The Robustness of Pi & Pid Controllers in The Presence of Sampling Jitter

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Wei Yu, ∗ David I. Wilson, ∗∗ Jonathan Currie, ∗∗
and Brent R. Young ∗∗∗

Industrial Information & Control Centre, The University of
Auckland, New Zealand
Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Auckland University of
Technology, New Zealand
Chemical & Materials Engineering, The University of Auckland,
New Zealand

Abstract: Variations in sampling time, or sampling jitter, is a common industrial control

problem. This paper investigates the performance of industrial PI and PID controllers in the
presence of sampling jitter. The commonly employed controller performance assessment (CPA)
benchmark index is used on a wide variety of industrial plant models to show that while the PI
control is relatively immune to jitter, the derivative component of the PID controller causes the
PID controller to exhibit excessive sensitivity to sampling jitter, although this can be partially
compensated by appropriate filtering.

Keywords: Robustness of PID controllers, Sampling jitter, Performance index

1 Introduction icals, pulp and paper and the mineral processing industries
as noted by T.J. Harris [1999] and Huang and Shah [1999],
Many real-time control systems are implemented as dis- while practical overviews are given in Qin [1998], M. Jelali
tributed control systems where the digital feedback control [2006] and Hoo et al. [2003] and an automated system
of continuous plants is over a communication network or a intended for plant wide use is described in Scali et al.
field bus. While the controller supposedly works at a fixed [2009]. In this paper, one control benchmark, the minimum
nominal period, varying computer load, unexpected delays variance lower performance bound, is used to quantify the
and other unforseen issues all contribute to a system that PI and PID controller performance.
experiences a stochastic sampling rate known as sampling Linear systems corrupted with sampling jitter can be
jitter. This paper investigates the relative deterioration in expressed as linear time-varying systems. CPA has previ-
the quality of control for common controllers operating in ously been addressed to the time-varying systems in which
this situation. the time-varying coefficients were expressed as time func-
Jitter problems have been traditionally identified as im- tions in Huang [2002] and Olaleye et al. [2004]. We should
portant in high-speed communication and signal process- mention that the time varying systems studied in this
ing applications. Jitter detection and measurement were paper are different to these systems as the coefficients of
addressed in Liu [1991] and Sharfer and Messer [1994]. the time varying systems are stochastic variables caused by
Jitter modeling and identification have been studied in the random sampling period. A related problem common
Ou et al. [2004],Boje [2005],Eng and Gustafsson [2008] and in control systems with wireless links is analysed in Song
Burnham et al. [2009] and the controlling of systems with et al. [2006] where they propose modifying the derivative
jitter problems can be found in Sala [2005] and Nilsson component of the PID controller to avoid excessive deriva-
et al. [1997]. Specific applications such as controller jitter tive kick and integral windup when the wireless link has
compensation were discussed in Lincoln [2002] and Niculae failed.
et al. [2008]. The layout of the paper is as follows. Section 2 intro-
PID controllers are the most commonly employed in- duces the system under consideration in this paper and
dustrial feedback controller due to their simplicity of section 3 justifies the choice of using the minimum variance
implementation, and (despite the continuing plethora of lower bound as a performance index. Section 4, compares,
research activity), relative ease of tuning. In this paper, using a collection of representative plant models, the ro-
we will investigate the control performance of the PI and bustness of PI and PID controllers given differing sampling
PID controllers given sampling jitter. jitter. Finally, section 5 concludes with general statements
Control performance assessment, or CPA, is a tech- about controllers and jitter and some future directions.
nology employed to diagnose and maintain operational
efficiency of control systems developed in a direct response 2 Process Formulation
to address this increasingly important economic problem.
In the following development we must make some as-
Linear CPA is routinely applied in the refining, petrochem-
sumptions regarding the shape of the probability distri-
 To whom all correspondence should be addressed. bution (PDF) of the sampling jitter. An obvious jitter
PDF is uniform or Gaussian about some nominal sample Given a single-input single-output (SISO) continuous
rate. However in many cases it may be more realistic to time (CT) system
have a PDF distribution with a significant tail towards y(t) = G(s)u(t) (1)
the longer periods such as exponential. The motivation for
where for simplicity G(s) has n distinct poles,
these types of distributions is due to the fact that at the
times when significant control calculations are needed is n
G(s) = e−f s (2)
when good control is also needed. Some controllers with a
s − λi
constant structure and operation count (such as PID) are
independent of state (except when transferring from auto where we sample at instants tk ∈ R, k = 0, 1, · · · , with
to manual), while others such as MPC take longer to solve tk+1 > tk , t0 = 0. The time-varying sampling period will
the embedded optimisation problem when recovering from be denoted by Tk = T + τk , and it will be assumed to lie in
upsets, or moving to a new setpoint. The embedded MPC a known compact set J. Given the output at time tk , y(tk ),
controller in Currie and Wilson [2010] illustrates this by if the input u(tk ) is kept constant across the inter-sampling
taking 5 times as long when solving the constrained op- interval, the output at time tk+1 is,
timisation problem compared to when the unconstrained y(tk+1 ) = G(q −1 )q −f +1 u(tk ) (3)
controller is active. Finally in many instances a single chip −1 −1
where q is the backshift operator, q yk+1 = yk .
will be controlling a number of loops, so a time out in any The discrete transfer function is
one loop will cause interrupts to be missed in the others.  n
eλi Tk 1
We will assume a PDF for the jitter, where the sampled GTk (q −1 ) = ci · λi Tk q −1
λ i 1 − e
signal, yk , are taken at time instances tk = tk−1 + (T + τk ), i=1
where T is the nominal constant sampling interval, and Introducing the notation Gk (q −1 ) = GTk (q −1 ), y(tk+1 ) =
the jitter component, τk > 0, is a family of identically yk+1 and u(tk ) = uk , the system in Eq. (3) can be
distributed independent random variables. In this paper succinctly expressed as,
we will consider two specific distributions for the sample
jitter; a uniform distribution with τ ∈ U(0, τmax ), and an yk+1 = Gk (q −1 )q −f +1 uk
exponential distribution which is theoretically unbounded Bk (q −1 ) −f +1
= q uk (5)
on the right. Ak (q −1 )
For the purposes of the simulation study in this paper, where Ak (q −1 ) and Bk (q −1 ) are time-varying polynomials
we assume that the output of the process is sampled with (due to the time-varying sampling rate), and f is the time
a stochastic sample time, that the control signal is applied delay of the system which is assumed known. If there is an
to the process as soon as the data arrives, and that the additive disturbance dk , the total process can be written
actual sampling period is always greater than, or equal as,
to, the nominal sample time, T . The last assumption, a
consequence that we have only considered the cases where Bk (q −1 ) −f
yk = q uk + dk (6)
τk > 0, is simply from the practical consideration that for Ak (q −1 )
industrial control systems are never early since they will where dk can be modelled as the output of a linear
wait until the appropriate interrupt, but can get delayed. Autoregressive-Integrated-Moving-Average (ARIMA) fil-
The timing of signals in the control system with the ter driven by white noise ak of zero mean and variance
sampling jitter problem is illustrated in Fig. 1 where the σa2 of the form
first diagram shows the process output and the samples θ(q −1 )
with a constant sampling period T , the second diagram il- dk = ak (7)
φ(q −1 )∇h
lustrates the exact signal recorded with the jitter sampling
situation, and the third diagram shows the process inputs. where ∇ = (1 − q −1 ) is the difference operator and
h is a non-negative integer, typically less than 2. The
polynomials θ(q −1 ) and φ(q −1 ) are monic and stable. The
control performance assessment for the more general LTV
6 SISO in which the disturbance is also time varying can be
y found in Huang [2002]. In this paper, we will assume that
the disturbance distribution is time invariant.
2.1 Control realisation
6 Commercial PID controllers filter the derivative com-
ponent to avoid amplifying high frequency noise. One
common realisation
1 τd s
C(s) = K 1 + + sτd (8)
6 τi s N +1
where the derivative filter time constant N is factory set
uk in the region of 2 to 100, [Åström and Hägglund, 2006,
p73]. Since sampling jitter is going to adversely effect the
derivative-type terms in a controller, the precise discrete
(k − 1)T kT (k + 1)T realisation, and value of N are crucial. In this paper, we
discretise the controller in Eqn. 8 with a zeroth-order hold
Figure 1. Signals of a control system with the sampling and compare the case with N → ∞ (a pure PID controller)
jitter problem with the industrially typical N = 10.
3 A performance index for jitter cases industrial plant models collected from Hägglund [2002]
and Skogestad [2003], but where we added additional time
To quantitatively assess the performance of various delay as listed in Table 1. The parameters of the PI
controllers under typical industrial conditions we propose and PID controllers are calculated using the SIMC-PID
using the minimum variance performance lower bound tuning method from Skogestad [2003], and adjusted to PID
(MVPLB) originally proposed by T.J. Harris [1989]. This controllers in the ISA or parallel form.
index is the ratio of the best achievable variance of any We consider two types of disturbance signals; one low-
controller to the actual measured variance of the controlled pass and one high-pass filtered white noise sequence
variable under assessment. ⎧ ak
However, standard CPA analysis assumes regular sam- ⎨ −1
pling, but this is not the case with jitter. To obtain the dk = 1 − 0.8q (17)
⎩ a k
minimum variance performance lower bound (MVPLB) high-pass
1 + 0.8q −1
for the system in Eq. (6), we only need to show that the
where ak is a sequence of i.i.d. Gaussian random variable
f -step ahead prediction error, ek+f |f , is independent of
with zero mean and constant variance σa2 = 0.01.
the manipulated variable action. The feedback invariant is
The simulation outputs of the process model P 1 with
given in
disturbance model 1 corrupted with the sampling period
Bk+f (q −1 ) distributed uniformly in the range from T to 3T , (or
yk+f = uk + dk+f |k + ek+f |k (9)
Ak+f (q −1 ) Tk ∈ U[0.05, 0.075]) is shown in the left-hand column and
= yk+f |k + ek+f |k (10) the case with exponentially distributed jitter in the right
hand plot of Fig. 2. The top trend shows the PI controlled
output, while the middle trend shows the PID controlled
ek+f |k = (1 + ϕ1 q −1 + · · · + ϕf −1 q −(f −1) ) ak+f , (11) output, both using the tuning values listed in Table 1. The
θ(q ) −1 lower two trends shows the actual varying sample time,
the ϕ weights are the impulse coefficients of the φ(q −1 )∇h
and its distribution.
transfer function, and
Bk+f (q −1 ) Pf (q −1 ) PI control
yk+f |k = u k + ak
Ak+f (q −1 ) φ(q −1 )∇h 0.5
yk (PI)

Bk+f (q −1 ) Pf (q −1 ) 0
= u k + (yk − ŷk|k−1 )
Ak+f (q −1 ) φ(q −1 )∇h −0.5

(12) −1

Pf (q −1 ) is a polynomial obtained by solving the Diophan- 1

PID control
tine equation: 0.5
yk (PID)

θ(q −1 ) −1 −f +1 −f Pf (q
) 0
= 1+ϕ 1 q +· · ·+ϕf −1 q +q
φ(q −1 )∇h φ(q −1 )∇h −0.5
(13) −1
When employing minimum variance control, the first two 0.1

terms in Eq. (9) equal zero, so the now minimum variance

Sample time: T

output is simply 0.05

yk+f = ek+f |k (14)
The MVPLB in the mean square sense can expressed as, 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
2 MV
σMV = var{yk+f } = (1 + ψ12 + · · · + ψf2 −1 ) σa2 (15) Sample time, k Sample interval, k

and a performance index defined as

η = MV (16)
can be used to quantitatively rank the controlled perfor-
0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
mance of the PI/PID controllers. Sample time Sample time
Since the system in Eq. (6) is a time varying system, it
will be very difficult to estimate η reliably directly from Figure 2. The PI and PID controlled outputs and jitter
the output data. In this paper however, we will not address sampling plots for system P1 for both a uniform (left
this problem, so we will assume we know σMV . While this column) and an exponential (right column) distribu-
assumption may appear unrealistic, the purpose of this tion of sampling jitter.
paper is simply to compare the controlled performance of
these stochastically time-varying systems under different The results presented in Fig. 2 are for a specific model
control strategies. and a specific nominal range of uniform jitter. Generalising
4 Simulation experiments on these results, Fig. 3 shows for all 12 plants listed in
Table 1, the performance index, η, from Eqn. 16 as a
In this section, we test the robustness of PI and PID function of increasing uniformally distributed jitter from
controllers disturbed by differing amounts and types of jit- no jitter, τmax = 0, to substantial jitter, τmax = 2
ter when applied to a collection of 12 typical representative corresponding to a range of sample times spanning from
Table 1. A collection of 12 industrial process models with sampling time, T , and appropriate PI
and PID tuning constants.
Case Process model T Controller
Kc τI τD
P1 0.05 2.75 1.1 –
(s + 1)(0.2s + 1)
6 1.2 0.167
(−0.3s + 1)(0.08s + 1)e−0.3s
P2 0.1 0.706 2.5 –
(2s + 1)(s + 1)(0.4s + 1)(0.2s + 1)(0.05s + 1)3
1.984 2.27 0.566
2(15s + 1)e−0.2s
P3 0.1 1 1.05 –
(20s + 1)(s + 1)(0.1s + 1)2
1.53 1.15 0.13
P4 0.5 0.188 1.5 –
(s + 1)4
0.417 2.5 0.6
P5 0.02 2.93 1.1 –
(s + 1)(0.2s + 1)(0.04s + 1)(0.008s + 1)
10.46 0.74 0.155
(0.17s + 1)2 e−0.2s
P6 0.1 0.265 15.12 –
s(s + 1)2 (0.028s + 1)
1.16 5.79 1.02
(−2s + 1) e−0.45s
P7 0.15 0.19 1.5 –
(s + 1)3
0.4223 1.5 1
P8 0.1 0.278 14.4 –
s(s + 1)2
0.937 9.6 2.13
P9 0.5 0.25 1.5 –
(s + 1)2
0.666 2 0.5
P10 0.5 3.5 21 –
(20s + 1)(2s + 1)
4.4 22 1.82
(−s + 1)e−2s
P11 0.25 0.583 7 –
(6s + 1)(2s + 1)
1.12 9 2
(2s + 1)e−1.3s
P12 0.15 2.32 4.5 0
(10s + 1)(0.5s + 1)
3.15 6.1 0.1

T to 3T . Fig. 4 shows the average performance across all It is not unexpected that control algorithms that in-
models for the low-pass and high-pass filtered noise cases. volve finite differencing of measured signals are particu-
The trends for the cases with exponentially distributed larly suspect to jitter. Clearly if the control algorithm has
jitter are similar. significant gain at the higher frequencies, and the distur-
From these results, (and equivalent tests using expo- bances exhibit significant high-frequency component such
nentially distributed jitter noise and bimodal distributed as in the case with a high-pass filtered noise, then slight
jitter noise not shown in this paper), we can observe that: errors in timing (which is essentially the same as high fre-
• For the majority of the plants considered, the con- quency disturbances) will have a disproportionate effect.
trolled performance of PID is superior to PI if there This explains why the (unfiltered) derivative component
is no sampling jitter (which is as expected). of the PID controller causes the rapid deterioration in
• For PI control, the controlled performance deterio- performance where for some plants η → 0, indicating that
rates relatively slowly with increasing sampling jit- the output variance σy2 → ∞. The problem is particularly
ter. This indicates that PI controllers are relatively insidious when trying to control those processes that need
immune to fluctuations in sampling time. some derivative action to stabilise such as double integra-
• On the other hand, the the controlled performance tors. This could also be an issue for those automated PID
for PID control deteriorates significantly more rapidly tuning algorithms that also adjust the ‘factory-set’ filter
with increasing sampling jitter. Consequently this time constant N in Eqn. 8.
suggests that PID control is not a good choice when It was mentioned in section 1 that jitter has been tradi-
the control loop experiences sampling jitter. tionally of concern only in high-speed computer networks
• Controllers which filter the derivative component rather than low speed process control applications. How-
partially compensate the problems with sample jitter. ever there are a number of current trends in the processing
Uniformally distributed jitter: Low−pass filter

P1 PI P2 P3 P4


P5 P6 P7 P8
Performance, η


9 10 11 12


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Upper bound of sampling period [τmax]

Figure 3. The degradation of the control performance, η, for the 12 plants under consideration using PI (——) and
PID, (—◦—), and PID with D-filter, N = 10, (· · · 2 · · · ) as a function of increasing sampling jitter magnitude.
Low−pass noise filter High pass noise filter
1 1
0.9 PID 0.9
ak PID filter ak
(1−0.8q −1 ) 0.8
(1+0.8q −1 )
Average performance index, η

Average performance index, η

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Upper bound of sampling period, [τ ] Upper bound of sampling period, [τ ]
max max

Figure 4. The average degradation of the control performance across all 12 candidate plants under consideration using
PI (––) PID, (—◦—) and PID with a D-filter (2) as a function of increasing sampling jitter for low-pass filtered
noise (left) and high-pass filtered noise (right).

industries such as the fact that the time scales of interest Clearly all controllers will be adversely effected by
are dropping, the increased use of high-order controllers jitter, but those controllers that employ terms involving
such as LQR or MPC, and most importantly, the increased unfilterd finite differences in time such as the derivative
use of sophisticated process in-line, or at-line transducers control in PID controllers, and high-order controllers in-
that deliver rich measurements, but with imprecise time volving numerator dynamics are likely to be particularly
stamps. This too can be considered sampling jitter. Hence vulnerable to this sort of disturbance.
it is interesting to consider the robustness of the controller
to this increasingly important problem. Acknowledgments
Financial support for this project from the Industrial
5 Conclusion Information and Control Centre, Faculty of Engineering,
The University of Auckland, New Zealand is gratefully
The contribution of this work is to investigate the con- acknowledged.
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