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Traditional, British Informal mode of

Values, Pro royal address

family and Pro
capitalism Use of the pronouns WE
and YOU to imply
Moral Panics – shared beliefs and
NHS/Knife values.
More subjective than
Still use high impact objective
tabloid style epistemologies –
headlines but Higher emotive representation
Ratio Of Text To
Photography than a Cross between a
tabloid broadsheet and a
tabloid – Soft news and
Dramatic Headlines hard news
in large, bold
Sometimes called
Black Top.
Higher ratio of text to Elaborated
photography, language code
reflecting target
Narrative content audience,
split into sections,
More hard news Epistemologies
(politics, business, (use of facts and
economy, health, war figures, balanced),
and conflict, world
news, education, Less variations in
travel, sport, art, typography than a
culture and tabloid, more
literature), columns of text,

Formal mode of Expects readers to

address. make up their own
mind with
balanced reporting.

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