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Spelling: according to Coulmas (1996,477) spelling is the conventions which

determine how the graphemes of a writing system are used to write a language. So,
it is the writing of a word or words with the necessary letters and diacritics present
in a comprehensible order, usually with some degree of standardization.

Orthography is a set of conventions for writing a language. It includes norms of

spelling, hyphenation( punctuation mark used to join words and to separate
syllables of a single word) , capitalization, word breaks, emphasis and punctuation.

Consonant cluster is a group of consonants with no vowels between them. The

longest possible cluster in English is three consonant sounds at the start , such as
“splash”, and four at the end, as in “twelfths”.

Diphthong is a combination of two adjacent vowel sounds within the same


Affixes are morphemes that are attached to a word stem to form a new word. They
can be derivational (prefixes and suffixes) or inflectional (endings as form plural,
past simple…)


Acquisition is a subconscious process by which it is picked up a language through


Learning is a conscious study of a second language.

Drill is a technique, used in foreign language teaching, which consists on repeating

structural patterns orally.

TPR is the abbreviation of Total Physical Response and it is a teaching method

developed by James Asher. It is based on using physical movement to react to a
verbal input.

Natural order refers to a Krashen’s hypothesis which states that the grammatical
structures are acquired following a predictable order, For example, the progressive
marker –ing is acquire before than the third singular marker.


Methodology: a set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a

given discipline, as in the arts or sciences. A branch of pedagogics dealing with
analysis and evaluation of subjects and of the methods of teaching them.

Mistake ia a failure to utilize a known system correctly. If it is pointed out, the

student can correct it. In fact, the student often notices it on his7her own and self-
Error is a deviation in learning language which results from lack of knowledge of
the correct rule.

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