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Electricity can be dangerous.

Many people have died from receiving electric

shocks. When you plug an appliance into the wall and switch on the
powerpoint, there is electricity running from your wall into the appliance. It is
very important to be aware of this and the ways to use an appliance safely.

Danger Signs
Match the following “danger signs” with each of the pictures below:

Danger signs:
1. Sure signs of trouble in an appliance are spluttering, sparking or burning.
You may also notice a smell.
2. When a fuse blows it is a warning that there is too much current in one of
the circuits. There is probably a faulty appliance.
3. An electric shock in the form of a “tingle” is a warning that something is
wrong. It could be a fault in the appliance, the lead or the powerpoint.
Have these things checked by an electrician.
From Science Now 2

Safety Rules
Here are some dangerous situations with electricity to avoid. Copy these into
your workbooks:

When using electricity DO NOT

1) Let water touch the wall socket or cord of the appliance.
2) Plug too many appliances into a wall socket. This could cause the wall
socket to be damaged, letting electricity escape from the socket.
3) Use an appliance if the cord is frayed (breaking) and you can see the

4) Touch power lines in the street.

For each picture:

 Draw an arrow to show where the electricity is coming from (eg. a
 In a sentence, explain why the situation in the picture is dangerous (do this
in your workbook)
In your workbook, write a safety rule to suit each of the dangerous situations
in the pictures below. The first one has been done for you.

Safety Rule: Never use appliances near water.

From Science Now 2

Death from Powerlines
A. Read the following information about powerlines. Rewrite the verbs
in brackets in each sentence, so that the sentences are in present

People who touch electric powerlines may die as a result of the electric current.

1. As a result of this muscle contraction, your grip around the wire (became)
_________________________ tighter.
2. As soon as you (touched) _________________________ electric powerlines,
current (flowed) _______________________________ through your body.
3. In the end you may die.
4. This current in your body (caused) ___________________________ your
muscles to contract.
5. When strong current (will reach) ____________________________ your heart,
the heart muscles (will stay) ______________________ contracted, and
therefore no blood (will be) __________________________ pumped to your
6. When your grip is really tight, much more current (will flow)
_______________________ through your body.

B. Now number each sentence in the correct order. Copy the

paragraph into your workbook, ensuring the sentences are written in
the correct order.

Adapted from Disadvantaged Schools Program Met. East 1993

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