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Delegate: Alexa Wells

Country: Brazil
Committee: 3
Topic: Nuclear Proliferation
School: High Tech High Chula Vista

It has been seventy-five years since the first and only two nuclear bombs were dropped. During
World War II, tens of thousands of lives were lost - around 225,000 lives - many homes destroyed, and
the bombings only created more “competitions” between countries. The Arms Race, during the Cold War,
was a prime example. The existence of these nuclear weapons put us all in danger because these tensions
and races will only lead to mutual assured destruction. In the end, we will all lose many things, which
most likely includes our lives. It is important we all come together to enforce the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and prevent nuclear proliferation before more tensions
grow and cost us more lives.

Brazil is one of the countries that is not in possession of any nuclear weapons; and we do not have
the intention of developing them. Nuclear proliferation may not be a direct threat to Brazil, but we have
been a very active participant in chemical weapons nonproliferation efforts to promote multilateral
disarmament. Brazil does this because “the existence of immense arsenals” are “threatening all
humankind, aggravate tensions and hamper efforts towards peace”, as we stated in the General Debate of
the First Committee. We believe no country should have these self destructive weapons for any reason,
Security and “strategic stability” should never have passed as valid reasons to let other countries build
nuclear weapons.

Not only is Brazil a party of the NPT, but for the past 50 years, we have been joining and
renewing treaties with other organizations and countries. For example, being a constant representative of
New Agenda Coalition (NAC), being a significant contributor to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear
Weapons in Latin America, the Treaty of Tlatelolco, and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
Brazil has also been very open to the UN about nuclear disarmament being “a paramount priority” and
our concern that these weapons are being justified with “security” concepts. The UN has made actions
toward this priority, but we need the compliance of countries in possession of nuclear weapons. Having
the NPT is not effective if weapon-possessing countries are not a part of it.

Brazil recognizes that a nuclear weapon free world will not happen with this two-day conference.
But, we do hope that throughout these two days all the countries are open to taking steps towards that
world. We suggest to review and strengthen the declarations of the NPT with the countries in possession
of nuclear weapons joining it; and also have these countries join the NAC. Brazil would like to address
that we focus on big picture of this treaty which is that we will all be working towards a better future
where we will be protecting the world from experiencing another devastating event like World War II.
Works Cited:

Foreign Affairs​,

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll​, ​​. Staff. “Arms Race.” ​,​ A&E Television Networks, 2009,​. Staff. “Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” ​​, A&E Television Networks,
2009, ​​.

H. E. Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti. Brazil Statement at the General Debate of the First
Committee. 9 Oct. 2012,
pdfs/10 Oct GD Brazil.pdf.

“New Agenda Coalition.” ​Nuclear Threat Initiative - Ten Years of Building a Safer World​,​.

“Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) – UNODA.” ​United Nations​, United
Nations, ​​.

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