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Lesson Plan for Computer System Servicing NC II (TVL Track) TI



Y, Z


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts and competencies in Operating
System installation/reformating.
B. Performance Standards: The learner independently demonstrates understanding on how to install or
reformat operating system on the computer.
C. Learning Competencies: Perform installation of Operating System.

II. CONTENT: Operating System (OS) Installation


a. Curriculum Guide
b. Learners Materials
c. Manila paper, markers, cartolina, laptop, OHP, green leafy vegetables, fruits, molasses, chopping board,
knives, plastic containers and PPE.

A. Reviewing previous lesson:
1. What do you mean by Operating System (OS)?
2. What are the different kinds of Operating System (OS)?
Unlocking of difficulties:
Winndows Server Windows 7 Windows 8
Booatable device Rufus Partition

B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson

Group Activity - Perform various concoctions (Hands-on learning activity)
Group 1 – Server installation with 15 minutes of time allotment
Group 2 – Windows 7 installation with 15 minutes of time allotment
Group 3 – Server installation with 15 minutes of time allotment
Group 4 – Windows 7 installation with 15 minutes of time allotment
Giving of Instructions for the task to be done:
. Be sure to accomplish without errors and meet the time allotment.
. Everybody take note all the steps you have done to make sure that all are equally competent
. Follow the procedure strictly
Reminders: 1. Follow OHS procedure for safety practices.
2. Tools, equipment, and testing devices that conform to OHS standards are used to
accomplish the task.
3. Perform housekeeping after doing your task. Maintain cleanliness
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Group output presentation)
Reminders: 1. In performing the OS installation, everybody must have installer either bootable device or
Compact disc.
2. Everyone must focus to the said task so that you are carefully check the steps to avoid errors.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
1. Did the group follow correctly the steps on OS installation?
2. Group 1 will discuss the Windows 7 installation.
3. Group 2 will discuss the Windows 10 installation.
4. Group 3 will discuss Windows server installation.
5. Group 4 will discuss Windows 8 installation.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
1. What are the differences in installing of different Operating System?
2. Which do you think is the best Operating System to use?
F. Developing mastery of the lesson
1. Can you perform installing all Operating System?
2. How would you classify which installer devices is easy and fast to install OS?
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
1. If you are in-charge of the School laboratory, what Operating System to be used that students were
not meet dificulties in terms of utelization?
2. If the establishment asking you as computer technician to installs a computer in every offices and
the administrator/owner can monitor each of it, What OS do you install to meet the needs of the
H. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson
1. What are the uses of Operating Sytem in computer?
2. What are the necessary materials to make an installer for OS?

I. Evaluating learning
K. Assignment
For everybody, choose any of the concoctions and prepare your materials for individual hands-on so
that you will learn and experience of producing organic fertilizer and botanical pesticides.

A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ________
B. Number of learners who acquire additional activities by remediation _________
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught with the lesson____________ ______
D. Number of learners who continue to acquire remediation_________
E. Which of my strategies work well? _________________________________________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal can help me solve?___________________________
G. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4 Indicator 5
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Signature over printed name
Lesson Plan for Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 10 TI

AFA-Organic Agriculture


Y, Z


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts and competencies in preparing
various concoctions.
B. Performance Standards: The learner independently demonstrates understanding on the use of various
concoctions based on TESDA Training regulations.
C. Learning Competencies: Perform various concoctions.

II. CONTENT: Various concoctions for natural farming


d. Curriculum Guide
e. Learners Materials
f. Manila paper, markers, cartolina, laptop, OHP, green leafy vegetables, fruits, molasses, chopping board,
knives, plastic containers and PPE.

J. Reviewing previous lesson:
6. What do you mean by concoction?
7. What are the different kinds of concoctions or naturally produced farming inputs?
Unlocking of difficulties:
Fermentation Foul odor Serum
Oriental Herbal nutrients Repellant
Potassium Ammonia
Indigenous Microorganisms Lactic Acid
K. Establishing the purpose for the lesson
Group Activity - Perform various concoctions (Hands-on learning activity)
Group 1 – Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ)
Group 2 – Fermented fruit Juice (FFJ)
Group 3 – Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
Group 4 – Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN)
Giving of Instructions for the task to be done:
. Be sure to have an exact measurement of all your ingredients using weighing scale.
. How many grams are there in 1 kilogram?
. Follow the procedure strictly
Reminders: 1. Girls, you may work harmoniously with the boys. Do not rely unto them. If the boys can do
the task, you are also capable of doing it. Boys, give chance the girls to perform the task. All of
you can do it equally. Be fair.

2. Carefully use your knife and avoid getting closer with some other using knives,
3. Perform housekeeping after doing your task. Maintain cleanliness

L. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Group output presentation)

Reminders: 1. Listen attentively to the presenter and observe carefully every step of the process they
2. Jot down every important thing you’ve seen and heard from the presenter.
M. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
8. Based on the presentation from the group 1, what do you mean by FPJ?
9. What are the common ingredients being used?
10. Based on the presentation from the group 2, what do you mean by FFJ?
11. What are the common ingredients being used?
12. Based on the presentation from the group 3, what do you mean by LABS?
13. What are the common ingredients being used?
14. Based on the presentation from the group 4, what do you mean by OHN?
15. Did the group follow correctly the procedure?
N. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
3. What are the uses of FPJ?, FFJ?, LABS?, OHN?
4. What do you think is the effect of using the naturally produced farm inputs such as FPJ, FFJ, OHN, LABS
and some other?
O. Developing mastery of the lesson
1. Can you site some advantages of using the naturally produced farm inputs such as FPJ, FFJ, OHN, LABS
and some other? Disadvantages?
2. How will you compare the naturally produced farm inputs to the chemical-based products?

P. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

1. If you wish to engage vegetable gardening, which among the two (chemical-based fertilizers and
pesticides/insecticides or concoctions which are naturally produced farm inputs) you prefer to use?
2. How concoctions do helps the reproduction of useful microorganisms?

Q. Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson

3. Do you believe that various concoctions are the heart of natural farming techniques? Why?
4. How can you help bringing back the bounties and beauty of our nature?

R. Evaluating learning
1. What do you mean by FPJ?
a. Fernando Poe Junior b. Fermented Plant Juice c. Fruit Plant Juice d. all of the above
2. What do you mean by FFJ?
a. Fermented Fruit Juice b. Fruit Flies Juice c. Fruit Fermented Juice d. all of the above
3. Which of the following concoctions uses Fruits and crude sugar?
a. Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) b. Fermented Plant Juice (FFJ)
c. Oriental Herbal Nutrients (OHN) d. Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
4. Which among the statements below are the uses of Fermented Plant Juice? Give at least 2.
a. It enhances plant growth and for greener leaves.
b. It is the food for indigenous microorganisms.
c. It develops slowly growth of plants.
d. It develops slowly resistant of the plant to insect pest and diseases.
5. How many tablespoons of concoction are added to 1 litter of water?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
K. Assignment
For everybody, choose any of the concoctions and prepare your materials for individual hands-on so
that you will learn and experience of producing organic fertilizer and botanical pesticides.

H. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation ________
I. Number of learners who acquire additional activities by remediation _________
J. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught with the lesson____________ ______
K. Number of learners who continue to acquire remediation_________
L. Which of my strategies work well? _________________________________________________________
M. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal can help me solve?___________________________
N. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other

Indicator 1 Indicator 2 Indicator 3 Indicator 4 Indicator 5
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher
Signature over printed name

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