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Using d x/d y Substitution


January 2016

What is d x/d y Substitution?

When presented with integers∗ a and b, we can make the substitution a = d x, b = d y, where d = gcd(a, b), and x
and y are integers.

Lemma. We have gcd(x, y) = 1.

Proof. Suppose instead that gcd(x, y) > 1, and consider a prime p that divides gcd(x, y). Since p divides their gcd,
we must have p|x, y. However, then pd is a common divisor of a and b, and since pd > d , this contradicts the
assertion that d = gcd(a, b). ä

A Simple Example
Example 1. If a and b must be positive integers no greater than 100, how many ordered pairs (a, b) exist such that
the least common multiple of a and b is ten times the greatest common factor of a and b?

Solution. We use d x/d y substitution. Let a = d x and b = d y where d = gcd(a, b) and gcd(x, y) = 1. It’s well known
that lcm(a, b) · gcd(a, b) = ab ⇒ d · lcm(a, b) = d 2 x y ⇒ lcm(a, b) = d x y. Now the condition is d x y = 10d ⇒ x y = 10.
Since gcd(x, y) = 1, the possible pairs (x, y) are (1, 10), (2, 5), (5, 2), (10, 1). Then (a, b) = (d , 10d ), (2d , 5d ), (5d , 2d ), (10d , d ),
and we can simply count. There are 10 of the first kind, 20 of the second, 20 of the third, and 10 of the fourth, for a
total of 60.

Of course, this problem pretty much sets up the substitution for us. In other examples the substitution may not
be so obvious. A MAJOR clue to using d x/d y substitution is seeing a diophantine equation where the gcd of all
variables divides both sides. However, keep in mind that these instances are not the only times when d x/d y sub-
stitution can be useful.

In the example above, the equation was lcm(a, b) = 10 · gcd(a, b). Clearly note that gcd(a, b) divides both sides,
hence d x/d y substitution seems like a great option.

More Evil Contraptions

In this section, we will examine some harder problems involving d x/d y substitution.

Example 2. Determine all values of positive integers a for which there exists a positive integer b such that a 2 +b 2 −a
∗ Of course, this can be generalized to work with more than two variables, but for our purposes we will stick to using only two.

is divisible by ab.

Solution. We wish so solve the divisibility ab|a 2 + b 2 − a. From the aforementioned criteria, d x/d y substitution
seems like a great candidate. Let a = d x and b = d y, where d = gcd(a, b) and gcd(x, y) = 1. The condition is
d 2 x y|d 2 x 2 + d 2 y 2 − d x. Note that d |x, but at the same time x|d , hence x = d and a = d 2 , so a must be a perfect
square. All perfect squares work for example by taking a = d 2 , b = d .
p p
Example 3. Let a be a positive integer and let b = ba 2c. Show that gcd(a, b)2 < 2a 2.†

Solution. This is perhaps the most difficult problem on this handout. We use d x/d y substitution. Let a = d x
p p
and b = d y, where d = gcd(a, b) and gcd(x, y) = 1. We want to show that d 2 < 2d x 2, or d < 2x 2. Notice that
p p
0 < a 2 − b < 1, so d x 2 − d y < 1 ⇒ d < p1 . It follows that
x 2−y

x 2+ y
1 p p
d< p = 2 2
≤ x 2 + y < 2x 2,
x 2 − y 2x − y

which was what we wanted.

More Problems for Enlightenment‡

Exercise 1. Let a and b be positive integers. Prove that gcd(a 2 + b 2 , ab) = gcd(a, b)2 .

Exercise 2. Characterize all ordered pairs of positive integers (a, b) such that a 3 − ab − b 2 = 0.

ab 3
Exercise 3. Find all triplets (a, b, p) of positive integers such that p is a prime number and a+b = p.

Exercise 4. If a + b1 = 1c , where a, b, c are positive integers with no common factor, prove that (a + b) is a square.

Exercise 5. Characterize all ordered pairs of positive integers (a, b) such that (a − b)7 = a 3 b 3 .

† For an added bonus, prove that this bound is tight, that is, for all ² > 0, there exists a positive integer a such that gcd(a, b)2 > a(2 2 − ²).
‡ These are ordered roughly by difficulty. If you want hints, message me on Facebook.

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