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Our Reference: WMA/Proj/WW362W/ Date: 26 February 2019

The Director
H.Padiachy Contractor Ltd
Remy Ollier Street
Beau Bassin

Fax No: 4658965

Dear Sir,

Rehabilitation of Sewerage Infrastructure at Raoul Rivet Street – Port-Louis
Draft Design Drawings
We have received your draft design drawing by email on 25 February 2019 for the above
mentioned project. Please find hereunder our comments regarding the draft design drawing:
1. Streets name are not indicated on drawings
2. Starting chainage should be indicated from the left hand side of the drawing
3. Manholes references missing
4. Existing sewer pipe invert level missing
5. Depth to invert level missing
6. Distance between chainage missing
7. Gradient of pipe laying missing
8. Pipe data missing.
9. The locations and levels of all TBM need to be shown.
It would be helpful if you could send a section drawing of manhole showing both existing and
proposed pipe connection. Moreover you are requested to indicate all existing services and an
approximate offset distance of your proposed pipe alignment.

Yours sincerely,

M. Munoosingh
for Ag. General Manager

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