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I. Introduction
A. Question statements
B. General facts
C. My personal opinion
II. Body
A. Religions were created because of lack of knowledge
B. There is no proof of Gods
III. Conclusion
A. Question statements
B. Answers
C. General statement

Persuasive Essay

Why religion isn’t real?

The debate of the existence of gods have been going on for many
millennia, but why hasn’t this topic been justified yet? Why hasn’t
anyone found any concrete evidence to stop this argument once and
for all? There are two main sides to this conflict, the believers and the
non-believers. These non-believers are classified as atheists. There
are about 450 million atheists worldwide. Why do so many people turn
to atheism? I personally don’t believe in gods and think that all
religions with spiritual beliefs are false because it is more likely that
people made it up and there is no evidence back up its validity.

Back then, people didn’t have much knowledge of science, but

they did have a lot of creativity, so people could come up with as
many theories as they want even though they might not be realistic.
Religion is something that was made many millennia ago but how
were religions actually created? McGreal(2014) notes that due to the
lack of knowledge of science in the past, people would make a religion
out of the unknown, for example, the Greeks didn’t understand the
science behind waves so they made up a god named Poseidon the
god of the sea. In Greek mythology when the waves got violent
resulting in tidal waves or tsunamis, they believed that Poseidon was
angry. Thanks to modern-day technology, scientists are able to prove
that this is simply not true. Another reason why people would make up
religions would be to teach morals to not only kids but adults as well.
People would make up stories teaching what you do is what you get,
these stories sometimes include gods punishing the person who didn’t
obey him. This was a common way to promote religions. A good
example of this would be the story of Atlas rebelling against Zeus. The
story results in Atlas having to hold the earth on his shoulders for all
eternity as a punishment. These stories lead religions to have more
followers because people would fear what would happen to them if
they didn’t follow the will of God.

It’s easy to deny the existence of spiritualism because there’s

only as much proof as you want there to be meaning there is none.
This is a common reason why many people don't believe in religions.
Because there is no evidence supporting the existence of Gods.
Cinman(2015) states that some people may say that there are tons of
evidence proving that Gods are real. However, all of these pieces of
evidence are controversial, there are hundreds of possible reasons
why a particular event happened. As long as there are multiple
possibilities other than it happened because of God, people won't
have any evidence that will be compelling to skeptics. Sure maybe the
possibilities are low that a certain event happened in some way, but
just because there’s a low possibility doesn't mean that it happened
because of God. I also believe that just because you want something
to happen and you pray for it, it will have as much of a possibility
happening than if you didn’t pray for it. For me, if I want something to
happen I would actually do something to increase the chance of it
happening rather than praying for it.

Do I believe religions are real? No, I don’t, but am I trying to

stop other people from believing in their religions? By all means no. I
believe that you can believe in whatever you want. These are just
compelling reasons why I stand by my claim. Nobody can definitively
say that Gods are or are not real. Are religions real? This question will
probably never have a definitive answer and remain a controversial
topic forever.


McGreal, S. A. (2014, January 18). More Knowledge, Less Belief in Religion?

Retrieved from

Cinman, J. (2015, February 26). The five best reasons not to believe in God.
Retrieved from

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