23-10-2018 Fce Results

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Vocabulary Extreme adjectives ‘1. Match adjectives a-1 with their extreme forms below. Grammar Past tenses GR p166-167 1 Choose the correct tense to complete ah. Explain p@ unis a attractive 8 surprised b ugly h funny © dirty 1 angry 4 dean j tired e hot k ad f cold 1 hungry ‘Work in pairs to find as many extreme adjectives as possible for a-d. avery big b very small © very good very bad Decitle which of dhe words in a-e correctly completes each sentence. a The cooker was a bit/very/totally spotless when Steve had finished cleaning it. b_ Kate missed her appointment because her train was extremely otally/uterty late. © Put your hat and scarf on. I's absotutely/ extremely /very freezing out there, Josh was feeling quite/totally absolutely tired by the time he got home from work. I'm completely/utterly/very sorry, but I've forgotten your name. your choice, using the Grammar Reference section if necessary. a I've done/t've been doing the ironing, I've only got three more shirts to do. b When I phoned Karen, she was worried because her brother didn’t arrive/hadn't arrived heme. © I've never tried Vietnamese food, but I had/Tve had Thai. I found/was finding a wallet when 1 was walking home from the shops. Harry was sweating by the time he arrived at the cinema because he had been/was running. f Have you ever ridden/been riding a horse? By the time we found the restaurant, it closed/ had closed. hh At the time of the accident, George wasn’t wearing/didn't wear a seatbelt Correct the mistakes in sentences a-h, a I've never been believing in Santa Claus. b I've been asking him three times, but he hasn't told me yet. Rita and Ahmed have arrived two minutes ago. By the time the fire brigade arrived, the fire had burnt for over an hour. © How long have you studied Chinese? £ According to the police, the thieves have left the country a few hours after committing the erime. 8 How often have you been travelling by plane? My aunt isn’t here yet, but my uncle has arrived last night. 3 Complete sentences a-h with your own ideas, using an appropriate tense. a I've never tried bungee jumping, but Julie's hair was wet because As they were getting onto the train, By the time we arrived at the shop, 1 since 8 o'clock this morning, She... three times this year. He opened the door, ran outside and At midnight last night, George c a e i 8 h 4 Complete the text with an appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one tense is possible. By the time I arrived (arrived) at the wedding, many of the guests (go) home. Monica (sit) on the stairs, red-eyed. She 5 (cry), but she was OK now. 14 (wait) fora taxi since ten o'clock, she explained. ‘I*...____. (phone) three times, but it (not come)’ 17 (offer) her-a lift home and she * (accept). Aswe? (walk) to my car, she (touch) my hand gently. cea (think) about you a lot recently’ she said. ‘You're one of the kindest people I |? {meet) in my life.” 5 Continue the story in 4 with your own ideas. Start with the words ‘At that moment, ...” and end with ‘we both laughed’ Write 60-80 words. units O@ Use of English Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze 1 Discuss which of the adjectives below you would use to describe yourself and any brothers and sisters you have, =o rebellious king un 2. Read the newspaper report opposite ignoring the gaps, and choose the best, heading (a, b or c) a Famous comedians were funny children. 'b_ Younger siblings have fewer skills. © Younger siblings are more humorous. ‘I p@® mis 3. Read the the tip box. Then read the text again carefully and decide which answer (A, B, C of D) best fits each gap. hildren with older brothers and sisters find it easier to (0) mals people laugh, a survey has suggested. Just over half of younger siblings who (1)... part in the survey said it was easy to be humorous, compared with a third of those ‘who were (2)... Amd just 11% of (3) ...- children had the skill, according to the study of 1,000 people by psychologist Richard Wiseman. "Younger siblings have to compete (4) parental attention, so they have to be more unconventional. ‘They are risktaking, and also more humorous. On the other (5)soue. older children tend to take on much more serious roles. And of course children without siblings don't feel the (6)... t0 compete at all” And (7)... funny continues into adulthood. Younger siblings who (8) ..... to become famous comedians in Britain include Rowan Atkinson, berter known as ‘Mr Bean’ Professor Wiseman, who compiled the report, said his (8) tie in with other research about the (10) ... of family position on peisuualty, He sald University of Galifurnia zesearch had suggested that, because younger children had not had the chance to (11)... the same skills and abilities as their older siblings, they had to find novel ways of gaining attention, ‘This (12) ..... to make them more creative, unconventional, adventurous and rebellious. 0 A force B push ©) make —_D_ encourage 1 A had B took C did D played 2 A firstborn B major —C_primary_D new born 3A only B unique C single sole 4 A over B on C in D for 5 A hand B side C way =D matter 6 A want B idea C need —D lack 7 A tobe B be being —_D been 8 A puton B wenton C tookon D cameon 9A happenings B readings C sayings D findings 10 A cause B effect C reason logic 11 A develop —-B increaseC enlarge D grow 12 A intends —-B extends C tends sends

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