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hour Important topics are highlighted (in yellow) to secure 50% to 70% of marks

1. Introduction to Electrical Energy: Electric Energy Scenario in India, Use of electricity in

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day-to-day life.
2. Power system layout, Power Generating stations (Thermal, Hydro, Nuclear), T1, R3
3. Important electrical symbols, Different electric wiring techniques, necessity of earthing
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and fuses, Electrical safety rules
4. DC Circuits: Electrical Circuit Basics: Ideal and Practical sources, Independent and
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dependent sources, passive elements (Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance)
5. Ohm’s law, equivalent resistance calculation, Current division and Voltage division, T1, R3
6. Star-delta transformation (with numerical problems), T1, R3
7. Kirchhoff’s laws (with numerical problems) T1, R3
8. Mesh analysis, Nodal analysis (numericals with only independent sources) T1, R3
9. Contd.. T1, R3
10. Superposition theorem (numericals with only independent sources) T1, R3
11. Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem (with numerical problems: Independent Sources
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12. DC transients: RL series circuits: growth and decay of current, RC series circuits: charging
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and discharging (with numericals)
13. Contd.. T1, R3
14. AC circuits: Fundamentals of AC circuits: Generation and Equation of Alternating
voltages and currents; AC Terminology: Amplitude, Time period, Frequency, Phase,
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Phase difference, average value, RMS Value, Form Factor, Peak Factor; (with numerical
15. Contd.. T1, R3
16. Phasor representation of alternating quantities: addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division of alternating quantities, Phasor Algebra: significance of operator j, T1, R3
Mathematical representation of phasors.
MID Semester Exam (on above syllabus)

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