrocyte is composed of pre-
cipitation of ribosomes of varying size and number that
Sickle Cell form during drying of the smear and staining. With Wright
Sickle cell (drepanocyte: Gr. drepane-sickle; kytos-cell) is stain the stippling stains a deep blue (PLATE 32; FIG. 7).
a thin elongated erythrocyte with a point at each end, no Stippled cells are present in lead or other heavy-metal intox-
central pallor, and with "1", "V", "S" shapes due to polymer- ication, nutritional deficiencies, and after the use of cytotox-
ization of sickle hemoglobin (PLATES 23, 27). Sickle cells ic drugs.
are observed in Hb SS, Hb S-thalassemia, Hb SC, Hb C
Harlem, Hb Memphis/S, and Hb SD-Punjab. Cabot Ring
Cabot ring is usually seen as a dark blue ring but it may
Spherocyte appear as blue granules in a linear array rather than as a
Spherocyte (Gr. sphaira-sphere or globe) a spherical cell complete ring (PLATES 33, 39; FIG. 8). It probably origi-
with dense appearance (no central pallor) due to thickness nates from spindle material in abnormal mitosis. This
of the cell and often decreased diameter (PLATES 23, 26, thread-like inclusion may be found in reticulocytes and in
29). Spherocytes are encountered in hereditary spherocyto- erythrocytes in a Wright-stained smear of megaloblastic
sis, acquired hemolytic anemia, after transfusion, burns, anemia. The Cabot ring may also appear as a figure-eight
venoms, chemical injury, and immunohemolytic anemia. form. It may be seen along with stippling in an erythrocyte
or in the cytoplasm of a nucleated red blood cell.
Stomatocyte (Gr. stoma, mouth) has a mouth or cup-like Heinz Body
area of central pallor instead of a circular area of pallor Heinz bodies represent denatured hemoglobin and are seen
(PLATE 23) and is seen in hereditary stomatocytosis as round, blue precipitates or inclusions in erythrocytes after
(FIG. 9), alcoholism, cirrhosis, and obstructive liver disease. supervital staining with crystal violet (PLATE 35; FIG. 7).
They are observed after the administration of drugs such as
Target Cell phenylhydrazine and primaquine; the drugs result in oxida-
Target cell resembles a target with a central spot of hemo- tive denaturation of hemoglobin. The same inclusion bod-
globin pigment surrounded by a pale area and then a ies are seen in G-6-PD deficient individuals or when an
peripheral rim of hemoglobin (PLATES 23, 27) and is com- unstable hemoglobin, such as Hemoglobin Zurich, is pres-
mon in Hb SS, Hb CC, Hb SC, thalassemia, Hb S- ent. Heinz bodies are not stained with Wright or Giemsa
thalassemia, liver disease, and postsplenectomy. stains as are Howell-Jolly bodies and Pappenheimer bodies.

Teardrop Cell Howell-Jolly Body

Teardrop cells (PLATE 23) are found in a variety of disor- Howell-Jolly body is a small, round, dense nuclear fragment
ders such as megaloblastic anemia (PLATES 24, 37, 39), composed of DNA and may be observed in an erythrocyte
myelofibrosis (PLATE 31), and myelodysplasia (PLATE 56). in a Wright-stained smear (PLATES 33, 39; FIG. 7) and in a
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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells




Stippling RNA

Jolly Body
0 0 00 DNA

CJ 0 0 0
Siderotic (Pappenheimer
Granule bodies)

Heinz Body
() 0 0 0 Denatured

Figure 7. Red Blood Cell Inclusions

(i) CY •

. I _M


Figure 8. Cabot Rings

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

reticulocyte in a supravital stain. It is about 0.5 urn in diam- reticulocyte (PLATE 32) is derived. The reticulocyte matures
eter. Usually only one Howell-Jolly body is present in an ery- in the circulation in about 2 days and becomes a mature ery-
throcyte. Normally, these nuclear remnants are pitted from throcyte. Most cells identified as reticulocytes have lost their
erythrocytes during passage through the spleen. Howell- nuclei, but a rare orthochromatic erythroblast with gran-
Jolly bodies are observed in sickle cell anemia, megaloblastic ulofilarnentous material may be observed. Normal adult
anemia, other hemolytic anemias, and in the blood of blood contains less than 2% reticulocytes. An increase in
splenectomized patients. reticulocytes is observed in hemolytic anemia (e.g., sickle
cell anemia) and after treatment for nutritional deficiencies.
Pappenheimer Bodies Decreased reticulocytes are found in hypoplastic states.
Pappenheimer bodies in red cells are siderotic granules that
stain as basophilic granules with Wright stain. A few are usu-
Ringed Sideroblast
ally found near the periphery of the red cell but are not dis- A ringed sideroblast is an erythroblast with Prussian blue
tributed throughout the cell as is stippling. Pappenheimer
positive iron granules that form a partial or full ring around
bodies stain positively for iron in a Pruss ian blue iron stain
the nucleus (PLATE 34). Ringed sideroblasts are typical of
(PLATE 34; FIG. 7) and are identified as siderocytes.
sideroblastic anemia.

Polychromatophilic Erythrocyte
(reticulocyte) Sideroblast
Polychromatophilic erythrocytes have a bluish hue in a A sideroblast is a nucleated red cell that contains one or
Wright stain smear and are usually larger than a normal red more Prussian blue positive (iron-containing) granules in
cell (PLATE 32; FIG. 7). Polychromasia represents ribosomal marrow of normal individuals (PLATE 34). Sideroblasts are
material. A polychromatophilic erythrocyte leaves the mar- increased in marrow smears of sideroblastic anemia.
row and enters the circulation containing a small number of
ribosomes and other cytoplasmic organelles. When a drop Siderocyte
of blood is mixed with drops of new methylene blue, these A siderocyte is a mature red cell containing siderotic gran-
organelles aggregate and appear as a granuloftlamentous ules when the smear is stained with Prussian blue iron stain
pattern or reticulum in an erythrocyte; hence the name (PLATE 34).

4 Disorders of Iron Metabolism

IDA, such as koilonychia and blue sclerae, are more com-

Iron Deficiency Anemia mon in severe cases and malnutrition states. Tachycardia
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) results from depletion of iron and pallor are common and occasionally glossitis and angu-
storage caused by either increased requirements or excessive lar stomatitis may be present.
loss. Gastrointestinal blood loss and increased demands
for iron during human growth and at pregnancy are the Laboratory Findings
most common causes leading to IDA. Iron deficiency is the The diagnosis of IDA requires careful evaluation of the
most common type of anemia worldwide. It is most com- peripheral blood smear and the iron studies. It should be
mon in young children, menstruating females, and elderly remembered that by the time IDA is manifested clinically,
individuals. iron storage has almost been completely depleted. The inad-
equate supply of iron to red blood cells leads eventually to
Clinical Description IDA. The peripheral blood smear in patients with IDA usu-
Patients with IDA may be asymptomatic with only abnor- ally reveals small erythrocytes (microcytes) with increased
mal laboratory studies or may present with fatigue, central pallor due to the lack of hemoglobin in individual
weakness, dizziness, and headache. Physical signs specific for red cells (PLATE 24). If the anemia is severe, the degree of

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

pallor is greater and red cells may appear as rings. Besides Sideroblastic Anemia
microcytes, elliptical forms and other irregular shapes are
observed. The platelet count is often markedly increased. The sideroblastic anemias are a group of disorders charac-
The bone marrow reveals an erythroid hyperplasia. Late ery- terized by variable degrees of anemia. The diagnosis is con-
throblasts may be small and have scanty blue cytoplasm firmed by the presence of excess iron in the form of ringed
with ragged borders (PLATES 36, 37). The MCV and MCH sideroblasts in the bone marrow smear stained with
values are reduced and the MCHC is decreased in severe Prussian blue stain (PLATE 34). Common to all sideroblas-
anemia (TABLE 3). The RDW is almost always elevated in tic anemias is the impaired biosynthesis of heme in the ery-
patients with iron deficiency anemia (TABLE 3) and it is throid cells in the bone marrow. The inherited form of
among the earliest indices to become abnormal. sideroblastic anemia is rare. This form has an x-linked pat-
Iron studies are required to confirm the diagnosis of tern of inheritance with the underlying defect being in the
IDA. Serum ferritin which reflects iron storage is low to gene encoding for the enzyme 3-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
absent and iron-binding capacity is typically increased in synthetase. This enzyme is a rate-limiting step in the heme
patients with IDA. Transferrin saturation usually declines to synthetic pathway. The anemia in patients with ALA syn-
<16% in IDA, while it is expected to be >20% in patients thetase deficiency may present early in infancy, but milder
with anemia of chronic disease. Other microcytic anemias defects may not be manifested until midlife. The anemia is
such as thalassemias can be differentiated from IDA by care- usually microcytic and hypochromic. Serum iron, ferritin,
ful history and examination of peripheral blood film and by and transferrin saturation are increased. Other blood counts
other tests, such as iron studies, hemoglobin electrophoresis, are usually normal. .
and Hb A2 determination. Acquired sideroblastic anemia is much more common
It should be remembered that the cause of iron deficien- than the hereditary form and can be either idiopathic or sec-
cy should be investigated meticulously except in obvious con- ondary to other conditions. Alcohol consumption is the most
ditions, such as excessive menstruation or pregnancy. A common cause for sideroblastic anemia in adults. Refractory
source of blood loss should be determined and the presence anemia with ringed sideroblasts is a disorder related to the
of gastrointestinal tumors should be carefully evaluated. myelodysplastic syndromes encountered in many individuals
above 50 years. Anemia usually develops slowly but some
patients may require regular support with blood transfu-
Table 3. Normal Mean Corpuscular Values and ROW sions. The diagnosis of acquired sideroblastic anemia
requires that at least 15% of all erythroblasts in the marrow
Me VALUES. ROW RANGE aspirate are ringed sideroblasts. Other common findings in
MCV(Mean corpuscular volume) 88 ± 8 fl bone marrow are erythroid hyperplasia and dyserythro-
MCH(Mean corpuscular hemoglobin) 30 ± 3 pg
poiesis. A specimen for cytogenetic analysis should be
obtained from all patients with sideroblastic anemia.
MCHC(Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration) 34.4 ± 1.1 g/dl
RDW(Red cell distribution width) reflects
the variabilityof red cell size and is based on
width of the red blood cellvolume 11.5t014.5

5 Megaloblastic Anemia
The megaloblastic anemias are a group of disorders due to span. Because proliferating cells are affected by this defect,
impaired DNA synthesis and characterized by similar mor- the manifestations of megaloblastic anemias are not restrict-
phologic abnormalities of the hematopoietic cells. The ed to hematopoietic cells but involve almost all organs.
defect in DNA synthesis is a common feature that leads to The most common causes of megaloblastic anemias are
pancytopenia and other laboratory and clinical manifesta- deficiencies of two vitamins essential for DNA synthesis:
tions of these disorders. The arrest in DNA but not RNA vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and folate. Although a score of
synthesis causes asynchrony between nuclear and cytoplas- pathogenic mechanisms can be responsible for vitamin B12
mic cellular components. With repeated divisions this defect deficiency, lack of absorption from the gastric mucosa is the
becomes exaggerated and generates large cells with short life most common cause in the United States. Anemia caused by

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

atrophy of the gastric mucosa and defective binding with the Laboratory Findings
intrinsic factor necessary for cobalamin absorption is
referred to as pernicious anemia. However, the underlying Examination of the peripheral blood smear reveals two
mechanism is immune-mediated and not malignancy as the important findings: neutrophil hypersegmentation (>5
term may imply. The most common causes of megaloblastic lobes-PLATES 39,40) and oval macrocytes (PLATES24, 39).
anemia from folic acid deficiency are unbalanced diet and The macrocytes are well filled with hemoglobin and central
increased requirement as in pregnancy or in hemolytic ane- pallor is absent or slightly decreased. Pear-shaped or tear-
mia. Also folic acid deficiency commonly occurs in patients drop erythrocytes may also be found. The MCV is > 105 fl in
with malabsorption such as celiac disease. the majority of patients and low white cell count and
decreased platelets are common. The RDW is most often
Physical Examination The bone marrow is megaloblastic and cellular.
Physical examination of patients with megaloblastic anemia Megaloblasts are large and may show karyorrhexis or
reveals pallor and tachycardia. Occasionally icterus second- nuclear fragmentation. Asynchronism in maturation is evi-
ary to hyperbilirubinemia may be present. Patients with dent in the later stages of erythroblast development as the
severe deficiency of cobalamin or folate may present with cytoplasm appears more mature than the nucleus which
hepatomegaly, skin pigmentation, and tender beefy tongue. appears immature (PLATES 36-39). N. myelocytes,
Neurologic signs indicating involvement of the posterior, metamyelocytes, and bands often have a large nucleus and
pyramidal, and spinocerebellar tracts are characteristic of are larger in size than normal cells. Hypersegmented neu-
B12 but not folate deficiency. trophils are present. Once the diagnosis of megaloblastic
anemia is confirmed, a search for the cause of B12 or folic
acid deficiencies should be conducted.

6 Aplastic Anemia
The term aplastic anemia is used to describe peripheral characteristic although the lymphocyte count in some
blood pancytopenia in association with hypocellular bone patients may be normal. No particular erythrocyte morpho-
marrow. All blood lineages are usually affected and logic abnormalities are seen but some degree of anisocytosis
hematopoietic cell elements are replaced by fatty infiltra- is common.
tions in the bone marrow. By definition, no malignant cells The bone marrow is hypocellular and megakaryocytes
are present in the bone marrow of patients with aplastic are reduced or absent. The normal hematopoietic elements
anemia. The disease can be inherited as in Fanconi's anemia are replaced by fatty spaces and normal lymphocytes; plas-
or dyskeratosis congenita or most commonly occurs sec-
ma cells and macrophages can be found in normal distribu-
ondary to exposure to radiation, cytotoxic agents, and cer-
tion. Patchy areas of normal hematopoietic cells can be seen
tain medications, such as chloramphenicol. Infections with
occasionally in the bone marrow trephine biopsy. Careful
hepatitis viruses and parvovirus B19 (PLATE 71) are rela-
evaluation of the bone marrow and peripheral blood is nec-
tively common causes for aplastic anemia in certain regions
essary to exclude the presence of blastic or dysplastic cells.
of the world.
The manifestations of aplastic anemia stem from the Investigation of patients with aplastic anemia should
deficiency in hematopoietic cells. Patients with severe include acid serum lysis test and sucrose lysis test to rule out
thrombocytopenia may present with recurrent bleeding paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia, measurement of
episodes requiring platelet transfusion. Anemia is common B12 and folate, and viral studies. Evaluation for cytogenetic
and red blood cell transfusions are often needed to maintain abnormalities should be carried out in all patients diag-
adequate levels of hemoglobin. Surprisingly, severe or recur- nosed with aplastic anemia. Complete evaluation is crucial
rent infections are not a common feature of aplastic anemia to determine the etiology of the disease and subsequently
despite depressed neutrophil counts. Pancytopenia is the prognosis of patients.
Errisa Devi Fauzi
7 Hemoglobinopathies
The Thalassemias and MCH and the minimal degree of decline in hemoglobin
level. Poikilocytosis and target cells are a constant finding in
The thalassemias are the most common group of hereditary the blood smear of patients with a-thalassemia.
anemias. The word thalassemia is a Greek term translated Confirmation of the diagnosis of cc-thalassemia-Z requires
into "anemia of the sea" denoting its prevalence in the molecular or DNA testing.
Mediterranean basin. Thalassemia is caused by defective Hemoglobin H disease lacks three a genes (TABLE4) and
synthesis of one or more of the chains that form normal is associated with variable degrees of anemia. The disease is
hemoglobin. more common in Asians than Mediterraneans and occurs
Normal polypeptide hemoglobin tetramers are formed very rarely in African Americans. Accumulation of Hb H
by two a-chains and two ~-chains interlocked together. A leads to damage and hemolysis of red blood cells.
minor component of adult hemoglobin is formed by a com- Hemoglobin H precipitate is detected as inclusion bodies
bination of a chains with y chains to form fetal hemoglobin when red blood cells are incubated with supravital oxidizing
(Hb F). Adult hemoglobin is a mixture of97% Hb A (a2~2)' stains such as 1% brilliant cresyl blue. Hemoglobin H com-
2-3% Hb ~ (a282), and approximately 1% Hb F (a2y 2)' prises approximately 5-30% of hemoglobin and the rest
Genetic defects that cause reduced or absent production of being mostly Hb A, reduced amount of Hb A2, and traces of
one or more globin chains of Hb A have two major conse- Hb Bart's. Mild to moderate anemia and splenomegaly are
quences. First, decreased synthesis of hemoglobin tetramers common findings in individuals with Hb H disease.
is manifested as microcytic and hypochromic anemia charac- Hydrops fetalis with Hb Bart's occurs as a result of the
teristic of most thalassemia syndromes. Second, because of absence of all four a genes (TABLE 4). The predominant
the imbalance in production of hemoglobin subunits, a pro- hemoglobin in the affected fetuses is Hb Bart's (yz). A minor
portion of globin chains remains free or unpaired. Free glo- hemoglobin component is formed by Hb Portland 1 (~2 Y2)
bin chains are insoluble and lack the oxygen-carrying and Hb H. Hemoglobin Bart's has high oxygen affinity and
capacity of normal hemoglobin. The accumulation of these lacks the normal cooperativity leading to diminished oxygen
unmatched chains has a detrimental effect on red blood cells unloading to various tissues. Affected infants are described
manifested as excessive intramedullary hemolysis, which is as hydropic due to generalized edema caused by congestive
the principle cause of morbidity in thalassemia patients. heart failure and low albumin. Hypochromia and microcy-
tosis are severe and the blood smear usually reveals target
a-Thalassemia Syndromes cells and nucleated red cells. The diagnosis is made by Hb
The a-globin chains are encoded by two pairs of genes (hap- electrophoresis and women suspected of carrying a hydrop-
lorypes) located on the short arm of chromosome 16. ic fetus should undergo amniocentesis in order to obtain
Therefore, o-thalassemia is classified into four syndromes DNA studies or globin synthesis evaluation. Prenatal diag-
based on whether the inherited defect is in one or more of nosis of Hb Bart's is effective in reducing the morbidity and
the four a-globin genes. Most thalassernias are caused by mortality of both the mother and the fetus.
large gene deletions in the a-globin genes. The nomencla-
ture of o.-thaiassemias is depicted in Table 4. Mutations that Table 4. Phenotypes and Genotypes of
affect one a gene only (silent carrier) have little or no clini- a-Tha lassemia
cal impact. In most cases, the hematologic indices are within NUMBER OF a
the normal limit.
ti-Th al assemia-Z (silent carrier) is common in Normal a aaJaa o
Southeast Asia and the Melanesia. The diagnosis is suspect- a-Thalassemia-2 -cuoo.
ed based on family studies of an a-thalassemia proband (Silent carrier)
since the Hb A) and Hb F are normal in these individuals. a-Thalassemia-1 -/aaor 2
In ex-Thalassemia-J (minor), two genes are affected. (Minor) -cd-o.
The genotypes and subsequently the clinical expression vary +I«:
Hb H disease 3
depending on the site and type of mutation. In Asians, the
Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis -/- 4
defect usually affects the genes on the same chromosome
(-Iaa.) while in African Americans and in Mediterraneans,
the genotype is (-exl-ex). Individuals with a-thalassemia ~-Thalassemia Syndromes
minor are usually asymptomatic; microcytosis and The ~-globin chain production is encoded by two genes locat-
hypochromia are discovered on review of blood film. This ed on chromosome 11. Decreased or absence of ~-chain syn-
type of anemia should be differentiated from iron deficiency thesis caused by the types of mutation in the ~-globin genes
anemia by the presence of' a more severe decrease in MCV leads to the different clinical syndromes of ~-thalassemia.
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Most types of ~-thalassemia are caused by point mutations Peripheral blood smears of Hb SS show a varying num-
affecting one or more than one base in the globin gene. ber of sickle cells. Erythrocytes that are identified as sickle
Homozygous ~O-thalassemia or thalassemia major cells in Wright-stained smears have undergone transforma-
(Cooley's anemia) results from the absence of synthesis of any tion slowly as a result of hemoglobin polymerization, thus
~-globin chains. Red blood cells are incapable of proteolysing causing their membranes to lose elasticity and become per-
the excess of unpaired a-globin chains. Aggregates of a- manently sickled (irreversible sickle cells). Sickled red cells
chains form inclusion bodies which are damaging to red cell are thin, elongated erythrocytes with a point at each end;
membrane and lead to destruction of these cells either in the they have no central pallor; they may have oat, crescent, "1",
bone marrow (ineffective erythropoiesis) or in the spleen. "V;' and "S" shape (PLATES 23, 27). The blood smear also
Absence of ~-globin chains also causes the red cells to be has numerous target cells, elliptocytes, and other odd
microcytic and hypochromic. The ineffective erythropoiesis shapes. Orthochromatic erythroblasts are often present in
and hemolysis combined with the decreased oxygen-carrying small numbers. Howell-Jolly bodies are observed in young
capacity of red cells provides stimulus for production of more and older adults as the result of asplenia. Pappenheimer
red blood cells through the release of erythropoietin. bodies (siderocytes in an iron stain) are sometimes present.
In response to the increasing demands for red cell produc- The white blood cell count is usually in the range of 12
tion, the bone marrow undergoes massive expansion which to 15 x 109/L in steady-state conditions. The hyperplastic
accounts for the thalassemia facies, thinning and pathologic bone marrow in Hb SS is characterized by an increase in
fractures of vertebrae and long bones. Hemolytic anemia orthochromatic and polychromatophilic erythroblasts. The
results in massive splenomegaly and congestive heart failure. platelet count is increased.
The anemia is manifested gradually during the first two years The diagnosis of sickle cell anemia is confirmed by high
of life. This occurs because of the switch from Hb F produc- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or by cellulose
tion to Hb A during this period. Anemia is severe and hemo- acetate electrophoresis. Various hemoglobins are precisely
globin levels of 2 to 3 g/dL are not unusual. Marked separated and quantitated by HPLC using ion exchange high
anisocytosis and poikilocytosis with hypochromia are pres-
performance liquid chromatography and reported as per-
ent. The peripheral blood smear reveals striking abnormali-
centages. In a patient with Hb SS electrophoresis shows one
ties of red cells including hypochromia, target cells,
band in the S position, which compares with the control S
leptocytes, nucleated red cells, and basophilic stippling
band at pH 8.6. Valine is substituted for glutamic acid in the
(PLATE29). The predominant hemoglobin is Hb F with vari-
B6 position. Only the hemoglobin variants with this substi-
able amounts ofHb A and Hb ~.
tution undergo sickling. There is no Hb A in the elec-
~+ -thalassemia minor is characterized by a hypo-
trophoretic pattern unless the patient has been transfused.
chromic microcytic blood picture but the patient is usually
Hb F may be present in varying amounts. Hb ~ is normal
without symptoms. This syndrome is often discovered acci-
unless the patient also has Hb S-~ thalassemia.
dentally during examination for symptoms not related to
Clinical features of Hb SS include dactylitis, acute pain,
thalassemia. There is mild anemia or no anemia (10-15
acute chest syndrome, and loss of splenic function during the
gm/dl). MCV and MCH are low but red cell count is high.
first years oflife. Vaso-occlusive episodes may begin to appear
The RDW is usually normal in ~-thalassemia minor com-
pared with an elevated RDW in iron deficiency anemia. between 6 and 12 months in about half of the babies, before 6
Reticulocytes may be slightly increased. Hemoglobin elec- years in most children, and by a few in late childhood. Other
trophoresis shows a predominance of Hb A. Hb ~ is acute vaso-occlusive events include stroke, priapism, and
increased (3.5-8%). Hb F is normal or minimally increased. hematologic crisis (aplastic, hemolytic, megaloblastic) in
Morphologic alterations of peripheral red blood cells children less than 5 years of age. Chronic problems include
include microcytes, target cells, occasional poikilocytes, damage to kidney, central nervous sytem, bones and joints,
hypochromia, and basophilic stippling (PLATE 30). The lung, liver, and gastrointestinal system; leg ulcers and preg-
bone marrow shows slight erythroid hyperplasia. Body iron nancy problems also occur. Infections can be fatal complica-
content is normal unless iron therapy has been given. tions in children with sickle cell anemia at about 1year of age.

Sickle Cell Trait

Sickle Cell Disorders Sickle cell trait (Hb AS), the heterozygous state for Hb S
Sickle Cell Anemia gene, is found in about 8% of African Americans.
Laboratory findings in newborns with sickle cell anemia Individuals with the sickle cell trait (Hb AS) have no anemia
(Hb SS) are characterized as a mild hemolytic anemia by 10 and the red cell morphology on the blood smear is normal.
to 12 weeks of age and it remains throughout the life of the Under normal conditions clinical or hematological manifes-
patient. In adults the hemoglobin range is 6.0-9 g/dl; the tations of hemoglobin S are rare in sickle cell trait individu-
MCV (90± fl) and MCHC (34± %) are often in the normal als. The red blood cells contain more Hb A than Hb S. In
range. The reticulocyte count is around 10% (range 5-25%). cellulose acetate electrophoresis at pH 8.6 there are two
bands which demonstrate more Hb A than Hb S.
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Erythrocytes containing sickle cell hemoglobin (Hb S) A Hb C crystal is elongated with pyramid-shaped ends
undergo shape alterations when deoxygenated in moist and is well filled with hemoglobin. The crystal may be seen
preparations of blood mixed with reducing agents such as within the pale membrane of the cell or it may be free.
sodium metabisulfite. The soluble sickle cell hemoglobin Occasionally there may be more than one small C crystal
when deoxygenated becomes insoluble and polymerizes in within the cell membrane. Red cells with Hb C are more
the form of elongated and pointed crystal-like structures. rigid than normal. After splenectomy the crystals are fre-
These linear polymers distort the elastic membrane, produc- quent. Crystals may also be seen in reticulocyte preparations
ing multipointed, "holly-leaf" shapes (PLATE 28). Cells and in moist preparations. Incubation with 3% sodium
assuming this shape are capable of immediately reverting to chloride enhances the crystallization of Hb C. The disease
the disc shape when reoxygenated. Such cells are known as may remain undetected unless the erythrocytes on the blood
reversible sickle cells. There are also rapid solubility tests that smear are carefully examined.
identify the presence of Hb S. Hb A is present and Hb F is The diagnosis is made by HPLC or by electrophoretic
usually normal in individuals with sickle cell trait. analysis of hemoglobin at pH 8.6 with the major fraction
being Hb C. Glutamic acid in the sixth position from the N
Hemoglobin SC terminal of the beta chain has been replaced by lysine. There
Clinical features of hemoglobin SC (Hb SC) are similar to is no Hb S. Hb F may be slightly increased. Hb C moves elec-
Hb SS but a little less severe. Symptoms are rare in the first trophoretically in the same position as Hb ~, Hb E and
year of life and most individuals are asymptomatic for the Hb 0 Arab at alkaline pH and it can be separated from other
first decade. The most common symptom is abdominal or hemoglobins by acid agar gel electrophoresis. Hb A2 may be
skeletal pain similar to crises in Hb SS. Spleen is enlarged in slightly increased by column chromatography.
approximately two-thirds of children and may persist into
Hemoglobin AC Trait
adult life. Retinopathy is more severe and more common in
Hemoglobin AC trait (Hb AC), the heterogyzous state of
Hb SC than SS disease. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head is
Hb C, has fewer target cells than Hb CC and hemoglobin C
reported to be frequent.
crystals have not been observed on the blood smear.
Hematology findings show that anemia is mild or does
Hemoglobin is usually in the low range of normal. Red cell
not exist. Reticulocytes are slightly increased. White cell
survival may be decreased. Reticulocyte count is not
count and platelet count are normal. Many target cells are
increased. With alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis about
present on the blood smear. Crystals of Hb SC (PLATES 23,
30-40% is Hb C and about 50-60% is Hb A. There may be
27) distort a few of the erythrocytes by forming a pyramid-
a slight increase in Hb A2 by column chromatography. Hb C
like elongated projection of condensed aggregates of hemo-
cannot be separated from Hb A2 except by acid agar gel elec-
globin. Several small crystals form in a red cell giving a
quartz-like appearance to the cell. A red cell may have an
elongated crystal-like aggregate of dense hemoglobin at each
end leaving a hemoglobin-free central area. A rare sickle cell Hemoglobin E
may be found. The diagnosis ofHb SC is confirmed by HPLC Hemoglobin E (Hb E) is a frequent hemoglobin variant in
or by hemoglobin electrophoresis. Using electrophoresis South East Asia and it is found in the United States as the
with an alkaline buffer one band will be in the S position and result of the influx of refugees. Heterozygous (Hb AE)
one band in the C position compared with the control hemo- patients are healthy individuals and do not have anemia.
globin hemolysates. Morphology of red cells is similar to ~-thalassemia minor
with microcytes and target cells. Electrophoresis shows 25-
30% Hb E with the remainder being Hb A. MCV average is
Hemoglobin C Diseases 73 fl; MCH is low; MCHC is almost normal.
Homozygous Hb E (Hb EE) has a mild anemia without
Hemoglobin CC many symptoms. Numerous microcytes and target cells are
Hemoglobin CC (Hb CC) is a mild disease that may be on peripheral blood smear. Average MCV is 67 fl, MCH is
detected in newborn screening programs for a hemoglo- low, and MCHC is almost normal.
binopathy. Enlargement of the spleen is a feature in most Hemoglobin E is commonly associated with ~o_
individuals. thalassemia major. Microcytic hypochromia anemia with
Anemia is mildly to moderately severe. Hematocrit is target cells, fragments, leptocytes, bite cells, and spherical
around 33%. Hemoglobin level varies from 8 to 12 g/dl, cells is present. Hb E-~O-thalassemia (PLATE 30) resembles
Reticulocyte counts are slightly elevated from 2-6%. thalassemia major clinically as well as hematologically
Morphology of erythrocytes is abnormal with numerous tar- (MCV 55 to 65 fl). Hb E migrates with Hb C and Hb A2 on
get cells, microcytes, occasional spherocyte, and a few hemo- alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis. To separate Hb E from
globin C crystals (PLATES 23, 27). Erythrocyte survival is Hb C HPLC or agar gel electrophoresis at acid pH should
shortened and there is evidence of splenic sequestration. be performed.
Errisa Devi Fauzi
8 Hereditary Erythrocyte
Membrane Abnormalities

deficiency of the cytoskeletal support proteins, usually spec-

Hereditary Elliptocytosis trin and ankyrin. This results in a loss of part of the poorly
Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) syndromes are a group of supported lipid bi-layer causing a transformation of cell
RBC disorders that are characterized by the presence of shape from normal to spheroid. The deformability of
elliptocytes (ovalocytes) in the peripheral blood film and by spherocytes is decreased compared with the normal disc-
a varied clinical presentation. The majority of individuals shaped red cells which have a larger membrane surface area.
with HE do not have anemia and red cell survival is normal. The microspherocyte is smaller than a normal red cell, is
Heterozygosity for HE is not associated with splenomegaly. dense, and lacks central pallor (PLATES 23, 26,29).
The blood film contains 25% to almost 100% elliptocytes Patients with HS usually present with decreased hema-
(PLATES 23,29). tocrit, increase in reticulocytes, increased MCHC (second-
Homozygous HE patients with chronic hemolysis have ary to mild cell dehydration), microspherocytes on tlle
a moderate to severe hemolytic anemia (Hb 9-12 g/dl) and blood smear, hyperbilirubinemia, and an abnormal osmotic
decreased red cell life span. Reticulocytes are increased. The fragility test. MeV is usually normal.
blood film of these patients contains not only elliptocytes The number of spherocytes varies greatly in each
but also poikilocytes and some microspherocytes. patient but is fairly uniform in size and density. In severe HS
Splenomegaly and gall bladder disease may be present in there may also be odd-shaped red cells as well as sphero-
homozygotes. cytes. The bone marrow is characterized by an erythroblas-
HE disorders are caused by intrinsic membrane protein tic hyperplasia (late erythroblasts).
abnormalities which lead to altered membrane function,
change in shape, and sometimes hemolysis. Primary defect
in HE is in the membrane cytoskeleton involving spectrin Hereditary Stomatocytosis
and less frequently protein 4.1. In most HE patients spectrin Erythrocytes with a central slit instead of a circular area of
is normal quantitatively but abnormal in structure. Normal pallor are called stomatocytes (Gr. stoma, mouth) (PLATE
red blood cells have 90% spectrin in the form of tetramers, 23; FIG. 9). Hereditary stomatocytosis (HSt) or hereditary
whereas spectrin from HE is present in dimers. hydrocytosis includes a group of autosomal dominant
hemolytic anemias which are characterized by erythrocyte
overhydration and macrocytosis. In some cases this disorder
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis is clinically silent with no or little anemia. Most patients
Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) is a severe hereditary with anemia and jaundice have mild symptoms and no ther-
hemolytic anemia which is very similar clinically to homozy- apy is required. Reticulocytes are moderately increased.
gous HE and demonstrates extreme micropoikilocytosis and MCV is often elevated but the MCHC is normal. The num-
thermal instability of red cells (PLATE 31). HPP results from ber of stomatocytes is variable (10% to 50%). The osmotic
a double heterozygous state for n-spectrin mutant and defec- fragility is increased. The anemia is rarely severe enough to
tive synthesis of spectrin. HPP was first thought to be a sepa- require transfusion. Splenomegaly may be observed in
rate disorder but now it is considered a subtype of common severe anemia. The hemolytic anemia of HSt improves after
HE; HE and HPP can exist in the same family. splenectomy in most patients.
In HPP red cell morphology includes extreme poikilocy-
tosis, microspherocytes, microelliptocytes, cell fragments,
and membrane budding. MCV is very low «65 fl); MCHC is
normal; osmotic fragility is increased. Reticulocytes are
increased. Normal red cells fragment at temperatures greater
than 49°C but HPP erythrocytes show striking membrane
instability at 45-46°C; this susceptibility of HPP red cells to
heat injury is the result of thermal instabilityofHPP spectrin.

Hereditary Spherocytosis
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a hemolytic disorder that is
characterized by anemia, spherocytes, jaundice, and
splenomegaly. HS is inherited as an autosomal dominant
trait. The primary pathologic feature of HS is a combined Fig. 9. Hereditary Stomatocytosis-blood smear
Errisa Devi Fauzi
9 Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias
hematologic emergencies requiring immediate attention and
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic
appropriate care.
Purpura and Hemolytic Uremic
Syndrome Laboratory Features
The diagnosis can be made only by reviewing the peripheral
The microangiopathic hemolytic anemias (MAHA) are a
blood smear and correlating the microscopic with the clinical
diverse group of disorders characterized by anemia with
and laboratory findings. This procedure is essential in all
schistocytes and thrombocytopenia. The most common of
patients referred with thrombocytopenia or anemia.
these disorders are thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Schistocytes (helmet, fragmented, triangular cells), polychro-
(TTP) and the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).
masia, and nucleated red blood cells are present in all patients
The etiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
with TTP and HUS (PLATES 23, 25 Parts 1 and 2). Other lab-
remains unclear; however, recent evidence suggests that an
oratory findings include reticulocytosis, very high LDH, and
antibody against the protease that cleaves von Willebrand
high indirect bilirubin. Once the diagnosis is confirmed plas-
multimers into smaller multimers is present in some
ma exchange should be initiated without any delay.
patients. Some of these released multimers have high affini-
ty to platelets causing their aggregation.
Certain toxins released by Shigella or E. coli strains have Hemolytic Anemia due to
been strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of hemolytic
uremic syndrome. Severe thrombocytopenia and intravas-
Thermal Injury and Venoms
cular hemolysis with many fragmented red blood cells or Acquired hemolytic anemia has been observed after exten-
schistocytes on peripheral blood smear are characteristic of sive thermal burns. Schistocytes, spherocytes, echinocytes,
both disorders (PLATES 23,25 Parts 1 and 2). and fragmented cells are observed on the blood smear with
intravascular hemolysis (PLATE 31). Increased osmotic and
Clinical Presentation mechanical fragility of the erythrocytes is noted. The sever-
Fever and neurologic symptoms are common findings and ity of the hemolytic anemia is related to the body surface
renal failure is usually more severe in patients with HUS. affected and results partly from the direct effects of heat
Widespread microvascular thrombi and occlusive lesions in on erythrocytes.
the brain, lungs, kidney, heart, and virtually all other organs The bite of the brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa)
can be demonstrated in the majority of patients who died is associated with a hemolytic anemia with spherocytes and
from TIP. Both TTP and HUS are considered true fragmented cells (PLATE 26).

10 Leukocyte Morphological Abnormalities

Acquired Leukocyte that are demonstrable in the cytoplasm of blasts (PLATE 47)
in about one-third of the patients with acute myelocytic
Abnormalities leukemia (AML). Auer rods represent a fusion of primary
Structural abnormalities that are visible by light microscopy granules. Auer rods are present in approximately 1% to 10%
in the cytoplasm and nucleus of neutrophils are useful in the of blast cells and a diligent search must be made for them.
differential diagnosis of various diseases and conditions. Usually there is only one Auer rod in a blast. In acute
promyelocytic leukemia multiple Auer rods may be found in
Auer Rods promyelocytes in the bone marrow. Auer rods stain posi-
Auer rods (or Auer bodies) are elongated, narrow (about 1.5 tively with myeloperoxidase, Sudan black, and acid phos-
urn long and 0.5 urn wide), purplish-red, rod-like inclusions phatase indicating that they represent granular material.
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

They are not demonstrable in blast cells of lymphocytic, Vacuoles

plasmacytic, erythroblastic, and megakaryocytic leukemias. Vacuoles are observed in the cytoplasm of leukocytes, par-
ticularly neutrophils and monocytes, and are manifestations
Degenerated Neutrophils of degenerative changes; this finding may suggest sepsis.
Degenerated neutrophils are cells with a round degenerated Vacuoles may also appear in neutrophils and monocytes in
nucleus and granular cytoplasm and are found in smears blood films made from old anticoagulated blood
made from old (several hours or more) anticoagulated (PLATE 40).
blood (PLATE 40). These cells may be mistakenly identified
as nucleated red cells with possible stippling. They actually
are old neutrophils in which the lobes of the nuclei have
Hereditary Leukocyte Anomalies
degenerated into one (or more) round dark-staining nucle-
us. Similar degenerated cells may be seen in other old body Pelger-Huet Anomaly
fluids, e.g., cerebrospinal, peritoneal, and pleural fluids. Pelger-Huet anomaly, a hereditary and benign anomaly, is
characterized by hypolobulation of the nuclei of the mature
Dahle Bodies neutrophils (PLATE 41) or the failure to develop normal
Dohle bodies are faintly visible, round, oval, or irregularly nuclear lobes in segmented cells during terminal differenti-
shaped blue inclusions that are found near the periphery of ation. The nuclear chromatin in neutrophils is coarse and
the cytoplasm of neutrophils (PLATE 40) in infection. These clumped. In the heterozygous form the nuclei may have
small (diameter 1-3 um) indistinct bodies represent aggre- dumbbell or peanut-shaped nuclei or two smooth round
gates of rough endoplasmic reticulum by electron lobes connected by a short filament (spectacle-like or pince-
microscopy. They may be easily overlooked but since they nez). In the homozygous form, the nuclei of most of the
are a sign of infection a careful search for their presence neutrophils are round (PLATE 41) The granules are similar
should be made. to normal neutrophil granules. The neutrophils appear to
Dohle bodies were first described in patients with function normally and to phagocytize and destroy microor-
scarlet fever. They are associated with severe or systemic ganisms. Hypolobulated neutrophils of Pelger- Huet must be
infections, severe burns, exposure to cytotoxic agents, distinguished from the typical neutrophil bands which
myelodysplasia, toxemia of pregnancy, and plant and animal occur with infection.
poisons. They are often accompanied by toxic granulation The white blood cell count and differential count are
and cytoplasmic vacuoles. Similar basophilic inclusions are normal in Pelger-Huet, These hypolobulated cells survive
observed in the hereditary anomaly May-Hegglin normally in circulation. They display a shift toward maturi-
(PLATE 43) but they are usually larger and have more ty (with three, four, or five lobes) when there is a deficiency
sharply defined borders. of vitamin B12 or folic acid. After treatment the Pelger
peanut shape and spectacle-like nuclei reappear.
Hypersegmented Neutrophils Pelger-Huet anomaly is inherited as a heterozygous
Normal segmented neutrophils have two to four lobes with autosomal dominant trait and is not associated with any dis-
a few five lobes. Hypersegmented neutrophils have six or ease state or with any other congenital abnormality. Pseudo-
more lobes (PLATES 39,40) along with many five lobes and Pelger-Huet cells with morphologic changes like those just
are characteristic observations in smears of blood of described have been observed with acute or chronic myelo-
patients with megaloblastic anemia and related vitamin cytic leukemia, myelodysplasia, and myelofibrosis.
Bl2-folic acid deficiences. One of the first hematologic Occasionally they have been noted in association with
abnormalities to appear in megaloblastic anemia is neu- leukemoid reaction secondary to metastasis in bone mar-
trophil hypersegmentation and it persists for two or more row, agranulocytosis, multiple myeloma, drug sensitivity,
weeks after specific therapy has begun. Hypersegmentation malaria, myxedema, or acute enteritis. The nucleus of pseu-
of neutrophils may rarely be inherited. do-Pelger cells are more often roundish or oblong rather
than bilobed or pince-nez; they appear transiently in these
Toxic Granules disorders; they may indicate the clinical onset of one of
Toxic granules are prominent purplish or blue-black gran- these disorders in advance of the disease.
ules (PLATE 40) that are often demonstrable in neutrophil
cytoplasm (particularly segmented and band neutrophils) May-Hegglin Anomaly
with severe infections and other toxic states. Toxic granules May-Hegglin anomaly, a rare and dominantly inherited dis-
vary in size, shape, distribution, and color. These granules order, is characterized by large (2 to 5 urn) basophilic inclu-
resemble the primary granules of promyelocytes and early sions in the cytoplasm of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils,
neutrophilic myelocytes and may indicate a disturbance in and monocytes (PLATE 43), by thrombocytopenia, and by
neutrophil maturation with persistence of the primary giant platelets (PLATE 73) which often have few granules.
granules in the mature neutrophils. Toxic granules are Inclusions in these cells are similar to Dohle bodies in infec-
myeloperoxidase positive. tious states but are larger, more prominent, often spindle-
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

shaped, discrete, sometimes elongated, and present in many in renal tubular cells, fibroblasts, vascular epithelium,
cells. Inclusions consist of RNA and apparently are derived neurons in the central nervous system, and ocular pigment.
from rough endoplasmic reticulum. These inclusions do not Patients with CH have partial ocular and cutaneous
stain with Sudan black or periodic acid Schiff. albinism, pale silvery hair, light skin, and photophobia. These
Laboratory tests in patients with May- Hegglin anomaly patients may develop an accelerated phase with fever, lym-
reveal poor clot retraction, prolonged bleeding time, short phadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, neutropenia,
survival of platelets, and variable results in platelet function and thrombocytopenia. Consideration to use bone marrow
tests. Occasionally abnormal bleeding, easy bruising, and transplantation has been suggested as a possible treatment.
epistaxis may occur in these patients.
Alder-Reilly Anomaly
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome Alder-Reilly anomaly is characterized by large dark blue or
Chediak-Higashi (CH) syndrome (or anomaly) is a rare lilac granules in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and more
autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the presence commonly in bone marrow (PLATE 44). Lymphocytes and
of large lysosome-like granules in granulocytes, lympho- monocytes may have similar inclusions. Eosinophils and
cytes and monocytes in the peripheral blood, early granulo- basophils have large granules. The abnormal granules are
cytes in the bone marrow, and melanocytes in hair strands observed in a group of metabolic disorders named
(PLATE 42). These large abnormal lysosomal granules have mucopolysaccharidoses, particularly in association with
been reported to be formed by progressive fusion of Hurler's and Hunter's syndromes. They can be confused
azurophilic and specific granules during maturation. with toxic granules seen in infectious states. This rare anom-
Patients have an increased susceptibility to infection which aly is inherited as a recessive trait and apparently does not
may be due to decreased bactericidal activity and degranu- interfere with leukocyte function.
lation of neutrophils. The defect in these diseases is the incomplete degrada-
Neutrophils have numerous large lysosomal granules tion of the protein-carbohydrate complexes which are
which are peroxidase positive. Lymphocytes and plasma known as mucopolysaccharides, each of which have differ-
cells may have one large abnormal red-staining granule. ent enzymatic deficiencies. Alder-Reilly inclusions are com-
Monocytes have abnormal granules resulting from granule posed of deposits of acid mucopolysaccharides throughout
fusion. Similar large lysosomal granules have been observed tissues giving rise to various symptoms.

11 Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders

The chronic myeloproliferative syndromes are a diverse Although the disorder is described as myeloid, all cell line-
group of neoplastic disorders characterized by proliferation ages are usually involved. The natural course of CML
of one or more of the hematopoietic stem cell compart- includes a long chronic and rather indolent phase that
ments. The hallmark of chronic myeloproliferative disorders transforms sooner or later into an accelerated phase charac-
(MPD) is the clonal expansion of one or multiple cell line- terized by increasing blasts in the peripheral blood and bone
ages within the bone marrow and at extramedullary sites. marrow. Finally, the disease evolves into a blastic phase
These disorders include which represents a true transformation into acute leukemia.
• Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
• Polycythemia Vera Cytogenetic Abnormality
• Essential Thrombocythemia A distinctive cytogenetic abnormality involving an unequal
• Idiopathic Myelofibrosis reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22
t(9,22) called the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome is consis-
tently found in patients with CML. The abnormality is usu-
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia ally present in 90% to 100% of metaphases in the bone mar-
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) or chronic granulo- row of newly diagnosed patients. During formation of the
cytic leukemia is an acquired clonal disease originating from Ph chromosome, a proto-oncogene called abl on the long
malignant transformation that occurs at the stem cell level. arm of chromosome 9 is detached and translocated onto the
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

breakpoint cluster region (bcr) of chromosome 22 creating Blast Crisis of CML

a chimeric bcr-abl gene. The complete function of this CML is predestined to transform to acute or blastic phase
chimeric gene is not well understood and it is thought that which may be preceded by an accelerated phase. Patients
the bcr-abl fusion gene generates a hyperactive tyrosine with accelerated or blastic phase usually complain of fever,
kinase that signals uncontrolled proliferation of the affected sweats, weight loss, bone pain, and increasing tenderness at
cells. Because of the increased evidence linking CML to the the splenic area. The average time for transformation to
Ph chromosome, the disease is currently defined by the acute phase is 4 years; however, metamorphosis can occur as
presence of cytogenetic translocation t(9,22) or by the pres- early as 2 years and as late as 10 years after the initial diag-
ence of the rearrangement bcr-abl on DNA analysis. It is nosis. Observations in the blood during blast transforma-
important to remember that the Ph chromosome is also the tion reveal excess blasts and promyelocytes which may out-
most common karyotypic abnormality found in adult number the myelocytes and metamyelocytes. In approxi-
patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Progression of mately 70% of CML patients the blastic transformation is of
CML to the blastic phase may be associated with the acqui- myeloid lineage while in 30% the predominantly malignant
sition of new cytogenetic anomalies. cell has lymphoblastic morphology (PLATE 46).

Clinical Description Treatment

The annual incidence of CML in the United States is The initial goal of treatment should aim at relieving symp-
approximately 4,000 new cases which account for about toms and controlling the high cell count. This is usually
20% of all leukemias. The median age at the time of diag- achieved by using hydroxyurea, a drug that inhibits DNA
nosis is 60 years. However, recently, an increasing number of synthesis. Combination of interferon-a, a biologic response
young patients have been diagnosed in our institution and modifier, and cytosine-arabinoside are considered the best
other centers in the United States. treatment available for management of CML. Treatment
In the chronic phase, patients with CML may be asymp- with this combination yields better results than hydroxyurea
tomatic presenting only with an elevated granulocyte count and may prolong survival of patients in the chronic phase.
discovered on routine laboratory tests. Patients with white Interferon-a alone or in combination with cytosine-arabi-
cell count (WEC) above 30,000 usually report symptoms noside may also lead to clonal remission (normalization of
such as fatigue, malaise, and low grade fever. With WBC the cytogenetic defect) in approximately 20-30% of patients.
exceeding 80,000, patients may complain of abdominal dis- Although chemotherapy can improve the quality of life, it
tention or discomfort secondary to an enlarged spleen. does not cure the disease. Bone marrow transplantation
Weight loss and bone pain may be prominent complaints by from an HLA-match sibling provides the only curative treat-
some patients, especially with very high WEe. Splenomegaly ment for CML. Recently a tyrosine kinase inhibitor
is possibly the most common physical finding, being detected (Gleevec) has been approved and is considered now the first
in more than 90% of patients. The liver is palpable in approx- line of treatment in the majority of patients with CML.
imately 50% of patients in the chronic phase.

Hematology Findings
Polycythemia Vera
Hematologic findings of CML include a neutrophilic leukocy- Polycythemia vera (PV) is a clonal hematologic malignancy
tosis (20 to 500x1Q9/1) with all stages of neutrophil matura- characterized by increased proliferation of all hematopoiet-
tion: myeloblast (±3%); progranulocyte (±4%); myelocyte, ic elements within the bone marrow. As in the case of CML,
metamyelocyte, band (±40%), segmented (± 35%) (PLATES the clinical course of PV evolves gradually over several years
45,46). An absolute basophilia is an important blood finding and many patients are expected to have normal survival if
and often precedes clinical manifestations. Eosinophilia may appropriate measures are taken to control the production of
be noted. Occasional monocytes may be present. Leukocyte their red cell mass. Several factors including radiation, occu-
alkaline phosphatase stain of mature neutrophils is decreased pational exposures, and hereditary defects have been impli-
in CML (PLATES 46, 48, Part 2). Thrombocytosis is present in cated in the pathogenesis of PV
about half of the cases; the platelets may be large. Occasional
megakaryocyte fragments may be observed. There is a nor- Clinical Features
mocytic normochromic anemia at diagnosis. Minimal aniso- The clinical features of PV are the direct result of excessive
cytosis and poikilocytosis with an occasional nucleated RBC production of blood cells. The diagnosis may be an inciden-
are frequently observed. The bone marrow is markedly hyper- tal finding of increased red blood cells in an asymptomatic
cellular with neutrophilic precursors from myeloblast to seg- patient on a routine office visit. Excessive increase in ery-
mented neutrophiL Usually there are no more than 5% throcyte count may cause symptoms such as headache,
myeloblasts. Basophils and eosinophils are often increased. dizziness, blurred vision, and puritis. These symptoms are
Megakaryocytes may be increased. Erythroid precursors are referred to as hyperviscosity syndrome. Physical examina-
found in normal, increased, or decreased numbers. Myeloid- tion usually reveals conjunctival plethora, hepatomegaly,
erythroid ratio is increased. and splenomegaly. Thrombosis is a common problem in
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patients with PV presenting as deep venou thrombosis of conditions may reach lOOOxl09/1; however, this increase
lower extremities, peripheral vascular di ea e, and cere- rarely causes thromboembolic phenomena.
brovascular accidents.
Laboratory Results Treatment of ET aims at reducing the platelet counts in
Laboratory results include elevated red blood cells with symptomatic patients. Recently, Anegrelide, a drug that
hematocrit approaching 80% or higher in some patients. inhibits megakaryopoiesis, has been approved for the treat-
Leukocytosis and increased platelet numbers are observed in ment of ET. The drug has almost replaced other and more
more than 50% of patients with PY. Examination of periph- toxic treatments such as hydroxyurea. The prognosis of
eral blood usually reveals anisopoikilocytosis, polychroma- patients with ET is usually very good, provided that the
sia, and megathrombocytes and some early granulocytes. platelet counts are well controlled.
Elevated blood cell mass, normal plasma volume, and nor-
mal arterial oxygen aturation usually differentiate between
PV and other causes of erythrocytosis.
Idiopathic Myelofibrosis
It i estimated that 10% of patients with PV undergo Idiopathic myelofibrosis is a clonal myeloproliferative disor-
evolution to myelofibrosis. This phase is characterized by der characterized by the presence of splenomegaly, leuko-
increasing splenomegaly, excessive reticulin in the bone erythroblastic blood picture, excessive teardrop erythro-
marrow, and a leukoerythroblastic picture in peripheral cytes, marrow fibrosis, and extramedullary hematopoiesis.
blood. Transformation to acute myeloid leukemia occurs in The hematopoietic abnormality in myelofibrosis arises from
approximately 9% of patients with PY. a defect at the stem cell level. However, it should be empha-
sized that mesenchymal cells and fibroblasts are not part of
Treatment the malignant clone and that marrow fibrosis is considered
Treatment of PV aims at reducing blood cell mass in symp- secondary or reactive. The cause of fibrosis in this disease is
tomatic patients by phlebotomy or other therapeutic a matter of some debate. Dysregulation in the synthesis of
modalities. collagen, excessive release of growth factors, and abnormal-
itie of platelet activation have been implicated as po sible
source of marrow fibro is.
Essential Thrombocythemia
Es ential thrombocythemia (ET) is defined by the presence Presentation
of platelet counts in exces of 600xl09/l, megakaryocytic Like other myeloproliferative di orders, patients with
hyperplasia, splenomegaly, and absence of Ph chromosome. myelofibrosis may be asymptomatic and the diagnosis may
The disease is considered a clonal hematopoietic neoplasm be sought after detection of enlarged spleen on routine
originating at" the level of the stem cell. physical examination or because of an abnormal blood pic-
ture. The most common symptoms are fatigue, fever,
Clinical Features abdominal discomfort, weight loss, and night sweats.
The average age of patients at the time of diagnosis of ET is Moderate to massive splenomegaly is present in approxi-
55 years. Increased platelet counts may be an incidental mately 90% of patients. The spleen has the extraordinary
finding or patients may present with bleeding or thrombot- ability of accommodating a large blood volume and increas-
ic problem. Splenomegaly can be found in approximately ing growth of hematopoietic elements.
40% of patients with ET.
Hematology Findings
Laboratory Examination Peripheral blood examination in myelofibrosis is character-
Peripheral blood examination usually reveal the presence ized by a leukoerythroblastic picture (nucleated red cells and
of anisopoikiiocytosis, thrombocytosis (PLATE 57), imma- immature myeloid elements), teardrop cells (PLATES 3],57),
ture myeloid precursors, nucleated red cells, and large giant platelets (PLATE 73) and megakaryocytic fragments.
platelets. In most patients, the bone marrow i hypercellular Anemia is a constant feature of myelofibrosis and is caused by
with increased megakaryocytes. Most patients with ET have ineffective erythropoiesis, hemolysis and hemodilution
abnormal platelet functions which may explain the bleeding caused by increased blood volume. The platelets are usually
and thrombotic manifestations of this disease. Essential increased while leukopenia and leukocytosis are common
thrombocythemia should be differentiated from other dis- findings in myelofibrosis. The bone marrow is inaspirable in
orders that cause increase in platelet counts. Secondary the majority of patients. Marrow biopsy usually reveals fibro-
thrombocytosis can be present in patient with iron defi- sis with patches of cellularity and increased megakaryocytes.
ciency anemia, chronic inflammatory di ease such as
Crohn's disea e and rheumatoid arthritis, some chronic Treatment
infections, and in patients with underlying malignancy such Treatment options range from watchful follow-up and
as lung or colon cancer. The platelet counts in these transfusion support to bone marrow transplantation.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

12 Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is a malignant clonal Laboratory Findings
disorder characterized by discordance between proliferation
and differentiation: the leukemic cell lineage retains the abil- The diagnosis of acute leukemia becomes apparent after
ity to proliferate but differentiation to mature cells is com- evaluating the patient and examining the peripheral blood
promised. The result is excessive accumulation of immature smear. Blasts or immature cells are usually present in the
cells and inhibition of well differentiated hematopoietic majority of patients with AML, but in a very few patients, no
elements. Exposure to radiation, hydrocarbons, and circulating blast cells can be found. The presence of an Auer
chemotherapeutic agents appears to increase the risk of rod in a blast aids in the diagnosis of AML. Multiple Auer
AML. Several genetic abnormalities including mutations in rods are observed in a few early cells in AML M3 (PLATE
growth factor receptors and defects in the normal control 47). The diagnosis of AML is established when more than
mechanisms of the cell cycle have been described in patients 30% of nonerythroid cells in the marrow are myeloid blasts.
with acute leukemia. The bone marrow in acute leukemia is typically hypercellu-
lar. It is essential to obtain enough material from the bone
marrow for cytogenetic analysis and flow cytometric studies.
The FAB Classification of AML The most important cytogenetic abnormalities
Acute myelogenous leukemia is a heterogeneous group of observed in patients with AML include translocations of
hematologic malignancies that are classified according to chromosomes 8,11 in M2; 15, 17 in patients with M3; and
the predominant malignant cell type. The French American inversion of chromosome 16 in M4 with eosinophils.
British (FAB) Cooperative Group developed in 1976 a clas- The evaluation of the patient with AML should include
sification system (TABLE 5) that was based on marrow and screening coagulation tests, fibrinogen, and D-dimer to rule
blood morphology and cytochemical staining. Immuno- out the presence of DIe. Appropriate measures should be
phenotypic markers of leukemic cells (phenotyping) are taken to manage these patients since chemotherapy can
used to establish the lineage in cases of poorly differentiated exacerbate DIC leading to excessive morbidity.
leukemias. The FAB classification defines groups (MI-M7) It is important to perform histochemical stains in every
of AML based on the percentage of maturing cells beyond patient being evaluated for acute leukemia. The majority of
the myeloblast stage. The FAB classification did not include AML blasts stain positively (PLATE48) for myeloperoxidase
criteria such as cytogenetic abnormalities, response to ther- (MPO), while as a general rule, lymphoblasts are MPO neg-
apy, and prognosis. However, it remains the most accepted ative but stain positively for terminal deoxynucleotidyl
classification system of acute myelogenous leukemias. transferase (TdT). Other stains used to differentiate
myeloblasts from lymphoblasts are the Sudan black and
esterase stains. Sudan black (PLATE 48) and granulocyte
Presentation of AML esterase stains are positive in Ml through M4 and negative
All leukemia subtypes share similar clinical characteristics.
However, certain features such as involvement of the skin
and gums are more common in the M4 and M5 subtypes. Table 5. Morphologic (FAB) Classification
Similarly, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
constant feature of M3, but can occur in any variant of AML.
Presenting symptoms of AML include fatigue, weakness, SUBTYPE DESCRIPTION

fever, weight loss, petechiae, and easy bruising. Physical MI: Acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation
examination usually reveals pallor, tachycardia, ecchymosis, (Plate 47)
and petechiae. The spleen may be palpable in a few patients. M2: Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation
Cutaneous leukemia infiltrates the gums causing gingival (Plate 47)
hyperplasia and signs of leptomeningeal leukemia can be
M3: Acute promyelocytic leukemia (Plate 47)
seen in some patients. Anemia and thrombocytopenia are
M4: Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (Plate 49)
constant features of AML. Approximately 50% of patients
M4EO: Acute myelomonocytic leukemia with eosinophilia
with AML present with high white cell counts. The presence
of blasts in excess of 80xl09 cells/I is a worrisome sign and M5: Acute monocytic leukemia (Plates 49,50)
warrants prophylaxis for tumor lysis syndrome and meas- M6: Acute erythroleukemia (or erythroblastic) leukemia
ures to reduce the blast load. Very low white cell count is (Plates 51- 53)
seen in 25-35% of patients with AML, and pancytopenia is a M7: Acute megakaryocytic (or megakaryoblastic) leukemia
common presenting feature of this disease. (Plates 54, 55)

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The Morphology of Human Blood CeUs

in Iymphoblasts. Monocytic esterase stain is positive in M4 normal hematopoiesis. However, induction alone does. not
and M5 and negative in Iymphoblasts. guarantee the eradication of leukemia even in the absence of
morphologic evidence of leukemia. This concept provides
rationale for further treatment with chemotherapy usually
Therapy referred to as consolidation. Bone marrow transplantation
Treatment of AML aims at inducing and maintammg plays an important role in the treatment of AML. Patients
durable remission. Remission is defined as circulating neu- who relapse within a short period after achieving remission
trophils > 1.5xl09/1, platelets> 100xl09/1, absence of blasts in and patients with unfavorable prognostic factors are consid-
peripheral blood, and a bone marrow cellularity >20% with ered as candidates for the procedure. Approximately 25% of
<5% blasts. Combination chemotherapy is always used in patients with AML are expected to be alive more than five
the induction phase of treatment of AML. The goal of years after initial diagnosis.
induction is to reduce the leukemic burden and restore

13 Myelodysplastic Syndromes
The term myelodysplastic syndrome (M DS) is used to Single or complex cytogenetic abnormalities are found in the
describe biJineage or trilineage morphologic dysplastic majority of patients with MDS. They often involve chromo-
changes in the bone marrow. By definition, MDS is a clonal somes 5, 7, and 8 alone or in combination with other defects.
disorder that affects all hematopoietic cell lines. The majori-
ty of patients with MDS are destined to transform into acute
leukemia. Myelodysplastic syndromes appearing without
obvious explanation or cause are called de IlOVO, while those Treatment of MDS includes support with red blood cell or
developing after exposure to chemicals, radiation, or platelet transfusions for patients with refractory anemia or
chemotherapeutic agents are called secondary MDS. thrombocytopenia. Aggressive antibiotic therapy should be
administered to patients with neutropenic fever. Growth
factors to maintain appropriate levels of red cells, neu-
Presentation of MDS trophils, and platelets have recently become available to help
The majority of patients affected with MDS are above 60 support patients with MDS. These measures, however, do
years of age. Patients usually present with refractory anemia, not alter the course of these patients but provide temporary
fatigue, and fever secondary to neutropenic infections. control of the symptoms. Presently, only patients younger
Thrombocytopenia is common in patients with MDS and than 55 years of age can potentially be cured by matched-
may lead to frequent transfusions to prevent or treat bleed- sibling bone marrow transplantation.
ing episodes. Splenomegaly occurs in approximately 10-20%
of patients diagnosed with MDS. Table 6. Morphologic (FAB) Classification of
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Plate 56)

Laboratory Findings BONE

The morphologic abnormalities in M DS include ringed
sideroblasts in the bone marrow of patients with refractory Refractory anemia (RA) ~5 ~1 8
anemia, bizarre nuclear shapes, frequent mitosis, and inter- Refractory anemia with <5 <1 12
nuclear bridging (PLATE 56). Hypogranulated granulocytes ringed sideroblasts (RARS)
and hyposegmented leukocytes with abnormal chromatin
Refractory anemia with 5-20 ~5 44
condensation (pseudo-Pelger-Huet) are common observa-
excess blasts (RAEB)
tions (PLAfE 56). Micromegakaryocytes and other dysmor-
phic megakaryocytes can be seen in all types of MDS but Chronic myelomonocytic <20 <5 4
especially the 5q-syndrome. Because of the variation in mor- leukemia (CMML)
phologic appearances, risks for transformation to acute Refractory anemia with 21-30 ~5 60
leukemia, and prognosis, the myelodysplastic syndromes excess blasts in
have been classified into five categories depicted in Table 6. transformation (RAEB-T)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

14 Lymphoproliferative Disorders
The lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD) are a heteroge- immunodeficiency virus are more likely to develop the
neous group of diseases characterized by malignant and mixed cellularity type and to follow a more aggressive clini-
excessive growth of cells of the lymphocytic lineage. These cal course. The diagnosis of HD should be established by an
disorders are classified based on their morphologic appear- excisional lymph node biopsy examined by an expert
ance, extent of involvement of the bone marrow versus hematopathologist.
peripheral blood and, most importantly, the stage of matu-
ration of the malignant lymphocyte. A list of the most com- Staging
mon LPDs include Staging of Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
• Hodgkin's Disease is as important as establishing the diagnosis. Staging aims at'
• Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma defining the extent of the tumor and provides therapeutic
• Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (PLATES 58,60) and prognostic directions for the physician. Staging consists
• Hairy Cell Leukemia (PLATES 60-62) of detailed clinical and physical examination with, special
• Multiple Myeloma (PLATE 63) interest in constitutional complaints (B symptoms) such
• Sezary Syndrome (PLATE 64) as fever, night sweats, and weight loss, and documentation
with measurement of all areas of lymphadenopathy, spleen,
and liver.
Hodgkins Disease
Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a lymphoid malignancy of uncer- Laboratory Studies and Other Procedures
tain etiology that has unique differences from other LPDs. Laboratory studies should include complete blood count
Certain types of cells called Reed-Sternberg cells and their with differential, liver, and renal function tests. Radiological
variants are central to making the diagnosis of HD. studies include chest radiograph and computed tomography
Hodgkin's disease has a bimodal pattern of incidence occur- scan (CT scan) of the chest and upper and lower abdomen.
ring at ages between 20-30 years with a second peak in indi- Gallium scan is obtained to evaluate bulky lymphade-
viduals above 60 years. The disease has a predictable pattern nopathy.
of involvement of the lymph nodes and mediastinum. Lymphangiography has been largely replaced by CT
Unlike other malignancies, HD in the majority of patients is scan or other less invasive testing modalities. Bone marrow
considered a curable neoplasm. biopsy is necessary to evaluate the extent of disease and
involvement of bone marrow. Biopsy of other extra nodal
Clinical Presentation areas is indicated as dictated by the clinical picture.
Patients with HD present with lymphadenopathy involving,
in decreasing frequency, the mediastinum, left and right Treatment
sides of neck, left and right axillae, and left and right hilar Treatment of HD requires full understanding of the disease
inguinal lymph nodes. Bulky lymphadenopathy may cause in any given patient. Treatment decisions should be made in
local symptoms due to compression of the adjacent organs. the context of multimodality approach and after consulta-
The spleen is the most common organ involved below the tion with an expert pathologist, radiotherapist, radiologist,
diaphragm and is an important determinant of the thera- and under the guidance of a hematologist familiar with the
peutic approach of HD. treatment of the disease.

Hodgkin's disease is a rather complex entity from a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
histopathological point of view. Based on the degree of The non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) are a complex of
fibrosis or sclerosis and the predominance of lymphocytic disorders with a variable histologic and clinical presentation.
elements, Lukes and associates classified HD into four major The histopathologic classification of these disorders has
histopathological types: (1) nodular sclerosis, (2) lympho- undergone several modifications over the past years. Most
cyte predominance, (3) lymphocyte depletion, and recent classification systems rely on a combination of
(4) mixed cellularity. In most reports from the United States cytologic and immunophenotypic features of the neoplastic
and Europe, nodular sclerosis followed by mixed cellularity cells. This information is often complemented by molecular
are the most frequent types of HD. Reed-Sternberg cells or and cytogenetic data and by clinical correlation with the dis-
their variants are seen in variable frequencies among the ease course and degree of aggressiveness. The World Health
different types of HD. Patients infected with the human Organization (WHO) has recently adopted a classification
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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

sy tern that subdivides HLs into B- and T-cell neoplasms period. The diagnosis is facilitated by immunophenotypic
based on flow cytometric and other immunophenotypic studies showing monoclonal B-phenotype with low breis of
markers. surface immunoglobulin. The diagnosis can also be made in
The clinicaL presentation of patients with NHL cannot the pre ence of >30% lymphocytes in a normal cellular or
be distinguished from HD or other lymphoproliferative dis- hypercellular bone marrow. The lymphocyte count in
orders. The presence of B symptoms varies among the dif- patients with CLL usually ranges between 5 to SOOx109/1. The
ferent types of NHL. Involvement of the skin and other lymphocytes appear morphologically mature, usually small
extra nodal areas is more common in patients with T-cell with the nucleus occupying the entire cell (PLATES 58,60).
but can occur in alJ types ofNHL. The diagnosis and staging The nuclear chromatin i usually dense and clumped. The
of NHL follows the same guidelines as for HO. Every effort leukemic lymphocytes may become deformed upon prepara-
should be made to obtain sufficient material for hi topatho- tion of films. Thi oval deformity is recognized as smudge
logic, flow cytometric, and molecular studies. Excisional cells on a peripheral blood smear. The hemoglobin level and
lymph node biopsy remains the preferred method of diag- platelet count vary considerably among patient with CLL.
nosis of HL ince it provides information on all the archi- Hemoglobin <11 g1dL and platelets <100xJ09/1 indicate
tecture of the node. Su picious areas on physical examina- more advanced disease. Autoimmune hematologic compli-
tion or on imaging studies should be biopsied to evaluate cation such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia and immune
possible extra nodal disease. Accurate staging is of utmost thrombocytopenia are common in patients with CLL.
importance in all Iymphoproliferative disorders, but espe- Hypogammaglobulinemia is common in CLL and con-
cially HD and NHL. The stage of disease usually determines tributes to the immunodeficiency state of these patients.
the therapeutic strategies and provides valuable prognostic
information. With few exceptions, treatment of NH L entails Treatment
the administration of a combination of chemotherapeutic Patients with CLL should be evaluated carefu.lly to deter-
agents with periodic assessment and restaging studies to mine or predict the clinical course of the disease. Patients
confirm the response tarus of the patients. Radiotherapy with only increased lymphocyte count without symptoms
and treatment of the nervous system may be included based or autoimmune phenomena should be watched periodical-
on the clinical presentation. ly.The disease in the e patients may follow a very chronic or
indolent course without any specific treatment. Patients
with systemic symptoms and patients with massive or bulky
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia lymphadenopathy as well as those with autoimmune com-
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the rno t common plications should be offered treatment. Patients with rapid-
type of leukemia in Western countries. About 10,000 new ly increasing lymphocyte count are also candidates for
cases are diagnosed every year in the United States. The dis- immediate treatment. The treatment of choice is the purine
ease is less common in Asian countries such as Japan and analog fludarabine with or without prednisone. Special
China. The etiology of CLL is unknown and several viruses attention should be given to treatment of opportunistic
have been implicated in the pathogenesis of the disease infections. Aggressive transformation to Richter's syndrome
without sufficient supporting evidence. A genetic predispo- and prolymphocytic leukemia can occur in approximately
sition is supported by the finding of clusters of CLL in some 10% of cases.
families. However, the precise mechanism for this predispo-
sition i still unknown. The disease is characterized by pro-
gressive accumulation of lymphocytes arrested in late stages Hairy-Cell Leukemia
of their differentiation with no apparent increase in their
role of proliferation. Approximately 95% of CLL in the Description of Hairy Cells
United tates are of the B-celJ phenotype. Leukemic cells in Hairy-cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare Iyrnphoproliferative dis-
CLL usually stain for COS, CD19, and C020. T-cell and CD order characterized by the pre ence of hairy cells which are
negative CLL are usually more aggressive than B-CLL. lymphocytes with prominent cytoplasmic projections
(PLATES60- 62) that infiltrate the bone marrow and spleen.
Presentation Morphologically, hairy cells are mononuclear cells that vary
Patients with CLL usually complain of fatigue, weakness, in cell size and nuclear shape. The nucleus may be either
night sweats, and weight loss. At times, the diagnosis is made centrally or eccentrically located. The cell usuaLly has a fine
incidentally in patients with high lymphocyte count but no reticu.lar appearance and the nuclear shape may be round,
symptoms. Lymphadenopathy is the most common physical ovoid, indented, or convoluted. The bone marrow is often
finding and splenomegaly is common in patients with CLL. inaspirable. Bone marrow biopsy usually shows diffuse or
focal infiltration by hairy cells and a mixture of small lym-
Laboratory Results phocytes and mast cells. The cells are separated by a network
The diagnosis of CLL is considered in the presence of >5x of fibrils giving them a pattern referred to as "fried-egg"
109/1lymphocyte count that i sustained over at least a 4-week appearance. Hairy cell stain strongly positive for tartrate-

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The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Approximately 90% of Laboratory Studies

patients with HCL demonstrate TRAP positivity (PLATE The majority of patients with MM have anemia at the time
62) which can be an additional diagnostic tool in combina- of diagnosis. The malignant clone secretes monoclonal pro-
tion with the morphologic appearance of cells. Immuno- tein, which can be detected on serum protein electrophore-
phenotypic analysis usually demonstrates the presence of sis in more than 80% of patients. Immunoelectrophoresis
CDllc and CD25 positive cells. and immunofixation of the serum should be ordered in all
patients with MM. Combined, these methods reveal a
Presentation monoclonal problem in >95% of patients. The presence of
Patients with HCL present with fatigue, weakness, and occa- abnormal protein should also be checked in the urine of
sionally left upper quadrant tenderness. The majority of patients suspected with the disease. The presence of mono-
patients present with anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neu- clonal protein in the urine is referred to as Bence Jones pro-
tropenia. Infections with typical and atypical organisms are tein. Renal involvement and hypercalcemia are common
common and need to be treated aggressively. The diagnosis and should be investigated in all patients with MM.
of HCL should be considered in all patients with pancy- Radiological studies usually reveal the presence of lytic
topenia. HCL should also be differentiated from low-grade lesions along several skeletal areas.
lymphoma and other lymphoproliferative disorders.
Treatment The diagnosis of MM is made by a combination of studies
The treatment of choice for patients with HCL is the purine including bone marrow aspiration and biopsy showing
analog 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine. > 10% plasmablasts, monoclonal protein in the serum or
urine, and lytic bone lesions. Rouleaux of erythrocytes in
blood and marrow smears is due to an increase in immuno-
Multiple Myeloma globulins which coat the cells.
Multiple myeloma (MM) is the most common plasma cell Plasma cells have been observed in peripheral blood in
disorder. The disease is characterized by the increased pro- a few cases, particularly in the last stages of myeloma. When
liferation of a clone of plasma cells in the bone marrow plasmablasts predominate, the condition is called plasma
(PLATE 63; FIG. 10). These malignant cells produce exces- cell leukemia. A bluish background to the smears may be
sive amounts of a monoclonal immunoglobulin. The dis- observed due to an increase in protein material which
ease comprises approximately 10% of all hematologic stains blue.
malignancies with peak incidence during the seventh decade
of life. Treatment
The most common agents in the treatment of patients with
Presentation multiple myeloma are corticosteroids, alkylators and anthra-
Bone pain is the most common complaint in patients with cyclines.
MM. Back pain is very common and some patients may
experience vertebral collapse or pathologic fractures. Sezary Syndrome
Sezary syndrome, a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, has a vary-
ing number of circulating atypical lymphoid cells in the
peripheral blood (PLATE 64). The nucleus of these atypical
lymphoid cells is often cerebriform (or convoluted) and has
a swirled chromatin pattern. Vacuoles may appear around
the periphery of the cytoplasm. Patients with this syndrome .
have pruritis, generalized exfoliative erythroderma, and
other features of mycosis fungo ides.

Fig. 10. Plasma Cell Myeloma, Bone Marrow

Errisa Devi Fauzi

15 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant disor- very poor prognosis and should be considered for bone
der that arises from genetic damage that leads to dysregulat- marrow transplantation from a matched sibling if available.
ed growth of a single progenitor cell. The incidence of ALL Other laboratory findings that should be evaluated in all
reaches a peak between 2 and 7 years of age representing patients with suspicion of acute leukemia include serum
approximately 80% of acute leukemia in children less than uric acid, lactate dehydrogenous (LDH), calcium, APIT, PT,
15 years of age. The current classification of ALL relies on and fibrinogen. Lumbar puncture should be performed on
the immunologic features of the leukemic cell and is deter- all patients newly diagnosed with ALL.
mined by the presence of surface immunoglobulin and
T-cell receptor expression. Table 7 depicts current immuno-
logical classifications of ALL and their frequency. The
immunologic classification has largely replaced the FAB Treatment of ALL includes an induction phase to achieve
morphologic classification of ALL (TABLE 8). remission and consolidation followed by maintenance
chemotherapy for a total duration of two years.

Presentation of ALL
The onset of ALL is usually acute with symptoms of fatigue, Table 7. Immunologic Classification of Adult Acute
malaise, fever, and night sweats. Bone pain, lymphadenopa- Lymphoblastic Leukemia
thy, and hepatosplenomegaly are common and reflect the
presence of uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the
B cell
bone marrow and lymphoid organs. Involvement of the
central nervous system occurs in about 5% of children and Early pre-B-ALL C019+, TdT+, HLA-OR 12
15% of adults at the time of diagnosis of ALL. Testicular Common-ALL C019+, TdT+, COl 0+, HLA-OR 50
leukemia can occur as an isolated relapse in patients with
bone marrow remission. Pre-B-ALL Cytoplasmic Ig+, TdT+, C019+ 10

Laboratory Studies Mature B cell-ALL C019+, HLA-OR+,surface Ig+ 4

CO 10'"
Approximately 50% of patients with ALL present with ele-
vated white cell counts. Patients with leukocyte count above Tcell

50x109/1 have a poor prognosis and higher likelihood of EarlyT-ALL 8

involvement of the central nervous system. A subset of Mature T cell-ALL TdT+, C03+, C07+, C01+, C02+ 16
patient may present with pancytopenia and no identifiable
blasts in the peripheral blood. Bone marrow aspiration and
biopsy invariably reveal the presence of blasts (PLATE 58,
59) suggestive of acute leukemia. The presence of >5% blast Table 8. Morphologic (FAB) Classification of Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Plate 59)
cells is suggestive of the diagnosis, although in most cases
>50% lymphoblasts are present in the bone marrow. Lym- DESCRIPTION
phoblasts usually stain positively for TdT, but a proportion
of ALL may be TdT negative. lmmunophenotyping is very Small blasts: High nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, homogeneous
important in ALL since it is used for classification and for but condensed nuclear chromatin, no or indis-
prognostic indications and sometimes to determine the type tinct nucleoli, scanty cytoplasm (L1)
of treatment to be administered. Differentiating B- from T- Larger blasts: Irregular membrane, homogeneous with fine
cell ALL is very important at initial evaluation and prior to nuclear chromatin, one or more nucleoli,
treatment. Cytogenetic and molecular studies provide valu- moderately abundant blue cytoplasm (L2)
able information to determine the therapeutic intervention Large blasts: Round to oval nucleus, fine nuclear chromatin,
and the prognostic features of new patients with ALL. prominent nucleoli, intense blue cytoplasm,
Approximately 20% of adult ALL patients have the translo- often vacuolated (L3)
cation (9,22) by cytogenetic analysis. These patients have

Errisa Devi Fauzi

16 Infectious Disease In Hematology
The prominent clinical features are recurring paroxys-
Infectious Mononucleosis mal chills and fever (as high as 105 to 106 F) associated
0 0

with headache, vomiting, and malaise. Paroxysms seem to

Clinical Features occur regularly every 32-72 hours depending on the type
Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is a viral infection that usu- of malaria.
ally affects young adults. In developing countries infections The diagnosis of malaria can be made by careful exam-
occur in very young children. Clinical features include irreg- ination of the erythrocytes on a Wright-Giemsa stained
ular fever, severe pharyngitis, adenopathy, and splen- blood smear or on thick drop preparations stained with
omegaly. Typical laboratory findings include an absolute Giemsa. The chance of finding the parasites is greatest dur-
lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes (10% or more) ing the febrile episodes. Erythrocytes of P [alciparum may
and rising titers against the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The contain multiple rings and banana-shaped gametocytes
EBV infects epithelial cells of the oropharynx as well as the (PLATES 67, 68). The diagnosis of malaria may be delayed
small, resting B-Iymphocytes. These virus-containing B- because malaria has not been suspected. This delay maybe
cells account for a small number of atypical cells in the dangerous for patients with P [alciparum because of the
blood smear during the early phase of the disease. early mortality rate. P vivax is characterized by enlarged red
cells containing Schuffner's dots and 12 to 16 merozoites in
Reactive Lymphocytes the late schizont stage (PLATES 67,68). The red cells in P
The characteristic feature of IM is the pleomorphism of the malariae are not enlarged; there are no Schuffner's dots; the
lymphocytic cells in the blood film. Besides normal lympho- parasite assumes an elongated or band form in the tropho-
cytes and monocytes there are also large reactive (atypical) zoite stages; the schizont stage has 6 to 10 merozoites in a
lymphocytic cells (PLATES 65, 66) that are not found in nor- rosette form around a central mass of pigment (PLATES 67,
mal blood. The nucleus may be oval, kidney-shaped, or irreg- 68). P ovale erythrocytes are oval and enlarged, contain dis-
ularly shaped; there may be a barely visible nucleolus; the tinct red dots, have 4 to 12 merozoites in the schizont stages,
chromatin pattern is not as dense or clumped as in a small have ragged margins, and pigment is scanty (PLATE 67).
normal lymphocyte. The cytoplasm demonstrates varying
shades of basophilia, may have "holly leaf edges" when Babesiosis
indented by surrounding red cells, and also may have a few
Babesia is an intraerythrocytic protozoan parasite that nor-
distinct reddish granules. Some cells may show a somewhat
mally parasitizes rodents and cattle but is transmitted to
royal blue cytoplasm (similar to that seen in plasma cells).
humans by the bite of the deer tick and also by blood trans-
These reactive cells show a great variety of cell types in con-
fusion from asymptomatic carriers. Babesiosis is particular-
trast to the repetitious type of pathologic cells in acute
ly dangerous for splenectomized or irnmunocompromised
leukemia. Phenotypically these cells are classified as Tvlym-
patients. The protozoan can be demonstrated by finding
phocytes. The hemoglobin levels are normal usually and small ring-shaped organisms (1.0to 3.5 mm in diameter) or
severe thrombocytopenia is very rare. The bone marrow tetrad forms in erythrocytes on a Wright-Giemsa stained
reveals no particular abnormalities. The serologic test for 1M blood smear. Babesia rings are similar to the rings of P [al-
is called the heterophil antibody test because the sera of ciparum. The babesia rings may also appear in aggregates
patients with IM have agglutinins against sheep red cells. outside of red cells; malarial rings appear within the red cell
(PLATE 68-2). The diagnosis can be confirmed by an indi-
Malaria rect immunofluorescence antibody test on the serum.
Babesiosis has a gradual onset with malaise, fatigue,
Malaria is an acute or chronic protozoan disease in humans anorexia, fever, sweats, muscle and joint pain. Hemolytic
caused by Plasmodium (P) vivax, P [alciparum, P malariae, anemia may be seen in some patients with babesia.
and P ovale (PLATES 67, 68, Parts 1,2). Malarial sporozoites
are transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected female
Anopheles mosquito. Sporozoites invade the liver and rup- Ehrlichiosis
ture of infected liver cells releases merozoites into the circu- Ehrlichiae, small intracellular bacteria, are transmitted by
lation. Merozoites then invade the interior of the erythro- ticks to humans and they grow as a cluster (morulae) in a
cyte and are nourished by the cell's contents. Malaria also cytoplasmic vacuole in neutrophils, monocytes, and
can be transmitted by transfusion. macrophages. E. phagocytophila is found in the cytoplasm of

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

neutrophils (PLATE 69) while E. chaffeensis is found in characteristic of this organsim (PLATE 70), which may be
monocytes and macrophages. Thrombocytopenia and observed in marrow macrophages. Culture of the marrow
leukopenia with left shift in neutrophils and mild to moder- provides a sensitive test for disseminated leishmaniasis in
ate increase in hepatic transaminases are noted in most AIDS patients.
patients. Patients infected with Ehrlichiae may present with
flu-like symptoms, headache, confusion, anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Occasionally
Parvovirus B 19
patients may present with adult respiratory syndrome and Parvovirus B19, a DNA virus, may cause depression of ery-
acute renal failure. Ehrlichiae can be detected by careful thropoiesis and lead to erythroid aplasia. Progenitor cells
examination of peripheral blood smears for presence of and precursor cells are infected and their growth inhibited.
intracellular aggregates (morulae) of small bacteria in neu- This results in extremely large proerythroblasts which are
trophils or monocytes. The diagnosis can be confirmed by observed in a bone marrow smear (PLATE 71). Parvovirus
rising antibody immunofluorescence titer or by polymerase infection may depress marrow activity in sickle cell anemia
chain reaction. Since there is the potential for severe or fatal and cause an aplastic crisis. The hematopoietic precursor
outcome, early diagnosis and therapy are vital. cells become infected with parvovirus in HIV infection and
severe neutropenia and sometimes pancytopenia occurs.

Histoplasma capsulatum, an intracellular fungus, may be
observed in neutrophils and monocytes often at the feather
ends of a peripheral blood smear (stained with Wright-
Giemsa) in immunocompromised patients with HIV infec-
tion (FIG.l1). Histoplasma organisms are quite variable in
size (2-5 urn) and shape. They do not have a true capsule.
Histoplasma capsulatum can be seen in macrophages in a
bone marrow smear in patients with AIDS (PLATE 70) who
are exposed to the organism.

Leishman-Donovan bodies are oval inclusions with a nucle-
us and a rod of extra nuclear DNA (called a kinetoplast).
The leishman bodies are about 2-3 urn across and are Fig. 11. Histoplasma capsulatum in peripheral blood cells


1. Beutler E, Lichtman MA, Coller BS, Kipps T), Seligsohn See Figure 8.1, page 147, in Volume 1. The cells of the
U: Williams Hematology, 5th ed, 2001, McGraw-Hill, blood, lymphoid organs, and their precursors in the
Inc, New York, NY. bone marrow.

2. Damier IS, Walker DH: Tick-borne ehrlichiosis. Lancet 5. Markell ER, John DT, Krotoski WA: Markell & Voge's
Infectious Disease, April 2001, 21-28. Medical Parasitology, 8th ed, 1999, WB Saunders,
Philadelphia, PA;Malaria 90-122; Babesia 172-175.
3. land! JH: Blood: Textbook of Hematology. 2nd ed, 1998,
Little, Brown & Co, Boston, MA.
4. Lee GR, Foerster l, Lukens J, et al.: Wintrobe's Clinical
Hematology, 10th ed, 1999, Vols 1 & 2, Williams and
Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Color Plates

Cell Drawings by Dorothy Sturm

Photomicrographs by Ann Bell

Smears were given for photomicrographs by the following individuals and institutions:
Dr. Luther Burkett
Dr. Marion Dugdale
Mrs. Janie Gardner, MS, H(ASCP)
Ms. Rachel Lehman, MT(ASCP)
Dr. Alvin Mauer
Mrs. Ioye Thomas, MT(ASCP)
Dr. Frank White
Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA
LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, Memphis, TN
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

Note: The photomicrographs are from the University of Tennessee Division of

Hematology teaching file, which was started more than twenty-five years ago. Stains and
staining techniques have changed during this period of time and, hence, cell colors may
vary and drawing paper used by the artist has darkened.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 1. Myelocytic (Granulocytic) System

1A. Myeloblast

1B. Promyelocyte

1C. Basophilic myelocyte 1G. Neutrophilic 1K. Eosinophilic

myelocyte myelocyte

1D. Basophilic metamyelocyte 1H. Neutrophilic 1L. Eosinophilic

metamyelocyte metamyelocyte

1E. Basophilic band 11. Neutrophilic band 1M. Eosinophilic band

• .~-

1F. Basophilic segmented 1J. Neutrophilic segmented 1N. Eosinophilic


Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 2. Myelocytic Cells-Normal Bone Marrow


2A. 2B. 2(,

2D. 2E.

Plate 2. 1. Myeloblast, 2. Promyelocyte, 3. N. Myelocyte, 4. N. Metamyelocyte,S. N. Band, 6. N. segmented, 7. Eosinophil, 8. Monocyte,

9 Polychromatophilic erythroblast, 10. Orthochromatic erythroblast, 11. Neutrophil-questionable stage

2F. Basophil 2G. Eosinophilic myelocyte

2H. Myeloblast 21. Promyelocyte

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 3. Myelocytic Cells-Normal Bone Marrow

3A. 3(.


3D. 3E.

3F. 3G.

3H. 31.

Plate3. 1. Myeloblast, 2. Promyelocyte, 3. N. Myelocyte, 4. N. Metamyelocyte,S. N. band, 6. N. segmented, 7. Eosinophilic metamyelocyte,

8. Basophil, 9. Monocyte, 10. Polychromatophilic erythroblast, 11. Orthochromatic erythroblast, 12. Lymphocyte, 13. Plasma cell, 14. Smudge
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 4. Cell Types Found on Peripheral Blood Smears from Normal Individuals

4A. Erythrocytes 4F Monocyte with gray blue cytoplasm, coarse linear chromatin,
4B. Large lymphocyte with purplish-red (azurophil) granules blunt pseudopods
and deeply indented by adjacent erythrocytes 4G. Platelets (thrombocytes)
4(, Neutrophilic segmented 4H. Lymphocyte
40. Eosinophilic segmented 41. Neutrophilic band
4E. Neutrophilic segmented 4J. Basophil

The arrangement is arbitrary and the number of leukocytes in relation to erythrocytes and thrombocytes is greater than would occur in an actual
microscopic field.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 5. Lymphocytes

SA. 5maillymphocyte 58, Lymphocyte of 5(, Lymphocyte with

intermediate size indented nucleus

5D. Lymphocyte of 5E. Lymphocyte with pointed SF. Spindle-shaped

intermediate size cytoplasmic projections (frayed lymphocyte with
cytoplasm) indented nucleus

SG. Large lymphocyte with SH. Large lymphocyte SI. Large lymphocyte with
indented nucleus and pointed purplish-red (azurophilic )
cytoplasmic projections granules


SJ. Large lymphocyte with 5K. Large lymphocyte with purplish- SL. Large lymphocyte
irregular cytoplasmic contours red (azurophilic) granules and with with purplish-red
indentations caused by pressure of (azurophilic) granules

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 6. Lymphocytes from Normal Peripheral Blood Smears

Small lymphocyte; large lymphocyte 68. Small lymphocyte; large lymphocyte

with holly-leaf edges with azurophilic granules

6C. Lymphocyte, large 6D. Lymphocyte with 6E. Large lymphocyte

azurophilic granules

6F. Lymphocyte, intermediate size; small 6G. Large lymphocyte with indented
lymphocyte nucleus, azurophilic granules;

6H. Lymphocyte with azurophilic 61. Large lymphocyte with azurophilic

granules; N. segmented granules; N. segmented

(Azurophilic granules in lymphocytes are countable)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 7. Monocytes

7A Monocyte with "ground-glass" 7B. Monocyte with blue granular 7C. Monocyte with
appearance. evenly distributed fine cytoplasm. lobulation of nucleus prominent granules and
granules. occasional azuroph,lic with linear chromatin deeply indented nucleus
granules. and vacuoles In cytoplasm

70. Monocyte without nuclear 7E. Monocyte with gray-blue 7F. Monocyte with gray-blue
indentations cytoplasm. band type of nucleus. cytoplasm. blunt pseudopods.
linear chromatin. blunt and multilobulated nucleus
pseudopods. and fine granules

7G. Monocyte with segmented- 7H. Monocyte with multiple blunt 71.Monocyte with vacuoles.
type nucleus nongranular pseudopods. nuclear nongranular ectoplasm, and
indentations. and folds granular endoplasm

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 8. Monocytes from Normal Blood Smears

SA. Monocyte; SB. Monocytes sc Monocyte;

N. segmented N. segmented

SO. Monocytes SE. Monocyte with SF. Monocytes

phagocytized RBC

SG. Monocyte; lymphocyte SH. N. segmented; monocyte SI. Monocyte (top); lymphocyte with
azure granules

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 9. Comparative Morphology: Early Neutrophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes

9A. N. myelocyte with mixture 98. Monocyte with nuclear fold 9(, Large lymphocyte with
of neutrophilic and dark scalloped shape and absence
reddish-purple granules of folds in nucleus

9D. N. metamyelocyte with 9E. Monocyte with gray-blue 9F. Large lymphocyte with
light-pink cytoplasmic color cytoplasm, prominent granules, nongranular cytoplasm
and neutrophilic granules brain-like convolutions in nucleus
and linear chromatin strands

9G. N. myelocyte 9H. Typical monocyte with lobu- 91. Large lymphocyte with purplish-
lated nucleus, gray-blue granular red (azurophilic) granules and lumpy
cytoplasm, and blunt pseudopods nuclear structure

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 10. Lymphocytic, Monocytic, Plasmacytic Systems

10A. Lymphoblast 10B. Monoblast 10C. Plasmablast

100. Prolymphocyte 10E. Promonocyte 10F. Proplasmacyte

10G. Lymphocyte with 10H. Monocyte 101. Plasmacyte

clumped chromatin

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 11. Erythroblastic System

o F

11 A. Proerythroblast 11 E. Polychromatophilic erythrocyte

11 B. Basophilic erythroblast 11 F. Eryth rocyte
11C Polychromatophilic erythroblast
11 D. Orthochromatic erythroblast

Erythroblasts in Normal Bone Marrow

11 G. Proerythroblasts (2), N. segmented, 11H. Proerythroblasts (2), polychromatophilic and

N. myelocyte, N. metamyelocyte, orthochromatic erythroblasts, N. band, N. segmented,
orthochromatic erythroblast and smudge

111. Basophilic erythroblasts 11J. Polychromatophilic (4) and

basophilic erythroblasts

11 K. Lymphocyte, orthochromatic 11 L. Basophilic (center), polychro- 11M. Orthochromatic erythroblast,

erythroblast, basophilic erythroblast matophilic, and orthochromatic lymphocyte (right)
erythroblasts; smudge

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 12. Comparative Morphology: Plasmacytes, Lymphocytes, Nucleated Red Cells


12A. Plasmacyte with intense-blue cytoplasm, eccentric nucleus, 12D. Lymphocyte with foamy cytoplasm and frayed (hair-like)
clear zone, vacuoles, irregular shape (marrow) margins
12B. Plasmacyte with foamy and fibrillar reddish-blue cytoplasm 12E. Basophilic erythroblast with reddish-blue cytoplasm
(marrow) (marrow)
12(, Lymphocyte with slightly indented nucleus, unevenly 12F. Polychromatophilic erythroblast with reddish cytoplasm
stained bluish cytoplasm (marrow)

Plasma Cell, Lymphocytes, Immature Nucleated Red Cells

from Bone Marrow and Blood Smears

12G. Plasma cell (marrow) 12H. Lymphocyte; large lymphocyte 121. Polychromatophilic erythroblasts
(blood) with reddish cytoplasm in meqaloblastic
anemia (marrow); nuclear fragment in
one cell

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 13. Plasma Cell Variants on Bone Marrow Smears

13A. Plasma cell with globular bodies

(Mott cell)
138. Plasma cell with globular bodies (Mott cell)

13C. Plasma cell showing reticular cytoplasmic 13D. Plasma cell with globular bodies in nucleus,
structure reticular cytoplasmic structure, shaggy margins,
and red secretions

13E. Plasma cell with red cytoplasmic 13F. Plasma cell with "flame"
border red cytoplasm and two nuclei

13G. Plasma cell with globular bodies 13H. Plasma cells with globular bodies
(Mott cell) (Mott cells)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 14. Megakaryocytic System



14A. Magakaryoblast with single oval nucleus, nucleoli, 14D. Megakaryocyte with lobulated nucleus and platelets
and bluish foamy marginal cytoplasmic blebs 14E. Megakaryocytic nucleus with attached platelets
14B. Promegakaryocyte with two nuclei, granular blue 14F. Platelets
cytoplasm, and marginal bubbly cytoplasmic blebs
14(, Megakaryocyte with lobulated nucleus, granular
cytoplasm, and without platelets
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 15. Megakaryocytes on Normal Bone Marrow Smears

1SA. Megakaryoblast 1S8. Megakaryoblast 1SC. Promegakaryocyte

1SD. Promegakaryocyte 1SE. Megakaryocyte with 1SF. Granular megakaryocytes without platelets
lobulated nucleus, granular
cytoplasm surrounded by
vacuoles, and no platelets

1SG. Granular megakaryocytes without 1SH. Megakaryocyte with lobulated 1SI. Megakaryocyte with lobulated
platelets nucleus and platelets nucleus and platelets

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 16. Macrophages on Bone Marrow Smears


16A. Macrophage with reticular cytoplasm, 16B. Macrophage with phagocytized

vacuoles, and phagocytized particles erythrocytes and dark-staining particles


16C. Macrophage with phagocytized 16D. Macrophage with phagocytized

hemosiderin in cytoplasm particles and vacuoles

16E. Macrophage with vacuoles and phagocytized malarial pigment

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 17. Macrophages on Bone Marrow Smears

17 A. Macrophage with engulfed neutrophil; 178. Macrophage with engulfed red cells
macrophage with hemosiderin

17(, Macrophage with pigment 170. Macrophage with blue pigment

17E. Macrophages with cystine crystals

17F. Plasmacytes around macrophage 17G. Late erythroblasts around macrophage

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 18. Early Eosinophils and Mast Cells on Bone Marrow Smears

18A. Early eosinophil with nucleoli and tapering 18B. Mast cell (formerly called tissue
cytoplasmic extensions (formerly called tissue eosinophil) basophil)

18C Eosinophilic myelocyte with 18D. Eosinophilic myelocyte

cytoplasmic extensions

18E. Mast cell 18F. Mast cell

18G. Mast cell 18H. Mast cell

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 19. Fat Cells on Bone Marrow Smears

19A. Fat cell with small round nucleus, linear chromatin, 19B. Fat cell showing cytoplasmic lipoid bodies separated by
globular body in nucleus, ample cytoplasm with lipoid globules, reticular structures. Mature erythrocytes surround fat cell.
wrinkled membrane, reticular stroma, fibrillar marginal
structures, and surrounded by erythrocytes.

19C. Fat cell 19D. Fat cell

19E. Fat cell 19F. Fat cell

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 20. Osteoblasts and Osteoclast on Bone Marrow Smears

20A. Osteoblast with prominent light zone in 20B. Osteoblast with oval eccentric nucleus,
cytoplasm located away from nucleus distinct linear chromatin and nucleolus, blue
bubbly cytoplasm with prominent light zone
adjacent to nucleus, and fibrillar marginal

20(, Osteoclast: Large multinucleated cell with

uneven number of separated oval nuclei with nucleoli,
blue granules, and frayed cytoplasmic margins

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 21. Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts on Bone Marrow Smears

21 A. Osteoblasts 21 B. Osteoblasts 21 C. Osteoblasts

21 D. Aggregate of osteoblasts 21 E. Osteoclast

21 F. Osteoclast 21 G. Osteoclasts 21 H. Osteoclast

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 22. Endothelial Cells

22A. Endothelial cells 228. Endothelial cell

22(, Endothelial cells 220. Endothelial cells

22E. Endothelial cell 22F. Endothelial cells

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 23. Shapes of Red Cells

Normal Crenated Burr (echinocyte)

Target Spherocyte
Oat (sickle cell)

Sickled SC crystal CC crystal

Elliptocyte (ovalocyte) Stomatocyte Folded cell

Marginal achromia (blister) Helmet Pinched

Teardrop, pear, pointed Filamented Triangular

Poikilospherocyte Aca nthocyte Small fragments

(small, dark, irregular) (thorn, spur, spiculated)

"Schistocyte" refers to hel met,

triangular, and small fragments.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Membranous ghost Crescent (Semilunar) 61
Plate 24. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears in Nutritional Anemias

24A. Iron deficiency anemia 24B. Normal erythrocytes 24C. Megaloblastic anemia

24D. Iron deficiency anemia: (red cells: 24E. Normal erythrocytes 24F. Megaloblastic anemia: (red cells:
microcytic and smaller than nucleus of large and oval; two teardrop cells);
a small lymphocyte; hypochromic) hyperlobulated N. segmented

24G. Iron deficiency anemia after 24H. Iron deficiency anemia after 241. Megaloblastic anemia (red cells:
transfusion (two populations of iron therapy (two populations of oval and larger than nucleus of small
red cells) red cells) lymphocyte; two teardrop cells)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 25, Part 1. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears
in Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias

25A. Thrombotic thrombo- 25B. Chronic nephritis 25(, Sickle cell anemia with
cytopenic purpura (TIP) with hypertension schistocytes in some cases of
pulmonary embolism

e ·0 "iii07 - '1

9 .@::.4 <i.
q,C~ ~C?

25D. TIP 25E. Chronic nephritis with hypertension

" ., ~ ~

25F. Sickle cell anemia with schistocytes

in some cases of pulmonary embolism

25G. TIP 25H. Chronic nephritis with hypertension 251. Sickle cell anemia with schistocytes
in some cases of pulmonary embolism

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 25, Part 2. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears in
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia Due to Heart Valve Dysfunction

Patient 1 Patient 1 Patient 2

• V"V

.. ~'

. 0> .'.,

Patient 3
• ~:

_ .....

Patient 3


Patient 4 Patient S Patients

Morphology in five patients

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 26. Anemias with Abnormal Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears

26A. Spur cell anemia 26B. Erythrocytes in paroxysmal 26C. Microangiopathic

nocturnal hemoglobinuria hemolytic anemia following
liver transplant

26D. Erythrocytes in 26E. Erythrocytes in 26F. Echinocytes (burr cells) in

Hemoglobin Zurich after G-6-PD deficiency pyruvate kinase deficiency

26G. Hemolytic anemia (bite 26H. Hemolytic anemia 261. Spherocytic anemia due
cells) after dapsone (spherocytes) due to bite of to Clostridium perfringens
Loxosceles rec/usa

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 27. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears in Sickle Cell Anemia,
Sickle Cell-Hemoglobin C, Hemoglobin CC

27 A Sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) 278. Sickle ceil-hemoglobin C 27C. Hemoglobin CC (Hb CC)
(Hb SC)

27D. Hemoglobin SS 27E. Hemoglobin SC 27F. Hemoglobin CC

27G. Hemoglobin SS 27H. Hemoglobin SC 271. Hemoglobin CC after


Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 28. Moist Unstained Preparations of Blood from Patients with
Sickle Cell Trait and Sickle Cell Anemia

28A. Moist unstained preparation of blood from a patient with sickle cell trait showing
reversible elongated multipointed red cells.

28B. 28(,

28B and 28(, Moist unstained preparations of drop of blood from patient with sickle cell anemia mixed with drop
of sodium meta bisulfite solution showing irreversible elongated sickle cells and a few multi pointed erythrocytes

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 29. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears in Hereditary Spherocytosis,
Elliptocytosis, and Thalassemia Major

29A. Hereditary spherocytosis 29B. Hereditary elliptocytosis 29C. Thalassemia major

(Cooley's anemia)

29D. Hereditary spherocytOSIS 29E. Hereditary elliptocytosis 29F. Thalassemia major (Cooley's anemia):
late erythroblast, Howell-Jolly body

,. ~

"'_ A
291. Thalassemia major (Cooley's anemia):
orthochromatic erythroblasts (4),
Howell-Jolly body

29G. Hereditary spherocytosis 29H. Hereditary elliptocytosis with

hemolytic anemia

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 30. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears from Patients
with Thalassemia Minor

30A. ~+-thalassemia minor 30B. ~+-thalassemia minor-Fetal Hb 4.2% 30(, ~+-thalassemia minor: target cell
with stippling (arrow)

30D. ~+-thalassemia minor 30E. ~+-thalassemia minor-Fetal Hb 4.2% 30F. ~+-thalassemia minor

30G. W-thalassemia minor 30H. Hemoglobin E-~O-thalassemia 301. Alpha-thalassemia 1

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 31. Erythrocyte Morphology on Blood Smears from Patients with Burns,
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis, and Myelofibrosis

31 A. Erythrocytes in severely 31 B. Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis 31 C. Myelofibrosis

burned patient

310. Severely burned patient 31 E. Hereditary pyropoi kilocytosis before 31 F. Myelofibrosis

incubation of blood

31 G. Severely burned patient 31 H. Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis after 311. Myelofibrosis
60 minutes at 45° C Incubation

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 32. Stippled Erythrocytes, Polychromatophilic Erythrocytes, and Reticulocytes

32A Selected stippled 32B. Selected polychromatophilic 32(, Selected reticulocytes

erythrocytes in a Wright-stained erythrocytes in a blood smear, containing granulofllamentous
blood smear from a patient with Wright stain structures in a smear from blood
lead poisoning mixed with new methylene blue
stain. Polychromatophilic red cells
and stippled cells stain as reticulocytes
in this preparation.

32D. Stippled cells in Wright- 32E. Polychromatophilic erythrocytes 32F. Reticulocytes increased In a new
stained smear from lead poisoning (arrows) In a Wright-stained smear of methylene blue preparation of blood
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura from sickle ceil-thalassemia

32G. Stippled red blood 32H. Polychromatophilic 321. Reticulocytes increased in

cell; lymphocyte erythrocytes (arrows) in a Wright- hemolytic anemia
stained smear of hemolytic anemia

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 33. Erythrocytes with Inclusions

33A. Orthochromatic 33B. Stippled orthochromatic 33(, Erythrocyte 33D. Thrombocyte on red
erythroblast with partial erythroblast with Howell-Jolly containing malarial ring cell (Note clear area aroun<
extrusion of portion of body and Cabot rings platelet indicating it is on
nucleus top of cell)

33E. Howell-Jolly bodies in erythrocytes 33F Cabot rings in erythrocytes; stippling and
Howell-Jolly body in one red cell with Cabot ring

33G. Cabot ring 33H. Cabot ring, stippling, Howell- 331. Malarial ring (left) versus platelet
Jolly body on red cell (right)

33J. Cabot ring in orthochromatic 33K. Howell-Jolly bodies 33L. Plasmodium falciparum rings in
erythroblast red cells

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 34. Erythrocytes with Siderotic Granules

34A. Wright stain showing one orthochromatic 34B. Prussian blue stain for iron showing one
erythroblast and multiple erythrocytes with Pappenheimer orthochromatic erythroblast with siderotic granules
bodies (or siderotic granules in iron stain). The granules (ringed sideroblast) and erythrocytes containing siderotic
vary in number, size, shape, and color, and are unevenly granules. The nucleus of the erythroblast stains red with
distributed. safran in. (Howell-Jolly bodies, Heinz bodies, and stippling
do not give a blue color with iron stain).

Erythrocyte Morphology in Blood and Marrow Smears from Sideroblastic Anemia

,) '<t~
ft •

34(, Erythrocytes with Pappenheimer 34D. Erythroblasts with siderotic granules 34E. Ringed sideroblasts in Prussian
bodies in Wright stain (blood) (top) and ringed side rob lasts in Prussian blue iron stain (marrow)
blue iron stain (marrow)

34F. Erythrocytes with Pappenheimer 34G. Erythroblasts with siderotic granules 34H. Ringed sideroblasts in Prussian
bodies in Wright stain (blood) in Prussian blue iron stain (marrow) blue iron stain (marrow)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 35. Erythrocytes with Heinz Bodies

Erythrocytes in a moist preparation after four hour incubation with acetyl-phenylhydrazine followed by staining with crystal violet

35A. Normal blood with one to four Heinz bodies in most 35B. Erythrocytes from a patient with G-6-PD deficiency.
erythrocytes Majority of red cells have five or more Heinz bodies.

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• .... .'

35C. Heinz body preparation of normal 35D. Heinz body preparation of erythrocytes in
erythrocytes Hemoglobin Zurich

35E. Heinz body preparation of normal erythrocytes 35F. Heinz body preparation of erythrocytes
in G-6-PD deficiency

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 36. Erythrocytic Sequence in Bone Marrow: Megaloblastic Anemia,
Normal Marrow, and Iron Deficiency Anemia

Left column: Megaloblastic Anemia Middle column: Normal Right column: Iron
in B12 and Folic acid deficiencies Erythroblast Sequence Deficiency Anemia (IDA)

Promegaloblast Proerythroblast Proerythrobast (small)

Basophilic megaloblast Basophilic erythroblast Basophilic erythroblast (small)

Polychromatophilic Polychromatophilic Polychromatophilic

rneqaloblast erythroblast erythroblast

Orthochromatic megaloblast Orthochromatic erythroblast Orthochromatic erythroblast

Polychromatophilic macrocyte Polychromatophilic erythrocyte Polychromatophilic


Macrocyte Norma I eryth rocyte Hypochromic microcyte

Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 37. Comparison of Erythrocyte Morphology in Blood and Bone Marrow:
Iron Deficiency Anemia and Megaloblastic Anemia

6P o.
37 A. Iron deficiency anemia with microcytic 37B. Iron deficiency anemia with three late
hypochromic erythrocytes (blood) erythroblasts (iron-deficient) having minimal
bluish cytoplasm (marrow)

37(, D. Iron deficiency anemia with numerous late erythroblasts (iron-deficient) having minimal bluish cytoplasm (marrow)

37E. Megaloblastic anemia with large oval and 37F Megaloblastic anemia with large oval and
round macrocytes and pear-shaped erythrocytes round macrocytes and one orthochromatic
(blood) megaloblast (blood)

37G. Megaloblastic anemia with three basophilic 37H. Megaloblastic anemia with promegaloblasts and
megaloblasts (marrow) basophilic megaloblasts (marrow)
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 38. Pathological Erythroblasts in Bone Marrow of Megaloblastic Anemia

38A. Polychromatophilic 38B. Polychromatophilic 38(, Basophilic megaloblast

megaloblast with two nuclei megaloblast with fragmentation with asynchronism between
of nucleus (karyorrhexis) nuclear structure and
cytoplasmic color

380. Basophilic megaloblast 38E. Basophilic megaloblast; 38F Orthochromatic

with nuclear fragments; asynchronism asynchronism megaloblast with degenerated
nucleus and stippling

38G. Polychromatophilic erythrocyte (top), 38H. Promegaloblast, basophilic and orthochromatic

polychromatophilic and basophilic megaloblasts megaloblasts, plasma cell (lower left)

381. Basophilic megaloblast showing asynchronism 38J. Giant orthochromatic megaloblast with
Howell-Jolly bodies
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 39, Part 1. Pathological Erythroblasts and Erythrocytes in Bone Marrow
of Megaloblastic Anemia

Selected nucleated and nonnucleated red cells in bone marrow smears of patients with untreated megaloblastic anemia.
There is asynchronism between nucleus and cytoplasm with the nucleus less mature than the cytoplasm. Identification of
nucleated cells is based primarily on chromatin configuration and not on cytoplasmic coloration. Anisocytosis,
poikilocytosis, and anisochromia may be observed in nonnucleated erythrocytes.

39A. Orthochromatic megaloblast showing karyorrhexis 390. Polychromatophilic megaloblast with asynchronism
and asynchronism 39P. Microcytic poikilocyte
39B. Orthochromatic megaloblast with Howell-Jolly bodies 390. Promegaloblast
39(, Teardrop erythrocyte 39R. Macrocyte with Howell-Jolly bodies
39D. Basophilic megaloblast with asynchronism 39S. Mitotic figure
39E. Stippled oval macrocyte 39T Orthochromatic megaloblast with one
39F Cabot ring in oval macrocyte Howell-Jolly body
39G. Polychromatophilic macrocyte 39U. Oval macrocyte
39H. Lobulated megaloblastic neutrophil 39V Basophilic megaloblast
391. Orthochromatic megaloblast showing karyorrhexis 39W Basophilic erythroblast
and Howell-Jolly bodies
39J. Promegaloblast with multiple nucleoli
39K. Hypersegmented neutrophil
39L. Pear-shaped erythrocyte
39M. Polychromatophilic megaloblast
39N. Orthochromatic meqaloblast with beginning
nuclear extrusion

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 39, Part 2. Pathological Erythroblasts and Erythrocytes in Bone Marrow
of Megaloblastic Anemia

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 40. Pathological leukocytes

40A. N. segmented with 40B. N. segmented with 40C. N. metamyelocyte with 40D. Degenerated round
tOXICgranules vacuoles and toxic granules toxic granules neutrophil nucleus (old EDTA
blood); toxic granules

40E. Degenerated neutrophil 40F. Hyperlobulated neutrophil 40G. N. segmented with 40H. Monocyte with
nucleus (old EDTA blood) engulfed dark nuclear mass phagocytized nuclear mass
(LE cell)*

401. N. myelocyte, 40J. N. segmented cells with 40K. Degenerated neutrophils (old EDTA blood)
metamyelocyte, ?segmented toxic granules
with toxic granules (marrow)

40L. Vacuoles in neutrophils 40M. Dahle bodies in 40N. Monocyte with 400. Dahle body, toxic
neutrophil phagocytized red cell granules in N. segmented

*40G. Neutrophil which contains a phagocytized reddish-purple nuclear mass from another leukocyte following a special technique which is no
longer used as an aid in diagnosis. This cell was designated as a so-called "LE cell" since it was observed in patients with lupus erythematosus.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 41. Cell Types on Blood Smears of Patients with Pelqer-Huet Anomaly

This hereditary anomaly is characterized by hypolobulation of the nuclei of neutrophils. The chromatin structure of the
granulocytes with round or indented nucleus is that of mature cells. The size, chromatin structure, and phagocytic function
of these cells are normal.

41 A Slightly indented nucleus 41 B_ Nucleus with closely 41 C. Round nucleus 41 D_ "Peanut" -shaped nucleus
("peanut" shaped) approximated round lobes
(pince-nez or spectaclelike)

41 E_ Two "peanut"-shaped nuclei 41 F. Pince-nez nucleus: slightly 41 G_ "Peanut" -shaped nucleus; slightly
indented nucleus indented nucleus (bottom)

41 H_ Pseudo-Pelger cell 411. Pseudo-Pelger cell 41J Pelger-Huet cell with

in myelodysplasia in myelodysplasia pince-nez nucleus

Note: Pseudo-Pelger cells are observed in myelodysplasia and other myeloid dyscrasias.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 42. Cell Types from Patients with Chediak-Hiqashi Anomaly

Leukocytes in smears of peripheral blood or of bone marrow from patients with Chediak-Hiqashi anomaly showing
abnormal and giant Iysosomes in the cytoplasm.

42A Lymphocyte (blood)

42(, Promyelocyte (marrow)

42B. Mitotic figure of promyelocyte (marrow)

42D. Eosinophil-large granules 42E. Basophil-large granules (blood) 42F. Neutrophil segmented (blood)

42G. Lymphocytes, N. segmented (blood) 42H. Lymphocyte (blood) 421. Neutrophil (blood) 42J Basophil (blood)

42K. Mitotic figure (marrow) 42L. Eosinophilic myelocyte (marrow)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 43. Cell Types on a Blood Smear from a Patient with May-Hegglin Anomaly

Each leukocyte has one (or two) large bluish, elongated, irregularly shaped Dohle-like body


43A. Monocyte with Dahle-like bodies

43D. Neutrophils with Dahle-like bodies
43B. Eosinophil with Dohle-like body 43E. Large abnormal platelets
43(, Basophil with Dahle-like body
The number of cells in drawing is greater than occurs in a single oil-immersion field. Note shape variation in erythrocytes of
this patient. The platelets are large and abnormal.

43F. Neutrophil with Dohle-like 43G. Neutrophil with Dohle-like 43H. Neutrophil with Dohle-Iike
body (arrow); large platelets body (arrows); large platelets body (arrows); large platelets

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 44. Cell Types on Blood and Marrow Smears from a Patient with Alder-Reilly Anomaly

44A. Neutrophilic myelocyte (marrow) 44B. Neutrophilic metamyelocyte (marrow) 44(, Neutrophilic band (marrow)

44D. Neutrophilic segmented (blood) 44E. Basophil (blood) 44F. Eosinophil (blood)

44G. Two neutrophils (blood) 44H. Two neutrophils (blood)

441. Lymphocyte, N. segmented, and

basophil (blood)

. The cytoplasm of neutrophils and basophils in blood or bone marrow of patients with Alder-Reilly anomaly contain
multiple deep blue or lilac, round granules in blood and marrow smears. Eosinophil granules are large.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 45. Selected Cells from Blood and Marrow Smears of Patients with Acute and
Chronic Myelogenous (Myelocytic) Leukemia

45C. Myeloblast
with Auer rod
45A. Myeloblast with prominent
nucleoli, well-defined chromatin
structure, blue cytoplasm with 458. Megakaryoblast with dark
no granules coarse nuclear chromatin
structure and blunt vacuolated
blebs (marrow)

45D. Atypical promyelocyte 45E. Atypical promyelocyte 45F. Atypical promyelocyte

with a few dark granules with prominent purple with fine and coarse granules
granules (marrow)


45G. Atypical early neutrophil 45H. Progranulocyte variant 451. Macrocytic polyploid neutrophil
(simulating a monocyte) with with abundant granular
indented nucleus, intermediate cytoplasm and irregular
nuclear chromatin structure, margin (marrow) (formerly
nonspecific granules and called Ferrata cell)
pale cytoplasm

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 46. Chronic Myelogenous (Myelocytic) Leukemia (CML), Peripheral Blood,
Wright stain, and Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) stain

46A Myeloid cells in CML (see cell 46B. Myeloid cells in CML 46C. Myeloid cells in CML
numbers below)

.. 0
0 ~
460. Myeloid cells in CML 46E. Myeloid cells in CML 46F. CML, Leukocyte alkaline
phosphatase stain (N segmented and
band are negative)

46G. Pseudo-Pelger cells in CML 46H. CML in AML blast crisis with 461. CML in ALL blast crisis with
increase in basophils increase in early lymphoid cells

Identification of cells:
1. Myeloblast, 2. Promyelocyte, 3. N. myelocyte, 4. N. metamyelocyte, 5. N. band, 6. N. segmented, 7. Eosinophil, 8. Basophil,
9. Pseudo-Pelger neutrophil, 10. Early lymphoid cell (lymphoblast)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 47. Acute Myelogenous (Myelocytic) leukemia (AMl): (FAB) M1, M2, M3

Acute myelogenous leukemia: M 1 without maturation; M2 with some maturation;

M3 acute pro myelocytic leukemia

47 A. Myeloblasts, MI (blood)

47B. Myeloblasts-positive Sudan 47(, Myeloblasts with Auer rod

Black stain, Ml (blood) (arrow), M 1 (blood)

47D. Myeloblast, promyelocyte, 47E. Promyelocytes and myelocyte, 47F. Positive myeloperoxidase stain,
M2 (blood) M2 (marrow) M2 (marrow)

47G. Hypergranular promyelocytes, 47H. Auer rods In early myelocytic 471. Promyelocyte with multiple
M3 (marrow) cells, M3 (marrow) Auer rods, M3 (marrow)

Note: 47 A and 47B from same patient; D-F same patient; G-I same patient
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 48. Cytochemical Stains, Part 1

' ..
Myeloperoxidase Stain: The two upper cells (48A) are myeloperoxidase negative (lymphocytes); the two
lower cells (48B) are myeloperoxidase positive (neutrophils). The red cells are laked and appear as
shadow forms. This stain is of aid in differentiating early cells of the myelocytic and monocytic systems
from cells of the lymphocytic system .

• l

48C. Positive myeloperoxidase stain, AML, M 1 (blood) 48D. Positive myeloperoxidase stain, AML,
Ml (marrow)

48E. Blasts: negative myeloperoxidase stain-ALL (L2) 48F. Large Blasts: negative myeloperoxidase stain-ALL
marrow (positive neutrophil in center right serves as (L3) marrow (positive neutrophil myelocyte in lower
quality control for adequate stain) center serves as control for adequate stain)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 48. Cytochemical Stains, Part 2

Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain: Reaction for the detection of intracellular glycogen

48G. PAS positive Iymphocyte- 48H. Negative PASreaction- 481. Strongly positive PASreaction-
Sezary cell (blood) lymphocyte (normal blood) segmented neutrophil (blood)

Sudan Black Stain: For the detection of lipids

48J Positive reaction-immature 48K. Negative reaction- 48L. Strongly positive reaction-
granulocyte (blood) lymphocyte (blood) N. segmented (blood)

Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) Stain: For detection of LAP in neutrophils

48M. Positive (2+) reaction- 48N. Negative reaction- 480. Strongly positive (4+) reaction-
neutrophil segmented (blood) neutrophil segmented in CML neutrophil segmented (blood)

48P. Positive PASstain: (lymphoblasts)-ALL, 48Q Positive Sudan Black stain in AML Ml (blood)
L3 (marrow)

48R. Positive LAP stain in myelofibrosis (blood) 48S. Negative LAP stain in CML (blood)
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 49. Acute Myelogenous leukemia (AMl) (FAB): M4 and MS

Acute myelomonocytic leukemia: M4; Acute monocytic leukemia M5

49A. M4 (blood) 49B. M4 (blood) 49C. M4 (blood)

49D. M5: monoblasts (marrow) 49E. M5: monoblasts (marrow) 49F. M5: positive monocytic
esterase stain (marrow)

49G. M5: monoblasts (marrow) 49H. M5: monocytes (blood) 491. M5: monocytes and promonocytes

Identification of Cells: 1. Monocyte; 2. Promonocyte; 3. Blast with Auer rod; 4. N. Myelocyte; 5. Basophil; 6. Eosinophil

Note: 49A, 49B same patient; 49D, 49G same patient; 49H, 491 same patient
Errisa Devi Fauzi
Plate 50. Selected Cells from Patients with Acute Monocytic Leukemia: (FAB) M5

SOA. Monoblast: prominent nucleoli, SOB. Monoblast: prominent SOc. Monocyte:

indented nucleus, blunt pseudopods nucleoli phagocytized red cell

SOD. Promonocyte nuclear folds, SOE. Promonocyte: two nuclear SOF. Monocyte: deeply indented
foamy cytoplasm lobes, nucleoli, prominent nucleus, fine granular cytoplasm
granules, clear ectoplasm

SOG. Monocyte: transparent folded SOH. Monocyte: folded nucleus, 501. Promonocyte: nucleoli;
nucleus, granules in cytoplasm linear chromatin, distinct granules, vacuoles in cytoplasm
elongated shape

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 51. Selected Cells from Blood Smear of Acute Erythroleukemia: (FAB) M6

51 A. Macrocytic polychromatophilic 51 B. Macrocytic basophilic 51 C. Macrocytic basophilic

erythroblast with three nuclei erythroblast with two nuclei erythroblast with asynchronism
and asynchronism

51 D. Macrocytic orthochromatic 51 E. Nuclear fragmentation in 51 F. Macrocytic orthochromatic

erythroblast with five nuclei an erythroblast erythroblast with asynchronism

6(7) __

51 G. M6 (See cells below) 51 H. M6 (See cells below) 511. M6 (See cells below)

Identification of cells: 1. Proerythroblasts often with vacuoles; 2. Promyelocyte; 3. Pseudo-Pelger neutrophil;

4. Orthochromatic erythroblast; 5. Mitotic figure; 6. Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Asynchronism nucleus less mature than cytoplasm

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 52. Selected Erythroblasts from Bone Marrow Smears of
Acute Erythroleukemia: (FAB) M6

52B. Macrocytic proerythroblast: nucleoli and

prominent cytoplasmic vacuolization
52A Macrocytic proerythroblast: nucleoli and small
vacuoles in cytoplasm

52(, Macrocytic basophilic erythroblast: two large nuclei S2D. Macrocytic polychromatophilic erythroblast: four
nuclei of different sizes; asynchronism

52E. Giant late erythroblast: multiple nuclei, fragmentation S2F. Large basophilic erythroblast: three nuclei
of nuclei and Howell-Jolly bodies

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 53. Pathological Erythroblasts from Bone Marrow Smears
of Acute Erythroleukemia: (FAB) M6

53A. Large basophilic erythroblast 53B. Basophilic erythroblast: two nuclei 53C. Proerythroblast: two nuclei

53D. Large polychromatophilic 53E. Macrocytic proerythroblast: 53F. Giant polychromatophilic

erythroblast: three nuclei four nuclei erythroblast: multiple nuclei;
nuclear fragments

53G. Prussian blue iron stain: 53H. Periodic Acid Schiff stain: 531. Periodic Acid Schiff stain: positive
ringed sideroblasts positive polychromatophilic erythroblast lobulated polychromatophilic erythroblast

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 54. Micromegakaryoblasts in Blood and Marrow Smears
of Megakaryoblastic Crisis of CML

Selected cells from patient with megakaryoblastic crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia. Variant forms of micro-
megakaryoblasts. Nuclei are usually small and single but one cell has two nuclei. In most cells, granular cytoplasmic
blebs (which represent early platelet formation) are noted.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 55. Megakaryoblasts in Blood and Marrow Smears of
Acute Megakaryoblastic (Megakaryocytic) Leukemia: (FAB) M7

55A. Micromegakaryoblasts (blood) 55B. Megakaryoblasts (marrow) SSe. Megakaryoblast with

cytoplasmic blebs; mitotic
figure (marrow)

_ .

55D. Micromegakaryoblast; large SSE. Megakaryoblast with 55F. Megakaryoblast with
platelet (blood) blebs (marrow) blebs (marrow)

SSG. Megakaryoblast with 55H. Megakaryoblast with 551. Megakaryoblast with blebs
blebs (marrow) platelets (marrow) (top left); micromegakaryoblast

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 56. Myelodysplasia: Peripheral Blood (PB) and Bone Marrow (BM)

56A Refractory anemia (RA), (PB): 56B. RA, PB poikilocytosis, 56C. RA, PB: poikilocytosis,
anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, anisochromia anisocytosis, anisochromia

56D. Prussian blue iron stain: 56E. RARS, BM: erythroblastic 56F. Proerythroblasts with
ringed sideroblasts, macrophage hyperplasia: orthochromatic, vacuoles, basophilic, and
with hemosiderin, RARS, BM polychromatic erythroblasts; and polychromatic erythroblasts..
two nuclei in 2 cells RARS BM

56G. Pseudo-Pelger neutrophils 56H. RAEB Three myeloblasts, 561. CMML: Two atypical
(right); N. metamyelocytes (left), 2 basophils, BM vacuolated monocytes, PB

Myelodysplasia categories: RA: Refractory anemia; RARS: Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts; RAEB: Refractory
anemia with excess blasts; CMML: Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. 56D and 56E from same patient.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 57. Myelofibrosis; Essential Thrombocytosis (ET): Blood Smears

- Q

57 A. Myelofibrosis: teardrop 57B. Myelofibrosis: teardrop 57(, Myelofibrosis: teardrop, 57D. Myelofibrosis:
and oval erythrocytes erythrocytes, anisocytosis oval and odd shapes anisocytosis, poikilocytosis;
large platelets

d· .
57E. Myelofibrosis: N. 57F. Myelofibrosis: leukocyte 57G. MyelofibrosIs: myeloblast 57H. Myelofibrosis: giant
myelocytes (2), promyelocyte alkaline phosphatase stain: (top); megakaryoblast; large platelet, large platelets
(17) N. segmented positive, 2+, 3+, 4+ platelets: one giant platelet

571. ET:Micromegakaryocyte, 57J. ET:thrombocytosis, six 57K. ET thrombocytosis 57L. Essential thrombocytosis
increased platelets lobed N. segmented

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 58. Selected Cells in Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (All) and
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Cll)

58A. Lymphoblast with

nucleolus, ALL 58e. Prolymphocyte with
58B. Lymphoblast with indistinct nucleolus, ALL
prominent nucleoli, ALL

58D. Prolymphocyte: intermediate S8E. Prolymphocyte: double nuclei, 58F. Atypical early lymphocyte:
chromatin structure, rippled immature nuclear chromatin, ALL clumping of nuclear chromatin,
cytoplasm, ALL purplish-red nongranular
cytoplasm, ALL

58G. Prolymphocyte 58H. Atypical 581. lymphocyte with 58J. Smudge (frequent in Cll)
with deep nuclear cleft, lymphocyte with nuclear fragment, CLl
ALL nuclear lobulation,

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 59. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): (FAB) Peripheral Blood (PB), Bone Marrow
(BM), Cerebrospinal Fluid «(SF); Prolymphytic Leukemia

59A ALL, PB. Small 59B. ALL, PB. Larger 59(, ALL, BM. Large 59D. T cell ALL, PB.
Iymphoblasts: little cytoplasm, Iymphoblasts with nucleoli, Iymphoblasts (~ lineage) with Lymphocytic cells with
no or faint nucleoli, thrombocytopenia (L2) vacuoles and nucleoli (L3) prominent azure granules
thrombocytopenia (L1)

59E. ALL, BM. Small 59F. ALL, BM. Larger 59G. ALL, BM. Large 59H. All, BM. Acid
Iymphoblasts: no or indistinct Iymphoblasts with nucleoli (L2) Iymphoblasts (~ lineage) with phosphatase positive stain

nucleoli, little cytoplasm (L1) vacuoles and nucleoli (L3)

591. PAS positive stain, BM. 59!. ALL, (SF. Larger 59K. ALL, BM. Large 59L. Prolymphocytic leukemia,
Small Iymphoblasts (L1) Iymphoblasts with nucleoli (L2) Iymphoblasts (~ lineage) with PB. Large Iymphoblasts
vacuoles and nucleoli (L3) with nucleoli

Note: 59A, 59E, 591 from same patient; 59B, 59F, 59J from same patient; 59(, 59K from same patient

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 60. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL): Peripheral Blood (PB)
and Bone Marrow (BM); Prolymphocytic Leukemia (PLL)

60A cu. lymphocytes (5), smudge 60B. Cll: many lymphocytes, smudge 60C Comparison: hairy cell (top),
cells (3), platelet (1), PB cell, no platelets, PB prolymphocyte (PlL), lymphocyte, PB

600. cu. lymphocytes, Iymphoblasts 60E. Cll: lymphocytes, lymphoblast 60F Cll lymphocytes, Iymphoblasts,
(2), smudge cells (2), BM (I), BM smudge cell, BM

60G, Cll lymphocytes, Iymphoblasts 60H. Cll numerous small 601. PlL big prolymphocyte with
(2), BM lymphoid cells, N. band, nucleolus, PB
orthochromatic erythroblast, BM

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 61. Hairy Cell Leukemia: Peripheral Blood

Selected cells in peripheral blood smears from a patient with hairy cell leukemia. These cells have veillike cytoplasmic
extrusions and delicate threadlike filaments. Hairy cells tend to push neighboring cells away or aside, leaving clear
spaces around the hairy cell. One cell has prominent azure granules and a few hairlike projections.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 62. Hairy Cell Leukemia: Peripheral Blood (PB) and Bone Marrow (BM)

62A. Hairy cells, PB 62B. Hairy cells, PB 62C. Comparison: hairy cell (top),
prolymphocytes, lymphocyte, PB

62D. Hairy cells, 6 lobed 62E. Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 62F. Hairy cell, BM
N. segmented, PB stain: positive hairy cells, PB

62G. Hairy cells-one cell with 62H. Hairy cells, BM 621. Hairy cells, BM
cytoplasmic extension, BM

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 63. Pathological Plasma Cells; Plasma Cell Myeloma, Bone Marrow (BM)

63C. Plasma cell: red-

staining globules (Russell
63A. Proplasmacyte: three early bodies)
nuclei and reticular cytoplasm

63D. Flame type of plasma cell 63B. Plasma cell: nebulous 63E. Plasma cell: eccentric
cytoplasmic margin, multiple nucleus, red staining crystaline
globules, pink-staining secretory bodies and globules, reticulated
material cytoplasm

63F Plasma cell myeloma, BM 63G. Plasma cell myeloma, BM (artifact on cell at top left)
(artifact, p. 104)

63H. Plasma cell myeloma, BM note nucleoli in 3 cells 631. (a) Rouleaux of erythrocytes, blood,
(myeloma); vs (b) Agglutination

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 64. Selected Cells from Blood Smears of Sezary Syndrome

64A. Vacuolated atypical 64B. Vacuolated atypical 64C. Atypical lymphocyte 64D. Atypical lymphocyte
immature lymphocyte: early lymphocyte distinct of intermediate size: with nuclear folds: Sezary cell
indented nucleus, swirled chromatin pattern: brainlike (cerebriform)
chromatin pattern, nucleoli: Sezary cell convolutions and granules:
Sezary cell Sezary cell

64E. Sezary cell 64F. Sezary cell 64G. Sezary cell 64H. Sezary cell

641. Sezary cell with nuclear convolutions and 64J. PASpositive Sezery cell
nuclear fragment

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 65. Selected Cells from Blood Smears of Patients with Infectious Mononucleosis

65A. Primitive plasma-like cell 65B. Early plasma-like cell: 65(, Early plasma-like cell:
indented nucleus indented nucleus

65D. Large reactive lymphocyte: 65E. Large lymphocyte: 65F. Atypical monocyte; fine and
unevenly stained bluish cytoplasm vacuolated periphery coarse granules, pseudopods

65G. Large lymphocyte; azure 65H. Large lymphocyte: 651. Atypical monocyte
granules, scalloped borders (indented prominent azurophilic granules
by red cells)

65J. Reactive lymphocytes 65K. Reactive lymphocytes, 65L. Reactive lymphocytes

normal small lymphocyte

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 66. Reactive lymphocytes-Peripheral Blood

In this color plate leukocytes other than lymphocytes have been left out. Selected lymphocytes reacting to
antigenic stimuli and showing heterogeneous forms have been portrayed in increased numbers in order to reveal
the marked variation in size and shape and in nucleus and cytoplasmic characteristics. Note large cells with
prominent basophilic cytoplasm, granules in one cell and indentation of some lymphocytes by red cells. Red cells
and platelets are normal.

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 67. Malarial Parasites, Peripheral Blood (Wright-Giemsa stain)

Plasmodium Plasmodium Plasmodium Plasmodium

falciparum vivax malariae o vale

Early ring

Late ring

Early trophozoite
.. .If· ,..


Late trophozoite

Immature schizont I

Mature schizont



Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 68, Part 1. Malarial Parasites, Peripheral Blood Smear (Wright-Giemsa
stain); Thick Drop (Giemsa stain)

68A. Plasmodium falciparum 68B. P falciparum 68C. P falciparum 68D. P falciparum thick drop-
rings (Wright-Giemsa stain) gametocytes gametocyte many rings (Giemsa stain)

« •

68E. P vivax rings 68F. P vivax ring, 68G. P vivax mature schizont 68H. P vivax thick drop-
immature schizont trophozoites, schizonts
(Giemsa stain)

681. P malariae ring 68J. P malariae trophozoite 68K. P malariae trophozoite 68L. P malariae
("band" form) mature schizont

68M. P malariae mature schizont 68N. Platelet on RBC (left) 680. P vivax trophozoites 68P. P vivax trophozoites
vs Ring in RBC (right)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 68, Part 2. Protozoan Parasites: Babesia microti; Plasmodium falciparum

68, Part 2 A. Babesia microti, intracellular and 68, Part 2 B. Plasmodium falciparum, ring forms (one to
extracellular parasites four parasites per cell)

68, Part 2 C. Babesia microti rings 68, Part 2 D. Plasmodium falciparum rings

68, Part 2 E. Babesia microti tetrad form and rings 68 Part 2 F. Plasmodium falciparum rings

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 69. Infections in Hematology-Peripheral Blood

69A. Ehrlichia phagocytophiJa in 69B. Ehrlichia phagocytophila

neutrophil (Wright stain) in neutrophil

69C. Ehrlichia caffenesis in monocyte 69D. Ehrlichia phagocytophila

In neutrophil

69E. Staphylococci in a neutrophil from 69F. Meningococci in a monocyte

a burn patient (Wright stain) (Wright stain)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 70. Histoplasma, leishmania, Microfilariae in Blood and Marrow Smears



. ...

70A. Macrophage with phagocytized Histoplasma 70B. Macrophage with Leishmania donovani (marrow)
capsula tum (marrow)

70C. Histoplasma capsula tum in neutrophils at 700. Macrophage with amastiogotes of
feather end of blood smear Leishmania species

70E. Histoplasma capsula tum in 70F. Macrophage with amastiogotes of

macrophage---bone marrow Leishmania species

70G. H]. »plestn» capsula tum in 70H. Microfilaria in thick drop of blood
disinteqrai 'g cell-blood

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 71. Giant Proerythroblasts in Bone Marrow from Patient with Parvovirus B19

Giant proerythroblasts with basophilic cytoplasm containing vacuoles in bone marrow smear stained with
Wright stain are characteristic of Parvovirus B19. Note large nuclear inclusions (viral).

Errisa Devi Fauzi

PLate 72. Lipid Histiocytes: Bone Marrow Smears

72A. Gaucher cell 72B. Nieman-Pick cell

72(, Gaucher cell 72D. Nieman-Pick cell

72E. Two Gaucher cells 72F. Three Nieman-Pick cells

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 73. Platelets on Blood Smears

73A. Platelets-idiopathic 73B. Platelets-May-Hegglin 73C. Platelets-myelofibrosis

thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) anomaly


..- I

73D. Large elongated platelet-ITP 73E. Platelets-May-Hegglin 73F. Platelets-myelofibrosis


73G. Giant platelet syndrome 73H. Giant platelet syndrome

731. Platelet satellitosis (EDTA blood smear)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Plate 74. Origin and Development of Blood Cells-S1Wvvv


Basophilic myelocyte Neutrophilic myelocyte Eosinophilic myelocyte


Basophilic metamyelocyte Neutrophilic metamyelocyte Eosinophilic metamyelocyte

Basophilic band Neutrophilic band Eosinophilic band

Basophilic segmented Neutrophilic segmented Eosinophilic segmented Monocyte

Errisa Devi Fauzi S1:A.vvYv
-------- MegaKaryob\ast

Basophi\iC erythroblast


POlychromatophiliC erythroblast

MegaKaryocyte without platelets

orthOchromatic erythroblast

POlychromatophiliC erythrocyte

MegaKaryoCyte with platelets



Errisa Devi Fauzi


Figures are indicated by a bold face "F" and the figure number, followed by the page number in parentheses.
Plates are indicated by a bold face "P" and the plate number.
Tables are indicated by a bold face "T" and the table number, followed by the page number in parentheses.

Acanthocyte (spur, thorn) 15, P23, P26 Cabot ring 16, F8 (17), P33, P39 (Parts 1"2)
Acid phosphatase stain P59 CALLA (Common acute lymphoblastic antigen) 9
Acute erythroleukemia P52, P53 CD (Cluster designation) Markers 9, F4 (10)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) 35, P58-P59 Chediak-Higashi anomaly 27, P42
Acute megakaryocytic leukemia P45, P55 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) 33, P58, P60
Acute myelogenous leukemia 30,31, P45, P47-P55 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) 27, P45-P46
Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AML) P30, P49 Classification of ALL 35, P58-P59
Alder-Reilly Anomaly 27, P44 Classification of AML 30, P45, P47-P55
Anemia Classification ofMDS 31, P56, T6 (31)
aplastic 20 Clostridium perfringens 26
heart valve dysfunction P25 (Part 2) Cooley's anemia 22, P29
hemolytic due to burns, venoms 25, P31 Crescent body (semilunar body) P23
hemolytic uremic syndrome 25
iron deficiency IS, P24, P36-P37 Degenerated neutrophil 26, P40
megaloblastic 19, P36-P39 (Parts 1-2) Dahle body 26, P40, P43
microangiopathic hemolytic anemias 25, Drepanocyte (sickle cell) 16
P25 (Parts 1-2)
sickle cell 22, P23, P27-P28 Echinocyte 15, P23, P26
sideroblastic 19, P34 Ehrlichiosis 36, P69
Thalassemia major 22, P29 Electrophoresis Hb 22, 23
Thalassemia minor 21, P30 Elliptocyte 24, P23, P29
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 25, Elliptocytosis 24, P23, P29
P25 (Part 1) Endothelial cell 14, P22
Anisocytosis 15 Eosinophil 1,4, Fl (2), PI-P4, PIS, P74, Tl (1), T2 (1)
Aplastic anemia 20 band 4, FI (2), PI-P2, P74
Auerrod(body) 30,P45,P47 metamyelocyte 4, FI (2), PI-P3, P18, P74
myelocyte 4, FI (2), PI-P2, PI8, P74
B cell 9, Fl (2), F4 (10) segmented 4, Fl (2), PI, P4, P74
Babesiosis 36, P68 (Part 2) Erythrocyte
Band neutrophil 1-3, Fl (2), PI-P3, P74, Tl-T2 (1) acanthocyte (spur, thorn) 15, P23
Basophil 1,2,5, Fl (2), PI-P4, P46, P74, Tl-T2 (1) basophilic erythroblast 7, FI (2), Pll, P36, P74,
band 5, Fl (2), PI, P74 Tl (1)
metamyelocyte 5, Fl (2), PI, P74 basophilic stippling 16, F7 (17), P32
myelocyte 5, Fl (2), PI, P74 bite 15, P26
segmented 5, Fl (2), PI, P74 blister (marginal achromia) P23
Basophilic erythroblast 1,7, FI (2), F7 (17), Pll, P36, P74, burn patient 25, P3I
T2 (1) burr 15,P23,P26
Basophilic stippling 16, F7 (17), P32 Cabot ring in 16, F8 (17), P33, P39 (Part 1)
Bite cell 15, P26 crenated P23
Blister cell P23 crescent (semilunar body) P23
Blood cells, normal values Tl (1) crystals (Hb SS, SC, CC) 23, P23, P27
Bone cells 13, P20-P2I echinocyte 15, P23, P26
Bone marrow cells, normal values T2 (1) elliptocyte 24, P23, P29
Burned patients, erythrocytes in 25, P31 filamented P23
Burr cell 15, P23, P26 folded P23
fragment (schistocyte) 16,25, P23, P25 (Parts 1-2)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

helmet 15, P23, P25 (Parts 1-2) Gaucher cell P72

Heinz body 16, F7 (17), P35 G-6-PD Deficiency 15, P26
Howell-Jollybody 16, F7 (17), P33, P39 (Parts 1-2) Granule(s)
hypochromic 16, P24, P37 primary 1,3
inclusions in 7, F7 (17), P32-P35 secondary I, 3
keratocyte 15 siderotic (iron-containing) 18, P34
leptocyte 16, P24
macrocyte 15, P24, P36-P37, P39 (Parts 1-2) Hairy cell leukemia 33, P60-P62
malaria in 36, P67-P68 Heinz body 16, F7 (17), P35
membranous ghost P23 Helmet cell 15, P23, P25 (Parts 1-2)
microcyte 15,18, P24, P36-P37, P39 (Parts 1-2) Hematopoiesis I, FI (2)
normal 7, 15, P23-P24 Hematopoietic stem cell I, FI (2), F4 (lO)
orthochromatic erythroblast 7, FI (2), PI I, P36, P74, Hemoglobin A 22,23
T2 (1) Hemoglobin A2 23
oval (ovalocyte, elliptocyte) 24, P23, P29 Hemoglobin AC 23
pear 20, P23 Hemoglobin AE 23
pinched (pinchered) P23 Hemoglobin AS 22, P28
poikilospherocyte P23 Hemoglobin ~o thalassemia 22, P29
polychromasia 18 Hemoglobin ~+ thalassemia 22, P30
polychromatophilic erythroblast 7, FI (2), PI I, P36, Hemoglobin Bart's 21, T4 (21)
P74, TI (1) Hemoglobin concentration 16
polychromatophilic erythrocyte 7, 18, FI (2), Pll, Hemoglobin CC 23, P27
P32,P36,P74 Hemoglobin E 23
proerythroblast 6, FI (2), Pll, P36, P74, T2 (1) Hemoglobin E-~-thalassemia 23, P30
ringed sideroblast 18, P34 Hemoglobin electrophoresis 22,23
rouleaux 16,34, P63 Hemoglobin H 21
schistocyte (fragment) 16,25, P23, P25 (Part 1) Hemoglobin 0 23
semilunar body (crescent) P23 Hemoglobin SC 23, P23, P27
sickle cell (drepanocyte) 16,22, P23, P27, P28 Hemoglobin 55 23, P23, P27-P28
sideroblast 18, P34 Hemoglobin Zurich P26
siderocyte 18, P34, F7 (17) Hereditary elliptocytosis 24, P23, P29
siderotic granules in 18, F7 (17), P34 Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis 24, P31
spherocyte 16, P23, P26, P29 Hereditary spherocytosis 24, P23, P29
stippled 16, F7 (17), P32 Hereditary stomatocytosis 24, F9 (24), P23
stomatocyte 16, F9 (24), P23 Histioplasma capsulatum 37, FII (37), P70
target 16, P23, P27, P29-P30 Histoplasmosis 37, P70
teardrop 16, P23, P24, P39 (Parts 1-2), P56-P57 HLA-DR 10
triangular 16, P23, P25 (Part 1) Hodgkin's disease 32
venoms, on 25, P26 Howell-Jolly body 16, F7 (17), P33, P39 (Parts 1-2)
Erythropoiesis 2,6, Fl (2), Pll, P36 Hydrops fetalis 21, T4 (21)
Esterase stains Hyperlobulated neutrophil P24, P39-P40
monocytic 31
myelocytic 30 Immunologic classification of adult ALL 35, T7 (35)
Inclusions in erythrocytes 16, P33
FAB classification of ALL 35, P58-P59, T8 (35) Infectious mononucleosis 36, P65-P66
FAB classification of AML 30, P45, P47-P55, T5 (30) Iron deficiency anemia 18, P24, P36-P37
FAB classification ofMDS 31, P56, T6 (31) Iron Stain P34, P53-P56
Fat cell (lipocyte) 13, PI9 Iron studies 19
Ferrata cell P45
Fibroblast 15 Keratocyte 15
Folic acid deficiency 19, P24, P36-P39 (Parts 1-2)
Fragmented cell (schistocyte) 16,24,25, P23
Errisa Devi Fauzi
The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

L.E. cell P40 Microcyte 8,15,18, P24, P36-P37

Leishmaniasis 37, P70 Micromegakaryoblasts 8, P54-P55
Leptocyte 16 Monoblast 5, Fl (2), PI~, P49-P50, P74, T2 (2), T5 (30)
Leukemia Monocyte 5, FI (2), P4, P7-IO, P74, Tl-T2 (1)
basophilic 5 Monocytic leukemia 6,30, P49-P50, T5 (30)
erythroleukemia (erythroblastic) P51-P53, T5 (30) Myeloblast 1, FI (2), PI-P3, P45-P47, P74
hairy cell 33, P60-P62 Myelocyte
lymphoblastic, acute 35, P58, P59, T7-T8 (35) basophilic 1,5, FI (2), PI-P3, P74
lymphocytic, chronic 33, P58, P60 eosinophilic 1,4, FI (2), PI-P3, P74
megakaryoblastic, acute 30, P54-P55 neutrophilic 1,3, FI (2), PI-P3, P74
monocytic, acute 30, P49-P50 Myelodysplastic syndrome 31, P56
myelocytic, chronic 27, P45-P46 Myelofibrosis 29, P57, P73
myelogenous, acute 30, P45, P47-P55, T5 (30) Myelogenous leukemia P45-P48
myelogenous, chronic 27, P45-P46 acute 30, P45-P55, T5 (30)
myelomonocytic, acute 30, P49 chronic 27, P45-P46, P48
myelomonocytic with eosinophilia 30 Myeloid: Erythroid ratio I, T2 (1)
plasma cell 34 Myeloma 34, FlO (34), P63
promyelocytic 30, P47, T5 (30) Myeloperoxidase stain (MPO) 30, P48 (Part 1)
prolymphocytic 11, P59-P60 Myelopoiesis 1, FI (2)
Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) stain 28, P46,
P48 (Part 2) Neiman-Pick disease P72
Lipocyte (fat cell) 13, P19 Neutrophilic
Lymphoblast 9,35, PlO, P58-P59 band 1-3, FI (2), F2 (3), PI-P4, P74, Tl-T2 (1)
Lymphocyte Tl- T2 (1) degenerated 26, P40
B cell 9, Fl (2), F4 (10) hypersegmented 26, P39-P40
cell markers 9, F4 (10) hyposegmented (Pelger-Huet) 26, P4I
reactive 36, P65"-P66 metamyelocyte 1-3, Fl (2), F2 (3), PI-P3, P74, T2 (1)
T cell 9, Fl (2), F4 (10) myelocyte 1-3, FI (2), F2 (3), PI-P3, P74, T2 (1)
Lymphopoiesis 9, Fl (2), F4 (10) segmented 1-4, FI (2), F2 (3), F3 (4), PI, P74,
Tl-T2 (1)
Macrocyte 15,20, P24, P37-P39 (Parts 1-2) Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 32
Macrophage 12, PI6-PI7, P56 Normal values
Malaria 36, P67-P68 (Parts 1-2) bone marrow 1, T2 (1)
Mast cell 12, P18 peripheral blood 1, Tl (1)
May Hegglin anomaly 26, P43 MeH 19
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MeH) 19,22 MeHe 19,22
Mean corpuscular values 19,20 MeV 19,20,22
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MeHe) RDW 19,20,22
Mean corpuscular volume (MeV) 19,20,22 Orthochromatic erythroblast 7, Fl (2), Pll, P36, P74, T2
Megakaryoblast 8, Fl (2), PI4-PI5, P74 Osteoblast 13, F5 (14), P20-P21
Megakaryocyte 8, Fl (2), PI4-PI5, P74 Osteoclast 14, F6 (14), P20-P21
Megaloblastic anemia 19, P36-P39 (Parts 1-2)
Metamyelocyte Pappenheimer body (siderocyte) 18, F7 (17), P34
basophilic 1,5, FI (2), PI-P3, P74 Parvovirus B19 37, P71
eosinophilic 1,4, Fl (2), PI-P3, P74 Pelger-Huet anomaly 26, P41
neutrophilic I, Fl (2), F2 (3),3, F3 (4), PI-P3, P74, Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) stain P48 (Part 2), P53,
T2 (1) P59,P64
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA) 25,
P25 (Parts 1-2)

Errisa Devi Fauzi

The Morphology of Human Blood Cells

Peroxidase stain 30, P48 (Part 1) Sickle cell trait (Hb AS) 22, P28
Plasmablast 12, PI0, P63, P74 Sideroblast-ringed 18,19, P34
Plasma cell (Plasmacyte) II, PI0, P74 Sideroblastic anemia 19, P34
Plasma cell leukemia 12 Siderocyte 18, F7 (17), P34
Plasmodium Smudge cell 33, P60
falciparum 36, P67-P68 (Parts 1-2) Spherocyte 16,24, P23, P26, P29
malariae 36, P67-P68 (Part 1) Spherocytosis, hereditary 24, P29
ovale 36, P67 Spider bite on RBC 25, P26
vivax 36, P67-P68 (Part 1) Spur cell P26
Platelet (thrombocyte) 8, Fl (2), P4, P14-P15, P73, P74 Stem cell l , Fl (2), F4 (10)
Pluripotent stem cell F4 (10) Stem cell compartment 1
Poikilocytosis 15 Stippled red blood cell 16, F7 (17), P32
Polychromasia 18 Stomatocyte 16,24, F9 (24), P23
Polychromatophilic erythroblast 7, Fl (2), Pll, P36, P74 Stomatocytosis, hereditary 16,24, F9 (24), P23
. Polychromatophilic erythrocyte 7, 18, Fl (2), Pll, P32, Sudan black B stain 30, P47, P48 (Part 2)
Polycythemia vera 27,28 Target cell 16,21,22, P23, P27
Precursor compartment I, Fl (2) Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) 33,34, P62
Pre-B cell 9, Fl (2), F4 (10) T cell 9, Fl (2), F4 (10)
Pre-T cell Fl (2) T-cell receptor (TCR) 9, 10
Pro-B cell 9, F4 (10) Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferose (TdT) 9,30, F4 (10)
Pro-Tcell F4(10) Teardrop cell 16, P23-P24, P37, P39 (Parts 1-2)
Proerythroblast 6, Fl (2), Pll, P36, P74, T2 (1) Thalassemia
Progenitor compartment I, Fl (2) alpha 21
Prolymphocyte II, PI0, P58-P60, P74 beta 21,23
Promegakaryocyte 8, Fl (2), P14-P15, P74 major 21,22, P29, P30
Promonocyte 5, Fl (2), PIO, P49-P50, P74, T2 (2), T5 (30) minor 21,22, P30
Promyelocyte (progranulocyte) 3, Fl (2), PI-P3, P46-P47, Thermal injury to RBC 25, P31
P74 Thrombocyte (platelet) satellitosis P73
Proplasmacyte 12, PI0, P74 Thrombocythemia, essential 29, P57
Prothymocyte F4 (10) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) 25,
Prussian blue iron stain on P25 (Part 1)
erythrocytes P34, P53, P56 Thymocyte F4 (10)
macrophage P56 Thymus Fl (2), F4 (10)
Pseudo-Pelger Huet cell 31, P56 Tissue basophil P18
Pyropoikilocytosis, hereditary 24, P31 Tissue eosinophil P18
Toxic granules 26, P40
Red cell distribution width (RDW) 19,20, T3 (19)
Reactive lymphocyte 36, P65-66 Venoms on erythrocytes 25, P26
Reticulocyte 18, F7 (17), P32 Vitamin B12, Folic Acid deficiency 19, P36-P39 (Parts 1-2)
Ringed sideroblast 18, 19, P34
Rouleaux 12,34, P63
Russell body (plasma cell) II, P63

Satellitosis (platelets around neutrophil) 9, P73

Schistocyte 16,25, P23, P25 (Parts 1-2)
SemilunarIcrescent) body P23
Sezary syndrome 34, P48, P64
Sickle cell 22, P23, P27, P28
Sickle cell anemia (Hb SS) 22, P23, P27-P28
Sickle cell-hemoglobin SC disease (Hb SC) 23, P23, P27

Errisa Devi Fauzi

Errisa Devi Fauzi

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