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Den internationella WildLife naturfilmfestivalen hålls i Vasa vartannat år. Festivalen som första
gången anordnades år 2002 har vuxit i betydelse och blivit uppskattad av deltagare, delegater, media
och av publiken. Festivalens syfte är bl a öka medvetenheten om natur och miljö samt främja
miljöskydd och dialog kring miljöfrågor mellan människor, skolor, vetenskapsinstitutioner,
naturfilmfestivaler och länder. Festivalen ger också naturfilmare möjlighet att bygga nätverk med
internationella filmdistributörer. De tidigare framgångsrika festivalerna har vidgat Wildlifes nätverk
och inneburit nya samarbetspartners från hela världen.

Till den tidigare verksamheten har hört också naturfilmtävlingar för barn och unga (2006-2014),
mediafostran (2008-2014), kulturturismprojekt (2011-2013) samt år 2017 ett Finland100-projekt.

Naturfilmsfestivalen Wildlife Vasa och Wildlife Vasa stödförening rf anordnade under Finlands 100-
årsjubileumsår en filmturné runtom i Finland. Tema för turnén var "Finland och finländsk natur sedda
med utomståendes ögon". I filmserien som visades i hela landet beskrevs Finlands skogars
mångsidiga, rena natur av utländska filmmakare - hur ser man utifrån på vår naturs rikedom. Under
turnéns inledningsevenemang i slutet av januari visades naturfilmer non-stop i Vasa.
Filmer visades i Seinäjoki, Jakobstad, Nykarleby, Malax, Korsnäs och Närpes. Filmer visades också vid
filmfestivaler i utlandet, som i Shanghai, Kina vid International Green Film Week. Vasa Wildlifes
Finland100 turné avslutades 9.12.2017 i Kulturhuset Fanny i Vasa. Mera information:

Den nionde Vasa Wildlife 2018 naturfilmsfestivalen anordnades 26.-30.9. i Vasa.

Festivalen avslutades söndagen 30.9. med visning av de vinnande filmerna i Vasa stadsbiblioteks
Dramasal. Festivalens tyngdpunkt är en naturfilmstävling med deltagare från hela världen. Tävlingen
gör det möjligt att visa filmerna kostnadsfritt för Vasas invånare och festivaldeltagare från många

Anmälan till filmtävlingen (Call of Entries 2018) kunde göras från årets början till första maj. Tävlingen
var avsedd för naturfilmer som blivit färdiga år 2016 eller senare. Filmerna skall ge en bild av
naturens mångfald och människans inverkan på miljön. Filmerna kan skildra också
klimatförändringen och dess följder samt presentera olika energiformer för hållbar utveckling och
deras tillämpning. Festivaltävlingen mottog 854 naturfilmer från 88 länder och av dessa valdes 115
filmer från 37 länder. Till finalen klarade sig 62 filmer och av dessa mottog 30 filmer pris.


Alla filmer som togs emot granskades oberoende av längd eller innehåll. Den förberedande juryn
bedömde filmens lämplighet för festivalprogrammet och valde ut de filmer som skulle visas. Till den
internationella juryn hörde: ordf. Nik van Eckman (Syd-Afrika, Finland), Jukka Tyni (Finland), Maikki
Kantola (Finland), Vesa Heinonen (Finland) och Anastasia Kharchenko (Ukraina).

Den internationella juryn inledde sin bedömning av filmerna i början av juni. Den bedömde filmerna,
berättelsen, autenticiteten, behandlingen av ljud och bild, textningen samt deras pedagogiska och
underhållande värde. De bästa filmerna mottog sina pris lördagkväll 29.9. Prisceremonin ägde rum i
Kulturhuset Fanny.
Kvarkens båtmuseum, Malax

FRITT INTRÄDE Söderfjärden, Meteoria

Kvarkens skärgård, Björköby

Kulturhuset Fanny (160 platser)

Vasa stadsbibliotek, Dramasalen (160 platser)
Kino Ritz (Retrospective)
IX Internationell
Kulturhuset Fanny
Anastasiya Kharchenko:
”Inspired by Nature”
Evgeni Usov: “Element”
Nik van Eckmann:
Utställning Bonzai Art
LÖRDAG 29.9.2018

10.00-22.00 FESTIVAL INFO 10.00-16.00 FESTIVAL INFO
registrering, videobibliotek registrering, videobibliotek
10.00-12.00 ENERGIDAGEN: presentationer och 10.00-17.00 Naturexkursion 3 (inkl. lunch):

FESTIVAL paneldiskussion. ”Vasa biogastrafik: en

intressant framgångshistoria”
12.00-13.00 Lunchpaus
Besök i Kvarkens skärgård Björköby
10.00-16.00 Filmvisningar
20.00-22.00 Prisceremoni

26-30.9.2018 12.00-14.00 Filmvisningar

14.00-16.00 ENERGIDAGEN (del 2):
22.00-01.00 Fest efter ceremonin
Presentationer och paneldiskussion. 10.00-20.00 Filmvisningar
“The Mosul Dam Threat - Iraqi Water and
Power Crisis”
ONSDAG 26.9.2018 16.00-17.30 Filmvisning: “Closing the Loop” SÖNDAG 30.9.2018
KLIMATDAG 17.30-19.30 Naturexkursion 1: Besök på Kvarkens VINNARNAS DAG
Båtmuseum i Malax
18.00-23.00 Filmvisningar utomhus (väderreservation)
10.00-22.00 FESTIVAL INFO 10.00-15.00 FESTIVAL INFO
23.00-01.00 Samvaro och fest
registrering, videobibliotek videobibliotek
10.00-14.00 Filmvisningar VASA STADSBIBLIOTEK DRAMASALEN 12.00-13.00 Lunch
12.00-13.00 Lunchpaus 10.00-12.00 Filmvisningar 13.00-16.00 Filmvisningar
14.00-18.00 Filmvisningar 12.00-13.00 Lunch i Cafe Prosa
18.00-20.00 Öppning av konstutställningarna 13.00-20.00 Filmvisningar
12.00-20.00 Visningar av de vinnande filmerna
20.00-23.00 Filmvisningar KINO RITZ
23.00-01.00 Samvaro och fest 17.30- RETROSPECTIVE
10.00-12.00 Filmvisningar
12.00-13.00 Lunch i Cafe Prosa
14.00-15.00 Filmvisningar FREDAG 28.9.2018
och paneldiskussion. ”Klimatförändringen KULTURHUSET FANNY RETRO-

och dess effekter på Kvarken-området”.
Filmarnas rapporter och paneldiskussion
registrering, videobibliotek
17.00-20.00 Filmvisningar Markku Lehmuskallio och
10.00-14.00 Filmvisningar
Anastasia Lapsui
12.00-13.00 Lunchpaus
14.00-23.00 Filmvisningar Arrangerat av: Filmcentrum
23.00-24.00 Europeiska forskares afton. Botnia rf., Biljetter: 5€,
Filmvisning: “Life behind the Stars” Festivalgäster: Fritt
10.00-12.00 Filmvisningar
12.00-13.00 Lunch på Cafe Prosa
13.00-14.00 Filmvisning: “The Fight for the Arctic” MER INFORMATION
Flada Kvarken-projektet presentation
14.00-16.00 ”The Secret Life of Materials”
16.00-18.30 Naturexkursion 2: Besök vid Söderfjärden &
Meteoria utställningen
16.00-17.30 Filmvisningar vaasawildlifefestival
The 9th International Nature Film Competition

Dear Friends and Colleagues, 
Faithful to our commitment to raise environmental awareness around
the world, we are ready to roll once again for our 9th biennial film
journey through the “eyes and the ears” of our planet.  
This year we have received 854 films from 88 countries who applied
to take part in the film competition. Once more, we have witnessed a
huge participation, an immense improvement of the standard of
wildlife cinematography due to the approach and the advancement in
filmic technology. TV companies, production organizations, film
companies, film schools and academies, distribution companies,
research centres and universities, environmental institutions, agencies
and independed filmmakers, they all submitted their films to our
consideration. From all films submitted this year, 112 films were selected to participate and 62
films were selected as finalists, to compete for the awards in 6 main award categories and 4
special awards including the Jury special award. These films will be assessed by the festival’s
International Jury who will announce the winners on Sat. 29 September during the festival's award

The five-days festival program this year is very diverse and interactive that includes the screenings
of about 120 films during the festival days (26.-30.9) The screening program aims to enthral and
trigger emotion among various audiences and for that, all screenings are free of charge.

We, the organizers, think that from all those years that our festival has been in existence, since
2002, it’s nowadays that we are experiencing the most exciting times to work with nature and
science films. Sometimes, when we look back at those films in the early days and then those films
we get today, we can easily notice that today’s films are more artistic in their presentation, more
entertaining and more insightful. This is a time that we all should be proud that we work serving a
film genre that has become hugely popular, it’s reporting from the most remote places on Earth to
the frontiers of the urban modern societies and as a result, in many countries around the world
including Finland, people have started to watch them in huge numbers and that's one very positive
development that deserves to be mentioned.

On behalf of Vaasa Cultural Services and the festival Team I warmly welcome everybody to join the
Vaasa Wildlife Festival in 2018 from 26-30 September in Vaasa.

Ilias Missyris
Culture co-ordinator, festival producer    




The Canary Islands - World of the Fire Mountains

ScienceVision, for ORF Universum and NDR Naturfilm/doclights, Rita & Michael Schlamberger, Austria 2016,

The films is about the Canary Islands – an isolated chain of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Belonging to the
Macaronesian archipelago, each island is unique, and together they possess all the features of a small
continent, supporting one of the richest and most diverse ranges of native species on the planet.

The Rhoen - A Natural Paradise in the Heart of Germany

corvusFilm BR, HR, arte, Heribert Schöller, Germany 2017, 52 min

The natural beauty of the Rhoen comes from its biodiversity: a unique abundance of different habitats and
an amount of animals and plants, which is above average. The film captures the emotional dimension of
the Rhoen in a notable way and follows it in the seasonal cycle of nature.
Wild Caribbean: Rythms of Life - Whales and Volcanos
FlowMotion Film Florian Guthknecht, ORF Enterprises, Germany 2018, 60min

Vulcanism, on the one hand is a cause for the biodiversity of the Caribbean, also means a great danger. On
the islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe, this natural phenomenon has many faces: boiling lakes, toxic
sulfur eruptions, bubbling flat underwater volcanoes like the famous Champagne Reef and, in thousands of
meters, the black smokers in the deep sea.

Wild Faces of Switzerland - Water and Ice

Ulf Marquardt, Annette Scheurich Marco Polo Film , Germany 2017, 51min

The film takes us on an amazing journey in Switzerland; from the highest peaks of the Bernese Highlands
along the Aar and Rhine rivers to a spectacular finish at the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen.
The World's Most Famous Tiger
Nalla Muthu, Anvita Adeshra, National Geographic , India 2017, 44min

The film chronicles Machli’s journey from her prime to her death; telling the incredible stories behind
Machli’s rise to power, her heartbreaking descent and the extraordinary legacy she left behind. Machli
taught us a valuable lesson that protecting one tiger can create a forest.

Ark of Light and Shadows

Art Francesco, Jan Svatoš, Czech Republic 2018, 90min

The film tells the forgotten story of Martin and Osa Johnson, rebel filmmakers who made first films in
Africa, in times when filming was more dangerous than lions or malaria. They met on Friday, got secretly
married on Sunday and they had to run away from home due to their parents’ wrath, so they went to
spend their honeymoon among the cannibals in the South Seas.
Natural Beijing
BTV/Documentary Channel, Geng Dong, Shen Pengfei, China 2017, 50min

Peking is a metropole with almost 20 million inhabitants. In the middle of this concrete jungle, you
can find several different animals and plants. The movie tells about the coexistence of animals and
the diversity of Nature in Peking.

Oslo's Wild Heart

Earthmedia Film AS, James Ewen, Elisabeth Kleppe, Norway 2017, 58min

The film takes us on a spectacular and surprising journey through the secret wilderness of a city's throbbing
heart. Here high-rise buildings, homes and industrial complexes exist side by side with a fantastic
biodiversity that most of us do not notice.
Jersey City, the Wildlife and me
John Dunstan, USA 2018, 47min

A journey without leaving home, encounters with migrants from the Tundra and other places. All within the
confines of Jersey City, with its views of the Manhattan Skyline and the Statue of Liberty, observing and
documenting urban wildlife over a number of years. Reconnecting with nature in the unlikeliest of places.
Seals, Insect life, Owls, Raptors and other birds all within a few miles of New York City.

Little Residents of the Big City

Cihan Çekiç Tunahan İlbars, Turkey 2017, 49min

Istanbul is the most crowded and industrialized metropole of Turkey with a very rich biological diversity.
The film tells us more about this diversity with stories of the city’s little creatures, using quite impressive
White Wolves-Ghosts of the Arctic
Gulo Film, Doclights / NDR Naturfilm Oliver Goetz, Ivo Nörenberg, Alain Lusignan, Germany 2018, 56min

At the very northern edge of Canada is Ellesmere Island, where the unforgiving Arctic winds tear through
the tundra, dipping temperatures to 40 below zero. With never-before-seen footage of wolf family life, this
film is a dramatic and touching story of loyalty, companionship and devotion and an epic true tale that
reveals the struggles and triumphs of a family working to survive in one of the last great wildernesses on

Wolverine-Ghost of the Northern Forest

Andrew Manske & Jeff Turner, Canada 2017, 52min

The film recounts the fascinating story of Canadian wildlife filmmaker Andrew Manske’s relentless, five-
year quest to find and film one of the most legendary and elusive creatures on the planet.
Grizzly Encounters with Chris Morgan Part1: The Hunger Challenge
Marco Polo Film AG Klaus Scheurich, Annette Scheurich, Germany 2018, 52min

Surrounded by wild Grizzlies of all ages and personalities, Chris Morgan grants us a rare glimpse into their
daily lives, their triumphs and tribulations. Engaging, exciting, funny and sad all wrapped into one, Chris
brings us a step closer to the realities of life as a brown bear.

Lemming - The Little Giant Of The North

Wild Tales Productions, Doclights NDR Naturfilm, Zoltan Török, Janne Henriksson, Germany 2017, 50min

They are small, angry and every four year or so they appear in masses seemingly from nowhere. Meet the
Norway lemming, perhaps the most misunderstood and mysterious animal of the Scandinavian mountains.
Fish Owl Wanted
Ilya Tsyganov, Russian Federation, Russian Federation 2018, 52min

People say that this bird is the first to greet the sunrise. While the rest of the world is still asleep,
Blakiston's fish owl is already hunting in the first beams of the awakening sun. There is not a single creature
more mysterious on the shores of the majestic Pacific Ocean. The fish-owl belongs to a genus so ancient
that nobody dares claim with certainty where it comes from. This rarest bird chooses the most remote
corners of the Usuries’ taiga as its home and once you are off to the Amur taiga in search of this rarest
bird, prepare to become the one who is looked for!

The Singing Ape

Choi, Pyeongsoon, EBS, Republic of Korea 2017, 46min

The film documents an unprecedented attempt to investigate the musicality of multiple species of wild
gibbons - siamang, the white-handed gibbon and the Java- gibbon surviving in the South-East Asians
habitats. The story of endangered Asian Ape unfolds in this documentary with their songs in various
Return of the Spider Monkeys
Michael J. Sanderson, National Geographic Channel, Arte, ZDF, Netherlands 2016, 44min

The film shows for the first time what happens after spider monkeys are released back into the wild. Will
Infinity and her baby survive their newfound freedom?

Birds of the Lakes Return

Matej Vranič, Slovenia 2018, 55min

The film shows how birds returned to an environment once devastated by industry and how the industry
nowadays coexists with this vibrant life. The film is an excellent display of how a man can transform a once
devastated natural area into a much friendlier environment.
The Armoured Warrior
Planet Alive Films SL, Albatros World Sales, José Antonio Vallejo, Soraya Sanz Sanz, Spain 2017, 50min

The film tells the story of two brothers, two young boars living in the Mediterranean forest in southern

Bee Pastures
Poroszka Magyar Zsolt, Hungary 2017, 37min

The amount of beehives in Hungary today exceeds 1 million. The hive density has risen dramatically in the
past couple of years, being one of the highest worldwide. At the same time, various plants that give pollen
and nectar have been qualified as invasive species and they have been eradicated with “fire and sword”.
The incorrect use of pesticides exposes bees to chemicals that cause poisoning ever too often. To safeguard
the insects who will provide enough healthy pollination a constructive dialogue must be established
between beekeepers, the farmers, the foresters, the conservationists and the people in power.
The Keriya
BTV/NeoMedia Investment, NHK/Japan, CAO Zheng, WANG Jin, Geng Dong, China/Japan 2017, 85min

The film depicts the life of Keriya people who live in the Taklamakan Desert in Norh West China far away from
the outside world telling out their survival in these severe natural conditions, their folk customs, the unique
desert ecology of the area and the impact of modern society on their traditional way of life.

1080 Wildlife Carlos Perez, Spain 2017, 50min

The film tells the story of Dehesa, a unique landscape that occupies much of the Southwest of the Iberian
Peninsula. More than three million hectares of land and wildlife and a mosaic of environments that has
developed hand in hand with man, throughout the centuries.
Ranger and Leopard
Wildlife Pictures Institute, Jam-e Jam TV Channel, Fathollah Amiri, Nima Asgari, Iran 2017, 53min

The film tells about "Halvani", a hard-working ranger, hears about the presence of a Persian Leopard in his
protected area in the city of Isfahan in central Iran. However, nobody has spotted any Persian Leopard there
during the last 40 years. After he finds some traces, he decides to search more to find out the truth, although
he faces many challenges.

Cor and Henk- Wearfisher of the East Scheldt

Edward Snijders, Netherlands 2017, 50min

Cor and Henk is an ode to passionate, hard-working fishermen, fishing anchovies traditional way.
Cor, 85, already celebrated his 70th anniversary as a fisherman, but continues fishing with Henk, his son-in-law.
During the 10-week anchovy-fishing season, they work 24 hours a days, fishing and guarding the weir against
fishing cormorants. Prior the season they work as lumberjacks in the woods to chop the trees which they need
for their weir - and transport the logs to the fishing grounds. The film’s location are the tidal waters of
Hollands’ largest nature reserve, the East Scheldt.
Athropological Society of Athens, Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA),
Loukas Koubouris, Nickolas Papadimitriou, Greece 2017, 30min

Over the centuries, local communities around the Messologi lagoon in Greece have developed a variety of
fishing techniques to support their livelihoods. One of them is the creation of natural fish farms called ”ivaria”,
still based on traditional knowledge, by using barrier traps to capture fishes, during their migration to the open

Uncle Bird -The Story of Jianguo Ren

Jilin City Radio & Television , Rong Shen, China 2017, 82min

In Jilin City,Jilin Province,China, there is a small island named Changbai. The river surrounding the island is
never frozen even in the most harsh winters because of a power plant upstream. Every year, flocks of wild
ducks add life to the otherwise bleak winter here. To fight poaching and help the birds, Ren Jianguo, a man
who has lived on that island with no income, electricity, water, or even a warm shelter for twenty years, he has
taken responsibility of protecting the birds in the area.
Seed & Sprout: Growing the Food Rescue Revolution
MG Productions, Maryanne Galvin, USA 2017, 46min

In 2015, one in six American have experienced hunger, while over 40% of food produced in the USA went
uneaten. Seed & Sprout travels coast to coast across America and visits eight innovative food rescue initiatives
as they seek to bridge the gap between want and waste.

Lake of Apples
Apollo Images, Ljubo Stefanov, Tamara Kotevska, F.Y.R. Macedonia 2017, 30min

This documentary follows the changing fortunes of beautiful Lake Prespa – one of the oldest freshwater lakes
on Earth, providing a habitat for over 2,000 species of plants and animals, many of them unique to this ancient
ecosystem. An elderly fisherman rows out across the lake to check on his fishing nets. The famous pelicans and
cormorants are not staying here in the same numbers any more while the fisherman’s nets now only catch
algae. The future for the lake and all the lives that depend on it are highly uncertain.
Bird of Prey
Eric Liner, John Bowman , USA 2017, 95min

Wildlife cinematographer, Neil Rettig, embarks on what could be the most challenging assignment of his
career: to find and film the rarest eagle on the planet. Bird of Prey explores the vanishing world of the Great
Philippine Eagle and reveals the courageous heroes that are determined to save it.

The Python Code

Andreas Ewels, ZDF , Germany 2017, 29min

The Python is a fascinating animal. But the fashion industry is hunting for these beautiful snakes. Its skin is
coveted for luxury goods of all kinds. Hundreds of thousands of snakes are killed annually in Asia and shipped
to the fashion industry in Europe, America, Japan and China. An extremely exciting documentary, filmed under
difficult conditions, which also documents the lives of the catchers and shows the illegal trade routes. A closer
look at the snake skin industry - as it has never been shown.
White Fortune
Reza Mohammadpour, Iran 2018, 37min

The sad story of misery of Salt Lake Urmia in North West of Iran.

Once Hamoun
Mohammad Ehsani, Iran 2016, 35min

Since Lake Hamoun has gone dry, numerous environmental and social problems have appeared in Sistan
region. Poverty, emigration, and the extinction of traditional and local jobs. The film depicts the present
situation of Lake Hamoun and the problems of the people around it.
Rosie Koch, Roland Gockel, Germany 2017, 50min

Stan Hutchings has been walking creeks along the North West coast of B.C. in Canada for almost 40 years.
Literally, no one knows the wilderness of the Great Bear Rainforest as well as he does. His passion and his
calling are salmon - the fish at the very center of the costal ecosystem.

The Shuidong Connection

Julian Newman, Environmental Investigation Agency EIA , United Kingdom 2017, 6min

A film accompanying a major new report from the Environmental Investigation Agency. The Shuidong
Connection is the result of almost three years of undercover work during which investigators infiltrated a
leading ivory trafficking syndicate. Their findings reveal how a network of such syndicates operating in the
obscure town of Shuidong in Southern China, have come to dominate the smuggling of illegal ivory.
The Tatra Mountains-Wild at Heart
Erik Baláž ZDF, Germany 2017, 50min

Between Poland and Slovakia lies a wilderness virtually unique in Europe: the Tatra Mountains. One of the
oldest forests in Europe grows on their slopes. It’s home to some formidable predators, long extinct elsewhere:
bears, wolves and lynx. Nowhere else in central Europe do so many of them live so close together as here. But
what is it that makes this environment so attractive to them?

Hidden Life
Kaitlyn Satter, Hannah Mattner, USA 2017, 19min

An exploration of the controversy behind the “Rigs to Reefs” program, which allows decommissioned oil
platforms to stay in the marine environment to act as artificial reefs.
Agata Rucin, United Kingdom 2018, 43min

FOREST is a documentary exploring the conflict based around the logging of the Białowieża Forest, its
consequences and prospects for the resolution. The film also documents brave and influential actions of the
activists from all around Poland and abroad in attempt to save this precious wilderness.

A Novel Coral Restoration concept-SECORE's pilot project in Mexico

Vanessa Cara-Kerr, Germany 2018, 20min

A documentary on SECORE's coral restoration pilot project in Mexico - Take a look how SECORE tests our newly
developed coral restoration techniques together with the National Autonomous University of Mexico and
partners at the Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula.
Temska – we are the law!
Ruza Helac, Serbia 2017, 27min

In 1990. Serbian power company started to build a tunnel to drain Toplodolska River to the accumulation
without any paperwork except technical documentation. Our power company (EPS) has losses in the power
transfer network of around 16-17%. If EPS could cut the losses for just 1% that would eliminate the need to
destroy around 30 small rivers like Temska.

Pentadaktylos-So close yet so far

Anadysis Films Ltd, Paschalis Papapetrou, Cyprus 2017, 70min

This film from Cyprus, realised with the help of scientific consultants, undertake a journey of familiarisation
with the Pendadaktylos mountain range's unique geological development, its rich Flora, and its
insuperably beautiful natural environment.
A Herd of Orphans
Kelly Bakos, USA 2018, 85min

When poachers kill adult elephants for their ivory, the calves that are left behind are orphaned, homeless, and
unable to survive without the care of a herd. This endearing film takes us on a journey to Africa to meet these
young elephants and explore the orphanage that gives these calves a second chance as A HERD OF ORPHANS

War over Flying Squirrel

Heli Tetlov, Riho Västrik, OÜ Vesilind , Estonia 2018, 26min

People in Estonia find themselves in a deadlock over a tiny animal on the verge of extinction. With their plans
to expand the protected zone of the Siberian flying squirrel, a species on the verge of extinction, nature
conservationists have upset the landowners of the protected areas. The owners are deprived of the
opportunity to earn income from their forestland, without being offered adequate compensation. The film
observes this process during one year from the trenches on both sides of the front line.
Saving the Wild - Wild Life Rescue and Rehabilitation
Rita Banerji, PSBT INDIA, India 2016, 26min

The film gets along with wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in one of the prime wildlife habitats in India –
Kaziranga, Assam. The Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) along with the forest
department has been rescuing animals for the last 12 years

The Wrong Way

Nisvet Hrustic, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017, 23min

Nature presented us with beauty, but man destroys them mercilessly as forests are disappearing. Everything
that came before us, disappears because of us. Will it ever recover after us?

Wild Baltic Sea Ep.3: From Finland to Sweden

coraxfilm GmbH, Christoph and Almut Hauschild, Germany 2017, 50min

The Baltic Sea: The third episode takes us to the Bay of Bothnia. In winter home to ringed seals. 300
kilometres further south millions of fish head for the coast to lay their eggs. The Kvarken Archipelago is also
the habitat of the flying squirrel. In the spring males begin looking for females. For the same reason brown
bears roam through the Skuleskogen National Park on the other side of the Bay.

The North Awakens

Kevin May, Jonathan Besler, Florian Gampert, Germany 2017, 5min

The North Awakens sends you right into the rough and beautiful landscapes of Iceland where you can get
the most magic moments when sun has already set.
The Bohus Coast-a Moody Paradise
Svante Lysén Naturbild, Sweden 2017, 101min

The film ”BOHUS COAST - a moody paradise" is a nature documentary seeking the soul of the northwest
coast of Sweden during four seasons. The movie takes the viewer on a kayaker's personal voyages and
experiences in the unique coastal landscape.

The State against the Lake of Liesjärvi

bepopstudio/Jussi Alanko, Finland 2018, 53min

The people living nearby the lake Liesjärvi in Keuruu, Finland have fought over more than 20 years against
the state-owned peat company Vapo, which spoils the lake with peat water. The film shows the damages
made of the lake and tells about the different phases of this long battle. It contains also interviews by local
people, officials, clips from peat production fields, water protection equipment etc.
Boreal picture, Marko Gola, Kari Kemppainen, YLE TV1, Finland 2017, 51min

Suoluonto on metsien ja järvien ohella ainutlaatuinen ekosysteemi, josta hyötyvät suuret ja pienet eliölajit.
Suoerämaa on ennen kaikkea myyttisen ja salaperäisen metsähanhen kotimaa. Suoerämaiden karut
olosuhteet tarjoavat loistavan pesimisympäristön joutsenille, kurjille ja lukuisille kahlaajalajeille. Lukuisat
kasvilajit, kuten heinät, kortteet ja sarat tarjoavat runsaasti ravintoa erilaisille hirvieläimille. Suon
marjasadoista hyötyvät lintujen lisäksi suuret petonisäkkäät, kuten karhu.

Wildlife in Focus – Photographer Tuomas Heinonen

Mitri Häkkinen, Tuomas Heinonen, Finland 2017, 14min

The film follows the journey of Finnish nature photographer Tuomas Heinonen through the four
seasons, starting from the spring time, when nature awakes. What gets the nature photographer up
before sunrise time after time to capture these beautiful moments and share them with the others?
The Sea that Disappeared
Aranu Production house, Ari Häkkinen, YLE, Finland 2017, 53min

Traces of the most recent natural disaster to affect the northern hemisphere, the Ice Age, have mostly
become buried under vegetation and layers of soil. But not quite everywhere. In the Kvarken Archipelago
in the northern Baltic Sea area, the dent caused on the Earth’s crust by the ice sheet continues to rise back
to its original elevation, lifting 100 hectares of new land out of the sea each year. Those rocky islands that
rise up from the water, are invaded by the birds that by the sea. During the short summer months, the
islands pulsate with life.

The Urban Jungle

DocArt Petteri Saario, Tiina Saario, YLE, Finland 2017, 30min

The second episode of a 6 episode series, focuses to the surprising richness of the urban nature. Birds are
the uncrowned kings of cities, but foxes, bats, trout and toads, are also thriving in the urban environment.
As our relationship with nature is changing, the people in the city play a role in solving the environmental
problems and creating a sustainable future.
Queen without a Land
Artic Light AS, Asgeir Helgestad, Norway 2017, 53min

A beautiful film about a polar bear mother and her cubs, living on the arctic islands of Svalbard. We follow
Frost through five years, and learn how is affected by rising temperatures as ice disappears from her fjords.
She is not the only one to be affected by climate change, but the whole ecosystem is changing...

The White Moose

Ulf Johansson, SVT , Sweden 2018, 52min

Fifty white moose call home the forests of Värmland in Sweden. During his 25 years as a wildlife filmmaker,
Ulf Johansson has never established such a close to spiritual contact with an animal as with this majestic
white bull. He calls him Ferdinand. We get close to Ferdinand on his journey through the seasons, taking us
through the hunting season, some magical summer moments and we follow his encounters with human
Journey to the Sea
Katharsis Films Ltd, YLE, Jouni Hiltunen, Finland 2017, 52min

The Gulf of Finland is one of the most beautiful seas in the world, and its geology and fauna is unique. It’s
also been said to be one of the most polluted marine areas in the world. Decades ago, the water was clear
and the nature diverse. Finnish filmmaker Jouni Hiltunen takes his son to a sailing trip to the Gulf of Finland
of his youth, but the sea that once seemed like a paradise, what is it look like decades later?

The Forest Renovation

Elina Renko, Päivi Viinikainen, Venla Törmä, Finland 2016, 5min

The country has a dilemma. People need jobs the forest needs to be taken care off. Should these two meet
and what about the old forests?
Karjalan kunnailla
Olli Huttunen, Jukka Nykänen, Finland 2017, 5min

This music video takes you on an emotional flight over Finland‘s beautiful and unique nature.

Iceland-The newborn Island

Carlos Perez, Javier Ortega, 3boxmedia, Spain 2018, 53min

The Arctic fox, the only autochthonous land mammal in Iceland, is one of the species that has been able to
adapt to the hard living conditions on this island. A territory that was born from the fire in the heart of the
Earth where life has sprouted in the most astonishing way. The fox will guide us through the island’s great
biodiversity which includes puffins, Arctic terns, eiders, fulmars, black geese, seals, whales, guillemots or
The Grind Message
Niels Christian Askholm, Denmark 2018, 21min

Pilot whale hunting has been a practiced tradition for at least half a millennium in the Faroe Islands. Up
until the second half of the 20th century, the hunts have been a vital part in the survival of the Faroese
people, and are today the source of up to one third of the nation’s meat consumption. However, the long-
lasting tradition is subject to criticism from all over the world due to several reasons and opinions. This
documentary follows the arguments of six locals on the matter.

Discovering Langkawi-Passages through Time

SCM Asia Sdn Bhd Justin Wong Wee Hin, Mahfuz Alam, Irshad Mobarak, Malaysia 2017, 19min

Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark is located in the far north-western corner of peninsular Malaysia. Join
naturalist Irshad Mobarak as he takes you on an intimate journey where you will get to experience the rich
fauna and flora biodiversity found in its forests. In this episode we travel back in time 5 to explore the
history of the oldest rock formation, the coastal outlines and the unique geological features of Langkawi

The Penguin's Spring

Mario Nardin, Italy 2017, 19min

The film depicts the life of penguins in the Antarctic as they move from the icy sea to the mainland to nest.
The Sea
Ronald Faber, Netherlands 2016, 5min

‘The Sea’ is a monody of the sea to take responsibility to protect the sea for future
generations without being a pedant. Beautiful aesthetic images, enhanced by appropriate music and
accompanied by a pleasant narrator, let you dwell on the current state of the sea.

Egeo-The Sea for me

MIND THE BUMP, Vicky Markolefa, Bastian Fischer, Greece 2017, 14min

The film takes us for a journey into the relationship of man and sea, focusing on the Cyclades Islands of the
Aegean Sea, to Sikinos, Folegandros, Kimolos and Serifos, in a kaleidoscope of stories inspired by the sea.
Water Time Bomb
GrEFCam / Eco Relief, Bunyui John Njabi, Cameroon 2018, 3min

An environmental music video about water contamination in Cameroon. When an ever-growing population
is over stretching the carrying capacity of its pipe-borne water supply and the available natural water
sources are in jeopardy as a result of irresponsible human actions, then the poorest of the poor are
definitely sitting on an impending WATER TIME BOMB! Who cares?

Migrating with the Sandhill's Cranes

Mother Nature Network, Bryan Nelson, USA 2018, 7min

Naturalists Erv Nichols and Sandra Noll discover love, adventure, and a new life while following the epic
migration of the Sandhill cranes, from Nebraska Southwest U.S. to north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska.
Mariah Wilson, USA 2016, 5min

Eeya is the Baka word for elephant, an animal that is an important figure in the lives of the indigenous Baka
tribes of Central Africa. The Baka are thought of as “scientists of the forest” – the forest provides them with
everything they need to live, and they know its flora and fauna intimately. But, that has unfortunately made
them appealing recruits for elephant poachers who use the Baka as hunting guides.

Sugandhi Gadadhar, India 2016, 15min

A short film for children, introducing them to wildlife with Bindu, a female Indian Sloth Bear that tells the
story of different families, including her own, and shares a friendly note with her audience, suggesting that
man and animal can co-exist in harmony.
Desolation Follows
Burnham Arlidge, United Kingdom 2017, 9min

Designated as areas of outstanding natural beauty, the English moorlands elicit in us a sense of the wild and
untamed. A pristine wilderness, untouched by the advances of civilisation. Yet all is not as it seems.

Salmon-The Wild Connection

Liz McKenzie, Richard Nelson, USA 2018, 10min

The film features intimate views of salmon and other wildlife amid Alaska’s spectacular mountains and
seacoast—the environment that gives rise to one of the earth’s true natural miracles.
Memory Islands
Vigmantas Balevicius, Lithuania 2017, 2min

Experimental music video that reflects various memories and impressions

by lights of the surrounding environment.

Elina Oikari, AV-arkki Ry Finland 2018, 9min

Experimental video exploring the contradiction and harmony between humans and nature through Sámi
poetry. The cyclical perception of time among the only indigenous people living in the European Union is
presented in the work as unfolding forms and layers based on the archive material from the 1940's and the
super 8 mm film footage from 2010’s.
Guardians of Anja
Robin Hoskyns, United Kingdom 2017, 11min

This film tells the story of this small fragment of forest in Madagascar, it’s most famous animal residents
and the changing fortunes of the people who live nearby.

Life on the Machair

Eleanor Hamilton, United Kingdom 2017, 12min

"Life on the Machair" explores the lives of the wildlife that depends on the rare Machair of Scotland's Outer
Hebrides and considers how climate change is threatening the survival of both animals and people.
I heard Sita
Akancha Priyadarshini, Samvriddhi ACE, India 2018, 11min

A contemporary dance film that unfolds with the ideology of forest conservation and preservation in
context to the epitome of nature -Sita and how the search for her, leads someone back to the forests to
celebrate its beauty.

Salla Hongisto, Katja Laaksonen, Finland 2018, 4min

Escaping the cage that the mind has built helps one to become what one truly is. This video is made to
honor and embrace the Nordic nature as place for peace of mind.

Sea of Life
Julia Barnes , Canada 2016, 86min

Inspired by Rob Stewart's Revolution, young filmmaker Julia Barnes embarks on an epic journey around the
world to save the ecosystems we depend on for survival, as we come closer to causing a mass extinction in
the oceans. Sea of Life leads audiences through the stunning world of coral reefs into the heart of the
environmental movement, meeting passionate scientists, activists and explorers who reveal an enormous
opportunity to rise up and become the heroes the world needs.

Lionfish - New Pirates of the Caribbean

Ulf Marquardt, Albatross World Sales, Germany 2017, 52min

The film sheds light on uniquely fascinating behavior and stunning abilities that let the lionfish conquer
foreign waters, and by doing so, threatening entire ecosystems.
Escape to Costa Rica - THE CALL OF THE OCEAN
Libor Spacek, Escape to Nature - Petra Dolezalova, Czech Republic 2018, 52min

Costa Rica’s coastline and the sea surrounding it are as desired as the unbounded nature inland. Local
beaches are attractive for their natural beauty, as well as for the miracle of creation. Despite constant
threats of danger, female olive ridley sea turtles return here year after year to lay their eggs…and the baby
turtles make their way to the sea to test the strength of the Pacific Ocean currents. Only one in a thousand
will survive…

Underwater Wilderness-Sudan
Balazs Lerner, Zsolt Sásdi, SASER PRODUCTIONS, Hungary 2017, 50min

Two dedicated divers, cameraman Zsolt Sásdi and nature photographer Dániel Selmeczi decided to visit one
of the richest marine habitats on Earth: the coral reefs of the Western Red Sea Coast. On their journey,
they come across abandoned shipwrecks and sharp-toothed sharks. At the favorite dive sites of the
pioneers of diving, Hans Hass and Jacques-Yves Cousteau, they visit the most beautiful reefs of the Red Sea,
and experience firsthand the infinite variety of the underwater wilderness.
The Patterns of the Ocean
The Jetlagged, Hendrik S. Schmitt, Claudia Schmitt, Germany 2018, 45min

Manta rays are iconic giants of the sea. With very low reproductive rates, manta rays are extremely
vulnerable to environmental changes and pressure from fisheries. Although manta rays are of no real
commercial interest for human consumption, the gentle giants are under another threat: According to a
new trend in Chinese Medicine, manta ray gill rakers, allegedly cure all kinds of ailments and fetch high
prices on the markets. Within only a couple of years, this demand showed a negative impact on population
numbers of these fascinating creatures.

Shark$: The Scientific & Economic Impact of Sharks in Florida

Justin Prince, Sadie Logozio, Anthony Collins, USA 2018, 17min

A documentary film that will take audiences up close with these animals in an effort to dispel fear and raise
awareness about their importance to both the ecosystem and the economy in the state of Florida.
Close Encounters
Daniel Aldaya, Silvia Jiménez, Mexico 2018, 20min

Reporter Laura Madrueño travels to the Riviera Maya in Mexico to see firsthand whether the bad
reputation of one of the most feared wild animals in the world, is warranted.

Lampedusa Turtle Group

Salvatore Tuccio, Italy 2017, 8min

The film follows the activities at the Rescue Center of Turtle Marine, in the island of Lampedusa; the
relationship with fishermen, the care of the patients hospitalized, the collection of data for scientific
research, students training, and the release of marine turtles back into the sea, all emphasizing the passion
and dedication of volunteers supporting the work of the Rescue Center on a daily basis.

The World according to Termites

Jan Hošek, Marián Polák, Petr Kubica (Czech TV), Czech Republic 2017, 52min

Termites - for somebody exotic crap, for others, the pests that are causing tremendous economic damage.
The film attempts to show them differently: as a force that significantly influences the ecosystem of our
entire planet, and also as an object of intense scientific research that reveals their fascinating life and
extraordinary adaptation.

Flow of Life
Krzysztof Sarapata, Tomasz Kotaś, Poland 2017, 52min

Imagine the beautiful land vibrant with life in which the luxuriant flora explodes with feast of shades of
green every spring brightling till autumn. A space on which countless quantity of animals species such as
birds and insects found their safe place.
Evolution in Isolation
Paleartica Films,Toni Escandell Salom, Spain 2016, 52min

To the farthest islet from any Mediterranean continent, where atmospheric conditions are severe and
adverse, where the wind and the sea model orography and do not allow vegetation to display or grow, it is
where we have travelled to find out about main character: The Balearic Lizard.
This documentary, showing its sophisticated feed behaviors, among other, is the result of 15 years of
watching and recording this Balearic endemism, unique in the world.

Life Behind the Stars

291 science film, Daniel Vega, Spain 2016, 52min

Everything that surrounds us, animals, the air we breathe, the water we drink, is composed of atoms that
were created inside the stars. We are made of star-stuff. Recent scientific findings highlight an even deeper
and disturbing idea. The role of the stars doesn’t stop there. Not only they created the matter, the atoms
that make living things. They may also be responsible for creating, evolving and extinguishing life anywhere
in the universe. Here begins an adventure to discover a natural phenomenon hidden from our eyes: the
cosmic radiation.
Budapest Inferno
Filmjungle, Balazs Lerner, Gergely Balazs, David Attila Molnar, Zsolt Marcell Toth, Hungary 2017, 52min

Recently cave divers and biologists have found previously unknown species under the picturesque capital of
Hungary. The Molnár János Cave, the largest underwater thermokarst cave in Europe, has many more
secrets to store. Following decided explorers ‘Budapest Inferno’ reveals the never before seen underground
wonders of Budapest and the deepest secrets of evolution.

World without Insects

Andreas Ewels, Norbert Porta, ZDF, Germany 2018, 29min

First the insects die, then the birds and then the humans. In parts of Central Europe, as many as 70 percent
of all inlets are extinct and even the birds are less. In China there are no more insects in some places and
humans have to pollinate the plants. The film shows in an impressive way the decline of insects and also of
birds. The authors show a variety of causes and offer solutions.
The Tipping Point
Danielle Cohen, Brooke Raines, USA 2017, 15min

The film examines the issue of defunding and the silencing of science in today’s changing political climate.
The film explores the efforts of local Santa Barbara organizations and scientists, who are fighting back
against the suppression of science, to safeguard its integrity and our planet for generations to come.

Adventures of the American Pika

Jere Folgert, USA 2017, 56min

The film is about the American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) and takes us on an exciting journey that explores
their lives and adventures in the Rocky Mountains.
Toxic compounds of the Arctic
Aurélien Prudor, Paco Bustamante (LIENSs laboratory), France 2018, 8min

Everyday objects release toxic compounds such as flame-retardants, coal burning, per fluorinated
substances used in non-stick cookware or waterproof clothing. These highly volatile pollutants drift all the
way to the poles transported by marine and atmospheric currents. This invisible pollution accumulates
within the entire food chain from prey species to top predators. How much pollutant could be found in the
organisms? What are the effects on hormonal functions? Here is some interesting questions that Olivier
Chastel, researcher at the CEBC Laboratory, investigates on black-legged kittiwake in Svalbard.

A Residence above the Clouds

PROIM Canaria, Guillermo Carnero Rosell, Spain 2017, 100min

Peering through the polluted night skies of 19th Century in Edinburgh, Astronomer Royal for Scotland,
Charles Piazzi Smyth decided that a drastic solution was needed. With his wife Jessie, he dragged
telescopes and cameras up to the 12,000 ft summit Tenerife’s highest volcano in order to view the stars
with clarity. This painter, writer and innovative photographer’s story is revealed as students recreate his
experiments in gruelling conditions.


The Fight for the Arctic

Deutsche Welle, Science Docu, Andreas Ewels, Norbert Porta, Germany 2018, 26min

The Arctic ice is retreating due to climate change. The region’s once inaccessible raw materials have caught the
attention of major world powers.

The Secret Life of Materials

Metfilm Production, APT / Artfactual, Panos Raptis, United Kingdom, Greece, 2016, 60min

From the earliest tool hewn from a piece of stone to implanted bionics, the history of human civilization is a
history of materials. We embark on a journey, across Europe, to meet the pioneers of material science and
reveal their extraordinary discoveries that are transforming our world.

Closing the Loop

Wayne Visser, Graham Sheldon, Rin Ehlers Sheldon, Belgium 2018, 90min

"Unless we go to Circular it's game over for the planet. It's game over for society." Closing The Loop is a feature
length documentary on the circular (zero-waste) economy, supporting UN Sustainable Development Goal 12 on
Responsible Production and Consumption. The film is presented by Prof. Dr. Wayne Visser in collaboration with
Emmy Award winning director Graham Ehlers Sheldon. The film ranges across three continents and includes
commentary from global experts and centres of excellence like the World Economic Forum and the University
of Cambridge. A number of innovative circular economy cases are also featured in detail.

Panthera, the Herritage of Survivors

Jongryul Lee, Sora Jeong, Republic of Korea 2017, 83min

The last kingdom of animal, Serengeti is suffering from climate changes. Big rain pours in dry season, blaze of
the sun never stop in wet season. Wildlife abandons natural instinct to survive. Lions eat dead meat and their
family is scattered. They left their territory and start long journey for food. Lone cheetahs are gathering to win
territory conflicts with lions. Will the wild animals living there continue to adapt to the changing environment?
This is the story of the heritage of survivors.

Climate's Children
Joan Kabugu, Andrew Tkach, Kenya 2017, 25min

As climatic conditions shift, how are our communities, our children and our wildlife are coping with the new
Sairam Sagiraju, Ricky Kej, India/Kiribati 2016, 5min

It is about the Island nation of Kiribati in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This country is the first country in the
world to go underwater due to Global Warming. The country will submerge and disappear during our life-time.

Frank Oly, Australia 2018, 20min

As a soil specialist, Guy Webb has spent years, searching for ways to improve the health of Australia’s degraded
farming soils. When he stumbles upon a piece of microbial research that is a breakthrough in soil science, he
inadvertently becomes responsible for ensuring that this essential knowledge is not lost. With the help of the
farmers around him, he sets himself the challenge to take scientific knowledge and transform it into a practical
technology to be used across the globe. Grassroots follows Guy Webb and his friends, unlikely heroes on a
quest to bring a genuine climate change solution to the world.
The Pale Horse - Coral Apocalypse
The Jetlagged, Hendrik S. Schmitt, Claudia Schmitt, Germany 2017, 8min

Our world climate is changing. We can already feel it, but other organisms sense it quicker than us and even
more drastically. Such are tropical, reef-building corals. Their polyps react very sensitive to changing conditions
like water quality and in particular the surrounding ocean temperature: the stress caused by rising
temperatures drives them to expel symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely

The Sea and the Land

Ines Reinisch, Germany 2018, 15min

In Malin Head, Ireland´s most northerly point, the elements of nature are intensely tangible. Waves are
breaking on a rugged coast. Life is ruled by the rhythm of the tides, the wind and the rain. But times are
changing. Three men share their personal thoughts of the past and their perspectives on the future. A
thoughtful, poetic reflection on the sea and the land.

Green Invasion
Gonzalo Rimoldi, Melisa Lovera, Argentina 2018, 14min

A farmer faces the abominable results of the abuse of agrochemicals in his vegetables and the intervention of
major forces.

Blue tomorrow
Numan Ayaz, Turkey 2017, 15min

A man who lives alone on his island goes on an unknown journey caused by the rising ocean. After witnessing a
catastrophe on the way, he finds hope again with other people. But when the ocean rises again this time he
makes an unexpected decision to head to the unknown…
Stop or Melt
Danish Jalil, Josep Calle, United Arab Emirates 2016, 2min

Planet Earth threatened by global warming...

Ralph and The Dinosaurs

Nadasdy Film, Marcel Barelli, Nicolas Burlet, Switzerland 2017, 5min

Did you know that some dinosaurs had fur, that Tyrannosaurus wasn't the biggest flesh eating dinosaur, that
each year we discover new species of dinosaur? and that some dinosaurs ate stones? Follow Ralph's
adventures in the world of dinosaurs and have fun learning or refreshing your ideas about what you think you
already know.
Big Bernards
Antone Dhondt, Joseph Loche, ECV Lille, France 2017, 4min

Two hermit crabs goes to fight each other to seduce a female hermit crab! Each one try to have bigger and
sexier shell to win the competition and reach the heart of their beloved!

Liu Jiayi, Shi Zhuqing, China 2017, 3min

Adopting the evolution of the creature of the earth and the development of the food chain as main storyline, It
reveals that human greed undermine the natural balance. Ultimately, human being themselves will face the
consequences. This film using the digital technology to simulate the production techniques of traditional
Chinese shadow theatre puppets.
Morr Meroz, USA 2017, 3min

A not-so-friendly competition between two food vendors quickly turns violent…

Save the Bees

Marta Topolska, Poland 2017, 3min

Bees are responsible for one in three bites of food we eat. They are key to healthy ecosystems, plants and
agriculture. This short animation tells the story behind dwindling bee populations, and asks us to take action.
The Elephant Song
Lynn Tomlinson, Sam Saper, USA 2018, 8min

The true and tragic tale of Old Bet, the first circus elephant in America, rendered in painterly clay-on-glass and
oil pastel animation, and narrated in song by her friend, an old farm dog.

Croc and Odile

Antoine Marchand, France 2018, 2min

Two hungry crocodiles are lying on the shore of a river, when a fly comes to satisfy their appetite.
Mr. Nik J. Van-Eckmann (Chairman) representing Finland and South Africa has more than 40 years 
experience in film and television production worldwide. He started his career as a sound recordist working on 
countless projects including news and current affairs ‐ 'live television' ‐ adventure ‐ drama ‐ documentary ‐ 
natural history and as a voice over actor for the music industry. Over the years, he has gained much knowledge 
and experience not only in audio production, but as a cinematographer ‐ editor ‐ writer ‐ producer and director 
achieving various awards for his work. His clients include some of the world’s most prestigious broadcast 
companies ‐ the UK's independent television networks and the BBC ‐ ORF Austria ‐ ZDF Germany ‐ RTL France ‐ Malaysian Television 
‐ Channel 9 Peru ‐ NBC New York and National Geographic. Nik has university degrees in Science, Education, Arts, Audio Technology 
and Philosophy and has written many papers on film language and narrative structure. His latest published work focuses on the 
issues concerned when attempting to record wildlife sound, which has prompted him to design and develop new techniques to 
reduce the problems.” Nik has been an important partner of our festival and a member of the International jury since 2002. 
Ms. Maikki Kantola is an acclaimed filmmaker, photographer and media educator in Finland. She is currently 
working in the city of Pori as a regional artist for the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (TAIKE) as a developer of 
cultural diversity and mobility. In the past, Maikki has developed a media‐ and art education organization 
named Videootit as a director and producer, arranging different kind of video workshops 
about fiction, documentary and animation projects in Finland and abroad. During a period of 20 years Maikki 
has also organized two different video festivals for children and young people. She was also the producer 
of ”Living pictures” a series for YLE's (Finnish Broadcasting Company), of children program about moving 
pictures and environment control (2002 – 2004). Maikki gets along also with her own media art, documentary 
and music videos, as well as photography art projects. Most of her subjects are dealing with human beings, 
different cultures and happiness. Maikki Kantola is a board member of CIFEJ ( , the UNESCO‐based 
International Centre of Films for Children and Young People. 

Mr Jukka Tyni is a producer, and works as a camera operator at the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) since 

1991. During his long career, he has worked also in wildlife TV production as cinematographer and journalist at 
YLE’s most popular nature programs “Uteliv” and “Liikeellä luonossa”. Jukka’s best memories from all his filming 
projects come from the Red Sea and Norway when once he had the opportunity to film underwater killer whales 
while they preying on herring. His first encounter with sharks was also very impressive. Although his current 
working fields in production are widely expanded in other areas too, Jukka’s respect for wildlife filmmakers work 
is high because very often they face filming conditions that they are extremely difficult. He believes that nature 
films can help us to understand who we are and how we relate to our planet.

Ms. Anastasiya kharchenko is an Ukrainian film and TV director, writer, painter and actress. She was born in Bendery, Soviet 

Republic of Moldova. She graduated from the Film and Television Institute of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, with a 
specialization in Film and TV Directing. She is a member of the National Union of Cinematographers in Ukraine, 
and she has over 13 years of experience in TV & Film directing. Anastasiya starred in the film "Sign of divine 
spark", Kyivnaukfilm, Ukraine, she played the wife of O.Bohomazov – known Ukrainian Avant‐garde painter.  
Anastasia has won award for her contribution to the treasury of Ukrainian art and the development of national 
culture as a jury member of the film festival "Sorochynsky Fair" and the Mayor of the City of Kyiv awarded her as 
the talented youth of the city.  As writer and director, she has produced documentaries such as "Firebird", 
"Bozhychi", "Bekendor". These films have received international awards and they were screened at more than 
twenty international film festivals, including the Wildlife Vaasa Festival 2014 ("Bekendor). Her paintings will be on display during 
Vaasa Wildlife 2018 festival with an exhibition called “Inspired by Nature”. 
Mr. Vesa Heinonen Finland, Vesa is one of the founders of Wildlife Vaasa Festival, former festival producer after his retirement 
in 2015. Vesa has been always a nature enthusiast since his childhood. After studying at Helsinki University, he 
worked as a school teacher for about 30 years teaching biology, geography and history and then he worked at 
Terranova, Ostrobothnian Museum's Nature Centre for about 15 years as a Nature educator and guide.  He has 
great experience in jury work as he been an International Jury Member in big nature film festivals in China, 
Taiwan and Russia and he has taken active part in nature film productions as a script writer, scientific advisor, 
guide, photographer and presenter for several films. He has also written several books and numerous articles 
about Nature and Environmental Conservation. Lately, he has worked as a trainer for World Heritage guides and 
he is managing the development of a nature‐based tourism in Finland as an expert but also as an entrepreneur. 
In 2016, he established Wildlife Vaasa festival’s supporting association and plays a major role in its implementation process, both 
financially and practically during the mission. In connection with media education, Vesa has worked also with media education 
projects, producing films and animations made by school children and young people.  His hobbies are Nature photography, bird‐
watching, sailing, fishing and diving.  
Vinnare i tävlingskategorierna:

Naturvetenskapliga filmer: Lemming - The Little Giant Of The North, Zoltan Török (Ungern-Sverige)

Filmer om miljöskydd: White Fortune, Reza Mohammadpour (Iran)

Nordiska filmer: Queen without Land Asgeir Helgestad (Norge)

Kortfilmer: Life on the Machair Eleanor Hamilton (UK)

Undervattensfilmer: Lionfish - New Pirates of the Caribbean Ulf Marquard (Tyskland)

Vetenskapliga filmer: The World according to Termites Marián Polák (Tjeckien)


Filmer med energi-tema: The Secret Life of Materials Panos Raptis (Grekland-UK)
Filmer om klimatförändringen: Grassroots Frank Oly (Australien)
Animationer: Blue tomorrow Numan Ayaz (Turkiet)
Juryns specialpris: White Wolves – Ghosts of the Arctic Oliver Goetzl (Tyskland)
Mr Jukka Seppälä (Scientific program coordinator) 
Nature photographer, filmmaker, energy blogger and freelance.He's 
a certified teacher in schools for more than 20 years, and also a 
journalist.  He has been photographing nature from late 1970s, but 
more professionally from 2006. Seppälä has been active in anti‐
nuclear, pro renewable energy ‐movement in 1979 during Three 
Mile Island nuclear reactor meltdown accident and a few years 
after that. The accident in Chernobyl 1986 and 2011 in Fukushima 
reactivated Seppälä’s motivation to search for the most accurate, 
critical and up to date news and studies about nuclear power and 
renewable energy. Seppälä started blogging in Finnish and English 
to reach wider audience worldwide with his energy related blogs 
and during the last years he’s trying to bring up the Mosul Dam Risk and the Water and Energy Crisis in Irak 
. He’s one of the main organizers and  the co‐ordinator of the scientific program of Vaasa Wildlife festival 
and the secretary of Vaasa Wildlife Festival’s supporting association which was established and registered 
in 2017. 
Evgeni is a film producer, a journalist, and one of our 
art exhibitors during the festival. He studied 
Journalism at the Faculty of "Nature Conservation and 
Rational Use of Natural Resources" and film 
production at Zhdanov film school for ecologists. He 
has great experience in working with governmental 
agencies in Russia and he is a member of the 
Committee for the Protection of Nature in the 
Leningrad Region. His work experience expands also 
in NGOs such as VOOP, The Russian Green Party and 
Greenpeace Russia. His professional skills include film 
directing, editing, photographing, camerawork, producing, event organizing, environmental activism and 
investigating journalism. His working experience in journalist work is around 30 years. He’s Member of the 
Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Association of 
Environmental Journalists of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg. He is the author of more than 80 
films including specific and thematic videos, and written more than 100 reports and plots on various 
environmental issues. His photo‐poetry exhibition  „Elements“ will be on display during Vaasa Wildlife 
Festival 2018 at the Culture House Fanny along with the premier of the film „Grassroots“ which gets along 
with environmental activism in the Russian Federation.  
                                                                     LIST OF DELEGATES 2018
THE JETLAGGED ‐Mr Hendrik S. Schmitt and Ms Claudia Schmitt, GERMANY 
The Jetlagged is about diving, travelling around the world and protecting the oceans. They are action‐loving 
filmmakers and passionate divers always on the search for adventures from the polar circle to the equator. 
On their journey through the world’s most exciting destinations, they deliver beautiful impression and 
enjoy diving as a lifestyle. They also support various environmental projects all over the world considering 
themselves as ambassadors of the sea and fully committed to protect the world underwater. By taking 
pictures, shooting films and telling stories in and around the sea, they want to inspire others to enjoy, 
explore and protect our oceans Their documentaries have been shown on film festivals worldwide and 
have won many international awards. . Their films “The Patterns of The Ocean” and The Pale Horse‐Coral 
Apocalypse” are finalists of this year competition. Hendrik and Claudia are two of our panelists on the 
Climate Change panel discussion on Wed. 26 15‐17 at the Vaasa City Library’s Drama Hall.   
 Ms Kelly Bakos  Alaska USA 
Kelly develops outreach materials and videos for wildlife conservation non‐
profit organizations. She has documented gorilla research in Central Africa, 
designed exhibits for zoos and aquariums around the world, and managed 
fundraising and communications for a wildlife rescue center in Cambodia. 
Her film “A Herd of Orphans” feature length film that offers a unique 
perspective on the impacts of ivory poaching depicting its consequences on 
baby elephants that lose their parents. Kelly’s hope is that after watching 
her film and connecting with these enchanting and humorous orphans, 
people will stand up to loudly say "no" to ivory, making sure to spread the 
word amongst their friends and families.  She comes to Vaasa with her 
husband all the way from in Southeast Alaska where she resides working as 
the volunteer director of a marine mammal conservation organization. 

Mr Erkki Kalmari FINLAND 
Erkki Kalmari is a Biogas Pioneer in Finland and one of our panelists at the Energy day.  

Mr Markku Lehmuskallio + Ms Anastasia Lapsui (RETROSPECTIVE PROGRAM) FINLAND 

Markku Lehmuskallio is one of the most known Finnish documentarists alongside with Pirjo Honkasalo. 
Over the years, a self‐taught filmmaker has emerged as one of the most well known and internationally 
recognized Finnish filmmakers and he has always been interested in the indigenous people and the cultures 
in the northern regions. Already in the 1970’s he started, an extensive production in both documentary and 
fiction films. Lehmuskallio’s productions are going through a time‐period of two decades working closely in 
many of them with Anastasia Lapsui, a film director and scriptwriter. Since 1993, she has been living in 
Finland and she is a Nenet native. Lapsui was born in Yamal Nenrtsia on the shore of the Arctic Ocean in 
Siberia and she studied at Ural University, Sverdlovsk. Prior to her film career, she was working at a radio 
station in the town of Salehard and she wrote manuscripts as well. He has directed together with her 
husband Markku Lehmuskallio, movies of Nenets, Sámi and other indigenous peoples. Their films will be on 
display during the festival during the Retrospective program at Ritz theatre and Vaasa Library. 

Mr Panos Raptis  UK/GREECE 
Panos Raptis is a filmmaker with a multifaceted background 
across both art and science. The Secret Life of Materials is 
his first feature‐length production; a specialist factual film 
spearheading a Europe‐wide outreach project. His work 
ranges from short fiction to corporate communication and 
TV entertainment in Greece and in the UK. Prior to directing 
and producing, he has worked as an editor for 7 years. His 
first degrees and research experience are in Physics and 
Optics. But his parallel involvement with theatre as an AD 
and director, in Greece and the USA, led him to study 
filmmaking at UCLA and London Film School. He has, since taught editing and visual storytelling as a guest 
lecturer in New York, London and Prague. The common denominator across his diverse work is narrative 
expression and trans‐discipline communication. He is currently developing a fiction feature film and two 
projects in intercultural education and multi‐media‐based science communication. 
Dr Chrysoula Dalageorgou, UK/GREECE  
Research Fellow in Genetics and Molecular Biology at the Institute 
of Cardiovascular Science (ICS) of UCL (University College London) . 
Her research work focuses on processing and analyzing patient 
cohort samples using Next Generation Sequencing technology, 
with the aim of finding genetic variations that may cause 
cardiomyopathic diseases, heart failure, sudden cardiac death, and 
implementing DNA diagnosis into clinical practice. She's actively 
involved into teaching, having earned a recognition by the Higher 
Education Academy as an Associate Fellow. Her teaching work 
ranges from co‐planning and running an MSc module for the 
teaching programme in ICS. She's also acting as a Research Project coordinator and examiner for 
the BSc, MSc and PhD programmes in ICS and giving lectures for the Applied Genomics module at 
the Institute of Child Health, UCL. 
Mr Ari Häkkinen and Ms Anu Häkkinen, Aranu Production house, FINLAND 
Acclaimed Finnish producers, writer and filmmakers festival winners in 2008 with the “Gate of the Birds”, 
finalists of the Nordic category this year with their film “The Sea that Disappeared” (Meri joka katosi in 
Finnish) which is filmed for the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, at the Kvarken Archipelago. 
Dr Nasrat Adamo  Consultant, Norrkoping, SWEDEN 
Dr Nasrat Adamo is an experienced consultant with a 
demonstrated history of working in the civil engineering industry. 
Skilled in Analytical Skills, Risk Management, Procurement, Data 
Analysis, and Engineering. Strong consulting professional with a 
Masters Degree focused in Irrigation Engineering And Dams from 
Southampton University in Great Britain. Nasrat Adamo, was 
working as the chief engineer at Iraq's Irrigation Ministry which 
oversaw the building and upkeep of the country's dams. He was 
the Project Manager of Mosul Dam and also Badush Dam (30‐40% constructed). He is a member of the 
Luleå University of Technology Research Team specialized on Iraq water resources and dam issues. 
Prof. Nadhir Al‐Ansari, Luleå SWEDEN  
Professor at the department of Civil, Environmental and Natural 
Resources Engineering at Lulea Technical University Sweden 
since December, 2007. Prior to that, he worked as Professor at Al 
al‐Bayt University, Jordan (1995 –2007) and Baghdad University, 
Iraq (1976‐1995). I obtained my PhD degree in Hydrology from 
the University of Dundee, UK in 1976 and MSc and B.Sc. in 
Geology from the University of Baghdad, Iraq in 1968 and 1972 
respectively. His research interests are mainly in Water 
Resources and Environment especially sediment transport. His publications include more than 345 articles 
in international/national journals, chapters in books and 12 books. He executed more than 30 major 
research projects in Iraq, Jordan, Sweden and UK and supervised more than 60 PhD and MSc students. Prof. 
Nadhir Al‐Ansari, has been awarded several scientific awards in Iraq and Jordan. The British Council on its 
70th Anniversary awarded him top 5 scientists in Cultural Relations Award, 5th November, 2004.In 2013 
awarded best Engineering Research award from Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education. 
Mr Daniel Vega Martinez , SPAIN 
Daniel is a Spanish writer, director and producer for TV 
documentaries. His works are shown in the main 
television channels: Nat Geo, Discovery, Animal Planet, 
Time Warner, France 5, TVE, TVP, RAI , etc.  Astronomy, 
biology, nature, life origin, evolution, history, 
archaeology are his favorite subjects in his films. He has 
studied Astrophysics at the University of Alcala. His film 
“Life Behind the Stars” is a finalist of the Science 
category and it will be on screen at Culture House Fanny 
during the researchers night. He is one of the Science 
Mr Jose Antonio Vallejo , SPAIN 
Mr Jose Antonio Vallejo, producer director of the Planet 
Alive Films in Spain and a finalist of the Natural History 
category with his new film about wild boars called “The 
Armored Warrior”.  
‐Mr Carlos Romero Perez, SPAIN 
Carlos is a producer director of 1080 Wildlife Productions 
that has produces wildlife documentaries for 
broadcasters such The Canales European and Asian Coma 
ARTE, RAI, France Télévisions, TVE, Wildlife Planet, HRT, 
RTP, CCTV. His film “Iceland‐The newborn island” is a 
finalist of the Nordic category and his film “Dehesa” is 
selected for school screenings (with Finnish subtitles) 
Carlos comes to Vaasa accompanied by biologist, Mr 
Fernando Ballesteros. 
Ms Verena Lemmer Heidelberg, GERMANY 
Producer in the production department of Marco Polo Film 
AG, which was founded in 2000 by award‐winning 
documentary filmmakers Annette and Klaus Scheurich. 
Since then, Marco Polo Film AG has become one of 
Germany’s most successful independent film production 
company for nature, animal and wildlife, science, travel and 
adventure films. With their own pool of authors and 
filmmakers, they conceptualize and realize various formats 
(documentaries, reports, short films and series) for the 
domestic and international markets. Their most important 
cooperation partners include ZDF, Arte, various institutions 
within the ARD network and, on the international side, Smithsonian Channel, Terra Mater, NHK, National 
Geographic, SRF and many more. Her studies at university included film TV and Scandinavian studies as she 
has lived in Norway for several years.  
Mr Klaus Scheurich, Heidelberg, GERMANY 
World acclaimed cinematographer and producer at Marco 
Polo Film AG in Heidelberg and in charge of development 
and production of documentary films. He is a certified 
geologist and interested in nature, environmental and 
scientific themes. He has shot and produced numerous 
nature and expedition films, many of which have won 
international prizes. He works for national and 
international broadcasters and organisations and he was 
behind the camera for Werner Herzogs award‐winning 
documentary film „The White Diamond“. Klaus Scheurich is 
one of the pioneers for shooting High Definition films in 
Germany. For years, he has been working with HD devices, gaining extensive in‐depth knowledge. As an 
expert on HDTV, he is a frequent guest at panel discussions and lecturer at conferences, festivals and other 
Mr Vigmantas‐Balevicius, LITHUANIA
Vigmanatas is a Lithuanian video artist, photographer participating with his video art “Memory Islands”   

Zoltan is a Hungarian Director‐Producer After 
graduating as a geographer he has started to 
work in the film and television industry more 
than one and half decade ago. Soon he 
moved towards high‐end productions for the 
international market with Scandinature 
Films, Sweden. Besides producing many 
award‐winning films with the acclaimed 
Swedish company, he participated in the 
prestigious Discovery Master school and took 
an internship at BBC’s Natural History Unit. In 
2007, he has founded Wild Tales 
Productions (aka Azara Film in Hungary) working closely with acclaimed Finnish wildlife  
cinematographer Janne Henriksson. By no surprise, the company’s first big international 
coproduction (with NDR Naturfilm) was about his home country’s bogs, swamps and marshes: 
Wild Hungary – A Water Wonderland …which was another perfect opportunity to hang around in 
his fancy shiny gumboots. Besides filming nature, Zoltán is keeping himself very busy to make 
moving images about his two little daughters Lujza and Zelma. And he has to admit, that making 
videos about them is often more challenging than filming any other wild beings on this planet… 
Mr Oliver Goetzl, GERMANY 
Oliver is one of the world’s top wildlife film makers, he has worked for NDR, BBC, DISNEYNATURE, 
MATER, S4C, ARTE, SVT, WDR and ZDF and filmed in various 
countries: India, Russia, Canada, U.S.A., Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, 
Namibia, South Africa, Botswana), Finland, Sweden, Norway (+ 
Svalbard), Italy, Poland, Estonia and Germany. He studied  
Biology, Geology/Palaeontology as well as Hydrobiology /  Fishery 
science at the University of Hamburg. He was involved in the 
wildlife film industry since 1999 as a camera assistant, sound man 
and/or scientific advisor for wildlife film productions. In 2004, he 
formed GULO FILM PRODUCTIONS: Wildlife film company with 
Oliver Goetzl as director, writer and editor and Ivo Nörenberg as 
main cameraman. His very first film was filmed in Finland. 
“Wolverines – Hyenas of the North” was that film that won in 
2006 the 3rd Vaasa Wildlife Festival and since then, Oliver has 
produced a list of superb films that each of them won tens of festivals all over the world. Among 
them, “Wild Scandinavia‐Finland” and “The Jungle Book Bear” narrated by Sir David Attenborough.  
Since he has spent years filming all over Finland and he has adapted well to Finnish habits and the 
culture so if he gets a chance to attend the festival, he always comes back. This year, he’s back 
again with his new film “White Wolves‐Ghosts of the Arctic”, one of the finalists of the Natural 
History award category.   
Mr. Michael van Bürk GERMANY 
Press Officer, Public Relations GREEN SCREEN Festival in 
Since 2007, the idyllic town of Eckernförde on the Baltic coast 
hosts the International Wildlife Film Festival GREEN SCREEN 
each year in September. Meanwhile, it has grown to become 
the largest annual wildlife film festival in Europe.  
In 2018, 20 600 visitors saw nearly one hundred spectacular 
nature related films and met with important representatives 
from commerce and politics as well as numerous international 
filmmakers, producers and many broadcasting commissioners. 
GREEN SCREEN Festival, has established itself as an 
international meeting place for natural history filmmakers and 
offers a unique symbiosis to both professionals and public viewers: In a familiar and casual 
atmosphere, moviegoers can ask questions, give feedback and make suggestions to attending 
filmmakers. On the other hand, the filmmakers receive more than just audience ratings: here, they 
are able to experience the viewer's reactions to their productions first hand. 

Huvudarenor var som vanligt Kulturhuset Fanny och Vasa stadsbiblioteks Dramasal. I samarbete med
Filmcentrum Botnia rf visades under tre dagar ett retrospektiv av Markku Lehmuskallio och
Anastasia Lapsui. Filmer visades också i närbibliotek, skolor och servicehem.

Filmernas teman var: nordiska filmer, vetenskap, energi, miljöskydd. undervattensfilm och animation.
Det var glädjande att nivån på finländska och nordiska filmerna denna gång var verkligt hög. Två av
dessa högklassiga filmer var YLE:s "Havet som försvann" (regi Aranu Production House) och den
tyska televisionsserien "Wild Baltic - From Finland to Sweden". Båda filmerna hade filmats i
världsarvsområdet i Kvarkens skärgård. En del av filmerna hade översatts och textats till finska och
svenska. Visningarna var öppna för allmänheten och kostnadsfria. Vid sidan om filmvisningarna
innehöll festivalprogrammet också inlägg av filmmakarna, paneldiskussioner samt ett intressant
Vaasa Wildlife Festival 2018

Paikka ja osoite esiintymisaika elokuva katsoja

ke 26.9.
Merenkurkun teema: Ilmastomuutos
klo 11.30-12
klo 14.25-15.35 80
pe. 28.9.
klo 10.15- 11.45
klo 13-14
Merenkurkun pe 7.9. klo 13-15 teema: Ilmastomuutos 60
ma 10.9. klo 8-10
ke 12.9. klo 8-10
to 27.9. klo 8.00 teema: Energia 25

Vanhan Vaasan to 27.9. klo 8.00 ”Materiaalien salainen elämä” + tekijä 30

koulu Panos Raptis mukana koulussa.

Variskan koulu pe 28.9. klo 8.00 ”Meri joka katosi” koululla + tekijät 250
Anu ja Ari Häkkinen

ma 1.10. klo 10.10 ”Materiaalien salainen elämä” 110

klo 11.15 100
klo 12.30 131

Variskan koulu to 13.12 klo 11.00 ”Meri joka katosi” koululla + Vesa 250
Heinonen paikalla

yht. 1036
Vaasa Wildlife Festival 2018
Paikka esiintymisaika elokuva katsojat
Huudi kirjasto ke. 19.9 Croc and Odile 130
klo 14-16 Blue tomorrow
18-20 The Sea
The Penguin´s Spring
The Secret Life of Materials
Suvilahden to. 20.9 Karjalan kunnailla 100
kirjasto klo 13-15 Urban Jungle
Luontokuvaaja Tuomas
Kaupunginkirjasto 26.-30 .9 54 elokuvaa+retrospektiv 1011
Draama-sali klo 10-20

Korsnäs bibliotek ma 6.11 Svenska dagen Meri joka katosi (tekst. på 30

klo 19

yht. 1271
Vaasa Wildlife Festival 2018
Ikäihmisten ja erityisryhmien näytökset
vk. 41 8.-12.10.
Paikka ja osoite esitysaika elokuva katsojat
Vaasan Validia Ke 3.10 Asfalttiviidakko 18
Käsityöläiskatu 10-14 klo 10-11.30 Meri joka katosi 18

Ruukinkartano Ma 8.10. Karjalan kunnailla 26

Palosaarentie 39 klo 13.30-14.30 Meri joka katosi 26

Krannila Ti 9.10. Meri joka katosi 15

Sairaskodinkatu 7 klo 13-14

Kotiranta Ke 10.10. Karjalan kunnailla 27

Sorsatie 12A klo 13-14 Meri joka katosi 27

Präntöön Helmi To 11.10. Meri joka katosi 17

Kapteeninkatu 32 klo 14.30-15.30

Fyrrykartano Pe 12.10. Meri joka katosi 27

Vähäkyröntie 51, Vähäkyrö klo 13-14

Kårkulla Kvadratens Pe 26.10. “Lemming- Giant of the North” 45

serviceenhet i Vasa (på Svenska)

yht. 246

Utöver filmvisningarna innehöll festivalen också vetenskapligt program om aktuella teman som
klimatförändring, Vasa stads framgångsrika biogastrafik, säkerhetsproblem vid Mosuldammen i Irak,
Kvarken Flada-projektet mellan Finland och Sverige samt utvecklingen av nya material och deras
användning i vardagen.


Under festivalen anordnades tre konstutställningar samt tre exkursioner till Kvarkens båtmuseum,
Söderfjärden och Kvarkens världsarvsområde. Filmföreställningar beställdes till skolor, bibliotek och
servicehem före eller efter festivalen.
KONSTUTSTÄLLNINGAR I kulturhuset Fanny under festivalen:

”Inspired by Nature” Anastasiya Kharchenko (Ukraina) målningar

”Element” Evgeni Usov (Ryssland) foto och dikt

”Bonsai Art” Nik van Eckmann (Finland)

Dessutom hade elever i konst vid Kvarkens skola målat en fin "festivalvägg" eller "Wall of Fame"
som alla festivalgäster signerade.

1. Torsdagen 27.9. åkte fastivalgäster och andra intresserade till KVARKEN BÅTMUSEUM i
Fredagen 28.9. åkte man till Söderfjärden där man blev guidad i Meteoria besökscentrum,
beundrade meteoritkratern och den omgivande vackra naturen samt särskilt tranornas
spektakulära uppvisning.

Lördagen 29.9. fick festivalgästerna åka på naturexkursion till Världsarvet i Kvarkens skärgård, där
de guidades. Där kunde de beundra Björkös vackra natur med moränerna som stigit och stiger ur
havet. Traditionell finländsk mat serverades.
Under festivalen hölls i Vasa Stadsbibliotek pressinformationer och mediapresentationer tis. 25.9.,
ons. 26.9. och tors. 27.9. Den lokala pressen och radion gjorde intressanta rapporter om festivalen.
Festivalen var också aktiv på sociala medier. Även Vasa stads informationsservice gjorde en aktiv
insats, de skapade ett nytt grafiskt utseende åt festivalen.


Vasa stads mottagning arrangerades fred. 28.9. kl 19 i Vasa stadshus. Kvällens värdinna var Laura
Ala-Kokko från Vasa stadsstyrelse.

Lokalpress, radio, STT, YLE TV och YLE Radio gjorde flera program om festivalen. Söndagen 30.9.fick
festivalen för första gången utrymme i MTV:s tio-nyheter. TV-programmet var väl utfört och lyfte
fram festivalen och dess aktuella teman på bästa sändningstid. Stort tack till alla!

Åskådare under festivalen: 1794

skolföreställningar: 750
andra visningar: 335
andra händelser i år 2018:120
Inalles i år 2018: 2999
Inalles i år 2017: 2419
Inalles 2017 och 2018: 5418
Visade filmer: 125
Publikationer: 332 st. 14 st i pappersformat, 318 digitala

Youtube: 79 videon
Facebook sida: 550 gillande
Fb-grupp: 691 medlemmar
Instagram: 187
räckvidd: 60 000

Scribd: 35 publikationer, 1600 följare, 4100 läsningar

Tidningsartiklar: 6
TV+RADIO: 3+6 program

Dessutom gjorde i samband med Vasa Wildlife-festivalen Vasa Stads kultur- och bibliotekstjänster
en enkät rörande evenemangets tillgänglighet. Svarstiden var 17.9.-5.10. och man kunde svara på
finska, svenska och engelska.

Under festivalen väcktes idén om att hösten 2019 i Vasa anordna en vetenskaplig konferens om
klimatförändringen i samarbete med Vasa universitet, Luleå tekniska universitet, Vasa stads
Wildlife Film Festival samt Vasaföretag inom "Clean-Tech" och cirkulär ekonomi. Efter festivalen
deltog Wildlife Vasa stödförenings medlemmar i Energy Day 7.11.2018 på Vasa universitet. De
bekantade sig med den och diskuterade med företagens representanter. 5.12. hölls ett första
planeringsmöte vid Vasa Universitet. Man diskuterade med representanter för Vasa Universitet om
VEBIC, möjligheten att anordna en konferens med paneldiskussioner. Det är viktigt att använda
media som film, då den kan sprida vetenskaplig och akademisk kunskap till vanliga människor
utanför universitetets ramar.


Festivalarrangörerna är mycket tacksamma för stödet från samarbetspartnerna samt för det
ekonomiska stöd som Svenska Kulturfonden, KulturÖsterbotten, Österbottens Förbund, Bröderna
Gröndahls stiftelse, Aktia-stiftelsen och Vasa stad har gett. Tack vare detta stöd var det möjligt att
anordna 2018 års festival. Stort tack!

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