Company X - Ariba Implementation Project: Technology Used - SAP Ariba

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Company X – Ariba Implementation Project

Problems for Company X

• Company Revenues are not converting into Net Profits

• Company internal costs are cutting down the profitability of the business

• High level of attrition rate across all the function(among higher level employees)

• Help desk system response time needs improvement

• Current P2P system have a average accuracy less than 80%

• Currently, there is no consistent and intelligent helpdesk management system

• Lot of time is being spend on manual processes

Solution – Implementation of the P2P Solution for the company

Technology used – SAP Ariba

Solutions Offered

1. Spend Analysis

 More Spend Visibility

 Time and Cost Reduction

2. Contract Management

 Efficient planning of review and renewal of contracts

 Compliance Tracking

 Time and Cost Reduction

3. Savings Management

 Savings Tracking

 Reduction in Maverick Spend

 Savings Opportunities

4. Sourcing

 Increased Efficiency Through Online Bids and Auctions

 Explore Full Potential of Supplier Market

 Increased Competition among suppliers

5. Supplier Management

 Efficient Performance Tracking

 Better Relationship Management

6. Procure to Pay

 Better PO and Invoice Management

 Reduced Cycle Time

 Easy Trackability

Implementation Roadmap
11 Tasks

Managing the Project through MS Project 2010

Step 1 – Enter the Tasks as defined and at the same time also enter Milestones for the Project

Step 2 – Gantt Chart for the same

Step 3- Network Object Diagram for the Project

Tracking Gantt Chart

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