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FORECAST LECTURE o Art. 26, Par. 2 FC. Republic vs Manalo

LEGAL EDGE Landmark Ruling Answer this case. In
case of a mixed marriage. Answer this
if the question refers to the filipino
spouse who obtained the decree of
PERSONS and FAMILY absolute divorce abroad. Regardless of
RELATIONS whether the Filipino spouse or
foreigner spouse obtained the divorce
o Action in Rem Verso (ARV) is the action decree, the said decree is valid here in
for recovery provided for under art 22 the Philippines. If obtained by the
ncc. The concept is not similar with foreigner spouse, Art. 26, Par.2 FC
solutio in debiti. Both are actions for applies. If obtained jointly by the
recovery for something lost without spouse, the case of Median applies. If
just cause. In both, there is an obtained by the filipino spouse, the
obligation to return that what is unduly case of Manalo applies. Provided that
paid or delivered to him. In both the the divorce decree is valid and the
basis of the obligation, the objective is decree allows the spouse to remarry. If
to prevent unjust enrichment. They both spouses are filipino citizens, if any
differ in the following. As to the source, of them obtained a divorce abroad, the
in solution in debiti the source is quasi- same is null and void for being contrary
contract, in ARV, the source is the law. to law and public policy. Rep vs
ARV cannot prosper if the obligation is Orbecido, for purposes of citizenship,
based on delict, quasi-delict, contract the reckoning point is their citizenship
or quasi-contract. In solution in debiti, is the time when the divorce decree is
there is mistake. IF the there is obtained, not at the time of the
mistake, an action in rem verso cannot celebration of their marriage.
o Application of Art. 26, Par. 2. Divorce
o Unfair Competition (UC), Art. 28 NCC. obtained prior to the effectivity of the
This concept is much broader than the FC. There is no need to apply art 26 par
concept in unfair competition in 2 retroactively because there is
intellectual property code. The subject sufficient jurisprudential basis in Van
in UC in the NCC does not require a Dorn and Pilapil case.
patent. Requisites in UC:
o Art. 34 FC. Legal ratification of
o Requisites for a Natural Person to cohabitation for marriage. The man
acquire legal personality. Keyword: and the woman must be cohabiting for
The infant must be alive at the time he a period of 5 years, uninterrupted and
is born if the same has an intra-uterine continuously. Even in the absence of
life of more than 7 mos. If the the affidavit of cohabitation the
intrauterine life is less than 7 mos. the marriage is still valid because they are
infant must be alive after the lapse of still allowed to prove that they have
24 hours from birth. complied with the requisites. But if the
affidavit of cohabitation did not comply
o The law only grants civil personality on with the requisites of 5 years or is
the conceived child ONLY FOR THE found false the marriage is void and
PURPOSE BENEFICIAL TO HIM. The estoppel will not validate the marriage.
conceived child can thus receive Estoppel does not apply when there is
donations or become a beneficiary in a law governing the relations of the
an insurance contract. But at the same party. The marriage is governed by
time that civil personality is law, hence, estoppel does not apply.
PROVISIONAL only as it is required to
comply with art. 41 of the NCC. o However, in the case of a 2nd marriage
during the subsistence of a prior
o Survivorship. Who between two marriage, the absence of a affidavit of
persons died ahead of the other? There cohabitation in the 2nd marriage
are 2 laws: Art. 43 NCC and the cannot be used as a defense in a
presumption of survivorship under the criminal offense for bigamy.
ROC. Art. 43 NCC applicable if the o If it can be proven that the 2nd
question is about successional rights marriage is celebrated without a
and the two persons are heirs of each marriage license, a charge for bigamy
other. Otherwise, ROC applies. Read will not prosper. The second marriage
Art. 43 NCC. must be valid for a charge of bigamy to


prosper. Therefore, a marriage without the parties only signed a marriage
a marriage license or authority of a contract without a solemnizing officer.
solemnizing officer is valid defense In our law that is not a marriage but
against bigamy. only a private contract.

o But if the ground for nullification of the o Art. 40 is only applicable if there was a
2nd marriage is psychological prior void marriage. If there is no
incapacity, the same is not a valid marriage at all, art. 40 FC does NOT
defense in a charge for bigamy. Art 36 apply.
FC is a unique ground.
o Distinguish a bigamous marriage in art
o Void Marriage. GR: Void marriage does 35, par. 4 FC and art. 40 FC. In the
not exist. The parties are not spouses. former, the prior marriage is either
Therefore, the nullity of marriage is a valid or voidable and the 2nd marriage
valid defense against support. was contracted was contracted during
the substance of valid or voidable
o Void marriage can be a subject of a marriage. This is the true bigamy.
collateral attack. Therefore in There is a legal impediment. In the
succession, the surviving spouse is not latter, the prior marriage must be VOID
entitled to his or her share in the estate ab initio marriage except that a 2nd
because he or she is not a surviving marriage was celebrated without
spouse. securing a judicial declaration of
absolute nullity of the prior void
o But for purposes of contracting another marriage. In Art. 40, the property
marriage, we cannot say that the prior regime is either ACP, CPG or CSP
marriage is void because a declaration (these 3 prop regime applies only in
of absolute nullity of marriage is case of valid, voidable marriage and
required. Read Art. 40 FC. Hence, bigamous marriage under art 40 FC).
bigamy may prosper even when the 1st In Art 35, par. 4, the property regime
marriage is void absent a declaration of is art. 147 or 148 FC.
absolute nullity.
o Art. 147 and 148 FC is not co-
o If the 2nd marriage is celebrated prior ownership. Just simply refer to them as
to Aug. 19, 1986 (promulgation of the a property regime.
case of weigle vs sempio-dy), if the
marriage is void, it is considered as not o Juliano-Llave vs Rep. J. Del Castillo
existing. So even if the 2nd marriage is Ruling. The aggrieved spouse in the
contracted without a prior judicial 1st marriage has the personality to file
declaration of absolute nullity of a potion to declare the 2nd marriage as
marriage, the same is void and a void on the ground of bigamy because,
charge of bigamy will not prosper. the parties in the 2nd marriage is not
Weigle case cannot apply retroactively. expected to terminate their marriage
so long as they are still benefiting from
o If the 2nd marriage is celebrated is their relations. If the ground is bigamy,
celebrated during the effectivity of the the provision where the husband or
FC, apply Art. 40 FC. However, Art. 40 wife of the 2nd marriage has
applies if there was a prior void personality to file the petition does not
marriage. apply to bigamy. The parties in the 2nd
marriage are not in really spouses in
o Cancellation or Correction in the Civil the eyes of the law.
registry is not a proper remedy in case
of void marriage. The remedy is a o Art. 41 FC Requisites in order for the
petition for declaration of absolute 2nd marriage to become a valid
nullity of marriage. HOWEVER, if there marriage in case of presumption of
is no marriage that took place which death. If the 2nd marriage under art.
can be declared void ab initio, 41 FC is void ab initio the proper
cancellation or correction in the civil remedy is a petition for absolute nullity
registry is the proper remedy eg. of marriage. The filing of the affidavit
Marriage in jest, theatrical marriage or of reappearance does not apply since
no marriage at all. Rep vs. Olaibar, in that remedy is for the purpose of
this case, Olaibar never contracted a terminating a valid 2nd marriage. If the
marriage only his identity was used to 2nd marriage is void a petition for
contract marriage with a Korean judicial declaration of nullity is the
national. Morigo vs People, in this case, proper remedy.


filiation, it is the competent proof of
o Art 147 and 148 FC these are property filiation.
regimes. Applicable in case of void
marriage except art. 40 FC. But if the o If the birth cert of the child is not
ground is absence of legal capacity the signed by the father, that bc is not
prop regime is art. 148. (Art 35, 37, 38, competent proof of filiation. However,
35 par. 4 FC) Other void marriage, art so long as the father participated in the
147 applies. preparation of the bc, his participation
will take the place of the signature.
o Art. 147 and 148 FC does not apply in Hence, he is deemed to have
case of same sex union as it is not voluntarily acknowledged the child as
recognized by philippine laws. his own.

o In case of mere cohabitation, Art. 147 o Retroactive effect of a decree of

applies if they are capacitated to marry adoption. Once an adoption decree is
each other and they live exclusively issued for purposes beneficial to the
with each other. adopted child, the issuance of the same
shall retroact to the date when the
o In Art 148 the registration of the petition of adoption. Hence, the
property is immaterial. adopted child will enjoy the benefits of
a legitimate child from the time the
o Effects of the Prop regime after petition for adoption is filed.
termination of marriage. CSP
mandatorily governs the property o But the retroactive effect of the decree
relations of the spouses in case the the adoption cannot be applied for the
other spouse did not liquidate the prop purpose of imposing liability to the
regime of his prior marriage. adopter because parental authority is
not deemed retroacted.
o Art 130 FC does not apply if at the time
of the effectivity of the FC the marriage o Bartolome vs SSS. When the adopted
is already terminated because one of child does not have blood relations with
the spouses has already died. the adopters and both adopters died
Otherwise, there will be impairment of during the minority of the adopted
rights. But if the prop regime still child. Are the relatives of the adopters
subsists because the marriage still bound to provide legal support to the
subsists at the time of the effectivity of adopted child? No. They are not
the FC, Art. 130 FC applies in the event related. The relations created by the
the marriage terminates. decree of adoption is merely personal
between the adopter and the adopted
o In Art. 155, the Family Home is not child.
protected, it can be levied or attached.
The FH will lose its protection if the o Parental authority is not the basis of
value exceeds 300k/200k and the support. The basis of support is the
reason for the increase is VOLUNTARY legal relations of the respective parties.
IMPROVEMENT!. If the reason for the
increase is involuntary improvement, o Support. The parents, whether legit or
the Family home may be protected illegitimate and the letters children,
despite exceeding the value set by law. whether legit or illegitimate, they are
Involuntary improvement is an required to support each other.
increase in value of the property
without the voluntary action of the o Monthly allowance or without paying
owner. monthly allowance by receiving
support in the family dwelling in the
o Aguilar vs Siasat J. Del Castillo. The discretion of the person giving support.
SSS form 31 is a competent proof of
filiation. o Parental Authority. The tender age
presumption rule. The parents cannot
o Dela Cruz vs Gracia. If the handwritten agree to the contrary of this rule. But if
private instrument of the alleged the child is illegitimate only the mother
parent is the ONLY proof, then the rule has PA and custody over the child. The
requiring the signature of the parent is only right of the father is visitational
required should be strictly applied. If rights, includes right to access to the
the same is an additional proof of child. Custody not included.


o If the wife obtained a loan with there are specific provisions in the NCC
mortagage of conjugal property w/o that applies to them.
the consent of the husband will the
mortgage be validate by the fact that o Dept of Education vs Masibag? DE was
the same redounded to the benefit of allowed to build a school in the land of
the family? NO! The disposition and a private indivudual. DE is a possessor
encumbrance must be with the consent by mere tolerance. A possessor by
of both the spouse or court mere tolerance is a builder in bad faith
authorization. Otherwise, the mortgage because he is aware that he is not the
is void in its entirety even if it owner of the land at the time of
redounded to the benefit of the family. building. However, when the owner
The same will be chargeable to the expressly allowed the construction of
ACP, CPG. the building in his land , the builder is
in good faith based on the expanded
definition of a builder in gf.
o Padilla Jr. vs Maliksi. The one who gave
permission for the builders to construct
o VIP CASE Sanggunian Panlalawigan vs was not the owner of the land. SC said
Cong Ted Garcia. If the property is of the builder is in bad faith. The fact that
public dominion, the same is within the the person who gave the consent to
absolute control of Congress. However, build is not the owner of the land
if that property is a patrimonial should have placed the builders on
property of the LGU the same is private guard.
property of the LGU. The LGU cannot
be deprived of its property without o Aluvium. The water level must be more
payment of JC. The test to determine or less maintained. The deposit must
the nature of the property is the be by reason of the movement of the
ACTUAL USE of the property. If the use water. So if the water level merely
is governmental, public dominion. If receded, that is not alluvium but only a
commercial or proprietary, patrimonial. dried up river bed.

o Communities Cagayan Inc. vs Nanol J. o Aluvium must be an exclusive work of

Del Castillo. Distinction between the nature.
limited definition of a builder in good
faith and expanded definition of the o Conversion of Property of public
such. Under the limited definition, a dominion to patrimonial:
BGF must have a claim of ownership. 1. There must be abandonment or
He believe himself as the owner of the withdrawal from its use.
land with sufficient basis. The builder 2. There must be a positive or
must believe that he is the owner of the affirmative act.
land at the time of building by means
of a mode of acquisition but he is not o It is not necessary that the positive act
aware that there is defect in his title. may be in the form of a law as it may
So if the builder was aware that he is come from the executive.
not the owner at the time of building he
is a builder in bad faith. However, in the o XPN: Agricultural lands of public
expanded definition, if the builder is domain may be converted to
aware that he is not the owner of the patrimonial property of the state, there
land but the owner expressly allows the must be an express declaration that it
building or construction the builder is in is no longer for public use or that it is
good faith. converted.

o If both builder and owner acted in bad o Malabanan vs Republic. Conversion

faith. That is not the expanded must be in a form of a law or
definition but the result is the same. In presidential proclamation but only
expanded definition, the owner must when the president is expressly
give his EXPRESS CONSENT! authorized by Congress to do so.

o There is an issue in this case regarding o SC made a distinction between par. 1

the Maceda Law. and par. 2 of the Property Registration
Decree. In Par. 1 the basis of the grant
o Lessee, Usufructuary and Vendee a of title ohs possession and occupation
retro are not builders in good faith as of the land since June 12, 1945 or


earlier. Par. 2 the basis of the grant of o Nuisance. Only a nuisance per se may
title is acquisitive prescription. be abated summarily. Even in the
exercise of the LGUs police power, a
o In Par. 1 contemplates of agricultural nuisance per accidens may not be
lands of the public domain which must abated without a judicial order.
not be patrimonial. It must be declared
alienable and disposable at the time of o A motel or sauna is a legitimate
the application. In Par. 2, the business. It is not a nuisance per se
properties are alienable and disposable that can be summarily abated by the
and may be subject to acquisitive LGU.
prescription. It is necessary that during o Cruz vs Pandacan. A basketball court is
the entire period of prescription the not a nuisance per se which can be
property must be patrimonial for 30 subjected to summary abatement.
years. We cannot add the period when There must be a judicial termination
the property is still a property of public that it is indeed a nuisance. The same
dominion. A property of public rule applies even when the abatement
dominion is not susceptible of is in an ordinance.
acquisitive prescription.
o When the building is constructed in
o Co-ownership. When a co-owner allows violation of the Building Code, the
another person to build in the co- same may be summarily abated not
owned property, the same is an because it is a nuisance per se but
alteration of co-ownership. Hence, the because it is in violation of the Building
consent of one co-owner is not Code. The local chief executed is vested
sufficient to allow the person to build in by the LGC to enforce the Building
the co-owned property. Code.

o In the sale of the ideal shares of the

other co-owner, art. 493 applies. He is WILLS AND SUCCESSION
exercising a case of absolute ownership
with respect to his ideal share. He o Legitime. Acts of the testator that may
cannot also be compelled to sell his validly affect the legitime.
ideal share.
o Probate.
o Art. 487. The will of one of the co- GR:
owners is sufficient in maintaining an Probate court cannot pass upon an
action for ejectment. issue regarding intrinsic validity of the
o Repudiation of Co-ownership. XPN:
1. All the heirs agreed
o Ining vs Vega. Each co-owner may 2. Testamentary provision is
demand at any time the partition of the patently invalid on the face of the
thing owned in common, insofar as his will.
share is concerned. 3. When practical consideration
dictates that the probate court
o Art. 559 NCC. Doctrine of pass upon that intrinsic issue
irrevindicability of movables. Does not otherwise the conduct of the
apply to lost movables and to cases probate proceedings becomes a
where the previous possessor has been useless ceremony. eg. Will
unlawfully deprived thereof. The latter opposed because the same is a
includes not only theft but also cases of donation inter vivos.
abuse of confidence provided there is
no intent to deliver for the purpose of o Preterition.
consummating a valid sale.
o However, probate proceedings should
o The act of the agent is the act of the still continue whenever there are
principal. When an agent sells the devices and legacies despite the
property of a principal the latter can no presence of preterition. On the other
longer recover the property from the hand, if there is a claim of preterition
buyer because the doctrine of but the will does not contain any
irrevindicability does not apply when devices or legacies, practical
there is a valid sale despite the consideration dictates the probate
presence of abuse of confidence. court must first pass upon the issue of


o A substitution becomes
o Ascendants are compulsory heir in the fideicommissary substitution:
direct line if there are no descendants. 1. When the substitution is to be called
A conceived child is also a compulsory a fideicommissary substitution.
heir in the direct line. Cannot be 2. When it is provided that the
omitted otherwise there will be fiduciary heir is expressly obligated
preterition. to preserve and transmit the
property to the fideicommisary.
o Reserva Troncal is simply a case of
delayed succession. o It is only the fideicommissary
substitution is deemed not imposed if
o Three Lines of Transmission invalid, but the institution of the first
heir will not be affected.
o Origin to Propositus through gratuitous
title either donation or inheritance. o Limitations:
o Propositus to Reservista through 1. The fideicommissary cannot go
succession by law beyond one degree of the first
o Resrvista to Reservatario through legal heir. eg. parent and child.
succession 2. Both the first heir and 2nd heir
must be living.
o The reservatario inherits as a legal heir 3. A fideicommissary substitution
not from the reservist but from the cannot be imposed upon the
propositus. legitime.

o The reservista can sell the property o Barrier Rule Art 992 NCC. The
subject of the reserve troncal. The illegitimate child is barred from
transferee becomes absolute owner of inheriting from the legitimate parent.
the property if he is a innocent
purchaser for value or transferee in o The illegitimate child must be a child of
good faith. someone who is legitimate.

o There is a resolutely condition that at o Barrier rule applies only to intestate

the time of the death of the reservista, succession.
the resrvatorio is still living.
o Intestate Succession refer to picture
o During the lifetime of the reservista,
the right of the resrvatario is merely o SS excludes CL except B/S/N/N. 1/2 SS
inchoate. 1/2 B/S/N/N.

o The reservatario can protect his claim o Among CL the B/S/N/N exclude all
in the property by making everyone in other CL.
bad faith hehe through constructive
notice. By registering the property in o State is the ultimate heir.
the RD in case of real property. In case
of personal proerty, the reservatario o No DL, ILC, SS and BSNN: Other CL
can demand a guaranty from the
reservista. o Up to 5th degree
o Proximity Rule applies
o A resevatrio must be a relative within o No representation
the 3rd degree of consanguinity of the o FB and HB share
propositus. o Barrier Rule

o Because the resrvatario will be

inheriting from the proposiatus by OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS
intestate succession, the rules of
intestate succession shall apply. The o Natural Obligations.
rule of proximity may therefore apply.
o Art. 1956 Interest shall not be due
o Fideicommissary Substitution. When unless it is in writing. Two kinds of
there is an obligation of the first heir to interest 1. Monetary and 2.
preserve and to transmit the property Compensatory (a kind of penalty). Art.
in amor of the 2nd heir. 1956 applicable only to monetary


o In case of monetary interest that is in the event the grantor makes an offer
expressly stipulated interest it is in the to the grantee. But the obligation of the
nature of a civil obligation which is grantor in a RFR is to offer first the offer
legally demandable. However, if the to the grantee. If the grantee refuses
monetary interest is not stipulated in the offer, the grantor may offer the
writing the same is either a case of a contract to someone else but it must be
natural obligation or solution in debiti. in the same terms with the grantee. If
In the latter, the debtor may demand the price is lower to the others, there is
recovery of the interest paid. a violation of the RFR and the grantee
may exercise the the RFR for that offer.
o Art. 1182 Potestative Condition. If the If there is a counter-offer such is in the
fulfillment is left in the exclusive will of nature of a rejection and making a new
the debtor and the same time offer.
suspensive, the obligation becomes
void. But in other situations when the o Tender of Payment and Consignation.
conditions is potestative and at the If the debtor made a valid tender of
same time resolutely the obligation is payment and the creditor without just
valid. If the obligation is casual or cause refused the payment, it is the
mixed the obligation is valid. To creditor that is in delay (mora
reiterate, it is only when the condition accipiendi). The debtor cannot be
is potestative and suspensive is the required to pay compensatory interest.
obligation void. The debtor will be liable to pay
monetary interest only if he did not
o Art. 1186 Doctrine of Constructive follow his tender of payment with a
Fulfillment of Suspensive Condition. valid consignation. Why? Because the
Applicable to mixed conditional debtor kept the money for himself.
obligation when part of the obligation is That is unjust enrichment.
dependent upon the debtors will. Said
condition is the same time suspensive. o Novation. Debtor must clearly
It is the debtor who actively prevented consented to the substitution in order
the fulfillment of the condition, the for the novation to be valid.
same is deemed complied.
o Assignment of Credit and Conventional
o If the debtor did all in his power to Subrogation. In AC what is being
comply for the fulfillment of the transferred is the very same obligation
condition, the doctrine also applies. of the assignor. In CS it is a mode of
extinguishment of obligation. A new
o Option vs. Right of First Refusal. In obligation is created for the purpose of
both it will create a privilege. Same extinguishing the old. The obligation
function. Take note of distinctions. transferred to the assignee is not the
old obligation but a new one. In AC the
o There is an absence of acceptance of consent of the debtor is not necessary.
the option in RFR. The Option may What is required by law is a mere
become a contract when all the notice to the debtor. In CS the consent
requisites of a contract are present. In of the debtor is necessary because CS
an option what is lacking is is a new contract involving three
consideration. An Option is a contract persons, the creditor, the new creditor
in itself. It is a preparatory contract. and the debtor. W/o the consent of the
The consideration may be something of debtor there is no CS.
value (money, prop or service). An
Option contract is an onerous contract. o If the intention of the parties is CS and
If an option is supported by a the debtors consent was not obtained,
consideration of its own, then it the same cannot be treated as an AC.
becomes a valid contract. If the option
is w/o consideration, it is not a o The buyer of a mortgaged property is
contract. It is not binding and the not a Third Person Interested in the
offeror may withdraw it at anytime but Fulfillment of the Debtors Obligation.
he must withdraw it prior to its He is only interested in the mortgaged
acceptance. property. Thus, he cannot compel the
creditor to accept payments of debt
o RFR there must be no definite offer yet. from him. But if he is a third party
Otherwise, it is an option. In a RFR mortgagor, he is a third person
only the object has been agreed upon interested in the fulfillment in the
because the price is to be negotiated on obligation. Therefore, he may compel


the creditor to accept payments of the contract entered into by the agent and
debt subject of the mortgage. another person without the consent of
the principal is UNENFORCEABLE
o Stipulation Pour Atrui. A stipulation because it is subject to ratification.
between the contracting parties
conferring a favor or benefit to o A rescissible contract is valid contract.
someone who is not a party to the In Art. 1381 par. 1 and 2, the same
contract or a third person. must NOT be a disposition or
encumbrance of REAL PROPERTY
o The conferment of benefit must be otherwise it is not a rescissible contract
deliberate and intentional not but an UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACT.
incidental. The conferment of benefit
must only be part of the contract and o Voidable Contract. Valid but voidable.
not the entire contract. Otherwise, the In resicissible contract the contract is
third person must be made a party to wiped out or nullified while in voidable
the contract. Neither of the contracting contract the contract is merely
parties represents the third person invalidated. In a void contract there is
receiving the benefit. The third person no need for judicial declaration.
must have accepted the benefit prior to
its withdrawal. (eg. Credit card) o When the contract is entered into by
two mentally insane, the contract is
o If a contracting party violates the unenforceable but when one of them is
stipulation pour atrui, the party to no long insane and ratified the contract
whom the benefit is conferred may sue the same is voidable but if the other is
the party responsible for its breach. also no long insane and ratified the
contract, the same is now VALID.
o Distinction of Rescission in Art 1381
and Art. 1191. o Art. 1403 par. 1 does not apply to a
sale of a parcel of land by an agent in
o J. Del Castillo case. An absolutely behalf of an alleged principal without
Simulated contract is not a rescissible written authorization. The contract is
contract but a void contract. A void. Applicable law is art. 1874 NCC.
rescissible contract presupposes a valid
contract. o Void Contracts. Par. 1 it is only the
illegality of the cause which invalidates
o The principle of constructive notice is the contract and not the motive of the
not applicable in Art. 1381 because the contract. Motive and cause are
provision is a remedy of last resort. different concepts. But there are
situations where motive is the cause of
o Perfection, Validity, Obligatory, Binding the contract as when motive
Effect and Enforceable predetermines the cause of the
contract. This happens when motive is
o Perfection is simply limited to the the only reason of the cause of the
existence of the contract. Consensual contract. (hypo: daisy)
or Real Contract. There are only 4 real
contracts and all of them are under o If the consideration stated in the
credit transaction. All other contracts contract is false, the same is void for
are consensual. being an absolutely simulated contract.
The object of the contract must exist.
o Obligatory the contract must be valid,
perfected, binding and enforceable.
o If a contract is perfected but invalid the
same is void ab initio. o In a contract of sale, it is not required
that the seller be the owner of the
o The principle of in pari delicto applies object at the time of perfection.
only to void contracts where the cause, Instead the law provides that upon the
purpose or object of the contract is perfection of the contract that will only
illegal (eg. Illegal Contracts). create an obligation on the part of the
seller to make the delivery and transfer
o Not all valid contracts are obligatory ownership of the property sold. Thus, if
because they are unenforcreable. Void the seller did not comply with the
Contract vs. Unenforceable Contracts. obligation of delivery and transfer of
The latter is subject to ratification. The the thing sold, the contract is not void


but the failure will be considered a
breach of contract which will entitle the Credit and Transaction
buyer to damages.
o Difference between Real Estate
o If the contract is valid at the time of Mortgage and Antichresis.
perfection it cannot become void later : In the latter, the creditor is always in
on. Any non-compliance of the contract possession of the immovable.
is merely a breach. However, in a REM, the creditor may be
in possession of the immovable if it is
o Nemo Dat Quod Non habet. If the seller expressly stipulated. In AC there must
is not the owner of the thing sold, it be an express agreement authorizing
cannot transfer title to the buyer. XPN the creditor to receive the fruits of the
innocent purchaser for value. immovable with a corresponding
obligation to apply the same to the
o Double Sale. Requisites. Important! principal. W/o this agreement the
Both of the sale must be a valid sale. contract is not AC. In AC as long as the
Sale of a parcel of land to a foreigner debt is not paid in full, the creditor can
void even if the latter used a common maintain possession of the immovable
law wife as a dummy. and the debtor cannot compelled the
return of the immovable.
o If the creditor mortgagee is a bank it is
the provision of the Sec. 47of the GBL
o St. Lukes Case. The Enrollment will be applicable where there is always
Contract will be the basis of St Lukes a right of redemption whether the
liability to the students of the fire mortgage is judicial or extrajudicial. If
incident. In an enrollment contract the mortgagor is a natural person, the
there are built in obligations as these redemption period is one year but if it
obligations are deemed incorporated in is a juridical person the period is. 3
the contract without express mos. from the date of sale or until the
stipulation. The School has obligation registration of the sale whichever
of providing the student of an comes first.
environment that is adequate and
conducive for learning. In that o Pledge vs. Chattel Mortgage. The law
environment the students must be allows a contract of pledge to secure
constant ly free from any threat to their future transactions. A contract of
lives. But the School is not an insurer Chattel Mortgage can only secure
of all risks. The school will not be liable existing indebtedness. No continuing
for any death injury or death contract of CM.
happening inside the school if it can be
able to prove to exercise due diligence
to prevent injury or damage to the
students. Burden of proof is with the

o Caravan Travel and Tours Ruling

reiterated in Greenstar Express vs
Universal. If the situation will involve
that the employer happens to be the
registered owner of the vehicle, the
only burden of the plaintiff is that the
er is the registered owner of the
vehicle. It is now the ER who has the
burden of proof to deny the existence
of the ER-EE relationship or the ER
exercised due diligence in the selection
and supervision of the EEs.


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