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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Each student will have access to their own iPad.
LESSON Curriculum LESSON (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
LINKS OBJECTIVE (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1 (ACSSU049) 1. Students 1. Mind map will be Introduction:

create a mind assessed using a  Students will discuss where they think heat comes from and how we know
(ACSIS060) map in a small checklist. Checklist when something is hot.
group that will include:  Students, in small groups, will go on a hunt around the classroom to find
shows at least - Objects were objects that are warm or hot. Make sure the safety behind this is explained.
4 heat sorted by headings (Slowly move your hand towards the object and remove it as soon as you feel
producing ‘Heat producers’ warmth.)
objects and 4 and ‘Objects  Students will come back together with some ideas of warm objects around the
objects that are heated by heat classroom.
heated by heat producers’
producing - All objects from the
objects. classroom are Body:
 Students can share with the class some of the objects that they discovered to iPad (1 per group)
2. Students are accompanied by a Mind Vector app
able to decide picture be warm.
whether 10 - 4 of each category  Ask the students if they think that object was producing its own heat or
objects are have been whether it had been heated by something else.
heat producers included  Using a common example of a fry pan explain that some objects are heat
or objects that - Mind map is producers (the flame that you cook on) and some are heated by heat
are heated by organised and producers (the fry pan you cook on).
heat producers easy to follow.  Students are to work in their small groups to make a mind map of the objects
2. Plicker cards are around the classroom using the app ‘Mind Vector’ on their iPad and can add
linked to the any other objects they can think of. The teacher will go through how to use the
student. The score app and show the example that they have created to help students. Students
of how many of the are to write their objects as well as take a picture of it and add that in for the
10 objects they objects in the classroom.
correctly is written iPad (1 for the teacher)
down. Each student needs a
 Students save the mind map and airdrop them to the teacher so the teacher
plicker card.
has them all. Plicker app.
 If any students would like to show their mind map they can.
 Students will get their plicker cards. The teacher will call out some objects. If
the students think that the object is a heat producer they put their plicker up
showing ’A’ and if they think it is only heated by other objects they show ‘B’.
After each object the teacher will scan the room with the iPad to gather the
LESSON Curriculum LESSON (what & how) EXPERIENCES ICT and other
LINKS OBJECTIVE (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

2 (ACSSU049) 1. Students write The predictions and Introduction:

a prediction on reflections are  Recap how last week we discussed how some objects are able to produce heat where
(ACSHE050) what they think assessed using as others are just heated by other objects.
anecdotal notes.  Introduce whether you think humans (themselves) are heat producers or if they can
will happen in
(ACSIS215) Notes are to be
the experiment written about how only be heated up by other objects – students can hold their plicker card on ‘A’ if they
2. Students reflect well they wrote the think that we are heat producers or on ‘B’ if they think that we aren’t. The teacher can
on their prediction and how scan the classroom to see the results. The teacher can then explain that humans are
prediction to well they were able heat producers as they have the ability to regulate their own temperature. Paper and pencil
see whether to reflect on this.  Game of ‘Who am I?’ will be played to recap heat producing objects. Students write each.
they were the While the students down the objects when they think that they know. The first student to write down the
are writing, the
same as what correct object wins. – I am a heat producer. I am very hot. You can feel me but I am
teacher will also
happened or if circle to take notes never close. I live in space.
something and provide
different than immediate feedback Body: Science book to
what they to help them to  Students are to make their predictions on what they think will happen when a cube of write the
thought reflect as it is a ice is placed onto a students’ hand. prediction in.
occured. tricky concept to do.  Students in small groups will choose someone to place the ice on their hand, someone
to record using the ‘Skyflow’ app and someone to time how long it takes for the ice to Timer.
1 iPad per group.
 Students are to discuss whether their predictions were correct or whether something Sky flow app.
different occurred than what they were expecting. The students will then write down
what did occur and write down where this was the same as their prediction or if it was
different. If so, how was it different?
 Students are to save their time lapse into their camera roll to be able to look back on.

 Students are to come and sit on the floor and discuss what they discovered doing the
 The teacher will explain how the heat that comes from our body was transferred to the
ice making it heat up and melt.
Sticky notes.
 Each student will be handed a sticky note to write down one thing that they learnt or
found interesting from the experiment. Once they have written it, they come and stick
them all on the board. Students can come and read other students’ sticky notes to see
what they learnt or found interesting.
LESSON Curriculum LESSON (what & how) EXPERIENCES ICT and other
LINKS OBJECTIVE (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

3 (ACSSU049) 1. Students A rubric will be used Introduction:

create an to assess the  Students will start off the lesson doing a quiz the teacher made using the app ‘Quiz Quiz Maker
(WATPPS20) animation animations created. Maker’. This has 4 questions that quickly recap what was learnt last lesson to get the
individually that students refreshed and engaged.
The rubric will
shows what include;
happened in Body:
- Animation
the experiment.  Students are to look back on the time lapse video that they made last week.
clearly shows
 They are to outline the main steps that occurred in the experiment that they would
what happened
include in their animation.
during the
2. Students write  The teacher will demonstrate how the use ‘Animator’ and show the example that was Animator
an explanation previously made to help the students.
- The animation
in their  Students are to create their own animation individually that shows the experiment that
has a clear
animation look place. They must include the main steps and a short explanation of what
explanation of
about why what happened and why.
why the ice
occurred. Conclusion:
- The self-
 Students will get into groups of 4 and each student will be given the opportunity to
assessment show their animation. They will then complete a self-assessment on how well they
was fair and Self-assessment
3. Students think they did. It will have 4 criteria to assess themselves on. They can choose a sheet.
assess shows that the smiley face, a neutral face or a sad face. The criteria are; clearly shows the steps of
themselves student has
the experiment, animation includes creative aspects, includes a sentence that clearly
based on their reflected upon
describes the outcome of the experiment and includes a sentence that clearly
animation their creation. describes why this outcome occurred. There will also be a couple lines for the student
created using a to write 2 stars and a wish. The 2 stars is 2 things that was done well. The wish is what
set of criteria they would change or want to improve on.
the teacher set.  Within their groups, students are to come up with one aspect they think they did really
well in their animation and one aspect that was tricky and they found a bit harder. Once
the group shares, they can go to Lunch.

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