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This document was prepared by William E. Doyle, Jr.

, former deputy director of the OFCCP

and a labor and employment lawyer in the Washington, DC office of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP.
A Company of The RightThing Mr. Doyle can be reached at 202.739.5208 or

The OFCCP Reporting Module The following is designed to provide helpful tips on practices that may assist an employer with OFCCP’s Inter-
net Applicant regulations. However, determining the appropriate compliance process requires a fact-specific
This module is part of AIRS assessment of the particular employer’s recruiting practices and strategies, available resources, competitive
SourcePoint™, the only all-in-one challenges, and a host of other legitimate business considerations. Accordingly, the designation “best practices”
talent-sourcing solution. is not meant to imply that a given practice is appropriate for any particular employer. Thus, these Best Practices
are provided as a general informational service only and should not be construed as, and does not constitute,
legal advice on any specific matter, nor does this message create an attorney-client relationship.
We’ve automated the process to
remove the record-keeping burden
of OFCCP compliance.

10 Best Practices For

OFCCP Internet
Applicant Compliance
1 Implement an applicant tracking system 5  reate an efficient, easy-to-use system
C 8 Develop standard report formats that
with OFCCP compliance functionality for documenting contacts with potential address the typical types of data OFCCP
that captures data and tracks applicants candidates, including, especially, docu- requests during a compliance review.
“behind-the-scenes,” with minimal effort menting a candidate’s communication Develop a process for generating reports
required of recruiters. to you that he or she is no longer inter- efficiently from your applicant
ested in the position. tracking systems.
2 Create a formal Internet Applicant com-
pliance protocol and train recruiters and 6  reate a standard list of disposition
C 9  orking with your corporate counsel’s
hiring managers how to implement codes that are detailed enough to office, conduct a privileged internal
the protocol. Train new recruiters and capture most of the common reasons audit of your actual applicant tracking
provide periodic refresher training that a candidate is not selected or practices to ensure that you are
to recruiters. advanced in the selection process. capturing the information and data
(Generic, catch-all disposition codes necessary to comply with the Internet
3  reate a library of basic qualifications
C should be avoided.) The disposition Applicant requirements.
(“BQs”), data management techniques codes should be defined and explained
(“DMTs”) and interest screens in guidelines distributed to recruiters 10 I nclude guidelines and procedures for
(“IS”). These can vary by position and and hiring managers, who should be retention/disposition of applicant
can be changed for a given opening trained on the appropriate use of the records in the company’s formal docu-
of a position as business needs require. disposition codes. In addition, de- ment retention/disposition policy.
However, any changes should be velop an efficient, easy-to-use system
documented. The library should be for inputting, maintaining and
reviewed with legal counsel to ensure retrieving disposition codes.
compliance and it should be reviewed
against other documents, such as posi- 7 Working with your corporate counsel’s
tion descriptions and requisitions, to office, periodically conduct privileged
ensure consistency, e.g., in BQs. adverse impact analyses on any race,
ethnicity, and gender data captured,
4  everage your website to manage incom-
L including analysis of: (1) Internet Appli-
ing resumes and other expressions of cants versus offers/hires; (2) BQ
interest by forcing individuals to com- Applicants versus offers/hires; and (3)
plete a web-site profile to be considered non-Internet Applicants (i.e., broadest
for a particular position. Require re- pool from which you collect race,
cruiters and hiring managers to consider ethnicity and gender information)
only individuals who complete a web- versus hires. Conduct further investiga-
site profile. tion in any areas where statistically
significant adverse impact is found. An AIRS Technology Solutions Expert is ready to answer 1.800.466.4010

any of your questions about the OFCCP Reporting Module.

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