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Random Creatures and Actions Happening in The City

At any given time, The City is alive and bustling with activity, and sometimes mayhem. The chart below contains 100
creatures, people and situations that can be read straight across or rolled independently to create a variety of situations that
can be dropped into a session, to create a side quest, or to generate a base idea for an adventure or a campaign.

1 A Lich Hunting for A group of adventurers who stole a liches phylactery

2 A blind Beholder Who thinks he is A paladin on a holy quest for his god.

3 A Griffon searching for A magical spear that can slay undead.

4 A dwarf Running An illegal gambling ring that bets favors instead of money

5 A vampire Watching The woman that he believes turned him a century ago.

6 A Werewolf Stalking A girl in a red hood carrying a basket of poison pastries.

7 A squad of Orcs Ransacking The lab of an apothecary/ Alchemist that hold an artifact he stole.

8 A demon Tricking A Cleric that is about to commit an evil act.

9 An Angel With a grudge A guild master who double crossed the local syndicate.

10 A Naga Enraged by A long-standing feud between her species and another.

11 A Cyclops Seeking A cure from an ancient curse from a lich god.

12 An Ogre Breaking into A warehouse that contains most of the areas winter food storage.

13 A Green Frog Demon Masquerading as A hedge wizard who runs a crooked pawn shop.

14 A Spector Haunting An ancestor of the Necromancer that caused her death.

15 A sphinx Creating A test/trap to guard its secret treasure.

16 An Incubus Charming A young woman who is about to make a very bad decision.

17 A Troll Cooking A halfling that had one to many in the local pub.

18 A Vampire Spawn Laughing at A wounded cleric that is out of healing spells.

19 A troglodyte Tangling with An acrobat dancing a blade whip and the shadow of death following

20 A Wraith Climbing A tower with a golden prize at the top.

21 A Satyr Carousing with A young elf with nothing else to lose.

22 A Revenant Pursuing The shadow that murdered him.

23 A Pack of Goblins Smuggling A Rocs egg stolen from it nest.

24 A Rakshasa Investigating A plot to take down a noble house.

25 A Pixie Distributing A new addictive magic powder.

26 An Oni Speculating A Fractured conspiracy that is about to unravel.

27 A Mimic Hiding in An abandon house that is a mother mimic filled with all of her babies.

28 A panic demon Horrifying A destitute half elf entertainer begging for change while doing
acrobatics on the street.

29 A possessed Kobold Scamming A tragic stage actor preforming play that is secretly a summoning

30 A pack of wolves Chasing A wounded adventurer trailing blood through the streets.

31 An elder entity Hovering over A struggling party of dwarves who are the last keepers of a cosmic

32 A mummy unraveling A bandaged body found in a dark corner.

33 A Thrall Tattooing A delicate maze of magic symbols on the back of a moon elf.

34 A Lizard Man grasping A shamanistic staff of unnatural power.

35 A wererat Clawing at A stone wall with strange runic inscriptions.

36 A Dark Elf Priestess Casting A curse against all who dare to defy the true god.

37 A Knoll Defiling A corpse bloated with the spawn of corruption.

38 A Ravenman Testing An apprentice in the lessons of dark monasticism.

39 A Swarm of Rats Devouring A carcass of an aberrant beast.

40 A Conspiracy of Perched on An ancient keep that may or may not be hallowed ground.

41 A Murder of Crows Circling A lost traveler standing at a crossroad.

42 A Plant creature Casting spores at A pile of corpses waiting for rebirth.

43 Animated Armor Advancing on A target set forward by its master.

44 A Harpy Soaring over A battlefield of two ancestral foes.

45 A deep Scion Forming A plot to drag a community down to its masters.

46 A Spirit Elf Slicing through A crowd of bystanders to vanquish her foe.

47 A Dire Wolf Devouring A flock of predatory birds

48 A Nightmare Charging A Tiefling with a bullwhip and an empty saddle.

49 A Serpent man Collecting A peasant with an ancient blood line

50 A Witch Blasting A Princess with an eldritch blast

51 A basilisk Gazing into A Crystal ball that sees the eyes of the world.

52 A Swarm of Giant Stinging A Fire giant with a burning temper.


53 A Stone Cursed Guarding The exit from a tomb of corrupt secrets.

54 A Plague Doctor Observing A troll experiencing a new phase of mutation

55 A Lycanthrope Kidnapping A blacksmith for its masters.

56 A Homunculus Slinking around The streets to find his missing secret.

57 A hag Corrupting A stately young noble way out of his depth.

58 A Flesh Golem Rending The mad scientist who created it.

59 An Anti-Paladin Destroying The last thing that ties her to her past.

60 A Displacer beast Pouncing on A hobgoblin separated from his unit by an invisible force.

61 A giant Scorpion Clutching A duergar who is working for a criminal syndicate.

62 An Elder spawn Writhing in pain as A curse from an aged gypsy comes true.

63 An Ogre Shaman Empowering A weapon capable of slaying his greatest foe

64 A Soul Monger Draining A bard of the last piece of his soul

65 A Ghost Hounding A house with a haunting past.

66 A Witch Cackling at A crazed mage struggling to hold on to his last shred of sanity

67 A Gargoyle Overseeing A long drop into a deep abyss.

68 An Earth Elemental Crushing A decaying idol of a corrupted god.

69 A Water Weird Protecting A shallow pool that is the only source of clean water in the area.

70 A patch of Violet Spreading across A dark alley where people are known to disappear.

71 A Giant Mutant Crawling out of A foul sewer crack that leads to deep corruption.

72 A Flaming skull Pretending to be A false demi-lich guarding his treasure vault

73 A Dryad Preserving The last old growth tree from a long-forgotten forest

74 A Doppelganger Impersonating A high official with a habit that leads to depraved vice.

75 A Devil with Spines Transporting A message between a dark sorcerer and his infernal patron

76 A Bone Devil Petitioned for The destruction of a rival faction of cultists.

77 A Crawling Claw Groveling at A fence who makes deals on behalf of the local thieves’ guild.

78 A murder of Crows Circling A paladin's body fallen in the snow.

79 A Vampiric Mist Drifting Across A Lonely city square Looking for a life to take.

80 An Oozing Blob Feeding on The life and memories of a Savant.

81 A Frost Lizard Burrowing through A glacier that is quickly moving toward civilization.

82 A Skulk Running After A child that has seen its true face.

83 A Bone Claw Fulfilling The Wishes of Its Diabolical Master, a powerful evil noble.

84 A Bandit Terrorizing A school of goblin children learning revenge.

85 A Giant Trembling at A little girl with a thousand lifetimes in her eyes.

86 Dwarves Repairing An ancient machine of impossible power.

87 Bandits Raising A child that is not their own.

88 Goblins Sanitizing A table for experimentations that went horribly wrong.

89 Elves Disturbing The sleep of an enormous and hungry beast

90 Brownies Devastating The dreams of a not so famous bard.

91 Red Caps Contributing to The violence and carnage in what was a beautiful courtyard garden.

92 A Dragon Accusing A band of explorers trying desperately to hide a pile of gold.

93 A hero Fantasizing about The battle that never was and never will be.

94 A traitor Capturing The truth in a bottle.

95 A spy Appraising A coin that was given in payment for a nefarious deed.

96 A noble Perpetuating The lies that gave his family status and power.

97 A servant Pounding on A door that is never locked but cannot be opened without reason and

98 A guard Punishing A trespasser who cannot always be found

99 A maiden Teaching A knight who has forgotten his chivalrous ways.

100 Death Discovering Her own untimely demise.

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