Pet Masterclass SB 16.1 Second Conditional PDF

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16.1 It could happen to you ... Warm up 1 Match the expressions to photos 1-5. More than one expression can be used with some pictures. I'm so happy for you! What's the matter? I'm so sorry. I hope you get better soon. What happened? Congratulations! Well done! That’s great news. Never mind. Reading 2 Read messages 1-4. What are they about? Example 1 new job 1 Ive got the job at the lawyer's office! The interview went much better than at the library ard they oMered me the job today} Fran Jlan phoned. She can't see you tonight Her sister has just had a baby and she wants to see them both. She'll phone back later Paul and Lucy are moving to 12 High Street, Bridgetown, on Friday 10% February. No phone there yet. so please call our mobiles. Pattio Grandma came out of hospital today and ic back at home held lowe fo 02 you. She said you can visit any rime. Rachel Correct sentences 1-12 10 give true information about the messages in 2. 1 The new job is at the library. 2. The interview at the library went well. 3. The new job started today. 4. Jan was planning to go out with her sister this evening 5 Jan is going to phone her sister about the baby 6 Jan's sister is going to phone later. 7 Paul and Lucy have moved to a new house 8 They moved on 10" February 9. They will not have a phone at their new house 10 Grandma’s back in hospital 11 Please visit ber way 12 Grandma wants Rachel to visit her Speaking Part 1 exam our PAGE 137 4 Work in pairs. Student A turn to page 107. Student B turn to page 108. Follow the instructions on your page. Grammar Second conditional > GRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGE 134 5 Read the text and complete sentences 1-3 with words from it Sartell LIFE CHOICES presents readers with real- life situations and asks what decisions you would make. Last week we asked you if you would ever lie. We all like to think we're honest, but are there situations in which even the most trustworthy of us would bend the truth? This is what you told us. Fran: If really wanted a job and didn’t have exactly the right qualifications, then | would lie and say | had. got them. If| was confident about my ability to do the job, it wouldn't matter if | wasn’t completaly truthful Kerry: | think | might lie if a friend asked me to. If he had done something he shouldn't, and 1 knew, about it, then | wouldn't tell anyone. Your friends are. important, and I'd expect him to do the same for me. Mark: | don't like the idea of lying at all. But if the only way | could protect my family was to tell a lie, then | would. My family comes before everything, even the truth, 1 Fran would lie if she qualifications for a job. 2: Wa friend Kerry to keep a secret, she wouldn't tell anyon the right 3 If Mark needed to protect his family, he tell a lie. 6 Answer questions 1-6 about the people in the text. 1 Has Fran got a new job? Has Fran told a lie? What has Kerry's friend done? Is Kerry keeping a secret for her friend? Is Mark’s family in trouble? Has Mark lied to help his family? auaun 7 Underline two modal verbs in what Kerry and Mark say which can replace would and complete the rule about the second conditional. We use the second conditional to talk about situations which don't exist or are unlikely to exist. In the if clause we use the ....... tense, and in the main clause we use + infinitive. We can also use in the main clause. and 8 Discuss the questions. Would you ever start an argument with someone? Would you ever walk out on a relationship? Would you ever cheat in an exam? Would you ever lie to your best friend? “> VOCABULARY REFERENCE PAGE 124 9 Discuss how you would feel and what you would do in situations 1-6 below. Use these adjectives and verbs and any of your own. Adjectives afraid angry anxious delighted depressed disappointed embarrassed excited miserable nervous sad satisfied worried Verbs apologise argue blame choose discuss feel lie persuade Example If someone knocked on my door in the middle of the night, I would I someone knocked on my door in the middle of the night, I would feel nervous and worried. I would look ‘out of the window to see who it was. 1 IT failed my driving test, would 2. If waited half an hour in the rain for a friend who didn’t come, I'd 3 I my ex-boy / girlfriend got engaged, I would .. 4 IT drove into my neighbour's car, [ would 5 If 1 was offered two jobs on the same day, 'd

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