Industrial and Power Plant Engineerin Very Important Terms 1 (October 10, 2013)

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.PRIME REVIEW CENTER 1 ME REVIEW COURSE. VIP 04 - PIPE x OTe ci TER Sa Wesel DIY conlans SO Eg of auld wale ana Sara STRUCTED SoWve the fotowing very important problems, 8 ee oman ‘raer vapor at tol eral energy of 27,3001. Cale the heat dswer: D rexuiremart to vaporize al of te ei 4. Whats the terminal elec of 2 2" dlameter aluminum sphere feling «10, From the steam (ables, determine the average constant pressure ‘. too,c00 8 000019 knvair?” Assume Uat the sphere has coset oF drag of 05, the spect et (e) of steam at 10 MF and 45.8. 8. 20000010 ©. 300,00010 density of eluminum i 5.12 sug, and the density of a 0.00234 & 179109" C3057 Weg arswer:& slug 8. 1028 kykgsc ©. 100.1 akg 19, Find the change in internal energy cf 5 tb of cygen gas whan the ‘x 00 see 350 Rsec answer: 8 perature changes rom 100 "F to 120 "Fc, = 0157 BTUTEm-R 8.177 Alsee D. 1000 Rlsec 11, A'10 m? vessel inal contains 5 mf teu water and $m? of A 1g7 TU 168 ou answer: 8 feturated water vopor at 300 a. Caleate the lateral energy oF 3 157870 D. wayery 2. Th the real flow of ai around a yin, the caculton is eluted the system using te stam tables ansve to be 42.74 ffs. If the free steam veloty Is 100 Rls, what i a oxi ete 20, Water (specie heat = 4.2 W/kg.K) is being nested by 2 15000" the it generated par fot of the cyander? 2 Oxlon 0. 2x10 heater. What i the rate of change In temperature of 1 kip of the a 10m cowie Aner: D wate? 8. avalon 5. sn 12, Avasee th a volume of 4 cube meter contains qué water and 1k 0.043 Wis 0357 Ks answer! A water vapor equim at $00 KPa. The Ii water has @ mass of 3 o.t70 Ns BD. 1s0Ks 3. ‘The S” diameter cjinder shown below rottee at 3600 reoitions per ig, Using he steam tables, calcubte the mass of the water vapor. ose: minute. Ar flowing past the oyinder at 100 fysec, Hew much A 09819 36 ka 24, One kilogram of water (c. = 4.2 Kk.) is Heated by 200 BTU of IRC on the cyner per unt length? The density of ar is 0.00234 & 1s7h9 5. 2st ‘nargy. What the change temparatre, 9 7 suai? drawers C a 179K c nex ‘A 23.65 [i 195m 13, Gein the eotropy of steam at $0 psi tha uatly of 06. 8 74K 5. sax 5 Lasibin 0. 2075 bn ‘04778 eTupbar (C1157 BTUNom- vane: D Anwar: 80,7303 eTUfomeR D.12172 BTU 22, Satermine the change in enthalpy per bm of trogen g25 a5 is 4, A pum produces ahead of 30 feet. The volumetric fo rate is 10 wars © temperature changes fam 500 °F to 200 °F. cy = 02883 BTU geton per minute. The id pumped is of with a specific gravy cf 14, If Thm of steam at 14.7 psa, 63% quays heated isentropic, at *") ‘0.53. How much energy does the pump consume in one hos? what pressure wil each the satiated vapor state? 7449 sry 047 sro A870 © 16891) a 38pea C1852 psia B._-7268 BTUVom D. 63.78 sTujbm 8. 72k D. 20361) 3 S13 ose D. 2535 psa Answer Atower! Aree 2a, Whats the resulting presse when one pound of ax af 19 pa ana 5. Apu has an effclency of 6585. Teis driven by 20.75 horsepower 15, The ft lawaf thermodynamics is based on which of the folowing 200 “F iheated at constat value 0 800 *F? motor. The pur proces a pressure ase of 120 Pain water. What rine? | spa 264 psia ts one equi flow rate? ‘k cocandion of mass action eseuon 5 2bpsa DSi psa A. 303 mis 455 mis 8. the enthapy-entopy eaioshin .conservaion of eneroy answerB Bot ms D, s66 ms Anower:B 24, What horsepower required to thermally compress £00 f of a answer: A 46, The generdl energy equation for an open systam involves the per minute from 14,7 sito 120 98a? 6. The pressure drap across a turbine {530 psi. The flow rte is 6 falling five terns x 28h © 2560p gaons per minute, Calculate Ce poner output ofthe ture ®. loehp 0. 13,900 he A Gain 25th» 1. accumulation of energy Answer: B 3. 1.05.9 5. 830k Ti, ne energy wensfer by vark (standard sian convertion) 25. Caled the work done by 2 system in which 1 kgmoe of water Ananer: 8 Ui, netenergy tronter by teat (Gandard sgn convention) completely evaporates at 100 C and 1 atmosphere pressure 17, Walr ata presaue,p of 3200 Wtf, and ata temperature, F of tv. panste of energy in by mas fow ‘100019 C2001 00 "R, whet the spese volume, v ?(R = 53.3 Mbfom-R, and V_leanser of energy out by the mass flow 8. 213080 0. 30508 ‘ic can'moseled as an eal 388) Using the stncard gn conventions, thatthe proper arrangement srswars ‘38 t'fbm © 133 teybm ‘ofthese terms for the general magy eqn salsijng the frst anv 26, Twenly grams of owgen (O;) are compressed ato constant 3 112 fom D. 142 bm at thermesynamies? temperature of 39 °C to 5% of they orginal volume. What works answers ReIsdleiteN-v | Cieastmen-v one an tha system? 8. Steam at 1000 RIFE pressure and 300 °R has a specie volume of Bo rousmtewsy seitoa-avey 824 cal c 9stcal 635 fom end 2 specie enthalpy of 5800 Flom. Fad the fers A 8 924 cal D, 32st "tema enorsy per pour mass of steam 17, What iste value of the work doe for a dosed, reversible, sometric Answers 0 ‘A 2500 ib om S400 bm span 27, Heliam (R= G.4968 BTUom'R) 1 compressed isothermal from 3300 FAVtom D. s00 br ‘x were negative 147 pola and 68°F. Te compression rauo fs 4 Calcite Uwe work noswerB 8 sentve 5. ponte or negative cone by the 93s. Answer" ‘A. -15¢ BTUom 187 Brum 9. 20 bm of ai are contained at 25 psia and 100 *F. Given tet 8-364 8TUfom 5. 36.2 stun 55.35 orn, wnt the volume ofthe container? answeeB TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARO PRIME REVIEW CENTER _ ME REVIEW COURSE VIP 01 - PIPE a 52. A bicycle te has a valume of 600 on™ Tes mated wih COy to 2 Bi, Pressure w oye ata depth of 300 reskin rash water nearest wo! Fi. ermal baling pant of Wud owaEn Is SEK What wT ‘pressure of 80 ps at 20 *C. How many grams of CO, ae contained In ‘A. 5/360 pst 18,700 pst temperature in R? the tice? 8 12,900 pat ©. 32,400 pat A -330R c 162"R A. 3339 c 5980 Answers © B -1a3"R BL 168% a 48g D. 6a3qh 62. What headin feat of ai, at amblent conditions of 14.7 psia and 68°F, Answer C answer: C {s equvalent to 2 pie? 72. An alright closed box of weight P is suspended from a spring 53, On a hot day, the temperature rises from $0 *F early n the morring a a6 c 3t0 balance. A bird of weight W is placed onthe floor ofthe box, and the 0-99 °F in the afternoon. What isthe rabo of the concentration (in 395 D. 1560 balance reads W + P. Ifthe bid fies around inthe box ata constant ‘oles/f? of hellam in a sphercal baton in the afternoon to the Answers C levation without accelerating, what isthe balance reading? Concentration of helium in the ballon in the morning? 663, Wath a noimal barometic pressure at sea level, atmospheric pressure AP cps w A OSL cost ‘at an elevation of 4000 Feet is nearest tor BPW D Paw B 06s B10 A. 28" Hg © vrHa answer: D Answers: © 8 28" He DL 29"Hs, 73. -Aoist with 2 100 horsepower engine is capable of iting a 10,000 Ib 54, When 0.5 9 of @ qué 1s completely evaporated and colected in 2 1 Answer: A toas a height of 20 feat In TO seconds. hat isthe eficency’‘of this er _manometer, the pressure is 0.25 atmosphere and the 64, An open topped cylindrical water tank has horizontal orcular base 10 machine? temperature Is 27 °C. Assuming idea! gas behavior, determine the feat in diameter. When filed tc a height of 8 feet, the force in Is, Answer: 36.4 percent ‘molecuiar weight. The ges constants &* = 0.0821/.2tm/mole exerted on its base is nesrest to 74, “Two barges, one weighing 20 tons, te other weighing 20 tons are A 29 c 1239 ‘A. 3,900 26,000 connected by a cable In quiet water. Intaly the barges are at rest B 229 0. 1929 B 71800 8. 38,000 100 feet apart, The cabio i reeled in unti the Varges are SO fest Arswer:D Answer: D ‘apart. Ifthe fletion Is negligible, calculate the distance moved by the 55. ‘Two hundred milters of oxygen gas (0) ere collected aver water at -—«65._ ‘Each connection between a 9C degree elbow and the 6” dlameter 10 ton barge. 23-°C and a pressure of 1 atmosphere, What volume would the Pipeline to whic it connectec must resist what net tensile force in Answer: 33.3 ‘oxygen occupy dry at 273 K and 1 atmosphere? Ibs. under state, no-flow ‘conctione # the he is pressurized t 100 75, A.60 ton car to travel around a curve of radius 3,000 ft at a speed 279.3 ml ©. 1909 a si? ff 60 mph. By how much must the outer rai be elevated in order 1844 ml 0. 198.5 a A 70 2000 that the reaction agains the rack may be perpendicuar to the plane angwer: A B 820 B. 2800 lof the ras? The track's standard gage of 4-8/2". 56, The atom weight of hydrogen is 4 gram per gramatom, What is ga mee plus ‘Answers: 453 in. the mass ofa fydrogen atom? 68. A-crcular access port 2 feet in diameter seals an environmental test 76, & projactle weighing 00 pounds sbikes the concrete wall of a fort ‘A. 1.66 x10 gfatom © 10x 19% giatom ‘chamber that 15 pressunzed to 5 pst above extemal pressure. What Oe ty ar ula ken par ascends Ihe Cae B._ 6.0210" gletom D. 1 g/atom force nto. does the port exert upon Rs sealing structure? Comes to ret i G.01 second, having penetrated the Soot tick wal Answers: A A. 1700 c 2300 toe distance of 6 feet. What isthe average force exerted on the wal 57. Calculate the theoretical densy of copper given thatthe unit cel is 8. 3700 D680 by the projecte? face-centered cubic and Uhe lattice parameter is 361 A. The atomic Angina: 3.73 10° Ibs ‘weight of copper is 63.5 a/mote. Answer: D 177, Two 3b weights are connected by a massless sting hanging over @ ‘489 gem © 878giem 67, Tee an Keberg has a sp. of. of 0922. Whan floating in seawater ‘Snooth, fecloness peg, If 9 rd weight of 3 ibs 1s added to one of 3.7.86 g/cm? DB. 837 ¢/em? (sp gr 1.03), ts exposed volume 9 is nearest to the weights and the system i released, by how much isthe force on Answer: D A 56 c 89 the pag increased? ‘58, Determine the planer density of copper atoms in the (100) plane: Boa 5B. 105 sven that Uie unit cell is fece-centered cubic ond the lattice Answer: B rowers 2 bs parameters 3.61 A 68,8 floating cylinder 8 cm in dlameter and weighing 950 grams 'S 79, gos bubble rising fiom the ocean floor is 1 inch in dlameter at a ‘8. 7.68 x 108 atoms/m? 2.30 x 10" atoms/m? paced In a cVindrical contamer 20 em in dameter partly fut of Gepth of 50 fest. Given that sp. gr of seavater Is 1.03, the buoyant B. 153% 10 aloms/m? . 3.84 x 10" atoms/m* water. The increase in the depth wate inthe container due to placing force in ibs being exerted onthe bubble at this instant is nearest to: Armen: 8 the ot nits A. 0014 C0076 59, A sample of facecentered cuble nickel (Ni) was placed in an Xray A 10cm c 3em 8. 0.020 Bows bbeam of wavelength i= 0.154 am, Ifthe latice parameter for NI is Bo Sam 3. 2em Answer: B 24= 0.352 nm, vihats the frs-orcer angle of diffraction? Anowor: © 79, Deaf, in Inches of water diferental prescure, is generated at the R568" C126 168, The theoretical velocity generated by a 10 foot hydraulic head is Pace of a OD foot stack filed with S00 *F gases (assume same 8 637 B. 19.0" A 122 f/sec C254 fsec molecular weight as ar due to diferenial pectic gravity. ‘Answer: C 3 179 ft/sec D. 23.2 fysec (Under ambient conditions of 14.7 sia and 68 “Fai sp. we. 6 0.075 150, AN open chamber rests on the acean floor in 160. feet of sea water answer: ¢ Tog.) The drafts nearest to: (20. = 1.03), What a pressure in psig must be maintained insice «20. What i the static head correspending to 2 flow velocity of 10 sec? 1 O30" water 1.00" water rood water? LSS eee B._ 0.55" water BL 1.80" water A 452 c 7a BLS 3 225% eee room © DL 932 Anse 80, Ice in an iceberg has & sp. gr of 0.922. When floating in seawater (2. gr 1.03), bs exposed volume % i nearest to! TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE SOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD PRIME REVIEW CENTER ‘A. thémodyname effency is creased Bmore work is done during the isothermal expansion ‘C._ more work's done during the isentropic compression ._ more work s done during the reversible adabatic expansion Anower:: A 107, Determine the theoretical horsepower required for the fsthenmat ‘compression of 800 f2 min of ae from 16.7 to 120 psia, Answers: 108 hp 108, A mitre at 14.7 pia and 68 °F that is 30% weight CO (m w ‘andl 7-5 weight Ns (7m that is nearest to: 4a) 28) has 2 paral pressure of CO) in psia A 24 c 6a Baas 8 786 Answer: B 109, Given that malar C, of COs is 8.92 BTU/(b.moleR}, and molar Cy ot Np & 695 BTUMTo.moleR}, Ure calculated C, per pound of mixture ‘containing 25% vot. COs and 75% vol. Ny is: A. O23 STUN-R) c. 5.21 6TUKb-n) BL 2.23 STURID-R) 0. 7.44 BTUMD=R) angweri: A 110, Dry a has an average molecular weight of 28.9, consisting of 21 clad O;, 78 mole-% 1 and 1 males (Argon, traces of CO) Tis calculated wt 96 0, Is nearest to A 210 © m2 B 24 D246 Answers C 4111 Sonic velocity (Mach 1) at 50,000 feet altitude in the standard upper ‘tmeephare -67.6 % and 1.68 pea) i noarect ‘A. B80 Tse C995 tyse B._ 971 fy/sec 5. 1054 Ajsec answers: B 142. During complete stoichiometric combustion of 1. mee of methane (Cho with air, the numberof Bb. moles of nitrogen and ether inert ‘that pass through the combustion zone is nearest fo: A 078 c 56 B75 113, The heat loss per hour through 1 59 of furnace wall 18° thick is $20, Buu. The inside wall temperature i 1900°F and its average thermal conductivity is 0.61 BTU/Ar FEF. The outside surface temperature of the wal is nearest to: A 100°F c so0eF 3B 200°F DB. 1000 answers: C 114, A metal object at 120 °F is set on an insulating pad to cool. The temperature Infialy fails from 120 °F to 100 °F in 12 minutes Surroundings are at 65 °F. Find the time required for that object to Continue to cool from 98 °F to 80 *F. Assume negligible conduction ‘and radiation losses in oth cases. Answer: 20.9 min ‘A shell and tube brine cooler cools 150 gallons of brine per minu from 16 °F to 12 °F, using ammonia at §“F, The effective outside ‘a1ea oF the tubes 's'310 f#. The brine has a specie grauty of 1.2 ‘and a specific heat of 0.70. us, 7. 119, us. 120, __ME REVIEW COURSE {ay Conia ng fe cate tors eran, {2} Compute he content sea ens, Um Tu FP). rane TOR a 9.4 Cio the folnig i NOT 9 wel operation ofthe power $e Seen Slama corte ft back body edition? fe aasei0" cao om 8. 568.10 wats) 508010" expo cm D. 5.68x10*coulombs/(sec m'*K") saves: "ecard Section 35 cr x50 on size cries 75 fn of air having density of 1.15 kg/m’. IF the friction factor of sheet metal is Go, he pearson a 30 ath tok. A 2ommolHo + 25 mot tho 8. 35 am of HO BL 35 mm of HO arswer: A ‘The sucton pressure of 2 stage compressor is 140 kPa. It ‘compresses af 3t the rate of 15 m’/min, clearance is about 88% and 200 rpm. The compressor discharges compressed air ata pressure of 2000 kPa. Ifthe compressor uses inter cooing determine the Ieat pressure ac the fst stage ftercoler A 208.87 bea * 1c 453.45 ere 8. 345.67 kPa D. 345.45 pa Answer A 1 commercial a-conditoner Is rated by means of ts EER or energy ‘chsnney tlio, Fin a estan ab-cordioner with cooling eopority oF 4 RW and requires 1000 W, approcmate the EER of this unt. A 1365" © 1040 8. 12.80 8 nat answer: A ‘foundation measures 12 ex 14 fex 16 R. Find the numberof sacks of cement needed for 1:2:4 mire A302 6356 soe « aot Answers: B End. VIP 04 - PIPE TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD Tt }OARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD TOP THE BOARD

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